what is your honest critique on Doom Eternal?

what is your honest critique on Doom Eternal?

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 2 years ago

    S'alright. Didn't get the DLC though.

  2. 2 years ago

    nudoom is trash

    • 2 years ago

      doom 2016 was literally classic doom but 1000x better

      • 2 years ago

        Why even post something like this? Even just the silly fight arenas make it not at all like Doom.

    • 2 years ago

      Eternal is the only good doom game

    • 2 years ago

      All doom is trash.

    • 2 years ago

      Doom didn't start til doom 2016

  3. 2 years ago

    I don't get why people call Doom 3 the worst when shit like eternal exist.

    • 2 years ago

      Doom3 is the most boring doom made and is a crappy half life with no flashlight

      • 2 years ago

        At least it's better than söi aimless lolsorandomweforgottoplansoheresadlibbedimprovthatanaverage15yearoldcoulddobetter shitfest eternal.

        • 2 years ago

          I think you could fit some more buzzwords into your post.

          • 2 years ago

            Any suggestions?

  4. 2 years ago

    I did not enjoy the doubling down on the use of locked arenas separated by linear hallways that was present in 2016. I prefer the maze/dungeon crawling level design of the older Dooms. Arenas are lazy design, and no amount of hallways with platforming in between the arenas will change that.

    • 2 years ago

      This. Feels like a kiddies theme park ride with fun rooms.

  5. 2 years ago


  6. 2 years ago

    >a game where you acquire carpal tunnel by having to stretch the frick out of one or more fingers to reach the number keys to change weapons in order to not die because you have 5 ammo per gun
    >on top of that, have to stretch other fingers for chainsaw (basically required), flame belch (not super required but kind of), or grenades (not required)
    literally shit design from my butthole
    2016 was better. perfect distillation of boomer doom with some extra stuff that some people loved, some hated, but it never fully ruined the game. eternal is pure aids

    • 2 years ago

      I also prefer Doom 4 to Doom Eternal. Eternal feels too ADHD for me, it just misses the perfect balance Doom 4 had between action and taking in the scenery. Combat in Eternal feels like you have to swap your weapons every two seconds, instead of manoeuvring and dodging well in 4.

      • 2 years ago

        >action and taking in the scenery
        exactly. i dont even know what the frick im looking at half the time. apparently the entire concept of eternal's adhd-ness came from one (1) gay on youtube who showcased himself playing doom 4 that way, and people were like "woaaaaa soo cool man" but like you could also just beat the whole fricking game with the gauss cannon. why force your lame playstyle on me?

        • 2 years ago

          DOOM did get pretty easy towards the end once you get the infinite ammo rune.

    • 2 years ago

      >2016 was better. perfect distillation of boomer doom with some extra stuff that some people loved,
      Ah yes, remember low enemy numbers in og games? Remember samey environments? Remember arena - hallway - arena level design? Remember arenas being a small square? Remember rpg numbers? Remember cooldowns? Remember being slow as shit? Remember crouch button?
      Contrarians are truly braindead morons

      • 2 years ago

        >remember low enemy numbers in og games
        Yes I do indeed. The OG DOOM games were fricking abysmal combat games, they were puzzle games with some demons scattered around the map you have to sweep up first before solving the map puzzle. Only at DOOM 64 did they begin to become more combat focused, but mainly the whole "epic DOOM demon slaying" shit came from Brutal DOOM and various wads. People nowadays seem to constantly confuse fan-made DOOM content with the actual original games.

        • 2 years ago

          >they were puzzle games
          >with some demons scattered around the map you have to sweep up first before solving the map puzzle.
          >over 100+ enemies
          >puzzle, scattered around
          Stop sniffing your own fart you dumbfricking mongoloid. God I want to bash your skull

          • 2 years ago

            >>over 100+ enemies
            Anon, you're referring to 100 enemies on the entire map total, not in one encounter. Nothing you just said invalidates what I stated in my post.

            In fact, combat in DOOM and DOOM II and even DOOM 64 for that matter is entirely optional for the most part. The point of each map is to press switches, find the keys, and solve the map puzzle to find the exit access. As I said, the demons are nothing but obstacles scattered around you generally clean out of the map as you go for convenience's sake. The objective of each map, literally the win condition, is solving the puzzle, not fighting the demons.

            >God I want to bash your skull
            I can understand how someone else being completely correct must be frustrating for you.

            • 2 years ago

              >In fact, combat in DOOM and DOOM II and even DOOM 64 for that matter is entirely optional for the most part
              Genuine brainrot

              • 2 years ago

                But he's right. DOOM 2016 added the requirement to kill demons to lower the area's demonic presence. The original games usually didn't have any requirement on killing demons outside of a few instances of needing to kill a boss or killing a certain demon triggering a door opening now and then.

              • 2 years ago

                >DOOM 2016 added an unnecessary plot macguffin to increase sales amongst the mentally handicapped

              • 2 years ago

                Your frustration at being proven wrong on an anonymous indo-chinese macrame stop motion board is really silly anon. Don't get so emotionally invested in video games.

              • 2 years ago

                >proven wrong
                >moron unironically believes that every player is going run past enemies to switch/key card/exit instead of mowing down every enemy on his path in OG doom
                Kek, sure

              • 2 years ago

                I just looked for all the secrets.

            • 2 years ago

              >The objective of each map, literally the win condition, is solving the puzzle, not fighting the demons.
              Geee I guess Duke3d is also a puzzle game. Or Quake. Since you need to collect keys and just run past

          • 2 years ago

            >over 100+ enemies
            Uh, which DOOM map had 100+ enemies? I don't remember any with that many even in The Ultimate DOOM but it's been a while since I played it.

            • 2 years ago

              almost every map on ultra violence

            • 2 years ago

              Literally the third map.

          • 2 years ago

            >100+ enemies you literally don't have to interact with whatsoever
            >quantity over quality muh meaningless volume gud
            /vr/etard dickriders truly are cancer and I wish they'd go back to their containment board but I guess it's funny to laugh at them once in a while.

            • 2 years ago

              Yeah, funny how the jokers itt grasp for straws calling OG doom a puzzle game because you can ran past enemies

      • 2 years ago

        Speaking of contrarian
        >2016 comes ou
        >no story, yeah we dont frick around. Who needs story? Rip n tear xD
        >eternal comes out
        >zomg doom has sucha deep lore its so fricking awesome

        • 2 years ago

          >2016 comes ou
          >no story, yeah we dont frick around. Who needs story? Rip n tear xD
          >*sits in unskippable exposition room while hayden tells you his life story*

    • 2 years ago

      Eternal is best enjoyed with one of those homosexual gaming mice with 15 buttons on the side or a controller

    • 2 years ago

      >”Games like that will be pointless to play in a decade or two because everyone will be able to execute the same tech. This isn’t an concession to accessibility, but it means that a game depth is coming from the right place”

    • 2 years ago

      keybinds, moron.
      enjoy your (You)

    • 2 years ago

      >reach the number keys to change weapons
      no one does this...right?

  7. 2 years ago

    It’s quake.

  8. 2 years ago

    good game
    dlc enemies are cancer
    and frick the writers for retconning samuel hayden into an alien

  9. 2 years ago

    The only good thing coming out of nu-doom is the lv creation editor and you can share with other player,with that you can replay the original in hd.

  10. 2 years ago

    The final boss almost ruined the entire game for me.

    >god needs a mechsuit to fight Doomguy

    • 2 years ago

      Well duh. DOOM SLAYA TM is a ULTRAGOD too, right?

  11. 2 years ago

    it was ok but had some tedious boring shit and also the fricking destroyed the multiplayer which was the best part of doom 2016

    • 2 years ago

      Too reddit for me, Doomguy is a funkpop collector and its a chore to play, I loved 2016 though, it was a mix of classic doom, doom 3 and brutal doom. This is just like Its own weird thing with a ton of OG doom nostalgia.

      HOLY BASED, finally someone else who thought the MP was amazing in Doom 2016

  12. 2 years ago

    It's an incredibly well developed combat system, however I gotta say it gets repetitive fast. I can only play a level at a time usually then I get kinda burnt out on it.

  13. 2 years ago

    Only three valid criticisms of the game exist to me

    #1: The Chainsaw
    The problem with the chainsaw is that its animation is simply too long for how often you are forced to use it. One might even argue its existence is entirely unneeded if they made blood punch give ammo and have it come up more frequently in the early game. At the least, a very easy solution would have been to swap the animation speed of the crucible and chainsaw, because the crucible feels weak due to how fast the animation speed is, yet is a far more rare thing to use.

    #2: A lack of a hardcore mode similar to Ghostrunner
    While the platforming is perfectly fine when you play the game to begin with (its actually a very good idea to give people a break, its a GOOD thing that it exists), after you familiarize yourself with the game its a bit underwhelming compared to the rest. Importantly is when you are familiar with the game you don't need these break periods anymore due to being more comfortable in combat. In Ghostrunner they fixed these type of slow sections by giving a "hardcore" mode option that removes them and also changes the fights to be harder, perhaps in Eternal it could be called "master mode" in keeping with the master levels. Of course this will not happen, but it should imo.

    #3: The Bosses
    I find less fault in the bosses here because FPS games so often struggle to have any reasonably fun boss designs, but especially the Icon of Sin is just so poorly designed that I would rather it never existed at all. Obviously the DLC bosses got their fair share of ruthless attacks from fans too for probably good reason. With games like Ultrakill and Desync showing how to make proper bosses, I do think Eternal's poorly handled and frustrating bosses should be better when so much of the arena combat is frankly far and away the best in the genre.

    Anything else is irrational people who don't understand game design, or are complaining about lore/story that is entirely skippable.

    • 2 years ago

      i like your tier list btw gonna check out ion fury and ultrakill

      • 2 years ago

        Ultrakill is a very fun game, especially its movement has an extremely satisfactory feel to it. The synergies with the guns and all the hidden little mechanics you will find for each one are amazing. Highly, highly recommended of course. Almost no one outright dislikes it, and its few fair criticisms are outweighed by its unique positives that no other FPS can match on the market.
        Ion Fury is just a very solid boomer shooter, some people will say it goes on a bit too long for its own good, but I never think of more content as bad. Great OST to it, fun levels, projectile enemies, locational damage (headshots etc), good weapons, it just does everything well. Has a lot of unique things you can find out, like you can duck projectiles or how you can strafe the hitscanners because they will "miss" if they target you and you are already moving. Just a great overall game.

        • 2 years ago

          >are outweighed by its unique positives that no other FPS can match on the market.
          >braindead enemies

          • 2 years ago

            Obviously they are not Eternal level enemies certainly, but they do provide a somewhat threat - which is all they really need to do because Ultrakill just like DMC is more about what YOU do as the player, than what the enemies do. Notably the bosses in Ultrakill are VERY fun and rather difficult, so its rather like the opposite of Eternal in that way.

            • 2 years ago

              >Ultrakill just like DMC is more about what YOU do as the player, than what the enemies do.
              Weak excuse. DMC has a lock on and enemy aggression is tied to your camera. Ultrakill has no such limits

              • 2 years ago

                I don't really know what DMC having a lock on or having aggression tied to the camera has to do with this conversation.

        • 2 years ago

          The only problem I had with Ion Fury was a slight lack of enemy variety.

          • 2 years ago

            The level design in the second half of the game gets pretty bland, too (samey facilities/tunnels and even a goddamn sewer level)

    • 2 years ago

      Hey redryu. Do you still eat shit?

      • 2 years ago

        ? Take your meds subhuman. (this is my first post in the thread)

        • 2 years ago

          >thinking about meds
          ngmi subnormal

        • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            >thinking about meds
            ngmi subnormal

            >n-notice me Ryu-sama!!
            The frick do you want?

    • 2 years ago

      I guess anything that isn't ADHD spastics shit is unplayable.

      • 2 years ago

        You spend more time walking around and talking to others than shooting your guns, add on some horrifically boring turret sections and the few parts you experience the lacklustre combat, and I just ask; why bother with this movie game at all? The game is more interested is being a book than a video game, which maybe if it was an rpg or something I might like that, but I'm here to shoot stuff in my fps game, not walk around and talk to people for hours on end.

    • 2 years ago

      The main problem with the chainsaw is that it's infinite, meaning that ammo is functionally infinite if you can resist burning through all of your shots before the next refill. There's also no reason to really ever hold onto all 3 charges because an Imp is going to give the exact same amount of ammo back as a Mancubus.

      • 2 years ago

        The infinite ammo is a good part of the game though, and in very integral to keeping the player in the combat instead of having to disengage so they can go find an ammo pack. That being said it still keeps ammo limits on a timer, thus balancing things such as the SSG, Lock on rockets, ballista, etc. Its a very good system and idea honestly.

        I don't really agree about the 3 charges thing, killing a cyberdemon for free is pretty nice. However I never find myself intentionally going out of my way to care about doing this, so perhaps you are right about this topic actually. I think the chainsaw is overall the weakest part to Eternal's design, and at least the savergy rune should effect the chainsaw animation, why it doesn't is mind-boggling to me.

        • 2 years ago

          You wouldn't disengage in the combat though. If anything you have to focus more on movement because you're now practically defenseless. You would also have to now know the map and be aware of your surroundings to a higher degree. Then there's the matter of limited resources on the map requiring you to play better, rewarding skilled players.

          • 2 years ago

            You would be literally disengaging from the combat to go find ammo though. Memorizing ammo locations in the map is not something me or most people would find an enjoyable "skill", you already have to know the layout of an arena due to the combat and getting familiar with the arenas will increase your effectiveness in combat through natural means. So I don't really see what limited ammo has to offer beyond just for mindless memorization of ammo locations. Frankly I find the final shedding of ammo to be one of the best things to have happened in the latest wave of shooters to be released. Ultrakill went so far as to simply dump ammo as a concept altogether, and it's an amazing game.

    • 2 years ago

      i just noticed that ion fury gets a pass, but not the build trinity?
      especially with DUKE being able to be played from eduke32 (which ion runs on, making it pseudo official).

      • 2 years ago

        Ion fury plays much more like Quake than any build engine game, even outright stealing many of the enemy designs such as fiends directly from quake. Just the elimination of hitscanners alone (Technically brown cultists are still hitscan, but its dodge-able hitscan due to their programming set up that forces them to miss if you are strafing during their windup.) makes it a different beast entirely. The build engine games struggle to provide any challenge beyond blasting you with constant hitscan at all times, and the autoaim really kills a lot of the joy that comes from first person shooting. Not only that but Ion fury's levels are kind enough to provide proper ammo and hp/armor if you aren't a secret hunter, which I'm not and games should support that playstyle properly.

        • 2 years ago

          >but Ion fury's levels are kind enough to provide proper ammo and hp/armor if you aren't a secret hunter
          So just like Duke does?

          • 2 years ago

            Duke is more kind in that regard you are correct, I was speaking more of Blood/Shadow warrior which become very boring and defensive to play on the harder difficulties if you don't hunt for secrets (and sometimes even if you do) due to a lack of ammo/armor/hp. However it is not that Duke is better designed, but rather its just a much easier game overall. It suffers from the same issues where enemies are all just throwaway nothings that lack any threat, except for the hitscanners who will shred you in seconds. This means playing aggressive is entirely based around how much armor/hp you have stacked up, rather than any sort of dodging skill or otherwise. Its not very engaging to play, and especially not when the game is autoaiming for me.

            • 2 years ago

              >This means playing aggressive is entirely based around how much armor/hp you have stacked up, rather than any sort of dodging skill or otherwise.
              Not only can you outrun the shots from Pig Cops and Enforcers, they have distinct windups that allow you to kill them before taking damage. You have splash damage weapons like the pipe bomb that can take out enemies without taking damage yourself, as well as a high burst damage shotgun you can pump into them around a pillar or wall. How are you this fricking wrong dude? Holy shit, I'm speechless at how someone's taste can be this bad.

              • 2 years ago

                All hitscanners have windups in basically every game, I don't find it very compelling for why Duke's are suddenly now ok. Playing aggressively to abuse this by aoeing (pipe bomb in your case, dynamite in blood) or prefiring generally is about memorizing spawns so you can do this with no thought rather than actual skill. I understand you are upset by my disregard for a game you probably enjoy a lot, but Duke is not a special game, its age shows very obviously. If I wanted to play hitscan wars then I would rather play FEAR, Duke doesn't even have a lean button to it among many other issues, its bad even for the low standards of hitscanner shooters honestly.

        • 2 years ago

          >ion fury plays more like quake than the build trinity
          what are you smoking?
          ion feels as a e-celeb puts it "build to the bone",its enemies feel almost nothing like quakes and far more like pigcops or cultists. (also you can dodge the hitscan in blood, you just need to couch-jump).
          also stuff like eduke32 (as i said pseudo-official), and FS (official kex port, which seems to be soon getting more patches finally, probably to also help linux/deck) let you disable autoaim (which i do every time).

          • 2 years ago

            >build to the bone
            >outright steals fiends, scrag, and ogres from quake
            Your eceleb is an idiot.

            • 2 years ago

              the actual movement and combat feels more in-line with the build 3, especially with the security and cultists (which are the main enemies you fight).

              All hitscanners have windups in basically every game, I don't find it very compelling for why Duke's are suddenly now ok. Playing aggressively to abuse this by aoeing (pipe bomb in your case, dynamite in blood) or prefiring generally is about memorizing spawns so you can do this with no thought rather than actual skill. I understand you are upset by my disregard for a game you probably enjoy a lot, but Duke is not a special game, its age shows very obviously. If I wanted to play hitscan wars then I would rather play FEAR, Duke doesn't even have a lean button to it among many other issues, its bad even for the low standards of hitscanner shooters honestly.

              ion fury literally chose to use a dated engine by design, it's intentionally aged.

              Also you don't "dodge" hitscan in blood, it gives you a % chance to miss like in RTCW, which means nothing on harder difficulties because webm related is what happens when a single cultist looks at you for 0.2 seconds. You can "dodge" hitscan in Blood by spinning the cultists around, but not only do you need to get close to do this (good luck), but if they aren't ALL bunched up in the middle of an open area (very rare) then this is impossible.
              Sure whatever, I don't find peaking corners and prefiring memorized spawns with dynamite for hours to be very fun.

              moving and crouching reduced the hits immensely while you close the distance, especially if you use your guns to stun them
              though i will admit the earlier levels are brutal due to a lack of ammo and armor, though why not keep your health topped off, not like you lose the rest of the pack?

              • 2 years ago

                Feels far more in line with Quake with its circle strafing focus, and literal stolen enemies from Quake. The game takes more notes from quake mods like arcane dimensions (a mod where all hitscan is made into projectiles so they can be dodged) than it does from any build engine game.
                Ion fury plays like a modern quake clone, just in a build engine. totally different design philosophies.
                Moving and crouching reduces the levels from die in "0.1 seconds" to "die in 0.2" on the higher difficulties. Every cherry picked webm of people doing it, is from low difficulties with memorized spawns, and even then the system is rng so the damage you take is just randomly decided. Blood is an outright terrible game on the higher difficulties, and on the lower ones its still stuck with the exact same issues as duke where everything is an irrelevant jobber except the hitscan. Not to mention the auto aiming, lack of locational damage, etc.

          • 2 years ago

            Also you don't "dodge" hitscan in blood, it gives you a % chance to miss like in RTCW, which means nothing on harder difficulties because webm related is what happens when a single cultist looks at you for 0.2 seconds. You can "dodge" hitscan in Blood by spinning the cultists around, but not only do you need to get close to do this (good luck), but if they aren't ALL bunched up in the middle of an open area (very rare) then this is impossible.
            Sure whatever, I don't find peaking corners and prefiring memorized spawns with dynamite for hours to be very fun.

            • 2 years ago

              >has a usable healing item
              >isn't full health
              >doesn't use it to top off
              >goes into uncharted territory with the pitchfork out
              >b-but it's the game's fault
              You were filtered.
              You don't have to "prefire memorized spawns" or "spin the cultists around" you just have to use your tools effectively, especially some of the ludicrously powerful altfires.

              • 2 years ago

                A lot of excuses to make for a single regular mook dealing 50% of your hp in unavoidable damage within half a second just for poking your head out a single time.
                >use your tools
                Aka; prefire the spawn or throw dynamite.

        • 2 years ago

          Kek. These creative writing exercises can be funny at times. Nice bait with the tier list earlier to start it off.

          • 2 years ago

            i will say with his somewhat eclectic-feeling tier list is S-tier bait.
            his taste is certainly the most interesting ive seen, though i hope he doesn't hate me for disagreeing so much on BLOOD.

            I don't really care if you play on normal or easy mode, only what the community of the game decides is what is best or what allows you to speak about the game. Even if I played on normal mode for blood, the game still isn't good. You play rng fights with the mobs and essentially just either facetank damage or play corner peaking/prefiring: the game. Its a poorly made game, especially on the higher difficulties that its fans pretend they play on.

            The thing is that Doom 1's levels are held back because the mobs are terrible. Doom 2 has some meme levels, but fighting revenents and archvilles is infinitely more entertaining than imps and shotgunners. Even just the amount of enemies went up by an average of like 2-3 fold per level.
            You can almost never use bunny hopping in Quake 1 levels unless you are speedrunning, which as you said movement was apparently a big deal for you vs Dusk, but the game was literally not even made for it and the levels are cramped to high hell. Just about the only play it could be used normally in the final episodes, in which you are likely to bhop into a kamikaze spawn. And its not about if you can deal with an enemy, its about how they play, and Spawns are basically unanimously agreed to have been one of the worst enemies ever put into an fps game. Don't believe me? Then why is it no other game in existence used their design again, despite almost everything else from quake being stolen and ripped off?
            >introduced me to that from of storytelling
            In other words - nostalgia. Fine, keep being blind, but the reality is that half life is a pretty mediocre game that runs off legacy and nostalgia only.
            >quake 2
            If you don't remember it, then don't rate it. I can argue and debate with people about each and every game on my tier list for why it deserves its spot, quake 2 is a fine quake game, its just less famous.

            i just dodge the enemies while using cover when i need to, also well-done is most commonly played by fans, just saying their pretending is very disingenuous,i really hope you're not.

            i certainly agree for the most part, but i cannot just ignore the meme ones that drag the game down for me.
            you can use it a bit, it's more contained, but you can use it, also i just mind spawns less than you, they are far from my favorite and can be a bit BS, but i just got rid of them and moved along, and it's not used cause others must have been more annoyed than me, you seem to think others must have the same experience you had when that's almost never true for any game, even other people that love the games i do probably had a different experience.
            >in other words noltalgia
            i played the HL series for the first time in 2020-2021, if im already just nostalgic then all the games anyone likes is just nostalgia.
            i remember disliking it so it got the rating, you're probably right i need to replay it, but the rating is staying.

            • 2 years ago

              Never hate anyone for disagree with me. I might just sound aggressive because of spending too much time on this hostile shithole.

              Their fans do pretend to play on extra crispy, you don't notice because you praise the game. The second one attacks the game it's endless streams of "filtered" and "play on extra crispy". One tells you its the hardest fps game ever made, to which you say corner peeking isn't very difficult, then the "durr you didn't play it on extra crispy like me", to which if you reply stating all the criticisms of the game on that difficulty (because thats what I played on) - suddenly now according to them you can jump around and play tag on extra crispy but only if u "git gud" like them. The reality is that none of them play on the difficulty they demand others play on, they play on easy difficulties and yet pretend they know about extra crispy while demanding you play on it. Blood attracts posers to a degree I've only seen games like Ninja Gaiden do, except that game is actually good and Blood is a rather awful shooter based around facetanking rng damage or hugging corners forever.

              Fair enough, doom 2 has some really dumb levels.
              The thing is that if you can admit both that bhopping is limited and that spawns are bad on some level, I don't really get your criticisms of Dusk then. Dusk has basically no real bad enemy, is actually open enough to use bhopping at any time besides the claustrophobic levels in the meat grinders, and most importantly has actual bosses. Quake had some really bad bosses honestly, both Chthon and Shub-Niggurath were absolutely moronic gimmicks.
              You can be nostalgic for anything at any time, what matters is at what point it came to you. Half life certainly isn't the only game to tell stories like that, Bioshock basically just ripped it off and yet I believe you used that game as an example of a bad game lol.
              Play the exansion packs if you find the base game too easy, for some the hardest difficulty wasn't enough

              • 2 years ago

                thanks for the clarification, this place does bring out the worst sometimes, so i understand, also super opinionated stuff like videogames leads to alot of frustrating dead-ends

                ive seen far more people say to play on lightly broiled, if they say to make the game harder if you think the game is BS, they are likely trolling, also "filtered" is common for all games now, whether you thought the game was hard or not, it's not something to blame blood for, the brutality of blood just brings it out of many.

                dusk has no "bad" enemies, but none that really strike me as great in the way quakes enemies do, though fair point on actual bosses.
                if you can be nostalgic at any time then it's basically unfalsifiable, id be like trying to falsify last-thursdayism.
                i probably should just replay the whole thing.

              • 2 years ago

                The game is never bs nor do I claim it is, only that it forces you into a boring and very easy playstyle of hugging corners, also that I don't think facetanking rng damage is particularly interesting either. I do think blood attracts people who don't play it though, especially I don't think anyone plays on extra crispy who pretend they do.

                The thing is that its not like Quake has an all star lineup either, ogres quickly turn into an unplayable mess once too many as used at once because of how sporadic the grenades are, shamblers while very cool looking are probably the worst of the bunch besides spawns because they just tank damage and force you to break los (or bait their melee attack over and over again), I guess fiends were probably the best thing from the list and thats basically been stolen for every modern indie boomer that exists including dusk.
                You can be nostalgic towards anything if its your first experience with something as you mentioned it was. Your first candy tastes amazing compared to the 100th, until you realize it was just a normal 10 cent e-girlpop as any other.

              • 2 years ago

                that's fair, i partially misinterpreted you, though saying people just don't play it is also unfalsifiable, you can't prove it so it's useless to say, it feels good to say the other people are this and that, but if you can't prove it, it just makes you look bad.

                quakes line-up is far from the S-tier of something like DOOM 2 or DOOM eternal, but its overall better and more fun to fight for me.
                yea, it was my first, but valve is the only one that makes games that really go all-in on the style of story-telling that makes it so great, if i chose portal, it would have been that games the introduced me to it and id still love HL.

              • 2 years ago

                You can take the "unfalsifiable" route, but at that point you are just larping as some objective metric user, when in reality you aren't and have many other arguments/points that are either utterly subjective, not provable, or no one would ever take the time to bother proving them for a random conversation making them basically non provable as well. It feels good to play the part of an objective intellectual, but if you don't realize the exact of what you say, it just makes you look bad.

                Doom 2 definitely doesn't have an s tier line up lol, most of it is filled with utter jobbers that you can place 10000 of them in a single room and still never get hit by them. The AI is just too braindead in that game to justify an s tier or even a tier. An all star lineup is probably something like Kleers, Reploids, and Werebulls from Serious Sam. The Skaarj from Unreal alone are worthy of an s tier all alone by themselves, Desync also has a really nice group of enemies.
                Lots of games did that style though, you already mentioned Bioshock yourself, which also had a better story, although I don't rate on vidya story what so ever since it has nothing to do with video games.

              • 2 years ago

                the thing is that saying things on other people only can convince yourself, games are subjective but saying things on others is about as subjective as you can get.

                and DOOM 2, some enemies are simple, but the whole ends up being very complex to deal with, also alot of slaughter maps give you so much of course it's possible to survive.
                though i was not able to get into serious sam (felt really spammy is the worst way possible, somehow worse than the worse slaughter maps) and i have unreal on my wishlist.
                bioshock has alot of HL1 influence, but it doesn't do it nearly as well and its shooting was really boring to me.

              • 2 years ago

                It can convinces others obviously, and pointing it out makes others more mindful around those groups to see if I'm saying the truth. NG is a game known for posers, you can claim its all subjective, but when you actually play the games you start seeing it very clearly. Blood has the exact same thing, people who don't really play the games talking about them and about modes they don't even play.
                >games are subjective but saying things on others is about as subjective as you can get.
                Either you have an objective metric, or you don't. This weird more or less subjective thing isn't actually a real concept. Playing the part of an objective intellectual is very hard and extremely boring, and its very easy to make yourself look bad if you don't know what you're saying. My role is very easy because I am just having a normal conversation, I would suggest you simply join me.

                I would disagree about how complex it is to deal with doom enemies, besides revenants all of them fall to basic circle strafe or peaking. Its just a group of hitscanners or brainless projectile enemies with no tracking on them. They don't even know how to walk in straight lines, although this is intention, for what purpose I don't really know but it makes pinkies into an utter joke.
                Serious Sam is a very good collection of games, super fun and probably the only game I enjoy secret hunting for because of how often its just a troll from the devs. Its like slaughter maps, except with proper ai, a decent engine, 3d envioments/objectives, better guns, better monster lists, better levels, and better everything honesty.
                Story wise its much better, and honestly the shooting is basically the same to me. I mean its just a hitscan shooter at the end of the day, only at least bioshock doesn't give the mobs 200 gorillion hp (besides big daddies). I would say bioshock was by far the better game, both are pretty boring and uninspired gameplay wise, but bioshock just did it better.

              • 2 years ago

                that's fair to not try to claim to be objective with games, though saying things about others is really rubs me the wrong way, no matter how much i dislike a game, just claiming things about others you don't know just does more harm than good and contributes the the elitism you're likely against. (though i know my perspective is probably rare on a site like this).

                not really, maybe for imps and isolated hellnobles, but in an actual level, it's alot more tricky to handle turret-like arachnotron or even worse mancubus projectiles while trying to make sure the nobles don't block your path and the archvile doesn't tear you to shreads or revive everything (archviles have given me nightmares).
                in serious sam i just felt like it spawned 200 of the same enemy and called it level design, i know slaughter-shit is called that for a reason, but it god ridiculous in serious sam.
                also the enemies in bioshock felt alot more tedious to fight, with nothing interesting about it, give me the vortigaunts any say

              • 2 years ago

                I am actually very elitist if it serves a purpose. Like in character action games no one should have a place to speak about agame if they haven't beaten it on the highest difficulty, because the games aren't properly balanced on the lower ones, so any complaints for them are invalid unless spoke about on the highest difficulty. They also tend to attract a lot of angry bad players in general, similar to Eternal in that way, so the higher requirements do filter out a lot of useless noise. That being said, if I think something, then generally I will say it. I think NG and Blood attract posers, a lot of poser honestly. Being known as a hard game generally has that effect I think. I don't really think Blood is very hard, but it is very punishing and very unfun to play at higher difficulties, so it does "filter" people as Ganker mentions.

                I think the enemies in Doom hardly matter, and it matters more about how they place them in a level and how confined they make the space. Most of the enemies are utterly brainless and complete jobbers on their own, they really need a map that makes movement borderline impossible for them to be a threat. The open levels in Doom are far too easy because what can the AI do? Walk into a wall like they tend to do and then chuck a projectile with no tracking? The melee attacks are so bad that simply tapping the key backwards once makes them miss, its just not very good enemy design overall.
                Serious Sam's level design is mostly just arena design, what enemies they placed up high, what spawns are coming in, are the spawns from far away, do they have an opening to come closer from, which enemies you need to let through, are their walls to break LOS, which enemies you need to simply just dodge for a bit while focusing on others, that sort of thing. TSE has some outright hilarious arenas such an a ice lake where all the enemies slide around at mach 5 speeds, its utterly ridiculous but a lot of fun.

              • 2 years ago

                >The open levels in Doom are far too easy because what can the AI do?
                That's what hitscanners are for.

              • 2 years ago

                Nothing better than fighting hitscanners in open plains, yeeeeep unavoidable damage you have to facetank sure is fun.

              • 2 years ago

                >lol doom enemies are too easy
                >wtf why is this doom enemy killing me

              • 2 years ago

                Very nice argument John, you sure got me good on that one.

              • 2 years ago

                I did. I proved you've never actually played Doom. And if you did, it was only a couple of levels.

              • 2 years ago

                Another epic win for John, he just can't stop winning folk!

              • 2 years ago

                don't games like DMC lock out the tougher difficulties to beating the game?
                seems unfair to say you can't ever have an opinion on a game when you're locked from playing the "true" way.

                also in more open levels, you use multiple angles to make it harder, cutting off escape with some nobles to force you to fight something,like some nobles to force you to fight some revenants. (also hitscanners to avoid making it so you just run around willy nilly is also common)
                also im probably not at the "good parts" of serious same cause it just seems spammy right now, like spamming those bone guys and stuff.
                on bioshock, i found the enemies to be alot more boring, the halo-CE like movement doesn't help.

                holy shit, it's a wonder how some of you even enjoy gaming the way you autistically nitpick everything under the sun

                it is a bit funny that most people in this thread probably agree on alot more with eachother than any of us do the average FPS player (espacially on consoles), but that's what this site is so you might aswell go with the flow to an extent.

              • 2 years ago

                sorry for the repeat in the line about DOOM

              • 2 years ago

                You are locked out of playing it for a reason though, as a new player you will get thrashed by their hardest difficulty and give up entirely. Its not like fps games where the games are very basic and skills are almost perfectly transferable, character action games need you to learn a LOT of stuff before it can be ready to show itself properly. A lot of your first playthough is just going "what the frick does this move do?" or "what the frick does this enemy do?", let alone trying to actually put into into a cohesive gameplan. It allows you to make lots and lots of mistakes on easier modes because of this, and you can generally not involve real strategy as much. The higher difficulties are a "ok tutorial is over, you should know how things work by now, so its time you actually git gud at the game and no more fricking around".

                The hitscanners work at forcing you to take damage sure, but besides needing an x amount of hp/armor its not they really change the rest of the mobs. I just don't think doom functions in open areas, the mobs are too stupid and just fall to pieces when you aren't stuck in a 2x2 foot box with them. Its why they love teleport them on top of you a lot in wads and such, or plutonia just spamming chaingunners literally everywhere, I mean what else are they going to do with such a cast of worthless jobbers? Even climbing up stairs is often too hard for them.
                I find the complaint about movement in Bioshock vs halflife to be wierd, does it really matter vs hitscanners anyways? Its mostly just corner or cover hugging anyways.

              • 2 years ago

                sounds like bad difficulty curve and unnecessary tedium if it needs to be done in multiple runs

                also they can do alot more than just give damage, like they can reward careful movement and be a priority target.
                also plutonia spams chaingunners cause dario and milo casali want to torture the player (im kidding, they just knew that chaingunners where the most potent for the small maps they wanted to make).
                also as someone that really likes stuff like the replica soliders and well, cultists, not all hitscanners are made equal,so there can be a huge difference in the HL soliders and the holigans you fight in bioshock (at at least the ones i fought, im still fairly early in the game)

              • 2 years ago

                sorry i keep saying also, it's a habit cause idk how to structure this and i need to get these out fast cause you made me want to play more BLOOD.

              • 2 years ago

                Hey if you think you can teach people to beat Ninja Gaiden's MN in some faster way, then feel free to tell us about it. Because the alternative to difficulty modes is making fighting game-esque tutorials where you grind out certain patterns, combos, attacks, defensive options, etc for 30 hours straight so you can finally be ready to play the game. Character action games offer a huge amount of depth to their games, but with that depth comes a necessary amount of skill and knowledge from the player. That's just how it is.

                Careful movement or just peaking a corner over and over? If its out in the open its nothing more than a "shoot me now or instantly die" command. Rather binary enemy type.
                They spam chaingunners because nothing else in doom is really threatening, especially in an open area its chain spam or nothing else.
                Hl soldiers and Splicers are pretty similar, cultists are the ones who are out of place because their AI is non existent. HL/Bioshock's hitscanners do the same old military shooter routine, they duck around, run back and forth, use cover, that sort of thing.

              • 2 years ago

                Why not just go the GoW way then?
                Say what you want about it, but having a hard mode that acts as a bridge between normal and very hard is very good.
                I understand your point, but being forced to play what is essentially a tutorial mode for so long just to a tually play the game just feels stupid and frustating

              • 2 years ago

                Most of them do have a hard mode you can select right away. Character action games usually (usually) have this ranking:
                Easy modo (mash x and you win, possibly have to die multiple times to even unlock this)
                Normal modo (mash x to win, but you much dodge or block sometimes)
                Hard modo (no more mash x, but you can still spam a lot of mindless moves, you must dodge or block sometimes)
                -must beat hard to unlock below-
                Very Hard modo (your mashing days are ogre, you must know what your attacks do even if you don't effectively use them at all times, you must dodge or block 95% of things coming your way)
                -must beat very hard to unlock below-
                The Real Game modo (You must know how to effectively use your toolkit at all times, throwing out even a single random move will be punished very hard, blocking and dodging 98% of attacks is probably necessary, you must understand how each enemy behaves, etc, etc)

                People put in over 1k hours into these singleplayer games, and thats without any skinnerboxes or progression systems for "entertainment". They aren't meant to be one and done type of games, these are games that at 150 hours you say "damn I still have a lot to learn".

              • 2 years ago

                im not sure if i can do that, but something like splitting it into 2 campaigns or something, or what this guy said

                Why not just go the GoW way then?
                Say what you want about it, but having a hard mode that acts as a bridge between normal and very hard is very good.
                I understand your point, but being forced to play what is essentially a tutorial mode for so long just to a tually play the game just feels stupid and frustating

                ,cause forcing multiple playthroughs makes it so almost no-one will get the "real" game.

                careful movement, being that ideally you're able to get them quickly so just going back and fourth is not needed.
                and they spam chaingunners the same as they do with all the other hard monsters,they knew how to make a compact level that packed a punch.
                also a bit similar, but you move alot slower in bioshock and they feel less impactful, also the cultists do have AI, AI that tells them to throw a TNT cause hitscan was far from the most cruelty they can dish out.

              • 2 years ago

                You can see my thoughts about his response here

                Most of them do have a hard mode you can select right away. Character action games usually (usually) have this ranking:
                Easy modo (mash x and you win, possibly have to die multiple times to even unlock this)
                Normal modo (mash x to win, but you much dodge or block sometimes)
                Hard modo (no more mash x, but you can still spam a lot of mindless moves, you must dodge or block sometimes)
                -must beat hard to unlock below-
                Very Hard modo (your mashing days are ogre, you must know what your attacks do even if you don't effectively use them at all times, you must dodge or block 95% of things coming your way)
                -must beat very hard to unlock below-
                The Real Game modo (You must know how to effectively use your toolkit at all times, throwing out even a single random move will be punished very hard, blocking and dodging 98% of attacks is probably necessary, you must understand how each enemy behaves, etc, etc)

                People put in over 1k hours into these singleplayer games, and thats without any skinnerboxes or progression systems for "entertainment". They aren't meant to be one and done type of games, these are games that at 150 hours you say "damn I still have a lot to learn".

                Idk I don't see why you would need careful movement vs hitscanners, you take the same damage anyways. Its more like a reaction time test or a simon says shoot me test.
                Seemed more like to me they just made it so every switch you press made a wall open and chaingunners start blasting you. Any open area too, just chaingun spam again. Total crutch on level design, don't know what else to do? Just spam chaingunners and force the player to take damage. Don't have the armor/hp to tank the hitscan? Lol, just "git gud" and go hunt for secrets or floor pickups for the next 5 minutes. It was rather painful to play honestly.
                You move slower in bioshock, I just don't see why it matters when its just hitscan wars anyways. Movement does nothing to hitscan. Also Cultist's dynamite hardly matters when the second they look at you means death in t minus 0.2 seconds.

              • 2 years ago

                cause it's alot easier to take them out when you are prepared for them to potentially be there.
                and chaingunners tend to be melted by rockets and the SSG, they keep me on my toes more than anything nowadays.
                and it matters alot cause stuff like that can really suck out the fun of using something like a shotgun or make it so if you do need cover, it's harder to get to, also the dynamite can be far worse than the bullets due to being easy to miss and doing far more damage, though it is fun to time a shotgun blast to make the TNT blow up in the cultists face.

              • 2 years ago

                also this may be my last reply cause im probably going to just end up repeating myself if i just stay here forever, though i'll think of you when i play unreal.

                Fair enough, I'll leave you with the last response (mostly) and just say that on extra crispy the dynamite is a literal nonfactor compared to how fast you die to the hitscan, and that Unreal is a super fun game but you should get to the ship before you drop it if you do. A lot of people drop it at the water temple, but its better after that imo. Also there is a certain section of the ship with infinite Skaarj spawns you should make a save at because its fun fighting them forever, my first time I spend like 3 hours there and forgot I was suppose to actually progress through the game

              • 2 years ago

                one final one is to say to have a good day and to remind you that im closer to you than either of us are to modern FPS fans.

              • 2 years ago

                also this may be my last reply cause im probably going to just end up repeating myself if i just stay here forever, though i'll think of you when i play unreal.

              • 2 years ago

                Also about bioshock enemies, its wierd you say that, but 99% of the game is just splicers, maybe with some turrets. Its basically just like fighting the military guys in half life honestly, which are better than the ayylmao jobbers in that game at least.

              • 2 years ago

                >most of it is filled with utter jobbers that you can place 10000 of them in a single room and still never get hit by them
                t. never played a doom map with more than 10 enemies in a room
                so you should be doing damageless runs of slaughtermaps. clearly you're good enough.

              • 2 years ago

                Same old boring slaughter poster. Whats next, going to post that TAS webm of a computer beating opuplok for you again?

              • 2 years ago

                So you can't do it?

              • 2 years ago

                What? The TAS run? I'm afraid that isn't a real person lad, that a computer playing for them. You can watch Decino play it for 9 hours straight by spamming quick saves every 2 seconds though, very fun!

              • 2 years ago

                Just a regular demo. Surely you'd be able to at least complete a slaughtermap regularly with Doom's "easy" enemies.

              • 2 years ago

                This going to be your thing, demo begging every thread?

              • 2 years ago

                every time until you can back up your claims. let's see it, chump

              • 2 years ago

                What claims are those?

              • 2 years ago

                that you won't get hit once by any demon projectile in a difficult room/map

              • 2 years ago

                yeah and you're the same moron i btfo'd last thread with your moronic argument about pinky tracking. too fricking dumb to grasp other concepts because you've never played the game and you desperately cling to a video that doesn't prove anything.

                record a demo/video of you not taking damage in any room of a difficult map. until then shut the frick up

              • 2 years ago

                Still seething about that are you lol? I had actually forgotten all about that conversation.

      • 2 years ago

        something something hitscan bad is the only answer he's going to give you

    • 2 years ago

      You have great games Doom Eternal, Serious Sam: TSE, Unreal, and Ion Fury rightfully where they belong, but then you put great games like Hexen, RTCW, and Marathon that fricking low? Not even gonna mention the obvious ones like Doom and Duke being being that low, because that kinda speaks for itself. What a shame.

      • 2 years ago

        It lacks a lot of variety in weapons and enemies, but the biggest issue is the wierd y axis limit for aiming. Its very floaty physics wise as well. I do mean floaty in a literal sense, not sure if its because you are in space, but its not a great feeling to it. I do love the OST to that game (actually listen to it frequently while playing other games or browsing here), and the level designs are very good.
        I thought about putting it to playable tier because the level deisgn is so great, but the lack of a real mouse aim y axis and auto aim leaves it down there. Fps games are about aiming and shooting - basic mouse aim is just a standard feature of todays shooters.
        A headclicker game with rpg spray, whats the point? Its rng even on the first shot, so don't give me that bs about controlling the spray. Plays like an older CoD game, except you can't even aim for accurate headclicking, absolutely worthless game design that managed to make regular hitscanner shooters even worse.

        How the literal frick do you put Return to Castle Wolfenstein on the same tier as a literal movie game like New Colossus?

        You can read my thoughts on RTCW above, New Colossus actually has better shooting than RTCW but the game is straddled down by so much movie philosphy trash that it belongs next to RTCW's outright awful design of making a headclicker with rng spray.

        • 2 years ago

          >Plays like an older CoD game, except you can't even aim for accurate headclicking
          Yeah, the scoped Mauser Rifle and FG-42 don't exist I guess. The entire point of making weapons like the mp40 inaccurate at long range is because you're supposed to use the rifles. That's a pretty fricking stupid reason to put a game that low, not to mention the "first shot isn't accurate" critique. I can't imagine being so upset over something so minor that doesn't affect how the game is played. The enemy hitboxes being absurdly large makes that point moot anyways.

          • 2 years ago

            Oh I didn't even see you replied. The existence of two scoped weapons as your counterpoint (both with really limited ammo honesty) just proves my point, because accurate fire with an ADS should be the standard in headclicker games. Why would I want my headclicker game to be rng? Tell me why I would ever want to play a game based around clicking heads, if clicking heads is rng? Its pointless, the is pointless and its design is awful. There is no reason to ever play this game over something like FEAR or CoJ, hell even over CoD game honestly. The core of the game is fricked to begin with.

            • 2 years ago

              >(both with really limited ammo honesty)
              There's plenty of ammo for both of those weapons, only the Snooper rifle is limited to 10 max. The Mauser and FG-42 have caps at 200, with plenty of ammo drops once the paratroopers appear (as well as before that since the Mauser is single shot, so even 70 reserve ammo is more than enough for a single-shot Mauser that one-hit kills). I never run out of ammo in my playthroughs.
              >Tell me why I would ever want to play a game based around clicking heads, if clicking heads is rng?
              The problem is you act like it makes the game unplayable. I doesn't. You can crouch to increase your accuracy, as well as shoot in bursts. You can run up to an enemy if it's just one. I also always recommend people play on Don't Hurt Me for a first playthrough since the enemies stagger with a pain chance far more often when hit. I am Death Incarnate is only fun if you have a grasp on enemy placements and basic strategy.
              >There is no reason to ever play this game over something like FEAR or CoJ
              Can't stand arguments like this: "why play x when y exists?". Not every game is the same, and not every game should be the same. I never played CoJ, but FEAR is a fine game too for different reasons. I mean, in your tier list, you have Quake below Dusk, so I could ask you "why play Quake when Dusk exists?". Pretty stupid question, right? It's like the idiots who say, "once you play one FPS game, you've played them all". Each FPS game has their own unique flair that makes them special.

              • 2 years ago

                When I played, I certainly didn't have enough ammo to only use these weapons and was forced to use the awful rng weapons. I also don't hunt for secrets in games because its boring, and games should accommodate that playstyle since they are suppose to be optional secrets.

                It does make the game unplayable. Hitscan shooters are already worse and lack the depth that projectile based ones do, and now my weapon don't even work properly - being left up to rng even on the first shot. They made a game where headshots are integral to the game, and then hand you a bunch of rng weapons so that you can't even click head without rolling the dice. Just a terrible idea, there is no reason to ever play this game.

                There is no reason to play this game because the thing that makes it unique to other hitscan shooters is what makes it unplayable. If this game was the only hitscan shooter to exist, maybe for novelty's sake you could argue its worth playing, fortunately its not the only one and much better games within its niche exist.

    • 2 years ago

      How the literal frick do you put Return to Castle Wolfenstein on the same tier as a literal movie game like New Colossus?

    • 2 years ago

      Garbage tier list made by 7th gen zoomer.
      get on my level kiddo.

      • 2 years ago

        Way better.

      • 2 years ago

        where do i go make a tier list with all those options, i need to show how it's done. (and by that i mean show off my equally shit taste).

        Feels far more in line with Quake with its circle strafing focus, and literal stolen enemies from Quake. The game takes more notes from quake mods like arcane dimensions (a mod where all hitscan is made into projectiles so they can be dodged) than it does from any build engine game.
        Ion fury plays like a modern quake clone, just in a build engine. totally different design philosophies.
        Moving and crouching reduces the levels from die in "0.1 seconds" to "die in 0.2" on the higher difficulties. Every cherry picked webm of people doing it, is from low difficulties with memorized spawns, and even then the system is rng so the damage you take is just randomly decided. Blood is an outright terrible game on the higher difficulties, and on the lower ones its still stuck with the exact same issues as duke where everything is an irrelevant jobber except the hitscan. Not to mention the auto aiming, lack of locational damage, etc.

        >making hitscan dodgable is mainly from AD
        no, it's just following up on the same design, maybe theirs some influence, but generally it's more like build.
        also i tended not to circle strafe in ion, and i played ion before games like duke and SW from what i remember. (not sure if i played blood first though, my memory is shit)
        >it cuts it in half but cause i personally end up dying you shouldn't do it.
        also im not talking about webms.

        • 2 years ago

          Its literally generally not like build at all as I've pointed out the many ways that its philosophy of gameplay is more towards quake clones. Maybe you find it hard to imagine that a build engine game with cultist sprites is more like a quake game, but this is the same as believing National Socialists were actually communists because of the name.

          Ion fury is all about dodging projectiles by strafing or ducking them and then headshotting or using your alt fires, its a very modern quake clone type of game.
          I don't need to hear your fantasies where you larp that you duck and jump around cultists on extra crispy, unlike most of its fans I've actually played the game on that difficulty instead of larping and exactly know how it plays in reality when you haven't memorized the spawns. Prefiring with dynamite and peaking corners over and over again is boring and unengaging gameplay.

          • 2 years ago

            the webm is pretty similar to how i move in BLOOD (though far more imperfect cause i suck at games), though not really at all how i move in quake or AD.
            also using alt-fires is a huge thing in BLOOD.
            though i only play on well-done (and a little bit on lightly broiled)

            • 2 years ago

              If you stood in front of a cultist in blood like that to dodge his non existent projectile you would die in half a second, the games are completely different.

              • 2 years ago

                no you wouldn't when you shoot at him, nut the mixture of crouching with movement and alt-fires is 100% how i try to move in blood.

              • 2 years ago

                If blood only had one cultist at a time for you to make your merry way around a corner and shoot then maybe I would believe you, unfortunately I unlike most of this game's fans have played the game and know thats not reality. You are going to turn a corner, see three+ cultists, shoot one while ducking, and then instantly die to the 2-3 cultists or lose so much hp that the rest of the level is basically unplayable.

              • 2 years ago

                if i lose most of my health i use a healthpack, which the game give a fair amount of.
                (for the tierlist, it assumes a good sourceport and no fan-made levels, megawads are Stier)

              • 2 years ago

                SSStier* (the ranking are unconventional so i forgot S was not the highest)

              • 2 years ago

                All I will say is play the game on extra crispy and find out for yourself how the actual game plays. I don't really find arguing about fantasy realities where you can jump around cultists where a single mob will kill you in 0.2 seconds to be interesting.
                >tier list
                Its whatever, typical of people who rate based on on other's opinions. Putting quake 2 so much lower than quake 1 is just bizarre unless you rate on how famous they are, or doom 1 slightly below doom 2 despite the massively upgraded roster it got. Dusk being below quake is another legacy vote obviously, lot of stuff like this on the list imo such as half =-life being anywhere that high.

              • 2 years ago

                i play games on normal-UV-equivilent, well-done is about my limit.

                on my tier list
                DOOM 2 is only so low due to inconsistent level design (id be higher if it was just the good levels, i totally agree on the upgrade to the enemy roster)
                dusk being below quake is a matter of worse enemy roster and more simple movement. (though i should have placed it above amid evil)
                quake 2 is low cause i thought it was really medicore when i first played it, though i probably need to give it another chance (it's been years since i last played it at all).
                and HL gets it's spot for the story-telling that i loved alot,it's btier in it's actual shooting,its one of the few games where other factors give it a pass.
                also some of these games would be shifted up if it included modern AAA shooters like bioshock and 343 halo

              • 2 years ago

                Blood players talk about nothing except difficulty and will not stand for any criticism unless you play on extra crispy. I am used to this from character action game players, only their games are actually well made on the highest difficulty, where as blood is honestly one of the worst FPS I've ever played on extra crispy.

                Doom 2 has shit level design, but so does doom 1. For me I hate both games, but even I recognize that Doom 2 was a massive step above base Doom 1 simply for roster upgrades.
                Quake's "simpler movement" doesn't matter because quake's regular levels don't even support bunny jumping unless you are speedrunning. By support I mean the levels are too cramped, filled monsters that block you, or doors that stop you. The devs didn't even know it was going to be a thing, this is unlike Dusk or Arcane Dimensions where the maps are obviously made with bunny hopping in mind a lot of the time (some more than others). I also find the idea of its enemy roster being worse to strange since its filled with the same braindead projectile + melee enemies that quake has. This is without mentioning that Quake has the enemy "spawn", aka the blue thing that jumps around and kamikazes you, one of the worst monsters ever put in an FPS game and you see them CONSTANTLY in the last episode.
                >story telling
                Not gameplay, rating off video game story telling is bizarre. Half life is a mediocre at best video game, 2 was a disgusting movie game.

              • 2 years ago

                i like a bit of brutality, but im just just difficulty all the time, otherwise id just play games i suck at the most.

                neither DOOM or DOOM 2's level design is astounding, but D1 is far more consistent.
                you can use it in the og levels, just less, also stuff like ogres, fiends and the like are more fun to fight than what's in DUSK, they are similar looking, but different to fight.
                those guys can frick you up bad, but i just use the super-nailgun on them.
                >rating off storytelling is bizarre
                not really, HL/black mesa introduced me to that from of storytelling it i loved it, i get why it's disliked when you come from a more traditional FPS structure, but i liked it so the rating stays.

                Also quake 2 is literally a perfectly fine quake game, the only valid complaint about it is maybe its difficulty not being super high, which the expansion packs fixed anyways. No reason for it to ever even be close to a disgusting game like Doom 3.

                already said i could be wrong and it's been awhile since i played it, not really much more for me to say to you, its fine to criticize my opinion (i mean i did it to you), but nothing i can say to you will make you happy other than it's been awhile and i may be wrong, cause id take me replaying the game to give a better response.

              • 2 years ago

                I don't really care if you play on normal or easy mode, only what the community of the game decides is what is best or what allows you to speak about the game. Even if I played on normal mode for blood, the game still isn't good. You play rng fights with the mobs and essentially just either facetank damage or play corner peaking/prefiring: the game. Its a poorly made game, especially on the higher difficulties that its fans pretend they play on.

                The thing is that Doom 1's levels are held back because the mobs are terrible. Doom 2 has some meme levels, but fighting revenents and archvilles is infinitely more entertaining than imps and shotgunners. Even just the amount of enemies went up by an average of like 2-3 fold per level.
                You can almost never use bunny hopping in Quake 1 levels unless you are speedrunning, which as you said movement was apparently a big deal for you vs Dusk, but the game was literally not even made for it and the levels are cramped to high hell. Just about the only play it could be used normally in the final episodes, in which you are likely to bhop into a kamikaze spawn. And its not about if you can deal with an enemy, its about how they play, and Spawns are basically unanimously agreed to have been one of the worst enemies ever put into an fps game. Don't believe me? Then why is it no other game in existence used their design again, despite almost everything else from quake being stolen and ripped off?
                >introduced me to that from of storytelling
                In other words - nostalgia. Fine, keep being blind, but the reality is that half life is a pretty mediocre game that runs off legacy and nostalgia only.
                >quake 2
                If you don't remember it, then don't rate it. I can argue and debate with people about each and every game on my tier list for why it deserves its spot, quake 2 is a fine quake game, its just less famous.

              • 2 years ago

                What makes corner peaking an enemy so unfun for you? That's a legitimate way to play an FPS game, yet you namedrop that legitimate strategy like it's a "gotcha". What's the difference between strafing in and out of cover compared to dodging a projectile out in the open? You're using your movement to dodge damage each time.

              • 2 years ago

                Its a legitimate way to have your game be a brainless fps where you just tap left/right back and forth to constantly repeak the same corner over and over again in order to abuse the ai reaction time. You aren't using movement to dodge anything, you are being invincible while making the ai constantly replay its artificial reaction time animation.

              • 2 years ago

                Like Dusk on Duskmare, yet you have that game rated highly? (rightfully so) Like with any enemy that shoots a honing projectile? Like any situation where the enemy presence on screen is too overwhelming, so you have to corner peak in order to whittle them down one at a time? Almost every game you have highly rated, with the exception of Serious Sam and Devils Daggers, involves corner peaking enemies at times. There's nothing wrong with it, that's how they're meant to be played, and it's nothing like sitting behind waist high cover and playing pop a mole with enemies like every consolized shooter in the late 2000s.

              • 2 years ago

                None of the games I have listed highly ever force you to peak corners over and over again, and most of the highest ones actively punish you do doing that. Desync will have enemies that literally teleport behind you and oneshot you if you don't move out of the way. Eternal will have you surrounded and flanked along with putting up energy shields in your view. Unreal Skaarj will decimate you if you stay to stay stationary at a corner.

                Dusk doesn't either force you to peak either, although it doesn't punish you much for doing so. Also there is a difference between using cover to break homing projectiles, to give yourself a breather, or to clear the field of projectiles before hopping back out again.

              • 2 years ago

                Like Dusk on Duskmare, yet you have that game rated highly? (rightfully so) Like with any enemy that shoots a honing projectile? Like any situation where the enemy presence on screen is too overwhelming, so you have to corner peak in order to whittle them down one at a time? Almost every game you have highly rated, with the exception of Serious Sam and Devils Daggers, involves corner peaking enemies at times. There's nothing wrong with it, that's how they're meant to be played, and it's nothing like sitting behind waist high cover and playing pop a mole with enemies like every consolized shooter in the late 2000s.

                >Also there is a difference between using cover to break homing projectiles, to give yourself a breather, or to clear the field of projectiles before hopping back out again.
                A difference between these options vs peaking a corner over and over again to abuse ai reaction times is what I meant here.

              • 2 years ago

                None of the games I have listed highly ever force you to peak corners over and over again, and most of the highest ones actively punish you do doing that. Desync will have enemies that literally teleport behind you and oneshot you if you don't move out of the way. Eternal will have you surrounded and flanked along with putting up energy shields in your view. Unreal Skaarj will decimate you if you stay to stay stationary at a corner.

                Dusk doesn't either force you to peak either, although it doesn't punish you much for doing so. Also there is a difference between using cover to break homing projectiles, to give yourself a breather, or to clear the field of projectiles before hopping back out again.

                Yeah, there is a difference, my bad, I was thinking about cover usage in general for those examples, not cover peaking. Dusk on Duskmare will annhilate you if you don't corner peak, though.

              • 2 years ago

                High speed projectiles aren't so bad, but the strategy is usually about limiting how many can target you at once in a way similar~ to hitscan but not really, because you keep the ability to dodge them should it only be you vs a few mobs who are grouped. The parts where you must peak corners in Dusk are generally in the tiny cramped buildings, which yeah are rather lame in comparison, but as long as its not the only real viable strategy at all times It can still be a great game.

              • 2 years ago

                Dusk doesn't force you to do anything, and is one of the perfect examples as to why FPS games without hitscan suck.

              • 2 years ago

                You should be forced to not sit in corners, what can be a great combat game if enemies won't counter the strategies that you wish to use against them? Its why Eternal is so great, the enemies all have their own plan and each one is focused on employing it in order to stop you from escaping them alive or without taking damage. Hell knights charge at you to draw your attention and fire while imps shoot at a distance, a whiplash slithers around to flank you based on their ai at that same time, A gargoyle flashes in the background to put you on edge, you turn around to shoot him only to be met with a plasma shield in your face, you escape dash back away from the protected gargoyle only to be crushed by the hellknight who was moving towards you to begin with. Thats what makes Eternal so special, and why its combat stands leagues above others.

              • 2 years ago

                Also quake 2 is literally a perfectly fine quake game, the only valid complaint about it is maybe its difficulty not being super high, which the expansion packs fixed anyways. No reason for it to ever even be close to a disgusting game like Doom 3.

              • 2 years ago

                >Its whatever, typical of people who rate based on on other's opinions.
                There's nothing more obnoxious than when people say someone isn't being genuine in their preferences - eg. "You're only pretending to like it", "You're blinded by nostalgia rather than an objective analysis of the game's mechanics", or "you only say you like it because other people do". Cut that shit out.

              • 2 years ago

                its obnoxious but it's so common im not going to call it out.

              • 2 years ago

                If its true then its true. Half life is a game running on pure legacy at this point, there is nothing about that game which makes it stand out from others in the modern day.

              • 2 years ago

                >infighting with three groups involved (Black Mesa staff, HECU, Xen aliens) five if you count Opposing force (Race X, Black Ops)
                >Over a dozen weapons (one melee, two pistols, machine gun, shotgun, crossbow w/scope, heavy weapons, exotic weapons, grenades, throwable aliens) and only a few suck (Again if you count Opposing Force, the weapon pool gets doubled with a better melee, a faster melee, a new pistol, another exotic gun, a god-tier sniper rifle, a grappling hook, two alien guns, and a SAW)
                >Areas and environments are fairly diverse, encounter design is good
                >It has a few puzzles, which aren't that challenging and are built into the environments.
                >Every area has something new or a gimmick that sets it apart from the other areas
                >Movement is great, fast but not floaty


                have a nice day, you only hate it because of the tram-ride, the intro chapter and the handful of scenes where you're locked in a room with a talking NPC, nearly everything else is perfect. I can understand if you're referring to HL2, but not liking HL1 is the hallmark of a pleb.

              • 2 years ago

                If I cared about infighting I would play those total war games where you just watch simulation fights. I only care about actual gameplay.

                Halflife has an assortment of jobber aliens that might as well not exist besides to suck up your ammo, and then bulletsponge hitscanners who are about as fun to fight as that sounds. The "puzzles" are brainless and the type of fans who appreciate them are pic related. Speaking of pic related, Half life also dumb down its level design compared to older ones even in the first game, which when your combat is also so poorly made is basically a nail in the coffin.

                Half life is nothing more than the steppingstone to the cinematic military shooter genre. Its an overated game fueled by legacy and nostalgia over its video game writer story telling.

              • 2 years ago

                >Halflife has an assortment of jobber aliens that might as well not exist besides to suck up your ammo
                Like the wildlife that can still be used effectively in various situations?
                > bulletsponge hitscanners who are about as fun to fight as that sounds
                For HECU one smg grenade will kill them even on hard, and the alien grunt's bullets can be dodged
                >The "puzzles" are brainless and the type of fans who appreciate them are pic related.
                Fair, that said the guy in pic related was stoned btw
                >Half life also dumb down its level design compared to older ones even in the first game
                Just because it's linear doesn't mean it sucks
                >Half life is nothing more than the steppingstone to the cinematic military shooter genre
                Without fail, the gay who hates half-life believes it inspired cod, because having a few unskippable non-cutscenes is the same as RAMERIEZ KILL THE UNTHREATING npc ALPHA TANGO DELTA NINER.

              • 2 years ago

                First point doesn't really address what I said.
                Second point is ridiculous, the existence of direct hitting them with the smg underbarrel is not a real counterpoint. The military enemies are well regarded as bullet sponges for a reason, and its because they tank literally almost everything else.
                About linearity, most people don't realize even games like Doom are linear and how few games actually are truely nonlinear. The problem is that Half life's levels are just dumbed down in general, they are the stepping stone to corridor shooters, and half life 2 really did delivery on being a modern cinematic military shooter just as HL1 laid down the foundation for it.
                >the gay who hates half-life believes it inspired cod
                It literally did, and every other modern cinematic military shooter, including its own squeal. Thats not why I believe the game is shit though, but the reason for it inspiring the other games are why I hate it if you can understand that.

              • 2 years ago

                >Areas and environments are fairly diverse, encounter design is good
                you mean the barely existent platform physics? Residue Processing and Xen were fricking dogshit in this regard, and thank frick Black Mesa fixed the latter chapter.

              • 2 years ago

                the filename is very correct but i'll give you a (You) for even having Chasm:The Rift on there.
                Great fricking game, tbh.

      • 2 years ago

        >Daikatana above half life

      • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Does it give you a sense of purpose being so blatantly contrarian?

        • 2 years ago

          >Does it give you a sense of purpose being so blatantly contrarian?
          Nah, that's my true list of games, it does need tweaking though but feel free to ask any questions.

    • 2 years ago

      >no furi

      • 2 years ago

        I have been thinking about adding third person shooters to the list since they are hardly that different than first, buuuuut probably not. I think most people wouldn't like seeing the two mixed. That being said furi isn't even really a third person shooter, its more like a twin stick game merged with part of an action-ish game. Which I guess twin stick is technically third person, but now we are really getting off course from first person shooters.

        That being said I did really like Furi, although I didn't like the "action" parts of it, it felt very binary and boring. A bit like Sekiro in that way, just press the button at the right time and thats it. The bullethell final boss was by far my favorite.

    • 2 years ago

      >Cruelty Squad is unplayable
      I fricking suck at shooters and still I can get how certain ones are more tactical and slow and you can't just run and gun everywhere enough to enjoy the true cyberpunk game of 2020

      • 2 years ago

        Cruelty squad isn't even a tactical game. Its such a pos that people just treat it as a subpar speedrunning game, you get the grapple hook and just zoom past the entire map, land where the target is, kill it and then grapple over to the exit. The ai is completely broken in that game to even pretend like its a real tactical game, absolutely awful.
        >barren levels
        >have to grind to unlock equipment

    • 2 years ago

      Eternal bosses don't work because, just like most fps gaems, it wasn't desinged around 1v1 fights, meaning that pulling off a 1v1 is way more complicated that it would usually be, especially when the bosses are gigantic.
      Ultrakill differs because the bosses are total opposites: player-sized, well paced and they behave more like action-fighting enemies, with minos prime being the prime example of that

      • 2 years ago

        Yes, you understand the problem very well. I (the tier list man) have the same thoughts as yourself. Extremely large bosses are almost always awful, even in action games they aren't ever super fun. Bayonetta has a bunch of them and man they really aren't fun either, but Jeanne? Thats a pretty good fight, and its just a doppleganger at the end of the day. what you want is a back and forth feeling with a boss, not simply memorizing mmo stuff or waling on a big torso that has other worldly sized hitboxes when he attacks.

        Thats why I'm not super critical about Eternal's bosses, especially since FPS games have such awful ones most of the time, but in the future that will start being more important since Ultrakill is giving people a how to boss: 101 lesson right now.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah, giant bosses are usually very slow and uninteresting, even Ultrakill couldn't make them right (i mean, Corpse of Minos is kinda exciting at first, but that's just surprise factor), but what i think make it worse is that they lack in the offense department. I'm currently playing Dusk, and while i'm loving it, bosses were handled like they were '90s bosses in the worst way possible: big monsters walking around just doing the same attack. At best, 2-3, with no synergy at all.
          Ultrakill instead gives bosses several options that work both by themselves and in the overall moveset. Just think of V2 and how each attacks does different things in different ways, all accompanied by good movement

          • 2 years ago

            Dusk actually has a bit of a surprise near the end, I won't spoil it but its the final mission you play and you might like that one boss, only a bit though. The rest of the bosses are pretty bad as you mentioned, just mostly getting them clipped on walls and then spamming them down or peaking a corner over and over again. Just typical FPS boss design, very boring in general.

            Also a great thing about ultrakill is that the parry exists, I think having fun and cool defensive options makes boss fights more engaging. Desync actually has iframes on its dash, which is why its bosses really do literally feel like an action game sometimes.

    • 2 years ago

      Why would you put a scam like WRATH so high?

      • 2 years ago

        The maps that are out are pretty darn good, but I do agree that its looking pretty scammy right now. New chapter never ever.

    • 2 years ago

      I really like your bait image, but I'm glad you have DeSync up there. I wouldn't really put any of these games in the same category as Unreal Gold though. UltraKill is incredible for what it is, but it's a completely different kind of game.

      • 2 years ago

        I don't really get people who complain about "different type of games" as if nothing is compatible to each other. To me its whatever FPS game has depth goes up top and whatever fails to bring good gameplay ends up below, I could put a tacticaool shooter up there if its good enough and its fps.

    • 2 years ago

      None of the games I have listed highly ever force you to peak corners over and over again, and most of the highest ones actively punish you do doing that. Desync will have enemies that literally teleport behind you and oneshot you if you don't move out of the way. Eternal will have you surrounded and flanked along with putting up energy shields in your view. Unreal Skaarj will decimate you if you stay to stay stationary at a corner.

      Dusk doesn't either force you to peak either, although it doesn't punish you much for doing so. Also there is a difference between using cover to break homing projectiles, to give yourself a breather, or to clear the field of projectiles before hopping back out again.

      You can take the "unfalsifiable" route, but at that point you are just larping as some objective metric user, when in reality you aren't and have many other arguments/points that are either utterly subjective, not provable, or no one would ever take the time to bother proving them for a random conversation making them basically non provable as well. It feels good to play the part of an objective intellectual, but if you don't realize the exact of what you say, it just makes you look bad.

      Doom 2 definitely doesn't have an s tier line up lol, most of it is filled with utter jobbers that you can place 10000 of them in a single room and still never get hit by them. The AI is just too braindead in that game to justify an s tier or even a tier. An all star lineup is probably something like Kleers, Reploids, and Werebulls from Serious Sam. The Skaarj from Unreal alone are worthy of an s tier all alone by themselves, Desync also has a really nice group of enemies.
      Lots of games did that style though, you already mentioned Bioshock yourself, which also had a better story, although I don't rate on vidya story what so ever since it has nothing to do with video games.

      Dusk actually has a bit of a surprise near the end, I won't spoil it but its the final mission you play and you might like that one boss, only a bit though. The rest of the bosses are pretty bad as you mentioned, just mostly getting them clipped on walls and then spamming them down or peaking a corner over and over again. Just typical FPS boss design, very boring in general.

      Also a great thing about ultrakill is that the parry exists, I think having fun and cool defensive options makes boss fights more engaging. Desync actually has iframes on its dash, which is why its bosses really do literally feel like an action game sometimes.

      I really like your bait image, but I'm glad you have DeSync up there. I wouldn't really put any of these games in the same category as Unreal Gold though. UltraKill is incredible for what it is, but it's a completely different kind of game.

      absolutely BASED desync posters
      a real hidden gem for me too
      kinda did ultrakill before ultrakill
      not really much story or lore hooks though which was a let down for me
      but the unique gameplay and high skill ceiling with actual rewards for different playstyles was really compelling
      wasn't it the first FPS with an actual dash mechanic as well?

      • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        Yes Desync is an amazing game, the only people who know about it generally love it alot. Very cool game and I liked the tony hawk style scoring system a lot.
        >wasn't it the first FPS with an actual dash mechanic as well?
        Nooooooo, that was probably Unreal Gold, and then shadow warrior 1/2 reboot did it as well. Probably a few other games, but I think Desync is the first to give you iframes on the dash, which makes it very much an action sort of game feel to it.

  14. 2 years ago

    I think the game is a little too reliant on the chainsaw. If they insist on getting ammo out of enemies, I'd like to see it done in other ways.

  15. 2 years ago

    The arenas feel less organic than those found in the first 2/3's of 2016. 2016 came up with good purposes for each area and also the areas linked in such a way that it felt like progressing somewhere and demons are trying to stop you. Much of Eternal just feels like going to a place designed for demon killing to kill demons.

  16. 2 years ago

    Not enough master levels
    No arcade mode
    Bosses are mediocre
    Some levels are a bit too long
    Crucible should've been a full weapon with properties being tied to your health/armor like in Dusk or being a chainsaw, while a classic chainsaw is an secret unlockable weapon
    Other than that a very solid game, much better than unfocused 2016 beta.

  17. 2 years ago

    6/10 game with awful mobile game-tier awful aesthetics. 2016 was pretty much the same mechanically but the aesthetics didn't suck dick, so it's immediately better.

    SP FPS just bore the frick out of me in general so I'm not really the best judge for these games. I never finished Eternal before becoming too bored with it.

    • 2 years ago

      >but the aesthetics didn't suck dick, so it's immediately better.

      • 2 years ago

        Looks like shit, just like Eternal's version. Your point?

        • 2 years ago

          >>but the aesthetics didn't suck dick, so it's immediately better.
          >your point
          ????? You tell me

          • 2 years ago

            Why are you posting a single enemy like they're a vessel for an entire game's aesthetics?

            • 2 years ago

              Hi. Can you tell from which 7th gen scifi fps is this enemy from?

              • 2 years ago

                Doom 2016.

      • 2 years ago


  18. 2 years ago

    good fun game.
    TAG1 is good. TAG2 is disappointing.

  19. 2 years ago

    it insists upon itself

  20. 2 years ago

    They didn't include the death animations from Doom2016

  21. 2 years ago

    playing through DOOM II for the first time (as a kid i thought ULTIMATE DOOM was doom 2 lmao) and its impressive how they nailed the gamefeel in eternal in honor of ther past. its funny when you think about how much of a frickup doom 3 was considering they went the half-life/fear narrative way

    • 2 years ago

      make sure to play stuff like Plutonia and megawads after.
      if you want almost unlimited DOOM content, it's the ticket there.

  22. 2 years ago

    call of duty with a world of warcraft skin

  23. 2 years ago

    I guess the story was kind of ass, 2016 prided itself on portraying Doomguy as turning into an eternal force that just wants to punch demons because they're being dicks, and not really much else.

  24. 2 years ago

    it’s impressive how you can take an IP known for its level design and reduce it to a series of hallways and arena rooms.

  25. 2 years ago

    Great opening, second half becomes kind of a boring chore, final boss is a very boring nostalgia monster fight.

  26. 2 years ago

    >art-style and atmosphere are not as good as 2016
    >modding sucks wiener (though it is cool that it works on linux), especially next to the kino of quake and DOOM modding.
    >moronic story
    >DLC2 was good, but not hard enough
    other than that, great and fun game.

  27. 2 years ago

    Not a good game. 2016 was great though.

  28. 2 years ago

    its shit

  29. 2 years ago
  30. 2 years ago

    >they made a literal quicktime event enemy

    • 2 years ago

      >what are aoe explosions

      • 2 years ago

        >bothering with splash damage when you can just do the quicktime

        • 2 years ago

          >bothering with quicktime when you can just one shot with bfg

          • 2 years ago

            >shields your BFG

            Nothing personelle.

            • 2 years ago

              i remember this exact fricking area
              frick this game

    • 2 years ago

      >summons gay dog

  31. 2 years ago

    It's the worst, most miserable experience of my life. Anyone who likes it despises gaming and humanity at large.

    • 2 years ago

      Does this little b***h enjoy ANYTHING? All he fricking does is shit on everything and act superior for it. He's basically Ganker as a youtuber.

      • 2 years ago

        I've been watching him recently because everyone says hes the HL autist (someone I actually agree with about that), but honestly it seems like the only positive thing hes mentioned is about classic doom I think. The Eternal review is a laugh, I don't even know why he dislikes it, based off his other reviews you would think he would like this style of game, but whatever.

        • 2 years ago

          I don't understand why he bothers having a review channel. It's like he's convinced you can't enjoy anything or you're not "cool".
          I'm kind of shocked he isn't a 2 view from how snarky over everything he is, you'd think the "jaded butthole" routine would turn people away after a while.

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah idk, I'm assuming there must be something he likes, but I haven't found it yet. His reviews aren't bad, but I just don't know what he even likes, its fine to reject lots of games but what is a good game to him is a mystery to me.

  32. 2 years ago

    it has denuvo, I don't play games with it

  33. 2 years ago

    Water that slows removes jumping is moronic.

  34. 2 years ago

    I think it's really fun, best single player FPS that's came out in the last few years.

  35. 2 years ago

    Character action games are not for me

    • 2 years ago

      Oh yeah thanks anon. I never play games like soulsbornes or other cags so had forgotten this term.

  36. 2 years ago

    Due to mobility disparity between player and demons positioning doesn't matter.
    RPG-lite progression is always a terrible choice for action games, because it is impossible to properly design encounters while accounting for all possibilities.
    Even less distinction between armor/health (which was already bad in 2016), with upgrades becomes just second health bar.
    Button mashing is a pretend depth.
    Designers obsession with playing "the right way" leads to single player hero shooter syndrome.
    Gameplay loop forcing player into constant melee cutscenes.

    • 2 years ago

      I never knew being this dumb was possible.
      What is your favourite action game?

      • 2 years ago

        Why action game?
        We're talking about shooters here

        You have great games Doom Eternal, Serious Sam: TSE, Unreal, and Ion Fury rightfully where they belong, but then you put great games like Hexen, RTCW, and Marathon that fricking low? Not even gonna mention the obvious ones like Doom and Duke being being that low, because that kinda speaks for itself. What a shame.

        Its one of the worst tier lists I've seen in a very long time

  37. 2 years ago

    theres no denying the fact that eternal is the best triple-A singleplayer shooter (excluding 2016) since i dont even know when. and it is a hell of a lot better game than 2016 too. but i always go back to 2.5D shooters at the end of the day

  38. 2 years ago

    it was great. doom has always been a franchise i would play when i was like really drunk or high and just want to shoot at stuff without thinking much, but eternal is actually challenging, fast paced, and fun.

  39. 2 years ago

    troony genre

  40. 2 years ago

    Fantastic game that had a lot of love and care put into it. The lead designer said he wasn't satisfied with how the previous game turned out (which was another awesome game).
    I like the emphasis on weapon switching for certain enemies to hit weak points.
    I like the mobility of Doom Guy, very fast and agile, feels like a hack n slash character.
    The dynamic soundtrack is fricking phenomenal. Mick Gordon wanted to change it up a bit by focusing more on bass guitar riffs. Songs like Meat Hook are heavy and hard hitting, but you can still groove to it.

    This game confirmed that anons will be salty about anything if it's too popular.

  41. 2 years ago

    The frick was that story?

  42. 2 years ago

    I liked it outside of the chainsaws, platforming and general shift away from 2016s aesthetic. It’s still probably the best shooter along with its predecessor that I’ve played in years.

  43. 2 years ago

    dropped it around fifteen hours in, couldnt care enough to keep going what with the rock paper scissor enemies, platforming sections and whatnot.

  44. 2 years ago

    The Unmakyr was underwhelming. The crucible was underwhelming. Chainsaw and glory kills get slightly old. The DLCs could've been better, felt cheaply made.

    That's about it. Still a 9/10 game.

  45. 2 years ago

    >chainsaws for magic ammo
    >shoots epic Arachnotron™ weakpoint after lining up shot for 5 seconds while dashing side to side because pro Quake™ skills
    >moronic door opening cutscene plays
    >"Mhmm....rip and tear.. looks like the Hell Priest™ is nearby.. I will rip and tear because I am the ancient Doom Slaya™
    >"Come on, Vega™"
    >follows Skyrim™ compass
    >Picks up 10 epic fanfiction-tier lore dumps about how badass the Slaya™ is on the way
    >Door locks behind the Slaya™ and demons appear
    >cacophony of moronic monster noises while the fart synth kicks into action
    >chainsaws for magic ammo
    >"Rip and tear" WUBWUBWUBBWAMBWAMDUUUUUNUUUUNUUHHHNHUHHH *Uses Flame Belch™ on a deliberately spawned group of Possessed™ and they become Staggered™, does a badass Heat Blast™ and Armor Shards™ fly into the Slaya™'s face*
    >chainsaws for magic ammo
    >switches weapons 75 times
    >dashes aimlessly waiting for a Possessed™ to spawn
    >chainsaws for magic ammo
    >swings on monkey bars
    >performs impse
    >250 arena laps and 150 chainsaw uses later the Slaya™ is victorious
    >Mhmm.. The Hell Priest™ is not here.. Better tell Samuel Hayden™ about this
    >"Come on, Vega™"
    >Walks two meters and Alien Queen™ appears in an epic cutscene
    >"You will not defeat me, Slaya™, I am the Emperor of the Universe and you are nothing but a Usurper™, the Kar En Kuk™ Council of Elder Alien Space Sentinel Argent D' Nur™ has banished you from the alien kingdom and I will defeat you!"
    >Cut to black and level ends before epic boss fight so player can process how epic this is and maybe make a Reddit™ post about it before carrying on

  46. 2 years ago


    Marauders are poor fps enemy design

    • 2 years ago

      What's good FPS enemy design?

      • 2 years ago

        Not him, but replicas from F.E.A.R., Aludran Reptiloids from Serious Sam, and Nitrogolems from Heretic are great.

        When I played, I certainly didn't have enough ammo to only use these weapons and was forced to use the awful rng weapons. I also don't hunt for secrets in games because its boring, and games should accommodate that playstyle since they are suppose to be optional secrets.

        It does make the game unplayable. Hitscan shooters are already worse and lack the depth that projectile based ones do, and now my weapon don't even work properly - being left up to rng even on the first shot. They made a game where headshots are integral to the game, and then hand you a bunch of rng weapons so that you can't even click head without rolling the dice. Just a terrible idea, there is no reason to ever play this game.

        There is no reason to play this game because the thing that makes it unique to other hitscan shooters is what makes it unplayable. If this game was the only hitscan shooter to exist, maybe for novelty's sake you could argue its worth playing, fortunately its not the only one and much better games within its niche exist.

        It's really not that big of a deal because it's not going to affect your combat unless you're holding the fire button down constantly, which you shouldn't do. You can also hit them when their gun is lowered for a pain chance animation to play. Once they're firing, they don't stagger, so you either use your aim to take them out, or you break LOS, send them into a reload animation, re-emerge aggressively and take them down while they're helpless. You also have plenty of grenades to gib them with splash damage. I'm not saying it's the greatest FPS ever made, but it's certainly not unplayable. What made the game unique is its dark atmosphere and fast-paced movement and Quake III strafejumping, as well as the multiplayer of course (first online multiplayer WW2 FPS - strong teamplay).

        that's fair, i partially misinterpreted you, though saying people just don't play it is also unfalsifiable, you can't prove it so it's useless to say, it feels good to say the other people are this and that, but if you can't prove it, it just makes you look bad.

        quakes line-up is far from the S-tier of something like DOOM 2 or DOOM eternal, but its overall better and more fun to fight for me.
        yea, it was my first, but valve is the only one that makes games that really go all-in on the style of story-telling that makes it so great, if i chose portal, it would have been that games the introduced me to it and id still love HL.

        sorry, replied to you at first by accident lol

        • 2 years ago

          It is a pretty big deal, since there is no real hitstun in the game once enemies are shooting. The only solution to this is to kill faster than you die, which means headshotting since body shots tickle enemies to death, yet all your weapons are RNG shitshows making the game into a contradictory mess. It tells me to click heads, and then hands me a bunch of dice roll weapons - who thought this was a good idea? Its just not, the thing that makes this game itself is terrible, no one should ever play this game. Its just bad, it gives you a goal and then makes that goal unenjoyable.
          I don't rate on multiplayer at all, its why Quake 3 or UT aren't on the list. Although I thought about rating their bot modes as a singleplayer game.

          • 2 years ago

            Alright, fair enough then. I just don't find the crosshair bloom to be bad enough to make the actual shooting unenjoyable.
            >I don't rate on multiplayer at all, its why Quake 3 or UT aren't on the list. Although I thought about rating their bot modes as a singleplayer game.
            If you do, anything short of Perfection tier would be wrong. I still load up Quake 3 and UT to play the bots Quake Champions too

            • 2 years ago

              I haven't actually played the bot modes, but I imagine they would be pretty high on the list. The problem I think would be too many people simply cry to me that "well why don't you just play multiplayer then instead if its so good?" ignoring that bots vs actual multiplier is different, but maybe I will rate them one day, for now its not going to be rated though. I need a good reason to go rate them in exchange for the dumb conversations they would spark I suppose.

              • 2 years ago

                I'm getting pretty tired of Ganker lately because of how shitty the discourse has become, so I just lurk for the most part. I'll constantly write out long paragraphs and delete them because it's like, why bother? They're just gonna reply with a buzzword or misrepresent me on purpose. Still somehow the best place for discussion on the Internet, sadly.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah discussion is pretty bad these days (probably always was), but I think if you reply to shitty posts with an slightly more effort post then sometimes it leads to good conversations. I often delete my responses too, although a lot of times its from realizing that maybe my opinion just isn't interesting enough and who would really give a frick anyways. The anonymous nature of Ganker is a blessing for removing the egos, but a curse because you have no reputation nor does anyone else - meaning you have to engage with shitposts all the time and prove yourself even if the other person is just looking to waste your time.

    • 2 years ago

      >t. filtered by dark souls red light-green light

  47. 2 years ago

    The best singleplayer FPS to date.
    >Set the bar too high
    Because the next game may at best not reach the same high quality of gameplay, at worst it will be the same fail as doom 3 and 2016.

    • 2 years ago

      >He even hit the fricking plasma shield at the at end

    • 2 years ago

      YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO this is so SICK dood

      • 2 years ago

        >the cyberpunk spastic zoomer gameplay

        Back to Doom 3.
        Don't forget your flashlight and diapers.

    • 2 years ago

      >the cyberpunk spastic zoomer gameplay

    • 2 years ago

      Speedrunning is interesting to me even though I've never done it. SummoningSalt's docs are great and show the talent speedrunners have.

      However, Doom Eternal speedrunner/high-level gameplay looks like total gay shit. About as cool and epic as Guitar Hero experts kek.

  48. 2 years ago

    hated the sudden change in atmosphere to campy and this le epic angels vs demons war shit
    I also think that graphically it is inferior to 2016, maybe because 2016 was much darker

  49. 2 years ago

    Glad I didn't listen to Ganker. I had fun with it

  50. 2 years ago

    Marauder ruins the game tbh. I like everything about the game and its an improvement over 2016 but Marauder is just dumb, you get in to a groove of killing shit and then its like "hold on I need to correctly jerk off this guy before I can move on". I dont know who thought this was a good idea but they dropped the ball on that part.

    • 2 years ago

      Based Marauder filters another scrub because he doesn't like having an enemy that demands his attention

      • 2 years ago

        Thats the most obvious response you can give me anon, why dont you try being original? Yeah filtered, I guess, for not liking an enemy that slows down the combat and how you are moving about in the game.

        Like the game sets a tone about how it wants you to move and play it, then some moron was like "hold on bros what if we add in an enemy that.. makes it so you dont do what we've been demanding from the player the entire time, COMPLETELY FLIPPING IT ON ITS HEAD" "Oh shit thats genius" and it isnt, its just lame, borderline boring and ruins what you had going up to that point.

        • 2 years ago

          Post your gameplay.

        • 2 years ago

          Nothing about them slows down the combat, you can literally just have them follow you around while killing other things. The only actual valid complaint about them is that enemy projectiles will make them shield, causing them to spawn dogs due to no fault of the player.

        • 2 years ago

          I just killed them in between groups of small ones like imps
          >kill small guys who dont do much damage but can be an issue if ignored while paying attention to maruder to the side
          >switch marauder once hes in range and spam all the shit at him
          He doesn't really slow stuff down that much, he just needs 10% of your brain on him while you deal with the rest.

        • 2 years ago

          You should be able to brute force their homosexual shields through inundation of bullets/explosives or the rare BFG ammo.

      • 2 years ago

        >Maraudergay is literal home
        Like clockwork

    • 2 years ago

      The marauder gets bent over by basically any weapon combo, it exists to teach you to use all the weapons at once, not just switch between them.

      He's literally is a non issue once you understand that. I think he's very well designed

  51. 2 years ago

    I honestly disliked the excess of parkour, too much double jumping/climbing/monkey barring on literally every level of the game

  52. 2 years ago

    It was a huge step backwards after 2016 Doom

  53. 2 years ago

    Classic case of going full moron

  54. 2 years ago

    >the eternalautist has entered the thread

  55. 2 years ago

    Pandering with old doom designs was cringe.
    Too deliberately designed to make each fight feel properly dynamic
    Overemphasis of a silly and boring plot

  56. 2 years ago
  57. 2 years ago

    DLCs were dogshit

    • 2 years ago

      What in the absolute frick were they thinking?

      • 2 years ago

        Doom or transformers

      • 2 years ago

        what if... lord of hell was you..but so powerful he needs to be in a mech suit

      • 2 years ago

        Honestly gives me Sazabi/Sinanju vibes. Someone at id is a gundam fan

  58. 2 years ago

    Doom 2016 was like a REmake tier remake of Doom 3. amazing
    Doom eternal was like Doom 2016 trying to be god of war with MMO rpg elf temple setting thrown in. After i finished my nightmare run I didn't even bother with the DLC. I was so happy to be done with that shit.

    anyway.....I hope they reboot hexan without fricking it up.

  59. 2 years ago

    I couldn't get into Doom 2016 so I have no desire to buy it. I like its more classic doom looking monsters, and the new Icon of Sin theme is pretty good.

  60. 2 years ago

    Haven't played it because it looks hella lame.

  61. 2 years ago

    its okay

  62. 2 years ago


    yeah. Theres just not many games with that dark wizard serpent rider setting n sheeit

  63. 2 years ago

    Soulless carbon copy of the previous Doom, with the plot entirely retconned for the sole purpose of being able to DLC farm the players with episodic content

    Or at least that's what it felt like when I first played it, before I stopped because I was bored. I haven't paid attention to it since then, was I correct?

    • 2 years ago

      The plot sucks, but it's not enough to become a genuine issue until the second DLC. There's a fricking skyrim dragon in it and everyone and their mother knows about the "DOOMVENGERS ASSEMBLE" scene.

      As for gameplay the first playthrough is shit because of the le light RPG upgrade collectathon homosexualry, but once that's over with it becomes enjoyable. The first DLC is peak nu-doom because you get all your stuff right off the bat and everything is hard as frick but sill fair.

      tl;dr: Base game is good on replays, DLC 1 is good, and DLC 2 is shit. The master levels are fun, but they go on for way too fricking long.

  64. 2 years ago

    MetaDoom is EPIC

    • 2 years ago

      No it's not
      shut up SHILL, you're doing the same bait for over 3 years

  65. 2 years ago

    Theres some really good poen with doomguy but its all made by the same artist. As such, I give this game a 5/10.

  66. 2 years ago

    Same as 2016
    Glory Kills and iframes make it something other than Doom.
    Ruined it for me.

  67. 2 years ago

    reddit game

  68. 2 years ago


    I would probably like Amid Evil if it wasn't for the inconsistent garish art style. It feels like the game is trying to cater just to people who want to pretend that they played games in 1996.

  69. 2 years ago

    It does not challenge/encourage the player to try new tactics in any way. Once you figure out a routine to defeat X enemy then chances are you will stick to it until the end. The most common example being the grenade/caco combo. The creates a very boring gameplay loop until you meet the Marauder where, for the first time, the game wants to to be creative with combos but doesn't tell you. This is made even worse by the fact that most of what was taught to you was a tutorial. I actually liked the Marauder encounters because they required me to think about what I was doing but I understand why people don't.

    On the flipside, the "git gud" method is to become an autistic ADHD sperg and weapon swap constantly. It no long er becomes a "play how you want" approach but a "you MUST play this way" if you want to be successful. unless you are said ADHD sperg I truly do not understand the appeal of nonstop swapping. But even that could be forgiven if it wasn't for the moronic ideas like low ammo and glory kills that put any intensity on halt as you have to go find a glowy thingy to press X on.

  70. 2 years ago


    >flamethrower and upgraded meathook give armor
    >upgraded ice grenade gives hp
    >a suit perk makes barrels drop ammo on explosion
    >enemies drop health without glorykilling them if you're low hp
    >arenas always have enough pickups
    >later on you have maykr drones

  71. 2 years ago

    >chainsaw for magic ammo

  72. 2 years ago

    The bosses start mediocre and get progressively easier and less fun. The last boss in the last DLC is pathetic. Other than that, I really liked it.

  73. 2 years ago

    it felt like a massive improvement compared to Doom 2016 on almost every account, i see a lot of anons are not fans of the weapon switching but i felt that and the weakpoint system was a nice way to make each weapon feel useful, unlike 2016 where you eventually hit a point where you just stick with the same 2 or 3 weapons, I dont think i ever used the chaingun on that game honestly.

    My only issue is the plot, on my first playthrough i felt like an idiot because the game just throws you a bunch of shit during the first act and expects you to already know the context behind it, i felt like 2016 kept it simple by dropping some hints on what happened to the Mars Base by just showing the enviroment and listening to the dialogue, the codex entries were there just to flesh out things slightly more. In Eternal it feels like if you dont get the codex entries you wont understand shit, which kinda misses the point of an optional collectible

  74. 2 years ago

    It added a stupid story to my demon killing game.

  75. 2 years ago

    It's homosexual shit and not deserving of any serious critique. I want my Doom 2016 sequel instead of this garbage.

  76. 2 years ago

    More annoying to play than Doom 2016.

  77. 2 years ago

    And you still haven't posted a demo!

  78. 2 years ago

    >here's your hardcore game bro

  79. 2 years ago

    >Doom Eternal?
    definition of a tryhard

  80. 2 years ago

    Doom 2016 is a near perfect translation of what Doom was. Simplest. Badass. Fun.
    Doom Eternal was like a autists idea of what fun is, where the action is so busy and frantic that it made the DoomGuy feel like a paper armored b***h.
    >Doom 2016: run, gun, chainsaw
    >Doom Eternal: run, gun, chainsaw, hookshot, snipe, twirl around, dart around, sword, weaken enemy parts

    • 2 years ago

      Doom 2016 is the interpretation of Doom by someone who has never actually played a Doom game.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah I remember needing to inflect status alignments on enemies to get armor pieces in Doom 2

        • 2 years ago

          I didn't bring up Eternal at all in my post.

      • 2 years ago

        and doom eternal is? watching a cutscene every 5 seconds

        • 2 years ago

          Again, I didn't bring up Eternal at all.

  81. 2 years ago

    Ammo, health and armor piñata mechanics are fricking gay.

  82. 2 years ago

    holy shit, it's a wonder how some of you even enjoy gaming the way you autistically nitpick everything under the sun

  83. 2 years ago

    shit and boring

  84. 2 years ago

    It's a breddy gud game, and worthy of the Doom title.
    t. Doom fan since 1994

  85. 2 years ago

    My biggest critique is there is no style mode to incentivize combos and such

  86. 2 years ago

    Too cartoony, but generally speaking it was good, I do prefect the aesthetic and demon design from 2016.

  87. 2 years ago

    1- first criticism is glory kill and chain sawing, making them a mandatory rather than a luxury, i have to give brutal doom creator a shout out since new ID stole it from him, and implanted a worse glory kill system than his which is laughable.(Sargent Mark IV)
    2- the healing system begin tied to glory killing and chain sawing, that's why a fodder enemy keeps respawning forever.
    3- eternal non existing resource management with ammo, promoting weapon switching/juggling them around making it a weapon switching simulator with the infinite spawning fodder enemy in the arena but there is abilities cooldown management i guess, and platforming sections.
    4- certain enemies requiring certain weapons to kill faster, especially the dlc enemies.
    5- Marauder is a bad enemy design wise, compared to the cyberdemon from classic doom, two power house demons that need to be addressed immediately or keep in mind while fighting.
    6- smaller enemy count in the levels compared to the original games and no monster infighting whatsoever, enemies having more health to compensate the lesser enemy count and double the enemy types/variety.
    7- the enemy roster from the previous games are a joke, like the cyberdemon, pain elemental, lost souls, arch viles and revenants, they are weaker versions of the previous games but they have more health to compensate.
    8- the player is slower compared to the older games, compensated with two dashes, meat hook and grabbing ledges, now ask yourself: do you want to be slow with fast weapon switching or fast with normal weapon switching speed? it's up to preference.

  88. 2 years ago

    Fun. In some ways it is an improvement to the previous title but you can sense the power creep from here. I haven’t play the DLC yet. Great music and you can sync the pace of combat with the soundtrack sometimes which inspire the Rythm FPS later on.

  89. 2 years ago

    Bosses are kinda lame, story sucks(it's a doom game i know, but they actually tried making a story so that's still a negative), glory kills and chainsaw animations take waaay too long.
    The game is very great, there's not much to say here

  90. 2 years ago

    Covid severely weakened their second DLC and it ended on a whimper instead of a bang

  91. 2 years ago

    Nothing, one of the best fps ever made...I might even say THE best

  92. 2 years ago

    2016 was mindless fun. Completed once on nightmare and haven't touched it again.
    Eternal I got free for PS4 and hated it. The weakpoint focus and over egregious lore just exhausted me

  93. 2 years ago

    Doom eternal needs intricate, mazelike levels

  94. 2 years ago

    Good, but could be better.
    Replaying from the first level is painful because the whole game is based around having all the abilities and unlocks, and the level design is fricking awful.
    Combat is great though.

  95. 2 years ago

    >No Snap Map
    Thus immediately inferior to Doom 2016

    Ol school doom STILL gets custom content because its still god-tier compared to the dogshit nu-dooms.

    Even Doom 3 is better while trying to be different like nu-dooms tried to be.

    • 2 years ago

      >old doom
      >infinite amounts of boring gameplay made by unpaid hacks
      >nu doom
      >a games worth of fps perfection
      Yeah I'll take Eternal to go.

      • 2 years ago

        >bitch-made frickboy fortniter gets filtered by God Machine
        >"Hurrr Eternal is superior"

        Trash generation.

        • 2 years ago

          >mentions one of his countless boring map packs as if anyone would even know or care about it
          >"hurr my game with an aimbot in it is superior"
          Geriatric generation.

          • 2 years ago

            Anyone that is good at doom knows about Sunlust.

            also nu-doom absolutely would not have a market in the first place had it not been for the doom modding community. Know your place.

            • 2 years ago

              Sunlust is the ultimate Test for FPS players, you can't expect random cawadoody kids who just discovered Doom with Eternal to play it.
              That said nuDoom is ok in my book, at least it didn't follow the 7th gen shooters design philosophy, i still prefer the wads over it.

              • 2 years ago

                >ultimate test for fps players
                >aimbot game

              • 2 years ago

                What's the matter? Can't beat it yourself?

              • 2 years ago

                >Whats the matter? Can't play my aimbot game?
                Sorry, I like skill based fps games, not ones that play themselves.

              • 2 years ago

                If it's not skillful, you should be able to beat it no problem.

              • 2 years ago

                Why would I play a skilless game with a built in aimbot for some wrinkly old fart who has two years left before he's in his grave?

              • 2 years ago

                To prove it doesn't take skill. But since you're avoiding that, it's pretty obvious you're afraid to admit you're wrong.

              • 2 years ago

                So you want me to play a game with an aimbot, to show you an aimbot takes no skill? I'm surprised you can still figure out how to use a computer old man.

              • 2 years ago

                Yes, exactly. Record a demo if you think it's so easy.

              • 2 years ago

                Don't bother with this kid, his favorite shooter is Cod Black Ops 2.

              • 2 years ago

                At least CoD asks you to aim yourself, unless you play on console, which even then is probably more skill based than your aimbot game.

    • 2 years ago

      It really is sad that Doom evolved from one of the most moddable games in existence, to having a limited map editor, to just having nothing.

      • 2 years ago

        That's what happens when your main proponent for open source software leaves.

  96. 2 years ago

    I just finished doom3 and man I wanna kill myself for wasting my time on this. worst piece of shit ever lol

  97. 2 years ago

    the gameplay is fun, but it gets boring after a while.
    the game is just a string of combat, simple parkour and even simpler puzzle events.
    also the final boss seemed kinda anti climactic to me

  98. 2 years ago

    It and the 2016 game are Doom for guys who want to have sex with their dad.

  99. 2 years ago

    >you don't know about some random map pack for my AIMBOT game???!??!?!


    Ok old man, time for a nap and a pillow for good meansure

  100. 2 years ago

    LOL this thead.

    Wich game filtered Ganker the most?
    1. Cuphead
    2. Sekiro
    3. Doom Eternal
    4. Elden Ring

    • 2 years ago

      Sekiro didnt filter anyone, it's a garbage game. At most, all it did was fooling subhuman vermins into thinking they're le hardcore gamers.

  101. 2 years ago

    You can’t mod it and a Doom game that is not moddable is no Doom game. The original Doom games were not only moddable but had realised source code as well, what happed? Doom is dead!

  102. 2 years ago

    The first DLC started strong but devolved into "lmao have another arena" so i didnt bother with the second.

    • 2 years ago

      >"lmao have another arena"
      And thats a good thing, also thats literally all of Eternal, which as I mentioned is a good thing.

  103. 2 years ago

    My main complain is how bizarre and over the top the story is
    OG Doom is just
    >Hell has invaded a base. Try to survive.
    NuDoom really went crazy with all the angel, demons, father, Doomguy being the creation of Satan but Satan was created by Father and Father is Vega or something like that because I lost track of it due to how stupid it was?

  104. 2 years ago

    >Actually replying to the troll
    I mean, it could also be an incredibly stupid zoomer but either way stop interacting with them for fricks sake.

    • 2 years ago

      The question isn't if he's a troll, its if he's actually wrong about doomgays overpraising a game where you barely have to aim at all despite it being an FPS.

      • 2 years ago

        Sure, post your golden skins in Doom Eternal then.

        • 2 years ago

          I don't play Eternal that often though, nor does it even make sense for why it would be required in order to ask that question.

          • 2 years ago

            I am actually very elitist if it serves a purpose. Like in character action games no one should have a place to speak about agame if they haven't beaten it on the highest difficulty, because the games aren't properly balanced on the lower ones, so any complaints for them are invalid unless spoke about on the highest difficulty. They also tend to attract a lot of angry bad players in general, similar to Eternal in that way, so the higher requirements do filter out a lot of useless noise. That being said, if I think something, then generally I will say it. I think NG and Blood attract posers, a lot of poser honestly. Being known as a hard game generally has that effect I think. I don't really think Blood is very hard, but it is very punishing and very unfun to play at higher difficulties, so it does "filter" people as Ganker mentions.

            I think the enemies in Doom hardly matter, and it matters more about how they place them in a level and how confined they make the space. Most of the enemies are utterly brainless and complete jobbers on their own, they really need a map that makes movement borderline impossible for them to be a threat. The open levels in Doom are far too easy because what can the AI do? Walk into a wall like they tend to do and then chuck a projectile with no tracking? The melee attacks are so bad that simply tapping the key backwards once makes them miss, its just not very good enemy design overall.
            Serious Sam's level design is mostly just arena design, what enemies they placed up high, what spawns are coming in, are the spawns from far away, do they have an opening to come closer from, which enemies you need to let through, are their walls to break LOS, which enemies you need to simply just dodge for a bit while focusing on others, that sort of thing. TSE has some outright hilarious arenas such an a ice lake where all the enemies slide around at mach 5 speeds, its utterly ridiculous but a lot of fun.

            > Like in character action games no one should have a place to speak about agame if they haven't beaten it on the highest difficulty

            • 2 years ago

              Why are you linking some other post about a different genre? Nor does it even make sense, nightmare is Eternal hardest difficulty. Ultra nightmare is more akin to perfect platinum or SS ranks.

              • 2 years ago

                Didnt you compare Doom Eternal to character action games?
                >Ultra nightmare is more akin to perfect platinum or SS ranks
                Who cares about merely beating a game with a shit rank/dying thousands of times, even if its done on the highest difficulty?

              • 2 years ago

                I'm not sure if you are confused or not here, but do you even realize that this post

                The question isn't if he's a troll, its if he's actually wrong about doomgays overpraising a game where you barely have to aim at all despite it being an FPS.

                is speaking about classic doom, because that game has an auto aim feature that literally makes it so that aiming is not important in it? Do you even know what you are angry about?

              • 2 years ago

                I couldnt care less about older doom games. But here

                Why would I play a skilless game with a built in aimbot for some wrinkly old fart who has two years left before he's in his grave?

                you asked why would you play a skilless game, implying you only play skill based ones. So where is your gold skin? Or are you a poser?

              • 2 years ago

                >I couldnt care less about older doom games
                So you literally don't know what you are angry about. And now including simply linking every post that exists as being myself. What a moronic child you are.

              • 2 years ago

                >still no golden skin

              • 2 years ago

                >I am emotional and can't even read

              • 2 years ago

                >bad at a game he likes

              • 2 years ago

                >mention eternal 0 times
                Take a look in the mirror and then take your meds already.

              • 2 years ago

                You are the only anti-doom schizo in the thread though. Why are you pretending that you arent the tierlist dude?

              • 2 years ago

                All I said was it (classic doom) was overated, I didn't realize you eternal players had such severe autism to the point that even when its not eternal being attacked, you still apparently need an eternal golden skin to suggest that other completely different games might be overpraised. Instead of a Ganker gold pass, its a hugo gold pass for Eternal schizos.

              • 2 years ago

                >im not the tierlist schizo!!!

              • 2 years ago

                I accept your concession.

              • 2 years ago
              • 2 years ago

                so you spam every thread with your dogshit tier list and when people asked for your golden skin of your "perfect" game then you backpedal quickly?

              • 2 years ago

                I'm literally not him you moronic schizo frick. What the frick is wrong with you wierdo Eternal fricks?

  105. 2 years ago

    It’s fun but didn’t feel like a Doom game. Doom 2016 had the right Doom feel to it

  106. 2 years ago

    Constantly swapping between a dozen weapons isn't personally fun to me.

    • 2 years ago



  107. 2 years ago

    can't critique perfect.

  108. 2 years ago

    >the eternal thread is complete fricking dogshit

    Without fail

  109. 2 years ago

    How to improve eternal threads:

    >step 1: Ban the webm-gay and the tierlist schizo
    >step 2: Everyone must post a screencap (with timestamp) showing that you have completed an extra-life Nightmare run on the main campaign and both DLCs
    >step 3: ???
    >step 4: Profit

    • 2 years ago

      >ban the based posters
      >ensure every thread dies with 0 replies
      Another genius idea from the minds of Ganker

      • 2 years ago

        the threads are worthless to begin with. there's nothing wrong with this

        • 2 years ago

          Even that would be improvement over the shitshows that eternal threads currently are.

          Just admit you don't want to browse Ganker anymore and turn off the screen bro.

      • 2 years ago

        Even that would be improvement over the shitshows that eternal threads currently are.

      • 2 years ago

        >autistic homosexuals with shit-taste
        >based posters

  110. 2 years ago

    So, what's your favorite weapon?

  111. 2 years ago

    It's one of the best game of the last decade and easily one of the most fun and unique shooters of all time. It's finely tuned, plays exceptionally well and if you're willing to embrace the gameplay loop, you'll have an amazing time with it. It looks amazing, sounds great and it has a great design all around. That being said, its lore is a bit much and following the story at all it's essential tor read everything and piece it together probably after finishing the game. 2016 had a much more straightforward story to follow.

    The DLC is hit and miss, the first one is very good up until the final boss, it ramps up the difficulty in a good way and on Nightmare I died a lot whereas I was able to beat the base game on UN. The final boss is absolutely BS though and not very fun at all. The 2nd DLC is meh overall, the arenas are very boring and the hammer kind of feels too essential, sounds too goofy and IMO just feels kind of half baked. The final boss of p2 is a big let down unfortunately also. But I dont think the DLC detracts from the quality of the base game at all.

    Also if you're wondering why Im only level 15...For some reason when I formatted my PC my level reset to 0 but I kept all my unlocks and my account...Super weird.

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