What is your favorite retro rpg?

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  1. 2 years ago

    How much different/better are the complete versions from the Sega CD versions?

    • 2 years ago

      Lunar SSS/SSSC is almost an entirely new game compared to the original. EBC stays pretty close to the original, and arguably makes some changes for the worse. The former might be worth playing, but personally I'd recommend just sticking to the Sega CD games.

      Final Fantasy 7 for me. The only RPGs I played up until that point were Final Fantasy 1, Dragon Warrior 1 and Super Mario RPG. SMRPG is a very close second.

      Is Eternal Blue actually considered to be better than Silver Star?

      >Is Eternal Blue actually considered to be better than Silver Star?
      If we're only talking about the Sega CD games, then yes, EB is absolutely better than TSS. For the 32-bit remakes, yeah I would say EBC is better than SSSC, if only for some QoL changes the former does.

      • 2 years ago

        >I'd recommend just sticking to the Sega CD games
        cool, thanks for the info

    • 2 years ago

      The first PSX game is better than the Sega CD version. And Eternal Blue PSX/SCD versions are basically identitcal outside the PSX's superior visuals. I'd only recommend playing the Sega CD versions if you're curious about them, since they're arguably some of the best looking games on the system.

      • 2 years ago

        Thanks for the heads up. It really boils down to, I have a Mega Everdrive Pro so I think I'm just gonna play the Sega CD versions, since PS2's OBS can't load PS1 ISOs and I've never really been able to get ePSXe to work in a way that I find satisfactory
        someday I'll just get an XStation modded PS1 tho probably

        • 2 years ago

          Fair enough, there's no wrong version of the Lunar games except the GBA port.

    • 2 years ago

      >Silver Star remake has a crappy remixed soundtrack and slightly reworked plot
      >EB remake has the same soundtrack as Sega CD and no story changes.

      • 2 years ago

        it's not remixed, it's entirely brand new

    • 2 years ago

      There are no random battles in the PSX version.
      You can see the enemies on the map before engaging in combat.
      If I remember correctly, different enemy formations are assigned to different enemy sprites on the map, so you can plan ahead which one you want to fight.
      How these (

      The first PSX game is better than the Sega CD version. And Eternal Blue PSX/SCD versions are basically identitcal outside the PSX's superior visuals. I'd only recommend playing the Sega CD versions if you're curious about them, since they're arguably some of the best looking games on the system.

      >Silver Star remake has a crappy remixed soundtrack and slightly reworked plot
      >EB remake has the same soundtrack as Sega CD and no story changes.

      Lunar SSS/SSSC is almost an entirely new game compared to the original. EBC stays pretty close to the original, and arguably makes some changes for the worse. The former might be worth playing, but personally I'd recommend just sticking to the Sega CD games.

      >Is Eternal Blue actually considered to be better than Silver Star?
      If we're only talking about the Sega CD games, then yes, EB is absolutely better than TSS. For the 32-bit remakes, yeah I would say EBC is better than SSSC, if only for some QoL changes the former does.

      ) posters overlooked such a monumental change in the game is unfathomable.

  2. 2 years ago

    I loved beyond the beyond when I was younger and then I grew up and found out that everyone thinks it's one of the worst of all time.

    • 2 years ago

      Lmao, always wild when you find out some game you enjoy is hated

  3. 2 years ago

    the only one i've played all the way through

  4. 2 years ago

    Diablo 2

    • 2 years ago

      This or HoMM3. Depends on which you think is less Not An RPG.

  5. 2 years ago

    Final Fantasy 7 for me. The only RPGs I played up until that point were Final Fantasy 1, Dragon Warrior 1 and Super Mario RPG. SMRPG is a very close second.

    Is Eternal Blue actually considered to be better than Silver Star?

    • 2 years ago

      I like it more than the first game personally, but I think most people like the first game. The first game got more remakes than the second.

  6. 2 years ago
  7. 2 years ago

    Dragon Quest 4 NES but I haven't played a lot of RPGs

    • 2 years ago

      It's the one I keep going back to time and time again.

  8. 2 years ago

    Probably Lunar: Eternal Blue or Final Fantasy VII.

    If we're including GameCube in retro, then Tales of Symphonia.

  9. 2 years ago

    Valkyrie Profile is really cool. I'm playing through right now and it's the most I've enjoyed a jrpg in a while.

    • 2 years ago

      A few of these PS1 games got remakes on PSP, like this and Star Ocean. Debating if I should play them there or on my PS2 through backwards compatibility.

      • 2 years ago

        valkyrie profile's PSP version is worse than the US PS1 version, the PSP version is a port of the JP original but the US release had many improvements to things like inventory management that are lost in the PSP version.

        • 2 years ago

          Also worth mentioning that the PSP version has worse graphics, and is missing certain lighting effects.

    • 2 years ago
  10. 2 years ago

    Pokemon Crystal

  11. 2 years ago

    My favorite will probably always be Sengoku Rance.
    Dozens of characters, hundreds of unforgettable moments, thousands of hours long, all topped off with one of the most beautiful and intense soundtracks a video game has ever had.
    Just opening this game up makes me feel like I've come home.

    • 2 years ago

      what platform is that game on?

      • 2 years ago


  12. 2 years ago

    Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War

  13. 2 years ago

    Top 10 retro jarpigs that everyone should play through:

    Phantasy Star 4 (Mega Drive)
    Skies of Arcadia (Dreamcast)
    Lunar 2: Eternal Blue (Sega CD)
    Grandia (Sega Saturn)
    Earthbound (Super Nintendo)
    Super Mario RPG (Super Nintendo)
    Chrono Trigger (Super Nintendo)
    Xenogears (Playstation)
    Tales of Phantasia (Super Nintendo)
    Star Ocean: The 2nd Story (Playstation)

    • 2 years ago

      earthbound is really bad

      • 2 years ago

        I dont think its fair to call earthbound bad but its definitely more known for its story, writing as aesthetic. As an actual game it feels really rough around the edges and janky.

      • 2 years ago

        trying too hard

    • 2 years ago

      earthbound is really bad

      Earthbound is a strong contender for most overrated game of all time. I prefer Mother 1 and Mother 3 to it.
      When you look at how many excellent JRPGs were packed on the SNES, Earthbound really doesn't hold up. Terranigma, Breath of Fire, Dragon Quest, Secret of Mana, Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, Lufia 2, Illusion of Gaia, Soul Blazer, Ogre Battle, Fire Emblem 4, Secret of Evermore, SMT - All games I am more likely to replay before replaying EB

      If it wasn't for Ness's inclusion in Smash Bros, Earthbound would be forgotten in the west alongside Startropics.

      You can tell too that many "Earthbound fans" have never played the game to completion, since almost all of the fan art and discussion comes from the first half of the game. You can plainly see that these people never progressed into the linear slog of Deep Darkness or the unbalanced mess of Fire Spring.
      I also find it funny that virtually none of these fans have played all three games - when each game is a relatively short experience and the entire trilogy can be completed in less time than some people take to beat a single Xenoblade entry. We're talking three games, and the fans can't even be bothered to complete that few? Compare that to franchises with entries that number well into the double digits, like DQ, Megaten, and Final Fantasy - and a lot of these same self proclaimed EB fans have undoubtly played through something like 6 or 7 Pokemon games. But when it comes to EB Beginnings and Mother 3, there's nothing but excuses
      >I started EB0, but it's too dated for me
      >I'm waiting for Nintendo to localize 3
      >I have to admit, I never finished this one - but I plan on finishing it someday!

      Well I have played all three to completion, and while EB0 is a delightful 8bit Dragon Quest clone, and Mother 3 is a great handheld story driven experience, Earthbound is a perfectly mediocre, overrated thud of a JRPG, dressed up with some kitschy humor that falls off hard after the first two hours.

    • 2 years ago

      Real list here:
      >Chrono Trigger
      Play this before trying Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest. It was a collaborative effort between the creators of those series and has a lot of elements from both so if you don't like Chrono Trigger you probably won't like any of those games.
      People compare it to Zelda but it's actually more like Ys (which isn't very surprising since it was made by the original Ys creators) so temper your expectations accordingly.
      >Phantasy Star 4
      There are a few references and some small bits lore you'll miss if you don't play the first two games beforehand but it stands up well on it's own.
      >Breath of Fire III
      The beginning is kind of slow but it gets very good if you can get through it. The only game in the series that everyone should play.
      Play the Saturn version if possible. If you don't feel like fricking around with Saturn emulation and want to play the PS1 version instead, then at least use the undub patch.
      >Valkyrie Profile
      Easy mode in this game is actually hard mode and vice versa. Remember that before going in.
      >Shin Megami Tensei
      The encounter rate will seem very annoying at the beginning but you can skip more and more fights as you recruit more types of enemies. Be sure to point all of the Law Hero's points into magic stats and all of the Chaos Hero's points into physical ones.
      >Suikoden II
      It helps a lot if you played the first game beforehand but that's not essential.
      >Langrisser II
      Most people like Der Langrisser, a different version of the game, more because it has more content but Langrisser II on the Genesis plays better because you can mix your character's squad with different types of units. It's also more well written.
      >Skies of Arcadia
      I can't comment on the differences between versions because I've only played it on the Dreamcast.

      • 2 years ago

        >grandia ps1
        >undub patch
        Did they ever fix that? Last time I tried it, almost the entirety of disc 2 was still in English. Which is pretty much the exact time the English dub completely shits the bed (fricking Mullen)

      • 2 years ago

        Top 10 retro jarpigs that everyone should play through:

        Phantasy Star 4 (Mega Drive)
        Skies of Arcadia (Dreamcast)
        Lunar 2: Eternal Blue (Sega CD)
        Grandia (Sega Saturn)
        Earthbound (Super Nintendo)
        Super Mario RPG (Super Nintendo)
        Chrono Trigger (Super Nintendo)
        Xenogears (Playstation)
        Tales of Phantasia (Super Nintendo)
        Star Ocean: The 2nd Story (Playstation)

        What’s amazing about both of these lists is that 15-20 years ago, most of those games would he shown up on countless top 50/25/10 games of all time lists. Now you’re lucky if even Chrono Trigger can crack a top ten.

        And think about what we get instead? Modern narrative driven games are mostly games that hold your hand while just giving you the story through a movie. It’s no wonder modern gamers are so brain dead and ADHD riddled dopamine addicts. All the games you two listed have sweeping stories across vast worlds, and to experience it you HAVE TO READ. You had to learn complex combat systems. To this day I NEVER played FFX because the idea of having voice acting in Final Fantasy games just seemed blasphemous. These games were like novels that inspired you imagination. These days everything is just spoon fed to you like they assume you’re some hapless moron.


      • 2 years ago

        >Most people like Der Langrisser, a different version of the game, more because it has more content but Langrisser II on the Genesis plays better because you can mix your character's squad with different types of units. It's also more well written.
        Der Langrisser also runs at the speed of a wall unlike Langrisser II. I still haven't finished it. But what makes you say Langrisser II is better written? It is definitely the better game but I don't normally see people say this.

        • 2 years ago

          I mean it's the same basic plot as Der Langrisser's light path but I thought it was told better. The whole thing with Liana and Lana, for example, was handled better in II. The pacing was also better in my opinion.

      • 2 years ago

        Are there any other RPGs that feature aircraft
        of any sort like Skies of Arcadia? I've never been a huge RPG fan but as a lifelong enjoyer of all things that fly I absolutely fell in love with the airships in that game.

        • 2 years ago

          There is a game called "Nostalgia" for the DS, it's not great, but it's heavily inspired by SoA.
          Might be worth looking into at least.

    • 2 years ago

      >Star Ocean
      Is Till the End of Time as bad as people have told me it is? I picked up a really nice condition copy for under $10 a while back, but I haven't had a chance to sit down and play it.

      • 2 years ago

        The first one is better

  14. 2 years ago

    What's with all the Lunar spam recently? Did some YouTube shitter make a video on it? The game is one of the gayer jarpigs in existence. All style over substance

  15. 2 years ago

    Shining Force 2

  16. 2 years ago

    Phantasy Star IV, or Lunar 2 (specifically the SCD version, I don't really know why, I guess I just think Phantom Sentry is really cool)

  17. 2 years ago

    Lunar is such a funny game to see on people's "favorite" lists, especially when it was just Sega's failed attempt to beat Hudson at the RPG game long after the ship had sailed.

    Manjimaru was the king.

  18. 2 years ago

    Is there even a question?

    • 2 years ago

      Based taste anon. Wish the first game would get a translation.

  19. 2 years ago

    Star Ocean the motherfricking 2nd Story.

  20. 2 years ago

    Terranigma. I love Elle (purple).

  21. 2 years ago

    I still think about Sword of Mana probably about once a week, despite not having played it in a decade

  22. 2 years ago

    Phantasy Star IV

    There are a lot of runner-ups, but it's always the one that stands tall as a timeless masterpiece.

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