Villains who were right.

Villains who were right.

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 2 weeks ago

    >Breaks everyone's penises

    • 2 weeks ago

      There is no reason why someone hyper intelligent like Lou wouldnt discover a cure eventually.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Mutants can't reproduce because the FEV virus changes their reproductive cells. Normally, these cells have half the usual number of chromosomes and can combine during reproduction, but since mutants have a full number of chromosomes, they can't do this to reproduce. A cure would have to involve reconfiguring their entire genomic structure, which I don't think can be made in one lifetime.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Then why didnt the original FEV cause such damage but only the one modified by the master?

          • 2 weeks ago

            Wasn't it always like that, though? When you mess with genetics, it's not weird to create creatures that are wholely incapable of reproduction.

        • 2 weeks ago

          What about Cloning?

        • 2 weeks ago

          >one lifetime
          One basically eternal lifetime mind you, Super Mutants are incredibly long lived

          • 2 weeks ago

            In a peaceful world, sure. But in one where thr Enclave is breathing down your neck, you life expectancy goes down.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >involve reconfiguring their entire genomic structure, which I don't think can be made in one lifetime
          Actually that can be done in matter of weeks. FEV is literally in-vivo genetic engineering, that is the whole point. If FEV can turn a human into a supermutant, it sure as frick could also change their reproductive capacity.

          This isn't really ever addressed by the game, and can be chalked up to the idea that not even Richard knows how to edit FEV itself, but it becomes more glarring in Fo2, where Enclave is explicitly said to know how change FEV to their needs. In theory, Enclave should absolutely have the means to make Supermutants fertile, and even reverse the mutations all together, but... narrative convenience ignores the implication.

          It's kinda like most fantasy games treat magic: they just ignore the full implications of their own established rules to make the story simpler to follow.
          But with FEV being fully understood and editable, basically anything should be possible.

          • 2 weeks ago

            The FEV is said to be reversible ONLY if someone's previous genome was saved, and a proper retrovirus could rewrite the FEV encoded cells.

      • 2 weeks ago

        The lieutenant hid the the problem from the master, so he wasn't planning to fix it.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Considering the Master is so unstable he elects to activate a nuclear weapon and take everyone with him when he learns the truth, would YOU tell him there's a problem?

          • 2 weeks ago

            A Vault Dweller that was there to kill him would have less of a chance to help him fix the problem than his trusted lieutenant.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >The Master's position: "everyone should be forcibly made into mutants in order to guarantee the survival of sentient life/perhaps eventually cultivate a utopia in a post-apocalyptic hellscape."
      >The Enclave's position: "mutants are disgusting and we need to get rid of all of them."
      Even if both were destined to fail eventually if they actually "succeeded" - I'd still side with the Enclave any day.

      Super Mutants have GGC (giant green wieners) which means your opinions are worthless.

      There is no reason why someone hyper intelligent like Lou wouldnt discover a cure eventually.


      • 2 weeks ago

        >Super Mutants have GGC (giant green wieners)
        They, like, can't get hard
        They have FGW (flaccid green weenies)

        • 2 weeks ago

          A Super Mutant fricks the protagonist in Fallout 2.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Only if your Chosen One doesn't have enough strength and endurance.

        • 2 weeks ago

          They're infertile not impotent

    • 2 weeks ago

      There is no reason why someone hyper intelligent like Lou wouldnt discover a cure eventually.

      Mutants can't reproduce because the FEV virus changes their reproductive cells. Normally, these cells have half the usual number of chromosomes and can combine during reproduction, but since mutants have a full number of chromosomes, they can't do this to reproduce. A cure would have to involve reconfiguring their entire genomic structure, which I don't think can be made in one lifetime.

      >involve reconfiguring their entire genomic structure, which I don't think can be made in one lifetime
      Actually that can be done in matter of weeks. FEV is literally in-vivo genetic engineering, that is the whole point. If FEV can turn a human into a supermutant, it sure as frick could also change their reproductive capacity.

      This isn't really ever addressed by the game, and can be chalked up to the idea that not even Richard knows how to edit FEV itself, but it becomes more glarring in Fo2, where Enclave is explicitly said to know how change FEV to their needs. In theory, Enclave should absolutely have the means to make Supermutants fertile, and even reverse the mutations all together, but... narrative convenience ignores the implication.

      It's kinda like most fantasy games treat magic: they just ignore the full implications of their own established rules to make the story simpler to follow.
      But with FEV being fully understood and editable, basically anything should be possible.

      Did any of you even play FO2?
      There's dialogue from a supermutant npc that literally tells you that the FEV never caused infertility to begin with. It just, I quote, took "a while to get the juices flowing".
      The Master killed himself over a lie. Not that it matters, since he needed to be dealt with anyway.

      • 2 weeks ago

        you'rea a fricking moron who didn't play the games. let me guess, you read that bullshit from reddit?

        • 2 weeks ago

          You're the fricking moron, you homosexual.
          Now frick off.

      • 2 weeks ago

        The "juices" in question is the blood flowing to their oversized wiener. On top of having nonfunctioning sperm/egg cells they also probably need 5 hours of foreplay just to get a chubbie.

    • 2 weeks ago

      he should have experimented with different levels of exposure and not just dump people into a vat

      • 2 weeks ago


        >{178}{}{As the FEV causes constant regenerative update to DNA, it would effectively render the subject largely immortal, as cell death would be offset by augmented growth.}
        >{179}{}{Additionally, as the gametes of the reproductive system consist of 'half-cells' using split DNA, they could be perceived as 'damage' by FEV, which would 'repair' them, rendering the subject sterile.}
        >{180}{}{However, as my laboratory facilities are damaged beyond repair, this is conjectural. I cannot offer physical proof. You will have to, in human terms, 'take my word for it.'}
        how do you "fix" that?

  2. 2 weeks ago

    >The Master's position: "everyone should be forcibly made into mutants in order to guarantee the survival of sentient life/perhaps eventually cultivate a utopia in a post-apocalyptic hellscape."
    >The Enclave's position: "mutants are disgusting and we need to get rid of all of them."
    Even if both were destined to fail eventually if they actually "succeeded" - I'd still side with the Enclave any day.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >The Enclave's position: "mutants are disgusting and we need to get rid of all of them."

      It's funny how Bethesda is so lacking in creativity that this is now the Brotherhood's position, too.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Fallout 2 had shit writing
      Enclave shooting Vault dwellers makes no sense, using "pure" humans for FEV experiments even less.
      I'm fine with them wanting to wipe out most of the wasteland, but everything else they do is moronic moustache twirling villain shit.

      It's super fricking forced and even the fricking BoS in Toddout 4 was more impartial and morally grey.

      • 2 weeks ago

        the intro of fallout 2 did a lot of damage to the perception of the enclave. they made and cgi'd that shit long before they settled on the true purpose of the enclave. them opening up a vault and killing the dwellers inside was purely a shock value decision, decided for a 'cool intro' to the sequel, before they even really knew what the enclave was truly gonna be about. by the time they decided the enclave was about 'pure humans', it was too late and the intro was already done and dusted.
        the number 1 complaint i see about the enclave is them opening fire on a vault because of this moronation order of operations on their part. the intro is practically non-canon.

        • 2 weeks ago

          they went to the vault with the intention of taking people by force and experimenting on them. maybe they killed some to scare the rest into cooperating

          • 2 weeks ago

            this is what I always thought, even when I was 12 and barely knew english, how can people be so bad at understanding things nowadays?

            • 2 weeks ago

              The people here are deranged and desperate to argue about anything because they crave attention.

        • 2 weeks ago

          That's probably the case, but the Enclave characterization is still shit tier comic book villain tier.
          They don't even do things because of old outdated protocols or pure bureaucratic hell.
          No, they do it solely because "muh discrimination" it's so fricking condescending.
          It's Broken Hills tier writing.

      • 2 weeks ago

        The mutants from the first game were just as evil. It's funny how people pretend that game also had watertight writing when it was just as basic and black/white.

        • 2 weeks ago

          They were evil, but they had actual reasons to do what they did.
          Enclave has no fricking reason other than the writer wanting to say state that the USA is le racis

          to the enclave, everyone who wasnt them are mutants
          that's mostly likely why the first scene showed them shooting vault citizens but it's still nonsensical because they should know that vault dwellers are the most pristine specimens of humanity left over after the war

          But they never explain why that is, that's the issue.
          You're just supposed to go "USA Gov bad" which I agree with and not think about it, it's fricking awful, even worse yet, it's just a rethread of Vault City done 10 times worse and with way less complexity.

          All the late game stuff wss rushed to shit and it's telling, past Reno everything is like a parody of what came before.

      • 2 weeks ago

        to the enclave, everyone who wasnt them are mutants
        that's mostly likely why the first scene showed them shooting vault citizens but it's still nonsensical because they should know that vault dwellers are the most pristine specimens of humanity left over after the war

      • 2 weeks ago

        That intro isn't canon and even Black Isle devs said they had no idea why Interplay wanted them to add it. Needless to say the cutscene was for drama and sake of a cool intro

        • 2 weeks ago

          They did the same with the BG2 intro even though it made slightly more sense there.

          • 2 weeks ago

            The BG2 intro is perfectly fine though

            • 2 weeks ago

              It seemed like they were trying to go for shock value again to me. It felt jarring after playing the first game.

              • 2 weeks ago

                You didn't get any closure from BG1.
                Like Sarevok dies and then... roll credits. There wasn't even an ending conclusion. I was wondering what happened to the rest of my party, especially because none of them were in 2.

      • 2 weeks ago

        The most moronic element of the enclave and vaults in general is their plan to go to space. I put it on par with how dumb vault tec launching the nukes is in the show.

    • 2 weeks ago

      this. plot is as moronic as general joe biden deciding to kill all brown people in america right now, or forcibly breeding all white men with brown latinas to create the superrace
      the whole "THE WASTELAND NEEDS A SOLUTION" plot of fallout games is pure fricking moronic. it's the new society. it's been the society for 200 years. it's basically as old as when america was founded. wastelanders are America.
      I'm tired of these 'old america' plots in every single one of these games

      • 2 weeks ago

        >200 years
        its been less than 100 years since the bombs fell in 1, and humanity had mostly been in the vaults up until then. in 1, communities are all small and struggling very hard to survive

        IIRC you hand him evidence you found on a brotherhood terminal

        yeah but it still doesn't make much sense that the master, who is an absolute genius, didn't think about reproduction

        • 2 weeks ago

          it's still moronic. within one generation nobody is looking for a solution to the wasteland. it's the new reality.

  3. 2 weeks ago

    >creates a race of stupid, violent incels
    >Ganker thinks he's right


    • 2 weeks ago

      They aren't incels. They seize human pussy by force, destroying it with their massive green wieners and spreading the FEV virus through their semen.
      You sound like you support the Enclave, which is a very typical incel position.

      • 2 weeks ago

        A grand total of one super mutant potentially has sex with a human. Keep your troon fanfic to yourself.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Marcus also talks about fricking b***hes with his big green wiener. You sound like you have a small penis. The Enclave lost.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >Marcus also talks about fricking b***hes with his big green wiener. You sound like you have a small penis.
            That's your fanfiction, troony.
            >The Enclave lost.
            >Not agreeing with some troony's fanfiction means that you're an Enclavegay

            • 2 weeks ago

              >mention big green wieners
              >anon has a meltie
              Yep your dick is small b***h ahahahahah

              • 2 weeks ago

                >troon seething and projecting this hard

              • 2 weeks ago

                You are an incel and you support the Enclave

              • 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      Only Bethesda retconned them into being moronic. They were as intelligent as any other human

      • 2 weeks ago

        mutants from irradiated humans were moronic, but they weren't violent

      • 2 weeks ago

        You can meet several ultra moronic mutants in F1 and 2 stop the larp

      • 2 weeks ago

        Nearly all of the mutants in the first game are moronic. Did you even play it? Lou, the master, and the one mutant with the human girlfriend aren't but the rest of them are.

        • 2 weeks ago

          You can meet several ultra moronic mutants in F1 and 2 stop the larp

          mutants from irradiated humans were moronic, but they weren't violent

          Then why is Marcus and a bunch of Gen 1s like Mean sonuvab***h normal?

          • 2 weeks ago

            Why are Fawkes and Uncle Leo normal?

          • 2 weeks ago

            because they come from non-irradiated human, aka vault dwellers

          • 2 weeks ago

            The second game made many mutants far more intelligent and Marcus will go into more detail why when you ask him. It has to do with how irradiated humans are before you dip them. In general, they were really dumb in Fallout 1.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >using an example from New Vegas
            >not using examples actually from Fallout 1


          • 2 weeks ago

            The lieutenant is intelligent, while Harry is moronic.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >the one mutant with the human girlfriend

          • 2 weeks ago

            She said he was forcibly dipped but still retained his memories/intelligence after which made that mutie pretty unique compared to the others.

            • 2 weeks ago

              she's just saying that so she doesn't look like a total bawd. truth is she wanted big green wiener

              • 2 weeks ago

                I thought all mutants were basically like ken dolls?
                even females who get dipped in vat look exactly like a regular super mutant

              • 2 weeks ago

                west coast mutants have their genitals, they just cannot conceive.
                it's east coast mutants who I think lack genitals entirely

              • 2 weeks ago

                He was her love interest before he was forcibly dipped in FEV. Now he can't even have children.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >Nearly all of the mutants in the first game are moronic
          they're not. talk to the mutants at mariposa or the cathedral.
          most of them are smarter than Harry

          • 2 weeks ago

            I did. They're still stupid. Lou and the mutant with the girlfriend are the only two smart ones at mariposa. I already mentioned them.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Every Nightkin in 1 is an intelligent mutant and they make up the entire mutie population of the Cathedral

              • 2 weeks ago

                Aren't there only 3 of them? Like

                >Only Bethesda retconned them into being moronic. They were as intelligent as any other human
                An absolutely CORE component in Fo1's story is that only PRIME NORMAL people make for intelligent supermutants, the rest is completely moronic, it's why you are send after Master in the first place, you moron. Why do you talk about a game you clearly never played?

                said, mutants being dumb is a core component of the story. "Mutants were always smart" is really contrarian hill to die on.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >"Mutants were always smart" is really contrarian hill to die on.
                that's not what I am asserting. I am asserting that there are plenty of intelligent mutants in fallout 1 -- more than people remember. The dying Mutant you meet in the Hub's Deathclaw cave is intelligent, for example. Every Nightkin in the game is implicitly intelligent because Nightkin are hand-picked for their roles in the Master's Army.

                People also forget that the absolute dumbest Super Mutants you meet on the west coast are Enclave-made muties from when they excavated Mariposa between 1 and 2. Harry was stupid, but nothing like later dumb mutants in the franchise.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Every Nightkin in 1 is an intelligent mutant and they make up the entire mutie population of the Cathedral
                Yes, and they are the equivalent of Navy Seals or Pretorian guard for Master, the absolutely best of the best. Likely produced specifically from whatever prime normals the master could collect. Keep in mind, Fo1 takes place in time when first-generation Vault dwelers were quite common, so getting your hands on few hundreds of them isn't that hard, it's just a very limited resource that is hard to replentish.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >when first-generation Vault dwelers were quite common
                Absolutely not. Shady Sands and the Khans are from Vault 15 and not a single one is old enough to have actually come from the Vault. Even the Master himself barely qualified at the time he fell in the vat. Lou is so insistent about finding the location of 13 because the Unity is running dangerously low on quality candidates.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Vault 15 was gradually abandoned in several waves, first starting in 2097. Shandy Sands itself was only founded in 2142, indicating that it was a much later wave that formed the community. You get to visit it in 2161, by which time Master has been sending scouts all over the wasteland for decades.

                There are people in their 30's and 40's who were born in the Vault moving around the world. Even if we ignore the 50 years gap between first wave of Vault15 leaving and assume that SOMEHOW, Shandy Sands were formed by the very first refugee wave: anyone above the age of 63 in Shandy Sands, was born in the vault.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Only Bethesda retconned them into being moronic. They were as intelligent as any other human
        An absolutely CORE component in Fo1's story is that only PRIME NORMAL people make for intelligent supermutants, the rest is completely moronic, it's why you are send after Master in the first place, you moron. Why do you talk about a game you clearly never played?

        • 2 weeks ago

          and still the mutants blast limbs off of unarmed 'prime normals' in the game over sequence
          the only justified kill was the overseer in his frickturret

          • 2 weeks ago

            >and still the mutants blast limbs off of unarmed 'prime normals' in the game over sequence
            True. Again, Fo1 is actually kinda stupid. And that cutscene was designed for shock value visuals, not really too carefully considering the story.

      • 2 weeks ago

        homie you are moronic

        • 2 weeks ago

          It’s a popular belief spread by tourists because they heard it from YouTubers and haven’t actually played the older games. Don’t be too hard on them they’re not that bright

  4. 2 weeks ago

    he wasn't right. humanity had began evolving after the great war in ways that weren't apparent on the surface.

    • 2 weeks ago

      the master didnt know super mutants were sterile on top of being moronic and ugly displayed zero sexual dimorphism

      • 2 weeks ago

        how does this prove me wrong

        • 2 weeks ago

          k firstly i read your first sentence wrong and thought it said "was right", which is my fault
          secondly im not aware of any humans after the bombs fell (fallout 1 to now) displaying any advanced evolution

          • 2 weeks ago

            >secondly im not aware of any humans after the bombs fell (fallout 1 to now) displaying any advanced evolution
            I can think of debatably five humans.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >humanity had began evolving
      Californians, due to exposure to nuke-mutated, airborne FEV released after Mariposa got a direct hit. It's Lou's explanation for why Prime Normals are so important for intelligent mutants over wastelanders.

  5. 2 weeks ago

    honestly the speech check is moronic
    >your mutants are sterile
    >nuh huh
    >have you checked with your females?
    >huuuh oopsie better kill myself
    they could at least expand the conversation a little bit more

    • 2 weeks ago

      IIRC you hand him evidence you found on a brotherhood terminal

      • 2 weeks ago

        You can also just have him ask Lou who then tells the supposed psychic genius about it.

        >can read minds
        >can't read his number 2's mind until you ask for reasons

  6. 2 weeks ago

    I don't understand why people can't just reproduce normally as humans and THEN turn themselves into immortal green superhumans. It's not even like it's an age thing. Lily bowen was a fricking granny when she became a super mutant.

    • 2 weeks ago

      because it's cruel to the human cattle, the master truly believed supermutants could breed. keeping human pets around to breed more humans, only to then turn them into supermutants, is cruelty

    • 2 weeks ago

      That invalidates the Master's entire philosophy of mutants being "the next step in evolution." If they can't even breed, he'd have to admit that they still need humans because they're actually a parasite.

      • 2 weeks ago

        are you assuming super mutants are immortal? what happens when you run out of regular humans?

        No, what I mean is, how is the modified FEV not an absolute boon to the wasteland? The modified FEV can augment existing humans by making them bigger, stronger, immune to radiation and disease, and if not immortal, at least very long lived. First generation super mutants are still alive and kicking in new vegas, and by then it had been over a century since the unity. Most of them still seem pretty healthy, at least in body.

        What i'm asking is, why don't people just live normal lives until they hit like, 60-70 years old, then roll the dice on FEV? With enough research, the success rate could be increased drastically, and supermutant-hood could just become a normal next step in a person's life. Live as a human, have kids probably, get old, become a mutant, get superpowers and probably live for centuries. I see no downsides to the voluntary use of FEV at all.

        • 2 weeks ago

          The master believed that humans and their way of life/thinking was inherently flawed due to differences and biases so they should all be forced to evolve to the point that no humans/their flawed ideologies could persist. Your plan is just normal human society with the potential to live longer than normal which isn't what the master wanted at all.

    • 2 weeks ago

      are you assuming super mutants are immortal? what happens when you run out of regular humans?

  7. 2 weeks ago
  8. 2 weeks ago

    Master's plan was actually really stupid, and it gets more and more stupid the more you learn about it.

    The fact that this DOCTOR didn't double-check if his "master race" can actually reproduce is just an incredibly cheap and convenient excuse for the game to have a diplomatic solution to accommodate speech-focused characters. But when you actually read the whole Richard's diary, you'll discover that his plan was "more" than just replacing humanity with a new race better suited for the enviromnet: his goal was actually the Unity, a process of mind-meld of all remaining humans, which is the same dumb shit you'll see in Bioshock 2 or Deus Ex IW, and it was never fricking good. This cheap evangelion knock-off motivation just never was compelling.

    Fo1 is a fricking fantastic game, but god knows Master is entirely carried on his absolutely amazing voiceacting and good visuals. The actual writing in the game just... isn't that good. It's fitting for the game and I don't demand more, but it's worth acknowledging it for what it is: silly and cheezy as frick.

  9. 2 weeks ago

    >pic unrelated

  10. 2 weeks ago

    >turn everyone into mentally moronic green hulks who murder everything around them

  11. 2 weeks ago

    The CIS did nothing wrong.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Both factions are controlled by a cult and thrown into a war and insure complete domination
      How did Lucas get away with this?

  12. 2 weeks ago

    >forgets to add fertility to his "superhumans"
    For a man-machine "genius" hybrid he sure was fricking stupid

    • 2 weeks ago

      Almost like he's a mutated mentally unstable misguided tragic abomination or something.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >forgets to add fertility to his "superhumans"
      Richard seems to have incredibly limited understanding of FEV and how to adjust it. He is working with what he has. Not well either, because for some reason the FEV is "administred" by dipping people into a vat of green goo, instead of - you know, maybe having some kind of regulated dosage? Again: Richard is pretty stupid as a character, the game routinely forgets that his is a doctor of medicine.
      With that all said, the diary openly states that he simply does not have means to reprogram FEV itself, he only controls the conditions of exposition.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I mean he started his plan to turn the entire wasteland into mutants without first checking whether the FEV makes you randomly explode after 10 years or something

  13. 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago

      If they wanted to be really based they should have made "Hitler's Legion" instead of Caesar's Legion.

      • 2 weeks ago

        how would the story have been different if they did?

        • 2 weeks ago

          They'd have cool mustaches

  14. 2 weeks ago

    I'm a slvt for green wiener

    • 2 weeks ago

      we know, vault girl

    • 2 weeks ago

      im jerking off to you right now

  15. 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago

      I still listen to his speeches from time to time

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Dude, if we prove ourselves useful to the ayys who slaughtered us and only keep us alive until they get our teleportation tech, they'll totally help us ascend to a higher level of existence

  16. 2 weeks ago

    every time I try to play 1 I finish sandy -> first vault -> kill raiders -> finish all of junktown then I get to the hub talk to everyone just about and get the caravan job/hint for the glow vault/hint for brotherhood/hint for deathclaw then I quit

    should I just skip to 2 or is it worth pushing through after that? I've been spoiled already on the story for 1 so I know how it ends and where a chip is, but I know jack shit about 2 outside of the intro (I played the intro back in 2001)

    • 2 weeks ago

      For Fallout 1, try going roughly anticlockwise so that you go to the military base first. Use a guide and the wiki.
      For Fallout 2, getting and upgrading the car should be your first priority because of how much going back and forth you will be doing. Go to Klamath and make sure to get the rubber boots, a tool (pliers), and the fuel efficiency part. Go to Vault City to get a wrench, and give the tool and the wrench to the mechanic woman. Wait one day, then talk to her to get a toolbox. Go to Gecko and trade the toolbox for a car part. Go to the Den, buy the Highwayman car, and pay the mechanic to install the parts. Go to NCR and pay the man in a robe to install a blower, then wait 6 hours while he installs it. If you want, you can go to San Francisco and steal a good gun and its ammunition from a know-it-all on the tanker. Now you can finally play the game.
      Also use a save editor to give your character max stats at the start of the game, for both Fallout 1 and Fallout 2.

      • 2 weeks ago

        That is the worst advice I've seen anyone giving about any game ever, in all of my 17 years on this board. Congratulations.

        • 2 weeks ago

          you suck Black person. learn a very important human skill; if you have nothing important to say, don't "chip in" at all

          >Give strategies that worked for me and were fun
          >Seething with no argument

          • 2 weeks ago

            you need a reminder? you suck. frick off

            • 2 weeks ago

              >Get and upgrade the car first!

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Erm.. le car! get le car!
                >REEEEEEEEEEEEE you ignored me!

              • 2 weeks ago

                Most of the WORDS WORDS WORDS was just me talking about where to get the parts for the car.
                Was it me mentioning that I gave my characters max stats at the start of the game that caused your seething?

              • 2 weeks ago

                >get le maximum le statsimum :^) it's the only way you can beat the game
                >btw I am NOT a shitter, I do NOT suck at the game. you need le maximum stats!

              • 2 weeks ago

                I never said that you need max stats to beat the game. I just gave my characters max stats because going around punching bad guys and solving problems was more fun than broken combat, save-scumming, min-maxing, etc.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >i like zero replay value

      • 2 weeks ago

        you suck Black person. learn a very important human skill; if you have nothing important to say, don't "chip in" at all

      • 2 weeks ago

        Thanks for the reply anon, 2 seems more fun so I don't want to rush it but might give the 1 thing a try but I don't want to use a save editor or anything like that thats just giga cheating.

  17. 2 weeks ago
  18. 2 weeks ago

    Master wasn't right because Muties are filth.
    Enclave is right because you exterminate mutants, then kill anybody who steps out of line and restore order.

  19. 2 weeks ago

    I solved Master's "problem" even when I first played this game and was quite young.
    Raid Vaults.
    Capture normals.
    Keep them as breeding stock.
    Allow enough of a human population to continue.
    Take some humans and make Mutants.
    Mutants go out in the world and create society, unaware of breeding farm.

    • 2 weeks ago

      you're frickin stupid and learned nothing. read this and kys

    • 2 weeks ago

      As someone else mentioned, doing that would prove that super mutants were just parasites on humans.

  20. 2 weeks ago

    Why couldn't he just keep working on the fev until it just werked.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Evidently, FEV exposure makes you moronic

    • 2 weeks ago

      >{178}{}{As the FEV causes constant regenerative update to DNA, it would effectively render the subject largely immortal, as cell death would be offset by augmented growth.}
      >{179}{}{Additionally, as the gametes of the reproductive system consist of 'half-cells' using split DNA, they could be perceived as 'damage' by FEV, which would 'repair' them, rendering the subject sterile.}
      >{180}{}{However, as my laboratory facilities are damaged beyond repair, this is conjectural. I cannot offer physical proof. You will have to, in human terms, 'take my word for it.'}
      how do you "fix" that?

  21. 2 weeks ago

    grow up, they were right

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