What is the appeal of this series if you never grew up with it as an emo kid in middle school? It&#0...

What is the appeal of this series if you never grew up with it as an emo kid in middle school? It's hard to take these games seriously when you have Donald Duck and Goofy speaking in JRPG exposition.

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  1. 3 years ago

    >What is the appeal of this series if you never grew up with it as an emo kid in middle school?
    There literally is none. You had to play it growing up or you won't give a shit.

    • 3 years ago

      >What is the appeal of this series

      Stellar fundamentals (fast paced, rock-solid mechanics, sensible design all around).

      Great to fantastic enemies and transcendent boss design.

      A great moveset with a ton of depth with a focus on utility and a good deal of breadth (the normal and finisher variations of magic, contextual normal hits, Berserk, special finishers, and square inputs, entire moveset modifiers, summons, drives, limits, etc).

      Attacking being fairly high committal compared to other Action games (so you either have to pick your openings or being willing to spend resources to yourself).

      5 core evades each of which is important and unique (can't just 'twitch' your way through most attacks like in DMC or Ninja Gaiden, you have to know which evade *and possibly multiple in combination* to use and be able to use it to avoid the attack).

      A fairly unique core offensive mechanic in how the combo string works (like a dramatically better version of God Hand's square string).

      Great fusion of RPG and Action mechanics (giving you the customizability, progression, damage mechanics, etc of an RPG while not sacrificing the Action aspects or having the typical RPG downsides *you're never underleveled, there's nowhere near as much grinding/busywork as in most RPGs and the few instances of grinding are very short).

      Better implementation of magic than all other Action games.

      Super friendly to challenge runs owed to the solid fundamentals.

      Great super states (Drives).

      Second best use of Summons in the genre after Astral Chain.

      One of the best uses of contextual attacks in the genre alongside God Hand, RE4, GoW2, etc.

      Likely the best take on Limits/super attacks in the genre (unique utility, potent and worth there cost, but by no means overshadows your other options).

      A block that requires you anticipate the incoming attack and block early.



      • 3 years ago

        >but by no means overshadows your other options
        but limits are the most broken shit in the game and you can just chug elixirs and be invicible for 6 minutes straight thanks to them

        • 3 years ago

          >wasting elixirs on limitspam
          Fricking why? They're basically only good for mob fights and the Xigbar cheese strat, and if you're wasting items on mob fights you might be moronic.

        • 3 years ago

          There's plenty of strong shit in KH2 (as it should be), Limits by no means replicate the raw power of Drives (see Zantetsuken, Ragnarok, Final Firaga, Final Strike etc) outside one niche Trinity Limit case (story Demyx) nor the utility of Summons. KH2 speedruns juggle Magic, Limits, Summons, Drives, and RCs all because they all do different things that make them worth using. Another point is that among Limits themselves there's a variety of great choices, not a single Limit overshadows all of the others.

    • 3 years ago

      I played it at 18 and I fuvking loved it
      Haters are just gays lol

  2. 3 years ago

    Try playing the first game and maybe you'll find out

  3. 3 years ago

    Because the first two games are incredible, while the sequels were cash grabs that only contrived more mysteries to further more sequels. I can understand why a modern player, who hops on with 3 or a side game, doesn't understand.

  4. 3 years ago

    Just give it a try
    You people act like those kids who say they hate food they have never try

  5. 3 years ago

    What is this obsession with games either taking themselves too seriously or not seriously enough? If you've looked at the box art for pr trailer for the game you probably have an idea of whether you'll like it or not

  6. 3 years ago

    Gameplay and music

  7. 3 years ago

    I grew up with it so idk what to tell you. It's my favorite game series of all time and it means a lot to me. I get that some people won't enjoy them.

  8. 3 years ago

    Game is bad but I love it. It's kinda like DBZ, it's absolute shit if you didn't play/watch it as a kid, but if you did you just accept it's shortcommings

  9. 3 years ago

    What is the appeal of this series if you never grew up with it as an autistic kid in middle school? It's hard to take these games seriously when you have Kirby and Solid Snake beating the shit out of each other.

  10. 3 years ago

    You can say the same shit about literally any game.

    >What is the appeal of this series if you never grew up in the stone age? It's hard to take this shroomed up Italian plumber seriously when you have him jumping on fire breathing turtles looking for pussy.

  11. 3 years ago

    Holy frick there’s been so many threads like these even before the character reveal.
    Why do you feel like you have to ask now when it’s been almost 20 years since the first game came out.
    Just fricking play it and decide yourself.stop asking strangers online

  12. 3 years ago

    They are legitimately fun. It's like a kid playing with toys combining Final Fantasy and Disney, the whole concept is so unconventional but it works. Also the second one went crazy with the combat in a very satisfying way, and sadly the series has not been able to reproduce that since.

    The story is a mess though, you can ignore it. Tied with MGS as weirdest videogame stories out there

  13. 3 years ago

    i didnt like the mix of disney shit and FF in one world but KH2 is legitimately a great game. ive never played the final mix but people say its even better.

  14. 3 years ago

    I started the first one a few years ago...it was incredibly dull. The soundtrack isn't good, it just has some good tracks. Actually enjoying the gameplay is something I could only see first-timers (children) do. I'll finish th3 first 2 games, but I wasn't blown away.

  15. 3 years ago

    >hard to take these games seriously
    that's what makes it great.

  16. 3 years ago

    The gameplay can range from simple fun button mashing to fighting game levels of autism deep depending on the difficulty you pick. The worlds are charming and fun to run around in. The Disney stories are abridged and basic, but assuming you can take the mask of irony off for 5 seconds are enjoyable little episodes. The original stuff is clearly written for middle schoolers, but has a genuine heartfulness to it. It's silly, but it knows what it is and can be truly charming and feel good/comfy/soulful/buzzword if you just let it.

  17. 3 years ago

    Someone post the midwit filter meme.

  18. 3 years ago

    The first 2 games actually had this weird magic feeling coming from mixing disney with FF while disney was still delivering some form of quality during that time and squeenix having high sales. Later on it transformed into an abomination fusing nomura's powerfantasy nonesense and disneys shillathon for half baked garbage IPs. Just play the first 2 and forget the rest.

  19. 3 years ago

    Never had a playstation growing up and beat KH1 sometime last year at the age of 25 and cried a little at the end. Is KH2 worth playing? I tend to hear conflicting things

  20. 3 years ago

    emo mickey lol

  21. 3 years ago

    >What is the appeal of this series if you never grew up with it as an emo kid in middle school?
    That's the appeal. If you aren't 13 anymore KH is not made for your demographic and if you take the nostalgia goggles off, the first 2 games really aren't that good. Not abysmally terrible by any means, just really boring and the most cringe inducing writing out of any jrpg.

  22. 3 years ago

    Nintendogay here.
    Not playing a cloud 'port'.
    This limits me to Chain of Mammaries, 179 Days, the mobile game port, and Triple D.
    Are any worth playing?

    • 3 years ago

      Not without the context of KH1 & 2

  23. 3 years ago

    It requires a delicate balance between still feeling childlike Wisner from Disney movies (specially the classic ones) and liking modern (aka Nomura) Final Fantasy.
    If you like Disney movies in an ironic/cynical way or don't like FF, then there's little for you in the game.

  24. 3 years ago

    It's kino. Just shut up and play it. You will understand.

  25. 3 years ago

    Seethe and cope

  26. 3 years ago

    >taking any game seriously
    Mental illness.

  27. 3 years ago

    >What is the appeal of this series if you never grew up with it as an emo kid in middle school?

    It literally is growing up with it.
    KH1&2 are hands down the greatest coming-of-age adventure of PS2 generation

  28. 3 years ago

    It's fun, has good music, and has some of the most consistently amazing art direction in games with the exception of KH3.
    You can literally play them for free on PC because the EGS versions have practically no DRM whatsoever. Just go find a torrent on rarbg or something.

  29. 3 years ago

    As someone who grew up with both Final Fantasy and Disney but didn't play Kingdom Hearts until I was an adult, it's okay. The first game makes magic way more useful than most other action RPG games but enemies are VERY spongey, the in-between card game had some fun bosses but was mostly a drag, and I got burned out on Kingdom Hearts II, which is supposed to be the best one but really feels like the first with worse magic (granted I played the remake of the first which I heard improved combat over the PS2 original).
    As for nostalgia, it's fun to see which characters are going to show up and the new arrangements of Disney songs are pretty great in the levels that use them.
    I'd say give it a try but only if you can grab it for cheap (pretty sure the PS4 collection can be found for like $15).

    • 3 years ago

      >the in-between card game had some fun bosses but was mostly a drag
      Which version did you play? The GBA version feels a lot better IMO, the PS2 version tries a bit too hard to work KH1 movement into a system designed for Beat-Em-Up view combat.

    • 3 years ago

      >, and I got burned out on Kingdom Hearts II, which is supposed to be the best one but really feels like the first with worse magic
      KH2's magic is fricking busted what crack are you smoking
      reflect, magnet and KH2 firaga might unironically the best spells in the entire series outside of busted endgame shit in the command deck games

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