Was the retcon justified?

Was the retcon justified?

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Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 7 months ago

    Special trAsh deserves to get rectonned.

  2. 7 months ago

    not at all, it shows their spite in fact
    doesn't matter to me as I quit watching and never returned the moment they jobbed and cucked him

    those homosexual animators can seethe all they want about that fact

  3. 7 months ago

    Yes since all they did with the Bond Phenonemona was use it as an excuse to give Ash a Mega without giving him or Greninja a Mega.

  4. 7 months ago

    Yes. Frick XYgays

  5. 7 months ago

    >Charizard and masuda are still so assblasted by naruto fog popularity that they demanded a retcon
    Lmao what a fricking manchild

  6. 7 months ago

    The fact that it was just Bonnie's imagination now is hilarous

    • 7 months ago

      I dont watch the anime when did they say this

      • 7 months ago

        they didn’t because it’s not possible

    • 7 months ago

      That is literally impossible

  7. 7 months ago

    Yes, Ash-Greninja is a fricking abomination and the bond factor was moronic fan fic garbage

  8. 7 months ago

    The whole point of XY was Megas, and Bond Phenomenon was meant to stand up to Megas, so without it it's just awkward.

  9. 7 months ago

    Further proof of Protect Alain Protocol
    Greninja won the poll for most popular pokemon twice yet Anipoke got rid of him by writing pointless issue with dark vine that they has no intention of resolving all to avoid any rematch where their precious Alain has to lose to Ash.

    • 7 months ago

      >Protect Alain Protocol
      What protocol?

      • 7 months ago

        Don't bother. It's a Schizo still seething over Alain after 7 years

        • 7 months ago

          Yup. Famon is still ass-blasted that Ash lost in XY and won’t move on. Ash-Greninja was dropped because it was not needed anymore since they were allowed to give Ash a real mega. The anime prior to PM were autistic about Ash only having Pikachu+new Gen mons. This is why he didn’t get Lucario or one of Zard’s forms in XY. They were old Pokémon and therefore Ash couldn’t have them. PM dropped that restriction.

          • 7 months ago

            >it was not needed anymore since they were allowed to give Ash a real mega.
            They made an entire episode on Lucario being dabbed by Greninja just to show Lucario to be inferior to Greninja. If they wanted to show that Ash does not need Greninja because he has actual Mega Pokemon than the first thing they would have done was making Alain & Mega Charizard X lose to Ash's Mega Lucario.

            Now that Mega Lucario beaten Cynthia's Garchomp so if it ever fight Alain's Mega Charizard X than Lucario has to oneshot Mega Charizard X same way as Leon's Charizard to maintain Cynthia's dignity

            >Cynthia did not Mega Garchomp
            Does not matter since Leon's Charizard oneshot Alain's Mega Charizard X without any gimmick so if Cynthia needs to use gimmick against Alain then it will make her look inferior to Leon.

            >Mega Lucario jobbed to Leon's Dragapult
            Lucario was hanicapped because none of its Fighting type move can damage a Ghost type and some reason Leon got lucky when Lucario got paralyze by an indirect Thunderbolt.
            I guess the main reason we did not got Ash's Lucario vs Leon's Cinderace because writers wanted his Lucario to lose a handicapped match to maintain Cynthia's dignity.

            • 7 months ago

              >Famon, most of this shit has
              Everything to do with Alain, he is the only one who got benefited by all these dumb decision.

              >Conspiracy moronation

            • 7 months ago

              >Does not matter since Leon's Charizard oneshot Alain's Mega Charizard X without any gimmick so if Cynthia needs to use gimmick against Alain then it will make her look inferior to Leon.
              anime Cynthia is stronger than Leon because she has 2 gimmicks vs his 1 - thats how she is stronger, not pound-for-pound
              2 gimmick Cynthia > Leon > 1 gimmick Cynthia > 0 gimmick Leon

              Also Alains MC-X did even worse vs Leon than Flints Infernape. And Flint was already defeated by base Garchomp years ago in DP.
              So we already know via simple powerscaling that base Chomp > Alains MC-X

              That said, you will never see Ashnime or these versions of characters again anyway

              • 7 months ago

                The Cynthiatards are willing to lie until the end of time in the name of their imaginary sack of semen.

              • 7 months ago

                Copecession accepted

            • 7 months ago

              >Famon, most of this shit has
              Everything to do with Alain, he is the only one who got benefited by all these dumb decision.

              If Misty and Brock being regular on PM2019 made the series a hit then the TPC Executive will make the PM formula permanent which means they can not replace Ash anymore and if he stays than they might get forced to make Alain lose to him. Not only that, they have to kick somebody out of M08 for Ash to battle new people on title defence match on PWC and since 7 of them are champion so the only person they can kick out of M08 is Alain.

              They purposely wasted all the potential of PM2019 and made it suck to Protect Alain.

              The amount of schizogayging and coping on headcanons just to shove an Hateboner for Alain 7 years later is pretty fricking sad.

              Can anyone explain this autistic denial to me? Why is gaymon a raging wannabe weeb?

      • 7 months ago

        Array of bad decision from XY&Z to PM2019 in order to make sure Alain does not lose to anybody except the undefeated Leon.

        • 7 months ago

          Sounds like a massive schizo cope. Take this pity (You)

          • 7 months ago

            >Refuse to let Ash use his reserve in his BIGGEST tournament
            >Make him have rematch with only trainers that he already defeated in the past so there was nothing new when he beats them again. All because if he had rematch with past trainer that he have not defeated than Alain's name would be top of the list.
            >Makes his battle with Leon on Master Eight as controversial as possible so it can not be use as a proxy against Alain
            >Instead of showing that Ash no longer need Greninja because he has stronger episode, they made an entire episode to show how strong Greninja is which Ash can not use because it has to clean Alain's mess,
            >Replace Ash with a doormat and generic boy just to make sure they does not get force to make Alain lose to Ash in the future.
            >Refuse to let Brock and Misty visit Ash on Sakuragi Lad because if PM2019 formula become a hit than they won't able to replace Ash and somebody has to make Alain lose to Ash
            >Very same reason they kept Bede and Marnie away from the main role.
            Protect Alain Protocol exist and its the real reason current anime going downhill.

            • 7 months ago

              All of this sounds like conspiracy homosexualry. Here's my last (You) for this schizopasta

            • 7 months ago

              Famon, most of this shit has zero to do with Alain. You are blaming Alain because OLM didn’t give you your fanfic.

              • 7 months ago

                >Famon, most of this shit has
                Everything to do with Alain, he is the only one who got benefited by all these dumb decision.

              • 7 months ago

                What does Brock and Misty not appearing in Journeys somehow helps Alain? You are an idiot, grow the frick up.

              • 7 months ago

                If Misty and Brock being regular on PM2019 made the series a hit then the TPC Executive will make the PM formula permanent which means they can not replace Ash anymore and if he stays than they might get forced to make Alain lose to him. Not only that, they have to kick somebody out of M08 for Ash to battle new people on title defence match on PWC and since 7 of them are champion so the only person they can kick out of M08 is Alain.

                They purposely wasted all the potential of PM2019 and made it suck to Protect Alain.

              • 7 months ago

                Imagine being this autistic. TPC cares about shilling games and toys to children. They don’t give a shit about Alain. Stop projecting your autism on actual business people.

                Protect Alain lol. Like your average Japanese TPC salaryman gives a shit.

    • 7 months ago

      >Further proof of Protect Alain Protocol
      More like protect CHARIZARD protocol

  10. 7 months ago

    It's utterly unjustified since it's confirmed that Ash Greninja is still in the game. I guess after Battle Bond was reworked for SV they didn't know if the form was still feasible and removed it just to be sure. i.e. Greninja still has battle bond but is unable to take the form. the backlash to this removal being the catalyst for preserving the form for post-SV release. Just gonna pretend the retcon didn't happen.

  11. 7 months ago

    They really hated him so much, huh?

  12. 7 months ago

    Yes. They got rid of Ash-Greninja because they literally got rid of Ash. Having a Pokemon associated with a single trainer you're retiring just creates marketing hell going forward, so phasing it out made a lot of sense people don't seem to be understanding. Genericizing it to Battle Bond Greninja (instead of deleting it entirely) where the Ash element is stripped away demonstrated exactly what their goal was in retconning it.

    • 7 months ago

      Also the fact that Ash Greninja is only available in a demo is crazy.

    • 7 months ago

      Why is Pikachu in a cap still in SV as is?

      • 7 months ago

        Cap Pikachu doesn't have a functionality or in-game naming tied to Ash. Battle Bond Greninja directly says it transforms into Ash-Greninja in Gens 7 and 8, changed in Gen 9. The Cap Pikachu variations are just called Original Cap, Hoenn Cap, Sinnoh Cap, etc.

        • 7 months ago

          Then just change its name lol

          • 7 months ago

            They did, where mentioned.

  13. 7 months ago

    The old greBlack person seethe was running out and we were needing a new dose of it so yes

  14. 7 months ago

    Absolutely. It was moronic fanfiction tier trash.

  15. 7 months ago

    NOOOOO It's good because I haet da frog!!! Sun and Moon is so much better with it's epic ftw meme faces and completely lack of plot

  16. 7 months ago

    XY was a mistake. They put fanservice in a very crude way that made people hysterical and stupid. It was a very toxic time. Now they want to remove any traits of that series.

    • 7 months ago

      >XY was a mistake
      Based Journeys correcting the mistake
      especially Amour

      • 7 months ago

        >Using lowres pics
        If you're gonna start shitty serieswars which are redundant and already over for months, alteast update your fricking pictures.

      • 7 months ago

        >Using lowres pics
        If you're gonna start shitty serieswars which are redundant and already over for months, alteast update your fricking pictures.

    • 7 months ago

      It was. It brought in a lot of unsavory people to an already autistic fanbase.

      • 7 months ago

        XY is infamous for having too much self-insertion and very basic generic shonen tropes. For that reason there is the rare situation that XY fandom is very isolated from the rest of anipoke.

  17. 7 months ago

    I just don’t get it
    This isn’t some animation error, it’s deliberate
    Why delete such a successful character? Was it revenge against the hostile Ash fans?

    • 7 months ago

      It's likely Gamefreak had already decided to retcon the way Battle Bond works by the time that episode started production.

      Since Battle Bond now only boosts stats but doesn't cause a transformation, it wouldn't make sense for Ash-Greninja to still exist

      • 7 months ago

        The whole point is they removed mega evolution and asspull was their concession to TPC's demand for a Mega Greninja (they weren't re-writing their lore to give it one and weren't adding two more for the other starters, thus did a form change gimmick and excused it with the ability). When they dropped mega evolution, they dropped the form change, working it into a stat boost instead. Thus the TV show had to drop the form change as it wasn't one the "official" mega evolution pokémon.

  18. 7 months ago

    >Was the retcon justified?
    Yeah stupid fricking donut steel oc frog should have never existed

  19. 7 months ago

    >remove gimmick
    >remove the form based off the gimmick TPC had tried to foist on them
    Yes. the fact you morons fail to see how this proves Game Freak's independence from TPC's desires is telling. If Game Freak did what TPC said we'd have had Mega Greninja, not an easily-disposable form, because they knew they were dropping the gimmick for something new.

  20. 7 months ago

    Jobber deserved that retcon

  21. 7 months ago

    yes, and it makes base greninja even cooler for fighting charizard who completely outclassed it for as long as it did

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