What are the easiest games to break/ exploit and become a God? Pic related.

What are the easiest games to break/ exploit and become a God? Pic related. In FF8 you can exploit the busted junction system to become a Giga chad in the first hour, and dominate the rest of the entire game without even trying.

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  1. 5 months ago


  2. 5 months ago

    >do some crafting
    >get mystery box
    >save and open until you get a 1300 ATK weapon

  3. 5 months ago

    Might and Magic 2 can be broken pretty hard if you know what to do and where to go.
    You can gen as many characters as you want and harvest their starting gear for additional gold. Using that gold you can get some better gear for your team. Using that better gear, you should be able to survive a trip to do the Mark's Keys quest for the massive EXP boost. Then you can level up enough to give your team enough HP to survive the trip to Meenu in the tundra for the million gold. After that you just do Mark's Keys quest over and over and take a trip to the 5th town and train there to get your team to moronicly high levels.
    From there you can buy top notch gear, take a trip through the towns for almost all the spells, and steamroll your way through the class quests and the Dragon's Lair for the 1,000 HP boost. After that, you can easily wipe every encounter in the game except the optional Demon Lords before the final boss. It's entirely possible to beat the game and only fight the required battles for quests.

    • 5 months ago

      Special mention that in m&m 1&2 every treasure respawns if you leave an area and return, so if you know how to abuse fountains and such you can generally reach some endgame area and farm copies of some powerful item for the whole team that would be unique in most games.

  4. 5 months ago

    Morrowind Alchemy is insane. Just look up guides for it. You can make progressive alchemy items that boost your stats so you can make better alchemy items, which snowballs into absurd game-breaking stats.

    • 5 months ago

      that's actually good design
      implant laddering in AO is the same

    • 5 months ago

      Based meth god creating the most potent drugs in Tamriel.

    • 5 months ago

      in oblivion it was similar but with magic, you create a spell that makes creating stronger broken spells possible

    • 5 months ago

      if you gotta look up a guide there's no way it's the easiest game to break.

  5. 5 months ago

    I always junction 100 flares to everyone’s attack before the Dollet Mission. Grinding for the Ruby Dragon cards is no problem since Triple Triad is so fun. The refine abilities are stupidly broken.

    • 5 months ago

      how is that different from grinding for levels?
      you're wasting your time either way

      • 5 months ago

        Grinding levels in FF8 gives pitiful stat bonuses and makes enemies stronger. Junctioning and stat boosters are overwhelmingly superior and more efficient.

        • 5 months ago

          What's funny is that this ends up giving the game a really strange pacing and probably the reason it puts people off. In most RPGs you spend a brief bit of time in towns to gather yourself and see whatever plot progression before you're off to the next area or dungeon, where the majority of the game proper takes place. In FFVIII you spend a lot of your time in towns playing cards and because you're so fricktardedly strong and likely turned off random encounters the dungeons are like 5 minutes long.

          • 5 months ago

            It's also really easy to get No Encounters really on, so you can just Draw good magic and only fight the bosses.

        • 5 months ago

          My point is, if you're wasting 10 hours hoarding cards to turn into magic, you're basically doing the equivalent of wasting your time grinding mobs in other RPGs
          it's not much of a cheat as you make it seems

          • 5 months ago

            True. Though if you REALLY know what you're doing it can go pretty quickly since you know which cards you need and where to find them and how to spread favorable rules around the world. Most Final Fantasies are insanely breakable but FFVIII is unique for being breakable so early in the game. Things like getting everyone's ultimate weapon on Disc 1.

            • 5 months ago

              Lots of games give you "ultimate weapons" after the games over and many of them have little to no post game and/or you can't bring your awesome equipment into a new game. I think it's cool that you can totally frick shit up early. Most people won't figure half of that shit out on their first playthrough unless they ruin everything with a guide, then what's the frickin point but on your 2nd or 3rd playthrough, that's when you want to totally frick shit up early on.

            • 5 months ago

              >Things like getting everyone's ultimate weapon on Disc 1.
              That isn't possible, cant get Irvines until disc 3

            • 5 months ago

              Yes, it's a game that rewards the player for understanding its gameplay mechanics and working his knowledge in subsquent playthroughs. I don't understand why brainlets bash on it - must be idiots that got stuck in Adel or something and had to use a walkthrough to guide them through the game in repeated attempts.

  6. 5 months ago

    Was Selphie always that ugly? She has the Jay Leno chin going on.

    • 5 months ago

      FFVIII had horrible portraits

      • 5 months ago

        Spoiler: it doesn't look that way on a CRT

        • 5 months ago

          Spoiler: frick you.

        • 5 months ago

          It also doesn't look that way if I rub vaseline on my screen. Doesn't mean I'm going to do it.

    • 5 months ago

      you're looking at pixelated non-crt image of the game

      • 5 months ago

        CRT reduces the chin size?

        • 5 months ago


          • 5 months ago

            ok now show FFVIII portrait comparison then

    • 5 months ago

      She is beautiful!!!
      Or is you gay?

      • 5 months ago

        She looks like a man in her game portrait, ESL.

        • 5 months ago

          If all men look like her where you live.... lucky you!
          You can double the chances of finding a girlfriend!!!

    • 5 months ago

      just looks like standard anime art to me - Japanese artists love cramming noses and mouths too high up into the face, often shrinking one or both in the process, in order to leave room for the weirdly big chins they evidently adore (and this is only a mild example of it)

  7. 5 months ago

    Is this really an exploit or the way you're supposed to play the game? Everything about FFVIII comes off like the devs subverting RPG norms. There's waaaay too many crazy powerful things open to you right at the start for it to be coincidence. Plus the fact that there's no benefit to leveling up.

    • 5 months ago

      >Plus the fact that there's no benefit to leveling up.

      This is not true. There are tons of benefits to lvling up. The problem is morons not realizing this and not making the best of it.

      • 5 months ago

        The only thing leveling up does that helps is give monsters new spells for you to draw. But you just use level up/down skills to get the same effect.

        • 5 months ago

          Leveling up gives you better item drops, items that can be used to create spells; it also makes it easier to draw and to draw 9 magic consistently (at low lvl, failing to draw is very common); there are also stats gain without mentionning stat boosting on top of that. Lvling up is also the easiest source of AP, something required for your lvl up/down skill for instance, gaining AP without lvling up at all is possible but a huge pain in the ass. I've been there, I did a no lvl up a few years after the game was out before it was common knowledge and before there were guides about it.
          People completely blow the idea that lvling up "punishes" you out of proportion with this game, I've seen insanities like recommending first time players not to lvl up. I bet most people who say this are just repeating things they misunderstand and never did a real no lvl up run, not even with a guide.

          Is FF2 one of those games that has weird leveling/stat systems but can still be played normally without guides and enjoy it or is it like Oblivion and will frick you in the ass without prior knowledge and planning?

          You can still play the game normally, just experiment and do a bit of everything. It's still a Final Fantasy, it's no Wizardry.

          • 5 months ago

            I don't think the issue is that leveling up "punishes" you as much as the game has built in mechanics that do all the things leveling up does but with the added benefit of letting you control the enemy scaling. Leveling up has all the normal benefits as is typical in RPGs, except most other RPGs don't give you skills that let you do all those same things independent of the level system. I can't think of anything that is specific to leveling up that cannot be done with another skill.

          • 5 months ago

            Yeah, grinding for levels in 8 only punishes the player if it's the ONLY thing they do to get stronger. Good junctions are always the key.

          • 5 months ago

            No LVL up is easy as frick and don't take that long after you grind out the necessary AP against the fishes and win enough cards to refine for stronger junctions. You don't see any reason to do a No LVL is because you neglected to understand the exponentially growth you get from STATs and missed out on the abilities to nearly max them out without having to waste tedious hours playing cards - a 255 SPR will make Ruby's Dragon Breath deal a measly 400 damage instead of nearly killing your party when the have half that SPR and you can get there quickly if you just use the UP abilities as you gain levels at Island Closest to Hell/Heaven.

  8. 5 months ago

    At the start of Final Fantasy 2, you can spend 1-2 hours defending with everyone equipped with 2 shields. After that, nothing can stop you. Then, you can just walk to Mysidia and kill monsters there for gold, get some late game gear and spells, pic related. There is very little that can stop you in the game now and you should be able to beat the game with an average max HP of 300-600

    Hitting yourself is for morons.

    • 5 months ago

      Is FF2 one of those games that has weird leveling/stat systems but can still be played normally without guides and enjoy it or is it like Oblivion and will frick you in the ass without prior knowledge and planning?

      • 5 months ago

        It can be but FF2's leveling system isn't what makes it a b***h to play. It's absurd dungeon design is. The game takes sick joy in wasting your time by littering the dungeons with empty rooms. The overworld is kind of like this, too. There's no topographical guidance to where you're supposed to go so your only indication that you're on the right track is that you haven't accidentally run into monsters that ass rape you.

      • 5 months ago

        FF2's growth system would have been fine had they streamlined it a bit. It should just have a general white/black magic stat instead of each spell having it's own bespoke level. Same with all the different weapon types. It ends up screwing you when you get a spell late game that starts at level 1, or if you train in a weapon type that no longer gets any new ones later on.

      • 5 months ago

        you can definitely play it without a guide. in fact, most leveling guides about FF2 are flat out wrong and filled with "tips" that will make the game more frustrating for you

    • 5 months ago

      Speaking of FF2, most of the bosses in that game are susceptible to instant-kill spells like Teleport and Toad at a high enough level, meaning that little can stop you if you get one of those spells high enough.

  9. 5 months ago

    broken dagger glitch in dark cloud makes it easy to 1 shot everything in the game within a couple hours

  10. 5 months ago

    In SimCity 4, you can build a massive stockpile of cash before you start building a town. Just place the cheapest road you can somewhere(most likely a corner of the map), and next month turn on the Gambling ordinance. That's $49 a month profit, and your expenses will never go up. Turn speed to max and turn on Auto-Budget so you don't have to click anything. Let it run overnight or for as long as you want to keep building money. Massive stockpile of money means it will be a long time before you go bankrupt, no matter how badly you play.
    In Colonization, you can outpace even the best AI with the right strategy. Get scouts out early, and check every spot of interest. Gold is nice, but the main thing you want are Fountain's of Youth. Each one will give you a massive immigration wave. Every boat coming back from Europe should have people on-board in the early game. Then send all the regular colonists out to visit indian villages for the free skills. With a little luck, before the game switches over to two turns per year, you should have 4-5x the skilled colonists and colonies of any other nation. From that point on, you can out-produce anyone else, and field a far larger army than anyone else.
    In Starcraft Brood War, skirmishing against the AI is moron-easy if you cheese it by sending a worker to go harass the AI's workers. Do enough damage and harassment, and the AI will send EVERY worker they have to kill your one worker. Lead them in a merry chase around the map while you build an attacker or two, then you can go kill the AI while it can't even pop out a single zergling. Works best on 2-player maps where you know exactly where the AI will be.

    • 5 months ago

      In C&C3 in Skirmish you can just send an engineer into the enemy base when the game starts, avoid getting too close to any buildings and make your way to the MCV. Two things can happen: either the AI sells whatever building the engineer comes close to, meaning as long as you don't hit any building in the way, they will sell their construction yard and will have no build. Or, they don't, and you can capture their construction yard. You can end any skirmish map in as long as it takes to cross the map, unless you have too many enemies or the map is big enough for the AI to have turrets already built.

      In Kane's Wrath, you can just do infantry all-in with Traveler + fast legs upgrade or Black Hand + black disciple upgrade (gives basic troops a flamethrower lead). AI won't bother changing tactics and you can basically kill them in under two minutes.

      • 5 months ago

        C&C:Red Alert 2 can be cheesed as the Allies by mass producing GI's in almost every level except the final mission of the original campaign where you need AA to deal with the Kirov's. I know because I beat the entire campaign on the hardest difficulty making only GI's.

        I suffered through colonization doing basically that strat a few times and I still never felt like i wiped the floor with the European armies (I can't remember what difficulty I used though). It's really too much of a pain to explore colonization maps with several scouts needing to be moved per turn. I wish that were a better game, spending the whole game preparing for a massive overpowered invasion is a nice capstone for a 4x.

        The funny thing about Colonization is how every turn gets longer and takes more effort out of you due to how much shit you have going on. If you play on the America map, you can get away with four scouts, and you'll have little use for them once you finish exploring. The biggest issue early-game will be keeping up with the influx of settlers(don't forget you can get cheap people early on from europe) by having enough pioneers and tools to support all the building and improvements you'll need to do. Once you are mass-producing your own tools and guns, then you can turn to building a frick-hueg army.
        Other key points to keep in mind is being able to re-roll your list of potential Founding Fathers to get the important early game ones(scouts always get good results or no results, EU only takes tax rate on found treasure instead of 50%, custom's house, etc), keeping at least 2 horses and extra food production in all your towns for free horses, and exploiting silver mining and stomping the Inca's and Aztec's for easy early-game gold. Even if you don't play as the English, early game you should be throwing extra colonists into the church to make for more immigrants/cheap recruits. Anyone who is a basic colonist or above can be made into a solder once you have the guns and horses, so get as many people as you can.
        It's really easy to outpace the AI in numbers on the America map if you land around New York and push out any AI in north america ASAP.

    • 5 months ago

      I suffered through colonization doing basically that strat a few times and I still never felt like i wiped the floor with the European armies (I can't remember what difficulty I used though). It's really too much of a pain to explore colonization maps with several scouts needing to be moved per turn. I wish that were a better game, spending the whole game preparing for a massive overpowered invasion is a nice capstone for a 4x.

  11. 5 months ago

    Duplicating stat boosts in Wild Arms

  12. 5 months ago

    In Shining Force Neo there's a dungeon near the starting village filled with OP monsters which you can easily kill with a thunder wand and earn enough levels to breeze the rest of the game.

  13. 5 months ago

    In Master of Magic, if you pick the Artificer and Runemaster skills, you can create infinite mana on turn 1. Artificer gives you a 50% mana discount on creating artifacts. Runemaster gives you another 25% discount that stacks. So Enchant Item and Create Artifact cost 75% less to cast, but the items they create still sell for the same. So just create the most expensive artifact that you can, then destroy it. Over and over. Infinite mana on turn 1.

    • 5 months ago

      I thought you need the equivalent amount of spell power to actually cast those item into the world and that would take several turns if not forever especially early on.

      • 5 months ago

        In Master of Magic, if you pick the Artificer and Runemaster skills, you can create infinite mana on turn 1. Artificer gives you a 50% mana discount on creating artifacts. Runemaster gives you another 25% discount that stacks. So Enchant Item and Create Artifact cost 75% less to cast, but the items they create still sell for the same. So just create the most expensive artifact that you can, then destroy it. Over and over. Infinite mana on turn 1.

        Sorry, I misremembered some of it because it had been so long since I played it. It's not infinite on turn 1, but it is a strategy you can employ right from the first turn by just converting some of your gold to mana. It helps this abusive strategy if you also pick Archmage.

        It's basically a hyper economy and wizard leveling engine. Every cast of Create Artifact doubles your mana pool and levels up your wizard's casting skill. It just spirals and spirals where you'll keep doubling your mana, your wizard is leveling like crazy from constantly casting spells, you're given access to creating custom endgame artifact equipment at will, and you can just flatten every other opponent like babies. It's considered cheesing the game by most players.

  14. 5 months ago

    Im about to play this again.
    quit.. 2x years ago after the end of first disk reveal.

    Whats the best way to get through it with the least amount of junctioning? I dont wanna be totally kneecapped, but decent challenge is fine.

  15. 5 months ago

    Fester's Quest and Blaster Master were developed roughly around the same time, and the Fester's Quest team reused some of the code from the top-down parts of Blaster Master. This lead to the most broken glitch ever in NES games being present in two almost unrelated games. Namely, the pause glitch.
    In either game, when in top down mode(half the game in Blaster Master, any non-maze part of Fester's Quest), you can shoot out a bomb. Due to how this was programmed, the bomb does damage over time despite not being on-screen for very long. Due to a programming oversight, the bomb will continue to do damage even when the game is paused. The most obvious application for this is against the bosses.
    Both games are kinda notorious for the bosses being brutally hard, much more so than the levels leading up to them. Using the pause glitch completely nullifies the bosses. All you do is hit them with a bomb, pause, then go make a sandwich or something. By the time you get back and unpause, the boss will be at 0 HP and immediately die. This works on every boss in both games, even the last ones.

    • 5 months ago

      Wasn't there a Mega Man game you could do that pause trick too.

      • 5 months ago

        Mega Man 1. Though it worked a bit differently. The weapon damage didn't continue running during the pause but the mercy invincibility did. So when you unpaused you'd get another hit off. If you kept pausing and unpausing during contact you'd rack up the hits off one shot.

        • 5 months ago

          Speaking of this, it sort of exists in Super Metroid as well. Normally when a boss is hit by a beam, damage is dealt and the beam disappears, but if you manage to get Plasma out of order, this won't be the case against Phantoon, Draygon, Crocomire, that snake boss in Maridia, and I think Spore Spawn. If you hit any boss with a charged plasma shoot and immediately turn on X-Ray, invincibility frames continue to count down and the beam can hit them again.

          The trick is called the Microwave Beam and it makes bosses it works on fairly trivial, but is impossible to use against Draygon in a normal game (The door to the plasma beam pickup is locked until he's killed) and very difficult to use against Phantoon (You won't get Gravity Suit until you kill him so you'll have to do all of Maridia without it).

    • 5 months ago

      Ikari Warriors 2 as well.

  16. 5 months ago

    Aerobiz Supersonic can be beaten easily on the hardest difficulty during any time period where you can get 747's and similar planes right from the start. Pick London, Tokyo, or any major city in the US that is a 747 flight away from London and Tokyo. Then immediately grab a hub and request slots in the remaining two cities. Once all three are up, establish an international flight chain around the world hitting all three cities. As long as you carefully manage the routes, you'll soon be pulling in more profit every quarter than all three AI combined.
    From there you'll be able to use your superior cashflow to force your way into every local market and take the win before 10 years have passed. You'll be able to offer the same flights for cheaper since you don't need to turn a profit on your local flights, and you'll have plenty of cash to invest in local attractions to boost your numbers. The computer will b***h about you having no flights your first few turns, and then about you having no flights in your home market, but that international travel money needs to be gotten ASAP.

  17. 5 months ago

    Shattered Union(came out in 2005, it's retro) could be a rather tricky turn based strategy game, mainly since the game only let you attack one section of the map at a time. You could be attacked by multiple opponents on each turn, and you had to split your army up for your attack so if you got attacked by 2 or more enemies in a single turn you were at a serious disadvantage. To make matters worse, the AI had a nasty habit of ganging up on the player.
    Thankfully, the game units aren't well balanced. To the point where you have very little reason to field anything other than tanks with some AA to protect them from heli's and jets. Making the best strategy in the game to sell everything that isn't a tank or armored AA at the beginning of the game and invest in more tanks. With just a little luck so you don't get gang-raped in the early game by the AI, you can take some territories and quickly start having a force of tanks the AI can't cope with. By the time you've claimed half the map, you are just doing clean-up on the remaining territories and only Russia on the final level will give you any decent fight.
    Using the tank cheese strategy, the Texas group is the strongest to start as.

  18. 5 months ago

    There's an exp exploit for FFX though it takes awhile to be able to get to it. You set your overdrive to fill when you take damage, then create a weapon with AP > overdrive and triple overdrive. The arena tonberry will do 99,999 damage, which becomes exp. Just keep resurrecting as needed and you'll get stupid exp. Filling out the sphere grid isn't really necessary unless you're playing the international edition, which has the dark aeons... they have got to be the strongest monsters in any FF game.

  19. 5 months ago

    There's an optional early game boss that you can fight repeatedly that dumps frickloads of experience points into your party to the point you can max-out your levels before long and make the rest of the game practically play itself not that you'd really want to, I like Ted Woolsey okay but this is a really bland and ugly caricature of Squaresoft's work.

  20. 5 months ago

    Good shit.

    MM6 is really easy to get OP before you do a single dungeon. So many possibilities. It's been years since I played so I can't remember any of the names, but off the top of my head:

    solo sorcerer (kill the other 3 party members)
    get stat boost from teleport in the first town
    hire npcs with fly and town portal
    fly around and do some of the fetch quests (esp the stables quest and the hermit quest) for the guild masters for huge xp and gold
    hire npcs with xp boost and identify
    get one of the asteroid spells
    go kill the wyrms north of the well that gives you like 50 temporary levels
    you want to kill them from a distance by forcing your spell
    tooooooooooooons of xp and gold
    after you boost all skills (just get enough levels to get mastery for spells, and get around 20 white/black magic, and some other things I forget) pump the rest into bow (or you can skip bow and focus on magic damage and eventually graduate to blasters when you get them)
    go to the map full of dragons
    kill a gold dragon from a distance
    save before looting it and reload until you get what you want
    try to get armors with speed and a bow with extra speed and life leech
    you're set. now the game will be like playing Doom in a fantasy world

    also, Gothic 1. knock out the blacksmith in the first town. you might need to get a level or two to make it easier. then loot all his shit. now you have enough money to last the entire game by trading his iron bars (or whatever it was, been years since I played). now buy the best weapon and gear and get enough xp to master 1 handed sword. to enter the castle, just run past the guards while taking out your weapon. go beat up raven and loot his sword, it's the second best 1h sword in the game. with that weapon now, you can go attempt to beat up and loot scar for the best 1h weapon in the game. if you can't, freeze him first. 1h is totally superior to 2h, except in the final dungeon where you need the legendary 2h sword to kill the baddies.

    • 5 months ago

      >kill a gold dragon from a distance
      >save before looting it and reload until you get what you want
      this is also doable in MM7, the tutorial island has a dragon in a cave you can cheese with realtime bows, and save before looting. have overpowered relic from the start.

  21. 5 months ago

    You can beat every OMF:2097 tournament with the starting Jaguar. All you need to do is spend all your money on speed, get in close, and rapidly nail the CPU with light punches, crouch kicks, and the pounce special attack. If you do it right, the CPU will struggle to get a hit in while you pummel it.

    I suck at fighting games, but I was able to 100% Soul Calibur's campaign with Voldo and two well timed forearm smashes for easy ring-outs.

  22. 5 months ago

    You can get quite powerful in Zelda 1 before entering even a single dungeon if you know where shit is on the overworld. You can get the white sword and blue ring almost immediately. The game will eventually catch up with you but the first four dungeons will be hilariously easy.

  23. 5 months ago

    >in an RPG you can exploit the way the game works if you grind like a moron for a very long time at the start of the game
    WOW how could final fantasy viii frick this up? no other rpg has this problem!

    • 5 months ago

      You're overestimating how much work it takes to get hilariously strong in FFVIII. It's trivial. Much more trivial than grinding like crazy in most RPGs. Hell, just drawing the water spell from the enemies on the beach in the very first area of the game is a shockingly good junction to have that early.

    • 5 months ago

      I'm OP, read my post again, and realise what a tard you are. I explicitly state that it can be done in the first hour. And even that is probably an overstatement. All you need to do is get the right card and draw the right magic to junction, and you're a one man wrecking machine for about 95% of the game. The whole point of this exploit is so you DON'T have to grind.

  24. 5 months ago

    There's the Vanish/Doom trick in FF6, which admittedly you cannot access until about a third of the way through, but once you get the necessary spells, pretty much the whole game becomes trivialized, since literally every character can use it and works on just about all bosses (though maybe not the final ones, can't recall). It's so mind-numbingly broken and one-dimensional that most players don't abuse it out of sheer principle.

    Less broken but still pretty fricking broken is the Evade glitch making it so all you have to do to max out both physical and magical evasion is to max out MBlock, which makes your character invulnerable to almost all attacks. Admittedly this isn't super easy to do as it requires very specific end-game equipment, and most characters cannot equip all the requisite things, but it is possible regardless to have a party where everyone has max MBlock and almost nothing will touch you, and most of the few things that would are not usually strong enough to seriously threaten you at normal levels, with only Ultima being a serious threat. Off the top of my head, the easiest characters to max Mblock with are Celes, Terra, Edgar and Celes, in that order, and that makes for a very potent team.

    • 5 months ago

      Celes, Terra, Edgar and Relm*, frick.

  25. 5 months ago

    The Death skip in SOTN is a simple one though given the game isn't that hard in the first place it doesn't make as dramatic a difference.

  26. 5 months ago

    More a cheat than an exploit, but you can get the strongest weapon in Granstream Saga right at the very beggining by using an item in a determined spot.

  27. 5 months ago

    It's a glitch, but through some weird menuing in battle involving moving empty slots up into your inventory in a specific way, you can end up with a blank slot that is actually 65535 of the item you last moved there. From there all you have to do is sell the empty slot and you'll have more than enough money for the rest of the game, free to blow it all on Ethers, equips, and in the endgame, Elixirs. If you were to ever run low on money, you simply do it again.

    There's some other glitch that lets you get into Mist from the wrong side as well, allowing you to get Dancing Daggers (deals 250+ damage when used as an item when Cecil's best attack might deal 50/best spells deal maybe 100) and a Tiara for Rydia (one of the best headgears for her, giving +10 INT) Having all that utterly trivializes everything until you return to Baron.

    • 5 months ago

      huh, that's technically the same glitch as with Wild Arms and I see it's been mentioned

      Duplicating stat boosts in Wild Arms

      I wonder how many of these overflow bug happen in games, seems like quite a common oversight

      • 5 months ago

        there's an underflow glitch where you open the menu out of combat, hit A on a spell you can cast, move the cursor over a too-expensive spell you can cast on the overworld, then hit A and move back to the first spell on the same frame, and you'll cast the too expensive spell, underflowing your MP. Doing this, you can have Tellah cast Meteo.
        The game still treats your MP as 0 outside battle.

  28. 5 months ago

    Famicom's Final Fantasy 2 has a sleep blade which puts to sleep almost any enemy it strikes, even bosses! It's damage gets outdated pretty quickly, but you can equip it on your slowest char and paralyze your enemy permanently.
    It doesn't work on golems, though.

  29. 5 months ago

    Ocarina of Time's crouch stab is probably the easiest shit ever to exploit. Since it always uses the power of your last attack, you can jump attack with a Deku Stick, and from that point on, all your Kokiri Sword crouch stabs are quadruple their intended damage. Since they never intended for you to shit out that kind of damage that fast, you end up deleting the entire game.
    You can also break rocks with crouch stabs if you had swung the Megaton Hammer previously, and it's faster than swinging the hammer.

  30. 5 months ago

    FF2 is also pretty well known among FF games for being easy to break. Many bosses are not immune to Warp/Teleport and can be killed instantly. People always talk about hitting yourself to level up quick but that's pretty slow in comparison to the evasion leveling cycle that can be done as soon as the game starts.
    >Equip 2x shields on all characters and remove all armor
    >Hold down confirm button in a battle, early enemies will usually all run away after a bit.
    >Will rack up shield levels increasing evasion and agility
    >Agility increases more often as evasion goes up
    >Evasion goes up as agility goes up
    You can put the rest together from there but it just cycles to where you will continually level agility faster and faster and can easily level evasion to a point where barely anything will hit you and you can wear heavier armor with negligible if any hit to your evasion.

    FFV also has some very broken strategies. Chemist in general is very busted if you know what to do. Then there is also the famous dual wield/rapidfire/spellblade combo but I wouldn't really classify that into this thread because it's a high effort/high reward combo that requires mastering 3 different jobs with relatively high APB requirements. Though some great grinding places earlier on do exist like the Castle Bal basement with groups of 1 enemy that give good ABP and can be farmed easily with certain blue magic.

    Trails has some broken strategies that doesn't take much effort
    >Sky games much of the game can be trivialized with a dedicated buffer for earth wall/speed up and such
    >Crossbell has evasion becoming very strong later, not quite broken enough to trivialize the game on harder difficulties.
    >CS1 has delay/status effects being so broken bosses can be beaten without getting a single attack in

  31. 5 months ago

    FF7 has the glitched W-Item materia. Obviously meant to allow the player to use two items from a single character per turn. Instead, you can select then un-select an item and duplicate it. Infinite Megalixers means you can pretty much cast "Full HP and MP" every single turn, making yourself almost invincible. You don't get it until later on in the game though, so having an endless supply of Megalixers is mostly useful against the end game bosses and optional Weapon bosses. Emerald Weapon in particular becomes a joke.

    Pretty well known, but the Metal Blade in Mega Man 2 is broken and does max damage to all bosses, not just the one it was supposed to.

    Might and Magic 4 and 5 is a unique case. The way it was supposed to be played was for a player to play through 4(the light side), then install 5(the dark side) and play through that. As such, the dark side of the world expects the player to be about the level they should be had they played through all of the light side. Meaning if you are playing 4+5 together from the start, you can hop over to the dark side's towns once you have enough money and get gear far above what you should have. But the devs were so proud of their "two games being two sides of the same world" concept, they usually re-released the games together. You almost have to force yourself to not cheese the game.

    • 5 months ago

      You can also duplicate items not usable in battle with careful organization using the same W-Item trick. This is most useful for the stat boost items like power sources and magic sources. They're not easy to farm in bulk under normal conditions but you can duplicate them like crazy and max your characters stats. That said, you don't get W-Item materia for a long time and there are far easier and faster ways to break that game.

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