Weapon degradation is a dog shit mechanic and there's no justifying how retarded it is

Weapon degradation is a dog shit mechanic and there's no justifying how moronic it is

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    the only game it was done decently was dark souls and even then it was fricking dumb since when you upgrade you grt your weapon fixed

    • 2 years ago

      stfu frombaby it's shit in dark souls too

      • 2 years ago

        will zoomers ever learn to read

    • 2 years ago

      The only reason it "worked" in that game is because it basically never got in the way and could pretty much be ignored. They degrade so slowly, as you said they are fixed when you upgrade your weapon, and it's dirt cheap to repair stuff anyway. In Dark Souls 3 you never had to repair stuff, since it repairs automatically for free when you rest at a bonfire.

      • 2 years ago

        >In Dark Souls 3 you never had to repair stuff, since it repairs automatically for free when you rest at a bonfire.
        wow i tought they just removed that shit completely

        • 2 years ago

          Katanas have terrible durability so in some rare cases you could get your equipement broken.

      • 2 years ago

        One YouTube DS1 player went around constantly hitting every wall with his sword multiple times to check for illusionary walls, and smashing boxes and barrels whenever he came to them. It was amazingly annoying. He never repaired his sword, in the middle of the Gaping Dragon fight he got a "weapon at risk" warning - which completely flummoxed him - and then the Dragon puked. An actual "Weapon broken" notice, and he died.

        It was quite satisfying.

    • 2 years ago

      Durability sucked in ds2 though because it was tied to framerate cause lol
      It was bad enough 2 weapons would break before you even got to the next bonfire

      • 2 years ago

        It's called repair powder. DS2 was the only one where it was actually needed.
        Try using the tools provided next time.

      • 2 years ago

        It was only game where acid surge actually did anything. I remember in pvp people used it to break rings. Honestly dark souls 2 had best pvp. No panic rolling to save your from danger.

        • 2 years ago

          A real shame then that soul memory separated all the player pools to ridiculous degrees.

      • 2 years ago

        DS2 was the only game where degradation/repair mechanic is important.

        • 2 years ago

          Not really. There was repair powder in the first shops that costs pitiful Souls.

          • 2 years ago

            You only get infinite repair powders when you reach the castle for like 2500 souls each, they're pretty scarce before that.

      • 2 years ago

        I know they fixed it but jesus christ why do nips have to tie so fricking much to framerate?

    • 2 years ago

      >the only game it was done decently was dark souls
      You mean original demons souls. Scraping spear was the best mechanic ever.

    • 2 years ago

      Dark Souls is the only game to do anything right. Every other game on the planet tries to copy Dark Souls and fails miserably.

    • 2 years ago

      >the only game it was done decently was dark souls

      • 2 years ago

        dont bother anon
        soulsgays are insane

    • 2 years ago

      What is the point of weapon degradation in DS2? It's been a couple of times in which I reached the boss door only to realize my mace is going to break in the next 15 hits or so.

    • 2 years ago

      You have to go like 30 bonfire rests in a row without upkeeping your weapons before they even come close to breaking. Its only relevant with crystal weapons. Perfect example of devs throwing shit in for the sake of it with 0 thought

  2. 2 years ago

    I don't really mind it if it's easy and cheap to repair your weapons and they degrade at a slow pace.

    • 2 years ago

      Hard disagree. It should either be meaningful and a mechanic actually designed or not in at all (preferably this). The half assed "Just click repair every 30min" style is just the dev saying they dont respect your time

  3. 2 years ago

    It's always just swords and shields, are there any games with guns degradation?

    • 2 years ago

      Fallout 3 and New Vegas.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Guns in Synthetik like to jam when they get too hot.

    • 2 years ago

      Into the Radius has you autistically maintaining your guns and magazines with cleaning rods, spray, and brushes

      If you don't take care of them they'll jam on you

      • 2 years ago

        Just chuck them in the repair box in the train car after every excursion, you already have to do it for your gas mask, armor, magazines, suppressors, and knives, so why not also do it for your guns and save yourself the time of running cloth patches down the barrel?

    • 2 years ago

      Far Cry

    • 2 years ago

      STALKER and I think the new Metro had it too

    • 2 years ago

      System Shock 2

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        You could go whole game without cleaning your gun and it will not impact your gameplay.

        • 2 years ago

          Unless you play online, which you need to waste dollars to clean it 2-3 times a day.

    • 2 years ago

      This made me kek so hard omg. The desperation when his gun gets jammed.

    • 2 years ago

      system shock 2 has it and it's not fun

    • 2 years ago

      guns + ammo degradation once you pull it out of the cardboard packaging it's great

    • 2 years ago

      Stalker Anomaly lets you engage in maintenance autism that only the MISERY mod could match. Item repair takes into account a percentage value, at 90% you can use a cheap gun oil + cloth. The more damaged the gun the more expensive it becomes to repair with said items requiring a higher tier per level of wear. At 50% you are practically required to either swap out parts or just scrap the gun entirely. The parts themselves require additional tools like industrial grease, files and barrel plungers to fix them up before usage. And said work can't be done unless you have the specific toolkit like a handgun, shotgun, smallbore, largebore rifle to be used at a workbench. Provided that said workbench has access to all of the toolkits to even get this shit done. Its a alot of fricking around if you have the patience for it.

    • 2 years ago

      Scum there is a minigame you have to do anytime your gun jams. From a context menu from 1 - 4 you have to figure out whether its a double feed, stove pipe, misfire etc. The game takes into account ammo and weapon condition before it decides whether you get a jam. Even a gun at 100% can get a jam if the ammo is less than 50%. Its also one of the few games where using a bolt action rifle the animation slows down and can even stall to crawl to account for the shit tier ammo.

      All of this becomes an issue when you start getting sweaty in PvP and your gun jams midfight.

    • 2 years ago

      Fallout 76

    • 2 years ago

      I'm actually real tired of gun trash. Fricking americans.

      • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      TF2 - Random Crits are the result of poorly maintained weapons finally working well

      • 2 years ago

        that'd be neat if it was something they actually put in the story

    • 2 years ago

      System Shock 2 is the only one I know it's been done really well in.
      Shadow of Chernobyl's was decent.

      Actually yeah, FC2 was nice too.

    • 2 years ago

      Zelda games are not fricking RPGs, stop hoarding and get help

      Far Cry 2
      basically everything broke after a while, your weapons, your car, health

    • 2 years ago

      Prey 2017

  4. 2 years ago

    I always hate this shit.
    >playing dead island
    >craft a super powerful electric katana
    >never use it because durability
    >just keep throwing kitchen knives instead

    • 2 years ago

      That game was fun
      >get knife that has a chance to insta-kill on hit
      >throw it into the final boss' face
      >fight is over in one hit
      I didn't think it would work

    • 2 years ago

      Stop getting emotionally attached to weapons.

  5. 2 years ago

    it kinda works in old fire emblems because you get like, 45 uses out of an iron sword so it becomes a resource to manage rather than an annoyance

    • 2 years ago

      While true, it doesn't give you any attachment to the weapons. So you don't get excited to find an iron sword or a silver sword or a whatever sword. It is just like finding a potion in other games.

      Same problem Zelda BOTW has in my opinion. Some people defend to the death that mechanic saying it makes it more challenging. When in reality it doesn't it just makes it so you use garbage weapons. Opening chests isn't nearly as exciting since I could give a shit about getting an item that will last 5 uses before it goes poof.

      • 2 years ago

        >While true, it doesn't give you any attachment to the weapons.
        Pleb opinion.

    • 2 years ago

      It was pretty moronic when you had to find copies of your super special relic weapon in order to use it more...why are there a bunch of these?

  6. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      there's always that one autist that tries to make a comic strip "more efficient"
      hahahaha ohhhhh man, never change Ganker

    • 2 years ago

      The pacing was perfectly fine in the original, autismo.

      • 2 years ago

        Frick off Flandrew

    • 2 years ago

      Infinitely better

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        This one just looks like the bird broke out of whatever it was Link was holding. Awful.

    • 2 years ago

      Doesn't show the bird landing on the sword, so it could also easily imply the bird swoop attacking it. It doesn't establish that something like a small bird landing on the sword can cause it to break. Shit edit.

      • 2 years ago

        Even if that tiny ass bird can swoop attack and break your sword into a million pieces instead of just landing on it, it highlights a problem with the sword ie. durability. Low IQ moron.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      >brain rot by Ganker

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      The gentleman’s choice, I wouldn’t expect a low IQ board like Ganker to appreciate it. I respect you.

    • 2 years ago

      these edits are almost always worse than the original.

  7. 2 years ago

    It's alright when you can repare it, when it's botw it's indeed a terrible idea and hopefully the next game won't do it

  8. 2 years ago

    The ONLY games to ever do weapon degradation correctly is Monster Hunter and Way of the Samurai 3's Heat mechanic.

    • 2 years ago

      >Monster Hunter
      Ah yes I do love having to stop for a full 5 seconds to sharpen my hammer while the monsters flails 10 meters from me every 40 seconds. Top tier game design and definitely not an annoyance that should have been removed 4 games ago.

      • 2 years ago

        You're a low skill moron. have a nice day, for real.

      • 2 years ago

        >Speed Sharpening
        >Razor Sharp
        >Protective Polish
        >Master's Touch
        There are many useful skills to manage stamina. Alternatively, use a weapon that has a large amount of a good color at the cost of raw or affinity or whatever, it's a trade-off.
        That's not even getting into the more specialized stuff like
        >Mind's Eye
        Weapon doesn't bounce, even at lower sharpness
        Bonus damage multiplier at yellow and green sharpness
        >Bladescale Hone
        Dodge with good timing to get a hefty chunk of sharpness back for free
        >Grinder (S)
        Significant damage multiplier for simply sharpening at the right time

        • 2 years ago

          Holy shit what a mistake. Meant "sharpness" if that wasn't obvious.

        • 2 years ago

          >manage stamina

          Bro, that's the whole point. I don't want to manage shit when I'm playing a game. Go get a job if you want to manage shit.

        • 2 years ago

          >uses hunting horn with sharpness extension, sharpness regeneration and reduce sharpness loss on it
          yeah, frick ever having to sharpen again

  9. 2 years ago

    If you had problem with weapon management in botw you are an absolute moron

    • 2 years ago


      Durability sucked in ds2 though because it was tied to framerate cause lol
      It was bad enough 2 weapons would break before you even got to the next bonfire

      Literally the only game in the series that did it right. In DS2 it was a good idea to have different weapons for different situations or even just have some backup weapons. In every other Souls game it's a completely pointless mechanic that has no impact on the gameplay.
      Tying it to the framerate did suck though.

  10. 2 years ago

    i accept it as a game mechanic, but it is annoying bullshit that breaks my immersion most of the time

  11. 2 years ago

    The only people that don't like weapon degradation are autistic hoarders that can't let go and don't want to experiment, the kind of people that keep their most powerful consumable until the very end of the game "just in case", using the same basic shit you can buy in shops the whole game, and don't even use them for the final boss.

    • 2 years ago

      Weapon degradation literally tricks you into hoarding your shit for the end because you don't want to waste it sooner. Are there limit the amount of rare weapons or have consistent scaling so things just get shittier as the game progressions

      • 2 years ago

        >no weapon degradation
        >use any weapon you want at any time

        >weapon degradation
        >i better save this weapon for when i need it
        >this one too
        >and this one
        >and this

        Case in point. Just unclench your ass for a second and just enjoy the game instead of autistically trying to minmax your shit, sheesh. It's not like Zelda is a hard game.

        • 2 years ago

          It doesn't bother me because I played the CEMU version of BOTW and turned that shit off. Much better experience

          • 2 years ago

            me too, my friend, me too
            if only 3.0 linkle is coming out as well soon. they are very close to finishing that project

          • 2 years ago

            Imagine being such a manchild b***h you need to cheat in a Zelda game.

          • 2 years ago

            >being filtered this much by BotW you need to cheat
            lmao just go back to kiddy shit like WW or TP, that should be more your speed.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah, I generally just used shit as I came across it, either throwing at it when it was one hit from breaking or saving it to be thrown later, then swapping to my next one.
          Then I usually had my two best weapons hoarded for "oh shit I need the big guns ASAP" situations.

      • 2 years ago

        >literally tricks you into hoarding your shit
        Why is this board so bad at games. They mostly play casuals shit like this anyway, how is that even possible.

    • 2 years ago

      >no weapon degradation
      >use any weapon you want at any time

      >weapon degradation
      >i better save this weapon for when i need it
      >this one too
      >and this one
      >and this

    • 2 years ago

      >don't want to experiment
      ah yes, "weapon degradation forces you to experiment" argument. Which is fricking bullshit in a game that has three weapon classes that function identically across each class.
      Let me just "experiment" by using a shittier sword than the one I was using because the old one is about to break

      • 2 years ago

        Greatswords/axes/club, broad swords, spears/lances don't function identically. Greatswords are slow, durable, take away your shield, and are best used in a flurry rush, broad swords are like the jack of all trades master of none, allow usage of shield and do decent damage, spears are quick, low damage, and best used in narrow places and on fast enemies in general. also greatswords/axes/clubs always do critical damage when riding on a horse at max speed as well as lances/spears.

        • 2 years ago

          All weapon types stunlock enemies by mashing attack. They're basically functionally the same

    • 2 years ago

      so normal ppl, who in the real world, arent in crippling debt, because they spend their cash on anything and everything they glance at.

  12. 2 years ago

    can't speak for soulshit but in botw its supposed to force you to use rune abilities/items/environment instead

    • 2 years ago

      maybe design the game so people want to use them instead of forcing them with a shitty weapon durability mechanic

  13. 2 years ago

    Weapon degradation is a great game mechanic and adds to the complexity of the game.
    It creates conflict and provokes interest in the player to be a blacksmith himself or to be in good relations with blacksmiths for cheap repairs, it creates the need to go back to town for repairs or to carry more than one weapon and to make compromise between carried weight and what will your character need on the quest.

    Its not something simpletons that are addicted to cheap fast dopamine rushes could understand.

  14. 2 years ago

    It could be done well, like if your weapon is only damaged by hitting shields or the environment, and you're incentivized to fight smart instead of spamming attack until thing is dead. Also add repair kits to find in the world

  15. 2 years ago

    Why? Seriously why? The only justification given is
    >you never want to use your weapons
    Which never happened to me. Or,
    >You get rewarded with weapons that will just break
    Okay then that's a problem with the game's reward system not the degredation system.

  16. 2 years ago

    It’s a good thing for me specifically because I’m too autistic to use a variety of weapons.
    Weapon durability forces me to not be a sperg and actually experiment with different weapons.

  17. 2 years ago

    Weapon degradation is literally a staple in most FE games and there's no issue with it whatsoever.

  18. 2 years ago

    I love that BotW exposed people for the whiny collector/hoarders they are.

  19. 2 years ago

    that's why Nioh got rid of it, thanks to the community.
    even From, after using it for so long, finally opened their eyes and completely removed that shit in Elden ring.
    i hope BotW2 won't bring that mechanic back.

  20. 2 years ago

    Agreed, it's pointless dogshit, at least in every game I've played.

  21. 2 years ago

    I don't really get the point of weapon degradation in BOTW because every regular enemy drops a same-tier weapon, so if you can kill one out of the group it doesn't really matter (unless you somehow enjoy Master Mode's bloated hp pools).

    I guess it would make sense in a survival game where the whole point was managing limited resources, but it's just sort of pointless.

  22. 2 years ago

    Now armor degradation, that’s pretty good. Especially when it’s a cute girl and it methodically become more and more revealing as she takes damage

  23. 2 years ago

    I like weapon degradation in Fallout 3 because it forces you to either be varied in your use of weapons or to put points into Repair. There’s something satisfying about picking up a gun that’s falling apart, and then upgrading it to be pristine.

  24. 2 years ago

    Well it wouldn’t be so shit if you could actually fricking repair the weapons

  25. 2 years ago

    How do you feel about ammo?

    • 2 years ago

      if it doesn't break your gun in the process.

  26. 2 years ago

    Weapon degradation is a great mechanic for BotW, and changing the formula would completely change the core design of how BotW is meant to be played.
    >If weapons had no durability, then every player would immediately speedrun to the closest Lynel after beating the Great Plateau, grab the Lynel Sword, and then never use another weapon for the rest of the game (until Lynel Sword+/++). It would also cause your inventory to be filled with super weak weapons and force you to go inventory hunting way more often
    >If you could repair weapons at a blacksmith or with "broken weapon currency", then players will waste more than half their inventory slots on broken weapons to repair them later, which adds busywork to the game. Being unable to repair items cleans your inventory faster, fills it up with weapons that are perfect for the area you're traversing, and removes the mind goblin of "gotta get back to town and be optimal with my exploration".
    >Giving players unbreakable weapons after the Divine Beasts (even if they're mid-level power like the Master Sword) would completely invalidate more than half the weapon pool. Why bother picking up this 28 or even 40 power Spear when my Master Sword has 30 and can be used forever? This would also encourage players to rush through the Divine Beasts and "get them over with to get the cool weapon", AKA leading the player, which once again goes against what BotW is trying to do.

    For the type of game that BotW is, high weapon degradation is a great way to remove more traditional powergaming methods. BotW has TONS of problems (Combat itself, damage calculation a la Dragon's Dogma, lenient cooking, eating in the middle of combat, etc.), but its weapon system isn't one of them.

    • 2 years ago

      >changing the formula would completely change the core design of how BotW is meant to be played

    • 2 years ago

      This is solved by making all weapons crap at which point durability is fine(As was likely intended in early versions of BotW) or by having convincing reasons to use other weapons like different movesets or utility and then just have a small pool of permanent weapons though this would require putting actual work into the weapons and enemies unlike BotW.
      The weapon durability in BotW is mainly a problem when combined with the stat treadmill that causes you to acquire good weapons in the first place.
      Given how much vestigial touchpad shit there is the actual combat may have been just a side thing that would be combined with consumable items and dropping a lot of environment altering tools around and the weapon treadmill was added later when weapons needed to fill a larger role after the Switch port required ditching Wii U gimmicks.

    • 2 years ago

      so you're saying it's a bandaid made to cover up the lack of weapon diversity?

  27. 2 years ago

    >can be used to punish the player for playing badly (hitting walls, attacking enemies that're blocking, spamming low accuracy, low damage attacks, etc.)
    >increases gameplay variety by making the player use other weapons other than his favorite
    >improves balance by making even the strongest weapons have their limited uses
    >makes the player think about resource management, if they'll use this or that weapon for each situation
    >makes the player get out of dungeons to return to town to repair it and better pace the game in general
    >allows sensible equipment drops (goblin is using a spear? you can get that spear if you take it from him) without making shops useless
    >gives value to otherwise useless equipment drops

    BOTW still did it wrong and stupid

    • 2 years ago

      >increases gameplay variety by making the player use other weapons other than his favorite
      >improves balance by making even the strongest weapons have their limited uses
      It is a full pot situation, you never use since you want to save it for a big fight, you end up beating the big bad with shit drops anyway

      • 2 years ago

        that's why you can always repair them for cheap or on the spot with other weapons, and you don't lose them forever.

  28. 2 years ago

    Well they'd have to make elemental weapons more balanced instead of their usual infinite stun-lock if that were changed.

  29. 2 years ago

    Durability in BOTW proves nintendo are just people.
    It was a terrible system that ruined the game for me.

  30. 2 years ago

    I had enough of this shit with Dept. Heaven games (Riviera, Yggdra Union, Knights in the Nightmare). You could literally get hardstuck in these if you didn't manage your resources properly and in KitN even your characters were consumable. It was basically use a guide or die games but Riviera was a lot more lenient with this. It just got worse as they did more games.

    • 2 years ago

      Riviera's inventory space was more of a hindrance than durability ever was. Yggdra Union also got a lot better with the PSP version since there are more sources of Morale restoration meaning you don't have to hoard items to use solely for that anymore. I don't remember Knights in the Nightmare's weapon OR knight durability ever posing any serious problems in any of my playthroughs either. You're never in short supply of anything that can at least get you by.

  31. 2 years ago

    It's a minor nuisance in most games, but in BotW it's just irritating.

  32. 2 years ago

    I have nothing against this personally, making them a little less effective over time if you don't perform proper maintenance on them every now and again isn't a big deal
    >Weapon durability
    Fine if you don't just outright lose the weapons. If they're broken and sit in your inventory so that you can repair them at a shop or something later, there's no issues
    >Weapon durability where they get permanently destroyed
    A pox of mankind. This shouldn't be a thing in videogames.

  33. 2 years ago

    I didn't mind it in Oblivion but yeah I think I agree mostly
    If I get a cool weapon I want to be able to use it in perpetuity

    • 2 years ago

      >If I get a cool weapon I want to be able to use it in perpetuity
      that sounds gay. Make cool weapon more durable

  34. 2 years ago

    I honestly thought it was going to be patched out or some DLC shit to ignore it but nope. I give them credit for sticking to their convictions but they won't get my money

  35. 2 years ago

    I enjoyed pic related but that's the only game that comes to mind.

  36. 2 years ago

    Age of Calamity fixed BotW’s weapon system and would be perfect for BotW2. But barely anybody played cause all anybody did was complain about the framerate.

  37. 2 years ago

    >just button-mash the same weapon for 100 hours!
    >I know better than Nintendo!

    • 2 years ago

      >I know better than Nintendo!
      Holy shit Nintendohomosexuals are actually a cult. Guess nobody should criticize the nu-Paper Mario games either since they don't know better than some moronic japs

      • 2 years ago

        You gamecube cultists do not know better than Nintendo

        • 2 years ago

          That list is cope

        • 2 years ago

          The only one I would change is making the switch mario party into superstars. But yes, all switch sequels are way better than the troonycube counterparts. Especially Paper Mario Origami King, that shit was awesome

          • 2 years ago

            What's those tattoos on his left arm/glove in the first two rows?

          • 2 years ago

            No one remembers origami king already.
            The legacy and future of all the games after TTYD are "Not as good as TTYD".

          • 2 years ago

            Yes make the Switch Mario party into the one that's "See all these cool mini games and maps we used to make when we were better?"
            Totally proves the disingenuous point of the shitty image.

        • 2 years ago

          Ultimate = Melee
          Thousand Year Door > Origami King
          Breath of the Wild > Wind Waker
          Super Mario Party > Mario Party 5 (but this comparison isn't quite fair. Mario Party 5 was actually anew game with new games instead of a collection)
          Sunshine > Odyssey
          Luigi's Mansion 3 > Luigi's Mansion

  38. 2 years ago

    I didn’t like the weapon degradation in BOTW early on because I couldn’t afford losing what few weapons I had but around mid game it stopped being an issue and I was able to replace the weapons as fast as I could use them

  39. 2 years ago

    You can tell people who complain about weapons breaking just sucks at BotW and never learned how to play.

    Actual good players complain about having too many weapons and needing to throw them away.

    Anyone who actually b***hes they "ran out" of weapons or that their shit broke all the time, just flat out doesn't know how to play

  40. 2 years ago

    people that never stabed someone dont know what they are talking about
    when you stab people fat and blood dulls the blade making it useless

    you can normaly kill 2 or 3 people TOP using the same weapon
    BOTW is actualy more realistic in that reggard

    • 2 years ago

      t. Written from my mommy and daddy's house

      • 2 years ago

        are you implying i'd stab my parents?
        sorry im not a psycho anon
        i just had bad experience with "the urban youth"

    • 2 years ago

      who the frick plays Zelda for realism

    • 2 years ago

      you're full of shit
      butchers do not sharpen their knives after every other carcass they cut up
      i worked in an abattoir for years

      • 2 years ago

        >butchers do not sharpen their knives after every other carcass they cut up
        and you thin that the fact that they leave the fricking animal upside down bleeding so all hot and stick blood leaves the fricking animal has something to do with it?

        • 2 years ago

          and you're still full of shit
          bones and skin don't lose any hardness from being drained and the meat and fat doesn't soften it hardens from being hung and chilled, but its done so you can make cleaner, neater different cuts of meat
          just stop talking homosexual

          • 2 years ago

            dry liquids and hot liquids act in diferent ways anon
            thats why is harder for you to clean cum when it just came out of your body while is easier once you wait for it to get colder

            same goes with fat. a cold dead animal fat will not stick to anything
            but when you fry it and let it fricking dry the fat sticks all over the plate

            same goes with knives

    • 2 years ago

      That's dumb as frick, I worked at a slaughterhouse and you could go through 15 or so carcasses taking them down to individual cuts before you'd have to sharpen your blade

      • 2 years ago

        keyword is carcasses
        already drained animals

        >BOTW is actualy more realistic in that reggard
        I killed a Lynel using a shield and a Korok leaf an an infinite amount of bombs that were free on a ridiculously short cooldown.
        After that I chopped down a tree, stasis locked it in the sweet spot, whacked at it with the master sword and launched myself to the nearest village since to me that seems faster than teleporting.

        >he doesnt stasis trees in real life for fast travel

        • 2 years ago

          Fat and blood do not affect steel like acid, moron.

          • 2 years ago

            fat and blood dries clogings the edge anon

    • 2 years ago

      So swords disintegrate after 2 or 3 kills in real life? In reality swords were rarely used in warfare and were more for dueling. While you are right swords would dull, it took longer than a few kills for that to happen. There is a reason whet stones and other sharpening utensils existed for swords.

      Stop defending a mediocre game with a shit mechanic.

    • 2 years ago

      >BOTW is actualy more realistic in that reggard
      I killed a Lynel using a shield and a Korok leaf an an infinite amount of bombs that were free on a ridiculously short cooldown.
      After that I chopped down a tree, stasis locked it in the sweet spot, whacked at it with the master sword and launched myself to the nearest village since to me that seems faster than teleporting.

    • 2 years ago

      >basically word for word quoting goblin hunter as fact
      Swords don't dull the moment they touch flesh, kitchen knives also cut through fat and bone and don't become useless after two hams.

  41. 2 years ago

    >Weapon degradation is a dog shit mechanic and there's no justifying how moronic it is
    Have you never played any dungeon crawlers? Or any games with equipment durability that that aren't BotW/Souls/TES?

  42. 2 years ago
    01001101 01000100 01000110

    >Weapon degradation is a dog shit mechanic and there's no justifying how moronic it is
    I avoid all games that have this as a thing.
    The ONLY game where I didn't mind it so much was RDR2 because the rest of the game was so good.

  43. 2 years ago

    There is only one game where weapon degradation added anything worthwhile to the game, and that's demon souls, where you could scrape newbies until all their shit was broken

  44. 2 years ago

    >wah wah I don't want to be resourceful and change tactics! give me one way to beat everything the and an easy mode!
    >muh UX
    People who complain about weapon degradation instead of wanting more complicated combat and enemies are homosexuals who should've been getekept.

  45. 2 years ago

    Just throw your weapons they are disposable lol.
    If you actively shield block your shield lasts forever too.

  46. 2 years ago

    It a great addition that aids the gameplay tremendously. Only ADHD Souls-kids who can only swing a sword and not play smart could ever suffer of the breaking weapons in BotW, which is a true open-ended adventure game.

  47. 2 years ago

    it could have been an interesting way to keep combat fresh and varied by having you constantly changing weapon types, but in botw it's just a nuisance. it's not helped by how dogshit clunky the UI is to switch weapons, especially shields and bows/arrows. or how 99.9999% of enemies are so easy you just run up to them and mash attack, which makes the type of weapon you're using pointless

    if they wanted to go that route they should have made it seamless to pick up and switch between weapons, like hotline miami or superhot.
    but in the end it's kind of doesn't really fit with something that supposed to be more like an adventure and an RPG, it feels at odds with progressing you're toon to keep throwing away something as important as a weapon.

  48. 2 years ago

    It's only a good mechanic when the weapons themselves are not disposable and commonplace so there is some strategy in conserving weapons. When the game gives you tons of interchangeable weapons that all break quickly it just becomes an annoyance.

  49. 2 years ago

    Shit was annoying as hell. I just used a save editor to give myself a mid tier weapon with 99999 durability, swapping to the Master Sword if I wanted something stronger for a short time. Game experience improved dramatically.

  50. 2 years ago

    If its a game that doesn't let you repair weapons, its bad.
    Weapons breaking is a good mechanic in theory to avoid complacency where you can just stumble upon a great item right away and can rely on it the whole game, but in practice more often than not it results in me clogging my inventory with good weapons or fun items that I don't want to waste them on menial tasks.

  51. 2 years ago

    There has not been a single game that has ever done weapon durability right. It's either an obnoxious mechanic like in BoTW, or a mechanic that's so pointless everyone even forget it exists like in Dark Souls. Its only valid use case is acting as a gold sink in MMORPGs.

    • 2 years ago

      Shadow of rome did it right

      you can cut 5 or 6 arms with the best weapon in the game before it goes into yellow/red

    • 2 years ago

      It's fine in survival games where resource attrition is a meaningful and expected part of gameplay and the risk/reward management is part of what defines the experience. The stakes have to be right though or it lapses into feeling like a chore pretty quickly though.

  52. 2 years ago

    Why not just maybe use a sharpening stone? If your weapon becomes blunt after a lot of usage it would give you bonus to that for example.
    Its not hard to get creative with this stuff.

  53. 2 years ago

    They could have at least let you repair weapons and shields

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, they should have. Skyward Sword let you do it.

  54. 2 years ago

    It's good because it makes every weapon important instead of just the super strong ones.
    If not for weapon durability, you'd be able to just grab one of the better swords and then never pick up another weapon again. Stop being stupid

  55. 2 years ago

    It just causes way too many interruptions in combat, thats what makes it so annoying. Switching weapons is clunky and the game pauses every time you do it. So most combat encounters is a lot of time stopping and opening menus. It feels shitty to play.

    I guess Im just not a big fan of the "heres tons of items to play with" approach. It just seems to turn the game into a bunch of menus

  56. 2 years ago

    Minecraft might be the only game where it really makes sense.

  57. 2 years ago

    I agree. I was considering just restarting my BotW game on emulator and remove the weapon degradation there. It's awful.

  58. 2 years ago

    Honestly I'd probably like weapon degredation if the game went all in on how much moron strength your character would have to break them so fast. Base the game on scavenging from guys you defeat, let me hit a guy so hard the handle of my mace snaps in half, then let me pick up the head and chuck it at someone before finding something new on their bodies.

  59. 2 years ago

    BOTW degradation is basically like ammunition in FPS, just a way to force the player to consider resources as a strategic factor and encourage him to take risks to dominate areas that are "rich" in resources.
    Sure, Nintendo could do as in Elden Ring and reward the player with varied items instead of just recharging resources, but the problem is that Zelda is a much more focused experience and not an RPG with dozens of possible builds.
    The ideal would be if each area had new challenges, new quests and new experiences all the time (even areas you have already visited), so the player would always have reasons to keep exploring and fighting, but we know that this is not how open worlds work, they're just big empty, playgrounds where you do the same thing over and over again while the devs try hard to make you think you're not wasting your time.

    • 2 years ago

      >BOTW degradation is basically like ammunition in FPS
      Except in all FPS games I remember all my guns are conveniently given their own button, or are at least quick swappable in a manner that does not make me feel like reeeeing at the control sceme
      > the devs try hard to make you think you're not wasting your time.
      Soo, double-loss for BOTW?

  60. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      If you ignore the foreground you have made an awesome earthquake gif right there.

  61. 2 years ago

    In BOTW, I weaponized the degradation by hurling weapons I knew would break at people

  62. 2 years ago

    what's the point of weapon degradation if the game is not 100% survival. no food/drink managing? No temperature managing, no sickness, no infection, no weather effects on character, but aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah the weapon is fragile !!!! ah yes !!!!!!! now the game is more REALISTIC !!!! hahahahahahaha

  63. 2 years ago

    >there isn't enough weapon variety or combat depth so players have no reason not to just stick with the strongest thing they have
    >how do we solve this problem?
    >make everything break
    >wouldn't this just replace the current problem with a new pro-
    >shut up Tanaka, go home and be a family man

  64. 2 years ago

    In the 100 hours of BotW I've played, never once weapon degradation was a problem for me

  65. 2 years ago

    i will never understand what makes people shit and cum over the weapon durability in botw, as soon as it was clear the game wanted me to treat weapons as expendable, it stopped bothering me.

    • 2 years ago

      When people try to "criticise" BotW they immediately expose how infantile they are.

      • 2 years ago

        Garbage enemy variety compared to even an N64 game.

        • 2 years ago

          >Garbage enemy variety compared to even an N64 game.

          Yup like I said; fricking infantile.

      • 2 years ago

        don't get me wrong, there's shit to criticize about botw, but the weapon durability is the least of the game's issues.

      • 2 years ago

        >but empty
        >all weapons feel the same
        >weapon durability forcing you to interact with the menu too much
        >no big temples
        >no fishing
        >ubisoft towers
        stopped playing after 5 hours and have yet to pick it up again. It was pretty dogshit fampaitachi

    • 2 years ago

      >as soon as it was clear the game wanted me to treat weapons as expendable
      In what way does it accomplish that?
      If you have not figured out after the 20th dungeon or the bomb timer upgrade that you are better off just using the weapons till they break and the only care becomes what weapon to use till it breaks AGAIN.
      The answer is always bombs, or arrows if you are fancy. Unless if it is a boss or temple guardian you are fighting.

      • 2 years ago

        >in what way does it accomplish that?
        the fact that weapons break very fast but enemies drop their weapons 100% of the time immediately told me that i'm just gonna be replacing my weapons constantly so i shouldn't stress about durability
        >the answer is always bombs
        bombs do almost no damage and are only good for temporarily disrupting a group or sending them off a cliff or into a body of water if there's one nearby.

        • 2 years ago

          >the fact that weapons break very fast but enemies drop their weapons 100% of the time immediately told me that i'm just gonna be replacing my weapons constantly so i shouldn't stress about durability
          You are still going to be battling with the UI. I do not care much about my weapons breaking, I mostly care that they distrupt my pattern of attack and that I have to dive back into the menu (or the quick select which is not really worthy of that name) breaks both my immersion and my enjoyment of the game.
          > bombs do almost no damage
          Bombs do almost no direct damage.
          > are only good for temporarily disrupting a group or sending them off a cliff or into a body of water if there's one nearby.
          In order: Kinda. Yes. Absolutely not. I guess your usage of bombs is just a tiny step above using magnesis to lob big metalic things at your foes.

    • 2 years ago

      I think its because its hard to trust that the game will always provide you weapons when you need it. What if you run into a tough enemy and dont have any weapons on hand? Yes, the game will probably provide some creative way to get around this, but maybe not every time and every situation. Its just hard to trust developers that weapons can be treated as fully expendable at all times

      • 2 years ago

        Ok chud

      • 2 years ago

        i mean, yeah, i get the instinct to hoard weapons if they'll break, especially if you find one that's more powerful than all your other stuff. you just have to force yourself to let go in botw otherwise you're just hindering yourself.

      • 2 years ago

        i will never understand what makes people shit and cum over the weapon durability in botw, as soon as it was clear the game wanted me to treat weapons as expendable, it stopped bothering me.

        I beat like three fourths of BotW without any additional equipment slots at all, because I never found Hetsu until the end of the game.
        But in retrospect it probably pushed me towards approaching the weapons better than I otherwise would have. I had to use and replace my weapons frequently. I didn't have the luxury to just to keep any around just in case. With the default number of weapon slots I really had to rotate through all my weapons quickly.

        It's kind of ironic how much more I see people who have tons of weapon slots complain about their weapons breaking so much more than the people who played through the game with few weapon slots.
        It almost seems to be like, ironic as it may be, more weapon slots leads to people being more anxious about them. Even though they've got way less reasons to be.

        • 2 years ago

          How do you not run into Hestu? You're railroaded really hard straight into him during the Impa quest.

          • 2 years ago

            >How do you not run into Hestu?
            By not travelling to Kakariko at all until you've freed three of the four divine beasts. And then enter Kakariko from the north instead of the south where Hestu is.

            Both the marketing leading up to the game's release, and the game itself with the words of the old man, all push this idea that you can go anywhere you want. The suggestion to meet with Impa at Kakariko sounds just like that. A suggestion more than anything urgent or important. So I ignored it.
            I never would have imagined that the pathway south of Kakariko would house one of the most core essential findings in the game. And one of only a couple of upgrade/character progression lines.

            • 2 years ago

              To be fair Hestu's upgrades are veyr overvalued, it's perfectly possible to finish the entire game without ever using them, even if you do find him, in my first run I did meet him but I didn't get the upgrades because I thought they'd be limited so I wanted to mull over which would be the most useful ones and then I forgot to ever come back to him until after I finished the game and started the DLC.

              • 2 years ago

                >To be fair Hestu's upgrades are veyr overvalued
                I do agree. But it's pretty undeniable that the korok seeds are one of the most notable collectables in the entire game. And without meeting Hestu you don't even have a clue what they're even for.

          • 2 years ago

            >You're railroaded really hard
            I would contest that.
            >Somehow, Ganon has maintained control over all four Divine Beasts, as well as those Guardians swarming around Hyrule Castle.
            >I believe it would be quite reckless for you to head directly to the castle at this point.
            >I suggest...that you make your way east, out ot the one of the villages in the wilderness.
            >Follow the road out to Kakariko Village.
            >There you will find the elder, Impa.
            >She will tell you more about the path that lies ahead.
            >Consult the map on your Sheikah Slate for the precise location of Kakariko Village.
            >Make your way past the twin summits of the Dueling Peaks.
            >From there, follow the road as it proceeds north...

            >Go on... Here is the paraglider, just as i promised.
            [Main Quest] The Isolated Plateau: Complete
            >With that, you should be able to safely fly off the cliffs surrounding this area.
            >And...I think that's it.
            >I've told you everything I can...
            >Link... You must save...Hyrule...
            [Main Quest] Destroy Ganon: New Objective
            [Main Quest] Seek Out Impa: New Objective

            This is how the game starts. Minus the backstory stuff.
            He warns you about it being reckless to head straight to Hyrule Castle. Granted.
            But he also pretty much say that the Divine Beasts are the key to saving Hyrule. And he implies that Impa simply will simply "tell you more about the path that lies ahead" in case you needed a guide or waymarkers. Which is admittedly more or less exactly what she does.
            Except that you can already see two of the divine beasts from the Plateau. So do you really need to visit Impa?

            And he didn't say a single thing about finding Hestu, who is way, way more important to the game than Impa ever was.
            Anyhow. I am honestly really surprised at how many players actually go straight for Kakariko just for being suggested to do so.

  66. 2 years ago

    Reset the clock

  67. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Morrowind is a great game

  68. 2 years ago

    It was dogshit in dying light and its prob dogshit in zelda too (I don't play $60 mobile games though). Thank god for mods...oh right...you can't mod Nintendo games. Sucks to be you gays I guess!

  69. 2 years ago

    time to restart the clock

    • 2 years ago

      I want her to fart in my face so bad god damn it

  70. 2 years ago

    it was fun, cope.

  71. 2 years ago

    If you're pro weapon degradation in BoTW then you are required to be pro stickers in paper mario.

    • 2 years ago

      There's far more motivation to kill enemies in BOTW than in Paper Mario.

      >Monsters parts can be used to sell or make elixirs
      >Monster parts can be used to dye clothing
      >Killing monsters to keep them from fricking with you in general
      >Monster parts for upgrading armor
      >Later on monsters start to come in Silver and Gold which drop rare ores like Diamonds

  72. 2 years ago

    It's fine so long as you can actually repair items, ideally with resources that can be converted from other items.

    • 2 years ago

      What for? Hyrule is litered with weapons, using resources to repair half-broken weapons is a massive waste of collectables that can be put to much better use in the Monster Shop, the Fairy Fountains or to craft food/potions, if you really need another fricking claymore just teleport to the Great Plateau and jump into central Hyrule Field, there's a million of those fricking things littered there and they regenerate with every other reset.

    • 2 years ago

      there is no reason to repair any weapon. This isn't Dark Souls, you're not going to die just because you lost your weapon.

  73. 2 years ago

    What is moronic is to continue b***hing about this 6 years on when the fricking game just showers you with weapons, it's impossible to ever run out of them, it's far more likely to continuously drop shit or abandon it because it doesn't fit the inventory anymore, transforming your rag b***h bullshit into an entire non-issue.

  74. 2 years ago

    maybe people feel the need to hoard weapons because some of the bigger fights dont seem to have weapons readily available. i dont remember boss fights giving you weapons. and i know that lynels have weapons on their back, but actually getting them is probably way more effort than just hoarding some weapons beforehand.

    • 2 years ago

      The only time you will ever need a large hoard of weapons is in the Major Test shrines, and only if you're carrying low level shit that takes forever to kill level 3 Mini-Guardians, no other fights are nearly as demanding, even with overworld bosses, hell, Hinoxes and Linels themselves drop weapons, Taluses and Moldugas can be defeated with bombs and Guardians can be very easily killed with any shield or a couple of hits of the Master Sword.

    • 2 years ago

      Mmm no? homie, you have infinite bombs. I cleared 85% of the game via throwing bombs around. I never even engaged in melee unless it was necessary.

      • 2 years ago

        This. Should've been called Bomberman: Breath of the Wild.

        • 2 years ago

          >no bomberman story 3
          The Bomberman Story games were amazing adventures.

  75. 2 years ago

    weapons are electroplated styrofoam

  76. 2 years ago

    Dead Rising 1. Literally the only game where weapon deg was an actual consideration in the game design and balance and it actually worked.
    Every other game, it is an anti fun nuisance. Survival game players are subhumans.

  77. 2 years ago

    I like it in fire emblem and Saga games.

  78. 2 years ago

    I havent played many games with it, but in the games I had it didn't add anything. It's just annoying Breath of Wild and Silent Hill Origins, and it only drains gold (a worthless resource) in the Diablo games.

  79. 2 years ago

    It's fine, what's bullshit is when there is no equipment maintenance mechanics.

  80. 2 years ago

    i think weapon degredation can make sense in some RPGs or dungeon crawlers. it encourages you to go back to town, repair your equipment and stock up before going out to dungeon crawl again.

  81. 2 years ago

    It made even less sense in AC, it wasn't great in BOTW but at least it had some sort of purpose - making you pick up and use different weapons.

  82. 2 years ago

    I like it in BotW because it encourages you to stop giving a frick about the "value" of weapons. If weapons didn't break you'd never want to do stuff like throw them, and you'd lose out on the fun of weapons doing triple damage on the hit where they break.
    I don't like weapon degradation in most games, but I think BotW treating weapons as disposable ammo as opposed to tools you need to maintain makes the system work far better.

  83. 2 years ago

    The only way this ever worked is if your fallback/main weapon is reliable and always available, and hording isn't an option.

  84. 2 years ago

    It's great actually. The problem is with you and the minority of players who suffer from some psychological disorder caused by childhood abuse and neglect. The is no rational reason to experience distress when a weapon breaks in BotW.

  85. 2 years ago

    It works perfectly in BOTW because it gives you a reason to explore and use different weapons. It's only bad in games where the degradation is really slow and once your weapon is gone, it's gone forever instead of being easily replaceable.

  86. 2 years ago

    >emulate BOTW
    >turn off durability

    Wow its fricking nothing.

    • 2 years ago

      The game was 200% better after disabling durability. I ended up spending +250 hours, exploring the entire map before completing the game and doing all the extra content and optional stuff that I avoided in my original playthrough due to fear of wearing down decent or rare gear I had at the time.

  87. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago


  88. 2 years ago

    If the weapons in BOTW had about 4x the durability it'd be fine

  89. 2 years ago

    the only good thing about botw was the twink link in the gerudo outfit and urbosa futa porn

  90. 2 years ago

    Are we still pretending weapons breaking in BOTW was a major problem when weapons are littered and found everywhere and the player is frequently leaving shit behind because they don't have room for it?

  91. 2 years ago

    It was fine for early survival, but made no sense that the fricking master sword was not totally invincible. Weapon degradation should have been a thing of the past after obtaining the master sword.

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