>What do you mean I can't get a Tyranitar by the first gym? >Johto is literally unplayable!

>What do you mean I can't get a Tyranitar by the first gym?
>Johto is literally unplayable!

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  1. 11 months ago

    there's at least 3 of these threads already, pick one

  2. 11 months ago

    >Get filtered by a fat cow and her Miltank
    >Grind entire party to lvl 55
    >Get rollout'd into the next life
    uhhhhhm QoL?

  3. 11 months ago

    >What do you mean I can't get a Tyranitar by the first gym?
    >Johto is literally unplayable!
    >What do you mean I have to wait until the 5th gym for a Tyranitar?
    >The remakes didn't fix anything!
    I'll never understand this

  4. 11 months ago

    >get tyranitar in GSC
    >its fricking kino and fun to use ingame
    >get tyranitar in HGSS
    >slow ass battle engine combined with sandstorm text every turn
    >your other party members buffeted by sand all the time

    • 11 months ago

      t. low ELO

  5. 11 months ago

    >What do you mean I can get a Kanto starter by the second gym?
    >Kalos is literally unplayable!

  6. 11 months ago

    Larvitar should have been a rare encounter in the same early cave as dunsparce. Then have an npc nearby stating that " There exists a powerful rare Pokemon in this cave "

    then n00bs will think Dunsparce is the mythical because of its unique appearance.

    this misdirection is in line with the Magikarp Sale or the Farfetch'd Trade in Gen1.

    All Dark and GHOST types should have been catchable in Johto at night.

    • 11 months ago

      Larvitar should be in the high level part of the dark cave, Misdreavus should a low percentage night time encounter in land routes north of the national park, Slugma should be Misdreavus' Morning countrpart, Sneasel should be a 2% encounter in the Ice Path, Houndour should be a the day time counterpart to Misdreavus and Slugma.

      I’d put larvitar as a 1% in the basement of mt mortar and call it a day. Slugma, sneasel, Misdreavus, and houndour I’d put in random caves in the overworld.

      Wooper shouldn't be available until Route 26. Eevee's friendship evolutions should autocancel until you're champ. The sudowoodo should be in Vermilion. Mareep should be found ONLY in Rock Tunnel basement as a 1% morning encounter.

    • 11 months ago

      Name 1 time Pokemon games have put the pseudo near the beginning of the game

      • 11 months ago


        • 11 months ago


          these aren't at the beginning


          when SM game first came out I spent hours trying to chain the level 9 salamence but it never appeared 🙁

      • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      Mt. Mortar would have been a better choice, or a 1% encounter in Tohjo Falls to frick with people.

      Name 1 time Pokemon games have put the pseudo near the beginning of the game

      There's a few, but most of the examples are XY and later. Gen 1-3 were really fastidious about not letting you get them until really late in the game, while Gen 4 and arguably 5 (is Haxorous considered a pseudo?) put it more midgame in an optional area.

      • 11 months ago

        Mount Mortar wouod have been perfect for Larvitar
        As for tor others
        Rare in outside Mahoney Town (night only)
        Rare in Ilex (night only)
        Rare in burnt tower (day only)
        Rare in all the Johto caves (night only)
        Bug catching contest (I knows it already in johto but bug catching contest makes much more sense)
        > Haxorous considered a pseudo
        No, it’s not part of the 600 club it isn’t marketed with the “late bloomers” series

        I think it's kinda neat that there's still such a powerful pokemon to raise after you've beat the game, made using it against friends even more special and then it was cool being able to use the new breeding feature to make it even more accessible for those who hadn't beat the game yet

        Tbh I don’t even really mind how Tyranitar is as handles. being so late is warrented considering just strong it was.

  7. 11 months ago

    Larvitar should be in the high level part of the dark cave, Misdreavus should a low percentage night time encounter in land routes north of the national park, Slugma should be Misdreavus' Morning countrpart, Sneasel should be a 2% encounter in the Ice Path, Houndour should be a the day time counterpart to Misdreavus and Slugma.

  8. 11 months ago

    I’d put larvitar as a 1% in the basement of mt mortar and call it a day. Slugma, sneasel, Misdreavus, and houndour I’d put in random caves in the overworld.

  9. 11 months ago

    Wooper shouldn't be available until Route 26. Eevee's friendship evolutions should autocancel until you're champ. The sudowoodo should be in Vermilion. Mareep should be found ONLY in Rock Tunnel basement as a 1% morning encounter.

  10. 11 months ago

    >Why are the newly discovered Pokemon rare?!?!?!

  11. 11 months ago

    I think it's kinda neat that there's still such a powerful pokemon to raise after you've beat the game, made using it against friends even more special and then it was cool being able to use the new breeding feature to make it even more accessible for those who hadn't beat the game yet

  12. 11 months ago

    Holy fricking shit thank god all the homosexuals ITT aren't pokemon game designers

  13. 11 months ago

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