What are some fun games to stream?

I wanted to stream Team Fortress 2 but the homosexuals made it pay to communicate.

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  1. 2 years ago

    can't wait for you to come back tomorrow and make another dogshit thread like this one because you're upset you got banned for calling someone a Black person while you were live

    • 2 years ago

      Great, stay tuned!

    • 2 years ago

      twitch doesnt do a thing about stuff like this until you get a smidge of publicity and viewership
      anon streaming to himself saying Black person every 5 min as he struggles to silently play a video game isnt going to get banned

  2. 2 years ago

    Why do you even want to stream anon? What do you have to gain from it? Are you another one looking to make it into a "career"? If so then why should anyone here give you advice? After all streaming is a business for those people and asking us what play makes us consultants so frick you pay us.

    • 2 years ago

      Although I definitely want to live off of it, it's not at all cost. I want to do it especially because I'm not willing to bend like the other streamers and have some ideas that nobody else has even thought of.

      • 2 years ago

        Anon unless you know your ideas are worth something you're not going to make it without selling out and playing flavor of the month shit for sponsors. Why don't you want to work at getting a normal job instead of begging people for their hard earned cash like a homeless junkie just because you play video games all day.

        • 2 years ago

          Because I have enough experience to know what's good.
          >normal job instead of begging people for their hard earned cash like a homeless junkie
          That's infinitely more moral than enriching the people who want us dead, even our local boomers want to exploits us and won't care if we were to be replaced with people(?) from far away as long as they get what they want.

          • 2 years ago

            So because you hate older people, and claim to know whats good (even though you're not already a successful streamer) you honestly believe anyone should give you money? Get the frick out of here with your doomer bullshit. Streamers are just lazy pieces of shit who would rather do the equivalent of aying the digital lottery than start a real business the world could use. You just want shit handed to you. You're no better than the homosexuals on reddit that support communism.

            • 2 years ago

              So you're the "just give them a firm handshake" type of subhuman? Of course you want people to slave their lives away so you won't feel guilty about your life choices. While you're being a good wagie for a faceless corporation, a prostitute or an ape is making more in a day than you will make in your whole life but it's not just that, they get more opportunities at anything you could ever dream of. I hope you feel the guilt deep down because it's people like you who enable them, the blood is on your hands.

              • 2 years ago

                you are 14

              • 2 years ago

                No im not a firm handshake kind of guy. Im the kind of guy that believes in actually working for what you have. Streamers dont work. They sit on their asses and over react to mundane shit in video games or show their breasts hoping to get more cash. The fact that you think a prostitute is higher up simply because she makes more than me is laughable. You're just another wannabe activist who's lazy. So you turn to streaming and begging for donations rather than doing something to actively impede the corporations you supposedly can't stand like offing a CEO in minecraft which would have more of an impact than what you're trying to do.

              • 2 years ago

                Of course a prostitute or an ape has more value following your very logic. She has more money and thus more power. When the demographics are mixed nobody cares about trust or virtues. You're not even good at coping.

              • 2 years ago

                You honestly think a prostitute has more power? She has no power. Prostitutes aren't making decisions to lobby the governments of the world. Know who is? The same people you dont want to work for and don't have the balls to bring violence against. A prostitute getting her holes drilled isn't doing shit other than spending her money on shit to make her instagram likes go up. The fact that you're so ape brained to think money equals power alone shows how fricking stupid you are.

              • 2 years ago

                Of course.
                >making decisions to lobby the governments of the world. Know who is?
                Nice to finally expose yourself as the complete moron you're. We are talking relatively here but I guess that's hard for you to grasp since you have been conditioned to think in a way that won't crash your software. Not even that really, a stripper turned rapper like Cardi B will have more impact on this world than most people in the WHOLE history.
                > prostitute getting her holes drilled
                Not anymore, OnlyFans exist, you know?

              • 2 years ago

                I was with you until this post. you are kind of just an edgy homosexual and the other guy has a cartoonishly immature outlook on life and society

              • 2 years ago

                >cartoonishly immature
                Life's good when you're not on the losing side.

          • 2 years ago

            Get a job

            So because you hate older people, and claim to know whats good (even though you're not already a successful streamer) you honestly believe anyone should give you money? Get the frick out of here with your doomer bullshit. Streamers are just lazy pieces of shit who would rather do the equivalent of aying the digital lottery than start a real business the world could use. You just want shit handed to you. You're no better than the homosexuals on reddit that support communism.

            In particular the streamers you see doing fricking crazy ass 10+ hour stream days are just using it as escapism so they dont have to improve or face any other part of their life.

            • 2 years ago

              I agree. If youre not big as a streamer by now you're doomed to fail. Even the big streamers are a waste to me. What value does pokimane add that she deserves the money she gets or nikolul? All streamers are grifters and theyre even bigger grifters if they earn a lot of money and still ask for donations.

          • 2 years ago

            >Because I have enough experience to know what's good.
            Then why do you ask Ganker what game you should stream?
            You have 3 ways of making it on Twitch. Be really good at a at least semi popular game, be really funny and entertaining or be a mediocre looking girl with nice breasts. We all know your are none of that.

            • 2 years ago

              Because maybe there is some new game that I missed out. I want to gather some audience first before playing what I want.

            • 2 years ago

              yeah I also just want to point out in the beginning of this thread OP acted really smug and superior to other streamers when he's coming to fricking Ganker of all places asking for advice on what to stream kek
              Clearly some fricking newbie tourist from redit, noone who has lurked a day in their life would make such a homosexualy moronic thread

              • 2 years ago

                Not my fault that you're moronic.

    • 2 years ago

      Although I definitely want to live off of it, it's not at all cost. I want to do it especially because I'm not willing to bend like the other streamers and have some ideas that nobody else has even thought of.

      Anon unless you know your ideas are worth something you're not going to make it without selling out and playing flavor of the month shit for sponsors. Why don't you want to work at getting a normal job instead of begging people for their hard earned cash like a homeless junkie just because you play video games all day.

      Because I have enough experience to know what's good.
      >normal job instead of begging people for their hard earned cash like a homeless junkie
      That's infinitely more moral than enriching the people who want us dead, even our local boomers want to exploits us and won't care if we were to be replaced with people(?) from far away as long as they get what they want.

  3. 2 years ago

    Warframe conclave

  4. 2 years ago

    you should stream summertime saga, it has big boobas

  5. 2 years ago

    Anon... I can tell that deep down, you're hurting.
    Maybe you don't know why, ... but I do.

    You're hurting because you're trans, but you won't accept it.
    Deep inside you, there is the real you, a beautiful trans girl screaming to be set free and show the world her beauty and her transness.

    Let her out.

    Let her out Anon.

    • 2 years ago

      Sorry, forgot to quote

      So because you hate older people, and claim to know whats good (even though you're not already a successful streamer) you honestly believe anyone should give you money? Get the frick out of here with your doomer bullshit. Streamers are just lazy pieces of shit who would rather do the equivalent of aying the digital lottery than start a real business the world could use. You just want shit handed to you. You're no better than the homosexuals on reddit that support communism.

  6. 2 years ago

    Its like the third time you post the same shit you giga virgin
    Tomorrow you will be doxxed

    • 2 years ago

      >the third time
      Take your meds.

  7. 2 years ago

    Super Mario Maker 2.

  8. 2 years ago

    Jackbox games. You'll get people on your stream wanting to play.

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