>warframe player completes a world record 95 hour survival run. >devs ban him for no reason

>warframe player completes a world record 95 hour survival run
>devs ban him for no reason
>he asks for help on twitter from one of the lead devs and she blocks him
What the frick is their problem?

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  1. 5 months ago

    They don't like it when you are actually good at their shitty game.

  2. 5 months ago

    wait, someone got banned for doing that?

    Damn, this game fricking sucks.

    • 5 months ago

      He's been doing these type of runs since 2020 and they've given him suspensions for some of those with warnings of a ban if he kept it up, but he later appealed those suspensions and they apologized to him for inconvenience. Basically admitting they were wrong for suspending him those times.

      Thing is he's using a "trick" that a lot of players don't know but you can pause the game if you queue up in a mission as a solo player. It's something built in the game that if it were an exploit the devs would already know about it and have patched it out years ago. For some reason though they banned him this time despite those past suspensions being unjustified.

      • 5 months ago

        >pause game
        >money stolen

      • 5 months ago

        Also to add onto this as the guy pointed out in the video, DE has sponsored streams of players doing endurance survival runs. So they're doing the same exact thing he's doing but they don't punish those streamers.

        • 5 months ago

          >DE has sponsored streams of players doing endurance survival runs
          Did the sponsored stream (10 hours Kuva iirc) people pause the game to get 6-8 hours sleep? This could be the reason why, I think. I mean, the Pause is there, and DE doesn't say it, but use it to pause the game for 2-5 minutes only, not to get a good night sleep.
          Yes, it's DE fault for not communicating in a transparent fashion.

          • 5 months ago

            >i-it's not how it's intended
            might as well timeout players for pausing for too long

          • 5 months ago

            Still if DE themselves thought it was something unintended for the players to use they would've and should've removed it long ago.

      • 5 months ago

        >a lot of players don't know this but there's a secret trick called "pause"

        • 5 months ago

          You'd be surprised. Most players play in groups and know the game continues playing when you open the menu.

          • 5 months ago

            I have been playing the game solo exclusively for so long that I sometimes forget that it is not the default way to play the game.

      • 5 months ago

        What even makes this banworthy? Does pause buffering make some difficult-execution trick easier, or does it create unintended behavior similar to the pause trick in Mega Man 1?

        • 5 months ago

          It's because when he's able to just pause and go to sleep irl then wake up and resume the mission right where he paused at. That's why he was able to do a 95 hour run. No way did he stay awake for 95 straight hours.

        • 5 months ago

          The issue is the game's intrustive auto-ban script. If you get too many rewards from a mission, it assumes you cheated. You can force this false positive to trigger by playing a single mission a long number of hours and racking up a bunch of rewards. It happens faster if you're using the paid-for 2x drop/money/exp boosters, amusingly enough. As for why they did this, the game runs on a host-client model so it's entirely possible to frick with memory like in an offline game. They go the great and extremely anal lengths to counteract this, the topic of the thread being one result.

          • 5 months ago

            >do a mission that's designed to give you more rewards the longer you play it
            >get banned for playing it as intended
            Are the devs fricking moronic?

            • 5 months ago

              Well, yes, but. They probably never imagined people would want to stay in one mission more than 40-60 minutes back when it started out, so it didn't occur to them it would need to be accounted for. As for why they don't fix it? My best guess would be they're afraid either it'll break something in the spaghetti horribly, or that people would find a way to exploit it.

              • 5 months ago

                Problem with that logic is they made it to where the rewards get better the longer you stay in the run. So they definitely intended for you to stay in the mission longer. However I think there's a certain threshold where you'll just start getting repeated rewards, but that's not until like 6 hours in the mission.

          • 5 months ago

            >If you get too many rewards from a mission, it assumes you cheated.
            >It happens faster if you're using the paid-for 2x drop/money/exp boosters, amusingly enough.

            >be good at the game
            >money stolen
            glad i stopped playing that shit grindfest

        • 5 months ago

          you pause the game
          so you can sleep
          how fricking dumb are you that this had to be explained to you

  3. 5 months ago

    Like you needed any more reason to not play this shit game.

    So much wasted potential

  4. 5 months ago

    Why do people play this or support DE? Everytime I hear about a WF player talking about the game or developers it's never a "wow they added this really incredible update!", it's just always a list of new or continuing complaints

  5. 5 months ago

    Why do these homosexual troony “devs” (aka writers and artists) hate their player base?

    Might be a good thing, it’s about time we stop playing video games and move onto something else, maybe IRL farming

  6. 5 months ago

    Does warframe still have comfy defense wave 50 grind sessions with my mesa prime or is it a different game now.

    • 5 months ago

      How long did you even play the game? Anything remotely fun or made chores easy was always instantly nerfed or straight up removed.

  7. 5 months ago

    Yeah that shit sucks and they never changed it.
    This is a well known issue that's been going on for years. Some guy in wfg did a multi day survival run and got auto banned at the end of it. IIRC it's because when your account gets X amount of items in Y amount of time it triggers an auto ban so the account can be investigated.

    This is normally never an issue but when you do a multi day survival you get a metric frickton of rewards all at once as soon as the mission complete screen pops up. If you search the forums/google I bet you can find previous examples of these autobans happenings.

    • 5 months ago

      He's unique in the sense that he does these runs using minimum build requirements. Like doing them as a low MR with basic weapons. He's had players trade him good mods to put on those weapons which isn't against the rules, but DE gave him a trade ban for that before. It seems like they're really mad at him for showing players how they can do these runs as a low level player and get tons of valuable shit.

      • 5 months ago

        >and get tons of valuable shit
        >in survival
        Like what?

        • 5 months ago

          At least 20,000 ferrite, Anon. 20K! Those kinds of numbers would make buying basic resources for plat in the market seem like a waste!

          • 5 months ago

            Wow that must be worth at least 2 million argentinean pesos worth of platinum!

    • 5 months ago

      I can understand the autoban but the fact that they can't figure out he was just doing a multi day run shortly after seems stupid.

  8. 5 months ago

    It baffles me that some of you losers still play this junk. You'd think you would eventually get a clue. No helping addicts I guess.

  9. 5 months ago

    Just post more tittyframes if you're going to white some more about this; all those artists scattered like birdseed on the street.

    ...I just can't figure out, how a dev company can have such a close community, yet; be so far from what they like and don't like.

    • 5 months ago

      the devs got a massive fricking ego from youtubers jerking the game off back in 2015. Ironically this unanimous praise was what started the massive decline

      • 5 months ago

        It's necessary to look at what happened to that game, without the word "retrospective"; They are insanely successful among youth, but I think they only want youth and low-technical casual players playing. It explains some of the careful considerations they've taken going onwards; simplifying controls, and removing highly technical elements and glitches of the gameplay. It's been a while since I played, but I think they removed coptering and added in a "new" thing later.

        I also would not be surprised if they are still browsing here too. This makes the situation with them, even more confounding. That is all my individual consumer speculation, ofc.

  10. 5 months ago

    it's good that they banned him, it's for his own health

  11. 5 months ago

    Never forget what DE did to RevxDev

    • 5 months ago

      No clue who. Seached; and he's a streamer? Ok...

      >DE has sponsored streams of players doing endurance survival runs
      Did the sponsored stream (10 hours Kuva iirc) people pause the game to get 6-8 hours sleep? This could be the reason why, I think. I mean, the Pause is there, and DE doesn't say it, but use it to pause the game for 2-5 minutes only, not to get a good night sleep.
      Yes, it's DE fault for not communicating in a transparent fashion.

      Its an effect of your game having a virtual market with currency exchange. If it prints money in the game, you'll need to shut it down to save your profit. it's like having a cruise liner with a pencil-size hole in the bottom; you're inviting the water to rush in by not permabanning and shutting the leak.

      Problem is, these guys are forgetting what a videogame is good for.

      • 5 months ago

        The way DE lets you make acquire your own plat through the game without spending money is already pretty easy if you know what you're doing. Really the major setback is the limited amount of trades per day but I can still make at least 500 plat per week if I'm just running relics and getting lucky with the drops.

        • 5 months ago

          It's not so much something to do with how you can earn game items. I wanted to say that economy has nothing to do with it really; as economy is separate and neutral to ideology, social dynamics, and how a person decides. It's more how the real fight they have is against the veteran player and their expectations of what a F2P game is supposed to deliver.

          I think they might have never even considered that F2P is a game medium that existed before they went into it; despite being veteran devs, for SINGLEPLAYER games. Worse so, they learned from the contemporary deelopment studios. If they learned how to be like them; they only learned how to be like every other big F2P; a silent, critical, error.

          They know how to make good games. I can still say that. But a multiplayer game with a market, community, and potential to house 3rd spaces, is like a city or a town in itself; which requires governance to operate happily. The way they built it was beyond fantastic, and the governance probably shows how well it worked by the lack of actual critical dramatic failures, but there were a lot of people who were silently unhappy with the game, who just quit.

          People like me, though? All those guys that sent design docs and paragraphs of suggestions? I'm hoping they didn't see the whining posters on forums as noise; that's a second-rate novice mistake. I'm the tip of the silent damn iceberg; if I'm unseen, now there's a worse problem for them; that their audience is changing, and they can't see it, or react to it, til' it's over.

          • 5 months ago

            i aint reading allat, make it shorter homosexual

            • 5 months ago

              I need to go eat. Read this:

              1. It ain't the plat that they screwed up at; the prices were fine as long as there was GAMEPLAY. The GAMEPLAY and the game environment shifted slowly from a sudoku game, into dark souls; but you wanted sudoku 2.

              2. Past CB and at a certain point of OB; they went into cashgrab mode. Not from pay2win benefits or plat prices; because they had hype and, needed to just be themselves to deliver on it. They changed, in a hard-to-define way. The players are still out there but; are probably just watching, like the posters here.

              3. A good MMO is like a community; not a kindergarten to be overseen. Players came for the cool ninja game with the nice welcoming community, stayed, and it turned into a kndergarten as it went along. Then into a office workspace, which you grind in.

              4. I forget if only founders cound discuss future changes with the devs...they had a wild amount of fan input that, they just needed to give a place to roam and concentrate. They did not concetrate it or give it place, as long as I saw. The forums were a secret santa wishlist, when it could of been a place to, even, discuss how games are made. I say, some sort of social friction caused a problem here. You can talk, but people don't need to listen.

              It's probably too much again. I needed to get this out somewhere though; I pretty much dropped that game, out of a foerbodeing sense of friction and dread; despite going somewhat wild with suggesting things to the devs.

              In hindsight, I need to work on my presentation. I thought zamboni was kinda over-the-top tbh, but I find myself writing pretty long and drawn-out myself.

  12. 5 months ago

    How someone who speedruns warframe 20h every day looks like. And he has an asian "girlfriend" too

    • 5 months ago

      >girlfriend in quotations

  13. 5 months ago

    they did him a favor

  14. 5 months ago

    I remember when Mogamu, the most popular Warframe content creator back in the day suddenly quit and started shit talking the game out of nowhere. He felt like he was entitled to free shit from DE every day for being a content creator but there was also speculation that he tried to hit up Rebecca (lead dev) and she rejected him.

    • 5 months ago

      ...I can feel bad for DE by now. Bad, but; there's a hitch in there where if I paint it like they're in the right or wrong, I'd be screwing up the paradigm either way.

      Take this ragtag team of old devs betting it all on a final game, and they strike a good formula. The publishers and storefronts all welcome them, and their reception just...I can't even tell what's wrong now. They screwed some things up, but the market is a clusterfrick. Haven't played in two years, and the updates have made it run worse on my best system, than a modded copy of minecraft.

      If I wasn't so scattered and distanced from even my hobbies five-or-so years ago, i'd have tried to search out some sort of remote volunteer work with them; idea-guy or something; but shit. Best I can do now, is to just be.

      Oh yeah. Mogamu though.

      He did videos on frames, I think. Maybe mods. Was he that was because he was canadian or something? Was he canadian?

  15. 5 months ago

    >world record
    >pausing 6 to 8 hours a day
    get fricked moron

  16. 5 months ago

    >Slave to the grind
    >Gets banned

  17. 5 months ago

    every time with you morons.
    >okay but they should've explicitly stated the rules down to the tiniest detail, i literally dindu nuffin
    If you're going for a record or some kind of endurance run, you should already know what you shouldn't do to stay within the spirit of the challenge.

    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        >If you're going for a record or some kind of endurance run, you should already know what you shouldn't do to stay within the spirit of the challenge.
        It's his self-imposed challenge, not something DE told him what he can and can't do while doing the mission.

        >um, ackshually
        Shut the frick up, Black person.
        If he did a pause assisted 95 hour endurance run then he should call it a pause assisted 95 hour endurance run.

        • 5 months ago

          Quit being a moron. When you do a survival mission you don't HAVE to make it an endurance run. When you do an endurance run you don't HAVE to specify whether it's pause assisted or not. These aren't rules made up by DE.

        • 5 months ago

          >okay but they should've explicitly stated the challenge name to the tiniest detail, i literally dindu nuffin

    • 5 months ago

      >If you're going for a record or some kind of endurance run, you should already know what you shouldn't do to stay within the spirit of the challenge.
      It's his self-imposed challenge, not something DE told him what he can and can't do while doing the mission.

    • 5 months ago

      >every time with you morons.
      >>okay but they should've explicitly stated the rules down to the tiniest detail, i literally dindu nuffin
      >If you're going for a record or some kind of endurance run, you should already know what you shouldn't do to stay within the spirit of the challenge.

  18. 5 months ago

    What happened was he got a warning from a non-dev PR troony and then because he mainsplained his rightfully correct position for dindu nuffin and learn to code, the troony kvetched and got him banned for pettiness and not being a real woman

    troony was later fired so it all worked for him

    • 5 months ago

      ah yes I remember when multiple players got mass banned by 1 power tripping literal troony moderator just for typing "nezha is a male" or something like that

      • 5 months ago

        It's "nezha is a trap" referencing how the warframe Nezha is a male but displays a feminine personality. They really took offense to this after TotalBiscuit (burning in hell) notoriously got pissed off at a guy in a crowd during a panel asked him if traps were gay. TotalBiscuit and DE had a relationship within the industry as he basically helped put Warframe on the map.

        • 5 months ago

          What was Biscuit's problem with that question?

          • 5 months ago

            He thought the question was transphobic and b***hed about it on twitter and had the dude kicked out of the event. People were pointing out to him that traps and trannies weren't the same thing but he wouldn't listen. He was just a fat moron that didn't get the joke.

        • 5 months ago

          What was Biscuit's problem with that question?

          It wasn't Totalbiscuit. It was Jesse Cox. Totalbiscuit came out in support of him when he made a shitfit.

          • 5 months ago

            >it wasn't totalbiscuit
            It literally was

            Jesse just sat there dumbfounded and didn't say anything

            • 5 months ago

              Also people have pointed out how Jesse made trap jokes before this so it wouldn't make sense for him to suddenly be offended

            • 5 months ago

              >Jesse Cox
              These filthy looking fat ass neckbeard gaming "personalities" really irk the shit out of me, woke or not

              • 5 months ago

                Good thing TotalBiscuit died of cancer LMAO. Painfully ironic considering he told someone on twitter "get cancer and die" before.

  19. 5 months ago

    Imagine trying to Bootlick DE of all fricking Devs when this has been a common thing with them for years.
    Zamboni was right

    • 5 months ago

      Quit the game

      • 5 months ago

        I've been done with the game for a long ass time moron the point still stands

  20. 5 months ago

    i dont know what happened but i dont like canada or canadians

  21. 5 months ago

    This shit has been happening for a very long time. One of the devs banned a lad for jokingly saying Limbo has the big gay. Their chat used to issue an autoban for saying the word trap. They had draconian nepotism hire trannies as moderators. They have a literal troon ingame in fortuna. They have severed partnership with youtubers over political disagreements.
    These kanucks are awful people and you can't trust them not to frick you over.

    • 5 months ago

      Was hanging out in region chat on PS5 earlier and a dude was literally typing "AOC should be lowered" over and over again in the chat and not getting kicked.

      • 5 months ago

        They're leftists, they're all pedophiles.

    • 5 months ago

      do you remember the time when DE was independent, then decided to be purchased by a fricking poultry company, which then, in a very non-sus way, got instantly purchased by tencent lmao

  22. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Good thing TotalBiscuit died of cancer LMAO. Painfully ironic considering he told someone on twitter "get cancer and die" before.

      >died from ass cancer

    • 5 months ago

      Good thing TotalBiscuit died of cancer LMAO. Painfully ironic considering he told someone on twitter "get cancer and die" before.

      >died from ass cancer

      how are you guys still mad at a youtuber who’s been dead for over 5 years now?
      I swear anons are always the most sensitive homosexuals who hold onto the littlest grudges for all eternity.

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