>villain is actually correct in the end

>villain is actually correct in the end

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  1. 2 years ago

    Devs almost always are. Never listen to consumers. Taking advice from fans is the dumbest thing that a dev can do.

    • 2 years ago

      Even vanilla had limitations on players in a given zone. Classic's sharding allowed for hundreds of people to stand on top of each other in fricking Westfall of all places, that isn't even remotely what Vanilla was like. They intentionally made it worse, so they could claim they were right. In Vanilla, only the brave and stupid entered same level dungeons, now you have groups of mages spamming their weak AOEs. Mages were rarely ever allowed into the instant death that was dungeons, because they would need on Priest cloth.

      Absolute moron take.

      • 2 years ago

        >Absolute moron take.
        no he's right, kinda. most companies just listen to one type of playerbase anyway and completely ignore everyone else so at the end of the day it's better to not listen to anyone

    • 2 years ago

      This. Consumers are morons who don't know what they want. This is why crowdfunded games often suck ass.

  2. 2 years ago

    >all the streamers demand no changes
    >except for all the changes that classic launched with, like talent trees and instancing and the fact everyone is playing the game on gigabit fibre internet connections at 4 144hz with shitloads of mods and 2 decades of experience playing much harder and more demanding games which granted the developers couldn't control but it was a major factor, the game launches with no changes
    >it turns out playing a boring piece of shit like classic wow isn't fun anymore, and also it turns out it isn't hard either because raggy goes down to a raid consisting of 10 or so level 60s in blues and the rest composed of level 58-59 players in green gear and probably missing abilities from the trainer
    >it turns out all you ever needed was 40 people who weren't literal npcs who couldn't click 1 button over and over

    wow, such a good game.

    • 2 years ago

      Literally said all this exact shit years ago, and no one believed me. Classic was never hard, everyone just fricking sucked. I'm glad it's dead.

    • 2 years ago

      Well yes well said I played in highschool so it took months to get to the cap and my internet was awful I think my ping was 450 and my fps was like 20 the guilds I was in could only finish onyxia but not farm it
      Classic comes out i get to the cap in a week after taking a week off work and onyxia is a joke

  3. 2 years ago

    It was a massive success and everybody enjoyed classic regardless of blizzard's attempted sabotage with shit like half assed handling of bots and doing stupid shit like level boosting in BC.

    • 2 years ago

      All it really proved was that burning crusade was the beginning of the nuwow paradigm and that vanilla was a truly great game.
      Legacy of Steel absolutely ran blizzard into the ground.

  4. 2 years ago

    He got fired for letting people sexually harass women.
    He was a hero.

  5. 2 years ago

    But classic wow was a massive success

  6. 2 years ago

    What in fans dont knowing what to want? Looks like even the devs dont know it and its just using scally and furry porn to attract this expansion and a shitty gimmick pulled from how how to train your dragon

  7. 2 years ago

    Yes people ask for challenging games and then quit when they die twice, they ask for old style mmos with the conveniences removed and then quit when they are inconvenienced, the sad truth is nothing will ever be like it used to be because every game is competing with every other game, every game is competing with just watching youtube, just scrolling your social media of choice. If you imagine being a child with an N64 you might have 5 games in total and have to wait 6 months between games, you wanted games that would take a while to beat. Fast forward to today and you ask yourself why you are playing something inconvenient or frustrating when you could be playing a million other games, back in the day you only had access to a small handful of games, today you have access to multiplayer games with infinite replayability, almost every single console game ever released, almost every single PC game ever released. They wouldn't have been playing WoW back in the day if they had access to all these other options, it doesn't mean the games are bad it just means you have to resist switching to something else for that sweet dopamine hit when you are struggling. Perhaps this is why games are so "bad" now, game developers have to develop with this in mind, look at any game on steam, you will see huge numbers of playing stopping at every point, in Doom 2016 only 83% of people finish the first level, in Elden Ring only 80% of players even make it to the Roundtable Hold. Games will probably never be like they were back then, they have to be easier and less frustrating because players have too many options, If you took someone who quit Doom 2016 during the first level and gave him a PC with only Doom 2016 installed with no internet, he would probably play the entire thing, have fun and have fond memories of it, but in this reality he will never finish it because it nothing can compete with every other game, every new youtube vide and every new tweet or thread.

  8. 2 years ago

    Okay, now try releasing TBC and WOTLK without the level boost.

  9. 2 years ago

    Vanilla WoW classic would have been a great starting point to make a branch of WoW with new content minus the stuff that killed WoW like flying mounts and dungeon finder, instead all they did was follow the exact same path that led people to ask for classic servers in the first place

  10. 2 years ago

    Who that?

  11. 2 years ago

    >play Star Wars Galaxies
    >Brack ruins it by making it more like WoW because he assumes that's what the fans want
    >play WoW
    >Brack ruins is by making it less like WoW because he assumes that's what the fans want.

    I wish nothing but bad vibes upon this shitter. Frick him.

    Also Turtle WoW is the best WoW server and Restoration 3 is the best version of SWG ever made.

  12. 2 years ago

    But he was wrong. They're even implementing vanilla gameplay into retail now.

  13. 2 years ago

    >add layering and sharding
    >cause massive economic problems as a result due to multilayer farming
    >do nothing about the plague of bots
    >add boosts
    >basically do everything in your power to sabotage your own release
    what people wanted was a nongimped classic experience and blizzard couldn't even do that

  14. 2 years ago

    metagaming homosexuals was what killed it for me.

  15. 2 years ago

    >classic is about to launch it's 2nd expansion pack

    even if you think blizzard does a shit job it has nothing to do with the game itself. his main points were bugs, QoL, and spamming LF tank. bugs got fixed, QoL changes were made, and tankspam is just an annoying inherent issue with their shit game only having 2 tank slots per raid.

    what we DIDN'T know was that jizzard was going to not ban bots because they prop up a gold selling economy as the game literally runs on GDKP at this point.

    • 2 years ago

      >what we DIDN'T know was that jizzard was going to not ban bot
      Knew that for over 15 years.
      What i was surprised to learn however is that you only get banned for like 1-2 weeks if you buy gold and they catch you.
      Sometimes, they are not even removing the gold from your account that you bought.

      It's no fricking surprise that everyone is buying gold when you only get a slap on the wrists if you get caught.

  16. 2 years ago

    Classic is about the social experience and leveling up together, and having fun raiding some loot bag raids for the memes

    It was NEVER a "super serious" thing.

  17. 2 years ago

    The "NO CHANGES" gays are more responsible for Classic fizzling out than anything else.

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