What are your favourite Stellaris ethics?

What are your favourite Stellaris ethics Ganker?

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  1. 1 year ago

    Xenophobe for fanatical purifier.

    • 1 year ago

      >growing up means getting thrown out of the house btw

  2. 1 year ago

    Fanatic Materialist, Technocracy and Meritocracy

    Yes I am going to turn my entire population into robots so I don’t have to bother with food.

  3. 1 year ago

    It's a counterproductive attitude.
    The cautious approach is fine and is exactly how any first contact should be handled, but...
    Purging make sense only if you literally can't reason with a given species and they are akin to xenomorphs, i.e. a form of life that simply is as is and can't even engage in any form of conversation.
    Enslavement makes absolutely NO SENSE. No advanced civilization of type 2 or 3 of Kardashev scale needs or wants slavery. It's wasteful, inefficient, slow...
    >Fanatic Xenophobe
    Same as Xenophobe, but even more irrational, unscientific, and downright paranoid.
    A species can't stay "pure". The moment they venture to stars, groups living on different planets, systems etc. will still to diverge, both biologically and culturally.
    A homogeneous species spanning systems or through a whole galaxy is nonsense.

    >(Fanatic) Xenophile
    Being a xenoboo and wanting to learn about alien cultures or being a space Rance and wanting to frick anything with a hole is whatever.
    It's the opposite extreme but there's nothing inherently wrong with it.

    • 1 year ago

      >It's counterproductive
      It's based. And look there, I gave the exact same justification for my viewpoint.

      >Enslavement makes absolutely NO SENSE. No advanced civilization of type 2 or 3 of Kardashev scale needs or wants slavery. It's wasteful, inefficient, slow...
      Oh yeah, free labour is wasteful.

      >A species can't stay "pure"
      Mutt detected.

      • 1 year ago

        >It's based.
        Being paranoid and assuming that an alien can never be trusted, everyone is out to get you at all times is not based.
        >I gave the exact same justification for my viewpoint.
        I provided actual reasoning unlike you.
        >Oh yeah, free labour is wasteful.
        For Kardashev 2 or 3 civilization which can create replicators, complex AIs, nanobots, DNA editing etc.?
        Just look at the current situation with our level of AI tech.
        We might joke about it faults right now, such as non-perfected self-driving, or current LLMs, but these things already slightly threaten to disrupt the job market in a big way in the next few decades.
        Yet you think that an advanced species spanning the whole galaxy needs or wants slavery. It's pointless and adds additional oversight, management and more for NO payoff.
        >Mutt detected.
        Spoken like a moron who has no idea what happens when you separate one group into multiple groups and place them into different environments.
        That doesn't even take into account the possible DNA modification separate group might perform onto themselves, further breaking apart the homogeneity.

        I'm sorry to tell you, but you're a brainlet, anon.

        • 1 year ago

          >Being paranoid and assuming that an alien can never be trusted, everyone is out to get you at all times is not based
          Yes it is.

          >I provided actual reasoning
          That's the point, you didn't. You stated it was "counter productive".
          It's based.

          >You think they want slavery
          May as well get something out of them as they're worked to death 🙂

          >Spoken like a moron
          Spoke like a seething mutt lol
          You'll never be White 🙂

          • 1 year ago

            I accept your concession and rest my case.
            Go back once the r*ddit protests ends.

            • 1 year ago

              triggered 🙂

        • 1 year ago

          >for NO payoff
          What if their culture was always built on slavery? What if they get their kicks from seeing alien women in chains under the lash? It can be anything, and all those advanced nanobots and AI replicators are precisely the reason this type of civ can afford slavery.

          • 1 year ago

            >What if their culture was always built on slavery?
            There's no need to create and maintain the whole infrastructure and logistics for the slavery system in your civilization if that's all slavery is to you.
            Slavery never makes sense because it's wasteful as far as civilization building and scientific progress is concerned, but it makes even less sense if there's no actual need for their labour.
            If it's only about the fulfillment of some fantasy of your people, you can achieve the same thing far more safely and with less work through (FD)VR, robotics, DNA/gene tailoring, or even just drugs (e.g. Chemical Bliss).

    • 1 year ago

      >he never watched star trek
      There are motives for all of these to make sense

      • 1 year ago

        >There are motives
        Of course there are, anon.
        Natures and attitudes of individuals or groups is not always rational. Not long ago people were still calling for murder of all heretics on both sides, and some do to this day.
        There will always be idiots until society matures and people get educated.
        I was merely talking about the practicality of those stances.

        And to be fair, Star Trek species are just humanity placeholders with a given trait turned up to eleven. Aliens would not behave that way.

  4. 1 year ago

    fanatic spiritualist/authoritarian
    and fanatic xenophobe/pacifist

  5. 1 year ago

    Fanatic Xenophile
    I WILL frick all the aliens

  6. 1 year ago

    I always go militarist and materialist

  7. 1 year ago

    Spiritualist, Authoritarian and Militarist. Psionic Sith/Jedi/Imperium with one goal - galactic domination. Also with Venerable trait so that the first leader is the one who will eventually turn into the Chosen One.

  8. 1 year ago

    Fanatic authoritarianism + militarism/spiritualism
    >Wanna win against friends
    Machines or clone homosexualry with spiritualism
    Makes me want to play stellaris, anything good was added last year? Any good mods?

  9. 1 year ago

    People who think that slavery is bad forget that we still employ slavery to this day
    inb4: that Black agreed to mine minerals for 0.3$ per hour

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah but our slaves aren’t Nerve Stapled and get paid

  10. 1 year ago

    Spiritualist Xenophobe.
    I like the pop growth you get from xenophobia and I just like spiritualism. The shroud is also very aesthetically pleasing.

  11. 1 year ago

    I fricking hate this game, everything about it is a boring slog, every run ends up being the same no matter what ethics you take and the midgame is just staring at the galaxy map and waiting for your science ships to find anomalies
    I regret every cent I spent on the DLC and the 100 hours of my life I wasted on this boring piece of shit videogame

    • 1 year ago

      >he paid for a Paradox game

      • 1 year ago

        >Plays paradox games without cheevos
        Why even live?

        • 1 year ago

          >unironically caring about achievements

    • 1 year ago

      The expansion phase of the game where you are exploring unknown territories and solving anomalies and archeologies and meeting new aliens is fun, but by the mid-game where you’ve met all the other empires it gets a bit boring. Like all Pdox games it needs extensive modding to remain interesting. I would recommend all the following mods:
      Planetary Diversity (all of them)
      More Events Mod
      Dynamic Political Events
      UI Overhaul Dynamic
      Expanded Events
      Archeology Story Pack
      Precursor Story Pack

      Plus all the official DLC obviously.

  12. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago


  13. 1 year ago

    Spiritualist for psychic stuff
    Xenophobe for space racism plus a few nice bonuses
    Militarist for bulldozing my neighbor in the first 30 years

  14. 1 year ago

    Fanatic Spiritualist is the most based ethos
    I refuse to play anything else

  15. 1 year ago

    Get rekt Paradox

    • 1 year ago

      Megacorp is already in the game

  16. 1 year ago

    Fanatic Spiritualist
    >We WILL build temples on every planet
    >We WILL sanctify worlds
    Our construction of the Aetherophasic Engine is a purely spiritual and pacifistic matter. Do not let your materialistic prejudices blind you to the light of the Shroud

  17. 1 year ago

    >(Shared Destiny)
    Aliens will submit to humanity and learn their place in society, they will worship our Gods and become part of something greater because of it.

    Always loved taking over alien nations, integrating them into my Empire. Then once I've relocated them all back to the planets in their capital sector (RP is that "you can visit different planets but not stay."). Hell I'd even gift them systems outside their sector if they were the only ones that would connect to it, obviously I would keep all the chokepoints and defensive systems. Hell I'd even terraform their planets for them before making them a vassal state.
    >thread makes me want to re-pirate the game but I'm on Linux now
    L-linuxbros... Help.

  18. 1 year ago

    Fanatic authoritarian + whatever you like, think about it logically if you do not manage your state well you will be infiltrated and manipolated by outside forces, if you don't control your citizens they will control you and you don't want the randos controlling your policies, not when there are fallen empires next to you with planet destroyers, not when some fricking gestald consciusness is ready to integrate you one by one, so you better take control and keep it.
    Also you can enslave pops which is of great benefit to the economy.

    • 1 year ago

      This but justifiable because ----I---- am the authocrat. This is MY nation and they all do what ---I---- say. To avoid a dissonance between what should be happening in the game and how this works it only makes sense that it's an authoritarian state.

  19. 1 year ago

    >start new game
    >spawn next to an assimilating machine race
    >instead of spending resources expanding my territory
    >just build ships
    >call them gaylords then declare war as is tradition with exterminator races
    >thankfully as I eat into their territory I take it automatically
    >take over their capital planet
    >immediately win war
    >click empire tab to see how the machine extermination is going
    >wad da fug id dis?
    >Humans, machines... Cyborg fox people?
    >turns out the exterminator machine races start with a population they eat over time
    >got 5 pops of cyborgs at the start of the game
    >spend the rest of the game RPing the cyborg fox people and humanity as a bros4lyf empire

  20. 1 year ago

    I hate this shit so much.

    >Go Militaristic + Materialistic
    >Powerful federation builders spawn all around me

    >Go pacifist + xenophile
    >Crusaders everywhere

  21. 1 year ago

    War and Peace are states to be taken on necessity based on factors of economy and of external problems, so basing your society out of those is foolish.
    Xeno relationships are to be taken on a case by case basis and being overly in one direction or another makes no real sense, there is benefit in trade relationships with some and there is benefit in the genocide of others.
    In the end your only choices are on material vs spiritual and on authoritarian vs egalitarian.
    Both are internal matters of the state and its people, for the first set both are "real" and factual as the Shroud exists while at the same time if you aren't a super psi-race you can convert into robots without losing too much if you like it. On the other end both egalitarian and authoritarian have their pros and downsides (see legend of the galactic heroes for the stellaris fun version of this).

    • 1 year ago

      >see legend of the galactic heroes for the stellaris fun version of this
      A version of why authoritarian is "bad" happened to me when my emperor developed a negative trait, the response was simply "we will learn to live with this", which is basically what Yang Wen-li and various characters say, I mean if you play the special origin where your first leader is busted you see that yourself when the guy dies, you just get a normal leader that isn't as cool.

  22. 1 year ago

    In vanilla it's Militarist, Xenophobe and Materialist
    with Distinguished Admiralty and Relentless Industrialists using the extra civic slot for Technocracy later. Game plan is to go as wide as possible while building up a few core worlds for specialised production

  23. 1 year ago

    What are the 'MUST HAVE' mods for Stellaris?
    Any rape-slave mods?

    • 1 year ago

      Gigastructures, NSC2, ui overhaul dynamic.
      As for non-mandatory mods i personally like: some of the kasako ui and performance mods, ethics and civics: bug branch, technology ascendant and planetary diversity.
      if you want your games to go off the rails try out ancient cache of technologies and if your tolerance for weebshit is high enough warship girls r. Lustful void might be what you are looking for

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