VGC hacking

If everyone hacks in VGC, and top players have been caught using hacked Pokémon, why hasn’t anyone been disqualified? And they do hack checks at events so surely they have had to caught someone

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  1. 11 months ago

    it doesn't give an advantage or affect performance so tpc doesn't really care

    • 11 months ago

      when you hack you gain a time advantage over the player who had to breed and train their mons

      • 11 months ago

        So would letting a friend doing the breeding and training for you.

      • 11 months ago

        I highly, highly doubt a random smhmuck who bred their single team would even be good enough to qualify for their regional, let alone the international championship.

    • 11 months ago

      >it doesn't give an advantage
      moron spotted

  2. 11 months ago

    They randomly take anyones switch and check it psychically. Most VGC players just use trade bots, have other people hack them and trade it to them if they choose to hack. No one is pulling up to a regional with a jailbroken switch.
    t. qualified for worlds this year and went to multiple events this year.

    • 11 months ago

      How did you beat the huge influx of players that started playing at a compotent level? I used to play at a 1600 elo level on showdown in oras but now find myself often stuck at the 1200-1300 range. Also how do you handle all that travel? Surley plane tickets' and hotel costs add up. Im getting old, and so all of the friends who used to travel and play are now unable to even for the ones 3 states away. Id love to go again but if it takes me rooming with 3 random 19 year olds thats unfortunate.

      • 11 months ago

        >huge influx of players that started playing at a compotent level
        which year would you say this started?

      • 11 months ago

        >How did you beat the huge influx of players that started playing at a compotent level?
        all you need to do is practice and learn certain matchups and you'll be fine. its a skill most people with a room iq temp can do.

        >huge influx of players that started playing at a compotent level
        which year would you say this started?

        2 players won an entire regional on their 1st ever event, hell the same dude who won his 1st won his 2nd ever regional. VGC is mainstream now, with people like Cybertron and Wolfey everyones testing their skill and out of those people few are bound to make an intimidate impact. i know a guy who started playing VGC last month and he broke top 500 on ladder at his peak.

    • 11 months ago

      Or if they do hack directly, they just trade it to a legit console.

      • 11 months ago

        I would say
        >imagine buying 2 consoles to do just that
        But I see so many people with 2 switches just for pokemon so I believe it.

        • 11 months ago

          You don't even need two hacked Switches, Ryujinx can trade a legit console if I remember right.

          • 11 months ago

            This. I trade my hacked switch to my legit one all the time. Local trades don't require you to phone home to Nintendo.

          • 11 months ago

            >ryujinx can trade to a legit console
            wait, huh?

            • 11 months ago


              You use LAN and it works just fine. This is why there's so many hacked Koraidons and Miraidons floating around.

    • 11 months ago

      jesus they have people with psychic powers checking the switches and not even them can detect the cheaters?

    • 11 months ago

      >check it psychically

  3. 11 months ago

    They're not cheating by official standards. The autist that makes the hack program just gets angry that people use his program. Other autists fake outrage as well because they think they somehow would beat wolfey if he didn't use it.

    • 11 months ago

      i really dont get why he still updates the hack program if he doesnt like people hacking

      • 11 months ago

        >THIS SUMMER
        >pokerap muffled in the background
        >my... le pokemon hacking program...
        >it... hacked pokemon?

        • 11 months ago

          >well i wouldn't exactly call it HACKING.
          >awkward silence as several shiny flutter manes duke it out, a porygon2 in a beast ball is also sent out


      • 11 months ago

        >make a cool program used by millions
        >tell people its ok to hack in 99% of circumstances
        >it's only not ok when you're entering official tournaments because he could be forced to take down the program
        >morons do it anyway
        >morons get angry and start crying when they're called out
        This is why everyone makes fun of vgc players

        • 11 months ago

          there is no point to hacking if youre not going to use them in competitive play

          • 11 months ago

            There are plenty of reasons. Also, if vgc players weren't braindead moronic and learned how to use a incredibly basic program there would be 0% chance of them being caught

        • 11 months ago

          >it's only not ok when you're entering official tournaments because he could be forced to take down the program
          Do you know how moronic you sound?

        • 11 months ago

          >cant comprehend difference between hacking a perfect 5IV Flutter Mane to a Groudon hatched from an egg on route 1
          Nobody to blame but yourself. You just gotta be that snowflake and have your special snowflake pokemon in a cherish ball, don't you?

      • 11 months ago

        >THIS SUMMER
        >pokerap muffled in the background
        >my... le pokemon hacking program...
        >it... hacked pokemon?

    • 11 months ago

      I don't understand why people read those posts as 'angry'. They're a cool breakdown of how people who gen mons miss indicators that would tip off in a deep dive. Things few think of like weight and personality values. It's never "can you believe this?! the nerve of people to use this program I am constantly developing and releasing for free!".

      Anyway, for OP's question: nothing good would come of acknowledging the widespread hacking. So they don't say anything unless they are Koreans.

  4. 11 months ago

    TPC doesn't care, that's it.

  5. 11 months ago

    TPCI's hack checks only care about stuff that affects gameplay, like impossible stats or moves.
    The only tell a mon is hacked would be an illegal ball (Gen 9 mon in a Safari Ball, for example) but that has the plausible deniability of being bred from a parent you didn't know was hacked. They're not going to DQ you for that.

  6. 11 months ago

    I hacked in everything to breed a legit shiny Primarina for competitive.
    She is legit but everything used to create her was hacked: the perfect IV foreign Ditto dad, the HA mom with custom ball, the held items like Shiny charm, etc

  7. 11 months ago

    the hack checks are just to make sure the pokemon don't have some fricked up game genie bullshit going on and are running 999 in all stats or moves they have no access to
    pokemon has a lot of mechanics going on in it and i doubt the minimum wage judges they hire give a frick enough to keep up with autism like that so they made a program that loosely checks if a pokemon is achievable in game and ignores anything that doesn't effect gameplay (such as ball type)
    someone could get false banned for having a pokemon in some shit ball it wasn't supposed to be in but turn out to be completely legit they just used 5 different trades/breeding across games with some moronic glitch and never actually hacked anything. there's written law and then there's acting law and there's common law, where it's just the law that was written being interpreted and applied. the same goes for pokemon, only an insane autist would genuinely give a shit about the rules not being followed to a standard where the rule itself becomes more of a detriment than a positive for the community. this can all be argued without mentioning moronic shit like "grinding the game" or forming a team since trading makes an automatic shortcut to all of it outside of obtaining 8 badges or whatever gatekeeper shit the modern gens have.

    • 11 months ago

      >i doubt the minimum wage judges
      They do it for free, dont they? But even then imagine saying the same for a Wizards of the Coast-sponsored Magic event.

  8. 11 months ago

    as long as you arent running hydro pump charizard they dont care.

  9. 11 months ago

    For the most part, hack checks are no better than what Pokemon HOME uses. Even if you run a 6IV legendary from another game with no HOME tracker and the default trainer ID they just don't have the capability of telling. The hack checks aren't done with PKHex. So long as it is a legal pokemon they don't care.

    • 11 months ago

      "Legal" pokemon aren't legitimate if they were hacked in. You can totally be banned if you use Pokemon that weren't obtained legitimately

      • 11 months ago

        This, were putting the cart before the horse. They use things like OT data and balls for the sake of telling genned from genuine, but if you yold someone your pokemon was hacked and it looks 100% legitimate in every way you would still be banned.

        • 11 months ago

          OT is surprisingly common, but there are tons of methods to check now. Most common are 6IV/5IV 0atk unbreedable mons from game origins with zero RNG manipulation (Swsh+), fricked up memories, 508IVs from copy-paste work (instead of 510 from errant extras), shiny pokemon with no legitimate shiny release, and so on.

          • 11 months ago

            >fricked up memories
            I've heard this before, what exactly are even "fricked up memories?"

            Is that somehow different or the same to "game origin is impossible for this mon?"

      • 11 months ago

        Legal is the term for pokemon that, aside from being genned, have stats, moves, met data etc. that can be obtained in the game. As you stated, people use "legitimate" for mons that were caught or bred.
        All legitimate pokemon are legal, not all legal pokemon are legitimate.
        But that wasn't the point of my post. Genned pokemon that are "legal" are virtually indistinguishable from legitimate pokemon. We only have conjecture that they are not legit whe. It's something like a 6IV mon with an Origin of a Gen8+ game or things like trainerID 12345/993401, website OT names, etc.

        • 11 months ago

          When I say virtually indistinguishable, I mean in ways that TPC and tournaments can tell. They essentially use Pokemon HOME-level checks. Not Pkhex, which is what Kaphotics uses to out most hacked VGC teams.
          Source: I Gen my own teams for VGC, but have an IQ higher than room temperature so I don't do stupid shit like Pic related.

  10. 11 months ago

    hi verlisify

    • 11 months ago

      seek therapy

  11. 11 months ago

    properly hacked Pokémon are indistinguishable from normal ones.

    • 11 months ago

      Tautological statement aside, do you really think your average VGC cheater knows enough about Pokémon legality to generate "properly"? They're not getting DQ'd because they have indistinguishable hacks, they're just not being caught because TPC & TO's don't care/don't know any better.

      • 11 months ago

        if you knew about generating pokemon using tools you'd know it's not that hard, the tools themselves tell you how to do it, and even point out flaws and how to fix them.

        It's not rocket science and once you have one making several copies of that same pokemon with that same build to share with your circle of friends is as as easy as clicking a button.

  12. 11 months ago

    >It’s another bunch of homosexuals defend cheating in a children's game thread

    PkHex means you didn’t play the game properly. Anything else is cope. I have spoken.

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