Victoria 3

I posted this on 10/22/22
Was I correct

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  1. 1 year ago


  2. 1 year ago


  3. 1 year ago
    Johans Dirty Asshole


    • 1 year ago

      OMG! ME TOO BRO!
      I am literally squirting GEYSERS of DIARRHEA across the room!
      All because I clicked on another Victoria 3 thread!

  4. 1 year ago

    >No factory limit
    >Multiple RGOs per province
    >Period accurate politics
    >Economy that actually works
    >Laissez Faire actually works
    >Laws of country don’t change just because a different party gets elected
    >People can actually be loyal to your country and not pissed off all the time
    >People are actually pissed off when their life is shit not because the magic plurality number went up
    >POP types that actually make sense instead of abstract bullshit like “craftsmen”
    >Clergymen are actually clergymen
    >No useless techs

    All these things are reason enough for me to never play Vic 2 again. I don’t care if there isn’t any toy soldiers.

    • 1 year ago

      >economy that actually works

      • 1 year ago

        Are paragays the iToddlers of /vst/?

        • 1 year ago

          Them and the 5babs when it comes to civ

    • 1 year ago

      >period accurate politics
      I sure do love magically swapping out vague "interest groups" to get all the laws I want and then never touching the politics screen again
      >Multiple RGOs per province
      This is actually good but sadly due to the fricktarded way the economy works it's held back
      >no factory limit
      In practice, you're only going to build one giant factory because economy of scale modifiers
      >Laissez-faire actually works
      t. filtered by subsidising all of his unprofitable factories and getting BTFO when the libs leftists get elected
      >People can actually be loyal to your country and not pissed off all the time
      It's a shame they have zero agency though.
      >People are actually pissed off when their life is shit not because the magic plurality number went up
      This did happen in Vic2 if you managed to have pops with their life needs not met.
      >POP types that actually make sense instead of abstract bullshit like “craftsmen”
      See the part on pops having zero agency

      • 1 year ago

        >In practice, you're only going to build one giant factory
        I stopped doing that because when for *reasons* you lose the province for some time, your whole economy just collapse.

    • 1 year ago

      Good joke.

      • 1 year ago

        not an argument

    • 1 year ago

      All of these changes would have a clear improvements IF the game were to be build with the same core gameplay as Victoria 2 i.e. a simulatin you affect inderectly to budget, policies, events and decisions. Instead the core gameplay of Victoria 3 is clicking expand building and only strategic choice you have to make whether you after you have clicked expand building enough you turn into a liberal utopia or socialist utopia.

      • 1 year ago

        >you turn into a liberal utopia or socialist utopia.
        Victoria 3 certainly turned my anus into a Utopia for poo! I just cant stop shitting!

    • 1 year ago

      >POPs are loyal
      That's the problem. No-one cares about nationality, ecnicity or politics in an era that was defined by people being angry about all three.

      • 1 year ago

        i turned incredible racist between the release of v2 and v3 to be honest.

      • 1 year ago

        Racism and ''cultural'' exclusion is one of the laws that just doens't make sense. You should just be able to pick and choose yourself who is and isn't considered equal. Otherwise they'll never get any of the nuances of that periods changing racism right.

        • 1 year ago

          >You should just be able to pick and choose yourself who is and isn't considered equal
          I agree in the sense of laws, but Pops should definitely have their own preferences. Having anyone who isn't incredibly culturally/racially close should cause some kind of tension and having 10,000 bantus move to your capital should be causing riots.

        • 1 year ago

          It doesn't even do modern racism right.
          You have people unironically endorsing WMAF and praising Japan in one post and then ranting about MUH ASIATIC HORDES from Russia despoiling the Ukraine.

    • 1 year ago

      >toy soldiers
      Back to gsg.

    • 1 year ago

      >to never play Vic 2 again
      Are you implying you ever played Vicky 2 to begin with?

    • 1 year ago

      They fricked the politics by allowing parties back in. It was clear hoi polloi demand from people whinging on the forums, Wiz should not have relented.
      The IG system works better without them.

      • 1 year ago

        Party politics do not matter in Victoria 3. It really doesn't matter what your political affiliations are. What counts are percentages aligned with literature and class. These form the basic leverage on industrial production, which in turn is only limited by resource allocation. However the most critical and overwhelming factor is the amount of poo coming out of your ass. I ask you: How are your poos? Are they long, soft and explosive? If not then you simply haven't reached the required level of excitement caused by playing Victoria 3. Shame on you.

        • 1 year ago

          >Party politics do not matter in Victoria 3
          They do if you are running a democracy, since the parties are made from semi-random blocks.
          I've lost track how many times I saw land owners ending up supporting communists, but actual working class was with intellectuals in the conservative party. Which made passing laws an endless chore.

    • 1 year ago

      accurate politics
      I never see the USA expand West.

    • 1 year ago

      >No factory limit
      yes every region of the world can be like the ruhr's basin, you just have to wish it really really hard
      >Period accurate politics
      le ebin globohomosexual marxist usa in 1800s topkekkerino based! BASED!!! HEKIN BASED PARADOX!!!!!
      >Economy that actually works
      nothing works better than no economy at all, amirite?
      >People can actually be loyal to your country and not pissed off all the time
      ah yes very realistic, incredibly realistic if i do say so myself, you can see it happening everywhere in the world, since ancient times
      >People are actually pissed off when their life is shit not because the magic plurality number went up
      yes indeed in the pre-modern world people didnt just murder each other for the smallest of differences
      >No useless techs
      so many good techs to boost your output with modifiers, just mountains of mana points in everything literally the game is just a mana point button click spam OH GOD IM COOMIN

    • 1 year ago

      accurate politics
      This is how I know you are baiting. They lifted the EU4 siege mechanic for political reforms.

    • 1 year ago

      You have my approval and support good sir.

  5. 1 year ago

    It looked like they were headed in the right direction with the latest patch, but from what I've read on /vst/ it still doesn't do enough to make the game playable, they're running out of time to fix this thing

    • 1 year ago

      Basing your choices on what you read on /vst/ isn't a very wise course of action.

  6. 1 year ago

    Please, I cannot stress this enough, let's refrain from discussing Victoria 3 any further! My excitement for this incredible game is becoming too much for me to handle. The mere mention of what many consider the best game in the world has a profound impact on my emotions, making me feel as if I've lost all control. I am currently in my mom's basement, which only seems to amplify the overwhelming feelings I'm experiencing.

    To answer the frequently asked question, "Is Victoria 3 good?" I would say it is an absolute triumph. The game has captivated me to such an extent that it's difficult to express my enthusiasm for it. The gameplay, the depth, and the complexity all work together to create an experience that is truly exceptional. If my over-the-top reaction is any indication, I believe my unwavering support for Victoria 3 is evident. So, let's celebrate this fantastic game and all that it has to offer, while also giving ourselves a moment to catch our breath and regain our composure.

    • 1 year ago

      Tears of pride came to my eyes after reading your heart rendering dissertation about Victoria 3, Anon. I am profoundly moved. So are my bowels. A great slithering shit exited my anal sphincter with the very minimum of friction and dropped down between my legs. It now lies on the floor glistening in the light. Already a couple of flies have homed in on its pungent aroma and have begun their feasting.

      • 1 year ago

        hehe poo

  7. 1 year ago
    Ethel Norris

    Rather than content drought they've already improved vic3 a lot from release. Looking good for now.
    Economy is done well. Warfare is OK. Diplomacy and country flavor is the part that's truly lacking. It's on their roadmap to better it for next free patches.
    So no, you weren't correct.

    • 1 year ago

      Delusional, it's still dogshit

    • 1 year ago

      >Looking good for now.
      My turds are certainly looking good. Nice long fat and greasy

    • 1 year ago

      sorry im out of the loop. whats with the reddit tier bot post marker?

      • 1 year ago

        We got raided by Indian IPs because of a new ISP being rolled out that wasnt range b&, and instead of banning them, the mods branded them as bots instead for two days

  8. 1 year ago

    Love to watch you morons complain about muh supply and demand, that was literally the only good change from the Vic 2.

    • 1 year ago

      cont. Also how the frick is "world market" your idea of simulation. Goods don't get imported to the "world market" they get imported from country to country i.e. like in Vic 3.

      • 1 year ago

        V3 also has a world market, moron. The only difference is in 3 you have to personally decide how many chairs your people are buying from countries outside your customs union.

        • 1 year ago

          >He thinks that's a world market....

          • 1 year ago

            >u-um, 3 having all the moronation of the world market is not the same as 2's world market because it's not called such
            Absolute state of paradrones.

            • 1 year ago

              Okay, I can tell you're just seething for no reason now. How the hell is having trade agreements the same as a abstracted "world market" where goods just flow wherever without any kind of boundry or resistane. Just say that you actually hate dealing with markets and that you have no clue how global trade works. Or do you think goods just flow wherever they're needed? The only thing worth complaining about is that prices are partly predetermined and not completely dependent on supply and demand. Also maybe that the production of finished goods through cottage industry is not represented at all because they removed artisans. However I'd rather have the new system than artisans making tanks from fruit, because of the spaghetti code that results from a system like that

              • 1 year ago

                >Okay, I can tell you're just pooing for a good reason now

              • 1 year ago

                world market means global trade. french iron mine -> world market -> english steel factory, is not much different than french iron mine -> english steel factory. your autism over this is incomprehensible unless you haven't actually touched the game and you are trying to parrot whatever reddit posts you read
                believe it or not, people back then did not need trade agreements to trade
                people in britanny would not starve to death unless the french government pressed the "create grain trade route" button, they would trade with their own private merchants and the only thing that could prevent them from doing so would be an extremely protectionist or oppressive government, something not really seen in that period
                in victoria 3, the only difference between trade policies is modifier bonuses or penalties

                victoria 2 ultimately was a product of its time so it couldn't go for complicated things like transit/geographical costs (something v3 doesn't have either, but you don't seem to mind) or regional pricing (v3 doesn't have that either, it has country-wide pricing) and the fans understood it and could thus forgive these limitations
                it's really amusing that you cry about artisans building tanks in v2, but seem to be fine with victoria 3 tanks being able to be built out of nothing but pure air

                artisans in v2 are a complementary group that produce small amounts of industrial goods for the early game and became irrelevant by the time tanks are buildable due to late-game industrialization
                the fact that you even mentioned such a non-issue further proves that your understanding of v2 is based on nothing but things you heard from other people

                in victoria 3 nothing matters, not prices, not tariffs, not even availability of resources
                you can have a global production of 0 food and the only affect on the world population would be a bearable decrease in SoL due to prices going +75%
                so fancy your little economic sim that has no actual economics, only misused terminology of them

              • 1 year ago

                >in victoria 3 nothing matters
                Respectfully, I disagree. When one considers the macro economics of a supply system integrated into consumer demand and raw material production its easy to establish a logistic framework which is reliant only upon a transport system. This is why I poo my pants so much. Violently and often. Without mercy even.

              • 1 year ago

                >in victoria 3, the only difference between trade policies is modifier bonuses or penalties
                There's some difference if you're trying to embrace autarky, aka what you should be doing as a major producer because frick everyone else. Protectionism gets you paid more from trading with minors or others you can't afford to embargo. Isolationism is the best though because the AI can't frick you over by importing your shit. The money you get even on protectionism isn't worth allowing the AI unrestricted trade if you don't need to mass import goods.

              • 1 year ago

                >you can have a global production of 0 food
                1.) There is no situation where there is zero food in the entire world, so this is not worth simulating.
                2.) For non-consumer goods, shortage mechanic kicks in way earlier than 0 production.
                The fact is that you need to have wiggle room like this so that prices can actually diverge long term and be artificially pulled toward the base price like Victoria 2, where everything produced above demand is just destroyed, rather than sold for cheaper.

              • 1 year ago

                >so this is not worth simulating
                looks like this mindset was applied to every single mechanic of V3 lmao

  9. 1 year ago


  10. 1 year ago

    reality was worse, everyone dropped the game within the first week, barely any CC wanted to make videos after the paid sponsored ones and even r*dditors weren't defending vicky 3

  11. 1 year ago

    I regret buying this to the point of feeling sad about it.

    I can’t refund it because the gameplay loop is so slow by the time 2 hours is up I hadn’t decided if I hate it

  12. 1 year ago

    Just spent $80 on vic 3. Feeling kinda cute. Might jack off while imagining being a colonizer and sexing native women later.

    • 1 year ago


  13. 1 year ago

    I find some of the political and economic discussion surrounding Victoria to be fascinating, especially the way it ties in with innovative social movements that were happening around parts of the world at the time. One of major learning experiences in my life was being introduced to Marxist history. Rather then the traditional narrative of history, which is concerned with great leaders, wars, and major legal decisions, Marxist history concentrates on economics and social pressures. With Victoria 3 I really get a sense of that happening, in fact playing Victoria excites me a lot. So much so that I lose control of my anal sphincter and let loose with a deluge of hot liquid shit which pours out of my ass like lava

    • 1 year ago

      I audibly laughed.

    • 1 year ago

      Well that took me by surprise. Kinda like when it’s supposed to be a dry fart but instead it’s wet and a little poopy comes out.

  14. 1 year ago

    It's simple, Paradox doesn't make games for smart people any more.

  15. 1 year ago

    I find Vicky 3 talkings, polly-tickle and money-wise, super duper twisty-tangled. It's like brain-bending social change-o-rama stuff all over the Earth ball. Big-time learning happened when I met that Marx-y history thingy. Not like normal big boss, boom-boom fight, and law stuff. No, no, it's more cashy and pressury-social thingamajigs. Vicky 3 is all about that! Gets me super-duper excited, like jumping jacks on a pogo stick. Playtime is whoa, way up there in the zippity-zap zone of awesome sauce!

    Uh oh! Poopy liquid is going down my leg!

  16. 1 year ago

    I'm gonna be quitting vic 3 for now. I tried playing a nice simple first game but everything was new and complicated. I didn't understand anything that was happening. All the numbers started looking bad and red less than a year in. I had a small panic attack and started hitting myself so now I'm taking a break. I'll come back when I'm ready.

    • 1 year ago

      Oh my wobble-gobble, Vicky 3 chit-a-chat-a-roonies, polly-dolly-wolly-tickle, and moola-boola-banza, are ultra-duper-extra-mega twisty-wisty jumbly-wumbly-doodles! It's like noggin-boggin, noggin-knotting social flip-flop-a-looza, wild-a-mild craziness all around the whirly-swirly globe-a-roo! Humongo-bongo learny-learns kaboomed into my think-a-tank when I boop-a-dooped into that Marx-a-larx, history-doodle-do, thing-a-ma-jiggly-puff! Not like the usual biggie-wiggie-boss, ka-pow-powza brouhaha, and ruley-dooly-mooly stuff. No siree-bob-a-ree, it's more cash-a-smash-a-licious and squishy-wishy-social wacky-waloo widgets! Vicky 3 is all about that jazzy-wazzy-dazzy-doo! It gets me super-duper turbo-charged, like flippity-flop-a-roni on a pogo-stick-a-doodle-loo! Playtime is way, way up there in the zoom-a-loom-a-doom land of amaze-a-waze-a-balls extravaganza!

      Uh oh! Slip-a-dip-a-doodle-doo, brown-a-town goo is cruisin', schmoozin' down my leggy-weggy-peggy! Yikes-a-doodle-doo!

    • 1 year ago

      started hitting yourself or started shitting yourself

  17. 1 year ago

    Oh noes! The poo posters have arrived! In force! Just like the force of the thousand gallons of diarrhea they squirt out their bums every time Victoria 3 is mentioned! Quick everyone, seek high ground!

  18. 1 year ago

    but wiz bros... this update was suppose to save Vic 3? HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN!?

    • 1 year ago

      Dude, wtf are you talking about? That's 3,806 people around the world experiencing the most mind-blowing deluge of excrement gushing uncontrollably out of their gaping anal passages right at this very moment.

      I would call that a major win.

    • 1 year ago

      When will Paradox pull the plug like Imperator?

      • 1 year ago

        I hope they dont pull MY plug! All that excitement bottled up inside my bum, the result would be a cataclysmic explosion of diarrhea!

      • 1 year ago

        I:R at launch was so shit even redditors and forumdrones have denounced and abandoned it on spot. Vic3 has not crossed this event horizon yet, so they can survive on the goodwill for a while just like ck3 did

        • 1 year ago

          vic 3 is the same if not worse imo, the only difference is that you can do le epic kekkerino marxist feminist usa with poc president to harvest all those juicy redditor upvotes
          plus all the newcoomers that never played a strategy games in their life literally appropriated vic2 with the "this game is elite, you need a very high IQ to undertand the economy", so in their mind this game was complete self-masturbation
          they were shilling the game to appease their idea of being le intellectual gaymer, instead of being the complete braindead consoomer they actually are. now the game is dead because all these morons never meant to play it for longer than a month or two, like normal active strategy gaymers that play ck2 or eu4 etc with a billion mods for 4k hours total

      • 1 year ago

        i think they will
        while the numbers are not as bad as imperator, it is quite evident that they also put in much more effort
        the marketing for one was unprecedented, i have never seen so much shilling and so many youtube "paid promotions" in a paradox game before

        their expenses were likely too high for them to afford a mediocre release with a weak following
        another red flag is how they were using fake metrics on their forums to inflate the player count, which reeked of desperation

      • 1 year ago

        depends on future dlc sales, they will pull a plug if first three dlcs will sell poorly

      • 1 year ago

        Oh, gracious me! I do sincerely hope that they don't yank the plug out from MY socket! For you see, there's an immeasurable amount of rambunctiousness and sheer exhilaration stored within the depths of my posterior. Were that plug to be removed, the ensuing outcome would be nothing short of a spectacularly apocalyptic detonation of an uncontrollable diarrheal downpour!

        And speaking of spectacles, have you heard of Victoria 3? By Jove, it is the most astonishingly intricate simulation of human society I've ever had the pleasure of witnessing! Its mind-boggling, intricate economic systems and mechanics are so unfathomably captivating that they have the power to cause both my cranium and my derriere to detonate in awe! One can't help but marvel at the sheer complexity and depth of this game, as it sends ripples of delight through every fiber of my being, all the way to the very core of my booty!

  19. 1 year ago


  20. 1 year ago

    Me on the left.

    • 1 year ago

      >Black folk in the pic

    • 1 year ago

      poo in loo

    • 1 year ago

      You was born on Sicilia.

    • 1 year ago

      you look like a paddy, which is based because your people were the original rebels against globohomo. Too bad you still lost in the end.

      • 1 year ago

        Seeing Ireland going from a relatively normal country to speedrunning destroying itself is depressing.

        • 1 year ago

          Fight the Brits for 100 years with hundreds of deaths, assassinations, bombs and shootings.
          Could have retained a unique culture and Celtic heritage but....
          Give it away to "refugees" who out breed you, take your women and your jobs, and who will eventually replace you..

          • 1 year ago

            Brits out! Wogs in!
            Why are white people like this?

          • 1 year ago

            That's what they fought for

          • 1 year ago

            Brits out! Wogs in!
            Why are white people like this?

            you guys are like 14 years old lmao nobody says "wogs". embarrassing larpy behaviour only arising due to no b***hes

            • 1 year ago

              t. wog

            • 1 year ago

              yeah nobody says wogs on your side of the atlantic, jamal

              • 1 year ago

                this post is aggressively tame even for electiongay redd/int/or standards

              • 1 year ago

                Hoho! I bet they are literally a "leaf" too! An upvote for you my good sir!

            • 1 year ago

              as an argentinian, i just cant not get more happier about brittons getting replaced

  21. 1 year ago

    Constant building of buildings should be replaced with rgo's that just get more people working or less depending on the market demand. This would cut down on the gay clicking and give pops more agency on how they decide where to work. Size of factory buildings should be expanded upon giving more meaning to where and when you build them. Right now in late game you have 100 level factories everywhere which is moronic.

    • 1 year ago

      Mate this causes so many fricking problems to the game as well. You start improving an industry, they produce more, the price drops, the factory starts firing people, and they radicalize. This is the core loop of the pop system, in 30 years half of your population hates you and you cant appease them like you do in vic 3 because lol passing laws. Also this HoI 4 construction industry shit is fricking horrible they need to hang whoever came up with that idea.

    • 1 year ago

      But if you didn't have to manually click and construct all the buildings, what would there be to do in the game? Events already select their own outcomes if you don't open them, the political system is just waiting for an EU4 siege, diplomacy is just a way of fabricating claims that auto declares war at the end with an RNG% to instantly win the war, wars are just clicking attack and waiting interspersed with fixing glitched frontline collapses. Tech is also more waiting. what else is there?

  22. 1 year ago

    Speaking about gay clicking, CK3 feels like it has way more clicking than CK2.

  23. 1 year ago

    if anons want independent south africa

  24. 1 year ago

    Any good review of the game that actually explains why the game is shit in detail?

  25. 1 year ago

    The problem with paradox games is that with old games you felt that their limits existed due to technical limitions while now it seems that the limits are done on purpose.

    • 1 year ago

      Ya that's what happens when 99% of your 600 employees do nothing

  26. 1 year ago

    Basically yes. The lack of content is really weird to me. With how bare the new generation of games were on release I expected that paracucks are going to DLCfy it as much as possible but it doesn't have even that going for it.

  27. 1 year ago

    Wait, I am confused. Which Victoria 3 thread is the designated pooing thread?
    Please hurry up and tell me, I have a big fat one up my ass which is bursting to get out.

    • 1 year ago

      Anon, some simple math for you.
      Cream + shit = shit
      Shit + shit = shit
      So every Victoria 3 thread is designated. Feel free to dump your fecal load in any of them.

      • 1 year ago

        Vic3 threads sound just like the perfect place for that one SEABlack person from Singapore who loves to spam /vg/ with scat and scatporn

    • 1 year ago

      Anon, some simple math for you.
      Cream + shit = shit
      Shit + shit = shit
      So every Victoria 3 thread is designated. Feel free to dump your fecal load in any of them.

      Terminally unfunny, stop replying to yourself

      • 1 year ago

        >the ESLposter is also the poster who's really fricking angry at the pooposter
        The plot thickens.

        • 1 year ago

          The iphone ESL poster is a discord troony who needs to dilate his eunuch hole

          • 1 year ago

            But wait, what if the esl poster is the poo poster?
            You would have to admit it would be a brilliant move. CIA level. Making poo posts and then samegayging himself with passive aggressive "unfunny" posts. Who would ever suspect? Until now...

            • 1 year ago

              No, nice conspiracy theory but you are wrong.

              CIA agent here. I have been making a careful study of poo poster's posts over the last 18 months, subjecting them to statistical analysis by our CIA quantum computers and then followed up by a qualitative investigation by a team of our most experienced CIA internet poo detectives.
              Three things about the genuine poo poster really stand out. The poo poster never responds to anyone. He poos and then he moves on. His poo posts are different every time and yet uniquely identifiable. He poos once and then leaves for a while before returning to poo again. That's what we CIA folk call his MO ( or "Modus operandi" for you ignorant hicks who dont understand pro CIA talk )

              Now the ESL troony has a completely different MO. It always responds to posts by the poo poster and the poo poster's supporters. It always repeats itself, usually along the lines of "not funny" which is a sign of low intelligence. It usually posts twice in a row even though its first post contains only a few words, which a schizo trait consistent with its nature.

              Therefore we concluded that the poo posts and the ESL troony posts made in Victoria 3 threads posts are made by two very different individuals.

              • 1 year ago

                Nice try CIA, but I know you are responsible for both.

              • 1 year ago

                Ex-soviet officer of the KGB reporting in. You are correct. This is exactly the sort of trick the Americans would try to pull. Now that we have revealed their devious plans they will probably try to respond by incriminating themselves. Their thinking goes like this" If we incriminate ourselves then people will think that we cant be to blame". That's how fiendishly cunning they are. The CIA are the most clever people on this planet and they all deserve a huge Christmas bonus. And a new bullet proof black van, the last was stolen by youths when it stopped at a 7/11 for some smokes.

        • 1 year ago

          >The plot thickens.
          You mean "The POO thickens!"

  28. 1 year ago

    Almost to the last point, every single thing mentioned happened
    we're still waiting for
    >content creators will stop making content for ti after about 2 months
    there are still some people who try to make it their content but it has barely any views
    >retroactively people will pretend
    it already has happened, the negative comments on Paradox Forum are no longer respectfully disagreed with because even the largest shills realised how shit the game is
    or Paradox just stopped paying them from their marketing budget

  29. 1 year ago

    Got to a point in my campaign where I decided to quit and wait for the first expansion or something like that. Playing Sweden, I've started to really get the game. Still in the early learning stage though. I wanted to specialize my economy in producing arms, which I would then sell to the world. I thought this would be effective because of the many output bonuses for iron mines in my states. Also, I think it's cool.

    Unfortunately I ran into a problem where I couldn't set up a profitable munitions plant without a profitable chemical plant and lead plant. The chemical plant wasn't going to be profitable because there was practically no sulfur to be traded for out there. Since there's no foreign investment mechanic, I can't force Denmark, who is junior to me in the swedish market, to build sulfur mines in iceland. That was frustrating.

    Blogpost over. If I get the itch I'll play belgium next and see how far I get.

    • 1 year ago

      Belgium is cool, but prepare to get serious problems once you use up all of your peasants

      • 1 year ago

        >prepare to get serious problems
        Such as diarrhea so violent that rips it the lining of your colon out. Very painful.
        This is the excitement of Vicky3

    • 1 year ago

      Speed reading I saw tge term "chemical" and "sulphur" and I thought it was poopposting

  30. 1 year ago

    > what? you don't like that any law system of any state functions through an EU4 siege?
    > alright! we've come to a solution...
    > 3 EU4 SIEGES

    • 1 year ago

      The fact they straight up admitted this is just three EU4 sieges in disguise is beyond sad.

    • 1 year ago

      Holy shit, it's been like what, half a year since release and my opinion of the game has only become worse

      • 1 year ago

        >Holy shit, it's been like what, half a year since release and my poos just keep getting bigger and better!

    • 1 year ago

      why do paradox devs always look for the most abhorrent ways of forcing RNG into the most important elements of their games, at this rate EU5 warfare is going to be a card game

      • 1 year ago

        which card game is the most likely?

      • 1 year ago

        Oh there's definitely gonna be cards in it, you better believe it, modern "gamedevs" (with majors in sensitivity training and minors in video essays) fricking love cards. I guess it's because systems that you can run with pen & paper are a lot easier to design than the ones actually taking the advantage of the whole thing being a videogame.

  31. 1 year ago

    My fellow vic-chads. How are we feeling about the most recent dev diary? I think it looks pretty cool. Can't wait to see what else they're showing off.

  32. 1 year ago

    I'm feeling a really big need to take a shit.

    • 1 year ago

      WTF? Me too! Right now! Ughhhhh! Its going to be a really big one too! We must be Brothers in Poo!
      (ho! that rhymes!)

  33. 1 year ago

    In the land of strategy, there's a game we adore,
    Victoria 3, where our minds can explore.
    But little did we know, when we sat down to play,
    Our tummies would rumble in the most peculiar way.

    From factories to politics, our empires we grew,
    Yet the game's so intense, it made us all spew.
    A whirlwind of excitement, each button we pressed,
    Causing bowels to tremble, oh, what a mess!

    But despite all the chaos, our love for it stays,
    For Victoria 3 keeps us hooked for days.
    We'll brave the commotion, the porcelain throne,
    For this game we cherish, a world of our own.

    • 1 year ago

      I applauded and then cried after reading this. Then I pooed out a long squishy one.

  34. 1 year ago

    When are you chuds gonna admit you lost?

    • 1 year ago

      Are we looking at the same chart my dude lol
      Only 500 average active players to go until we hit pre-patch levels.

      • 1 year ago

        All I see is green in my screenshot
        Maybe you need to get your eyes tested

    • 1 year ago

      >keeps coping

  35. 1 year ago

    Anyone played the Cold War mod?

    • 1 year ago

      i couldn't
      the idea brought me so much EXCITEMENT, i couldn't help but visit the toilet every time i tried to play it!

  36. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      *posts a completely unrelated metric nobody has brought up before*
      The line goes up! The numbers don't lie! We're definitely (NOT) going to take this game behind the shed and send it to the farm upstate to live with Imperator!

    • 1 year ago

      I can't wait for it to get below 3,000 again
      will Wiz finally off himself?

    • 1 year ago


  37. 1 year ago
    new dev diary

    • 1 year ago

      >Pacifica's troon name is Victoria
      Ominous. Also see picrelated as to why xhe/xhim gets paid the big bucks.

      • 1 year ago

        >ESL from low IQ bloodline immediately triggered at trannies
        you're literally below them on the totem pole sorry

        • 1 year ago

          Hello iphone troony

        • 1 year ago

          Kill all troons

        • 1 year ago

          Can you stop this whole running interference for trannies by accusing everyone of being an "esl" (Slav) thing?

      • 1 year ago

        Lmao dude what if we included an ANTI INDUSTRIAL law? In a game about INDUSTRIALIZAITION? Very clever!

        • 1 year ago

          Just so long as they dont introduce an ANTI POOING law for Victoria 3
          Because that would be just impossible! Such is the excitement!

    • 1 year ago

      >Pacifica's troon name is Victoria
      Ominous. Also see picrelated as to why xhe/xhim gets paid the big bucks.

      >3 EU4 sieges in a trench coat
      >Now a bunch of pseudo-historical crap like Technocracy
      God why the hell did they put some troon in charge of shit like this? Is Wiz just trying to tank Victoria 3 even more now?

      • 1 year ago

        The only engagement this piece of shit ever got on social media was the "Marx in charge of Belgium" type of crap, so they're catering to the massive audience of 5 redditors with the potential of taking hecking based screenshots of state atheist Poland and technocratic Kongo.

  38. 1 year ago

    He was wrong, this game outsold and still has more players than vic2 and paradox fans have no idea what to do now that they can't larp as hardcore gaymers.

  39. 1 year ago

    One month after the patch and the average player count is lower than ever. I guess you could say...
    Line goes down?

  40. 1 year ago


  41. 1 year ago

    >Play Victoria 3 with the patch to check if it improved at all
    >Shit my pants
    I'm not even the pooh poster, I just had an aweful diarreah. It's probably not related to Vic3, but I got to say, while the patch did improve the game, it's still trash. Went from 1/10 to 2/10

    • 1 year ago

      >I'm not even the pooh poster, I just had an aweful diarreah.
      You can't hide your awful ESLglish le funny poo poo man, btw when are you going to throw another tantrum for us

      • 1 year ago

        omg the ESL poster is back

      • 1 year ago

        That's very rude, not all ESL are poohposters.

        • 1 year ago

          You are an ESL

      • 1 year ago

        game is poo
        wizz lost

      • 1 year ago

        this post is aggressively tame even for electiongay redd/int/or standards

        Hoho! I bet they are literally a "leaf" too! An upvote for you my good sir!

        >look how not mad I am
        >I even replied to the same post multiple times while pretending to be a different poster
        Get a job or something so you aren't wasting your time here.

  42. 1 year ago

    I've got lots of colonies but if I build barracks there, they're starved of officers and barely able to hire. What should I do? Promote Social Mobility to hope pops get educated enough to become officers or Greener Grass Campaign to migrate capable pops there? The officers tool tip says only accepted cultures can be officers but I've seen discriminated pops being officers, so not sure how that works.

    • 1 year ago

      >What should I do?
      Maybe you should have a poo!
      ( Hoho! That rhymes! )

  43. 1 year ago

    Holy frick the warfare is atrocious. They ruined it even more

  44. 1 year ago

    >you look like a paddy, which is based because your people were the original rebels against globohomo. Too bad you still lost in the end.

    • 1 year ago

      go back to /gsg/ you no reply homosexual

  45. 1 year ago

    Man I feel like this is basically the standard experience of modern AAA strategy games

  46. 1 year ago

    Anyone found a good way to prevent splash-back when playing Victoria 3?
    I often play Vic3 in the toilet, but the problem is I get so excited my bowels let loose with a MIGHTY SURGE OF UNCONTROLLABLE HOT WET POO!
    The splash-back is quite uncomfortable to say the least.

  47. 1 year ago

    Another day, another new low.
    We're almost back in the 2000s lads

    • 1 year ago

      Wizbros... not like this...

      • 1 year ago

        WIZ BREHS...
        WE'RE SO FRICKING BACK (into the 2ks)

        • 1 year ago

          Oh my. Its so over.

          • 1 year ago

            Unironically yes.
            Just look at the post-patch trendline. Even improvements aren't keeping people playing.

        • 1 year ago

          Honestly I'm wondering what took it so long
          Like are there people out there genuinely playing and having fun with this garbage?

          • 1 year ago

            Marxists mostly. Look at the number of HECKING COUNCIL REPUBLIC (country name) posts on the Victoria 3 subreddit and you'll have you answer.

            • 1 year ago

              I'm a RL marxist and I think it's a shit gem.

            • 1 year ago

              Jesus Christ you weren't exaggerating.

        • 1 year ago

          lmfao vicky 2 gods won

          • 1 year ago

            We lost because we are never getting a faithful sequel. No one won this time..

  48. 1 year ago

    I disagree on CK3. It was very good on launch for what it is. It launched with somewhere around 80% of the content of a complete CK2. The issue is that paradox doesn’t make any content for it, and I already played CK2 in the past, so it’s all very samey and exhausted.
    But, other than that, you are 100% correct on Vic3. What a trash game. Maybe it has potential as a base for complete overhaul mods like TNO or anbennar, but that’s it. I feel that it will always suck at being a 19th century simulator.

    • 1 year ago

      What's your prediction on Victoria 3's future?

      OP Here
      I agree that CK3 had a solid launch in many ways
      But it was only a solid launch in the assumed context of "Now they are going to double down on this success and rapidly develop and release new content and mechanics for the game"
      It launched with a good amount of content for a 1.0 by Paradox standards, but nowhere near 80% of the content of CK2 with all of its DLC's
      The issue is that they have basically released nothing for CK3 besides dumb shit no one cares about, AKA weird Sims LARPing stuff like customizing your frickin great hall
      This is precisely the same thing they are doing with Victoria 3, but the difference is Victoria 3 released as a fundamentally broken game
      Victoria 3 is essentially a Victorian-Themed Cookie Clicker with a barely functional war system, no world market (which really fricks up a world economy simulation, don't you think?) and an extremely tedious gameplay loop of Buildclick and Tradeclick. The AI is so passive all you do is just build construction sectors and buildings all game.
      And, just like with CK3, they are choosing to double down on as their content output...Heckin' Wholesome Marxism flavor packs?
      I don't think they have the guts to rip out the guts of Victoria 3 and fix it at the fundamental rework level they'd need to

      world market means global trade. french iron mine -> world market -> english steel factory, is not much different than french iron mine -> english steel factory. your autism over this is incomprehensible unless you haven't actually touched the game and you are trying to parrot whatever reddit posts you read
      believe it or not, people back then did not need trade agreements to trade
      people in britanny would not starve to death unless the french government pressed the "create grain trade route" button, they would trade with their own private merchants and the only thing that could prevent them from doing so would be an extremely protectionist or oppressive government, something not really seen in that period
      in victoria 3, the only difference between trade policies is modifier bonuses or penalties

      victoria 2 ultimately was a product of its time so it couldn't go for complicated things like transit/geographical costs (something v3 doesn't have either, but you don't seem to mind) or regional pricing (v3 doesn't have that either, it has country-wide pricing) and the fans understood it and could thus forgive these limitations
      it's really amusing that you cry about artisans building tanks in v2, but seem to be fine with victoria 3 tanks being able to be built out of nothing but pure air

      artisans in v2 are a complementary group that produce small amounts of industrial goods for the early game and became irrelevant by the time tanks are buildable due to late-game industrialization
      the fact that you even mentioned such a non-issue further proves that your understanding of v2 is based on nothing but things you heard from other people

      in victoria 3 nothing matters, not prices, not tariffs, not even availability of resources
      you can have a global production of 0 food and the only affect on the world population would be a bearable decrease in SoL due to prices going +75%
      so fancy your little economic sim that has no actual economics, only misused terminology of them

      I agree with this poster. I was hoping that Victoria 3 was going to introduce concepts like "Market Access" to the world market to determine how much a country could participate in said market, influenced by levels of development and ports and even prestige, but instead ...
      The fact that goods are not even modeled, at all, as being produced, existing, moving, stockpiled, consumed, is a travesty. It's all just abstracted as 'rates of production'. It's all just numbers.
      I was also stunned to find out that "better guns" in Victoria 3 just means "More guns" lol, like they didn't even ape from HoI4 different tiers of equipment
      Truly a disaster. I think stick a fork in it, it's done.

      • 1 year ago

        >I was hoping that Victoria 3 was going to introduce concepts like "Anal Access" to my rectum to determine how much I would crap my pants off with excitement, influenced by levels of smell and viscosity and even temperature, but instead ...

        And Victoria 3 delivered all these! Gloriously! I dont see what you are complaining about. Now if you will excuse me I have a date with a very special lady named Victoria 3, consequently my deluge of fecal excrement will shortly be arriving!

  49. 1 year ago

    What's your prediction on Victoria 3's future?

    • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        What's that?

      • 1 year ago

        My Brother in Poo, your defecation to Victoria 3 is admirable!

        What's that?

        You would know if you were as excited by Victoria 3 as we are!

  50. 1 year ago

    More bad news: Victoria 3 had been slowly increasing its review average from an all-time low of 63%. However, reviews for the last 30 days are actually down to 64%. It's going DOWN after the recent sale and updates. Not good, Wiz.

    • 1 year ago

      >"Paradox Development Studio invites you to build your ideal society"
      See, I think that's the core problem right here. They never intended v3 to be a simulation or a historical game. It's just a "c**try rpg" with a victorian theme.The intended target is not the V2 players, but the CK3 "build your own culture and marry your daughter" crowd, in other words redditors. But what it ended up being, is a really powerful laxative.

  51. 1 year ago

    I hope they cancel this shit game, it deserves to be forgotten

  52. 1 year ago

    It's truly over for Wizcels

  53. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      flush it down the drain

      • 1 year ago

        By the Seven, I, King Robert Baratheon, faced my finest hour playing Victoria 3! My realm thrived, and I'd forged a grand alliance. In 1872, with heart swelling, I declared war, wielding my mouse like my warhammer.

        The excitement overcame me like a Stormlands' gale, and in that instant, I shat myself. Though the stench rivaled Flea Bottom, I reveled in victory, for it was a testament to my elation.

        This day, marked by soiled trousers, will forever remind me of the intoxicating thrill Victoria 3 brings, a conquest that can topple even a mighty king's bowels.

        • 1 year ago

          Praise the power of Poo!
          By God, verily I say unto thee, never hath such a game wrought such watery providence upon the consistency of thine bowels! May the squirty anus continue to expunge, once more dear friends, out of the breech!
          Praise be to Victoria 3!

  54. 1 year ago

    I hope the game will be saved, somehow.

  55. 1 year ago

    >Imperator Rome
    launch: 29000 players
    6 months later: 800 average players
    >Victoria 3
    launch: 69000 players
    6 months later: 6000 players average players

    Victoria 3 is looking good for now. Maybe half a decade down the line it will be as playable as Victoria II, which took years to be good by modders with a smaller playerbase.

    • 1 year ago

      >maybe if i come up with random BS numbers then my release will suddenly not be a flop (at least in my head)!

      here's the actual numbers
      imperator rome had 2800 daily-average players 6 months after the release
      as of right now, victoria 3 has 4000 daily-average players
      it's actually over lmao

      • 1 year ago

        Why do they lie, bros..

      • 1 year ago

        I don't know which numbers to believe on that website.

        • 1 year ago

          One is the peak numbers and the other is the average numbers
          So imperator peaked at 2,863 players

  56. 1 year ago

    >Finally decide to release a DLC
    >It's just more Commie shit
    Yeah that's definitely what everyone wanted thanks guys

    • 1 year ago

      Redditors are the most soulless and unfunny people on the planet

      • 1 year ago

        Why do people write like that on the internet? It's so fricking gay.

      • 1 year ago

        "OH YEA BABY. Now I can ignore my peoples needs even more"

        Fricking end it. Please.

    • 1 year ago

      At least they are not wasting their resources on 3d models

      • 1 year ago

        God forbid they looked at a single picture of Lenin before they made the model

      • 1 year ago

        A lost episode of Mike Tyson Mysteries.

      • 1 year ago

        He looks like some bloke at an Irish pub.

    • 1 year ago

      The target audience for this game really is W*stoid commies, isn't it

      • 1 year ago

        Well yeah, it's the devs too

      • 1 year ago

        Made by them and for them, yes

      • 1 year ago

        >The target audience for this game really is W*stoid commies, isn't it
        Seems like they're a very loyal paypig demographic.

        • 1 year ago

          Considering Vicky 3's numbers I don't know about that. I know a borderline commie who's half a paradrone but he pirates all the dlc kek and even he has developed a real hatred of Vicky 3 after forcing himself to play it and enduring things like warfare system. The character focused system is also basically the opposite of a communist materialist perspective which would actually not be the worst framework for a Victoria game (economic development and productive forces, class conflict,etc.) but I guess some meme western internet communists might get off on seeing Karl Marx leading a wholesome chungus communist Indonesian utopia in 1850 the same way an edgy teenager might VHG at forming groBgermanien

        • 1 year ago

          Considering Vicky 3's numbers I don't know about that. I know a borderline commie who's half a paradrone but he pirates all the dlc kek and even he has developed a real hatred of Vicky 3 after forcing himself to play it and enduring things like warfare system. The character focused system is also basically the opposite of a communist materialist perspective which would actually not be the worst framework for a Victoria game (economic development and productive forces, class conflict,etc.) but I guess some meme western internet communists might get off on seeing Karl Marx leading a wholesome chungus communist Indonesian utopia in 1850 the same way an edgy teenager might VHG at forming groBgermanien

          their demographic is redditors and 17 yo larpers.

    • 1 year ago

      >More wacky characters with CK-style events
      >Napoleon III can actually become emperor with the DLC
      >Tons of useless 3D-model "upgrades"
      Worst possible first DLC, doubling down on the worst parts of the game

      • 1 year ago

        The new season pass system paradox has embraced encourages this kinda shit.

      • 1 year ago

        What's wrong with Nappy the 3rd and his 2nd French Empire?

    • 1 year ago

      thats the only fans they have left, they ran-away the "toy soldier" gays and theeconomy+popschads with that piece of shit game.

      • 1 year ago

        Judging by how clean her buttocks are it seems she is not excited by Victoria 3. Shocking!

  57. 1 year ago

    Victoria3 is a big shit

  58. 1 year ago

    Victoria 2 without 2 dlc is shit as well.

    • 1 year ago

      I get that you're a drooling moron but do consider that Vicky 2 is 10+ years old and that Paradox should've learned at least a little between releases.

  59. 1 year ago

    Modders are already fixing Vicky 3 as we speak

    • 1 year ago

      Is that the great project mod?

      • 1 year ago

        Great rework yes

    • 1 year ago

      Great rework yes

      Have they modded in a non-cookie clicker economy yet?

      • 1 year ago

        I have tried playing a campaign with modified min price/max price to 1% and 199% of the base and multiplied all production and consumption values by 10.

        The result was that the economy was going in cycles of much lower interval in the game, I ultimately abandoned the save due to being unable to deal with extreme numbers of radicals my economy produced.

        Abstractioning the units of goods isn't the biggest flaw of v3 economy, it's the presence of price floors and ceilings. At least they went back from their idiotic trade price magic

  60. 1 year ago

    >Be Russia with some flavor mods
    >Passed voting laws so I could get the terrible landowners out without suffering a legitimacy penalty or overthrowing the romanovs
    >Armed forces at 45% clout permanently in the government
    >Bring trade unionists into the government to pass some laws for my people
    >Get a socialist event
    >Trotsky became the next armed forces leader and I didn't kick him out of the government fast enough
    >Fine I guess it doesn't really change much
    >Trade union leader retires
    >Lenin takes over leadership
    >Wait am I about to get couped
    >nothing happens
    >Lenin retires
    >Stalin takes over leadership
    >nothing happens
    Just a "hey bro you wanna end the monarchy?" journal entry which I just ignore and a bunch of marxists forever in my government because trotsky snuck in for a few days and triggered a permanent marxist armed forces but nothing really changed. Business as usual as the Russian Empire going forward.

  61. 1 year ago

    Can someone give me the qrd on poop posters? Last I visited this thread was around release date and they were already posting back then as well.

    • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      I think you are really asking for a "QAE", not a "QRD"

    • 1 year ago

      >he thinks the poos only started near release
      Unless, of course, you mean the releasing of poos from pooanon's anus.

      • 1 year ago

        absolutely demented

    • 1 year ago

      Its a tard from /gsg/

    • 1 year ago

      The poo posters are part of a quasi-religious group who worship da poos poos. Somehow they see a spiritual link between Victoria 3 and poo poo. I have no idea why.

      • 1 year ago

        Whats the difference between victoria and poo?

      • 1 year ago

        Shit game being linked with shit is a pretty clear link anon.

        • 1 year ago

          What? Wait.... are you saying that umm... poo is shit? Hmm. Yeah, I can follow that, it makes sense, yes. Right. Okay. So far so good. Now, then you are also saying that.... lets see if I understand this correctly.... that Victoria 3 is a shit game? OMG! Yes. That is also correct. My God... WAIT! WAIT! I think I can follow your line of reasoning now! Then you conclude that since Victoria 3 is shit and poo is shit then.....
          MY GOD! YOU ARE RIGHT!
          That is just so mind blowing!
          I am going to have CRAP MY FRICKING ASS OFF RIGHT NOW!
          IN MY PANTS!

    • 1 year ago

      The way I remembered it, someone on the Paradox forums before the game came out said that Victoria 3 haters are pissing themselves in anger or something (or maybe he called them pissbabies?), so naturally this would mean that Victoria 3 enjoyers are shitting themselves in happiness. Hence, the poop posting. I feel like the poop posting might outlive the game at this rate, especially if it ends up dying early like how Imperator did, like you'd see the game being mentioned years after the first and last DLC came out for it and people would still reply to the post with stories about shitting themselves.

      • 1 year ago

        The poo posters are growing in size. We have been monitoring carefully for years now.
        Mossad agent reporting in.
        Under no circumstances should you underestimate the tenacity and fanatical zeal of these pooping terrorists. While they continue to exist no Victoria 3 thread is safe from their poos. Our fear is that they will eventually spread their activities into other shit Paradox games. Since all modern Paradox games are shit this of course has dire consequences. Ask yourself this: If you were to wake tomorrow and discover waves of liquid poo lapping up against your front door how would you collect the morning paper? You see? Its a highly dangerous situation.

    • 1 year ago

      It’s one literal autist who thinks he’s being hilarious

    • 1 year ago

      >he thinks the poos only started near release
      Unless, of course, you mean the releasing of poos from pooanon's anus.

      assume it started when the overpriced and underwhelming ck3 royal court dlc came out, which had a lot of unique events like 'smelly court' and fart humour, then it spread to other paradox threads

      • 1 year ago

        MI5 agent reporting in.
        According to the data we have gathered on the poo posters their origins go back even earlier than that. We have found 16th century parchments describing Victoria 3 in the following terms:

        "I receiveth so exict'd playing vict'ria 3 yond mine own anus did light'rally explodes with poo"

        "Most wondrous geys'r of feces 'rupting from mine own arse"

        "Mine own walls art cov'r'd in shite aft'r playing vict'ria 3"

  62. 1 year ago

    Is there any explanation for why some provinces never convert
    I got some chinese provinces that are 100% catholic by now, but others that are still 100% native religion. Both incorporated, with state religion & multiculturalism enacted.

  63. 1 year ago

    So what’s the consensus?
    I’ve not had a pc for 2 years and will be building one soon, I loved vicky hod with the 2 Ganker mods

    • 1 year ago

      >So what’s the consensus?
      We're probably another year away from the game becoming good. Right now I've been seeing a bunch of people complaining that the game is boring.

      • 1 year ago

        okay, that’s fine I can wait, still got totalwar 3 to try and I haven’t played zomboid for like 4 years
        Where is the place to ask for a PC build, just want some input if I should go older ddr4/760/i5 13000/3060 or newer stuff for ddr5, and the opinion on AMD these days

        • 1 year ago

          I personally don't think you need to build a NASA computer or anything. I use a Ryzen 5600X with an RTX 3060 and that's already overkill for most strategy games, but if you don't think that will be enough for you try looking in /pcbg/ on Ganker for advice.

          • 1 year ago

            All I really usually play are total war/hoi4/paradox and then smaller unknowns like zomboid/underrail/rim world -well they where relatively unknown when I started them

            • 1 year ago

              I personally don't think you need to build a NASA computer or anything. I use a Ryzen 5600X with an RTX 3060 and that's already overkill for most strategy games, but if you don't think that will be enough for you try looking in /pcbg/ on Ganker for advice.

              nerds derailing yet another designated Victoria 3 thread with geekspeak
              post poos or gtfo

  64. 1 year ago

    I genuinely cannot understand how they were able to create this war system with a straight face. It feels like a government funded social experiment about how dogshit you can make something and still have your fanboys defending it

    • 1 year ago

      Still better than any other war system Paradox has ever developed

      • 1 year ago

        Maybe excluding hoi series. I don't get how so many people seem to enjoy playing ping pong with AI, clashing doomstacks and baiting AI to attack mountains.

        • 1 year ago

          >Maybe excluding hoi series

          The HOI series is actually the worst, it has mechanics clearly intended for multiplayer (and what type of idiot plays grand strategy games multiplayer) and not for singleplayer, the AI at its best still can't put up much resistance against a mediocre player and can't use most of the tools that are available. In Crusader Kings and Europa Universalis at least the AI usually just uses one stack of units with predefined compositions that are somewhat optimal, meaning that they can put on a serious fight a lot of times.

      • 1 year ago

        Maybe excluding hoi series. I don't get how so many people seem to enjoy playing ping pong with AI, clashing doomstacks and baiting AI to attack mountains.

        The warfare system is actually the least of this game's problems.
        I still don't know where you LE MOUNTAIN CHEESE! LE CHEESE XDDDD people came from. You Black folk are responsible for this.

        • 1 year ago

          If you check the Steam reviews there are plenty of people that played for hundreds of hours b***hing about how the game got boring but they still mention how warfare is doo doo, like that's the main reason why it got boring, Paradox needs to focus on improving diplomacy and politics asap, the first DLC+big patch is about characters but its certainly not a big rework, they shouldn't even bother about the economy since modders are already improving the game in that regard.

        • 1 year ago

          the economy is shockingly boring and has a ton of flaws. Not to mention it's not balanced well at all hence places like Japan unlimited natural resources

          and dont get me started on shit like increasing beaurcracy to improve tax efficiency is a NET NEGATIVE to the budget
          this game might be peak nordcell

          • 1 year ago

            >and dont get me started on shit like increasing beaurcracy to improve tax efficiency is a NET NEGATIVE to the budget
            That part is actually fine. "Efficient government" is an oxymoron.

  65. 1 year ago

    >hoi4 has bad warfare mechanics
    t.local poo enjoyers

    • 1 year ago

      If the AI can't handle it then yes its bad warfare mechanics, HOI4 for many years had an AI so dumb that it kept charging at fully fortified armies over and over until they had no manpower left, that's why i'm more than happy that Parawieners stopped listening to asiaticclickers and just stripped away micro.

      • 1 year ago

        fricking hell you people are buzzword spamming robots

      • 1 year ago

        >AI so dumb that it kept charging at fully fortified armies
        So, like it was IRL?

  66. 1 year ago

    Honestly the worst part is micromanaging the economy. I played a couple of campaigns and unironically felt like puking when i scaled up and had to spam hundreds of building and keep track of all the different production modes

    • 1 year ago

      The worst part is the political party system. Intelligencia being social justice workers is fricking hilarious nordcell education. In reality the enlightened "free thinkers" were basically /misc/ i.e. racist sexist eugenics pushing gays who were fine with slaughtering natives and owning slaves as long as it meant progress

      it was the religious movement in america that gave people the conscious to oppose that and be abolitionists. You should have to balance economic progress and social progress between these two parties. But instead there is a single party that is hyper focus on free trade economic progress as well as out of place post modernist social views

      also I still laugh at how racism just disappears because you pass a law

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah, intelligentsia is literally just libs, the OG libs I guess. Turn of the century intellectuals weren't exactly all progressive by modern standards. They were more about being hyper "rational"/efficient and that involved sterilising the mentally subnormal or other massive social engineering projects without much care for notions of human rights as long as it meant progress.

        • 1 year ago

          >massive social engineering projects without much care for notions of human rights as long as it meant progress.
          so liberalism hasn't really changed much, huh

          • 1 year ago

            What changed is what they believe the ultimate goal is and not even that much. From a world "guided" by a caste of naturally superior enlightened whites to the same thing but with israelites. One also has the gays and other doesn't.

        • 1 year ago

          The worst part is the political party system. Intelligencia being social justice workers is fricking hilarious nordcell education. In reality the enlightened "free thinkers" were basically /misc/ i.e. racist sexist eugenics pushing gays who were fine with slaughtering natives and owning slaves as long as it meant progress

          it was the religious movement in america that gave people the conscious to oppose that and be abolitionists. You should have to balance economic progress and social progress between these two parties. But instead there is a single party that is hyper focus on free trade economic progress as well as out of place post modernist social views

          also I still laugh at how racism just disappears because you pass a law

          The biggest flaw in VIC3's politics and political economy as such is it dramatically understates the radical influence that political and economic liberalism had during the the 19th century. They model the game's politics and economics as 'heckin holesome marxists against le cringe imperialisms' but that's really off the mark.
          Political and economic liberalism were the major drivers behind the massive industrialization of the period, total reorganizations of economies, new sources of wealth and power, and also in one way or another behind a great number of the revolutionary nationalist movements in the time period as well
          There is a reason why the US and the UK took off like a fricking rocket in this time period whereas old-world illiberal feudal-remnant regimes like russia and austria-hungary stagnated.
          The 19th century is where capital as we know it today comes into existence and multiplies itself tremendously.
          One of the flavor things that victoria 2 nailed was that the proliferation of various new modes and concepts of social and economic organization in the leading liberal economies of the time had a major role in their explosive industrial growth. Like in the Vic2 research tree, banal seeming things like 'investment banks' and 'central bank money printing', 'scientific management' etc. were in fact technologies in the true sense of the word - objective advancements forward in the rational production and allocation of capital and monies and their deployment
          If you look at the number and types of patents filed in the united states in the 19th century, it is objectively clear that the availability of investment monies and consumer economies as well as political and economic freedoms and widespread education essentially produced an explosive amount of productivity and industriousness and invention.
          liberalism was the rocket engine of the time period but whatever the paradox troons want heckin unions and poc marx, so they made that instead.

          • 1 year ago

            Biggest flaw of vic3 is that its cheap piece of shit sold as a game

            • 1 year ago

              So are you saying its like a lump of poo?

          • 1 year ago

            >There is a reason why the US and the UK took off like a fricking rocket in this time period whereas old-world illiberal feudal-remnant regimes like russia and austria-hungary stagnated.
            IP law, first and foremost. Not exclusively IP law, but it played an enormous role. It meant that if you designed a new technology but didn't, yourself, have the means to leverage it economically, you could collaborate with someone who did have the resources and you would both make money, with no risk that they simply take whatever you've come up with and cut you out of the loop.

            Modern libertarian morons hate this because they think if only IP law didn't exist they'd be getting rich re-selling Mickey Mouse merchandise or something, but it is the truth. Countries with strong IP law are centres of innovation, even today. America, which has some of the most stringent IP law on the planet, and the most litigious organizations protecting it, is also the centre of technological innovation on the planet. China, despite having a massively larger population and almost the same GDP, invents next to nothing and merely steals from western inventors. Why? Well, they have basically frick-all IP law, so no chink has any incentive to create something new, his fellow chinks will just cut him out of the loop and make it themselves.

            • 1 year ago

              based incentives towards invention of goods with high demand

            • 1 year ago

              I think you mean Patents.
              Making patents and intellectual property as interchangeable terms had to be some sort of psy-op by elites.
              IP laws back then were vastly different in time and scale, and that does not even include bullshit that came later like logos, names and trademarks plus the ability to enforce them.
              This led to current situation where record company can sue over use of age old music while never even employing the long dead artist.

              I wouldn't call USA as innovative anymore, their corporations are more interested in stifling competition with IPs and buy up everyone else they can't ruin.

              • 1 year ago

                he means patents.

    • 1 year ago

      I don't understand when people say building is hell. My experience with mid-late game building is queueing 200 buildings in one province then ignoring it until the game b***hes at me about market share.

  67. 1 year ago

    Unfortunately yes.

  68. 1 year ago

    After all this fruitless debate about the economy and the warfare system I am always surprised by one thing. Namely that if you examine the complex web of social-cultural-economic-technical forces that were operating during the period, and then place them within the context of the political upheavals that were occurring at the time, then upon unbiased examination you will discover a wide variety of pieces of poo sticking to your anal lips. Does anyone else have a similar experience?

  69. 1 year ago

    >Was I correct
    No you were too optimistic, the game had shit review from the start

    • 1 year ago

      This is fake news, a lot of places gave the game positive reviews despite it being shit. It even got nominated for best strategy game at The Game Awards despite 1.0 being barely playable.

      • 1 year ago

        >even got nominated for best strategy game at The Game Awards despite
        It did however cause a massive outpouring of molten poo from the anuses of all who attended

  70. 1 year ago

    I am getting confused. Three Victoria 3 threads? How are supposed to know which one is designated? Or are all three designated? Someone hurry up and tell me, I can't hold this massive crap inside me much longer!

  71. 1 year ago

    Any good mods that make an attempt at making the game a bit more historically accurate, or at least give some kind of flavor to this game? Also is every single DLC for this piece of shit going to have some cringey title like "the will of the people". I really get the impression that the devs have no interest in the time period other than marxism and giving voting rights to everyone.

    • 1 year ago
      Best in general mod.
      for historical accuracy, also add
      it's slightly bootleg but it adds a lot of great features and changes.

      • 1 year ago

        Is this slapped on there because the content of the mod? I'll check it out though, the current implementation of multiculturalism is moronic.

        • 1 year ago

          Probably. There was another mod that was forced to remove genocide and while there are some errors in the mod it's less than the one I linked above.
          the two main errors are in technologies you need to add
          ai_weight = {
          value = 2
          to some techs and in production method there's law_etnostate on genocide which you can fix or ignore.

    • 1 year ago

      I have been using
      the only big issue is that the AI can't use some of the features yet, like espionage.

      • 1 year ago

        Holy shit these 3d models look so fricking gay
        paradrone deserve to be burned at the stake for supporting this abomination

        • 1 year ago

          They really need to frick these shitty 3D models outta here permanently
          They always look like complete shit. They never need to be 3D, they're called portraits for a reason. There's no soul, they're low res and they all look the same. Frick it off and replace them with some nice looking 2D portraits (use a 19th century artstyle if you must)

          • 1 year ago

            The 3D modelling department needs to justify its existence. Hope you'll enjoy seeing these fugly 3D portraits in every future Paradox game!

    • 1 year ago

      >I really get the impression that the devs have no interest in the time period other than marxism and giving voting rights to everyone.
      >uber woke plebbit honey pozzed as hell 2023 corporation is only interested in marxism and lefty bullshit
      Who could have predicted that my god its so strange...

      • 1 year ago

        Who could have predicted that Victoria 3 would create such a huge outpouring of poo?

        • 1 year ago

          Fricking kys homosexual.

          • 1 year ago

            Breaking character again?

            • 1 year ago

              moron can't follow a reply chain, it seems

              • 1 year ago

                kek remember that time you broke character? kek in your face mein bruda

  72. 1 year ago

    The thing I'm the most sick with is that things don't happen by themselves. Great, you've made war automatic, and the economy and trade manual, but I actually liked seeing the economy go brrrh by itself. I liked revolutions being able to trigger naturally. I think it's a deep design flaw that a coup or a liberal revolution is impossible unless directly prompted by the player.

  73. 1 year ago

    So at least they understood that monarchies should have some positive perks and not just negatives

    • 1 year ago

      Oh my fricking god this is I:R all over again.

      • 1 year ago


        • 1 year ago

          Meaningless character interaction in a game where you have no control over characters, also bullshit popularity mechanic. Also I think its going to be abandoned much like I:R after a few updates.

          • 1 year ago

            Two more weeks?

            • 1 year ago

              Two more poos?

          • 1 year ago

            Victoria3 also known as poo3 was abandoned in early development when it became apparent how shit it is.

  74. 1 year ago

    this game is literal garbage.
    some "simulation", where nothing moves by itself. troony game pacifica dev diary. eat my ass./

    • 1 year ago

      Worng, game is not a garbage. Its a poo which clogs the toilet and refuses to be flushed. A misplaced, nasty, offensive pile of shit dumped in the front of everyone by trannny devs at paradox to mock sane people with their troony marxists delusions.

  75. 1 year ago

    It was pretty obviously going to go down like that because that's how paradox games go now
    You're not smart, and the people who gobbled this crap up before release and the ones going 'duh' after it bombed aren't the same people

  76. 1 year ago

    Not really
    >lots of active players in first 1-4 weeks
    This didn't happen, one of the lowest playerbases for a PDX launch
    >Gets lots of effusive praise
    Game has been panned on R*ddit, not sure about games journalists, of course PDX drones will defend it but reception has not been good.
    >significant playerbase drop off in 1-3 months.
    It's always been shit
    >Drought of major content after release
    >Will die a quick death
    I think so

    Everyone realizes the game is a lost cause at this point.

  77. 1 year ago

    Is it possible to only build up a single province and have all my pops migrate there? I would like to depopulate most of somewhere like the US or Brazil.

    • 1 year ago

      Yes, but make sure the state has shitload of migration chance and you do it gradually, otherwise you end up with severely hiked wages that hamper your production.

  78. 1 year ago

    Is there any way to tell which provinces will side with a specific Ig's revolt?

  79. 1 year ago

    I fell for the hype and bought the full $80 deluxe edition.

  80. 1 year ago

    I had kind a lot of fun with it in mp, but after like 50-100 hours in vanilla single player its over. But also had the same problem with vic2. So I would rate on the same level, but vic2 has a disadvantages, because it desynchs a lot more for me in mp, vic 3 you can play in mp atleast until 1870-1880.

  81. 1 year ago

    Totalbiscuit once said that if you get 1 hour of entertainment for every $1 you spent, you got your money's worth.

    By that measure I'm on par.

    • 1 year ago

      He said it when games were good

    • 1 year ago

      I pirated it and still feel like I got robbed

  82. 1 year ago

    Is this a designated shitting thread?

    • 1 year ago

      I'm not sure. There's just so many Vic3 threads and they all look the same. Very confusing, especially when you desperately need to do the needful. Until we get "Orifical" designation for this thread its probably best if we use temporary pooing permits.

  83. 1 year ago

    100%, the economy being so garbage after they said they removed the soldier toys to focus on it is baffling to me, its broken in vicky2 but it was the most fun part honestly.

  84. 1 year ago

    Playing my first vic 3 unciv and it really hammers in how unfun the politics system is. I sure love being able to ban serfdom, which the powers that be do not want to do, but taking 10 years to get professional army, which every powerful IG wanted. The concept of IGs as parties isn't bad, but frick passing laws is awful.

    • 1 year ago

      Playing Japan is by far the worst if you've ever played Japan in v2.
      You start the game, you try to pass colonial exploitation, shogunate starts a civil war, okay. You try to pass professional army, shogunate starts a civil war, okay. you try to pass dedicated police force, shogunate starts a civil war, okay.
      So the meta becomes declare war on any small shitter you can until Britain jumps in to open your market because the AI is obsessed with that. You take out the small shitter, capitulate to Britain, suddenly you can actually do shit because shogunate influence plummets.

      • 1 year ago

        >Playing Japan is by far the worst
        Yeah I've disliked it so far. The only party who will pass different trade/eco policies are the industrialists and it's fricking impossible to give them more clout, even with bolstering. I really just need to wait until there are more rich capitalists, but I have a mod on that slows down tech, so it's taking me forever to get the needed production techs.

  85. 1 year ago

    Is this game even worth pirating? I haven't played much of Vicky 2, for context.

    • 1 year ago

      I'll admit I enjoyed my first two campaigns, even despite the game being overall pretty shit. Transforming a shithole into a modern state and seeing numbers go up felt satisfiying for the first time, but after that you realize how even the best mechanics are mediocre.

    • 1 year ago

      It can be addicting in a cookie clicker kind of way and it is nice seeing the numbers go up. There's hardly any flavor and the main focus on the game is clicking "build factory" when you notice the price of something is high. Might be good for a playthrough or 2 to see how you like it. Depends on how much you value time.

    • 1 year ago

      >Is this game even worth pirating? I haven't played much of Vicky 2, for context.
      Pirate Anno 1800 instead.

    • 1 year ago

      the gameplay loop is more repetitive as opposed to Victoria 2

  86. 1 year ago

    LMAO you fricking impostor
    I posted this

    • 1 year ago

      sussy bussy amogus?

  87. 1 year ago

    Does colonial exploitation make migration impossible? That's fricking stupid. Japan is somehow holding on to a colony without a single jap in it. No jap administrators or managers. Just a bunch of oceanic Black folk farming sugar and speaking with their new masters by mail.

  88. 1 year ago

    Playing America. How do I stop getting the same guy elected four times in a row? I don't mind the party being in power for four elections but the same candidate over and over again ruins my immersion. Is there a mod that creates sub factions within interest groups? Or rather just more characters who battle for popularity within their respective interest group?

    • 1 year ago

      Its impossible to stop poo flood when playing this game. I recommend embracing it as we all did. Poo3 is really are the most intensive poo sim.

      • 1 year ago

        Yes, I am overjoyed to poo myself from such excellent gameplay. But is there anything to remedy this already perfect mechanic?

    • 1 year ago

      >america can elect the same guy more than twice
      God, its like they actually just didnt give a shit while making this game

      • 1 year ago

        Amerilards could do that until the 50s, homie.

        • 1 year ago

          They could but it was an unspoken rule that everyone abided by until cripplecuck became mad with power and then everyone said we should actually formalize this rule so no wannabe dictator can ever do that again.

        • 1 year ago

          It's a matter of extraordinary exception getting elected beyond two terms. Teddy tried and failed while FDR was the only who pulled it off before they subsequently changed the law because of him. In my current game the People's Party elected the same candidate four times in a row since the late 1840s until he died of old age. His successor is also currently on his third term. It's stupid.

          • 1 year ago

            > It's stupid.
            Anon, you need to appreciate the great strategical depth of Victoria 3. Sure, a few things need fixing up, but they are minor annoyances and will be addressed in the fullness of time. What you need to do is embrace the totality of Victoria 3, let it flow through you. Beginning with your upper digestive tract. Mash those buttons and rejoice in the sensation of your guts expanding as the contents of your stomach are pushed down into your large intestines. Then continue mashing buttons while the fats and oils are broken down by the bile produced by your liver. Now continue into the lower intestines where some of the harder to digest carbohydrates are reduced to sugars and starch. Here comes the fermentation stage as your gut's bacteria gets to work, producing the gas that wells inside your abdomen like a balloon. Keep playing Victoria 3 while immense pressure builds up against your rectum. Then in a moment of sheer excitement, as you hit the "DEFEND" button, relax your anal sphincter and gasp in pleasure as a GEYSER OF HOT LIQUID SHIT BLASTS OUT OF YOUR HAIRY ARSEHOLE AND PUNCHES A HOLE CLEAR THROUGH THE OPPOSITE WALL!
            This is Victoria 3 at its finest!

            • 1 year ago

              Reddit tier post

      • 1 year ago

        Amerilards could do that until the 50s, homie.

        crazy how you probably see yourself as this epic historian (read: memorising irrelevant trivia to do with germania and byzantium) but you didn’t know that. lol

        • 1 year ago

          that's cool but what about strategy games

          • 1 year ago

            mad b***h?

            • 1 year ago

              talk about strategy games or frick off
              anyways vicky 3 is a bad simulation of real history even compared to 2
              somehow they managed to get some things better than vicky 2 such as letting colonies get mass migration letting you simulate stuff like singapore becoming majority chinese instead of malay thanks to chinese labourers but then removed that feature because people were posting meme screenshots of african colonies with 80% dixie populations

    • 1 year ago

      >How do I stop getting the same guy elected four times in a row?

      Maybe try this, Great Rework has a term limit system for democracies and i think this is the mod that adds it

      • 1 year ago
        • 1 year ago

          What's wrong with his argument?

          • 1 year ago

            Aside from communists being in favor of multiculturalism being a bit silly of an idea its still much better than it is in vanilla.

  89. 1 year ago

    Did they ever implement dynamic diaspora pops like Asian/middle-eastern/Indian/etc. forming their own culture like African American when migrating to the new world or do they still just amalgamate into Yankee pops like before. Also do African Americans still get completely converted to Yankee even when fricking slavery is still enabled meaning you can still end slavery when only like 100 African American pops actually exist making it meaningless anyways?

    • 1 year ago

      No, they didn't. It'd be based if they did, and if I ever made a strategy game you'd have even compatible (white) immigrants forming diaspora groups before eventually assimilating

    • 1 year ago
  90. 1 year ago

    Chuds will never recover. Victoria 3 bros, we fricking won.

    • 1 year ago

      I don't know what's worse, these homosexuals or Germanium autists

      • 1 year ago

        What's wrong with a nice großgermanium?

        • 1 year ago

          If you have to ask, you don't belong here

          • 1 year ago

            Nice attempt at deflection, unfortunately I've been here since pre-EU4 release and these sort of Emperor's New Clothes style tactics don't work on me. I've seen the ebbs and flows in both germaniagayging and rome(eastern)gayging along the years.
            Now I'll reiterate: what's wrong with a good groBgermania?

            • 1 year ago

              Germany has the potential to become an unstoppable behemoth in Victoria 2&3 and HoI series.
              But this is doable by fresh beginners.
              Who have felt the need to shit up the internet with their images of GroBgermaniums. Akin to ck2 players showing the world how they restored Roman Empire.

              • 1 year ago

                Yeah, it's cute. A relic of a bygone era, a player overcome with childlike joy wanting to share his creation with the internet and ugh about what could have been.
                Much better than discussing trannies and ukraine for the nth time.

              • 1 year ago

                Anon, ultimately I agree with you as I consider the vitriolic character of this funny images site as something deeply degrading.
                Forgive me then telling you to shut up, perhaps the vitriol starts affecting me as well.

            • 1 year ago

              There is nothing wrong with GROSS groBgermania, the only people it upsets are spastics. There is also nothing wrong with GROSS Poomania, since Victoria 3 is such an exciting game it is impossible to stop pooing.

  91. 1 year ago

    Looks good. I hope you this made you feel some accomplishment and their for can make meaningful changes to your daily habits and therefore overall life fullfilment.

  92. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      What pray is Victoria the Third hunting?

      • 1 year ago

        It's just a stupid ESL
        ignore him and go back to enjoying Vicky 3

        • 1 year ago

          If this isn't just a shitpost, please explain what's enjoyable about Vicky 3.

          • 1 year ago

            He cant. There is nothing enjoyable about Vic3. He cant post anything enjoyable about it because he knows he will get his ass ripped apart by educated people who have played it. But seeing as his grandfather rapes his ass every night he will be used to having a torn rectum.

          • 1 year ago

            Why do you care so much about what games people like to play?
            Just let people have fun chud

            • 1 year ago

              so you're b8ing, got it

          • 1 year ago

            All the poo it brings

      • 1 year ago

        a pray for help

    • 1 year ago

      You are missing the point. That's still 2,502 players who have known the joy of having their anus violently expel a blast of hot diarrhea.
      Don't tell me that's not worth it.

  93. 1 year ago


  94. 1 year ago

    >Player declares a war and calls AI into war
    >AI acts like a fricking moron and doesn't help
    >Paradrone thinks this means the AI is 2000iq
    This is the level of intelligent the people who still play Victoria 3 have

    • 1 year ago

      That's fitting for UK though

      • 1 year ago

        No it isn't
        UK helped France in WW1
        enough with the parashill excuses

    • 1 year ago

      Not recognizing irony is a sign of autism

    • 1 year ago

      >have magic teleporting soldiers
      >ai still can't manage to use them

    • 1 year ago

      The eternal anglo

    • 1 year ago

      What do you expect? This is the main paracuck audience and you are not the target market.

    • 1 year ago

      Not recognizing irony is a sign of autism

      considering the avarage intelligence of reddiots and their bootlicking i think hes 100% serious

  95. 1 year ago

    Victoria 3 should have been turn-based like Total War or the Koei historical simulations because that format is better for a game that's mostly button clicking

    • 1 year ago

      So you are saying the players should be making discrete and separate poos, rather than one continuous flow of poo?

    • 1 year ago

      They should have just made war a card game deck builder one where you regain 1 mana ever time a week ticks by.

  96. 1 year ago

    >over half a year
    are there any good mods out yet?

  97. 1 year ago

    Yup came itt just to say I told you so but it doesn't matter because no one ever listens, the game is dogshit everyone with two braincels saw this coming, frick forumBlack folk bootlicking paradoxs shitty decisions, frick paradox, frick moronic 0-brained nugamers that buy and support shitty gamers Black folk tongue my anus..

    But in the end it's just another once-was-good series that is now dead with no hope of being revived with less bugs and better multiplayer support, the satisfaction knowing I was right feels empty.

    • 1 year ago

      Maybe chudgun's remake will be good

      • 1 year ago

        Frick off shill
        We don't care about Spazgun's shitty ideas guy game

        • 1 year ago

          it's literally free

          • 1 year ago

            Yeah in the same way that absolutely nothing is free dumb frick lol

    • 1 year ago

      It's still funny how most Paradox YouTubers that are on Paradox's dole only ever play Vic3 whenever they're paid to do so; they can't say anything bad about the game since they're getting paid for playing it, but you can tell they don't like it because they never play it after the initial one or two videos that Paradox paid for.

  98. 1 year ago

    How can a cookie clicker make so much poo? What is the secret?

    • 1 year ago

      What has been truly surprising about Victoria 3 is the sheer volume of poo produced to date. We all expected there would be a steady deluge of hot excrement pouring out of our gaping buttholes, but I dont think anyone expected the Tsunamis of stinking liquid crap which now threaten to engulf the world.
      All from a video game! Who would have guessed things would turn so dramatic?

  99. 1 year ago

    I'm waiting for the first two dlc (voice of the people + whatever comes next) to start playing. I've heard it's in a rough state right now but it's still better than vic 2. Idk, I'll wait.

    • 1 year ago

      The most interesting mod projects are also waiting for the next DLC before releasing new updates

    • 1 year ago

      >Still better than Victoria 2
      Lmao, kek even.
      Don't throw away your money for garbage, dog.

      • 1 year ago

        lmao troony moment
        i wouldnt even buy vic2

        >it's still better than vic 2.
        Okay graphics Black person


        >show nudtty
        I hate redditors such much it's unreal

        >afraid of nudity
        lol mutt moment

        • 1 year ago

          >lol mutt moment
          clearly never heard of mutt's law you stupid troony

          • 1 year ago

            mutts are afraid of naykee pipo

            >lmao troony moment
            >i wouldnt even buy vic2
            Nevermind, you're incredible based.

            I am, thank you for noticing

        • 1 year ago

          >lmao troony moment
          >i wouldnt even buy vic2
          Nevermind, you're incredible based.

    • 1 year ago

      >it's still better than vic 2.
      Okay graphics Black person

  100. 1 year ago

    New features

    • 1 year ago

      alright homie i'm sold

      • 1 year ago

        >show nudtty
        I hate redditors such much it's unreal

      • 1 year ago

        There's nudity in Vic 3?
        Is it from making some sub-saharan tribe leader's portrait historically accurate or is it from being able to turn Tsarist Russia into some weird sex cult?

      • 1 year ago

        >wiz backed down on flag occupation
        He cried about how superior it was for months kek. Between this and the expansion leak it's obvious his boss lit a fire under his ass.

        • 1 year ago

          They're really selling Vicky 2 features back to us piecemeal lmao

        • 1 year ago

          > locking investing behind a DLC
          UH OH
          > locking a fricking day-night cycle behind a DLC

        • 1 year ago

          I thought we were pretending spheres of infulence dont exist?
          That said, a diplomacy dlc that fixes the mess diplomacy currently is would be nice (even if they are selling a necessary fix as a dlc)

        • 1 year ago

          >March 2024
          Just 1.5 years after release for working diplomacy. Can't wait for working warfare in 3 years!!

          • 1 year ago

            Small indie company, please understand.

        • 1 year ago

          >release march 2024
          >game just released
          >still need 18 months to shit out the first meaningful DLC
          Lmao I don't even want to imagine the state of the devteam. You know, the guys who make the game, rather than the pink-haired fattie that makes the video devblog.

          • 1 year ago

            I'm against shaming someone on the base of their looks, but ye I too would love to see the exact composition of the team, I wonder what's the ratio of programmer to non-programmer.

            • 1 year ago

              The point isn't the ratio. The point is that even at release, they're probably drowning in technical debt and can't get out of the mess they created.

          • 1 year ago
            • 1 year ago

              Yes it's a shitgame

            • 1 year ago

              Taking away direct control of units was not a bad idea. Playing as a civilian government, struggling against the established military elite to constantly reform the army and watching how they perform would be kino. Paradox just forgot to put any effort into designing the game.

              • 1 year ago

                Yea the low playercount indicates this is a great idea.

            • 1 year ago

              I would wreck her fricking pussy, her guttural howls of pleasure would rattle throughout the night as I pound her fat c**t until my dick turns purple oh man god damn

              • 1 year ago

                lo. she left paradox i heard. diversity hires btfo!

              • 1 year ago

                >What 1 week of NoFap does to a motherfricker

    • 1 year ago

      Nearly all the new laws were already added by mods, agitators might be cool since it is a non-diplomatic way to influence another country and can promote a more dynamic world, the UI changes in the politics window are welcome too.

    • 1 year ago

      >no swiss
      V3 more historically accurate than grandimod lol

      • 1 year ago

        Which is ironic, considering grandimod was one of the main inspirations for vicky 3
        >fluvial bantu

  101. 1 year ago

    cope, still 10 times more active players than vic2

    • 1 year ago

      Its literally drowning in liquid poo

    • 1 year ago

      You don't know that, vicII was a physical release. There could be thousands of more players than vic3 hidden offline.

  102. 1 year ago

    It's a shame v3 is so shit. It has a much needed ability v2 didn't have, which is the ability to actually have strong subject nations. It lets me larp as an actual great power. In v2 you never press any buttons like unity Italy if you won't become Italy because Italy will instantly become a great power and stop being a puppet or sphereling making it entirely pointless. In v3 Italy won't instantly break free so you actually have an Italy under your belt to help you with various things.

  103. 1 year ago


  104. 1 year ago

    >notice a severe decline in the frequency of Vic 3 threads
    >notice a sudden decline in posting on the sole remaining Vic 3 thread
    My GOD! Bros, can it be? Has the poomania finally won with their repeated shit posting? Have the fanbois been drowned under the ceaseless outpouring of sticky, hot, violent diarrhea? Is this the new era of Poo? Well I, for one, welcome our new Poo overlords.

    • 1 year ago

      people stopped laughing at your posts last year

      • 1 year ago

        Stay mad wiz
        getting outdone by a literal poo poster

        • 1 year ago

          you know what would be funnier than le poopie posting? you trying to explain wtf was going through your ESL skull when you typed out this actual shit lmao


          • 1 year ago

            Not me
            why are you so obsessed with the poo poster?

            • 1 year ago

              Imagine having so much unwarranted self importance you refer to yourself as “the poo poster” lol. Easily the Gayest poster on this board by far

              • 1 year ago

                Quite frankly the poo poster ( or poosters, as there may be more than one ) are entertaining. Sad you are so far up your own ass you can't appreciate their fine wit and creativity.

              • 1 year ago

                >ESL as frick syntax
                hello terminally unfunny poopy poster

              • 1 year ago

                Can you spice up your vocabulary from time to time? It's like you're an autistic kid with echolalia with how much you repeat the same banal shit again and again and again and again

              • 1 year ago

                Dude, he's a pavement ape, dont expect anything intelligent from him.

            • 1 year ago

              I think he is obsessed with poo poster because the poo poster doesn't give him any attention. He is a homosexual who was raped at an early age by his grandfather. This has filled him with a burning desire to get attention from the poo poster, who is popular and something of a real father figure to him. Yeah, he is really that fricked up.

              • 1 year ago

                you have the same moronic pakistani ESL tone and syntax lol great job

              • 1 year ago

                Eat shit and die Wiz

              • 1 year ago

                you first, incel freak

              • 1 year ago

                fixating on pakistan now? we'll see how long you'll keep this up before moving onto some other ethnicity to have a hateboner for

              • 1 year ago

                because you people all type like you’re moronic pakistani children lol. esls are getting hardcore bullied here foremost because they can’t speak english properly

              • 1 year ago

                I'd say the vast majority of people who are tired of your crap aren't ESLs, my slightly moronic friend.

              • 1 year ago

                where did the funny poopie go why are you getting all b***hy now lol

              • 1 year ago

                I'm not whoever the hell you think I am. Meds.
                My dude, you should become trans because you're alarmingly close to being a real woman personality-wise.

    • 1 year ago

      We're entering the "wait for patch, get disappointed, wait for another patch" death spiral era unless they go all-in.

      • 1 year ago

        Standard Paradox game then.
        I've stopped buying from the company because of this.

      • 1 year ago

        you sound like you are too old and jaded to play video games. Go have a life and get disappointed by that.

  105. 1 year ago

    They are adding stripes occupation.

  106. 1 year ago

    >Max Stirner is being added
    Are you ready to turn Europe into the Free Zone?

  107. 1 year ago

    I'm hear for all the snobby b***hing over Vic 3 as you all can't be bothered to just play Vic 2 instead because even that game disappointed you enough to not be worth the play longterm.

  108. 1 year ago

    the reason why victoria 3 war system sucks is because the province system is shit
    did you ever look at vic3 province map?
    if they had made a reasonable province system and war system like imperator: rome then it could have actually been an objectively better successor to vic2 in every way

    • 1 year ago

      The game is already pretty heavy to run even without interactable provinces, i think the way to go is to just add more regions.

  109. 1 year ago

    >World conquest is impossible not because the game mechanisms make it non-viable/too hard, but because you just don't have time to wait for justification & ticking war score on every tag in the game.
    It's silly, but it's the one thing that get to me.

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah the declaring/winning a war is one of the worst parts. No matter what it is you're declaring on, whether it's monteBlack or great britain it takes the same amount of time to go to war, isn't possible to start another until it ends, and takes almost the same amount of time once the war goal is achieved to win because 100% occupation is only 10 war exhaustion every 7 days.

      • 1 year ago

        Yes, yes, yes...but was it exciting? Surely it was exciting? I mean we are talking about Vicky3 here, right? The most exciting game ever made! A game so exciting that players are quite literally pooing their pants off.

  110. 1 year ago

    I miss my toy soldiers that move around the map

  111. 1 year ago

    Look, can we just have a reasonable discussion about Victoria 3 without all this poo pumping tomfoolery? We get it, we do, you love Victoria 3 so much it makes your bowels turn to water and then spew out a raging geyser of hot liquid shit. "Such is the excitement!" you say. Well okay, that's fine. But you should know that some of us play Victoria 3 quite seriously. We are too focused on playing this strategic masterpiece produced by the geniuses at Paradox to become too excited. Why, we have to use all our powers of concentration on which of the three buttons to push so our mighty Empires will succeed in their ambitions. Naturally such dedication on our part will lead to our anuses being tightly clenched. As a result our poos will be held until such stage as we achieve final victory. Only then will we produce a poo. A mighty and powerful poo too I might add. Hard. Lumpy. Solid. A poo that will stand the test of time, rising forth like a beacon of resilience. A poo that will last ONE THOUSAND YEARS!
    Do you hear me????
    Such is the glory of the POOREICH!

  112. 1 year ago

    No Political compass no buy.
    Simple as.

    • 1 year ago

      This is the best your are gonna get for now

      • 1 year ago

        Can't wait for that mod to die unceremoniously after a major update like Anbeeld's overhaul.

        • 1 year ago

          The dev of that mod said he is gonna update it right after 1.3, its also gonna be included in the Great Rework mod

    • 1 year ago

      go back to reditt troony

  113. 1 year ago

    Why do people on here obsess so much over a game they won't play?

    • 1 year ago

      Ganker loves game drama.

    • 1 year ago

      Because they liked Victoria 2 and hate how fricking shit Victoria 3 is
      Why is that so hard for you to understand troony?

      • 1 year ago

        Why do ESLs constantly accuse people of being trannies for disagreeing with them? You guys have higher suicide rates and STD rates than trannies. Way to call the kettle black.

        • 1 year ago

          >t. ranny

          • 1 year ago

            Hello iphone troony

            >hello iph-ACK!

            • 1 year ago
              • 1 year ago

                You could replace every mention of troony with Russian or Pole and it would be largely accurate

            • 1 year ago

              what are the odds you're actually talking to a slav though outside of a HoMM thread

        • 1 year ago

          Hello iphone troony

    • 1 year ago

      What do you mean? Some of us are pooing ourselves with so much excitement over playing Victoria 3 that our anal passages are PERMANENTLY OPEN!

    • 1 year ago

      TORtanic makes 4cucks jerk off over internet drama

  114. 1 year ago

    I am really surprised they are doing something mechanical rather then more wacky lol so random event focuses that Paradox seems to be all about these days.

  115. 1 year ago

    I feel four Victoria3 threads are not enough. We need more. The population of India is over 1 billion and they need somewhere to shit.

  116. 1 year ago

    Should I get Victoria 3 or CK3?
    To me CK3 looks like an RNG shitfest where random things happen and you're not really in control.
    Not sure what Victoria 3 is really about.

    • 1 year ago

      Downloading CK2 and pirating all of its DLC seems like a better option than those two. Otherwise CK3, there are more mods for it compared to Vic2 so there might be something that catches your eye.

      • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      CK3 has literally zero challenge, Victoria 3 probably offers challenge than any Paradox game yet

      • 1 year ago

        Yea the power creep just got worse in CK3 with the Activities. CK3 can't be called a strategy game anymore.

      • 1 year ago

        Nice meme bro. Almost made me 'kek'!

        • 1 year ago

          But he is right. Nothing induces the gut churning EXCITEMENT of Victoria 3! Nothing turns your bowels into mush like mashing 3 buttons as fronts wage WAR along fronts and Generals standby, attack and defend! My God! Just thinking about it has turned my feces into watery soup! THE DAM IS ABOUT TO BURST! SWEET JESUS! OMG! GREAT RIPPING GEYSERS OF LIQUID SHIT BLASTING OUT OF MY ASS RIGHT NOW!

  117. 1 year ago


  118. 1 year ago

    huh, what happened here?

    • 1 year ago

      Some devs testing steam integration.

  119. 1 year ago

    Have they canceled this game yet? Being such a massive failure it needs to be forgotten as fast as possible if they want to fool next batch of redditors into buying another underdeveloped cookie clicker.

    • 1 year ago

      nah they are legally obliged (i think) to release 1 major expansion and some flavorshit because of their pre-order promised bonuses
      they will drop ship once those are released

  120. 1 year ago

    All Paradox games are shit, it's just different flavours of shit.
    >autistic map painters
    >basic map painters with magical mana administration points
    >medieval the sims with shitty VN pop up windows
    >shitty basic map painter/economic simulators which are laughably easy to exploit

  121. 1 year ago

    The best part about the poo posting isn't the post themselves. It's the people getting increasingly mad about it.

    • 1 year ago

      its so common that these threads have conditioned me to expect basically amateur scat porn every time someone begins a post with an erudite tone

      • 1 year ago

        I wonder what kind of person it is that poop posts? I wonder if they're otherwise serious people who transition to poopposting. I hate v3 btw.

    • 1 year ago

      forced meme

      • 1 year ago


        • 1 year ago

          you break character way too easily gay

        • 1 year ago

          hello ESL

          • 1 year ago

            you break character way too easily gay

            From the same troonycord

            • 1 year ago

              nerve STRUCK

  122. 1 year ago

    Black folk

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