What are the latest Switch 2 rumours?

What are the latest Switch 2 rumours?

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  1. 2 months ago

    that it will be less powerful than the Series S and Steam Deck.

    • 2 months ago

      when have Nintendo ever cared about the hardware competition between Microsoft/Sony?
      why would they need to? people aren't buying a Switch to play the kinds of games that need powerful contemporary hardware, and if you are then you're fricking stupid

      • 2 months ago

        >why would they need to?
        Gaming as a whole is changing and even normalgays want power instead of a gimmick that Nintendo themselves barely uses. GameDevs are also getting lazier with optimization and with the power difference between Nintendo and the competition getting worse, more games are going to end up like Mortal Kombat 1 where it's
        >PS, runs normal
        >Xbox, runs normal
        >PC, runs normal
        >Nintendo, runs like shit, looks like PC at lowest settings yet is still $70
        and no one will buy them, dealing heavy damage to third party support

        • 2 months ago

          Normalgays are all playing on their phones nowadays, the only thing they care about is if their iPhone can run CoD and Fortnite.
          >GameDevs are also getting lazier with optimization
          That genuinely sounds like a problem for the devs, not hardware manufacturers.

        • 2 months ago

          >no one will buy them
          Don't understand tendie paypigs

          • 2 months ago

            Anon, every chopped third-party port on the Wii U flopped, even by Wii U standards.

            • 2 months ago

              Yet every chopped third-party port on the Switch is selling gangbusters.

            • 2 months ago

              >Anon, every chopped third-party port on the Wii U flopped, even by Wii U standards.
              The Wii U only sold to the hardcore Nintendo audience, as in the most devoted Nintendo fans. These people obviously mainly care about Nintendo games. The switch will sell to around 150m people, plenty of dudes who play third parties in there.

        • 2 months ago

          >Gaming as a whole is changing and even normalgays want power instead of a gimmick that Nintendo themselves barely uses
          are there any bellweathers for this statement or do you just assume everyone who buys a switch buys it only out of tendie brand loyalty

        • 2 months ago

          I can tell you're a zoomer or a thirdie

        • 2 months ago

          >Gaming as a whole is changing and even normalgays want power instead of a gimmick
          Which is why the Switch continues to DOMINATE the vastly more powerful competition.

        • 2 months ago

          Normalgays can't see the difference between 720p and anything higher. They really don't care enough about power

          • 2 months ago

            I'll accept 720p at 30 fps as a minimum honestly.

        • 2 months ago

          Idk Black person maybe I like to have a portable game system and not lug around a big ass piece of shit 5 when I already have a PC at home.

          Xbox has ZERO games and the sales are tanking. PS5 atleast has exclusives and I can respect it as a console, just not for me because my PC is strong enough to play new games on high to ultra settings.

      • 2 months ago

        they need to care at least a little, every single zelda game on switch runs like shit

      • 2 months ago

        >when have Nintendo ever cared about the hardware competition between Microsoft/Sony

        • 2 months ago

          Yeah and look how well that turned out. Then they made the Wii without giving a shit and it printed money.

      • 2 months ago

        third party

      • 2 months ago

        Every generation until the wii

      • 2 months ago

        The last time they did it to try and impress the customer was the GameCube, but I imagine these days a hardware boost is more about appeasing potential developer partners. The Switch being so successful made it a very attractive target platform for ports of existing games, but there's a lot the Switch just can't run, at least not without heavy sacrifices or outright programming voodoo that takes a ton of work (and thus money).

      • 2 months ago

        because Tears of the Kingdom dips down to sub-15 FPS in the open world when flying anything with more than 6-8 parts in it.

        The fact of the matter is that the Steam Deck is THREE YEARS OLD at this point, and by the time Switch 2 comes out, it will be 4 years old and Nintendo can't even match it, which means it will be running on the hardware equivalent to a budget 2019 smartphone with a 3 hour battery life so they can save $25 a unit instead of using a more modern and efficient processor that is FASTER and will last for at least 5 hours on a 5000mah battery.

        • 2 months ago

          Drops down to 15 fps are the result of designing your game wrong. Stronger hardware won't fix that.

          • 2 months ago

            Slowdown in Nintendo published games (sans gamefreak and unreal/unity based ones) is due to the hardware bottlenecks, linked is a video of Tears of the Kingdom running at a perfectly stable 30fps by just boosting the memory clocks a bit, this has been a long known problem with the hardware, expected Switch 2 hardware features but significantly faster ram as well as a wider memory bus.

            It depends if the game is HD-2D or full 3D. Knowing Square Enix they'll want a multiplat 3D game for Chrono. And their 3D multiplats tend to be unoptimized save for the Nier ports.

            There are full 3d Switch games, remember that expected Switch 2 hardware is like the PS4 with more modern hardware features as well as minus the bottlenecks, slower ram but also far lower latency ram, although I don't think PS4 games were bottlenecked by ram dandwidth, so it should be a far better all around piece of hardware.

            • 2 months ago

              It also depends on how good of a team Square Enix has when making the Nintendo version. They can use the team behind Dragon Quest XI S and the Super Mario RPG remake to optimize the Nintendo version. But the Chrono Break concept is much more complicated than turn-based RPGs with its real-time-travel idea. Remember the original Chrono Break turned into Final Fantasy XIII-2 on PS3.

              • 2 months ago

                That is a fair point, in spite of vast improvements and fixing issues with what devs had to work with last gen you still have to deal with the inept nature of these companies, Square Enix 2 decades ago was ahead of the curve and pioneered a lot of tech, but around a decade and a bit ago they started to fall apart, it's to the point where I often see more modern tech, or better implementations overall in Nintendo titles, I'm very interested in what NIntendo do with Switch 2 because the sheer amount of avenues for gaining performance and improving fidelity over Switch titles is enormous, I'm expecting to see major graphical showcases that show up some major published PS5 titles from studios like Monolith Soft, Next Level Games and even Zelda team.

              • 2 months ago

                Well half the Chrono Trigger team formed Monolith Soft after Xenogears flopped. And there's still bad blood between Monolith Soft and Square Enix. I'd love to see a Chrono game with Monolith Soft optimization. But unless Nintendo buys the IP out right that's never happening.

                Speaking of Monolith Soft I'm interested to see if they'll remaster Xenoblade X with ray-tracing and post-game content.

              • 2 months ago

                Like I said don't expect ray tracing much in Switch titles, the hardware is still there and it's best used for ray tracing functions, but it's not quite known what the final configuration will be, I'd expect it to be used for dedicated scenes in some games, and maybe hybrid solutions like composite reflections, or using rays to test shadow distance for contact harderning, there's a few methods I've seen devs use that use ray tracing to enhance existing techniques.
                Considering Xenoblade DE I'd say that a remaster by them would be interested, I'm more worried about further censorship, they just can't help themselves can they.

                The PS4's had a lot of overhead with it's RAM and GPU, but the Jaguar CPU was extremely bad.

                The PS4 CPU had 15,058 MOps/Sec
                While the Switch CPU had 11,869 MOps/Sec
                78 percentile

                The PS5 CPU has 66,707 MOps/Sec

                The Switch 2 CPU could be anything between 29,000 MOps/Sec - 31,000 MOps/Sec

                This does account for L1,L2,L3,RAM cache overhead the PS5, Switch 2 will be able to do but assuming all devs are extreme morons this shows to expect more severe cutbacks from PS5 to Switch 2 than PS4 to Switch

                I'm glad AMD have figured things out, those old CPUs truly were a pile of shit.

                So basically 30 FPS PS4 Games could be 60 on Switch 2, but 60 FPS Ps5 games will be struggling to do 30.

                Thanks All I need to know.

                Depends on why it was 30fps in the first place.

              • 2 months ago

                The censorship was done by Treehouse and 8-4.

              • 2 months ago

                Isn't the module for Ray tracing not really Ray tracing but a more advance thing. I forgot the name though.

            • 2 months ago

              And when switch 2 games also drop down to 15 fps what cope will you be using then?

              • 2 months ago

                At that point the problem is with the developer.

              • 2 months ago

                It's on the developers now. They know what the switch is capable of yet frick it up anyways.

              • 2 months ago

                Yes, but the issue is in the variation, most of the time in a game like Tears of the Kingdom you're not using Ultra Hand or in Kakariko village so you're getting a generally stable framerate, it's the exceptions to the standard gameplay that really show the limits of the hardware but the developers don't build the games around the extremes. You can already see in this thread where things have improved greatly and existing bottlenecks are alleviated, not just for the Switch but in comparison to the Xbox One/PS4, there are major improvements and games are far less likely to hit these limitations long before they have hit the many other limitations, and then you need to realize that these are Nintendo games, they aren't interested in realism, so their games will use significantly less resources for rendering characters, fewer polys, lower res textures, less textures, lower complexity materials etc.

                The censorship was done by Treehouse and 8-4.

                Yes, and they will do it again.

              • 2 months ago

                Not building around the extremes just means issues will arise no matter the hardware strength. Take a look at Flopspoken for a lesson in how stronger hardware doesn't mean jack to prevent issues.

              • 2 months ago

                Flopspoken was an issue of Square Enix being absolutely inept when it comes to technical ability. The far more balanced nature of the Switch hardware means that you're less likely to find extremes like the example given for Zelda, and even then I don't see Nintendo pushing fidelity through the roof to poinless levels like other developers and instead see them pushing more easily scalable visual effects that can be tuned up and down within a scene to preserve performance more easily. That last point is more hopeful wishes I guess, they could chase trends like is the industry standard but I just don't see Mario needing to use up the same kind of rendering resources as Nathan Drake, or any of the other characters within the scene needing to match what is seen on screen in Uncharted, even Monolith Soft, I don't see them pushing their character fidelity up to the point of FF7 remake, or FF15, for their art style their characters are nearly maxed out as is. A game like Animal Crossing is another example, the characters, the objects and the world could only use small enhancements to fidelity with most improvements being to things like lighting/shadow resolution, or the resolution of the game itself, but given the expected gulf you're going to have a lot of room to improve things and only so much you can do to improve the quality of the visuals without going completely overboard and rendering individual offshot strands on a woolen sweater.

              • 2 months ago

                Not gonna lie. I didn't bother reading all that cope. Just gonna call you a homosexual and be done with it.

              • 2 months ago

                I accept your concession, you really are wrong about everything.

            • 2 months ago

              The PS4's had a lot of overhead with it's RAM and GPU, but the Jaguar CPU was extremely bad.

              The PS4 CPU had 15,058 MOps/Sec
              While the Switch CPU had 11,869 MOps/Sec
              78 percentile

              The PS5 CPU has 66,707 MOps/Sec

              The Switch 2 CPU could be anything between 29,000 MOps/Sec - 31,000 MOps/Sec

              This does account for L1,L2,L3,RAM cache overhead the PS5, Switch 2 will be able to do but assuming all devs are extreme morons this shows to expect more severe cutbacks from PS5 to Switch 2 than PS4 to Switch

              • 2 months ago

                So basically 30 FPS PS4 Games could be 60 on Switch 2, but 60 FPS PS5 games will be struggling to do 30.

                Thanks All I need to know.

              • 2 months ago

                It depends on how many processes are tied to game logic or graphics. That said 30fps Elden Ring is to be expected.

              • 2 months ago

                Elden Ring is really CPU and RAM intensive,
                Like hitting above 30 is possible but keeping 60 will depend on how much particles they want to render.

                Armored Core 6 was more GPU intensive and really easy on the CPU and RAM, despite being the same team/engine.

                Course that implies From Soft making games and not hiring a contractor (Virtuos did the DaS1 port for Switch who also did Dying light and NieR Automata with mixed results)

    • 2 months ago

      Literally just make a Switch 2 exactly the same as the original just faster and explicitly give it a 2 in the name to avoid the Wii U fiasco. Release as many games on did as they did on the OG Switch and it'll again sell 100+ million units. Playstation did that with PS4 -> PS5 and it's selling like hot cakes despite having no games.

      Nintendo doesn't care about performance but Steam Deck is such a low bar, the Switch 2 will be faster even if it releases on the outdated Ampere Tegra.

      • 2 months ago

        >but Steam Deck is such a low bar
        No, it really isn't.

      • 2 months ago

        >but Steam Deck is such a low bar
        >it also weighs 3 times more than the Switch, uses more than 3 times more power and is as portable as a laptop

        • 2 months ago

          >3x more power
          The switch uses 11 watts maximum while the steam deck uses 15 watts maximum
          Math hard

          • 2 months ago

            >steam deck uses 15 watts maximum

        • 2 months ago

          >uses more than 3 times more power
          Yeah but it's 6-7x faster than a handheld Switch too

          • 2 months ago

            >Yeah but it's 6-7x faster
            I mean it definitely is big enough, you might as well just stick with a laptop for the form factor/cost involved.

        • 2 months ago

          >steam deck uses 15 watts maximum

          You know why Deck uses so much power, is so bulky and runs hot? Because it's extremely inefficient. They just cobbled together random parts that were never intended to be used this way.

          Instead of a small GPU clocked super high, Switch 2 has 3x more shaders cores than Deck (more than Series S even). More shaders clocked moderately outperform fewer shaders clocked high at fraction of wattage.
          Similarly CPU. 4 cores in Deck clocked sky high vs. 8 cores in Switch 2. Outperformed at fraction of wattage. Not to mention ARM by design has better power per wat ratio than ZEN2.
          Add to that better process node (still up in the air) and it's not even a contest.

          • 2 months ago

            Personally I'm expecting it to be 6nm, that's very common now without being expensive. The original Steam Deck was on 7nm for comparison. This isn't the main reason it will outperform the steam deck though, the main reason is because it can dock to the wall to draw more power. How much they draw is only really limited by heat, but there are easy ways to reduce heat like sticking a fan in the dock or making the console larger. I think the switch 2 will use more like 18-20watts in docked while the steam deck averages around like 12 watts.

          • 2 months ago

            Ripping shit right out of your ass today are you

          • 2 months ago

            >You know why Deck uses so much power, is so bulky and runs hot
            Because Gabe knew people would buy it without thinking, I have NEVER seen anyone take out a Deck where I see Switches and Laptops. Nobody buys them outside of fanboys and nobody takes them out of their room where their much more superior devices are. Its insanity.

          • 2 months ago

            You fanboys who think nintendo has access to magic tech and that nvidia of all corporations will provide it to them on the cheap when everyone else goes with amd for a reason are hilarious.

            • 2 months ago

              Nintendo went with Nvidia instead of AMD because AMD has zero good mobile ARM processors. Hell, Zen wasn't even a thing when the Switch was being designed and released.

              • 2 months ago

                Nintendo went with Nvidia because Shield was a massive flop and Nintendo could buy as many Tegras as they wanted at fire sale prices.

              • 2 months ago

                Since we got the gigaleak, we know we almost had the Tegra APX 2600 for the 3DS but they opted for the Pica200 since the Pica200 had better batter life for the performance they wanted as Nvidia at the time had really poor mobile processors.

                It was due to x86 licenses that pushed Nvidia to ARM and their mobile hardware improved greatly

          • 2 months ago

            >Instead of a small GPU clocked super high, Switch 2 has 3x more shaders cores than Deck (more than Series S even).
            Just glossing over the fact that the Shitch has a MUCH higher explosion risk for that reason than the Steam Deck, are you?
            Wake me up when the Steam Deck starts exploding like the Shitch...

            • 2 months ago

              what absurd thing are you on about

    • 2 months ago

      Good, that means it will be easier to emulate.

      • 2 months ago

        Emulation of this thing is gonna be a motherfricker. For one, good thing ever emulating this thing on a non-Nvidia card when it has DLSS and RT cores built in. There's no way you're just going to be able to switch the DLSS with FSR, they aren't designed the same. So that rules out pretty much anyone without a high end gaming rig.

        • 2 months ago

          Your hypothesis relies on the assumption that the Switch 2 will have DLSS and RT cores. We know absolutely nothing about the hardware.

          • 2 months ago

            Nvidia doesn't make devices without tensor cores or RT cores anymore. Your point may have been true 3 years ago.

        • 2 months ago

          >good thing ever emulating this thing on a non-Nvidia card
          not my problem. #teamgreen

          • 2 months ago

            But think of all the poor Brazilians with only 8 year old AMD cards

    • 2 months ago

      when have Nintendo ever cared about the hardware competition between Microsoft/Sony?
      why would they need to? people aren't buying a Switch to play the kinds of games that need powerful contemporary hardware, and if you are then you're fricking stupid

      It's not a rumor. Digital Foundry guy did a raw FLOP calculation where Switch 2 (in portable mode) is 1.5TF and Deck has (theoretical) 1.6TF.
      Doesn't matter since games will still run and look better on Switch 2 even in portable mode.
      And that's not even getting into Switch 2's docked mode which will be around 3TF.
      Obviously, at this point there's no way to miniaturise Series S to such extent to have a (reasonably) portable device.
      Being in the ballpark is possible. Like Switch 2's 3TF being in the ballpark of Series S's 4TF.

      • 2 months ago

        How did DF do the calculation when we still know nothing about the hardware?

        • 2 months ago

          We know the chip, but that's about it really

      • 2 months ago

        I know people want to make it out like the series S is more powerful because they don't want to look like Nintendo fanboys, but realistically there is no way a 4tflop system outperforms a 3tflop system with DLSS. DLSS should make it the equivalent of at least 5tflops. The switch 2 will also likely have a lot more RAM. The series S only has like 7.5gb available for games, whereas Nintendo will likely be around 10.5. The Series S will have significant advantages in CPU and storage speed, but these areas are definitively less important with modern games than the GPU and RAM. Also, the switch 2 will have much better raytracing support than the series S does. Some lazy third party ports may run better on series S due to being better optimized for that platform, but Nintendo's first party games will look better than anything on the series S.

        • 2 months ago

          >should make it the equivalent of at least 5tflops.

          Fricking nvidia shills I swear to god. Third party games are going to look much worse on the switch 2 compared to the series s. You can't upscale from 360p and except good results because upscaling isn't actually more performance. I sincerely wish you would drop dead.

          • 2 months ago

            >so mad he's making typos

          • 2 months ago

            >AMDrone who's never used DLSS says it's bad
            Many such cases! Just because FSR is unusable garbage doesn't mean DLSS and XeSS are bad, they're great.

        • 2 months ago

          Switch 2 being as powerful as Series S would be the dream but I dunno if current Nintendo would be willing to go that way.

        • 2 months ago

          Switch will have like 6 GB ram and 3 for games and you will rike it. Anyone believing israelitetendo will make a good machine is crazy and forget fast.

      • 2 months ago

        >Digital Foundry guy did a raw FLOP calculation

      • 2 months ago

        >comparing Nvidia tf to AMD tf

        Men, they really went fricking moronic right?



  2. 2 months ago

    I'm more interested to know what will be the year 1 exclusives. Like there is no chance it gets a new Zelda game as TOTK only came out last year so next Zelda will be at least 2027 or something. Metroid Prime 4 I assume will be cross gen so on switch 1 and switch 2. I want to know what will be the big games that make people get the switch 2 in year 1.

    • 2 months ago

      We already know about Pokemon Legends Z, that's gonna be a big one. The big launch title will be a 3D Mario game for sure, probably open world and more core focused than Odyssey was. The game for hardcore gamers at launch will surely be Metroid Prime 4. The holiday title will be Mario Kart probably paired with a Zelda remake or remaster. I think they'll do a full HD remake of OoT.

      They don't necessarily need as many releases though because this thing will definitely get a lot more third party support than the switch did, with most games being on PS4 and diminishing returns.

      • 2 months ago

        >We already know about Pokemon Legends Z,
        No chance that wont be cross gen

        • 2 months ago

          The switch 2 is vastly stronger than the switch 1. It's around 10-12x stronger. For comparison the PS5 is 5-6x stronger than the PS4. So they can use the massively better performance of cross gen titles to sell the console. If the switch 1 version of Legends Z is 1080p 30(drops to 10) fps while the switch 2 version is solid 2k60 with better lighting and shit who the frick is buying the switch 1 version?

          • 2 months ago

            The title most likely to not be crossgen will be Prime 4. Legends Z could be used as a way to showcase the strength of Switch 2 compared to Switch 1 (look how much better this game looks on our new console!)

            • 2 months ago

              >Looking good on any console
              That'd be an absolutely moronic plan, no way nintendo actually trusts gamefreak to deliver it a game that both looks and runs good enough to be a selling point for their new system (the actual selling point would be "we have pokemon, now consoom")

          • 2 months ago

            >who the frick is buying the switch 1 version?
            People who already own a Switch and don't want or can't spend $300+ on a new console.
            Why do people buy PS4 versions of games despite them being incredibly shit and inferior to the PS5 ones? Same fricking reason.

            • 2 months ago

              >Why do people buy PS4 versions of games despite them being incredibly shit and inferior to the PS5 ones? Same fricking reason.
              There's so little difference between the PS4 and PS5, primarily because of diminishing returns, especially for anyone who owns a PS4 pro. The switch to switch 2 gap is going to be very meaningful especially for a Pokemon game which is notorious for running like shit. Despite their horrible developers they can just brute force 60fps on the switch 2. That's a big selling point after scarlet ran at like 15fps.

              • 2 months ago

                >There's so little difference between the PS4 and PS5, primarily because of diminishing returns
                Go watch PS4 gameplay from Stranger of Paradise, RE4, Cyberpunk 2077, Witcher 3 and many others, then come back and say that again

              • 2 months ago

                >Go watch PS4 gameplay from Stranger of Paradise, RE4, Cyberpunk 2077, Witcher 3 and many others, then come back and say that again
                Not that anon but it's virtually the same anyway. There are no clear differences between PS4 and PS5, and the current Switch is not far behind either.
                Especially when it comes to 90% of game projects where the Switch handles them well enough, so what's left of the competition are the (generally crappy) few AAA projects.

              • 2 months ago

                Switch is outdated. It's only slightly better than PS3 which came out decade before and while dockless is weaker than mid-range smartphones at the time.

              • 2 months ago

                >It's only slightly better than PS3
                No one will take your posts seriously if you say such drivel

              • 2 months ago

                >Switch is outdated. It's only slightly better than PS3 which came out decade before
                Switch can handle games such as Ace Combat 7, Nier Automata, Earth Defense Force 4.1 and Red Dead Redemption 1 (which was known to be spaghetti code during the PS3 days). If the RGG studio actually cared to port their games, I'm sure Yakuza Dead Souls on Switch would be a complete different experience from its original PS3 release.

                Current Switch is merely below a base PS4 in terms of raw power, but that's already enough for most Japanese games and indies these days.

              • 2 months ago

                AC7 and Automata were never demanding games, even base PS4 could run these 60fps most of the time, and the latter barely run 30fps with big visual downgrade on Switch. It's also notoriously difficult developing games for PS3 due to Cell CPU. In raw power there's only slight difference between the two.

              • 2 months ago

                >and the latter barely run 30fps with big visual downgrade on Switch
                Nier Automata actually runs 30fps all the time (versus the PS4 struggling to maintain 60) with only a specific room at the endgame (one of the god towers) where it noticeably drops in framerate. Visuals are also pretty much the same with just a bit of foliage gone if you were to compare with the PS4/PC version but users won't notice that kind of thing.
                Almost like people spreading lies about the Switch being too underpowered do not play videogames

              • 2 months ago

                >action game like nier tomato at 30 fps
                Do tendies understand that being unable to run a 60 fps game at 60 fps is a really bad sign? Is it gonna run AAA movie games at 15 fps?

              • 2 months ago

                You really got them there, I guess none of them realized that a portable is less powerful than a home console on AC power.

              • 2 months ago

                Switch is better than PS3 in every way that's relevant to a standard game, the only advantage PS3 has is for something CPU intensive like a simulation, but the Switch CPU itself is capable enough to the point where this is entirely theoretical, as far as rendering power goes, the Switch's GPU while docked is on paper close to the PS3 but undocked it's more powerful, more ram and being better at a lot of tasks that modern games rendering does helps a lot in that way.

                >and the latter barely run 30fps with big visual downgrade on Switch
                Nier Automata actually runs 30fps all the time (versus the PS4 struggling to maintain 60) with only a specific room at the endgame (one of the god towers) where it noticeably drops in framerate. Visuals are also pretty much the same with just a bit of foliage gone if you were to compare with the PS4/PC version but users won't notice that kind of thing.
                Almost like people spreading lies about the Switch being too underpowered do not play videogames

                Nier Automata also runs at 900p on PS4, I'm guessing Platinums aging engine isn't effective, but the PS4's cpu could be an issue here.

              • 2 months ago

                Yeah. It's tiresome when most people on Ganker have zero understanding of technology. They just compare FLOPS.
                Switch uses a decade more modern technology, so even if in portable mode FLOPS have similar count to PS3, they're much more performant. In docked mode the gap widens even further.
                Switch GPU actually has a more modern featureset than PS4. Kingdom Come Deliverance on Switch for example, is more similar to the PC version in terms of graphics rendering features than the PS4 version was.

              • 2 months ago

                >brute force 60fps on the switch 2
                least delusional tendie
                you'll be lucky if switch 2 can hold a steady 30 fps

              • 2 months ago

                Every video game that was ever created can be run at 60FPS with compromises + better code

                Stellar Blade, Red Dead Redemption 2, any game really, doesn't run at 144FPS/240FPS because developers didn't want to compromise the graphical fidelity of the game. It's simply far more profitable to market graphical fidelity than performance

              • 2 months ago

                There's only little difference becuase ps5 expects the games to run in 4k, four times bigger than 1080p. Even many games still struggle to run 4k 30fps.
                Also there's still no technology to develop games at much faster pace which allow them to polish the graphics as best they could.

          • 2 months ago

            >the switch 2 version is solid 2k60
            Come on now

            • 2 months ago

              Neither Metroid Prime 4 nor Pokemon Legends Z-A will have a Switch 2 version. They are Switch games, period.

        • 2 months ago

          So was BotW and look at how that went

          • 2 months ago

            Thats totally different as nobody had the wiiu. Why would all the people who have a Switch bother buying a Switch 2 for Pokémon if Switch 1 can also play it?

    • 2 months ago

      New Pokemon Legends releases next year. Knew the moment the ad didn't say 2024 the new switch wasn't coming this year. We're also probably due for another Smash Bros to really sell it.

    • 2 months ago

      The new Layton, at least

    • 2 months ago

      >3D Mario
      >Metroid Prime 4
      >Fire Emblem 4 Remake
      >New IP
      >Maybe Smash, but at most you'll get a teaser and the game won't come out till 2026

      Those are the games I'd put my bets on. Everything else is just going to be 3rd party support for the first year, maybe throw in a couple exclusives like Ninjala 2 or some shit like that.

      • 2 months ago

        Smash as a launch title would be sick, but I don’t see it happening unless it’s Ultimate Deluxe.

      • 2 months ago

        I don’t know, I feel like switch’s first year had a bit more than just that

        • 2 months ago

          I'm sure there will be more, those are just my guesses for safe bets. And even then that Smash one is more wishful thinking, Nintendo has (mostly, sorry Prime 4 anons) dropped the habit of announcing games that won't be coming out for years. If they do announce a Smash it probably wouldn't be happening until the game is like 6 months away from release and pretty much done with development.

      • 2 months ago

        Hello yes I'd like to put all my chips on a Spirit Tracks tracks HD remake please. Yes by year 2 at the latest.

    • 2 months ago

      Already confirmed:
      >Pokemon LZA

      Likely in the first year:
      >new Mario Kart
      >new Splatoon
      >new 3D Mario

      Announced in first year:
      >new Smash

      • 2 months ago

        Splatoon 4 is too soon

        • 2 months ago

          I thought the same, but think about it.
          The DLC took forever for some odd reason, and they're gearing up for the final splatfest already.
          Wouldn't surprise me if their main focus was the new game, while a smaller team worked on the DLC.

    • 2 months ago

      I just want ring fit adventure 2

    • 2 months ago

      F Zero NX

    • 2 months ago

      >Like there is no chance it gets a new Zelda game as TOTK only came out last year so next Zelda will be at least 2027 or something.

      This isn't exactly true. They could just remake Link to the past ala Links awakening, and theres your launch zelda game

      • 2 months ago

        >Link to the past
        Already did that with Link Between Worlds.

      • 2 months ago

        >Link to the past
        Already did that with Link Between Worlds.

        I'm telling you it's gonna be Ocarina of Time. People think they wont do it because they already did it on the 3DS. That 3DS remake was barely any better. They can and will justify a second remake to get it into HD. I suspect they'll start remaking all the Zelda games (TPHD and WWHD were remasters) and they'll use that to fill out the schedule in between Zelda games.

        • 2 months ago

          Nintendo considers the 3DS versions of OoT and MM to be remasters, not remakes. Link's Awakening is their standard for a remake, whatever the frick they think that means.

          • 2 months ago

            I think Nintendo's standard is basically, did they have to remake the entire game from scratch? Remake. Did they reuse many assets and code? remaster.

      • 2 months ago

        not a new game. not worth getting a new console for.

    • 2 months ago

      > next Zelda will be at least 2027
      Next main Zelda will be 2030.

      • 2 months ago

        I think 2029. Around 4-4.5 years into the next console, the perfect time to launch a pro model. It will run at 30fps on the base switch 2 and 60fps on the pro model to get people to upgrade. And don't forget that OLED screen they removed from the base model to resell you.

        • 2 months ago

          The Switch 1 never had a pro model, though. The OLED is literally the same hardware with a different screen.

          • 2 months ago

            A pro model was obviously planned but scrapped because of the memedemic damaging supply chains. It was either launch the OLED with the old chip or have no supply like Sony or Microsoft. I don't think it was ever gonna be the crazy shit people were speculating like doing 4k, probably just 900p 30fps switch games would have run at 1080p60.

            • 2 months ago

              >memedemic damaging supply chains
              This. Joe Biden is basically directly to blame for the loss of the Switch Pro

            • 2 months ago


              • 2 months ago

                It explains a lot of things, like Pokemon Scarlet's performance. It was probably meant to tie in with TotK, which also explains the frame drops when using Fuse. Or why TTYD remake dropped from 60fps in the original to 30fps now.

              • 2 months ago

                >Pokemon Scarlet's performance
                I think that can be chalked up to Gamefreak being Gamefreak
                >It was probably meant to tie in with TotK, which also explains the frame drops when using Fuse. Or why TTYD remake dropped from 60fps in the original to 30fps now
                That's just the X1 and limited RAM showing their age. I think the pandemic definitely sent the Switch 2 release date back a few years, but there's nothing to indicate they were going to do a Pro model.

              • 2 months ago

                >there's nothing to indicate they were going to do a pro model
                Haven't their handhelds always had a pro model? Even the gameboy got one with the color. I think it's pretty suspicious the only time they skip it is when the pandemic hits.

              • 2 months ago

                Afaik the only handhelds to get pro models were the DS and 3DS, the gameboy color was advertised as the gameboy's successor.

              • 2 months ago

                GBC is in the same boat as DSi/N3DS. It has exclusive games that take advantage of the higher clocks and palettes, and games that use exclusive features when played on that hardware. But it's squarely in the GB line before the GBA.

              • 2 months ago

                GBC was never marketed as a hardware revision, though it was always intended to be the next GB. Saying it's in the same boat as DSi is like saying the Wii is a GameCube Pro.

              • 2 months ago

                I guess I'm the type who can't consider the Switch a "hybrid console" when it's clearly a tablet. GBC is an iteration of DMG.

              • 2 months ago

                >revision, though
                revision THOUGH,

          • 2 months ago

            The OLED can clock higher when running cfw or Ubuntu. And it supports 4K60 while v1 and Mariko can only do 4K30.

            • 2 months ago

              And before anyone says no way, it supports these DISPLAY resolutions. Rendering resolution is per game obviously.

            • 2 months ago

              The new components that supported 4k60 were cheaper to implement than the older ones, it's really as shrimple as that.

              • 2 months ago

                The Switch OLED has 4Display ports while the original Switch and revision only have 2 Displayports.

                The Switch OLED was originally the fabled Switch Pro but it was blindsided by poor management during remote work during Covid times only for Nintendo to see unprecedented success to the original model they saw they couldn't afford to split the community and cut costs to get as much money as possible.

                The Switch OLED still has 3 remnants of the Pro plans, LPDDR4X, doubling of the Displayports, and the GPU/CPU having a new upper limit in the native code that goes unused.

              • 2 months ago

                >and the GPU/CPU having a new upper limit in the native code that goes unused.
                can cfw utilise this?

              • 2 months ago

                There's a moron who uses the upper limit to play Android ports beyond 120 FPS but doesn't have a 4K TV to see if he can on native switch games


              • 2 months ago

                the CPU and GPU would have been different in the event of a pro model, so saying that they have new upper limits is moronic, the Switch Pro was rumoured long before covid, how could it have been completely mismanaged when it was apparently already shown to people.
                The other points I already explained, it's literally cheaper at points to just upgrade components to newer ones because production costs for them go down.

    • 2 months ago

      Metroid prime 4 and a new Mario could easily be with day 1 launch

    • 2 months ago

      >New 3D Mario
      >A Zelda remake/remaster/port, even a Botw+Totk "remaster" bundle could work
      >A new Mario Kart or Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Plus, at worst
      >Metroid Prime 4, cross gen
      >Pokemon Legends ZA, also cross gen
      >A new Monolith Soft project

    • 2 months ago

      There's been enough of a gap since the launch of Metroid Dread that Mercury Steam could have a new one out this year, I'm basically expecting to see the 1 2 punch of 3d and 3d Metroid Switch 2 launch year.

    • 2 months ago

      the new mana game will be a launch title i reckon.

    • 2 months ago

      A new mainline Animal Crossing game perhaps.

  3. 2 months ago

    It's pretty clear that no Nintendo leakers except Pyoro have any insiders at Nintendo anymore. This is why most of them quit and the few who still do it are often wrong. So in terms of leaks we don't have any real leaks about the switch 2. What we have is the Nvidia hack which tells us it's gonna be around 3tflops with DLSS and raytracing support. We also have Nintendo strongly hinting repeatedly that it will be backwards compatible and continue NSO.

    • 2 months ago

      >it's gonna be around 3tflops
      I'm not believing it for a minute
      We had "concrete proof" that Switch was an X2 and 1 TFLOP, too, and look how that turned out

      Here's the reality of the situation.
      1) No Nintendo product will be sold for a loss
      2) No Nintendo product will have a successful launch being released for more than $400
      3) Factoring in a 2025 release, the only thing that can satisfy all conditions is something Steam Deck-adjacent, perhaps with the added benefit of DLSS, but ray tracing is laughable. The PS5 can barely support it without shitting the bed, expecting it in a tablet is setting yourself up for massive disappointed, as per usual.

      Disappointment is the only thing thing that can arise from Nintendo hardware specifications

      • 2 months ago

        We never had proof that the switch 1 was X2. That was just wishful thinking because that was the best chip Nvidia had at the time. If the switch 2 GPU is running at the same frequency as the switch 1 GPU it is 3 tflops, based on the Nvidia hack. That's not a twitter leak, it's just a fact.

        • 2 months ago

          >That was just wishful thinking because that was the best chip Nvidia had at the time.
          No, it wasn't. There were pictures of dev kits with specifications "leaked" showing clock speeds and core configuration. I'd post them if I saved meaningless bullshit from 8 years ago but everyone swore up and down it was real and for all we know it may well have been. We know that Nintendo was entertaining the prospect of multiple SoCs which ultimately they decided against the X2 in favor of the X1 that Nvidia already had in production for the Tegra Shield 2 tablet that they ended up cancelling (because of Nintendo's contract).

          >If the switch 2 GPU is running at the same frequency as the switch 1 GPU it is 3 tflops, based on the Nvidia hack. That's not a twitter leak, it's just a fact
          >it's just a fact
          This is where you expose what an idiot you are. Even if we were certain that the data leak doesn't contain anything fabricate, we have no idea what the context is. This might just again be one of multiple models that Nvidia has proposed that Nintendo will ultimately decide against. There's no such thing as facts when it comes to leaks. You're, at best, looking at a small portion of an incomplete picture, and it might not even be that much

          • 2 months ago

            >No, it wasn't. There were pictures of dev kits with specifications "leaked" showing clock speeds and core configuration.
            You're not getting the difference here man. Some guy claiming something on twitter is not proof, it doesn't mean anything. A data breach of Nvidia posted online is a very different thing. We're either getting a 3tflop chip or the switch 2 was restarted and we wont get anything for 3-4 years minimum. Also if the switch 2 had been restarted that definitely would have leaked from third party developers by now.

            • 2 months ago

              >A data breach of Nvidia posted online is a very different thing
              Did you access the data directly from Nvidia? No? Then shut the frick up.
              You are trusting a 3rd party. It is absolutely, fundamentally, not different. You are probably also referencing some attention prostitute's opinion who interpreted it from Twitter, making it identical to last time.

              >We're either getting a 3tflop chip
              The economics of this are simply not possible unless Nintendo is selling this thing at a massive loss or it's not coming out until 2027. Keep blindly believing bullshit as "facts" though.

              • 2 months ago

                >The economics of this are simply not possible unless Nintendo is selling this thing at a massive loss or it's not coming out until 2027. Keep blindly believing bullshit as "facts" though.
                The economics are possible moron. There are low power laptops using integrated graphics that are 4.5tflops now. Those laptops are 700 dollars now but they also include stuff like 4k OLED screens that the switch 2 wont have and the price will drop by next year. It is totally feasible for Nintendo to get 3tflops next year at 400 dollars.

              • 2 months ago

                >It is totally feasible for Nintendo to get 3tflops next year at 400 dollars
                Not at a profit. Nintendo is adamant about not taking a loss on hardware.

              • 2 months ago

                Wonder why. Everyone else takes the loss, but Nintendo charges the same for games as everyone else.

              • 2 months ago

                >Wonder why
                Because the GCN and Wii U, the biggest flops in Nintendo's history, were both sold at a loss.

              • 2 months ago

                When Nintendo flops (which is inevitable at least some of the time, given their reliance on gimmicks), the flop has less impact. Price doesn't impact Nintendo's sales very much, which the Gamecube's aggressive pricing demonstrated. Its audience is more interested on novelty than value.
                PS3 was a giant money black hole for years for Sony because they were losing like $100 on each one until the end. And that console wasn't even selling that bad.

              • 2 months ago

                wow they really fricked up with the ps3, huh

              • 2 months ago

                >Wonder why
                Because the GCN and Wii U, the biggest flops in Nintendo's history, were both sold at a loss.

                There is absolutely no indication that Nintendo wont sell hardware at a small profit margin or a loss. They did that with 2/3 of their last systems. Hardware is a relatively small part of their profit, probably about 25% so cutting down that margin is not some horrible blow to them like it's made out to be. They can cut their hardware profit margin in half and still get like 85% of the switch's total profit, which would hardly be an issue. It would still make the switch 2 more successful than the Wii and DS.

              • 2 months ago

                >There are low power laptops using integrated graphics that are 4.5tflops now. Those laptops are 700 dollars
                Show me. Most of the specifications for APUs are complete bullshit anyway when you start benchmarking their actual performance because TDP limitations scale the clocks way down after they overheat in 2 seconds

              • 2 months ago

                >Show me
                Here's one at 750
                If you wait around for deals I'm confident you could find this shit for like 600 bucks.

              • 2 months ago

                holy shit that is a really good price for an ultrabook with oled and decent specs
                forget gaming, that is an extremely good work pc for that price
                what is the catch?

              • 2 months ago

                The catch is that's it's made by Asus, so expect flimsy build quality.

              • 2 months ago

                I know it's confusing from the word Ultra being used but it's not an ultra book, it's a normal laptop. Normal laptops with integrated graphics have just gotten to the point they're around 4.5tflops with Intel's newest chips. I've been pointing out on Ganker lately that this could be an issue for Sony that when these 700-800 dollar laptops are occasionally on sale for around 400 dollars in a few years, and can play PS5 games in solid quality, it could potentially hurt their sales. While these laptops are still only like half a PS5, we have diminishing returns and they're portable while the PS5 isn't.

              • 2 months ago

                "Ultra" doesn't refer to the specs, it's the form factor. That's why gaming laptops with i9s and 4090s are not called ultrabooks, cause they're fricking huge. An ultrabook is a very powerful computer that's extremely light and thin, with a superb screen and decent IO

              • 2 months ago

                If the price of traditional gpu’s is anything to go by, it wouldn’t be terribly surprising. A 3060 is sub $300 and RX 6600s are in the $250 range or lower. Those are capable of medium settings for most games

              • 2 months ago

                My Hail Mary bet is the switch 2 takes advantage of the huge GPU increases that have been made in the last few years and will have respectable hardware comparable to something like an underclocked 3060 or RX6600. Medium PC settings at 60 FPS locked. The Microsoft - Nintendo courting will come into play and some Gamepass games will be available on the switch or maybe streaming. Make a big deal about Halo MCC being on the switch. Warzone and CoDs will be playable. If anything like this happens you’ll see Sony lose a large chunk of market share, leading to an odd Nintendo-Microsoft alliance with Sony being the odd man out

              • 2 months ago

                We know what chip it will use.
                Performance will be 2060/3050 level.

              • 2 months ago

                That would make it 2.9 - 4.42 TFLOPS
                if it had 2304 shader cores.
                But since the leak shows it only has 1536 (assuming none are disabled)
                66.6% technical reduction.
                1.9 TFLOPS in handheld mode
                2.94 TFLOPS dock.
                Assuming that it's 1 to 1 to the Switch's clock speeds,
                Ampere clock speeds in the same volt/wattage as the original switch can go up to 1042MHz.
                So your final result (if the CPU stays at 1.6GHz and the LPDDR5 is downclock to 80GB/s)
                2.5 TFLOPS handheld
                3.9 TFLOPS Dock.

                It would be miles ahead of the PS4 CPU (because it was that terrible even a failed 2012 ARM CPU Nintendo half clocked kept up 78% in performance), while technically bodied by the PS4 Pro as the bandwidth wouldn't able to cope with alpha effects.

                Assume it's going to be roughly or a little better than the Orin NX 8GB SOC

                if it has 12 GB of RAM, it'll be closer to the PS4 Pro more than the Series S.

              • 2 months ago

                I think Nintendo's going to stick with 8 gigs of RAM because they're moronic like that.

              • 2 months ago

                8GB of ram is plenty for what Nintendo is aiming to do, unless they are interested in 4k, in which case I think it's more likely that they would be bandwidth limited like the original Switch was

              • 2 months ago

                I kinda expect them too, it also expected they only use 2.2/3 GB for the Switch but Capcom of all people convinced them to get an extra GB.

                Considering Samsung doesn't have 9GB in LPDDR5, it's likely they're use 8 GB regardless, but they do have the option to use 12GB or 16 GB

                16GB of LPDDR5 is around 70 dollars to consumers (Nintendo/Nvidia can haggle for pennies less)
                12GB of LPDDr5 might only be possible if 8GB modules are being outbidded by other mobile manufacturers.
                Which is why 16GB is doubly unlikely

              • 2 months ago

                Really depends on Nintendo's own goals but 8GB is plenty, people think this will be like the PS4/Xbox One again but they ignore that the PS4/Xone reserve more than 2GB for the OS, Switch 2 will stick to 1GB, so there's still more Ram available for Switch developers.
                4k is the only reason I see Nintendo going with 12GB.

              • 2 months ago

                There's also the possibly of A78C being able to use the RAM (125MBx8-250MBx8)for a decompression engine (which the T239 reportedly has)

                It could be 6-7 GB for Devs, since the engine would be OS driven with 2 or 1 GB.

                Otherwise expect CoD Warzone to have worse than HDD PS4 level loading times.

              • 2 months ago

                Thankfully it's Nintendo so I could see them telling third parties to allocate that ram themselves from the games own allocation if they want to bloat their games so hard that they need heavy compression. but I also remember reading that Samsung already has a deal with Nintendo to provide proprietary carts, now what this means is unknown, but what I do know is that SD Express has failed to take off thanks to a complete lack of usecase, so I could see Nintendo scoring an amazing deal for both high speed and high capacity carts/internal storage, assuming that that's what the deal is for, SD express manufacturers should be salivating at the thought of 10s to 100s of millions of users looking to buy SD express cards.

              • 2 months ago

                Considering Smash Ultimate was apparently 60GB compressed down to 15 GB on the regular Switch, should we expect the same compression with better loading times?

                Imagining Warzone being 44 GB instead of 175 GB sounds really good on paper.

              • 2 months ago

                The PS5/Series hardware allows for way better lossless compression than any Switch 2 ever will. If they get Warzone to 40GB, it will be due to low res assets.

              • 2 months ago

                To continue, Nintendo takes a cut of Gamepass subs on their platform, which single handedly fixes their third party issue with their doing no work whatsoever. If the switch 2 can launch with that RX6600 ish performance it could dramatically shift the balance of the industry. Sony is at its weakest and is only surviving off brand momentum from the failed Xbox One launch in 2013. Suddenly all those millions of kids who all have switches as toys will merge right into Gamepass as they age, perfect market opportunity for tapping the massive switch player base. And finally, as the economy continues to get worse, a $15 - $20 per month subscription sounds more attractive than $75 games to most people. I have no evidence for this whatsoever of course, so you should believe me or your mother dies in her sleep tonight

              • 2 months ago

                Are games really going to be $75? They're $100 minimum with microtransactions and seasonal battle passes now.

              • 2 months ago

                Why would Nintendo accept Gamepass on their own hardware, that just lets Microsoft circumvent Nintendo's own storefronts, Nintendo weren't dumb enough to let EA have their own storefront on Nintendo's hardware and they weren't dumb enough to let Sony have their own storefront on Nintendo hardware what makes you think that Microsoft will magically get their own storefront on Nintendo hardware?

              • 2 months ago

                A more attractive deal

              • 2 months ago

                You mean the same deal where MS circumvent Nintendo's own storefront with their own, Nintendo has nothing to gain from doing such a deal with MS, and that's with Nintendo having the knowledge that MS are out to acquire them, which Nintendo have no interest in since they are a long term company.

              • 2 months ago

                I’m not saying it’s set it stone but there’s far from a nonzero chance. A significant cut of Gamepass would turn their existing store into a “heads we win, tales you lose” situation, where you ca. buy CoD Black Ops 2 or Halo MCC and they get their cut, or you get them free with Gamepass, of which they also get a cut. It also can’t be ignored that, with the EU getting cucked by the Activision acquisition, Microsoft is an extension of the US government, of which Japan is a subject. If Microsoft wants in, they’ll probably get what they want, regardless of what our favorite skinny eyed fellows want

              • 2 months ago

                I'd say there's a zero chance, entirely because Nintendo just aren't moronic enough to give Microsoft their own storefront on Nintendo's own hardware.
                >If Microsoft wants in, they’ll probably get what they want
                Just like when they went to buy Nintendo out in the 00s, you truly are moronic, and delusional.

              • 2 months ago

                It’s not the 00’s anymore

              • 2 months ago

                Yeah Nintendo are now profitable than ever and their legacy in Japan is cemented to the point where the PM of Japan wore a Mario hat to announce the Japanese olympic games, Nintendo are, Microsoft who at best have government contracts can totally get the US to pressure Japan to force Nintendo to let them exclusively set up Gamepass on Nintendo hardware, as if a single senator would give even a single frick about such a moronic proposition, if what you say was even remotely true MS would already own Nintendo, but last I checked they didn't.

              • 2 months ago

                Just like how I’m sure no one cared about the billions to be made in the Activision deal. No one cares about billions of dollars, right? Im sure the EU courts carefully deliberated for months, and that whole back and forth was 100% not a struggle session between EU regulators and lawmakers against US interests. I’m not saying any of it is going to absolutely happen, but to act like it has no possibility is Steven Bonnel Destiny tier moronic

              • 2 months ago

                The two parties agree to this acquisition in the first place, Nintendo isn't going to agree with MS putting a second storefront on NIntendo's own store, especially one that circumvents NIntendo's own storefront.

              • 2 months ago

                So does EA play in steam circumvent steam’s storefront? Also you said

                >Nintendo are more profitable
                Instead of
                >Nintendo is more profitable
                As Nintendo is a group and groups are singular as anyone with any decent knowledge of English knows, meaning you are capped at 105IQ

              • 2 months ago

                Oh yeah, he's fricking mad. look bud your dream hail mary pass is complete shit, and completely moronic, I already explained basically everything and the best you can do is make personal attacks, pathetic.

              • 2 months ago

                >So does EA play in steam circumvent steam’s storefront?
                Valve isn't giving EA an in to the PC marketplace because EA are already on PC, they aren't porting full games to a discrete hardware platform like the Switch and then demanding the hardware owners set up a second store that allows users to access their games for a monthly subscription which is in direct competition with the the platform owners own existing store, these two things are just not the same, and you're only proving yourself to be dumber and dumber by pushing this point, also the kind of people that go after errors in communication like that are sub 100IQ grasping to anything that will pull them up and their oponents down, you are a small small man, and I'm not even remotely sorry I destroyed your dreams so hard.

                I’m not mad at all and I won’t even be buying a switch if everything I said happens. You are both dumb and redditoids. Please leave

              • 2 months ago

                >literally incapable of an actual rebuttal of any kind
                I like winning arguments hours later.

              • 2 months ago

                I could sit here all day and waste time but I’m not going to

              • 2 months ago

                Your opinions are a waste of time, you didn't even think anything through but you sure posted it.

              • 2 months ago

                >So does EA play in steam circumvent steam’s storefront?
                Valve isn't giving EA an in to the PC marketplace because EA are already on PC, they aren't porting full games to a discrete hardware platform like the Switch and then demanding the hardware owners set up a second store that allows users to access their games for a monthly subscription which is in direct competition with the the platform owners own existing store, these two things are just not the same, and you're only proving yourself to be dumber and dumber by pushing this point, also the kind of people that go after errors in communication like that are sub 100IQ grasping to anything that will pull them up and their oponents down, you are a small small man, and I'm not even remotely sorry I destroyed your dreams so hard.

              • 2 months ago

                That's exactly how the Embrace, Extend, Extinguish happens.

          • 2 months ago

            >This might just again be one of multiple models that Nvidia has proposed that Nintendo will ultimately decide against
            Nvidia has two chips that they will be selling when the switch 2 comes out. Orin, the chip in the hack or Thor, the next generation successor to Orin. So since these are Nvidia's only products, Nintendo will be either using a 3tflop chip (they will) or they'll be using a much stronger chip and selling the switch 2 for 700 dollars.

      • 2 months ago

        We know it has ray tracing hardware, it's really a matter of how Nintendo will implement it, the funny thing is that nobody ever mentions how ray tracing can be used to calculate accurate sound propagation, I don't think that the expected hardware is capable of much more than that.

    • 2 months ago

      Pyoro only gets info from YouTube videos shortly before they air. He's not going to say anything about Switch 2 until they're close to revealing it

  4. 2 months ago

    Will indie devs make sure their games work on both platforms?

  5. 2 months ago

    It's not about the censorship. It's about activists in the industry that hate male gamers. The censorship achieved absolutely nothing but smearing some shit under the noses of the fans, all for some b***h higher up at Sony to get off on having the power to do that.

    It's like that quote. The industry really is spiritually just a little girl forcing her older brother's action figures to play tea party and dress up, knowing that there will be zero repercussions since her parents (games media/gov) will take her side no matter what. And the little brother just has to eat shit. Thats us.

    There's also something to be said in all this about the games rating authorities, and how they mean jackshit anymore and are just a completely unnecessary racket at this point that punishes anything that doesn't align politically with higher ratings, which don't mean anything anymore.

    Lastly there is the moronic parroted "it's Christians and puritans!". Sorry to break it to you boomers, but WASPs have completely lost any power in America. It's not the early 2000's anymore with karens crying about GTA. The reason we can't have sexy women in games is the above-mentioned analogy, WASPs are out and radical leftists and feminists are in. They don't want sexy women in games not because it's immoral, they don't want them in games because they hate gamers, and they get off on having power over us.

    Basically gamers are oppressed isn't a meme anymore

    • 2 months ago

      Actual bot

      • 2 months ago

        Cope homosexual.

    • 2 months ago

      Meds, /misc/cuck.

  6. 2 months ago

    Pointless console until it gets a new not remake Zelda game.

  7. 2 months ago

    It's another tablet with WiiU ports and shitty specs.

  8. 2 months ago

    The held off on the Switch 2 for so long they're just gonna release the Switch 3 instead.

  9. 2 months ago

    I really think we'll see an Ocarina of Time remake in the first year. It just makes sense to me. Firstly, a remake of an old game is a great way to show off improved hardware and the hardware here is much stronger. It would be great marketing to show a side by side of the N64 game and the switch 2 version. Secondly, Nintendo has been pivoting toward the core audience lately with their games. Things like bringing back progression systems (even 2D Mario got one), more interesting aesthetic designs, killing the Mario mandate, and just generally increasing complexity in their titles (such as kirby and the forgotten land compared to star allies). If they want to tell people, hey, we care about the core audience again, what better game to do that with than Ocarina of Time? Tons of nostalgia among the core audience, and it's basically the game that invented the modern adventure genre. Some more intimidating enemies and areas like dead hand, etc. I think it's a great idea.

  10. 2 months ago

    The reason why there are no "Switch 2" rumors is because not even second and third parties have devkits, anyone saying they do is bullshitting.
    T. Actually In The Know (and I don't know what it is either)

    • 2 months ago

      We know they've had dev kits for a while. The Dune game developer listed the games platforms as Xbox/Playstation/PC and an unannounced next gen platform. There's really nothing else that could be. And that hiring ad is like a year old so developers have been working on switch 2 games for ages. They're probably starting to get really pissed off that Nintendo keeps delaying it.

      • 2 months ago

        It would've had to have been for the next Sony / Microsoft console, no one is in the know and anyone saying they are is bullshitting you.

        Which studio do you work for

        American division of a second party developer.

    • 2 months ago

      Which studio do you work for

    • 2 months ago

      All signs are pointing to the Switch 2 coming out early next year. Now I'm not a game dev, so I don't know how this works, but I assume that if Nintendo wants 3rd party support they'd be giving out devkits to trusted dev studios so they can make games for the launch instead of hiding it until a few months before release just to avoid leaks. Even something as simple as a port needs months/years to get done.

      Correct me if I'm wrong.

      • 2 months ago

        We have no info about the "next Nintendo console" currently. No talks of crossgen, no talks of specs, no talks of ports, nothing. Even our title for June is currently just a Switch game, but it wouldn't be past Nintendo to ask for a port last minute. As far as we're concerned, it's just Switch and only Switch though.

      • 2 months ago

        This is probably happening already. Ever heard of an NDA?

    • 2 months ago

      These homies are saying devkits are already out

    • 2 months ago

      I would bet my own life that the big Japanese devs have them. You really don't think the MH team wasn't consulted on it?

  11. 2 months ago

    I've heard the joycons will be magnetic for the switch 2, it came from a guy who's leaked stuff correctly before

    The only thing I'm interested is the games though. I hope they have something fun lined up for launch

  12. 2 months ago

    New F-Zero game.
    I have no source for this, I'm just hoping to will it into reality.

    • 2 months ago

      I had a dream where Nintendo did to Fzero what they did to Mario Kart with the switch verison. Just a very polished version of the core game, with tons of content.

  13. 2 months ago

    Some Brazilian trusted leaker recently "leaked" that Joy-cons would be different and that it would release in Spring 2025, which anyone with a brain could predict.

  14. 2 months ago

    My uncle works at Nintendo he told me it will be able to play every game even Sonic.

    • 2 months ago

      >Sonic on a Nintendo console
      Wait, what year is it again?

  15. 2 months ago

    Hoping they bring back dual screen but make them detachable for more options like using it as a wii u where the top screen is docked, a ds of course where both screens attached, a portable wii u where the top screen is stood up and separate from the bottom screen. People have mentioned they could do dual screen through streaming but that would eliminate the possiblity of portable dual screen gameplay, though maybe you could do both so it could act like a wii u except two people can have a screen to themselves, and if another person brings their switch 2 over, four people can have a screen to themselves

  16. 2 months ago

    The notion that Nintendo will definitely sell the switch 2 at a massive profit margin and this means it has to have weak hardware ignores their history. The Wii U was sold with a very small profit margin at launch and the 3DS was actually sold at a loss for a while. Nintendo is not opposed to a small profit margin if that's what they believe it will take to sell the console. They're currently making ~6 billion dollars in profit a year. Dropping the profit margin by a whopping 50 dollars (huge in this context) would cost them about 1 billion a year, still leaving them with a very healthy 5 billion dollar profit margin. And they can potentially increase game prices to 70 dollars and sell more of the 50 dollar online subscription (by getting rid of the 20 dollar one) to make that back.

    • 2 months ago

      >3DS was actually sold at a loss for a while
      It wasn't until the 30% price slash because it was bombing

      • 2 months ago

        >It wasn't until the 30% price slash because it was bombing
        And if Nintendo thinks the switch 2 will bomb if they try to sell it at a high profit margin what do you think they're gonna do tard?

  17. 2 months ago

    fricking magnets how do they work

  18. 2 months ago

    According to my dreams, it will be a Wii U.

  19. 2 months ago

    Genuinely speaking, all I want is backwards compatibility and a clamshell design.

  20. 2 months ago

    >mfw lost my original account

    >mfw if they send codes to the switch 2 instead of the website verification

    I mean it's not a huge lost since most of my collection is physical but still......

  21. 2 months ago

    >Q2 2024
    >still no switch 2 announcement
    I literally told you morons it's not coming, and you all laughed at me. Nintendo said 10 years of support and they meant it. The switch is selling like crazy even right now. It's not coming out until 2026 or 2027, guaranteed.

    • 2 months ago

      When the switch 2 gets announced it will 100% be announced on May 7th, when they have their yearly investor briefing. They have no choice but to announce it at that date because they have to give sales and income predictions and they cant lie about those predictions. So if they are launching a console in that given year, it will be obvious even if they don't say it - so might as well say it and control the narrative. Now will that be May 7th this year? We'll see. If it's not, then it isn't coming out until at least late 2025 though.

      • 2 months ago

        >will that be May 7th this year?
        No. Late 2026 at the absolute earliest.

        • 2 months ago

          >9 fricking years before a successor for the Switch comes out
          No. Switch 2 is coming out next year for sure. Publishers are already skipping making a SW version of their multiplats because it's way too weak, and the potential sales from it would not offset the extra development costs.

      • 2 months ago

        >when they have their yearly investor briefing
        That's when they'll announce that the Switch successor is in development, but nothing more. The proper reveal will be during E3 season.

        • 2 months ago

          I don't know if you've noticed, but E3 is irrelevant nowadays. Nintendo is more likely to announce it in a direct than a trade show.

        • 2 months ago

          >The proper reveal will be during E3 season.
          i miss it so much

        • 2 months ago


          Anon haven't you heard the news,E3 is effectively dead & never coming back

          • 2 months ago

            I don't know if you've noticed, but E3 is irrelevant nowadays. Nintendo is more likely to announce it in a direct than a trade show.

            >Nintendo is more likely to announce it in a direct than a trade show
            A direct that will take place in May or June, when E3 was normally held.

            >The proper reveal will be during E3 season.
            i miss it so much

            Eh, it had some kino moments, but I got sick of seeing celebs and people that have nothing to do with gaming.

  22. 2 months ago

    I don't understand why people even want a switch 2. it won't mean anything for games

  23. 2 months ago

    By the way, when this thing launches it's going to
    >be underpowered
    >have an LCD screen (so they can double dip with the OLED model 3 years later)
    >have controllers that are somehow even shittier and more prone to drift than before
    >have paid online
    >cost probably $50-100 more overall
    And tendies will go out in droves to buy it like the moronic paypigs they are. How can anyone like modern Nintendo? You have to get off on being abused to still be a Nintendo fan in 2024.

    • 2 months ago

      >>be underpowered
      We knew this already, Orin is going to be be 3 years old when Switch 2 launches.
      >>have an LCD screen (so they can double dip with the OLED model 3 years later)
      This makes no sense, there's no way they'll make such an obvious downgrade in what's supposed to be their next gen system. It's like saying the GBA will launch with a BW screen.
      >>have controllers that are somehow even shittier and more prone to drift than before
      True, DS5 is magnitudes worse than the DS4 as well. Amazing now Xbox makes the only controller worth a damn.

      • 2 months ago

        >there's no way they'll make such an obvious downgrade
        Lol you clearly underestimate how shitty and anti consumer Nintendo can be

      • 2 months ago

        DS vs DS4 is a toss up depending on how large your hands are but both are objectively better than the shitty Xbox controller.
        The Xbox controller has higher latency, the face buttons have bad contact, the shoulder buttons break more often and the sticks have no anti friction rings so you build up shaved off plastic over time and damage the sticks. Also no gyro, worse haptics and less buttons. Stick placement is subjective. The only advantage of the Xbox controller is the battery life. The battery life on DS is bad and abysmal on DSE.
        They both get shat on by chink controllers like 8bitdo and flydigi.

      • 2 months ago

        how old are you? they've always been anticonsumer. gameboy and gameboy pocket had no backlight which they knew was a problem as per release of gameboy light. then gameboy color and advance had no backlight again. SP had one but then there was all that shit with ags-001 and ags-101. then there was hinge fiasco with nds lite. then there was price dropping with 3ds and tf vs ips screens in all 3ds versions. now we have joycon drift which is of course YOUR FAULT and you still believe that the base model of shit 2 will have OLED screen?

    • 2 months ago

      >And tendies will go out in droves to buy it like the moronic paypigs they are
      Anon, the Switch is 7 years old going on 8. Normal people buy the next generation of their console when the current one is 8+ years old.
      The PS5 on the other hand is 4 years old and already dead, confirmed by Sony, and there are people buying it RIGHT NOW despite only having around 8 games. That's a paypig.
      I know we're supposed to hate Nintendo but they were the best choice last gen and they're gonna be the best choice next gen.

  24. 2 months ago

    1. wahoo
    2. 1-up bing

  25. 2 months ago

    bigger than switch 1
    smaller than steam deck
    magnetic joycons
    underpowered again (between ps4 and ps4 pro)

    • 2 months ago

      >underpowered again (between ps4 and ps4 pro)
      Eh this is actually fine, modern games get ps4 versions that are just fine and that's without taking the optimization nintendo will do for switch 2 and the upscaling into account, graphics have fully reached the diminishing returns era and if they manage to get decent performance they're pretty much good to go

      • 2 months ago

        >graphics have fully reached the diminishing returns era
        But they have also entered the pajeet bloat era. You need powerful hardware to run their shitty code.

        • 2 months ago

          >But they have also entered the pajeet bloat era. You need powerful hardware to run their shitty code.
          Not really. Every game this generation has to run on series S and the Switch 2 should be able to run any series S game. The power between the two is very comparable with each having advantages in different areas. At worst you'll have some games that run at 4k30 on PS5 and "only" run at 1080p 30 on switch 2, but who really gives a shit?

          • 2 months ago

            >Every game this generation has to run on series S
            MS had to bring in their own people because Larian was too incompetent to optimize for Series S

            • 2 months ago

              Yeah, but when the series S version is made they can just port that. Nintendo can coast off the series S this gen. No one is gonna dare spite microsoft and skip the series S meaning any game should be portable and only wont be if the dev is being paid by sony.

  26. 2 months ago

    it's using samsung components (rumor)

  27. 2 months ago

    >What are the latest Switch 2 rumours?
    Analysts and digital foundry claim it'll be weaker than the deck. That's about it.

    • 2 months ago

      >Analysts and digital foundry claim it'll be weaker than the deck. That's about it.
      I assume they're talking about handheld mode. While that's technically true, DLSS will still make it perform better, and it no one really cares about handheld performance with that tiny screen anyway.

      • 2 months ago

        Didn't an official Nintendo survey confirm 50% of Switch owners play portably most of the time?

        • 2 months ago

          >Didn't an official Nintendo survey confirm 50% of Switch owners play portably most of the time?
          I'm not saying nobody plays portable, I'm saying that with diminishing returns on an 8 inch screen, the performance isn't very important there. Most games will probably run ~900p and on a screen that size that's higher resolution than 4k on a big TV. It just doesn't matter.

      • 2 months ago

        >no one really cares about handheld performance with that tiny screen anyway.
        the entire nation of japan sends their regards

  28. 2 months ago

    I don't give a shit about the console, it's just a stronger bigger switch. I want the eshop to keep the entire switch catalog.

    • 2 months ago

      >I want the eshop to keep the entire switch catalog.
      With nintendo's track record, not going to happen.

    • 2 months ago

      Digital bc is pretty much a given.

      • 2 months ago

        >I want the eshop to keep the entire switch catalog.
        With nintendo's track record, not going to happen.

        Nintendo said that is something they are keeping, digital sales are tied to accounts which carry over between gens now. We don't know if physical will, but the switch 2 will probably be back compatible.

        • 2 months ago

          >We don't know if physical will
          If the rumors about Switch 2 using V-NAND carts are true, probably not. They'll most likely follow the Vita model, where only digital tiles get carried over.

        • 2 months ago

          Nintendo has fricked over it's fan several times, they still make people pay full price for botw and marko kart 8, fricking WiiU games, 10 year old games...

          • 2 months ago

            tbf with MK8, there's no reason to bring down the price if so many people are willing to pay $60 for that game. Don't know what kind of black magic they used with MK8, but it still tops sales charts even all these years later.

            • 2 months ago

              It's still bullshit, make money on the dlc's and sell the game for 15$ instead.

    • 2 months ago

      >I want the eshop to keep the entire switch catalog.
      With nintendo's track record, not going to happen.

      Digital bc is pretty much a given.

      Nintendo has on at least 10 occasions talked about a smooth transition to the next console. What else can this possibly mean except backwards compatibility?

      • 2 months ago

        You think they're going to say they want a rough transition to the next console? It's dumb to assume they'll do anything until they outright confirm it. They've left libraries to die on old hardware plenty of times before. They have a hostile relationship with ownership and clearly view it as lost sales in regards to porting old games and their rental service. Anyone who's bought any digital games on the wii u or 3ds is fricked unless they keep buying those systems off ebay and transferring their games before the system inevitably dies or their games will get taken with it. My 3ds already got toasted.

      • 2 months ago

        >What else can this possibly mean except backwards compatibility?
        I want to go to the eshop and still be able to buy switch games on the new console. If Nintendo can't let me do that they are genuinely moronic.

        • 2 months ago

          >If Nintendo can't let me do that they are genuinely moronic.
          Buddy, this is Nintendo we're talking about. They'll have that feature, but you'll have to pay 10 dollars to use it. Somehow, normies will be okay with it.

  29. 2 months ago


  30. 2 months ago

    Rumor: They're bringing back street pass. You bring the controller with you, and stick it up your ass. When pass another Switch 2 enjoyed it will buzz

  31. 2 months ago

    According to rumors it will make Ganker even more butthurt.

    • 2 months ago

      Ganker in 30fps!

  32. 2 months ago

    I have long stopped caring about graphics
    Switch is already fine

  33. 2 months ago

    No way it won't be backwards compatible. Gameboy to DS, DS to 3DS, Wii to Wii U anyone? Switch 2 will accept Switch cartridges like the 3DS accepted DS games, and the Switch 2 cartridges will be shaped a bit weird to make it clear that you can't fit them inside a Switch 1.

    • 2 months ago

      I'm of 2 minds about it. The Switch library is so vast that it makes sense to have it be backwards compatible but at the same time, the library might be too vast? There was a void of 3rd party games on Nintendo platforms for about a decade, and the Switch basically caught Nintendo up with all those missing titles, it got ports of nearly every gen 7 and 8 game that missed Nintendo's hardware. What happens when Nintendo goes into a new generation where that's not the case? They even got to double dip on their Wii U titles to fill up gaps in their release schedule. In a world where the Switch 2 is backwards compatible, software sales would most likely plummet like what the PS5 is currently experiencing.

      Realistically, what happens if the Switch 2 ends being too weak to run games again? We're only 3 years off of next gen consoles from Sony and Microsoft and there's a new GPU generation coming soon. If 3rd parties have already ported their games to the Switch, and it doesn't get new games because it ends up being too weak, and there's no ports of Wii U games then the Switch 2 is going to have a much worse library than the original Switch.

      Forcing consumers to rebuy games digitally that they already purchased physically might be the way for Nintendo and 3rd party publishers to still make money for those games that people already own. Most Switch owners buy physical because they're not moronic. That's easy to exploit if you're a homosexual corporate scumfrick with a business degree.

      • 2 months ago

        >In a world where the Switch 2 is backwards compatible, software sales would most likely plummet
        I think it would be way more fricked without backwards compatability than with it, even if it means they can't milk ports as easily. The switch's successor still has to compete with the switch, and it's going to be very easy for a large part of the casual install base to hold off on upgrading if it can't play what they already have. Not to mention how burned people will feel if all of their eshop purchases are locked to one console as well.

        • 2 months ago

          Not only would the switch 2 not having back compat cause people to not upgrade, many people would specifically buy a switch 1 INSTEAD of a switch 2 due to the bigger library. Parents would buy their kids the console with all the games and a lower price. It would be beyond moronic.

          • 2 months ago

            Not to mention they'll lose out on the normies trading in their Switches to buy Switch 2.

        • 2 months ago

          I think that allowing digital games to transfer over is the happy medium for that reason and it gets people to double dip, just have it so there's a performance or graphical boost and people will buy those games again. The other solution would be to go the Sony route and start remastering last gen titles to fill gaps but that doesn't fix the massive issue of losing 3rd party support if the system ends up being too weak.

          That has already happened with the Switch, many big 3rd party titles do not get released on it and those that do typically end up with terrible ports like Mortal Kombat. The Switch 2 is going get ports of games like Elden Ring and Persona 3 Reload that are currently not on the Switch but it's easy to see the Switch 2 ending up in the same situation that the Switch is at now and losing 3rd party support once all the easy ports are exhausted. If that happens, then people aren't going to buy it either. Case in point for that is the PS5 and that's actually getting multiplats.

          With no ports, the Switch 2 lineup is most likely going to look meager. It might not even be appealing to consumers regardless because of that. Nintendo's dev times have shot up too with TotK taking 6 years. Unless they're planning on pumping out lazy remasters and remakes, it's a bit hard to see it pleasing fans that are used to the Switch 1's amazing game output.

          • 2 months ago

            The problem if you do digital only backwards compatibility is that you've just made your console digital only. You might ship physical games to stores, but no one will be buying them, knowing that they wont carry over. I don't think Nintendo is ready to be digital only.

            • 2 months ago

              Since Nintendo loves to use expensive(for publishers) proprietary cartridges, the Switch 2 might end up having most 3rd party games be digital only and not by their choice. There's only a handful of games that use the 32GB cartridge for the Switch, most just use a smaller one and force players to download the extra data. Current gen games can break 100GB, I can't see publishers wanting to buy cartridges for that. Some games on the Switch are digital only already. So I don't think that's a reach.

              • 2 months ago

                I do see a lot of third parties focusing on digital. But they wont do digital only. They'll use an 8gb cartridge and just make you download the other 32gb... and they'll make you install the 8gb on the system too.

              • 2 months ago

                It depends on the price of the physical media, when it's an 8gb cartridge with a 92gb download for a modern game then I don't think consumers are going to really go for physical there. Xbox tried that with smart delivery and it didn't work and now they're seemingly ditching physical altogether.

              • 2 months ago

                One of the most consistent rumors is that Nintendo is working with Macronix to make cheap, high capacity cartridges. I don't think Nintendo is ready to commit to full digital just yet.

              • 2 months ago

                That would be the best case outcome, but for a lot of games you would need 100gb cartridges. I think that might be Nintendo's biggest hurdle with the Switch 2, trying to find a way where fans and publishers both think physical is worth it. The fans because they don't have to download the entire game and the publishers because it's not ridiculously expensive and severely cutting into their bottom line too much. You can get non proprietary storage for a decent price these days but proprietary ones are going to be what drives up the cost when only Nintendo is making them.

                I can't see them going all digital but I suspect that this will end up being Nintendo's hybrid generation before we do get that all digital system, like what Sony and Microsoft are doing this gen. We very well might see a cheaper all digital Switch 2 because of that, but there will be a standard version that can play cartridges as well. The writing on the wall for me was the voucher system, that's a very big incentive to try to shift their consumers towards buying digitally more often.

              • 2 months ago

                >That would be the best case outcome, but for a lot of games you would need 100gb cartridges. I think that might be Nintendo's biggest hurdle with the Switch 2, trying to find a way where fans and publishers both think physical is worth it.
                Nintendo doesn't want you to buy physical games, they make them less money.

              • 2 months ago

                Nintendo already tried to onboard people to digital by doing delayed physical releases on the Wii U and everybody hated it. I think they can get the casuals to switch, but the core Nintendo fanbase will never let go of physical media.

              • 2 months ago

                >Nintendo already tried to onboard people to digital by doing delayed physical releases on the Wii U
                still do sometimes like w/ pikmin 1&2

              • 2 months ago

                >Current gen games can break 100GB
                Iirc, that's mostly because of shitty texture optimization. You're not using the Switch 2 to play 4K games, you're using it to play 1080p games.

  34. 2 months ago

    There's no benefit to Nintendo to remove backwards compatibility. Contrary to popular belief they would not be able to resell the same games. Only Wii U ports sold well because no switch owners had the thing. The skyward sword port from the Wii for example sold like shit. Having backwards compatibility would sell more games because people could keep buying switch games without waiting for a port that might never come.

    • 2 months ago

      >There's no benefit to Nintendo to remove backwards compatibility
      Killing flashcarts seems like a massive benefit.

      • 2 months ago

        Most likely the switch 2 is gonna use different cartridges for switch 2 games. They will need larger carts to fit the bigger third party games. This doesn't mean no backward compat. They could either have two different cart slots or design the one slot to fit two sizes.

        • 2 months ago

          Bigger carts is an issue of cost, but Nintendo also need faster carts, which probably isn't happening.

    • 2 months ago

      >There's no benefit to Nintendo to remove backwards compatibility.
      They get to sell all the same games all over again. They love doing that.

      • 2 months ago

        >They get to sell all the same games all over again. They love doing that.
        Wii U had 12m sales switch has 140m.
        128m switch owners didn't own a wii U, so they bought Wii U games. Switch 2 customers will all be switch 1 owners. They have no reason to rebuy the games. It makes more sense to just do upgrade patches for 15 bucks a pop or maybe tie it to the 50 dollar NSO tier to get people to buy that.

    • 2 months ago

      >The skyward sword port from the Wii for example sold like shit
      SS on the Switch sold over 4 million copies, roughly a million and a half more than it sold on the Wii. It matched the Wii's sales in only 2 months. And that number is a few years old.

      • 2 months ago

        4 million for a Zelda game after BotW is awful. That's like Fire Emblem numbers.

        • 2 months ago

          No, over 4 million sales for a Zelda game is good, especially for a bare minimum port job. BotW is the exception here, not the norm.

          • 2 months ago

            Link's awakening is gonna hit 7m. That's a gameboy game and by modern standards it sucks ass even if it was amazing at the time. For a mainline remaster marketed heavily 4m is not good. It's obviously because a lot of people who would have bought it already bought it on Wii and don't see a reason to rebuy.

            • 2 months ago

              I thought link's awakening was fun on switch

              • 2 months ago

                I thought it was just okay. It's definitely nowhere near as good as Skyward Sword though, and it sold more. I think logically because more people still own Skyward Sword than Link's Awakening.

            • 2 months ago

              Link's Awakening isn't a good example either considering it's also just a port with new (bad) visuals and also outsold the original. Over 4 million sales, outselling the original, for a bare minimum port job is not bad by any stretch of the imagination.

  35. 2 months ago

    I just want it to be backwards compatible with these cartridges.

  36. 2 months ago

    2 screens and they will sell you ds+3ds games

    • 2 months ago

      ngl I'd like to play some DS/3DS games on the e-shop with a device that's designed to play the game. Emulating them is fine but I wouldn't mind paying for a better experience

      • 2 months ago

        I think they'll eventually do DS on NSO and how I think they'll handle it is they'll sell a dongle to plug into the dock that will communicate with the switch wirelessly so you can use it as a second screen.

    • 2 months ago

      I'm 100% for this because it gives me hope that Etrian Odyssey could come back

      • 2 months ago

        Not with those Etrian Odyssey Origin numbers lmao

  37. 2 months ago

    Touch Screen

  38. 2 months ago

    I hope it releases in mid-late 2025 or early 2027.

    • 2 months ago

      Spring 2025 sounds about right. Gets the early adopters out of the way and gives them time to build up stock in order to deal with Christmas season scalpers.

  39. 2 months ago

    Why are LCDs still cheaper than OLEDs? I thought it was much easier to get economies of scale for OLED screens. Shouldn't there already be a huge industrial capacity for OLED screens since so many phones and laptops have them?

    • 2 months ago

      Supply and demand. All the big dogs are fighting over OLED supply so the LCD suppliers have to lower prices.

    • 2 months ago

      There are more companies making LCDs than companies making OLEDs. More competition = lower prices.

  40. 2 months ago

    will the Switch 2 make me not depressed?

    • 2 months ago

      it'll make you more depressesed

  41. 2 months ago

    Nintendo will milk the first switch as long as they can. Reminder that Switch is now as old as the 3DS was when people were whining for them to kill off 3DS and focus on switch

    • 2 months ago

      >nintendo will not take unnecessary risks during a recession/bidenflation while technology stagnates

    • 2 months ago

      >nintendo will not take unnecessary risks during a recession/bidenflation while technology stagnates

      I don't think it's to milk the switch but to avoid the ps5 no games situation. Games take so fricking long to make now.

      • 2 months ago

        No it's 100% Bidenomics, no company can take chances right now.

        • 2 months ago

          It's not really a risk, if they have the games people will buy it. But the games gotta be done and they probably aren't.

          • 2 months ago

            >if they have the games people will buy it
            The problem is that producing games and trying to sell it to people with no money (USA) due to bidenomics, you can't sell games if people have no money

            • 2 months ago

              meds NOW

              • 2 months ago

                Did you misquote?

              • 2 months ago

                women are going to destroy the earth because we won't let them murder their babies

  42. 2 months ago

    All I want is for them to bring back Download Play and read/write cartridges. One cart multiplayer on the DS was an amazing feature and portable saves are super convenient.

  43. 2 months ago

    This thread has made me realise I can't think of a single switch game releasing this year.

    • 2 months ago

      There aren't any. They'll hit the break glass in case of emergency and port Twilight Princess HD for the holidays. May 7th they'll announce the switch at their investors briefing, show the games in the summer, and then launch early next year.

      • 2 months ago


        I- Why? Just emulate TPHD on Cemu. Jesus Christ, it isn't all that tough to set up Cemu to emulate the game, I have no idea why people are so desperate for TPHD (or even WWHD) to be on Switch when you could just get them running on Cemu. What's the excuse?

    • 2 months ago

      Did you forget Endless Ocean 3?

      • 2 months ago

        Yeah, for good reason

  44. 2 months ago

    no idea but i'll buy it, never update it and pirate it as soon as possible. pirated handheld is peak comfy.

  45. 2 months ago

    There was that rumor that the next system's name is "Switch Attach". Which sounds bad and stupid, so maybe realistic?

    • 2 months ago

      >Which sounds bad and stupid, so maybe realistic?
      It fits with the supposed magnet gimmick, but I doubt they're going to go with anything other than "Switch 2" after the Wii U shitshow.

      • 2 months ago

        Honestly Super Switch would be better.

        • 2 months ago

          Too confusing for zoomzooms

          • 2 months ago

            Super Switch U 2 for maximum coverage.

            • 2 months ago

              Will Bono be on the box?

  46. 2 months ago

    It'll be less powerful than the original switch

  47. 2 months ago

    This is currently the only good thread on Ganker.

    • 2 months ago

      Not true, the burger thread was great.

  48. 2 months ago

    Is it possible that Switch 2 keeps getting delayed because Nintendo is trying to ditch Nvidia?

    • 2 months ago

      Apparently AMD attempted to outbid them with a faster GPU/CPU SOC at a lower price but it had problems changing clock speeds docking and undocking.

      Xbox is currently courting Intel in hopes of getting that AMD handheld at even lower cost or having Intel replace AMD going forward for the Xbox Brand

      • 2 months ago

        You spend too much time listing to clickbait youtubers.

        • 2 months ago

          Honestly I spend more time baiting youtubers with fake leaks using believable spreadsheets such as using an Orin NX spec list that conveniently lines up with the "nvidia" leak, linkedin jobs, and AI generated images just because I find it amusing to watch each one of those slimer motherfrickers backtrack

  49. 2 months ago

    I can't wait for it to be revealed. The shitposts about the Magnetic stuff getting stuck with other metal would be too funny

    • 2 months ago

      I still remember when everyone including people like crowbcat were spreading fake news about the dock "bending" the switch

  50. 2 months ago

    Here is my opinion on why the "Switch 2" is pretty much doomed:

    1. Right now, the Switch's fanbase is simply too big, and the Switch has too big of a library of games. Most people, like the vast majority of people with a Switch, even now have extensive backlogs of Switch games they want to play, that they haven't even gotten to yet. There is no situation where the launch line up of the Switch 2 completely destroys the Switch's own library of games, there's just no comparison.

    2. Trying to make the Switch 2 "backwards compatible" won't fix #1 either. They'd effectively be trying to get people to buy a system majority as a Switch port machine. The only, ONLY thing, that would be able to change this, is not a average, not a good, not even a great, but a FANTASTIC UNBELIEVABLE launch library for the Switch 2, another "breath of the wild" situation won't solve this, there is no one magically game that can sell the entire system here.

    3. Like I said for problem #2, only a near impossible launch library for the Switch 2 could save it, but there is another problem its going to face, and its the advent of the "bad business practices" that same to be gaining traction. Which would result in making the Switch 2 inferior to the Switch then. Examples of what I mean are, the push for $70 games, the possibility of the launch price being $400+, etc.

    So besides a entirely impossible launch library, there is only one other real way for the Switch 2 to be a success on launch. Switch fans, would need to suffer, through multiple years with almost NO GAME RELEASE, a near impossible drought, to give players the time to more then finish their backlogs. Its rumored or hinted for March 2025 right? As harsh as this will be, to do this, they'd need to aim for Christmas 2027. This would give everyone enough time to start and lose interest in the Switch, AND give them time to make the insane and crazy good launch games lineup I was talking about. Everyone wins, except the players.

    • 2 months ago

      1 is solved with backwards compatibility
      2 the PS2 disagrees with this
      3 has never been the case for any console

      • 2 months ago

        1 is not solved because backwards compatibility is not enough to sell a device on its own.

        2 the ps2 proves this right as the ps3 FAILED for many reasons, one of which was the ps2 library was rather big and the ps3's launch lineup wasn't very good.

        3 is on its way to happening, and yes its a first, the trends are already there.

        • 2 months ago

          >backwards compatibility is not enough to sell a device on its own
          Right but not a historical problem for consoles
          >ps3 FAILED for many reasons
          Including being more expensive than a Wii + Xbox 360 and two games
          >3 is on its way to happening
          lol no

          • 2 months ago

            Not a problem, but not enough on its own.

            Like I said, one of the reasons also was the ps2 library was so big, most didn't see a reason to jump ship that quickly. Having a big library of games on the previous device is a PROBLEM, it makes people ask "why should I buy the new console for what, 4 or 5 new launch games, when I still have tons of games on this one to play already?"

            You say it won't happen, but nobody knows how things will look when the device releases. People SHOULD expect the worse, or do you believe the games industry is getting better?

            • 2 months ago

              In my personally opinion I actually think that the Switch isn't Nintendo's PS2. It's Nintendo's PS1, and the Switch 2 is going to be the true game changer and absurd success as was the PS2.

              I think it's just people expecting Nintendo to continue doing what it's doing, and whatever they're doing over there as the rest of the game industry burns around them is clearly working. If Nintendo continues it's 8 year (assuming 2025 release date) streak of Not Fricking Up, I think people will be ok with whatever they put out.

              • 2 months ago

                Nta but you forgot about Nvidia. Frickers have burned literally everyone they've worked with, including Nintendo.

              • 2 months ago

                Wonder how feasible it would be for a company to make their own consoles in-house. Nintendo likes being self-sustaining right?

              • 2 months ago

                >Wonder how feasible it would be for a company to make their own consoles in-house
                Completely unfeasible since designing chips for it is a massive undertaking. That's why every single hardware manufacturer contracts SoCs from a specialist.
                The only console maker to come close to total in-house hardware was NEC, a massive electronics conglomerate.

              • 2 months ago

                >Switch 2 is going to be the true game changer and absurd success as was the PS2.
                What are you basing that on?

              • 2 months ago

                Pure unadulterated bullshit. Absolute manifestation. Almost entirely because I think it would be very funny. Also because I think Nintendo is the only game company that has make games as their central tenet still, and thus I think that should be met with success so more people keep at it.

              • 2 months ago

                >It's Nintendo's PS1, and the Switch 2 is going to be the true game changer and absurd success as was the PS2.
                Nah I don't see that happening. Switch 2 will be successful but not Switch levels. However I do think it will be a far better console, Switch may have been a hit but it's a pretty shitty system that will only be improved upon.

              • 2 months ago

                The difference maker is going to be more competition. The Switch had 8 years of being nearly uncontested outside of UMPCs just recently starting to take off a bit. Microsoft is making a handheld that will be stronger and most likely cheaper or just as expensive and the Deck 2 will have a library that can't ever be beaten. There's rumors about Sony making a new handheld too and not that moronic controller with a screen on it. The Switch 2 would need a new niche because it wouldn't sell on the virtue of being the only handheld and being the first of the "next gen" handhelds on the market will allow the others to copy it.

                A stupid cheap handheld from Microsoft might actually be the biggest threat, the PS3 was sunk because the 360 was half the price and even now the very cheap Series S is keeping them in the game somewhat despite the runaway success that Sony had during the PS4 generation when they had no competition for most of it. But even if the Switch 2 still does well, having competition means they're going to need to start pricing games cheaper more often and actually cut the price of the console at some point so it's almost assuredly going to bring in less money. That's when Nintendo Selects will start having to make a comeback.

              • 2 months ago

                The Sony handheld thing sounds like bullshit, honestly. MS will probably do a handheld, but I think it's not what people are expecting and is going to be more like a software suite + Steam machine because MS always fricks up

              • 2 months ago

                The Sony handheld has just been rumors but in general if Microsoft is doing something, Sony also does it. they even moved up the PS5 launch just so Microsoft didn't get a head start on them by too long. That's why the PS5 launched with features missing.

                >The difference maker is going to be more competition.
                What competition?
                Laptops always existed to play PC games portably, and they're way more popular than the steam deck could ever be. Unless these PCs or PC handhelds have Smash, Animal Crossing and Zelda then they're not competing in the same market.

                Nintendo used to be vulnerable to third parties because their games weren't that much better. Like yeah Twilight Princess was great, but was it that much better than Skyrim or GTA or Left 4 dead? But a combination of Nintendo stepping up their game development and most third parties dropping the ball has put their games into an untouchable niche, a really big niche.

                >What competition?
                You have UMPCs, Microsoft is making one, Sony copying Microsoft will probably happen again, and we're starting to see native ports to iPhones which has the potential to be a big deal in Japan specifically and Apple is already buying out Apple Arcade exclusivity for Sega games. You even have people buying the Chinese emulator handhelds.

                It's going to be a repeat of the Wii where Nintendo had a brilliant idea and then people start copying it. Normally it doesn't matter because Nintendo swaps things up going into a new generation but the Switch 2 seems iterative. Also the Switch is an auxiliary console, it's something you own on top of other consoles because it does something that they do not. When those other consoles do the same thing, it loses value. The 3rd party exclusives are getting ported off outside of Astral Chain as well, which again makes it lose value if it's the same games running worse. That's when you start having people that own multiple consoles start sticking to 1 like the PCgays do. 99% of games are multiplat, are people spending $400 just to play Mario and Zelda? Some will, sure. But that's how you go from 140 million sales to 100 million.

                1. The handheld PC market will basically only exist to the hardcore PC gamers. The normie Nintendo fans won't give a rat's ass about a Deck 2.
                2. There's no evidence of a Microsoft handheld, not in the next two years at least. If there was, it would have been in the court documents.
                3. An Xbox handheld will never have the same market penetration as a Switch 2, especially in Japan. It's not worth their while to fight that losing battle when they can make as much money just porting some of their games to Nintendo systems.
                4. A new Sony handheld is in the same boat, but with the added issue of them fighting with Nintendo in the handheld space and losing badly, and the lack of first-party exclusives only being exacerbated by having another piece of hardware to support.
                5. Microsoft can't go "stupidly cheap" anymore. Assuming that they don't want to burn bridges with developers with an even weaker profile, they'd have to make it around Series S level of power. Assuming that Switch 2 is priced at $400, a Series S handheld trying to undercut it at $300 would mean eating an over $200 loss on every unit. That's not sustainable means to an utterly Quixotic end of trying to squeeze Nintendo out of the market they have all the experience and incentive to succeed in.

                The Series X was selling at a $200 loss at launch iirc, Microsoft always sells at a loss. The Series S was $200 during the holidays, they are not above insanely aggressive pricing in order to obtain a higher market share.

                >The normie Nintendo fans won't give a rat's ass about a Deck 2
                Right now the Switch is a console that both hardcore gamers and normies own. The Deck 2 threatens their grip on the hardcore market, especially as many ditch Xbox and Playstation to move to PC.

              • 2 months ago

                >Right now the Switch is a console that both hardcore gamers and normies own. The Deck 2 threatens their grip on the hardcore market, especially as many ditch Xbox and Playstation to move to PC
                Does it, though? People will play a Nintendo console to play Nintendo games, and I doubt that Switch 2 emulation on Deck 2 will be possible if they're releasing within a year or two of each other. Even the most hardcore will still use the Switch 2 if they want to play new Nintendo games.

              • 2 months ago

                The Deck 2 or 3 or 4 will never be able to emulate the switch 2, because of the way it's designed. The Switch 2 features tensor cores and RT cores (Nvidia's DLSS and Raytracing solutions). There is no way these things can ever be translated over to an AMD card, and Steam uses AMD not Nvidia.

              • 2 months ago

                New amd apus come with ai bullshit too. Its going to take a lot of time before shitch 2 games are emulatable in a quality manner howbeitthougheverbeit

              • 2 months ago

                DLSS and FSR are VERY different in how they work. You absolutely can not just tell the game "now use FSR instead of DLSS" if it wasn't programmed to use FSR. It is not going to be possible to translate it over, ever. At best maybe the emulator devs can find some way to disable DLSS to get the game to run at all, but then you're emulating the 2k resolution game at like 720p.

              • 2 months ago

                And also that's just DLSS, the NvIdia raytracing solution isn't gonna be emulatable on AMD either, so the shadows and reflections are gonna be fricked, and honestly I think the game's just gonna crash constantly because games don't like when you frick with the lighting.

              • 2 months ago

                I didnt say a word about FSR u dont understand what i said. Fsr doesnt even use ai shit

              • 2 months ago

                I didnt say a word about FSR u dont understand what i said. Fsr doesnt even use ai shit

                Love how you're arguing about DLSS or whatever when we're not even sure if the Switch 2 is going to use Nvidia.

              • 2 months ago

                The chip for it was leaked from Nvidia in 2022.

              • 2 months ago

                It was leaked from Nvidia, not Nintendo. As far as we know, they could've been in talks with multiple OEMs and the Nvidia leak was just their offering.

              • 2 months ago

                It was in a folder for "NVN2" NVN is the Swtich's graphics API. Why would they bother with developing the new API if the contract was still up in the air? Besides, the idea of Nintendo having yet another bidding war for chips contradicts both company's statements on their partnership. They clearly see value in sticking with each other, thus Nvidia making a new custom chip for Nintendo.

              • 2 months ago

                >They clearly see value in sticking with each other
                That'll be a first lmao. Nvidia has raped every console maker they've ever partnered with.

              • 2 months ago

                That was before the dedicated console market became monopolized by AMD. Nvidia has much more incentive to play nice with Nintendo now that they're the only way to get into the market.

              • 2 months ago

                Dude nvidia is now in the top three more valuable corporations in the world for something that has practically nothing to do with video games. They've no real incentive to be nice or care about this anymore and their skyhigh prices reflect that. They're more than happy to fleece their consumers over crypto and AI is just emboldening them even further while shifting resources and focus away from gaming.

              • 2 months ago

                If it's actually gonna use Orin then it's fricked, there's no way it's more powerful than a Deck.

              • 2 months ago

                The form factor is a really big part of the Switch that I think you're underselling. Playing games in bed on a handheld feels great, I will buy a lot of multiplat games on the Switch over other consoles for that reason alone, I play more multiplats on it than Nintendo games. When every company offers that, that's when I think people will start to see less value in the Switch line of consoles and you'll have the PS4+Switch crew maybe just stick to PS5+Snoywich and the Xbros sticking to their devices if they share the same library.

                There's no doubt in my mind that the handheld gold rush that's incoming is going to hurt Switch 2 sales, especially when it's most likely going to be scalped for a year or 2 and very hard to find and by that point the other companies new devices should be out. When every company has a device with that similar form factor, you start running into normies asking themselves if they'd rather play Mario in bed or GTA 6 in bed. Or insert TES6/Fallout 5 or some Sony movie shit there instead for exclusives but normies are more into multiplats.

              • 2 months ago

                For some reason you're ignoring that laptops have always existed to play PC games portably. The steam deck is just a differently shaped laptop, you could already get that before it just didn't have controllers stuck to the side.

              • 2 months ago

                A laptop isn't nearly as comfortable. I used to use a laptop in bed too but they can run too hot which is an issue when it's on your body and the form factor isn't as good. The deck is also cheaper than laptops, refurbs of the poverty model are under $300.

              • 2 months ago

                NTA, but there are a lot of chink minilaptops with controllers built into them at the same pricepoint.

              • 2 months ago

                Yeah, but Sony's own studios despise handhelds. Even with the new president, I can't see them making one any time soon. It's going to take a pretty big cultural shift

              • 2 months ago

                Their own studios might hate them, but Japanese 3rd parties LOVED the Vita. And we know Sony is all about 3rd party support.

              • 2 months ago

                Sony is all about AAA 3rd support. What Japanese stuff do they pursue outside of things like Resident Evil and Final Fantasy or Metal Gear?

              • 2 months ago

                Vita was a JRPG heaven, so 3rd party support can easily be solved by lifting their moronic anti-Japanese policies.

                decent looking and 60 fps is all I want. I'm more interested in what games it'll launch with though. Probably gonna launch with a 3D mario like most of their other consoles

                >interested in what games it'll launch with though
                If the analysts are to be believed: 3D Mario at launch, MK9, Arms 2 and Prime 4 in its launch window.

              • 2 months ago

                >3D Mario at launch
                Hopefully. It might not be a launch title but I don't think they've ever released a mainline 3D mario late into a consoles life cycle either
                Pretty safe bet since Mario Kart is one of their best selling franchises
                >Arms 2
                I think the first sold decently enough, we'll see
                >Prime 4
                I really hope so

              • 2 months ago

                >by lifting their moronic anti-Japanese policies
                They don't want to though, that's my point. After Vita, Sony got rid of anyone that wasn't on board with the AAA cinematic / western aesthetic games.

              • 2 months ago

                Wouldn’t hedge my bets on ARMS2 given they share the same devs as mario kart. Hell, i’m sure the only reason we even got ARMS was because MK8DX was a port. If they’re doing 9 they’ll want all hands on deck for that

              • 2 months ago

                I own a switch and the only games i own are zelda botw/totk, xenoblade 2/3, metroid dread, mario odyssey, and a couple of eshop titles (star ocean 1, golf story) because they never came out on steam. I'll probably only buy one or two more games for it at that.

              • 2 months ago

                >The difference maker is going to be more competition.
                What competition?
                Laptops always existed to play PC games portably, and they're way more popular than the steam deck could ever be. Unless these PCs or PC handhelds have Smash, Animal Crossing and Zelda then they're not competing in the same market.

                Nintendo used to be vulnerable to third parties because their games weren't that much better. Like yeah Twilight Princess was great, but was it that much better than Skyrim or GTA or Left 4 dead? But a combination of Nintendo stepping up their game development and most third parties dropping the ball has put their games into an untouchable niche, a really big niche.

              • 2 months ago

                1. The handheld PC market will basically only exist to the hardcore PC gamers. The normie Nintendo fans won't give a rat's ass about a Deck 2.
                2. There's no evidence of a Microsoft handheld, not in the next two years at least. If there was, it would have been in the court documents.
                3. An Xbox handheld will never have the same market penetration as a Switch 2, especially in Japan. It's not worth their while to fight that losing battle when they can make as much money just porting some of their games to Nintendo systems.
                4. A new Sony handheld is in the same boat, but with the added issue of them fighting with Nintendo in the handheld space and losing badly, and the lack of first-party exclusives only being exacerbated by having another piece of hardware to support.
                5. Microsoft can't go "stupidly cheap" anymore. Assuming that they don't want to burn bridges with developers with an even weaker profile, they'd have to make it around Series S level of power. Assuming that Switch 2 is priced at $400, a Series S handheld trying to undercut it at $300 would mean eating an over $200 loss on every unit. That's not sustainable means to an utterly Quixotic end of trying to squeeze Nintendo out of the market they have all the experience and incentive to succeed in.

            • 2 months ago

              >it makes people ask "why should I buy the new console for what, 4 or 5 new launch games, when I still have tons of games on this one to play already?"
              we saw that with the ps5. if the switch 2 has crossgen games then it's 100% gonna be a repeat of that. there's so many switch owners that it's almost suicide to release a bunch of switch 2 only titles at launch. nintendo should have a better time than sony though because nintendo's games stay evergreen but the switch is near like 140 million users. going from that to 10 to 15 million the first year is really bad financially.

              • 2 months ago

                If they go for a release with a low amount of new games, that actually might work out for them with backwards compatibility. The userbase is big enough that people could slowly buy into it and they'd still make enough money for the launch to be successful. Although, I do hope they are weary and remember the Switch's success came AFTER the Wii U's failures.

              • 2 months ago

                the launch itself will sell out no questions asked. scalpers will see to that. the question is going to be how long it takes for people to want a switch 2 and then also get a switch 2 because of the scalpers and if enough consumers get it over scalpers so they can move software.

            • 2 months ago

              >Having a big library of games on the previous device is a PROBLEM
              I think Nintendo should ask for ports from third-party devs other than the first-party selections to pad out the catalog at launch. Just like Skyrim did with Switch back in the day.

    • 2 months ago

      1 is not solved because backwards compatibility is not enough to sell a device on its own.

      2 the ps2 proves this right as the ps3 FAILED for many reasons, one of which was the ps2 library was rather big and the ps3's launch lineup wasn't very good.

      3 is on its way to happening, and yes its a first, the trends are already there.

      Not a problem, but not enough on its own.

      Like I said, one of the reasons also was the ps2 library was so big, most didn't see a reason to jump ship that quickly. Having a big library of games on the previous device is a PROBLEM, it makes people ask "why should I buy the new console for what, 4 or 5 new launch games, when I still have tons of games on this one to play already?"

      You say it won't happen, but nobody knows how things will look when the device releases. People SHOULD expect the worse, or do you believe the games industry is getting better?

      >Reddit Spacing
      >Incoherent babbel
      Go back

      • 2 months ago

        I was trying to keep my three seperate points seperate so it wouldn't all blur into each other but whatever.

    • 2 months ago

      If it's backwards compatable and has the same support, it's going to do better

  51. 2 months ago

    I will buy it after it gets hacked.

    • 2 months ago

      Doubt it'll happen, they will be ultra diligent in preventing any vulnerabilities this time.

      • 2 months ago

        Don't care how diligent it is. Modern design is always fricked, they removed web browsers from consoles just to make the entire ui a web browser. It's hilarious really and will always have a crack in it.

        When that crack is found I will buy much like the other consoles.

        • 2 months ago

          if the entire ui is a web browser, why didn't anybody just intercept the midpoint locally to redirect it to something else for an exploit?

  52. 2 months ago

    Backwards compatibility and even base PS4 level power (all you need really) would unironically mean it's over for the competiton, barring a resurgence of a Microsoft backed cheap hybrid console like the Switch or some third newcomer making a splash. Honestly as much as total Nintendo domination is funny I hope someone pulls there head out of their ass to actual rival it. Competition is good for any industry. Combined with a good launch year and continued third party support, Switch 2 can just ride that success for another 100+ million sales.

    • 2 months ago

      Nintendo wont totally dominate. Sony and Microsoft are just going to be slowly replaced by PC while Nintendo occupies its own space.

  53. 2 months ago

    If the Switch successor is not 100% backwards compatible with the Switch and all it's peripherals, there's no fricking chance I will buy one.

    • 2 months ago

      Periphals I doubt, but software yeah

  54. 2 months ago

    The reason no handheld PC can ever compete with the switch is that the smart israelites at Nintendo copyrighted the joycon concept. So you cant have your handheld PC have detachable controllers which means docking will always be a niche use case at best. Without the ability to take the controllers off, then you 100% need a separate controller to dock your console, it cant be done out of the box.

    • 2 months ago

      The Lenovo Legion Go has detachable controllers, moron. Out of all reasons for UMPCs not being able to compete you pick the one that's blatantly wrong, congratulations.

  55. 2 months ago

    Metroid Prime 4 will be a cross gen title...

    • 2 months ago

      Well based on how botw on wiiu was almost identical to the switch version I cant imagine there will be a huge difference between prime 4 on switch 1 vs switch 2. Maybe 900p on the Switch 1 and 1440p on the Switch 2. But it will probably have the same frame rate on both machines.

    • 2 months ago

      That game got canned 100%
      It's not coming out
      It was announced 7 years ago

  56. 2 months ago

    it's going to be shit is the latest rumor

  57. 2 months ago

    rumors or facts?

    it's basically a fricking iphone. they're moronic enough to attempt VR shit so expect some giant plastic labo shit that straps to your face. otherwise it's just a wii- i mean switch with a shiny faceplate. oh the faceplates could be interchangeable. thats like a billion dollar industry. like the GBA micro

  58. 2 months ago

    It really is pointless without new Zelda game ie not a remaster or remake. The Wii launched with Twilight Princess and was a huge success. The Switch launched with BOTW and was a huge success. The Gamecube didn't launch with a Zelda game and was a big failure. The WiiU didn't launch with a Zelda game and was a huge failure. Launch with new Mainline Zelda game = key to success

    • 2 months ago

      It needs a big core focused game for sure but it doesn't have to be Zelda. 3D Mario can fill that hole. Odyssey wasn't a core focused game but that doesn't mean a 3D Mario cant be core focused. They can add in more challenging levels, a huge world to explore, side quests and stuff like that. There's no specific 3D Mario cant have those things, it's totally arbitrary. I also think you're underestimating the potential of a full HD OoT remake done from the ground up. If the game looks even better than BotW, OoT could sell 20m+ easy.

  59. 2 months ago

    Zero chance switch2 will be more powerful than a deck.

    • 2 months ago

      deck has the equivalent of a 1050ti, which came out 10 years ago lol

      • 2 months ago

        *7 years ago

        • 2 months ago

          true, good call. still, that's the entirety of the switch life span

  60. 2 months ago

    decent looking and 60 fps is all I want. I'm more interested in what games it'll launch with though. Probably gonna launch with a 3D mario like most of their other consoles

  61. 2 months ago

    My favorite rumor is the scroll wheel bumper patent. If we can get that, analog triggers, and a IR pointer then the next gen Switch controller could be the ultimate FPS controller.

    • 2 months ago

      the gyro aiming on the joycons was really fun for shooters that actually used it. I think I actually preferred playing prime 1 on my switch over emulating it just because of that

      • 2 months ago

        The thing about gyro is that it drifts. So you're constantly resetting it. I'm thinking with an IR pointer you have a reference point for gyro pointers as well as an option for more accurate pointer controls.

        • 2 months ago

          yeah the gyro wasn't perfect but I didn't have that much trouble with it when I played Prime 1 and I still preferred it over using a regular controller. I just want more games with decent motion aiming

        • 2 months ago

          IR feels weird to use without a light gun tbh. I'd rather have more reliable gyro.

  62. 2 months ago

    I just want a new minor controller innovation that's intuitive and makes playing games feel good while doing something new. Like the scroll wheel bumpers would be excellent for menu selections. Like in Zelda you can select items a lot easier. Or in Xenoblade you can change pages of your arts palettes or even target specific body parts of enemies by scrolling easily. In FPS games you can use scroll wheels to lean side to side behind cover. Mario Kart can have you cycle items. And F-Zero you can shift the tilt of your vehicle to do tricks for boost power.

  63. 2 months ago

    As another thought scroll wheels would work great for thumbs-up grip. You can easily rub your thumbs on the bumpers with accuracy. Which if there's a way for controllers to be used accurately in VR thumbs up scroll wheels aren't too bad. Scroll wheels would also be interesting for ARMS2 and Warioware.

    • 2 months ago

      Depends on the scroll wheels. Do you mean traditional mouse-like scroll wheels or an iPod-style clickwheel?

      • 2 months ago

        I'm thinking mouse-like wheels but you can press them. Maybe there's a way to unlock the wheels to spin them. Would be one way to have a Kid Icarus Uprising mimic spinning a globe.

  64. 2 months ago

    The thing that confuses me is how the frick are they gonna convince people to buy it? The Switch has a ton of games, many of which were ports from the WiiU which nobody bought, so nobody cared that they were ports. I don't think a new mainline Mario game would be enough to move units, I think you're gonna need a new Mario Kart and/or Pokemon title. By end of year 1 at the latest. I would hope there's some amount of backwards compatibility, but why buy a new console with no games just to play your old ones? I guess removing laggy areas from some games would be nice, but if you care about that sort of thing, you're emulating the Switch on your PC by now. Normies don't care about the odd bit of lag here and there.

    My pipe dream is a new console that's a fusion of the 3DS and the Switch. Let me customize the console backgrounds. Give me more ways to actually interact with people on my friends list outside of the fricking phone app. Hell, bring back streetpass and the little minigames associated with that. I think Nintendo has been right to focus on the in-person social aspect of gaming, but they really, REALLY need to start considering all the cool social stuff you can do via streetpass and the Internet. Seeing streetpass Miis/data in my Mario Kart 7 races blew my mind the first time I saw it.

  65. 2 months ago

    I want this thing, the box in the middle with the USB ports and stuff in it rotates so your cables can some in from either side

    • 2 months ago

      >back to no ethernet option by default
      fricking terrible.

  66. 2 months ago

    We know the ins and outs of the T239 SOC with the Cortex 78C CPU in all but the clockspeeds,

    If we assume 1.1 clock speeds in the current Switch
    It's 1.5-1.8 TFLOPs in handheld mode
    3.49 TFLOPS in dock

    However the Cortex A78C can run at 2.6 GHz in the same wattage the Switch CPU requires to be at 1GHZ

    That said they could easily half clock the 78C and get more battery life than the original launch switch if the battery is the same size.

    It's also most likely using LPDDR5 RAM which uses even less wattage than the DDR4 (OLED uses LPDDR4X).

    Also back on the CPU, with the way how moronic these short contract AAA Devs are they won't be able to use the L3 and RAM cache buffer to get more power of the CPU, because if they did the Series S and X would've mogged the PS5 day one.

  67. 2 months ago

    Weaker than the Deck.

  68. 2 months ago

    Nintendo will have Gamepass when they allow Steam and EGS. Besides for Minecraft on Switch you need a Microsoft account to play online (and an NSO subscription).

  69. 2 months ago

    there's too much fake engineers in those threads barking nonsense they learned from youtube and discords.

    • 2 months ago

      You also got to remember even if the Switch 2 has the magic sauce, you gotta pray the DEI devs actually know how to code in the first place.

      Gamefreak for example would probably make a PS5 game look worse than a PSP game even if Monolithsoft manages brick shitting visuals

  70. 2 months ago

    Will be a flop like Wii U

    • 2 months ago

      More likely it will be a success like SNES

      • 2 months ago

        A 79% retention would be crazy (but would be on par with the PS4)

  71. 2 months ago

    >no OLED
    >Weaker than Steam Deck (which is already way outdated)
    >no hall sensor sticks (prepare for drift)
    Modern Nintendo is for low IQ idiots

  72. 2 months ago

    Frick... I just want a new Chrono game taking place in 1999 A.D. Imagine the game taking place 24 real time hours before the Day of Lavos. Imagine being able to time travel to any minute you want to within those 24 hours at any time. Progress is saved as timeline events but mess with time too much and time crashes which is game over.

    I'd like this to be possible on Switch with 12 gigs of RAM. Don't know if 8 gigs would be enough. Maybe there can be some light RTX lighting. And I mean very light for an anime stylized game.

    • 2 months ago

      Why is 8GB insufficient?
      The most powerful APU that Nvidia has has 8 RT cores. the RTX 3050, which is an entry level GPU has 20RT cores of the same generation, if Ray tracing is used in games on Switch it will be in a very limited capacity, for example maybe there will be a mirror dungeon in a Zelda game with ray traced mirrors, these will be limited to very specific locations. The hardware that the Switch 2 will be using won't be the version with 8 RT cores

      Considering Smash Ultimate was apparently 60GB compressed down to 15 GB on the regular Switch, should we expect the same compression with better loading times?

      Imagining Warzone being 44 GB instead of 175 GB sounds really good on paper.

      No idea, compression means a lot of things, texture formats are often stored compressed in a way that's directly readable by the GPU and that can be multiple times smaller than the raw texture size, things like audio and video are far more easily compressable due to their higher tolerance for loss, that 60GB size is not just before compression but most likely those are also the raw assets, textures are often drawn at much higher resolutions and then downsampled which reduces faults. I really don't know how different studios approach compression.

      • 2 months ago

        It depends if the game is HD-2D or full 3D. Knowing Square Enix they'll want a multiplat 3D game for Chrono. And their 3D multiplats tend to be unoptimized save for the Nier ports.

  73. 2 months ago

    Switch 2 will be less powerful than Steam Deck and will have the same games Mario Zelda Pokemon and Shovelware games

  74. 2 months ago

    i'm still convinced this is vaporware until an actual announcement.

    • 2 months ago

      Agreed, everyone in this thread is blindly throwing darts at a wall and thinking they're correct. What these Black folk don't understand is that hardware doesn't get finalized until around a year or less until launch like what happened with the PS4 and Xbox series X. So repeatedly using the nvidia leak as 100 percent fool-proof is moronic in itself.

      • 2 months ago

        Nvidia hack happened in March 2022 and T239 is the only chip mentioned in NVN2. If they wanted to make a new chip, they wouldn't make it time for launch (supposedly early 2025).
        Kopite7kimi said Nintendo will be using T239 a year before Nvidia hack happened. Hasn't said anything about any new chips for Nintendo since.
        There aren't any new mobile Nvidia chips popping out on Linkedin profiles, while T239 still does.
        If any changes were made to T239 it would be a new chip and have a new name.

        • 2 months ago

          I have one point on contention.

          Switch has a 4GB Tegra X1 vs the Shield's 3GB Tegra X1

          Then the X1 got a revision called Mariko in later handhelds.

          What's stopping the T239 being different from the 2022 leak which didn't even have gpu, cpu, and RAM speeds?

          Also don't mistake this as some kind of hopeful upgrade as the Wii U once had 3 GB of DDR3 before being downgraded to 2GB.

          • 2 months ago

            RAM is separate from the SoC. It's one of the few pieces that can be changed until the last moment.
            The number of shader clusters can't. That would make it a different chip.
            Even just shrinking the X1 chip without any major changes resulted in a new name. Tegra X1 Erista was T210 and the revision Tegra X1+ Mariko is T214.
            There's zero evidence any mobile SoC other than T239 exists at Nvidia.

            Yeah, the clocks are unknown. But the T239 was designed to deliver the specific performance per watt Nintendo requested when they commissioned the chip.
            It it was too high, they would've requested a smaller chip from the get go.

  75. 2 months ago

    Can't wait for binglards to downplay OLED again after years of claiming OLED is the single most important feature in the world.

    • 2 months ago

      Switch 2 will have OLED at launch and the improved version will have a CRT.

  76. 2 months ago

    You guys remember how the switch has that camera on the controller that no one used?
    I think the switch 2 willl have 20 more features exactly like that one

  77. 2 months ago

    It will play games

  78. 2 months ago

    It is a vr headset and the launch game is "sex with bowser"

  79. 2 months ago

    Your yfw-face when the main upgrades are the hardware/software anti-piracy measures

  80. 2 months ago

    it will be like the switch but with newer nvidia chip 🙂

  81. 2 months ago

    Another underpowered POS that won't run anything at 60 fps

    • 2 months ago

      >Another underpowered POS that won't run anything at 60 fps
      so, the PS5?

  82. 2 months ago

    It's coming Q1 2025, it will have Mario

  83. 2 months ago

    Why did nobody post this


    Chink manufacturer

    >The Bluetooth chip of Switch 2 still supports existing Joy-Con and Pro controllers, and still features HD vibration (ALPS dual-axis linear motor).
    >Switch 2 has backwards compatibility with Switch 1 cartridges, but Switch 2 cartridges will be different and won't fit on a Switch 1.
    >The new joycons are larger and are magnetically attached to the console with an electromagnet. The SL and SR buttons are metallic now, and there's a new button behind each joycon and a new button below the home button on the right joycon.
    >The dock still has an USB-C port and will also support 4K image output.
    >The new kickstand also has a damping bracket on the back for improved angle adjustment.
    >The screen is bigger, up to 8 inches and the resolution is upgraded to 1080p.

    • 2 months ago

      Ok, if the floodgates are starting to open, Nintendo will have to something to control the narrative to avoid misinformation

      • 2 months ago

        The next investor meeting is on the 7th, they can give a quick "the successor to the Nintendo Switch system is releasing at this time. We eill give more details in the future."

    • 2 months ago

      2 has backwards compatibility with Switch 1 cartridges, but Switch 2 cartridges will be different and won't fit on a Switch 1.
      Uh oh... Snoybros, our narrative????????

    • 2 months ago

      I know it is "leaks" but the new buttons sound interesting, maybe the new pro controller will have back buttons or could be just extra buttons to turn off the magnets and detach the controller but then what could the new button below home do.

    • 2 months ago

      Strong chance of being true

      Full BC on the Switch 2 is what I was hoping for. I imagine that in handheld mode, Switch 1 games will run as if they were docked on the Switch 1. Crazy how Nintendo might be the first console manufacturer to make their controllers come standard with back buttons.

    • 2 months ago

      So it's magnets after all? Wont that frick up the hardware?

      • 2 months ago

        Not only can you just shield against it but I'm thinking it's a magnetically triggered lock rather than the magnets being what physically supports the joycons imagine if it were actually electromagnets the whole time draining your battery, doesn't seem logical.

    • 2 months ago

      >you can use your joycons as fridge magnets after they start drifting
      Thanks Nintendo.

    • 2 months ago

      2 has backwards compatibility with Switch 1 cartridges, but Switch 2 cartridges will be different and won't fit on a Switch 1.
      Sweet, CFW day 1

      • 2 months ago

        It's a completely different chip. Even on Tegra X1+ you didn't get CFW on day 1

  84. 2 months ago

    Serious question for you morons, do you understand how fricked the economy is right now?
    Why would they release a new console when the switch has a massive install base, and parents and wagies can continue to buy games for it without needing to drop $300-500 (amerilard tax + tip) on a new system with new accessories and new controllers?
    The majority of america lives paycheck to paycheck and its getting harder to just put everything on credit when living expenses are insane.
    Nintendo can literally just do nothing and continue to make money, and honestly I think publishers like how cheap it is to out games on switch and pc compared to ps5

    • 2 months ago

      Americans live paycheck to paycheck because of their poor spending habits like splurging on a fricking Switch 2 at launch on credit.

      • 2 months ago

        Thats true but also inflation and living expenses have almost tripled in the last few years but people are making less and less money because wages refuse to go up
        Consider that this is an election year so whoever is in power will do their absolute best to frick everything up (moreso than it already is) and then promise to "fix" it

        • 2 months ago

          >wages refuse to go up
          Yeah because some people have turned up the immigration to 11 to keep the Ponzi scheme going

        • 2 months ago

          Joe Biden is already doing everything in his power to frick things up, how can it possibly get worse than bringing in millions of foreigners and giving them handouts at the door, not even small handouts, thousands of dollars in government paid credit, plus free housing, plus transport to locations where low skill jobs workers are already too numerous. People will buy games because they have always bought games.

          • 2 months ago

            The immigration is the only thing keeping the economy afloat I figure. Covid and this whole post Covid era should have made wages explode but it didn’t. If wages went up a lot of people would stop needing loans for stuff, they would be able to put savings back, then those savings would allow them to quit working for a time. The whole system is built to keep you needing loans to funnel payments through banks, generate interest payments, keep a high velocity monetary supply, and make it so people can’t say no to shitty jobs. If you had 3 years worth of living expenses in the bank, would you quit your shitty job vs if you had 1 week’s living expenses in the bank? All very sick and gay

            • 2 months ago

              >The immigration is the only thing keeping the economy afloat I figure
              I don't see how, the logic goes like this, per person GDP is x so if we import more people the whole GDP goes up, but there was a report out of the UK that basically said wage stagnation as well as the sheer amount of free labour through exploitation as well as the stress on services nullfies this, in fact you end up worse off if you just mass migrate and hand out.
              >If wages went up a lot of people would stop needing loans for stuff
              But that's not the american way, if wages go up people will just spend more and thus borrow more, when you find out about things like payday loans you really see why americans live paycheck to paycheck and it really is the bad spending habits.
              > then those savings would allow them to quit working for a time
              Who does this? like really, even back in the day when houses were only a few years wages people didn't do this, they kept on that job and stashed away money to invest in their future,they started business, got more education, and moved up in the world, they didn't just work a shitty job quit every few years to sit in their goon room or whatever the frick they wanted to to. it's such an unrealistic view of the world.
              >would you quit your shitty job vs if you had 1 week’s living expenses in the bank? All very sick and gay
              I have 5 years of living expenses in my bank, a house already paid off and 10 weeks of paid vacation sitting around that I have no interest in using anytime soon.
              I understand your problems but I just don't think your logic holds up, nor is it relevant to the way that other people think or even live, I come from the ghetto and I know how these people think, why do you think you see people who can't afford rent wearing new shoes every month.

              • 2 months ago

                1. Supply + Demand, more consumption units the better. All the shitty hard labor jobs that don’t require intelligence are done by immigrants

                2. That’s the baby boomer way, plenty of people act differently. And at least they’d have a choice

                3. Literally everyone up until like 50 years ago

                4. Ok

              • 2 months ago

                1, that's the basic way of thinking about it but things don't actually measure out, there are lots of immigrants already in the US to do shitty jobs, the US gov has been giving handouts to new ones.
                2, that's the way that even current americans think with the US having average credit card deb ot around 7k, baby boomers don't need credit card debt, most of them are retired and living off of savings/pensions, it's current generations who also borrow moronic, and that's credit card debt not payday loans shit.
                3, only in your fantasies is this true, most people worked from an early age up until their body failed and their children supported them, this was the standard throughout history, this has been the standard throughout even the last few hundred years.
                4. Glad you ok.

  85. 2 months ago

    Strong chance of being true

  86. 2 months ago

    There is a major element to this chink leak
    Bigger joycons meaning the console is significantly larger, and from that more powerful

  87. 2 months ago

    >still no pricecuts
    how did he do it

  88. 2 months ago

    I feel like expecting full backwards compatibility is too good to be true

    • 2 months ago

      switch 2 can't rely on wii u ports any more, it has to have something to play

    • 2 months ago

      Nintendo has the best track record when it comes to BC.

  89. 2 months ago

    Nobody is going to ditch BC anymore, look at how much publishers make from selling ther legacy titles continuously with little effort on their part, for example Capcom... especially now that basically all nip devs also release on steam you are crippling your console for no reason (even moreso if this console ends up being called Switch something)
    This also goes for the other manufacturers, PS6 will be stillborn if it isn't backwards compatible

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