What is it about this series thats so fundamentally unlikable? An open world space fantasy from the ...

What is it about this series thats so fundamentally unlikable? An open world space fantasy from the halo devs should be awesome but evrry time ive tried to play this shit it just feels like gray slurry. Like absence of a video game and I cant put my finger on why its so fricking dull. The shooting feels fine, the art is ok, i dont get jt

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  1. 3 years ago

    I mean if it's unlikable to you op then you are the one that should have the answers no?

    • 3 years ago

      I should, but I cant even figure out why I dont. I was a Halo die hard as a teen, I like space fantasy. I guess its the mmo elements that really kill it for me, I dont want to feel obliged to play. But i mean as a whole i find the game dull. Dialogue, world, music, even the aesthetic

      • 3 years ago

        Well it seems like you are answering your own question

        • 3 years ago

          I just needed a notepad to work through it. Thanks anon.

  2. 3 years ago

    the grind wasn't interesting

  3. 3 years ago

    Devs drip feeding content and even then the gameplay loop is a bore to do.
    PvP fricking sucks, Gambit and Gambit Prime is fricking shit also. The future mode to remove specials may be interesting however I have no hope.

    • 3 years ago

      >Gambit Prime
      hoo boy you’ve been gone a long time buddy

  4. 3 years ago

    It's the grand example on how to not make an FPS shooter.

    Every quest/mission is a disjointed mess where you need guides to basically get anything done because most objects are hidden in levels but blend into scenery. Light leveling is pointless, you feel just as "strong" as you did at level one, so there's no sense of progression. Only things that matter is weapon meta. Vehicles are pointless and only serve to get to destinations spread out by loading areas except for some singleplayer missions (that they cut) that had tanks. Most of the player base is braindead. PVP is 10hz. They purged half of the game because it got to bloated, bloated with what? I have no clue.

    What is this game even trying to be? At least shit like Borderlands or Division has a direction. I played D1, D2 and it's first meme expack killing le reddit man, and I still have no idea what even happened story wise apart from a few disjointed cutscenes that didn't add anything to the experience.

    • 3 years ago

      Oh yeah why did they kill nathan fillion? Did people care?

      • 3 years ago

        Shock value.

        Killing the comedian character means "we srs game pls take us srsly now." when a movie/game/story has run out of steam.

    • 3 years ago

      >Light leveling is pointless, you feel just as "strong" as you did at level one, so there's no sense of progression.

      You're playing an MMO this is basically a given, player power cannot scale indefinitely in a "forever" game.

      Destiny is shit because the game takes absolutely no swings at actually making entertaining content to clear from a mechanical perspective from the game's side and instead always attempts to do it from the player's side. You get new guns that you don't need because you've been fighting the same poorly designed braindead AI that are somehow even less threatening than Halo enemies.

      • 3 years ago


        Hub-based party shooter. It's not an MMO in any sense of the word apart from it's small hub where people spam emotes. Most good mmos have a feel of progression either through damage numbers or the ability to turn the tide with abilities in your favor. A good mmo is like FFXI where you can easily tell the different in gameplay between level 50 and level 75, more so at 99 and ilvl 119 content. In Destiny, every encounter/enemy at the right Light level takes the same number of shots as it did at level 1.

        Your other point stands however. Either way, Destiny is trash.

  5. 3 years ago

    I have not bought or played this game in any capacity nor it's predecessor.

    Whenever I look at this game and see that Unity-tier shading, character design straight out of Saturday morning cartoon, "open world", lootboxes and endless parallels to Warframe, game I retroactively hate trough my bones, I just laugh at the idea that people payed money for this.

  6. 3 years ago

    Nothing going for single player. No sandbox. AI a complete step back from Halo. I felt like an butthole after playing though vanilla destiny.

  7. 3 years ago

    if they made a single player planet hopping adventure with the same weapon system I would buy it
    I dont know why they cant just do that have it set in the same universe as destiny

  8. 3 years ago

    It's because combining FPSes with RPG elements was and always will be a shit idea. In shooters you're supposed to shoot dudes and then they die. Sitting there shooting the same dude for fifteen minutes is just shit game design.

  9. 3 years ago

    >From the Halo devs
    You know that the original team basically left during the development of the first game, right?

  10. 3 years ago

    i like it

  11. 3 years ago

    >What is it about this series thats so fundamentally unlikable?
    Uh you tell us. I along with many others thought this series would be dead back in 2017, yet here it is as popular as ever. Clearly you’re in the minority, people love this shit for some reason. I think the better question is why it’s still around.

    • 3 years ago

      >people love this shit
      Ask the average person and they dont like destiny. Ask the average destiny player and they also dont like destiny. The people playing this are brainlets who just want to be dripfed colors and lights and would be just as happy playing with a lite brite or people whove been playing weekly since D1 and are too chemically addicted to give it up

  12. 3 years ago

    >"btw we're removing the base game and a few expansion packs lol"
    >mild resistence from the fanbase

    I don't understand it. Frankly, I don't want to understand it. GaaS is fricking cancer, I'll never let myself succumb to one

    • 3 years ago

      Destiny unironically has done more harm to AAA games than maybe any other game in the last decade and Im not joking

  13. 3 years ago

    The lore is actually quite good when you look up some videos on it. The problem is that they removed the base campaign from the game, when it was available for years. Now the earliest content you have is an expansion that takes place in the middle of the second game in the series. It's hard to get familiar with it unless you use outside resources.

    • 3 years ago

      Im sure the lore and worldbuilding is good bungies pretty good at that but if 90% of it exists outside the game I do not care

  14. 3 years ago

    >what is it about this series that's so fundamentally unlikable?
    Some backwards ass decisions made by higher ups.
    And I guess the price tag of it all

  15. 3 years ago

    Plenty of people like it. Maybe it's because you borrow all your opinions from Ganker which appears to be stuck in 2014 when D1 first launched as a mess.

    I will say though that the devs fricking something up and then taking a whole season to fix it on a yearly basis is getting pretty annoying now.

    • 3 years ago

      Yeah cause Ganker on 2014 is the only place that doesnt like destiny, or maybe Ive played destiny 2 for a good amount of time, solo and with friends and find it completely brainmeltingly dull but im just parroting a cantonese basket weaving forums opinions

  16. 3 years ago

    The raids and dungeons are more fun and innovative than anything the FPS genre has come up with in a very long time

  17. 3 years ago

    Designed to be played with friends and can’t be completed in single player

    Multiplayer should be a complimentary addition, not a mandatory one.

  18. 3 years ago

    i got real fed up with the "sunsetting" thing they started doing and basically wanted a refund when they deleted 99% of what you paid for

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