What is the highest level character you've ever played in a game?

What is the highest level character you've ever played in a game?

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  1. 5 months ago

    Good games don't use "levels" but I've played the same traveller for seven years.

    • 5 months ago

      Wrong, the world's greatest roleplaying game uses level

      • 5 months ago

        D&D is the "worlds greatest" in the same way North Korea says it's the "world's greatest".

      • 5 months ago

        That isn't a picture of MAID RPG. You had one job.

        • 5 months ago

          > MAID

  2. 5 months ago

    Now that i think about i never ever played a character higher than 12th level (and that was on a game that started with 8th lev characters), even in other (non d&d) games i never got remotely close to that comparable level of character power/expertise.

    The problem is that i'm the only GM in my area that will fricking stick to a game for more than the ridiculously low shared average: 2-5 sessions.

  3. 5 months ago

    You first, be detailed, please.

    • 5 months ago

      27th level Dragonslayer Paladin (Dragonslayer kit from 2e)

  4. 5 months ago

    The highest level that I can put a number on was a Forgotten Realms campaign (3e) involving killing Mystra, demoting Kelemvor, and making a general mess of things that ended with the party having an average of 64HD (classes, templates, etc).

    • 5 months ago

      >killing Mystra

      • 5 months ago

        This was years before 4e and, besides, she started it.

  5. 5 months ago

    Level 4. DM is a hard believer in low levels. He likes how normal everyone is. Fighters are just decently strong dudes, spell casters can cast puffs of magic but not much more. We die a lot. we've been doing this for 18 months, please help me

    • 5 months ago

      Your DM is trying to convince you to play another system. You should take the hint.

      • 5 months ago

        Offer to take over for a few weeks and sneak in a new system (even if it's just something similar).

        I wasn't the one that chose D&D, he did, but I'm open to trying out others if either of you have a recommendation.

    • 5 months ago

      Offer to take over for a few weeks and sneak in a new system (even if it's just something similar).

  6. 5 months ago

    Made it to level 31 in AD&D 2E.

    • 5 months ago

      What do you even do at that level? I find that running a game above 18th tends to get dull as every threat has to be yet another potential world ender.
      9th-15th is best in 2e, domain management is fun.

      >What is the highest level character you've ever played in a game?
      I've been a forever GM since 1989

      • 5 months ago

        NTA, but in my somewhat limited experience, higher levels have to be for a particular type of game that not all players are necessarily receptive to. It's less about "party versus BBEG in a climactic stand-up slug-out fight" and more like a 4X game where you're directing larger scales of events that will resculpt the world in ways distant from the sculptor's hand. I personally love that kind of thing and played a character that started engineering symbiotic biomechanical lifeforms that would naturally integrate with and defend the lives of common people to try and push back against the overwhelming ratio of evil monsters in the world. I did less fighting overall by far, but ended up causing a way higher bodycount of badguys than I could have ever done on my own.

        • 5 months ago

          That sounds pretty cool. It does definitely become a different game at that level though. I think that if my current campaign gets that high level I might just adapt the BECMI rules on achieving immortality.

      • 5 months ago

        Also not that anon, but the planes always allow for crazy enemies attacking the PCs without spilling out onto the Prime. Just simply trading with high level fiends carries enough risk to qualify as one part of an adventure. I tend to run campaigns that follow individual players and their in-game interests instead of save-the-world bullshit and I never run out of material. Let the players fill the sails, but be ready to tell them what's on the horizon.

      • 5 months ago

        >What do you even do at that level?
        We were playing FR, so around level 20 we got sent back in time to when the gods of our age were mortals.

      • 5 months ago

        Played a Dwarf Fighter in 2e that made it to lvl 20 and switched to Cleric. Made it to 20th lvl in Cleric and switched to rouge. Made it to 13th lvl as a rouge and the game ended. Played that character for almost 6 years straight. Good times.

        • 5 months ago

          Only humans can dual class in 2e. And dual-classing is a something you do only once.

          Don't know what you played, but it wasn't 2e.

          (Half of me is pretending to be this autistic, the other half is actually this autistic and upset about this).

        • 5 months ago

          Was a 2e game with a DM holdover from first edition. He broke some rules but the game was fricking awesome. I miss that shit.

  7. 5 months ago

    In a game of 3.5 that started at level 3, I once made it to level 21. The final battle is what leveled us up to Epic so we never actually played an epic campaign with those characters, but that was mostly due to multiple people, including the DM, moving away.

  8. 5 months ago

    Immortals Handbook xianxia campaign (3.5e), Level 120

  9. 5 months ago

    I believe we ended our one and only epic level campaign in DnD 3e on 25-27th levels - and those are just character levels mind, since our party consisted of a planetar (started aasimar) Paladin, planetar (started aasimar) Sorcerer/Incantatrix, Demilich Elven Wizard/Archmage and Protean Greater Werebear Barbarian. We had a heck of a time actually attaining our transformations, killing gods, doing epic shit in general, but the system was basically a burden. The d20 was basically useless, numbers were in the stupidosphere. It was dumb fun, but fun nonetheless.

  10. 5 months ago

    PL 10 in Mutants and Masterminds, a low yield nuclear bomb is around damage rank 25, which our characters could actually reach under ideal circumstances (rolling a critical hit, with a multiattack beating a defenseless enemy by multiple degrees, while all-out attacking with a damage shifted effect for 15+5+5 total damage)
    of course M&M being what it is the party still regularly got their asses beat, especially against alternate resistance effects (including somebody getting immediately laid out by an alternate resistance:dodge attack right after making said all our attack nuclear bomb punch)

  11. 5 months ago

    Level 14 barbarian in DnD 5e
    Every other game I've played in has been cancelled within 8 sessions

  12. 5 months ago


  13. 5 months ago

    Rolemaster - makes your game look like See Spot Run.

  14. 5 months ago

    I once played a character that was infinity+1 levels. (you can't be more than infinity+1)
    This means I've played characters at a higher level than anyone else in this thread.

  15. 5 months ago

    Level 21 Cleric/Sorceror. Considered the holiest woman in the entire world. Invented a method of becoming a holy version of a Lich. Made seven dragon themed phylacteries that could be used to summon her when brought together. Left the world to travel the dimensions, leaving behind a loving family, royal friends, and an entire religious organization that believes she's the holy avatar of the gods themselves.
    That was a fun campaign.

  16. 5 months ago

    Level 3, human wizard in Shadow Dark. He died yesterday night actually, on the fourth session.

    It's low but it's mainly because I'm usually the DM. Actually kind of crazy that the party made it to this level in only 3 playing sessions, and legitimately ; we had a crazy luck on some treasures and situations (XP is awarded with treasures in this game).

    I also played a level 5 Twili in my homemade Zelda TTRPG, but it was an holiday trip campaign that started at this level so it does not count.

  17. 5 months ago

    Pathfinder campaign i'm in has had 5 seperate adventures so far with each ending between level 22 and 35

  18. 5 months ago

    Well, my first ever character was in a homebrew campaign where we didn’t really use “levels” per se, but the last session ended with him sacrificing himself to destroy the very concept of Death, in space. So I feel like that’s the equivalent of a max level character in a lot of systems.

  19. 5 months ago

    5, but one party member made it all the way to 7

  20. 5 months ago

    level 20 assassin rogue with 9 legendary boons, man lockdown was perfect for level crunching

  21. 5 months ago

    Level 30 gestalt Wizard / Warblade / Jade Phoenix Mage / Ultimate Magus // Red Dragon Racial Class (The Oslecamo one)
    I was the primary utility caster, and only good aligned character in the party. Ran around rebuilding everything the rest of the party destroyed to gain respect, and adoration. Which he valued as much as gold, and treasure. Had beef with Pelor, was planning on killing, and replacing him, but game ended pretty fast.

  22. 5 months ago

    The highest I've played has been mid 20s in BECMI. The highest I've ran for was a BECMI group that ranged from mid 20s to 33 with the campaign ending when the level 33 guy achieving Immortality and becoming the founding god of his fledgling country. I was willing to go on for more but the rest of the PCs where ambitionless hangers on to the guy the guy that reached for the golden ring of Immortality.

    I've also played/ran in high end games of L5R, GURPS, and In Nomine.

  23. 5 months ago

    24 in a 3e game, but most of the finale was spent at 23 before we all decided it was getting dumb.

  24. 5 months ago

    4. I've not been a PC single KOTS ;-;

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