>we've built our name with great Batman games. >what do we do next? >... >I KNOW

>we've built our name with great Batman games
>what do we do next?

Rocksteady is dead.
F to pay respects or S to spit?

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  1. 7 months ago

    >F to pay respects or S to spit?
    it's obvious their corpse has been mutilated but they do deserve respect for what they did
    I just ignore the whole funeral altogether

  2. 7 months ago

    >Debra Wilson

    • 7 months ago

      Seriously why is she in everything, and why do they make her look the exact same in every game? I really don't understand this

      • 7 months ago

        Apparently it's a combination of her having a lot of mo-cap experience, being easy to work with, and actually liking/wanting to be involved with videogames.

        Her performances aren't actually bad, it's just the studios insist on using relatively-untouched facial scans. I like Debra Wilson but I don't want fricking celebrity cameos in my video games as though they were a movie.

    • 7 months ago

      Seriously why is she in everything, and why do they make her look the exact same in every game? I really don't understand this

      Because she likes video games, which makes her based

    • 7 months ago

      The Nolan North of Black folk. Seriously though, i second

      Seriously why is she in everything, and why do they make her look the exact same in every game? I really don't understand this

      . Great if

      Because she likes video games, which makes her based

      and understandable if

      Apparently it's a combination of her having a lot of mo-cap experience, being easy to work with, and actually liking/wanting to be involved with videogames.

      Her performances aren't actually bad, it's just the studios insist on using relatively-untouched facial scans. I like Debra Wilson but I don't want fricking celebrity cameos in my video games as though they were a movie.

      but she has very niche emploi yet she is in seemingly every new game.

  3. 7 months ago

    >Rocksteady nerfed Harley and WW assets
    >But not Debra

    • 7 months ago

      biggest case of butterface ive ever encountered
      and ive been to one of those /human zoo/ threads with the downies with hot bods, so it's saying something

    • 7 months ago

      >Amanda Waller

      Here is how she is supposed to look you nuDC homosexuals.

      • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        Absolute unit

  4. 7 months ago

    i think we need more ugly Black folk in video games

    • 7 months ago

      *nasally israeli voice*
      you're hired

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      i think we need less ugly incels on the video games board

      • 7 months ago

        I agree. Start with yourself. Go back to /lgbt/

  5. 7 months ago

    >brown people is the problem with this game
    you have no priorities and it shows, plus the publisher mandates are clearly why it's live service open world co-op cancer

    • 7 months ago

      fricked up the quote

      >completely ignores the "co-op payday/left4dead ripoff" complaint and goes straight to the politics
      You're a midwit and it shows

  6. 7 months ago

    it's been like fifteen years since video games became the largest media market, the industry at this point is fricking flooded with lazy disinterested executives and investors from other industries who know nothing about their actual products and just chase trends with zero regard for the abilities and strengths of the development studios they run. these aren't motivated and creative types that invest in novel projects because they believe in them, they are actual soulless automatons and are the same type of people who reduced Hollywood to cookie cutter superhero slop and remakes and unnecessary sequels. look at Activision Blizzard, they had actual CIA dropouts and former NFL execs on their board and everyone is wondering why they make shit games and killed their own esports

    • 7 months ago

      But Rocksteady of all devs?
      They're like AA people, not even that big

      • 7 months ago

        They're literally owned by Warner Bros.

        • 7 months ago

          Oh right. Okay in that case


  7. 7 months ago


    >completely ignores the "co-op payday/left4dead ripoff" complaint and goes straight to the politics
    You're a midwit and it shows

  8. 7 months ago

    >see her hideous face
    >know the game will be mediocre
    She's a blessing in disguise.

    • 7 months ago

      I'm at a point where I can simply look at the art direction and lighting and know if a game will be optimized like dogshit or if it'll run well.

      This one looks like it's in the dogshit field

  9. 7 months ago

    It used to be ran by comic book nerds who actually wanted a good game based on comic books. Its pretty much a shitty zombie studio ran by zombie devs who are slaving away to make live service games now hence why they are too scared to even put a attractive female in it.

  10. 7 months ago

    how is that ugly ass b***h in every game

  11. 7 months ago

    >Some datamining redditor leaked the story

    After the beta ends the SS get vehicles to use from one of Waller’s goons.

    They then go to capture Ivy from Lex Luthor

    Ivy is nine years old and has been revived by Luthor to make antisuper weapons

    Ivy doesn’t remember Harley and thinks the name “Poison Ivy” is dumb

    Waller insists that they put a bomb in Ivy’s neck.

    Everyone thinks that’s crossing a line, except Boomerang who does it anyway to be squad leader or something. Ivy cries and the rest of the SS call Boomerang a c**t.

    Flash captures Luthor for brainiac (idk why)

    Flash uses Luthor to lure out the SS

    SS fight Flash. At some point Luthor is killed WW joins the fight at some point, captures Flash with the lasso. Flash says there is no cure and she has to kill them all.

    Boomerang overhears Flash’s name as “Barry” from WW but has no idea who that is.

    Flash escapes and WW fricks off after mocking the SS for the third time.

    Waller insists they kill Flash so Boomerang makes fun of “Barry” on national tv to bait him out

    Flash is killed by Boomerang

    SS are somehow transported to Earth 2 during this fight

    Earth 2 is an earth where Brainiac has already won. The SS there were all killed thanks to Waller.

    There they meet Earth 2 Luthor who explains what happened and says he’s been in contact with Earth 1 Luthor explaining how to fight brainiac.

    Earth 2 Luthor comes back with them to Earth 1. At some point they fight green lantern (can’t remember why)

    KingShark takes green lanterns ring (does the whole lantern speech) and then someone (probs Deadshot) kills GL

    Superman comes and mirrors the scene from the first trailer where boomerang pisses him off and blames King Shark

    WW saves the SS and uses something (maybe red sun?) to try to kill superman. It fails but Superman goes to krypton to regenerate. WW dies after giving a speech to the SS

    • 7 months ago

      The reason Superman came out is because Waller sent a nuke to Metropolis. The SS cheer him on as he destroys it which unwittingly draws his attention to them.

      SS are very sad after WW dies and don’t know how they’re going to kill Superman

      Earth 2 Lex says they need to capture Batman so that he can make something which can kill Superman

      The SS use a bootleg Batmobile to infiltrate the batcave.

      In the batcave they find Tim Drake’s corpse. Who was killed by Batman off screen.

      They knock out Batman and miniaturise him to bring him to Luthor

      At some point in the batcave they find a video Bruce made explaining how to kill all the justice league members. The SS get bored halfway through and so don’t watch the part explaining how to kill Superman. Luthor makes Kryptonite bullets for the SS to use to fight superman

      After Batman’s usefulness has expired the SS debate over which one gets to kill him.

      Harley wins and gives a speech, Batman says it’s shit and then dies.

      It’s implied that Harley makes some kind of batsymbol in Batman’s corpse (think like Inglorious Bastards but maybe a little less brutal)

      They then fight Superman. Idk much about the fight but it ends with Superman dying (presumably killed by Shark)

      Brainiac congratulates the SS for killing the Justice League and offers them great power

      The SS use an ice cream van to get inside the skull ship

      SS take out brainiac and miniaturise him. They bring brainiac back to Waller and Earth 2 Luthor. Waller congratulates them and says their prison time has been reduced.

      Turns out there are 12 other Brainiac’s from different universe’s the squad have to go and take out though (in post game + seasonal content) Something goes wrong (I think Luthor betrays them) and the story ends.

      Besides story the only major discoveries I’ve made are that the additional playable characters are: Joker, Mr Freeze, Deathstroke, Katana and Killer Croc.

      Black person it's an online coop slop with like 5 maps

    • 7 months ago

      The reason Superman came out is because Waller sent a nuke to Metropolis. The SS cheer him on as he destroys it which unwittingly draws his attention to them.

      SS are very sad after WW dies and don’t know how they’re going to kill Superman

      Earth 2 Lex says they need to capture Batman so that he can make something which can kill Superman

      The SS use a bootleg Batmobile to infiltrate the batcave.

      In the batcave they find Tim Drake’s corpse. Who was killed by Batman off screen.

      They knock out Batman and miniaturise him to bring him to Luthor

      At some point in the batcave they find a video Bruce made explaining how to kill all the justice league members. The SS get bored halfway through and so don’t watch the part explaining how to kill Superman. Luthor makes Kryptonite bullets for the SS to use to fight superman

      After Batman’s usefulness has expired the SS debate over which one gets to kill him.

      Harley wins and gives a speech, Batman says it’s shit and then dies.

      It’s implied that Harley makes some kind of batsymbol in Batman’s corpse (think like Inglorious Bastards but maybe a little less brutal)

      They then fight Superman. Idk much about the fight but it ends with Superman dying (presumably killed by Shark)

      Brainiac congratulates the SS for killing the Justice League and offers them great power

      The SS use an ice cream van to get inside the skull ship

      SS take out brainiac and miniaturise him. They bring brainiac back to Waller and Earth 2 Luthor. Waller congratulates them and says their prison time has been reduced.

      Turns out there are 12 other Brainiac’s from different universe’s the squad have to go and take out though (in post game + seasonal content) Something goes wrong (I think Luthor betrays them) and the story ends.

      Besides story the only major discoveries I’ve made are that the additional playable characters are: Joker, Mr Freeze, Deathstroke, Katana and Killer Croc.

      sounds pretty alright also
      >Besides story the only major discoveries I’ve made are that the additional playable characters are: Joker, Mr Freeze, Deathstroke, Katana and Killer Croc.
      i didn't even know they planned dlc roster. i wonder if they will be able to implement hem on the story at all.

      • 7 months ago

        >sounds pretty alright also
        You'll eat any shit, goy. you are less than human.

        Well then you're even more moronic beause Amanda Waller is not a literal who character

        >Amanda whatzamacallit is as big as Batman or Robin
        You're moronic.

    • 7 months ago

      The reason Superman came out is because Waller sent a nuke to Metropolis. The SS cheer him on as he destroys it which unwittingly draws his attention to them.

      SS are very sad after WW dies and don’t know how they’re going to kill Superman

      Earth 2 Lex says they need to capture Batman so that he can make something which can kill Superman

      The SS use a bootleg Batmobile to infiltrate the batcave.

      In the batcave they find Tim Drake’s corpse. Who was killed by Batman off screen.

      They knock out Batman and miniaturise him to bring him to Luthor

      At some point in the batcave they find a video Bruce made explaining how to kill all the justice league members. The SS get bored halfway through and so don’t watch the part explaining how to kill Superman. Luthor makes Kryptonite bullets for the SS to use to fight superman

      After Batman’s usefulness has expired the SS debate over which one gets to kill him.

      Harley wins and gives a speech, Batman says it’s shit and then dies.

      It’s implied that Harley makes some kind of batsymbol in Batman’s corpse (think like Inglorious Bastards but maybe a little less brutal)

      They then fight Superman. Idk much about the fight but it ends with Superman dying (presumably killed by Shark)

      Brainiac congratulates the SS for killing the Justice League and offers them great power

      The SS use an ice cream van to get inside the skull ship

      SS take out brainiac and miniaturise him. They bring brainiac back to Waller and Earth 2 Luthor. Waller congratulates them and says their prison time has been reduced.

      Turns out there are 12 other Brainiac’s from different universe’s the squad have to go and take out though (in post game + seasonal content) Something goes wrong (I think Luthor betrays them) and the story ends.

      Besides story the only major discoveries I’ve made are that the additional playable characters are: Joker, Mr Freeze, Deathstroke, Katana and Killer Croc.

      >all your comic book heroes die EPICALLY by sassy girl bosses
      >also Arkham Batman is ruined
      >can I get an oorah gamers?!
      This is written by a self-hating Californian

    • 7 months ago

      The reason Superman came out is because Waller sent a nuke to Metropolis. The SS cheer him on as he destroys it which unwittingly draws his attention to them.

      SS are very sad after WW dies and don’t know how they’re going to kill Superman

      Earth 2 Lex says they need to capture Batman so that he can make something which can kill Superman

      The SS use a bootleg Batmobile to infiltrate the batcave.

      In the batcave they find Tim Drake’s corpse. Who was killed by Batman off screen.

      They knock out Batman and miniaturise him to bring him to Luthor

      At some point in the batcave they find a video Bruce made explaining how to kill all the justice league members. The SS get bored halfway through and so don’t watch the part explaining how to kill Superman. Luthor makes Kryptonite bullets for the SS to use to fight superman

      After Batman’s usefulness has expired the SS debate over which one gets to kill him.

      Harley wins and gives a speech, Batman says it’s shit and then dies.

      It’s implied that Harley makes some kind of batsymbol in Batman’s corpse (think like Inglorious Bastards but maybe a little less brutal)

      They then fight Superman. Idk much about the fight but it ends with Superman dying (presumably killed by Shark)

      Brainiac congratulates the SS for killing the Justice League and offers them great power

      The SS use an ice cream van to get inside the skull ship

      SS take out brainiac and miniaturise him. They bring brainiac back to Waller and Earth 2 Luthor. Waller congratulates them and says their prison time has been reduced.

      Turns out there are 12 other Brainiac’s from different universe’s the squad have to go and take out though (in post game + seasonal content) Something goes wrong (I think Luthor betrays them) and the story ends.

      Besides story the only major discoveries I’ve made are that the additional playable characters are: Joker, Mr Freeze, Deathstroke, Katana and Killer Croc.

      >Multiverse shit again
      Why do they do this, why can't you tell a consistent story in your own universe anymore? I hope all capeshit media crashes and burns in a giant pile of shit where it belongs.

    • 7 months ago

      >Batman stopped his off-screen vigintalism making Knight irrelevant
      >Batman gets killed as a joke
      >Epic Bacon Quinn mutilates his body
      >Robin dies off screen
      What a way to shit on the Arkham saga

    • 7 months ago

      >the one thing that got at least a few people excited was the fact that it was a "sequel" to the Arkham games, and would finally answer what Batman did after the ending of AK
      >he just stopped being a vigilante and joined the JL because Supes said so
      >he also dies like a b***h
      Are we not sure that Gotham Knights was the actual sequel and this was supposed to be its own game?

      • 7 months ago

        No. Reminder that it was Wb Montreal who teased Suicide Squad game back in Origins. It really looks like Wb made Rocksteady to take over that project at some point after their own got cancelled.

  12. 7 months ago

    The reason Superman came out is because Waller sent a nuke to Metropolis. The SS cheer him on as he destroys it which unwittingly draws his attention to them.

    SS are very sad after WW dies and don’t know how they’re going to kill Superman

    Earth 2 Lex says they need to capture Batman so that he can make something which can kill Superman

    The SS use a bootleg Batmobile to infiltrate the batcave.

    In the batcave they find Tim Drake’s corpse. Who was killed by Batman off screen.

    They knock out Batman and miniaturise him to bring him to Luthor

    At some point in the batcave they find a video Bruce made explaining how to kill all the justice league members. The SS get bored halfway through and so don’t watch the part explaining how to kill Superman. Luthor makes Kryptonite bullets for the SS to use to fight superman

    After Batman’s usefulness has expired the SS debate over which one gets to kill him.

    Harley wins and gives a speech, Batman says it’s shit and then dies.

    It’s implied that Harley makes some kind of batsymbol in Batman’s corpse (think like Inglorious Bastards but maybe a little less brutal)

    They then fight Superman. Idk much about the fight but it ends with Superman dying (presumably killed by Shark)

    Brainiac congratulates the SS for killing the Justice League and offers them great power

    The SS use an ice cream van to get inside the skull ship

    SS take out brainiac and miniaturise him. They bring brainiac back to Waller and Earth 2 Luthor. Waller congratulates them and says their prison time has been reduced.

    Turns out there are 12 other Brainiac’s from different universe’s the squad have to go and take out though (in post game + seasonal content) Something goes wrong (I think Luthor betrays them) and the story ends.

    Besides story the only major discoveries I’ve made are that the additional playable characters are: Joker, Mr Freeze, Deathstroke, Katana and Killer Croc.

  13. 7 months ago

    A superhero Left4Dead game could've made sense, had they tried it 15 years ago, except it's been demonstrated how even the developers of Left4Dead themselves (Turtle Rock) can't beat Left4Dead. Nobody can beat it. Left4Dead is too perfect. All their "good ideas" are to add obnoxious bullshit like equippable trading cards in to a very braindead simple game.

    • 7 months ago

      >except it's been demonstrated how even the developers of Left4Dead themselves (Turtle Rock) an't beat Left4Dead

      1. Left4Dead was 99% VALVe and 1% those homosexual trannies
      2. Left4Dead HAS been beaten. It's called Payday 2

  14. 7 months ago


  15. 7 months ago

    I fricking hate Waller, ruined Batman Beyond too with her stupid cum vaccine

    • 7 months ago

      >I fricking hate Waller
      Isn't she also the big bad in the comics? Wouldn't make sense to exclude her from the vidya adaptation.

  16. 7 months ago

    >Gustavo in drag

  17. 7 months ago

    >Posts pic of Debra Wilson
    Out of all diversity hires, she's the literal exception. Has a outstanding acting career and is a fantastic VA. She's also the perfect actress to play waller, both in voice and apperance.

    • 7 months ago

      I like Debra Wilson a lot and think she does well, I just don't want to see her face constantly. Not because of how she looks, but because video games don't need celebrity cameos.

    • 7 months ago

      with literal who I meant the character, o fat kot

      • 7 months ago

        Well then you're even more moronic beause Amanda Waller is not a literal who character

  18. 7 months ago

    Am I the only person who doesn't mind Debra? I'll take her over shitters who can't act like Yong Yea or Keanu Reeves any day.

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