What are some music tracks that need to be in Smash Ultimate?

What are some music tracks that need to be in Smash Ultimate? As someone who's been modding in music for every Smash game for years, I will personally rank every pick.

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  1. 2 years ago

    mario if he fat and moronic

  2. 2 years ago

    Specific tracks or can I just say the game title?

    • 2 years ago

      Preferably with a youtube link with whatever track you wanna post so I can re-listen to it

      • 2 years ago

        Use this for a Pikmin stage

        • 2 years ago

          Not bad i'm mostly looking for series already in smash but I'll make some exceptions
          What a shame anything Doshin the Giant related got removed after Melee. The song is good though, its got that planet-y vibe to it. The composition itself is alright, another unique one for sure. 6.9/10

  3. 2 years ago

    tomorrow hill

    • 2 years ago

      >no Smooth Moves tracks in Ultimate
      >one of the few vocal tracks from WarioWare not in
      Provides a different type of song for the game too. 8.5/10

      • 2 years ago

        -and while I'm waiting for more tracks to be posted, heres an even more underrepresented game with another somewhat obscure vocal track you can check out. this one had one as well https://youtu.be/0w0-Kyocm9M

    • 2 years ago

      i will always hide my love for vg music because i literally cannot tell if its actually good or im just an autist

      this is a perfect example

  4. 2 years ago

    The total lack of Story Mode music is baffling considering Microsoft owns the rights entirely

    • 2 years ago

      Totally agree. Some free music right here. The guys behind the music are pretty cool (seemingly)
      I'm more of a 'Training Montage' kind of guy, this might fit the best.

      As for your songs you posted, I'll give them a 6.5 and 6.8 respectively. Might be a bit different from the tracks I was expecting you to post but they arent bad if Smash was to go with these for the Minecraft Story mode representation

  5. 2 years ago

    (Really the entire Fates soundtrack)

    • 2 years ago

      I think you meant to post https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=niLIlYCJdI8 but Nintendo keeps taking down shit. Anyway, yet another great vocal track from WarioWare, again from a game that isnt represented. Track is really fitting, great all around. Not much more to say, 8.6/10

      Very nice. I think one or two more tracks from SA2 need to get in before this one, but it doesn't invalidate it at all. Love the vocals. 7/10

      Surprisingly great. Honestly this track should only get in if there's a Bomberman music section, but as for the music itself its definitely underrated and remix worthy. 8.7/10

      Nice! Smash forgets the exclusive tracks that are on the "definitive" versions of games (Yellow, Crystal, Platinum). The song itself is alright, 7/10. Its nothing too special but I would welcome it.

      >(Really the entire Fates soundtrack)
      Agreed. Literally anything would work. I'd say Dusk (Falls) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4CCWWOoC1M before most, but yeah this would work too. 8/10

      Absolutely based. Nothing more to say there. 9/10

      They could take everything from Masters and I'd be okay with it. Its pretty good, especially for a remix of such an old track. Would probably go with https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pBKm2U-l9Q, one of the best in the entire game + its a bit more original, but your pick is fine too. 7.8/10

    • 2 years ago

      >(Really the entire Fates soundtrack)
      This shit pisses me off the most. Fates had so many songs perfect for Smash and what do we get? 4 versions of the exact same song.

  6. 2 years ago

    Xenoblade X was done so dirty by Smash. I'm sure there must be issues with Sawano but surely some of the non-vocal tracks could have made it.

    • 2 years ago

      Xenoblade Chronicles X's music is very unique. I actually just learned that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LktWiaXtbLg is just taken from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bg8Q_0jNVmU which is from one of the composers albums before he even worked on Xenoblade X.

      As for the music you posted, I pretty much only fricked with The key we've lost and Uncontrollable. But I haven't heard the rest, and I think the first track you posted is really good. I also have to be the only one that likes the Skell flying theme. its actually my favorite track in the game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RD4r8ufspg0

  7. 2 years ago

    Bravely default

  8. 2 years ago

    The fact that after five games there’s still no Bowser’s castle stage is bad enough (and before any homosexuals say it, Paper Mario stage doesn’t count and you c**ts know it) but the lack of Baby Bowser’s boss theme is baffling

    • 2 years ago

      9/10 pick. Seriously, a glaring omission, I'm assuming they wanted only "cutesy" music on the Yoshi stages? What a dumb decision. An absolute classic. Sadly no other Baby Bowser theme or fight got it right.

  9. 2 years ago

    Ultimate is ov-
    Okay, carry on. Hd Remix is pretty crap btw.

  10. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      8.8/10. Yep, another one that needed to be in Smash. Although I like the SMG2 version slightly better if we're going with a remix. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRyPD8Z4yts

      A little bit random if we're going with TTYD music, the song itself is just okay. Not quite as iconic, not sure about this one. 6/10

      Absolutely needed to be in Smash. The best track in the game IMO. So damn good. 9/10

      Still a good track, not too sure about this one. I'd probably substitute this one with the Snowmads theme. 6.9/10

      6.7/10. Honestly a bit on the ""weaker"" side, RtDL already has a ton of representation so I'd only go with Strongest Warrior in the Galaxy if we're doing Boss themes from that game.

      What a fricking theme. The build up is so fricking good and the cackling in the middle of the track would give Smash fights something unique for sure. 9.1/10

      7/10. Would 100% go with P-R-O-G-R-A-M instead of Mind in a PROGRAM. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PbhgBrfWf8
      Still though, I'd say its an okay enough theme.

      8.9/10. The fact this theme is missing is a fricking crime.
      9.5/10 Based. Best version of the theme, absolutely deserves to be in.
      7/10. Not a bad choice if we're going with more Sonic Colors music. Not too much to say about this one honestly.
      6/10. There's so many other Black and White tracks that need to get in before this one. Plus I dont really like this theme all that much

      • 2 years ago


        7.6/10. I just dont really care for Splatoon music in the slightest. I already thought this was in the game honestly. I do recognize this theme though, and if we're adding ANY more Splatoon music, I would be okay with this.

        7.1/10. God this soundtrack is so good. Again, a few more tracks I'd add before I consider this one, but its okay.

        7/10. Same reason as above. Would add


        if we're taking from this game. These tracks are absolute kino

        Thank you for taking the time to check out my choices, I appreciate it!

    • 2 years ago

      8.8/10. Yep, another one that needed to be in Smash. Although I like the SMG2 version slightly better if we're going with a remix. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRyPD8Z4yts

      A little bit random if we're going with TTYD music, the song itself is just okay. Not quite as iconic, not sure about this one. 6/10

      Absolutely needed to be in Smash. The best track in the game IMO. So damn good. 9/10

      Still a good track, not too sure about this one. I'd probably substitute this one with the Snowmads theme. 6.9/10

      6.7/10. Honestly a bit on the ""weaker"" side, RtDL already has a ton of representation so I'd only go with Strongest Warrior in the Galaxy if we're doing Boss themes from that game.

      What a fricking theme. The build up is so fricking good and the cackling in the middle of the track would give Smash fights something unique for sure. 9.1/10

      7/10. Would 100% go with P-R-O-G-R-A-M instead of Mind in a PROGRAM. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PbhgBrfWf8
      Still though, I'd say its an okay enough theme.

      8.9/10. The fact this theme is missing is a fricking crime.

      9.5/10 Based. Best version of the theme, absolutely deserves to be in.
      7/10. Not a bad choice if we're going with more Sonic Colors music. Not too much to say about this one honestly.
      6/10. There's so many other Black and White tracks that need to get in before this one. Plus I dont really like this theme all that much

      7.6/10. I just dont really care for Splatoon music in the slightest. I already thought this was in the game honestly. I do recognize this theme though, and if we're adding ANY more Splatoon music, I would be okay with this.
      7.1/10. God this soundtrack is so good. Again, a few more tracks I'd add before I consider this one, but its okay.
      7/10. Same reason as above. Would add
      if we're taking from this game. These tracks are absolute kino

  11. 2 years ago

    I could go on and on here. I think Ultimate's soundtrack is impressive, but in the same breath there's some obvious omissions on nearly every front.

  12. 2 years ago

    Sonic CD - Stardust Speedway Present (JP/EU)

    • 2 years ago

      Really good. Would go with this or Sonic Mania's remixes. Although I would much prefer Metal Sonic's theme from this game (or the remix from Generations) since it uses the same composition. Though, I would be very happy with this track too, why the frick not. 7.9/10

  13. 2 years ago

    The musicians of Smash Bros really love cucking newer games taht deserve remakes, or tracks at all for that matter.
    Tropical Freeze deserved at least two remixes, but instead we get the fricking first level theme unremixed.
    Same goes for Planet Robobot. Two fantastic games completely fricked over for no reason so Fire Emblem can get 10 remixes.

    • 2 years ago

      I've heard that they actually leave it to the composers, Sakurai/HAL lets them pick what music tracks they want to remix (to some extent, I imagine)

    • 2 years ago

      I believe the issue with the Kirby song choices runs deeper than that, and is a result of Sakurai favoritism. If you look at the breakdown per game, you'll notice that the most heavily represented games are Dream Land 1, Adventure, Super Star, and Air Ride... that is to say, the Kirby games he directed. The Dark Matter Trilogy and everything after his tenure at HAL is largely ignored in favor of remixes of the tracks he was involved in back in the day.

  14. 2 years ago

    >noone has mentioned God shattering star or indomitable will yet

  15. 2 years ago

    Penny's Song (WarioWare: Get It Together!)

    Count Cannoli Boss Battle (Wario: Master of Disguise)

    The Toxic Landfill (Wario Land 4)

    Roar of Dedede (Kirby and the Forgotten Land)

    Sword of the Surviving Guardian (Kirby and the Forgotten Land)

    • 2 years ago

      >Penny's Song (WarioWare: Get It Together!)
      8.3/10. Honestly I have to be the only one that really doesn't like the female vocals on this track. I much prefer the Japanese version just because it sounds a bit more natural for that language. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8eKQQgb6A0
      >Count Cannoli Boss Battle (Wario: Master of Disguise)
      9.8/10. Thank you for posting this one. One of my favorite tracks in any game, so fricking good, I cant believe this isnt in.
      >The Toxic Landfill (Wario Land 4)
      8/10. Really good, most Wario Land 1-4 music could use some better soundfonts, maybe with remixes. The WL4 Toy Box theme is also a great one Smash could go with https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytuiy4O8Ik8
      >Roar of Dedede (Kirby and the Forgotten Land)
      7/10. Not too bad, although I'd probably prefer the regular Masked Dedede theme from Ultra to get in.
      >Sword of the Surviving Guardian (Kirby and the Forgotten Land)
      8/10. Very nice! Like this one a lot better. Not the best composition ever but we definitely need something from this game at some point.

  16. 2 years ago

    as in, HOW the frick do they forget this song when adding Banjo when its the most action paced one.

  17. 2 years ago

    Put in Advance Wars music since Japan has a hateboner for the franchise. I refuse to let them ignore it once again.

    >only representation was an assist trophy that was cut
    >meanwhile Fire Emblem gets 2 new ones
    Frick Hackurai.

  18. 2 years ago

    Super Brothers from Jet Set Radio

    Sega had a mario song for some reason

  19. 2 years ago

    Too lazy to search for the links
    Songs that correspond to a character in the roster but for some reason aren't included:
    >Ash Greninja
    >Masked Dedede
    >Dark Meta Knight
    >Galacta Knight
    Speaking of those last three, what the frick is it with Sakurai and his dumbass hatred against modern Kirby?
    >Revenge of the Enemy
    >Under My Control / CROWNED (yes I know the last one is in but you gotta include the first phase)
    >Dirty & Beauty / Moonstruck Blossom (same as it the last one)
    >Mind in a PROGRAM
    >Astral Birth Void
    >Two Planets Approach the Roche Limit
    >whatever other great modern Kirby song I've missed, there's so many of them
    Now some miscellaneous ones
    >anything from PMD please
    >RSE's Elite Four and Battle Frontier battle themes

  20. 2 years ago

    Night on Bald Mountain
    The Other Promise
    Vector to the Heavens (Kh3 remind version too)
    Dark Domination

    From Kingdom Hearts

    DDD's new theme from the new Kirby

  21. 2 years ago


  22. 2 years ago

    God-Shattering Star

  23. 2 years ago

    I know there's a remix of it already in, but the original version of Snake Eater is better anyway

    If you want a song that doesn't already have a remix, then here's a good one

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