What do (You) think about this game? I've been noticing more people disliking it.

What do (You) think about this game? I've been noticing more people disliking it.

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 7 months ago



    • 7 months ago

      fippy bippy

  2. 7 months ago

    Simple but fun until they added Happy Chaos, it was all downhill from there

    • 7 months ago

      This mostly.
      It still can be fun to play, but I have no motivation to get back in because fricking Daisuke won't put Jam in the game.
      It's also absolute dog shit as a spectator game now because of HC and Asuka. Every tournament since the HC release has been fricking awful and boring to watch.
      Arksys fumbled this shit so incredibly hard.

    • 7 months ago

      It's honestly baffling to me that he not only didn't get gutted shortly after release but that he's still top 1 years later. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people stopped competing just because they didn't want to deal with that bullshit. Imagine paying money out of your own pocket and taking time off work to fly out to a tournament and your first match is against HC.

      • 7 months ago

        Strive is both a very simplified game and a very polarized game. They don't do much to the balance because they can't do much to the balance. There aren't a lot of factors they can really adjust on each character and the fact that each one is so distinct means that match ups, the real factor in how tier a character is, will always remain highly skewered even after big nerfs

      • 7 months ago

        Arcsys doesn't actually care about whether a character is too strong or too weak relative to the rest of the cast, they only care that the character is being played the way they want them to be played. Bedman could be losing 95% of matches but as long as in that 5% he wins he's doing the combos they thought looked cool they won't touch him. That's why Happy Chaos got buffed in his first balance pass despite being unarguable top 1 from his release up to it, people were winning by just sitting back and zoning and that isn't how they wanted the character to be played so they gave him a minor nerf to long range shots while buffing his roll and close range shots.

        • 7 months ago

          Remember when they buffed Sol's best move when he was #1 in the game?

      • 7 months ago

        That is literally what happened to me at Combo Breaker. I ended up swimming up lane in loser's until I lost to a Baiken but I just can't get over that.

        • 7 months ago

          Yeah, I was looking up tournaments to enter a bit before HC released and the game almost immediately became a joke to me competitively when I started fighting him. I can deal with top-tiers and bad matchups but HC is such a miserable and offensively dogshit design.

    • 7 months ago

      This but with Bridget

      • 7 months ago

        Bridget is actually fun to fight, but the community Bridget brung irreversibly destroyed the franchise

  3. 7 months ago

    >guilty gear


  4. 7 months ago

    Play blazblue

  5. 7 months ago

    This is the Persona 5 of fighting games

    • 7 months ago

      introductory games like strive and persona 5 have the worst fans. they actively hate the series they play.

      • 7 months ago

        >guilty gear fans

        • 7 months ago

          introductory games like strive and persona 5 have the worst fans. they actively hate the series they play.

          >Persona 5 """fans"""

        • 7 months ago

          >they never gave sale figures of gg game ever before Strive
          >aksys even shared sales when blazblue sold 1.7m copies they never did so for any gg game
          >Strive sold 2m copies by now
          >tfw Strive might outsell two decades old XX and Xrd put together
          Its grim but it also shows how fricking bad it was and how that drastic change in direction was unfortunately needed or this IP would get buried deep any other company would do so years ago.

          • 7 months ago

            >never gave sale figures of gg game ever before Strive
            This fact is made worse because they showed the sales for literally ANYTHING both before and after xrd. They did it with blazblue reaching a million sales total, they did it with bbtag getting 450,000 after 2 years, they even did it with frickin dnf duel.

          • 7 months ago

            >they never gave sale figures of gg game ever before Strive
            Didn't Xrd only sell around 100k copies? I swear I saw that number somewhere.

            • 7 months ago

              No they never EVER said how much xrd sold which is the biggest sign of it's failure. Blazblue got a sales celebration of sales sold throughout the entire franchise before xrd so multiple games wasn't the problem, dbfz needs no explanation, bbtag released a year after rev 2 and got a celebration 2 years after release for 450k so time passed wasn't an issue, gbfvs got a sales celebration when it reached 200k and then 500k years after release, strive got that one for 300k after 3 days and 500k after a month, and the latest game dnf duel had a celebration for 100k.

  6. 7 months ago

    It's okay, I don't like fighting the popular characters though and I think wild assault and the parry were shit additions that made the bad parts of the game feel even worse

  7. 7 months ago

    Obama was right in the end

    • 7 months ago

      what did Majin say?

      • 7 months ago

        Its a disgrace to old GG and the more time goes on and the new game feel wears off the more people are gonna realize its not fun because its core design caters to people that dont wanna learn fg's.

        • 7 months ago


          moronic character changes (moveset wise), moronic character changes (story wise), dumb downed gameplay, whole thing is way more style over substance
          its probably the best looking 3d anime game, I'll give it that, it just has nothing else I really like.

          I think Xrd has a better artsyle tbh

    • 7 months ago

      type lumina at evo ended up being one of most hype games of the whole weekend too, especially thanks to the naps arc. strive was painful for everyone involved

      • 7 months ago

        lumina bores me in tourney but Jimmy J Tran on Ciel was absolute kino

    • 7 months ago

      Obama is a whiny gay but his opinions on Strive are 100% correct

  8. 7 months ago

    >terrible ai generated soundtrack
    >all returning characters a shell of themselves gameplay wise
    >moronic mechanics
    >typical arcsys balance
    >annoying playerbase
    >ugly UI, presentation, and redesigns
    It's been downhill since the forst reveal honestly

    • 7 months ago

      To add to my complaints i get the feeling like the shitt lyrics are the reason there are no VS themes. Happy that axl got a song about coffee instead of a cool instrumental track with i-no

  9. 7 months ago

    Stopped playing after Bridget came out. The whole troony business really fricked discussion about the game and killed enjoyment for a lot of people.

  10. 7 months ago

    Wallbreak into HKD/Positive Bonus into looping quasi-infinite pressure was already awful when it was relegated to the likes of Chipp/HC/Ram; Wild Assault and PB changes letting everyone do it and letting the top tiers do it better has been my least favorite thing about the game ever. In trying to mitigate the suck of being stuck in the corner they hilariously made something worse

    Shame cause I want to like WA, disgusting offense is the reason to play GG, but this shit needs changed and they need to break some kneecaps in the next balance patch

  11. 7 months ago

    It's a great game in my opinion, very fun and pretty funny at times. It's very guilty gear and it's only gotten even more guilty gear with the recent patches.

  12. 7 months ago

    moronic character changes (moveset wise), moronic character changes (story wise), dumb downed gameplay, whole thing is way more style over substance
    its probably the best looking 3d anime game, I'll give it that, it just has nothing else I really like.

  13. 7 months ago

    I've disliked it since it was announced sorry that hurts you, Not!

  14. 7 months ago

    Bridget's re-introduction ruined the series

  15. 7 months ago

    very bare even for gg standards. something about all of it feels like it lacks all the energy the series is supposed to have

    • 7 months ago

      you've clearly not played it

      • 7 months ago

        >You haven't played it
        Bro? Have you seen the UI?

        • 7 months ago

          I don't care personally.

        • 7 months ago

          I still don't understand what were they thinking with Strive's UI and lobbies, just what the FRICK happened there?

          • 7 months ago

            Daisuke is old and lacks the passion he had for the series that he had back there. It's not just the UI but even the designs are round and tame rather than pointy and aggressive. Same goes for the artwork, music composition, etc. It just feels like the person holding it all together doesn't care.

            Pretty sure he gave up on the series after overture flopped.

  16. 7 months ago

    it's a bad game but i like the sexy gekkoman and would kiss him

  17. 7 months ago

    ive burnt out on drive fighter 6 and have grappled with deciding whether or not i should try to learn this game with asuka since they added new defensive options. but then i remember that anime fighter pressure alludes me and i have no idea when to block low, faultless defense, etc without being overwhelmed

    • 7 months ago

      I've heard Strive compared to Street Fighter a lot, so sure.

    • 7 months ago

      you just get used to it, Strive is pretty unique when it comes to characters so learning to fight one doesn't mean you'll know how to fight another.

    • 7 months ago

      also I should mention that Asuka is absurdly difficult. Not only to play but actually defined with.

  18. 7 months ago

    troony game

  19. 7 months ago

    Wasn't Johnny announced like more than 3 months ago? when is the next reveal?

    • 7 months ago

      probably next year

  20. 7 months ago

    my first fighting game
    and my last fighting game
    (invincibles aren't fun)

    still listen to the ost tho

  21. 7 months ago

    Hate it. Does not feel like a GG game, while also not being all that fun in its own right. Old games made me really like a character while wanting to learn others. Strive just doesn't

  22. 7 months ago

    I've never played an any airdasher shit before and I'm a guile main in street fighter so I enjoyed spamming the dolphins as may and making people seethe.

  23. 7 months ago

    Picked it up last month. It's a fun fightan for casual matches. I was not into GG before so I couldn't care less about "they butchered x mechanic", "I can't combo kara yokohama into dp cancel yamaha", "Why don't they add my favourite char!?" or whatever.

  24. 7 months ago

    Worst modern fighting game

  25. 7 months ago

    It somehow exacerbated the looping degenerate offense of Guilty Gear while taking out almost any semblance of what made Guilty Gear standout and is one of most horribly miserable and mediocre fighting games to actually play once people examined it as a fighting game before a "Guilty Gear" game

  26. 7 months ago

    it's bad

  27. 7 months ago

    Are any of the dlc characters worth it?

    • 7 months ago

      I'd say most of the dlc characters are pretty unique, so whatever interests you wouldn't be boring for sure. Though some of the dlc characters are pretty difficult to play as.

    • 7 months ago

      only bedman isn't worth it

  28. 7 months ago

    Still thinking about how Granblue Fantasy handled guard crush better on its first try with it than Strive its entire conception

    • 7 months ago

      what's wrong with strive's guard crush?

      • 7 months ago

        NTA but in GBVSR, roll or spot dodge beats any situation where you would get guard crushed, while in strive you are forced to block it in a lot of situations and let the opponent crank your risc meter and mix you up in a game where people die in 2 touches and any combo into wall break leads a checkmate for most high tier characters

        • 7 months ago

          Guilty gear is supposed to be a pretty wild and very aggressive game, so I've never seen the guard crush as a bad mechanic.

          • 7 months ago

            it only gets annoying against gold lewis and mayb asuka otherwise it never really bothered me

            • 7 months ago

              If any character is allowed to guard break, I'm okay with the big bodies doing it, even if GL is absurd enough already.

            • 7 months ago

              Happy Chaos can guard crush loop you with his reload in the corner into an unavoidable setup 50/50 (why you see people eat dust a lot against him) so no, I disagree. That shit sucks.

              • 7 months ago

                i just dodge HC, the character is complete cancer by design

  29. 7 months ago

    A disgusting blight upon the fighting game genre, made with a hatred and disdain for everyone who supported Arc System Works until this point in time through thick and thin.

    It sold the soul of Guilty Gear and all anime games forever by butchering the gameplay into a cruel mockery of what made their games great in the first place, just a total frickup in nearly every way and you have to actually be a braindead monkey to find it enjoyable to play such a lifeless husk of a game.

    Washed out colors, horrific soundtrack, disgustingly DOGSHIT UI that should have gotten someone fired, less content than older games somehow, completely shit on almost every character design.

    And it sold 100000000 more copies than every other anime game so the genre I loved is dead forever, UNISC is the only thing I'm remotely looking forward to if I'm being real, there is just nothing left even remotely resembling Blazblue CF or GGXXAC (Xrd wasn't good YRC was shit) in the gaming space anymore.

    Character depth? Expansive gatling tables? Expression? Nuanced defensive systems? Basic defensive OS'es (4+ABC or GG throw plink) that stop it being an ape medium mashing fest on offense? Fluid movement that doesn't feel shit? Interesting unique designs that interact in cool ways? NOPE. ALL GONE.

    FRICK this game.

    • 7 months ago

      Based you know what? I'm dropping fighting games entirely now because of this post, feels pretty good man

    • 7 months ago

      Well put

    • 7 months ago

      Reminder that its SpicballZ fault that soive and granpoo exist and were designed for double digit IQ baboons just like SpicballZ is.

    • 7 months ago

      Honestly this is the only respectable opinion too have about this godfrick awful game.
      Strive's legacy is nothing less that the total casualization of the entire genre.

      I feel the effects of Strive in everything now, even non-anime fighters like SF and Tekken.

      It's no wonder that trannies flock to it, it's a fighting game made for sissies.

      • 7 months ago

        Granpoo, dbfz and dnf duel are even more casualized games so that point is moronic. You also posting slime rush rng simulator 6 is hilarious next to your post.

        • 7 months ago

          Seething /fgg/ refugee detected.
          Go have a melty about how Jive was better in your containment thread

          • 7 months ago

            Im not fgg goblin. You homosexuals latched to soive while completly ignoring or even defending other games doing same or even somehow worse garbage. You chosed boogeyman when problem is more deep than just soive. Sf6 is better game than jive too this shouldnt even be a debate only deranged homosexuals think otherwise

  30. 7 months ago

    Play GBVSR when it comes out instead of Strive

    • 7 months ago

      you mean UNI2

    • 7 months ago

      I'm still in disbelief that the simplest Arc Sys fighting game in GBVSR is actually the most fun to play and not badly fricked up in any capacity. How did Cygames avoid the fall from grace that befell DBFZ, DNFD and Strive and miraculously fix everything? Did the community tournament series getting them clowned on by everyone rattle them that much?

      • 7 months ago

        It’s because they can see the writing on the wall for old school JP gacha games, so they want to transfer gbf’s popularity there into other successful games before it’s too late. They are also having a monster hunter style gbf RPG made and it looks like it’s gonna be good.

      • 7 months ago

        Thats because Cygames knew what game they want design wise from very start. Granpoo is most sterile, easiest to play and dry fighting game but devs knew exactly what they want - casual game. Strive on the other hand design wise is all over place because they tried(keyword tried) appease everyone both new and oldgays, they had to include legacy character kits and system mechanics and more. Strive unironically could be better game if they would forget about those and game would then have proper design direction. This is why every fricking time designers and directors use the "we want game to be accessible and complex" is MASSIVE red flag because that shit creates blind direction into and this never worked. Thats why i dont understand fgc homosexuals hyping up Project L this game quite literally design wise has every single cancerous shit new fgs suffer from.

    • 7 months ago

      I'll play it as a FTP until Tekken 8 comes out. Shits just too simple man, it is boring.

      • 7 months ago

        Based Tekken enjoyer

        Based you know what? I'm dropping fighting games entirely now because of this post, feels pretty good man

        Don't do that! There's still good companies like French Bread

        • 7 months ago

          >he says after kamone smoked some good shit with type lumina
          Ok. UNI2 plays good solely because its fricking update basically if that homosexual would design sequel from ground up it would suck balls just like lumina.

      • 7 months ago

        Based Tekken enjoyer
        Don't do that! There's still good companies like French Bread

        Is Tekken 8 worth trying as someone who barely played the series? Been wanting to get into fighting games again recently since I tried SF6 but my only exposure to the series was less than 30 minutes of emulating 3 and a bit of one of the psp games. Always liked the character designs for the series but I never felt like I would be any good at it.

        • 7 months ago

          tekken is unironically played like a party masher by the majority of its playerbase. if you approach the game with any critical thought you will destroy the majority of tekken "players"

          • 7 months ago

            >was afraid picking up tekken because im dogshit in all other fgs ive picked up like it takes really long time for me to learn shit
            >frick it lets play
            >watched two videos both on my character and his MUs and general basics/systems
            >after getting smoked by some spammy shit just lab it out in 5 minutes
            >made it to red ranks in around 150 hours
            Its not much but Tekken players are moronic and amount of mashing baboons that play this game is insane everyone wants to get their launcher and just mash out combo while relying on you not knowing what their character does lmao. No spacing nothing just mashing and praying to get their big launcher. I also never seen more people rage quitting and sending salt msgs but i liked that part

          • 7 months ago

            Tekken is the best fighting game.

            Alright, is King a good starter pick or does it not really matter? Was gonna go for him, that girl Heihachi or the new guy Victor that got shown off a while ago since they all look cool as frick. Likely gonna play that Granblue game when it comes out too so I can get some practice in and better understand fighting games in general.

            • 7 months ago

              >Alright, is King a good starter pick
              Not really, he has a lot of branching pathways you need to learn.

            • 7 months ago

              King's fine. Don't listen to the other anon. Chain throws aren't hard to learn and you don't need them to start with.

        • 7 months ago

          Tekken is the best fighting game.

  31. 7 months ago


  32. 7 months ago

    ASW had already been on streak creating watered down kusoge like BBTag and GBVS but I always coped thinking "it's just a spinoff", "it's just a licensed game", etc thinking they wouldn't do it to their own IPs mainline titles, but Strive proved me wrong. The disappointment after playing the first beta killed my interest in future ASW games altogether.

  33. 7 months ago

    Clayton Chapman tore it a new butthole before it even came out and he was and still is vindicated on thinking it's a complete waste of time.

  34. 7 months ago

    I like it. Wild assault needs a fat nerf but arcsys has already hinted at it being changed.

  35. 7 months ago

    Hotashi did an analysis of a tournament about a month ago and on average the first person to get a hit in had a 90% chance to win the round. After season 3, wall breaking is a way worse situation than being caught in a corner in Xrd because any high tier can just safe jump oki and push you back to the corner with an infinite block string anyway

    • 7 months ago

      In other words positive bonus needs to be nerfed.

  36. 7 months ago

    Season 3 made strong characters stronger and weak characters weaker. Seems to be the GGST special at this point.

    • 7 months ago

      Bro they took Zato out back and shot him

      • 7 months ago

        thats one of the few exceptions, and also another example of the balance team's incompetence

      • 7 months ago

        They somehow kept ONE Guilty Gear tradition alive.

  37. 7 months ago

    It made people seethe because people actually played it instead of just saying they do like every other GG game.

  38. 7 months ago

    started playing it on game pass, chipp is fun

  39. 7 months ago

    I don't know anything about GG, but apparently Strive ruined the fanbase for this beyond belief because a trap got retconned into a troony. I don't think that was solely it, but can anyone ITT explain to my why Strive ruined the fanbase in better detail?

    • 7 months ago

      Game was polarizing since very long time and bridget getting troon retcon just empowered that thats it really. troony also won evo with broken character i guess. People who hyperfocus about trannies and Strive are newbies generally who dont remember how anime scene always was full of weirdo subhumans including trooncels even years ago. Sonicfox being literal zoophilie homosexual started openly being praised and after that degenerates started to be public with their shit too after.

    • 7 months ago

      Strive fan base is the same troony and secondary filled fan base as xrd, +R and any other anime fighter just that this one has like 20 times the popularity and playerbase of the latter resulting in more people overall, more trannies overall even if it's proportionally the same amount and more from the outside and inside noticing the trannies

  40. 7 months ago

    I don't play it as much as I used to but I still pop in 3 days a week and have fun. Happy chaos, Axl and fricking people over with WA and frc is fun.

  41. 7 months ago

    >just bought a fighting game that people i've seen showered in praise
    >apparently everyone hates it now

    this has happened to me multiple times now

    • 7 months ago

      name a few examples other then Strive

      • 7 months ago


        • 7 months ago

          tfh is still good if you bought it. if you're a kickstarter backer then you're getting fricked though

        • 7 months ago

          What's wrong with tfh?
          unless it's just FIMschizo

          • 7 months ago

            devs announced they wont finish the story mode. backers are mad now.

      • 7 months ago

        Everyone was like its da best nu arcsys game then its magically braindead dead game for hispanics and french Black folks
        >type lumina
        Black folk here shilling it daily all day for months out of spite to soive then everyone shits on it rightfully so
        Amazing game da best all good moves capgodz very deep complex lets a go then its apparently braindead "slime rush" simulator lol

        • 7 months ago

          Tekken 7 is now "the worst one" too

          • 7 months ago

            That's a pretty bold claim. Was it better in earlier seasons? Sure, is it the worst Tekken? Nah.

    • 7 months ago

      its because its different people doing praising and hating it. casuals love strive while long time guilty gear fans hate it. the casuals are starting to move on though so you're only left with people that actually care, which is why you're starting to hear more hate than praise.

      • 7 months ago

        There's literally nothing stop these supposed oldhead Xrd players from playing it. Strive existing doesn't somehow prevent it.

      • 7 months ago

        Same people white play Strive still play it and people who hated it still seethe and hate it nothing changed. Casuals are also people joining weeklies and this games scene is still pretty much alive, some people like Kizzie even say that S3 is best Strive ever been. You know nothing homie

  42. 7 months ago

    First mainstream GG, not enough gatekeeping.

  43. 7 months ago

    >drastically change the entire game
    >new players love it because the old players saw the changes and bailed, making the online safe for beginners
    >suddenly bridget is trans
    >now the game is ruined for everyone but trannies
    literally killed the game overnight

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      That dumb gay shit didn't affect the playerbase it was the bad balance decisions, bad gameplay decisions and radio silence you twitterBlack person. God I hate bridget posters.

      Reminder that its SpicballZ fault that soive and granpoo exist and were designed for double digit IQ baboons just like SpicballZ is.

      No those 2 are a result of xrd failing and arcsys realizing that catering to the kinds of people who like it isn't sustainable for their small ass company.

      • 7 months ago

        >bad balance decisions, bad gameplay decisions and radio silence
        lol day 1 issues never changed
        the only difference is happy chaos made it even worse

        • 7 months ago

          Yeah, I was thankfully one of those people that didn't mind the bad balance because said repulsive characters were ones I thoughts were the coolest like with mvc3 but some other people got tired of it of course. The playerbase perking back up during thanksgiving giving week was a surprise.

  44. 7 months ago

    I genuinely think anyone who still likes it is a moron. Went mainstream for a year and then became a magnet for twitter troons. Anyone still playing is pathetic.

    • 7 months ago

      Not everyone is obsessed about trannies anon. I Iike to breathe i wont stop doing so because troons breathe too. Also bridget Black folk always were subhumans you just went from homosexual aids homosexuals to trooncels not a big change really.

  45. 7 months ago

    the game that sold its soul to appeal to people who do not play the game.
    >somehow created something worse than baikengays
    >overly complicated RC system cuz people who did not play xrd complained about YRC
    >plays like street fighter.
    >all characters are simplified from their previous iterations.
    >somehow they made something more gay than elphelt with happy chaos
    at least I am not forced to play this shit now since XRD got rollback, obama and clayton said it best when the game came out, shit was solved day 1

    • 7 months ago

      >obama and clayton
      >literal moronic Black person Hispanic mutt and schizo who says that hes sick and dying for a decade now to make subhumans pay for his shit like Black person he is

      • 7 months ago

        they still play better than you anon so your opinion is invalid lol stay mad perma broze loser

        • 7 months ago

          I agree about Clayton hes insane player def better than me but Obama always was insanely dogshit player anyone could smoke hes like your average Ganker larping as oldgay for clout, i would destroy that Bedman Black person mashing cuck.

    • 7 months ago

      >overly complicated rc system
      Are you genuinely moronic?

    • 7 months ago

      >plays like street fighter
      I wish.

      • 7 months ago

        its like in-between gg and sf. I personally think it was a massive slop since the old system was more fun and satisfying.
        not even one of the characters that made the jump to strive play better, they might be more viable but less fun
        >leo lost the rekkas, Siegesparade, and the ability to go into backturned from normals
        >sin simplified now since he was too complicated i guess?
        >baiken can't hold counter anymore
        >ram completely different, no longer a unique cool character
        >jacko lost the houses and instead gets a simpliefied version of it, such a cool concept now gone forever
        >sol wild throw now a regular fricking command grab and no install... WTF!!
        >ky gets sold install but only while low health
        such a boring game, it used to be this cool fighter with dumb gimmics unique to each character but now every single unique mechanic got simpliefied for no other reason than the game was "hard" for morons to play.
        FRICK strive

        • 7 months ago

          >jacko lost the houses and instead gets a simpliefied version of it, such a cool concept now gone forever
          homie, are you serious?

          • 7 months ago

            yes I am serious, you tourist cry about old jacko since she had win conditions but she wasn't that bad if you actually learned the matchup (something you newbies just refuse to do) instead just nuke it to the ground, now she is the "haha funny crouch animation" chr and its a shell of what she used to be

            • 7 months ago

              Damn, can't believe new Jack-O' has literally zero win conditions.

              • 7 months ago

                never said she didn't lmao gay

                I'm glad others replied to call you the dumb Black person you are for whining that the literal game playing itself, admitted by the creators to be a rts inspired abomination was rightfully turned into something else.

                cute opinion, did a youtuber gave to you or you actually played agains old jacko?

                But she's a way better character now that makes more sense. Xrd jacko is an actual failure of game design, whereas her strive iteration is done way better.


            • 7 months ago

              But she's a way better character now that makes more sense. Xrd jacko is an actual failure of game design, whereas her strive iteration is done way better.

            • 7 months ago

              I'm glad others replied to call you the dumb Black person you are for whining that the literal game playing itself, admitted by the creators to be a rts inspired abomination was rightfully turned into something else.

  46. 7 months ago

    I still don't get how they thought resetting to neutral and giving the other player rapid meter gain, allowing them to now have every option they could want avilable to them was the solution to corner pressure being oppressive.

    • 7 months ago

      Can I still spam the Totsugeki Dolphin?

  47. 7 months ago

    >cool concept
    I thank God none of the people on this board actually make or balance fighting games. Same kind of morons who ask why testament wasn't in Xrd or why he doesn't have the same shit in strive.

  48. 7 months ago

    Faust and Potemkin are the only fun characters to play in the entire game.

    • 7 months ago

      Bridget is pretty fun too

  49. 7 months ago

    Never going to play it because I hate trannies.

    I don’t care if the game is good.

  50. 7 months ago

    I enjoy it but it lacks depth so I go through long sprees of not caring about it.

  51. 7 months ago

    I played both betas and decided it wasn't worth my $60. I do not regret my decision.

  52. 7 months ago

    >when you just want rollback for the sequel and they fundamentally change the game
    It's happening with GBFV:R too. That bravery system is detrimental to the game, just like the drive system in 6 was. Also making major mechanic changes months before release, ala SF5. Which means they've gone back and have to go through the fine tuning phase of balance changes again which will be after release.

  53. 7 months ago

    If this is the direction Arcsys has chosen, I will not buy any more games from them unless the games are strictly targeted at the Japanese market. Rising will be the last game I'm buying.

  54. 7 months ago

    I just played DBFZ for the first time in like almost 2 months after grinding Strive the whole time.
    Holy fricking shit, the Strive dash macro was a gigantic mistake, it’s legitimately one of the most Mickey Mouse mechanics Ive ever used in a fighting game. It drained my brain so hard I have to completely relearn to tap forward twice, its not like its hard or anything, it just feels so unnatural now its insane. Striveesque dash macros are on the same shit tier as one button DPs, they do not belong in these games, yet you are actually trolling if you aren’t spamming the frick out of it.

    • 7 months ago

      DBFZ has dash macro and easier inputs than Strive. Is this some moronic pasta by some Hispanic or what?

      • 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      yes welcome to modern fighting games, soon we wont have motion inputs for anything anymore and then they'll think of the next thing to trivialize

      • 7 months ago

        >he unironically replied to that pasta
        Holy shit you need to get killed irl.

        • 7 months ago
        • 7 months ago

          he unironically replied to me replying to that pasta
          this is insane

          • 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      idk macro dash works in hyper fighters because the neutral expects you to move around the screen like that so it's treated as a bare minimum

      macro dash in strive is just a weird choice all around for a system that nerfed movement so much.

      I don't know anything about GG, but apparently Strive ruined the fanbase for this beyond belief because a trap got retconned into a troony. I don't think that was solely it, but can anyone ITT explain to my why Strive ruined the fanbase in better detail?

      arcsys opened an american ''''localization'''' office staffed entirely by the resetera loonytroons responsible for the whole catherine drama. these are the people telling arc japan and daisuke what the gaijin want

      • 7 months ago

        You replied to a copypasta you dumb Black person.

        The thing that mostly annoys me at this point is that Ganker (and the internet as a whole) will have you believe that literally anybody that played Xrd or XX hates this game.
        It's not my favorite game in the franchise, but it's certainly better than GG, X, early versions of XX and all the spinoff games. Xrd is weird for me because for every change I liked, there was two that I hated so it just ended up feeling like a worse version of XX to me, which may be why Iook at Strive in a more positive light since it just feels like it's own thing. Doubly painful experience for me too because I'm primarily a Potemkin guy so I had to deal with him being utter garbage throughout that game's lifespan, and when I did pick up another character in Ram (since A.B.A was/still is MIA, Anji was a npc and Kliff was properly dead now) she proceeded to get nerfed into oblivion when Rev1 happened and pretty much stayed there while Elphelt got to keep running roughshod on the roster. I swear that game had a personal vendetta against me.

        GGXXAC+R > GGXXAC > Strive > Xrd -SIGN- > Xrd Rev (both versions) > GGXX#R > Judgement > X2 > GGX > GG2 > My Ass >>> Dust Strikers > GG1 > Isuka

        My exact thoughts but I'm an Axl guy. Frickin hate xrd, glad they learned what not to do from even if happy chaos was also an utter mistake and glad to have acr, blazblue and strive as the only arcsys games I play for eternity.

  55. 7 months ago

    It got worse with the season 3 changes. I think a lot of people were hoping it would get better and become more like real gg but it only strayed away further. You're pathetic if you still play this game.

  56. 7 months ago

    Happy Chaos ruined the game at high level. He requires IB to beat, but IB is way harder than his offense

  57. 7 months ago

    Strive is my first Guilty Gear game and one of the first fighting games I've played. Looking at previous entries, it's really weird how they removed a lot of moves from their characters. I still think it's a good game, but when I see what Chipp was like in Rev 2 and +R, you really question what they were thinking gutting characters like that.

    • 7 months ago

      >you really question what they were thinking gutting characters like that
      the devs said they simplified the game to attract new players

  58. 7 months ago

    I wonder what Kusoru thinks lf Strive's negative player expression


  59. 7 months ago

    >fighting game player's idea of complexity lies entirely in clunky unintuitive inputs

  60. 7 months ago

    Daisuke wasted all his potential to make a half assed game. I can't believe you people are so naive that you'd pretend the game is more than something than it really is or that there will ever be a fighting game like Guilty Gear truly was again. He wasted all his potential just to appeal to a bunch of buttholes who didn't even give a shit about his product in the first place and pretend like they do. Personally? I hate people. They are the WORST. The guy wasted all his potential just to sell a title. Not the heart and soul of the game, but the name and nothing more. It isn't much different for anything else in the modern day and age. It's always been like that for all forms of art, but it's only gotten worse throughout the course of history.

    • 7 months ago

      I still believe in my headcanon that Overture, his dream game flopping and then XRD a game cattering to old fans not doing that well while also receiving some criticism made him turn on his own fanbase.

      Strive is one of the most spiteful titles to its old fans that was ever conceived jn thus world, it's hard to believe that it wasn't intentionally designed to piss us off and just a product of corporate decisions, it's just too spiteful.

      • 7 months ago

        NTA but I believe you

        Strive is basically "So you want more GG? fine. But I'll make it not even GG anymore it'll be a baby game" Its exactly the kind of petty shit a japanese dev as old as Daisuke would. Mainly because he's still butthurt over Overture not doing well

  61. 7 months ago

    >only liked playing anji because of fuujin
    >fuujin got gutted so they could make spin better and add the stupid fish
    >but i don't care about spin so the character isn't as fun
    >he's not even better because of the change
    pretty much dropped the game there

  62. 7 months ago

    It's fine. It's beautiful and the soundtrack is magnificent, but they took my favorite moves away from me so all I can play now is potemkin. Now I just keep having the same four matches over and over.
    I liked Rev2 better, but this is what people are playing and I guess it'll do.

  63. 7 months ago

    I don't normally use it because it's become such a buzzword but Strive is soulless. So many neat flourishes in other arcsys games including other GG games are completely gone.
    >No VS themes
    >No special prebattle interactions or cinematics other than a longass stock intro and HC vs HC high five
    >No match-up specific quotes or voicelines
    > (See Ragna vs Terumi or Jin for examples)
    >No special interactions or scenes after a battle
    >Story looks worse than a 2008 amateur TF2 SFM (Ky dragon install) which is baffling because Xrd did infinitely better with this
    >>>>>>>>>>>No instant kills
    These homies wanted the casual audience too, the casuals love this shit that's why MK still gets sales, why the frick would they just never bring these back?

    • 7 months ago

      prease undastandu 3d geimu verry expensive
      even though we switched from 2d to cut costs and save labor and 2d games had way more content and better asset reuse

  64. 7 months ago

    The thing that mostly annoys me at this point is that Ganker (and the internet as a whole) will have you believe that literally anybody that played Xrd or XX hates this game.
    It's not my favorite game in the franchise, but it's certainly better than GG, X, early versions of XX and all the spinoff games. Xrd is weird for me because for every change I liked, there was two that I hated so it just ended up feeling like a worse version of XX to me, which may be why Iook at Strive in a more positive light since it just feels like it's own thing. Doubly painful experience for me too because I'm primarily a Potemkin guy so I had to deal with him being utter garbage throughout that game's lifespan, and when I did pick up another character in Ram (since A.B.A was/still is MIA, Anji was a NPC and Kliff was properly dead now) she proceeded to get nerfed into oblivion when Rev1 happened and pretty much stayed there while Elphelt got to keep running roughshod on the roster. I swear that game had a personal vendetta against me.

    GGXXAC+R > GGXXAC > Strive > Xrd -SIGN- > Xrd Rev (both versions) > GGXX#R > Judgement > X2 > GGX > GG2 > My Ass >>> Dust Strikers > GG1 > Isuka

    • 7 months ago

      never take game design advice from grappler mains

      • 7 months ago

        I also use A.B.A and Anji.
        Kliff admittedly is my meme pick.

    • 7 months ago

      Dust Strikers is great. Frick you.

      • 7 months ago

        That brief era where they were trying make 4-Player GG a thing was the true low point.

    • 7 months ago

      >it just ended up feeling like a worse version of XX to me, which may be why Iook at Strive in a more positive light
      Stive is a whole different ballpark like GG1 was so I just judge it on its own merits. Whenever I played Xrd my prevailing thoughts were always about how X2 did this way better.

    • 7 months ago

      I also use A.B.A and Anji.
      Kliff admittedly is my meme pick.

      Based Potvirgin and A.B.Achad

    • 7 months ago

      You're right that Xrd is just a dumbed down XX, but your taste is still stinky caca.

  65. 7 months ago

    >Nago, sol, ram, happy chaos, and leo top tier for fifteenth time in a row
    At least they got rid of may

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