What kind of drip does it take to like pokemon while also being seen as a chad?

What kind of drip does it take to like pokemon while also being seen as a chad? Women's nowadays have too much high standards to the point where one cannot even enjoy things anymore out of fear of being judged..

(this is a serious question btw)

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  1. 11 months ago

    >(this is a serious question btw)
    I don't believe you, and you shouldn't be wearing pokemon merchandise as a grown adult anyway you homosexual.

  2. 11 months ago

    Literally just smile. Like be in a reasonable shape and groom yourself and no one will care.

  3. 11 months ago

    Six pack, bulging arms and massive wiener
    Ya know, the stuff needed to be a chad in general dude

  4. 11 months ago

    Just stop caring. If a woman has such a huge stick in her ass that she will nag ,sneer , and snort at you for liking a video game. You will be miserable with her for any other situation.

    • 11 months ago

      If you're a responsible interesting smiling person with more hobbies than just pokemon, if you take care of yourself and try to look nice, if you're like that, liking pokemon will be seen as another cool thing about you.

      They won't expect it and when they get to know that you, Anon, the cool handsome dude who likes X, Y, Z and does X, Y, Z, likes pokemon, it'll be like charming them with a surprise out of expectations and the thing is seen even more positively than something that works within their expectations, therefore pokemon being even more cool than something that should be cool, It's a social psychology thing.

      Based, finally someone with some sanity in this wretched board

  5. 11 months ago

    If you're a responsible interesting smiling person with more hobbies than just pokemon, if you take care of yourself and try to look nice, if you're like that, liking pokemon will be seen as another cool thing about you.

    They won't expect it and when they get to know that you, Anon, the cool handsome dude who likes X, Y, Z and does X, Y, Z, likes pokemon, it'll be like charming them with a surprise out of expectations and the thing is seen even more positively than something that works within their expectations, therefore pokemon being even more cool than something that should be cool, It's a social psychology thing.

  6. 11 months ago

    Just stop caring, everyone has their own homosexual little interests it's just how you go about it. As long as you hit the gym lose weight and increase your testosterone you're good.

  7. 11 months ago

    >serious question btw
    >posts wojack

  8. 11 months ago

    Literally just be a beefcake while playing Pokemon on your Switch/DS in public

  9. 11 months ago

    Look at me! Forget the girl, we don't need her! There's Pokemon to catch!

  10. 11 months ago

    >Women's nowadays have too much high standards to the point where one cannot even enjoy things anymore out of fear of being judged.
    Here's the thing: If a woman is judging you based on your hobbies, you have no chance to begin with. Why would you pretend to be somebody that you aren't simply for the sake of a woman? Sure, this might work for one-night stands or the like, but if you're seeking a long-term relationship, never compromise on this. It will make you miserable, and eventually she will find out about some hobby and deride you for it.
    You want a woman who will respect you for who you are, and while she might not enjoy your hobbies, her opinion should be supportive of the things that makes you happy. You do not need a reason to like what you like, other than the fact that you like it. If she cannot handle that, she is emotionally immature and not fit to be your queen, king.

    • 11 months ago

      This is how real men mentality should work. Based

  11. 11 months ago

    pokemon is normalgay tier nowadays, just don't be creepy/weird or come across as obsessive over it and you should be fine, chances are whatever girl you end up dating played go at some point or even liked pokemon when she was younger, so basically approach the franchise like a normie would, casually bring it up if the chance arises or steer the conversation in a way it can get brought up organically. once you're in a relationship you can gradually reveal your power level as your gf gives sings of being willing to put up with your weirdness

  12. 11 months ago

    your obsession with the concept of a chad is what's holding you back
    if you want a woman to be attracted to you, you need to let go of your insecurities, be hygienic, and just act genuine and friendly toward others. even if you were the most attractive person on the planet, not every woman is going to be attracted to you simply because women have varied tastes in partners the same way everyone else does.
    hell, I'm not really attractive, confident, nor am I in good shape but I've still had multiple attractive women confess to me simply because I've made sure to treat them with genuine respect instead of treating our relationship like a means to an end.

    the problem most people have (even ones that actually do get success in relationships) is that they're obsessed more with the idea of getting into a relationship and experiencing that kind of intimacy than the quality and bond of the relationship itself.
    it's one of the reasons divorce rates are so high: people get with people that they have no real common ground with on a whim and rush into relationships then when the honeymoon phase inevitably fizzles out, they realize that there's no real basis for a proper bond because they had no really connection with one-another besides physical attraction and an adequate amount of chemistry.

    find a friend first and foremost, and if you end up forming a deep enough connection for it to blossom into romance, then congrats. if not, then don't treat it like the end of the world.

    • 11 months ago

      also adding onto this a thing that I forgot to mention
      a sense of humor goes a long way, but it's one of those things that requires you have a better understanding of the person you're interacting with in order to properly utilize
      there's no more surefire way to make things awkward than to commit too hard to a joke that they don't find funny at all

  13. 11 months ago

    Well what worked for me I guess was being over 6 feet tall with broad shoulders... and living in a country that literally doesn't give a shit. This seems to be mainly a burger issue.

  14. 11 months ago

    The other anons put it welll. Diversifying your hobbies, taking care of yourself, being friendly and genuinely not giving a frick what people think about your hobbies is a surefire way to gain confidence with attracting women. When you put yourself into the defeatist mindset that they automatically won't like you because of your hobbies, you're setting yourself up for failure. Also don't be afraid to put yourself out there. You're not going to find anyone if you continue to stay put and not interact with anyone in the real world. One thing I struggled with was this irrational fear that I'm not perfect enough for women to find me attractive and it killed my confidence and motivation to even put myself out there for a while. But you'll quickly realize nobody is perfect and it'll help put you at ease when you do get the chance to talk to a woman who may be interested in you. Its trial and error when you do start talking to them, but that just means you'll get more practice when the right one comes.

    You'll find the right one if you keep working on yourself anon, and like the others said, if she makes fun of you for your hobbies she clearly wasnt the one for you. I'm not the best looking dude, I struggle with confidence and I'm a turbo-autist when it comes to pokemon, but I've still been able to get with pretty attractive women who know that I like pokemon. You just have to take the first step, work on yourself, and stop letting these narratives take root and prevent you from getting what you want. You can make it, but you just have to start before you can

  15. 11 months ago

    Imagine not having a woman giving you a head while you catch some mons, get your shit together OP

  16. 11 months ago

    disregard women
    acquire pokemans

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