What exactly went wrong here?

What exactly went wrong here? It’s like they took all the personality the first three games tried to create and threw it in the garbage. Even the multiplayer where in 2 and 3 the announcers were characters from the games talking about the lore was replaced by the most generic announcer they could get who would just say things like “capture the points” or whatever. In fact I would even argue that the game looks worse than 2 and 3 graphically and totally devoid of the impressive set pieces and battles of the previous games

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  1. 1 week ago

    Low effort console release exclusive.

  2. 1 week ago

    Probably directed by Sony
    >dude just release another killzone game we need to sell something at launch
    And looking at the game, the team had a different game in mind and Killzone name was slapped at the last minute or so

    • 1 week ago

      >Killzone Shadow Fall was seen by Guerrilla Games as an opportunity to revitalize the franchise, since it was established early in development that they would be working on a new platform. The main point during development was to give players more options on how to proceed, particularly during the single-player mode.

    • 1 week ago

      Yeah I definitely agree that it seems like they didn’t really have any passion for making a Killzone game with this one so I’m not sure why they made it, I guess Sony wanted a Killzone game for the PS4 launch, Killzone kind of became a game to showcase hardware like Killzone 3 (which was a great game) pushed 3D TVs, move controls, etc.

      • 1 week ago

        It's weird how now Ratchet and Clank of all things is being used for technological showcasing until Astro bot became their focus.

      • 1 week ago

        killzone as a whole has always played second fiddle to everything around it since its inception and honestly you can probably blame sony for that

      • 1 week ago

        >I guess Sony wanted a Killzone game for the PS4 launch
        Sony REALLY wanted to push for their actual IP line-up around the PS3 era
        Jack Tretton himself said in the Xbox documentary he always envied Microsoft for having Halo as ol' reliable
        Just picture how much he envied Nintendo at the time

  3. 1 week ago

    fell for the open world

  4. 1 week ago

    yeah why indeed

    • 1 week ago

      Killzone 2 had the whole graphics controversy due to the cg trailer, yet it looks better than many games being released 15 years later.

      • 1 week ago

        >Killzone 2 had the whole graphics controversy due to the cg trailer,
        its funny because i think the final version of the game actually looked better than the CGI trailer.

      • 1 week ago

        >emply corridors
        >brown and bloom and post process up the ass that kill the framerate
        yeah indeed

      • 1 week ago

        I demand that the entire series be ported or remade to PS5, with the same extreme graphical quality that the series is known for (even the first game on PS2 which pushed it to its absolute limits).

  5. 1 week ago

    I liked the sci fi soundtrack and the game genuinely looked good at the time. Oh and I used to jack off to the crazy woman scientist with the butterface and nice fat ass showing from her skinsuit.

    • 1 week ago


      • 1 week ago


  6. 1 week ago

    They wrote themselves into a corner

  7. 1 week ago

    >Keep promoting the ISA even though it's very clear they're the bad guys, and even though the ending involves finally going after the ISA it's still anti-Helghast for reasons that barely make any sense.
    >Forced to always have the default gun meaning you can only ever carry one additional gun.
    >OWL is poorly utilized and mainly feels like a gimmick.
    >The only good level in the entire game is the zero g ship one where the sun melts the windows.

    • 1 week ago

      >>Keep promoting the ISA even though it's very clear they're the bad guys, and even though the ending involves finally going after the ISA it's still anti-Helghast for reasons that barely make any sense.
      ISA are evil but the Helghast are still totalatarian space fascists though complete with ideology based around genetic superiority

      • 1 week ago

        The thing is that they mellowed out for a bit in 3 but then they just decided to kill and beat their own people for arbitrary reasons in Mercenaries and Shadow Fall anyway. It feels like they're intentionally writing everyone to be as comically evil as possible even though they're not on Helghan anymore.

      • 1 week ago

        Yeah but it's not like it was in fashion games at the time to shit on and fight the liberal democracy that the "good guys" (looking at you Rico) come from for the evils it enables. Maybe if Killzone: The Line was a thing we might get a proper anti-ISA game.

  8. 1 week ago

    This game plays and feels like it was nothing more than a demonstrator. It doesn't really feel like a Killzone game at all.

  9. 1 week ago

    Killzone Mercenary was better

    • 1 week ago

      Unironically this
      Mercenary factions work better if both sides are genuinely terrible

    • 1 week ago

      Any Killzone game is better than shadow fall, mercenary is considered one of the best killzones I wish they’d put it on PS4/5

  10. 1 week ago
  11. 1 week ago

    Honestly, I loved this game. I think most of the takes here are pretty meh. Major issue here is that a pure FPS game that is "story driven" is really hard to do. Super niche audience. When you think about it in the grande scope of releases, there haven't been a ton of games that have done that. Half life 2, which hasn't released a true sequel in 17 years. Metro Exodus and STALKER did pretty well for themselves, but not enough to turn any major heads in the western markets. STALKER may change that, we will see. Titanfall failed. Bioshock hasn't seen a sequel in awhile. 2077 did well, but that game is massive in scope.

    Fact of the matter is that they just don't sell well enough to garner to the major publishers who want to fund them. A lot of games, multiplayer is the main "focus" while singleplayer is just a "entry drug" to get people into multiplayer and spending money there (Battlefield, CoD, Halo, etc).

    Killzone has always had this issue, including with the original ones. They have ALWAYS competed with Halo and CoD. They appealed to the same audiences, but Killzone always struggled to really capture huge swaths of attention from those audiences. They didn't do enough to really set themselves apart. And when Horizon blew up, they focused all their efforts there.

    Only way I can see Killzone really coming back is if they do something substantial to attract either a new crowd or a chunk of CoD/Halo's pie. Just a question of how.

    • 1 week ago

      >Only way I can see Killzone really coming back is if they do something substantial to attract either a new crowd or a chunk of CoD/Halo's pie. Just a question of how.
      If Killzone came back it'd just go straight to Steam as well
      I think there were two core reasons for why Killzone just sopped
      Sony simply stopped caring about competing with other FPS' (like how they stopped caring about competing with other genres their competitors excelled better at) and Guerilla wanted to move on (and yeah even excluding bundles, Horizon is more successful)

    • 1 week ago

      That makes sense they wanted to go in a different direction because they couldn’t capture the audience they were going for but they could’ve at least kept the gritty intense aesthetic of the original three games. Shadow fall’s look was generic futuristic sci-fi, it doesn’t feel weighty either these were the things that defined the Killzone games and universe

  12. 1 week ago

    Floaty unresponsive controls killed the multiplayer. You know it genuinely sucked because there was no cult following when they killed it off that complained

    • 1 week ago

      Did the servers outlive 2 and 3 or did they all die all at once?

      • 1 week ago

        It outlived 2 and 3, it sucks there were so many great PS3 online games: Killzone 2 and 3, Resistance 1-3, Uncharted 2 and 3, Twisted Metal but they shut them all down and modern PlayStation has nothing in comparison except maybe Last of Us 1 online which it’s surprising that they offered that on the remaster and kept it online

        • 1 week ago

          2012 is when sony stopped giving a shit, they launched a ton of online titles and killed off every single one of them out of willful negligence

  13. 1 week ago

    Killzone is dead because it was shit
    >Let's make a futuristic shooter
    >''Oh cool, so it's a jetpack(or boomer) shooter?''
    >Nah it's a heavy, hefty shooter with movement that feels like constantly sludging through a swamp
    >''Oh... okay so weapons are at least futuristic right?''
    >Nah, instead of M4A1 you will use M4A31

    Same reason why Halo died the moment CoD4 came out. Slow shooters just aren't interesting. This is also the reason why every other shooter except CoD is failing. When every other shooter decided to make bigger and emptier maps(BF), slower and heftier gameplay(Halo) or bigger and bigger downtimes between gameplay(Fortnite) CoD sticked to their own guns and even made it faster than before. IW was using the term ''boots on the ground'' for their CoD reboot but boots are in the air more than ever with the new movement options that came with MW19. People shat on MWIII constantly and it had the biggest launch of a CoD game ever due to even faster and better movement options than before. Treyarch was heavily advertising new dive option in BO6 stream. If Killzone wants to come back it needs to be faster than it is. And if they decide to do that it won't resemble Killzone anymore, might as well be a new IP.

    • 1 week ago

      accurate, COD is still popular for a reason. Halo Infinite is dead for that same reason. I don't understand why devs outside the COD-verse don't get it, but they don't

    • 1 week ago

      Halo died the minute 343 tried to make it COD, Halo always had huge sales numbers for a shooter exclusive to a console

      • 1 week ago

        Halo 4 is more beloved compared to Infinite

    • 1 week ago

      >Same reason why Halo died the moment CoD4 came out.
      This literally did not happen. This revisionist history is such utter garbage and people don't know wtf they are talking about such as you. Halo 3 remained quite popular until MW2 came out. Then once MW2 came out it was the top XBL shooter for most of the year until of course the next COD. But this whole once COD4 came out Halo died is complete utter nonsense spoken by true idiots.

  14. 1 week ago
    • 1 week ago

      Colonel Radec is COOL AS FRICK, post more Radec

  15. 1 week ago

    >Shadow Fall
    heh, fitting

  16. 1 week ago

    >What exactly went wrong here?
    Well just look at it and then compare it to the previous games. If you take away the Helghast does it honestly look like a sequel to the franchise? Also the story was absolute shit. I remember seeing a good video where the guy summed the bullshit up well. The ISA takes in refugees and allows them to have all their guns. So of course more war goes down. What a moronic fricking story. The ISA absolutely fricking sucked and these buttholes at Guerilla never allowed people to play as the cool faction. In fact the cool faction should have been the only humans you play as. There should have been no ISA at all. It should have been a game about not-stormtrooper guys fighting aliens instead. Would have made for a way better franchise.

  17. 1 week ago

    What's sad is even the PS Vita game is leagues better

  18. 1 week ago

    Only way to save the franchise is with a RTS spin off game which the tutorial levels set in the first extra solar war, with you commanding a desperate defence of Vekta as the Helghan corp field commander against earth forces. The game then splits up with 2 full campaigns a Helghast and an ISA one.

  19. 1 week ago

    It's a combination of several different factors;
    >being a launch title fricked with their schedule and put graphics over gameplay.
    >lost the iconic artstyle from 2/3 for generic overdesigned sci-fi shit
    >bloated weapon selection that lacked the clear trade-offs of previous games, instead having a ton of kinda similar options
    >Level design was never Guerilla's strongsuit and Shadowfall can't decide whether it wants to be a small sandbox or not, leading to some of THE worst level design and player guidance in FPS games
    >Killzone worked well as a squad-based boots on the ground shooter where you were just a (somewhat) regular soldier, SF completely removes this in favour of a narrative-driven one-man-army spy shooter, while not giving you the freedom of choice that that kinds of narrative requires like Mercenaries did
    >The cold-war narrative is fricking laughable. The ending to KZ3 was fricking dumb which lead to shit like Visari's daughter being a main character (despite only appearing in one skippable cutscene) and all the characters we actually care about (Rico, Sev, Narville, etc.) being MIA. Also you literally play as a Shadow Marshall and they don't bring back Luger as your mentor character?
    Basically it just comes down to Guerilla completely forgetting about what made Killzone so beloved in the first place and emphasizing all the elements they were bad at (writing & level design).
    That said, the last mission is pure KINO

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