What if Sonic Adventure 2 was the final Sonic game?

What if Sonic Adventure 2 was the final Sonic game?

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  1. 5 months ago


  2. 5 months ago

    Sonic would be more fondly remembered and respected instead of being a joke to so many people, we live in an awful time line where we never learn.

    • 5 months ago

      Some of the newer games are better than SA2, and the franchise peaked in terms of fanfare with Sonic 3, anyway.

      • 5 months ago

        >Some of the newer games are better than SA2
        Name one

        • 5 months ago

          Mania, Generations, Frontiers by the looks of it.

          Also, it's a platforming franchise, and the stories are all shit, so don't start.

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      The fans would ensure that Sonic would always have become a joke

    • 5 months ago


      Some of the newer games are better than SA2, and the franchise peaked in terms of fanfare with Sonic 3, anyway.

      cope and seethe

  3. 5 months ago

    I view it as the last one. Everything after has been embarrassing. It's the ending of Sonic to me, dammit!

  4. 5 months ago

    Sonic Adventure 2 was never intended to be the final Sonic game, ever. This is a misconception that fans have built, but it doesn't have any basis in reality. The truth is that Sega always had plans to continue making games, and Sonic had multiple games in development during 2001 (such as Sonic Advance).

  5. 5 months ago

    Why is it important that Sonic have an "end"? There's like no plot progression and no connectivity between games anyway. Literally who gives a shit?

    • 5 months ago

      SA2's story kind of ends in the way that is a good stopping point for the series. The planet is saved, all characters have resolved their conflicts, Eggman has (sort of) reformed and made peace with his own past, Shadow is dead and fullfilled his promise to Maria. Everybody take a rest from their shenanigans.

      It's how fairy tales end usually, characters will have a life beyond the existing story, but all we know is that they "lived happily ever after". We don't have to know more.

      • 5 months ago

        >SA2's story kind of ends in the way that is a good stopping point for the series.
        Literally makes no sense as a concept.
        Why should their be a "stopping point" for a series about a hedgehog jumping on things?
        There's some presumption here that Sonic is some grand saga, like it's Lord of the Rings or something, when it isn't. It's a bunch of mascot designs, and Michael Jackson tunes strung together, in wicky wacky absurd environments.

        They should stop making them exactly when they exhaust the possibilities for the series to be fun.
        Which is pretty much going to be never, because platformers are about as tried and true of a video game genre as you can get.

        • 5 months ago

          > There's some presumption here that Sonic is some grand saga, like it's Lord of the Rings or something, when it isn't.

          They've made a heavy emphasis on storyline and characters since Adventures so yes, the story is there. Plus SA2 got a little bit more serious in tone and that was half of the reason why people care so autistically about it to this very day.
          SA2's ending is a high point in all that, you can try and top a team fight of two super saiyan hedgehogs against a fricking space lizard but you'll most likely fail, because it's already on the edge between epic and nonsensical. Too much nonsense ruins the thing.

          >They should stop making them exactly when they exhaust the possibilities for the series to be fun.

          That's what happened after Unleashed. They just reuse the same assets over and over or try to experiment and it strays away from Sonic's formula so much, it stops being Sonic and becomes a shitty gimmick game.

          Sonic have kinda limited himself with having too much personality. For example, you can put Mario to almost any game and that would look natural.

          • 5 months ago

            >since Adventures
            You mean "in Adventures"
            The story in the SA games is also basically a bunch of moronic bullshit, arranged according to "rule of cool".
            Why is there a NASA rocket coming out of a pyramid? Why is there like no consequence for cities being destroyed and half of the moon blowing up? Why is the ultimate life form a hedgehog who wears jet shoes? What is Pumpkin Hill? Is it in America?
            These games are just sequences of images that allow for set ups for levels. If you're taking this stuff seriously on the storytelling level, I feel like there's something wrong with you.

            >That's what happened after Unleashed
            Don't agree, because Generations is post-Unleashed, and that's a fun game. It has tightly designed stages. It's fun to just boot up and blast through. Mania is also the best Sonic game
            I don't understand why you would be opposed to a game like that existing. Just don't play it, if you're past the point where you want to play Sonic games.

            • 5 months ago

              >Why is there a NASA rocket coming out of a pyramid?

              The pyramid is Eggman's base. The rocket is probably his way of transporting to ARK or delivering some stuff he can't take with him.

              > Why is there like no consequence for cities being destroyed and half of the moon blowing up?

              A whole motherfricking G.U.N. army pursues Sonic and Eggman for the entire game, both on Earth and in space. Have you played the game?
              As for moon, that's dumb, yes. But at the same time, how are they able to breath and talk in space?

              > Why is the ultimate life form a hedgehog who wears jet shoes
              Gerald was a bit drunk when he got those DNA samples from Black Doom I guess.

              > What is Pumpkin Hill? Is it in America?
              I always assumed it's some part of Red Mountain area from the first SA, just more haunted.

              > Generations is post-Unleashed, and that's a fun game
              Good game, but again, it's just a rehash of pre-existing stuff. No new things except Time Eater which sucks planet-sized balls.

              • 5 months ago

                It's a platforming franchise. You go forward and you jump. It's supposed to rehash and reiterate that basic idea. That's the point.
                >Time Eater sucked
                Sure. Shadow sucked too. Shadow is stupid. Sonic storylines are stupid, because they only really exist to justify sequences of cool images.

                Why are there shadowy government organisations trying to create "ultimate lifeforms" in the Sonic universe? Because someone saw Akira, and thought it was cool. That's the only reason. There's no actual narrative there.
                Why is there a "time eater"? Because they wanted to put two Sonics in the same game as an anniversary celebration. Who gives a shit? Whatever.

              • 5 months ago

                >Why are there shadowy government organisations trying to create "ultimate lifeforms"

                You know, if super strong alien overlord came to our Earth and secretly offered the government of a random country to create some ubermensch soldiers from his DNA, I'm pretty sure no one would say no. I mean, even such goofy scenario is something that is not 100% unreal considering the history of humanity.

              • 5 months ago

                >Because someone saw Akira, and thought it was cool.

                >tfw there was a whole level based on the Akira elevator

              • 5 months ago

                As if SA is the only game guilty of that, that thing has been in tons of games and media.

  6. 5 months ago

    If they just made "Sonic Adventure 3 And Shadow" following PSO and Kingdom Hearts lead, sure.

  7. 5 months ago

    What if my beard was made of green spinach?
    Sonic wouldn't be more fondly remembered if SA2 was the final. He would be just another forgotten 90s furry platformer mascot, like Bubsy or Gex or Rayman or Crash (the last two are somewhat remembered, but not seen as 'current).

    • 5 months ago

      Rayman and Crash still get some new media and even games.

      Bubsy and Gex never were as big as them or Sonic.
      If Sonic ended at SA2 he'd be remembered as a nostalgic "gem" from Sega's prime days.

  8. 5 months ago

    im playing SA1 rn for the first time
    its comfy
    but im still on sonic and i remember hearing it was the other characters that made the game suck

    • 5 months ago

      Tails is easy mode Sonic, decent
      Knuckles is hit or miss, I'm not a fan but don't hate it
      Not a fan of Amy but her story is short
      You'll probably hate Big
      Gamma is pure kino

    • 5 months ago

      Eh, the other campaigns are so laughably short and not so far removed from Sonic's gameplay-wise that it isn't a huge deal, outside of Big whose inclusion is arguably the worst gameplay-related decision in any major Sonic game. His gameplay is simple enough once you figure it out but it's so antithetical to everything else that most don't care to, myself included when I was younger.

  9. 5 months ago

    Its ending actually felt like the end... that part of Eggman/Robotnik having a heartfelt talk, or even a vent, with a young Tails was heartwarming, and the music at the end makes it a rough watch too. I'm glad it wasn't though, as much as the fanbase gets so much hate, and Sonic himself's mocked a lot, we got a lot of good stuff after Adventure 2, video games, comics, shows and film, good stuff.

    I still adore the Advance trilogy, Unleashed and Generations, Mania... the films we got, Boom's TV show oddly enough, Frontiers/Superstars are good foundations... the future's looking bright.

  10. 5 months ago

    The only thing SA2 should have stuck with was the death of Shadow.

    • 5 months ago

      I just wish they didn't bring back Shadow so soon

      This, his death on SA2 was great and the way he was written in SA2 was his peak, after that he became a caricature.

  11. 5 months ago

    *Live and Learn starts playing while I grindslide and jumpflip my way into the thread with all the other cool SA2 kids*

  12. 5 months ago

    I just wish they didn't bring back Shadow so soon

  13. 5 months ago

    >Ruins your ending cutscene

  14. 5 months ago

    What if it were the final game ever

  15. 5 months ago

    It was.
    Shadow died at the end of the game and they dug up his corpse for Heroes.

    • 5 months ago

      Shadow was clearly meant to stay dead but that doesn't make SA2 the last Sonic game even if they went that route, no doubt he was brought back because he was popular at the time.

      Heroes tip-towed the line on "Is he the real Shadow?" "Is he a clone?" "Is he a robot?" with some small hints that he might be the real Shadow (or that the real Shadow is still alive somewhere), and thenin Shadow the Hedgehog they flat out confirmed he survived but with memory loss.... though that was only confirmed if you took a while fighting the last boss, where eventually Eggman will flat out tell you that you are indeed the real Shadow, otherwise the game was still tip-towing the line a bit before that (Including in all of the several ENDINGS where he could come to any of those conclusions believing that's what he is).

      He's definitely here to stay now though. Sonic Frontiers also more or less confirmed just about every previous Sonic game (Possibly even Boom.... somehow) is canon and had happened previously.

      • 5 months ago

        Boom's canon now?
        Damn, that means Tails fricks.

        • 5 months ago

          I don't know if you noticed, but almost every continuity depicts Tails as a lowkey ladies' man. And what girl couldn't resist his tail? He's got book smarts and can keep up with Sonic, so he's basically the fastest thing in flight. Behind Tails' adorable facade is a hardened veteran of pussy slaying.

        • 5 months ago

          Throughout the entire game the characters reference events that happened in just about every previous Sonic game (a lot of it though are optional and you only hear if you are in a specific area or wait long enough for idle audio clips).

          In the ending Amy mentions Sticks, which is pretty odd since Sticks is only from the Boom series, which is a completely different canon. (Apparently though this is only in the US version and the person who wrote that line did it intentionally to see if SEGA would let him)

          • 5 months ago

            >to see if SEGA would let him
            and now he knows

  16. 5 months ago

    We might have gotten an actual remake instead of this, then

  17. 5 months ago

    Never got that far.

    Played that game legitimately; no save states.

    I would absolutely play that again. Better than originals, IMO.

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