What kind of sadistic retard designed the pacing of this game? >half the game is boring hallways

What kind of sadistic moron designed the pacing of this game?

>half the game is boring hallways
>Too many locked doors leading to dead ends
>You only unlocked all of them at the very end of the game
>Just to get the 1 ot 2 Dracula relics you missed
>the 2 caatle system is just so poorly done and with rarely any level design change except for the Big Ball puzzle race, maybe.
>Just ugly to look at
>Level design is VERY crammed in and Just sprite is just yoo big for them.
>Constant Zig Zaggin.

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  1. 5 months ago

    A lot of this game feels like it's built to waste your time, or simply fill out space in the map.

    • 5 months ago

      Kek, glad I never got far into that trash.

      • 5 months ago

        The most frustrating thing ever is spending roughly 5 minutes traveling across the entire map to check one spot you haven't been to yet, just to get a door slammed in your face.
        I'd like to point out one of the doors here leads to a warp to cut down on the travel time. But you can't open the door until the end of the game so it's pointless.

        • 5 months ago

          Jesus Christ that is horrifying to look at. I remember playing this game a long time ago but never made it very far.

          • 5 months ago

            The game revels in slamming doors in your face. Why does this breakable wall need to be here if they're just going to block me from progressing without the super jump, anyways?

            • 5 months ago

              Can't stop laughing kek

            • 5 months ago

              Can't stop laughing kek

              A new /vr/ staple: The Slamming Doors Anon

              • 5 months ago

                A new staple for you to cry about like how you cry about an Australian schooling the frick out of you on sega specs? This dude is right, harminy sucks. I played it over 80% and dropped it because i was tired of the most miserable back tracking in the whole franchise.

                I actually like the compositions though, even if the gbas sound font is shit.

              • 5 months ago

                But what about the DOORS slamming in your face?! Just THINK of all the doors slamming in your face!

              • 5 months ago

                He's right though, it feels like shit in Metroidvanias to finally unlock a path only to walk two steps and find you need something else
                Adventure games (which, when you think about it, are basically Metroidvanias without action) can be like this too but at least in that case there solution is usually close by if you use your brain

              • 5 months ago

                git gud

              • 5 months ago

                nothing about what I said implies a lack of skill, git gud at reading comprehension

          • 5 months ago

            youre getting memed on m8
            the game aint pretty, but god only knows wtf op did to his game to make it look like THAT

    • 5 months ago

      it's not a problem because unlike CotM, moving around in HoD is fun

      • 5 months ago

        Then why the jumpin sucks

    • 5 months ago

      The most frustrating thing ever is spending roughly 5 minutes traveling across the entire map to check one spot you haven't been to yet, just to get a door slammed in your face.
      I'd like to point out one of the doors here leads to a warp to cut down on the travel time. But you can't open the door until the end of the game so it's pointless.

      That looks lame.

    • 5 months ago

      The most frustrating thing ever is spending roughly 5 minutes traveling across the entire map to check one spot you haven't been to yet, just to get a door slammed in your face.
      I'd like to point out one of the doors here leads to a warp to cut down on the travel time. But you can't open the door until the end of the game so it's pointless.

      The game revels in slamming doors in your face. Why does this breakable wall need to be here if they're just going to block me from progressing without the super jump, anyways?

      Juste frick my shit up

    • 5 months ago

      >he doesn't know about shopkeeper appearing at certain time of day

      • 5 months ago

        redpill me on this

        • 5 months ago

          oh man its all kinds of silly
          i remember theres one that only shows up if youre an odd lvl
          and i think another one that only shows up if you have odd/even hearts. thats an ez one at least
          but then theres dumb shit too like needing to find a rare drop from a specific enemy for him to show up
          and dumbest of all, every shop has different inventories

          i have no clue wtf they were smoking

    • 5 months ago

      >these colors
      wtf am i even looking at?
      what did you fricking do? is this you shilling your gay romhack or something opie?

      • 5 months ago

        i played through with a recolor romhack because the vanilla game is way too bright.

        • 5 months ago

          lol well they did a very fricking questionable job at recoloring
          shit looks fricked m8

    • 5 months ago

      The same could be said about CotM due to Nathan's tanky controls.

      Then why the jumpin sucks

      HoD's jump + whip combo and aerial combat is much better than the one in CotM where you have the press two buttons at the same time to properly perform a stiff jump + whip.
      CotM would become an infinitely better game if Nathan simply controlled the way Juste or Alucard does. The core gameplay is the weakest part of the game and this is a serious issue.

    • 5 months ago

      Metroidvanias in a nutshell

    • 5 months ago

      Not even any enemies to fight, geez

    • 5 months ago

      The most frustrating thing ever is spending roughly 5 minutes traveling across the entire map to check one spot you haven't been to yet, just to get a door slammed in your face.
      I'd like to point out one of the doors here leads to a warp to cut down on the travel time. But you can't open the door until the end of the game so it's pointless.

      The game revels in slamming doors in your face. Why does this breakable wall need to be here if they're just going to block me from progressing without the super jump, anyways?

      So liminal... but seriously, that's revolting level design. The only CV I've ever played was Aria of Sorrow, and it was decent enough that I decided I'd check out the other ones. But I'm glad there's at least one now that I can strike off my backlog. Feel like I just saved myself 20 hours.

      • 5 months ago

        tbh if you liked aria youre a lot more likely to enjoy harmony than circle
        circles cool, but its as different of a game from the other handhelds as it can be
        harmony plays pretty similar to aria, just faster and with a whip

    • 5 months ago

      The most frustrating thing ever is spending roughly 5 minutes traveling across the entire map to check one spot you haven't been to yet, just to get a door slammed in your face.
      I'd like to point out one of the doors here leads to a warp to cut down on the travel time. But you can't open the door until the end of the game so it's pointless.

      This movement is godsent in comparison to CotM. Each game just got better.

      • 5 months ago

        Dont be such a liar, in Aria you only get the Black Panther soul if you unlock the true path to teh real final boss, and thats after fighting the fake one, as in, near the end of the game, and BPSoul is just a gimped version of the Power of the Wolf from SotN when you do blast trough enemies unharmed.

        In HoD you have forward and backdash but you have to constantly press the shoulders, and on gba and sp, these things break, not to mention, NO, you cannot do a running jump, in fact, as mentioned above, you actually move slower on jumping then on regular walking.

        In CotM, you get the dash boots as your first Power Up and there you can do running jumps with no hazzle, and you keep running with just holding the Dpad.

      • 5 months ago

        Very true

  2. 5 months ago

    the music in this game has one of the worst sounding soundtracks on GBA, which is impressive because the previous castlevania game on GBA had an excellent soundtrack. my theory is that all the frames of animation circle of the moon didn't have were added at expense of the music.

    • 5 months ago

      Almost every song is exclusively using the gb sound chip.

    • 5 months ago


      What kind of sadistic moron designed the pacing of this game?

      >half the game is boring hallways
      >Too many locked doors leading to dead ends
      >You only unlocked all of them at the very end of the game
      >Just to get the 1 ot 2 Dracula relics you missed
      >the 2 caatle system is just so poorly done and with rarely any level design change except for the Big Ball puzzle race, maybe.
      >Just ugly to look at
      >Level design is VERY crammed in and Just sprite is just yoo big for them.
      >Constant Zig Zaggin.

      utterly filtered

    • 5 months ago

      It is unusual, but it is a very good soindtrack. Try using headphones.

  3. 5 months ago

    >give way to warp around map
    >lock it behind killing Death who is 10 minutes from the end of the game

    • 5 months ago

      You can warp around the map before you kill death but the way to do it is contained in a hint card and is vague (bad translation?). You just press down on the d-pad at the circular rooms that transport you between castles and you can warp to other circular rooms you've visited in the same castle.

      • 5 months ago

        From what I remember, a lot of those rooms aren't accessible without that one key.

        You can toggle spell books with down + both shoulder buttons. Up + left or right shoulder button to swap them. You will not see this documented anywhere.

        Finding out about this did make combat flow a bit better, shame the game never explains this.

        • 5 months ago

          You can access most of the circular rooms without a key and since they link to the same spot in the other castle, you can just go through every time you find one and have access to the same warps in both castles. It's not a big deal that some like the Pazuzu boss one is behind a key because by the time you need to search the castle thoroughly for the Dracula parts you'll have all sorts of mobility shit and the key you need anyway.

  4. 5 months ago

    >Circle of the Slop gays got upset that people were shitting on their game
    if Circle of the Slop was so good why did they never make another Circle of the Slop? Meanwhile Juste is literally canon

    • 5 months ago

      Juste is just a shitty Alucard clone dressed like a Belmont.

      • 5 months ago

        Alutard wishes he had half of Justes abilities.

    • 5 months ago

      Because that gay IGA took over and stopped them from making a sequel while he was also working on his magnum turdus for the PS2. Harmony was his first outing on the GBA and all the Sloppovania afterwards is his too.

      • 5 months ago

        >and stopped them from making a sequel
        literally saved the castlevania brand

        • 5 months ago

          How? We ended up with hot trash like Mirror of Fate, one of the worst games ever made.

        • 5 months ago

          They certainly saved the brand by endlesaly recyclint SotN and not managing to outsell CotM.

    • 5 months ago

      >good games always sell well and bad games always sell badly

      • 5 months ago

        This is a bad analogy because they kept making Castlevania games, they just didn't make them like Circle of the SHIT
        This is different from what you're trying to say which is that some games never become franchises

  5. 5 months ago

    I never really get people who go to bat for this game. I can understand digging its atmosphere when you're a kid, but it's really annoying, tedious, and janky to play compared to literally every other game in the series.

    I mean, I do have a soft spot for it because some of the spells are cool and fun to mess around with for a bit, but I'm not going to actually call it great unironically when it wears out its welcome so hard over the course of a playthrough.

    • 5 months ago

      No one is going to bat for HoD.
      They only go to bat when you try to say CotM is better. Which it's not, it's even worse
      HoD is an innofensive game

      • 5 months ago

        It's more that COTM may be flawed but it's at least interesting. It has the classicvania attack commitment, there's more platforming in level layouts, bosses and even regular enemies have more aggressive and challenging attack patterns. etc. maybe you hate the rng card drop system, or the balance, or how slow the default walk speed is such that you have to fricking double tap everywhere, but at the very least if you're a hardcore 2d challenge autist there's something to sink your teeth into.

        HoD on the other hand kinda just has nothing. It's way too easy (even by the criminally easy standards of Igavania's, most bosses are almost immersion breaking in terms of how they barely even fight back and just stand there like punching bags), the castle layout is dire and tedious to backtrack through, the music is shit outside of like 3 tracks, etc. the only thing it really has going for it is a few cool backgrounds and a few spells that are fun to play around with. Otherwise it's BORING which is worse than COTM even if you think COTM is frustrating and annoying.

        If you think that's bad, avoid Order of Ecclesia at all costs. Multiple levels with barely any platforming at all, none that's even a slight challenge until the very end of the game. But then to make it a "challenge" all the enemies are damage sponges, so it's walking very slowly through shitty levels while you have to whack every dumb skeleton 15 times just to keep going.

        OOE's enemies are at least fun to fight IMO. HoD is really the cream of Iga forgetting to make enemies actually do things.

        • 5 months ago

          >OOE's enemies are at least fun to fight IMO.
          I can't remember a single interesting fight in that whole game. Don't take this as me trying to say HoD is good though.

        • 5 months ago

          There's nothing interesting about CotM. They just made a metroidvania with a shit-ton of awful design choices. If you think CotM is interesting you need to play more games.

          HoD is not a great game but it also isn't offensive like CotM. CotM feels like a troll game "let's make the least fun Castlevania game ever just to troll people"

          • 5 months ago

            Just admit you're bad at the game already.

            This is a bad analogy because they kept making Castlevania games, they just didn't make them like Circle of the SHIT
            This is different from what you're trying to say which is that some games never become franchises

            It's only a "bad" analogy because Circle still sold the most out of the DS/GBA games, lol. See ->

            Not to defend OoE itself, but that game alone didn't quite kill the series. The truth is that series under Igarashi became a directionless mess spiralling downward, with diminishing sales as a result. Apart from Dawn of Sorrow getting a good DS bump, basically every game Igarashi produced sold less than the last one. Not a single one apart from Dawn sold even half of Circle of the Moon, and even Dawn still sold significantly less than Circle. The only shining light was that at least the handheld games were cheap to make due to low production values and recycling sprites.

            In short, endlessly rehashing Symphony of the Night to the point of everyone getting sick of that copy-pasted, same old bullshit is what killed the series.

            >they kept making Castlevania games
            You meant KCE Tokyo transformed a perfectly solid platforming series into a grindy ""Metroid"" clone with no level design, and I use brackets here because none of these games feel like exploring an actual place, which is what Metroid was about.

            • 5 months ago

              >It's good because I'm good at it and you're bad
              I'm guessing Battletoads and Superman 64 are your favorite games. I kneel, I could never beat those masterpieces

              Circle sold the most you say? And they still abandoned that shit experiment? They must have REALLY hated that heap of garbage. I know for a fact that Circle was retconned and that while HoD's Juste Belmont is canon
              Sounds like right decisions were made all-around

              • 5 months ago

                If you're going to resort to strawman arguments, at least don't be so moronic to put Battletoads on the same tier as goddamnm Superman 64. Learn to express yourself instead of throwing buzzwords without meaning around -- what about Circle is "experimental" and awfully designed?

                >And they still abandoned that shit experiment?
                KCEK was shut down due to internal politics, a similar scenario as when Nintendo fricked over Genius Sonority.

                >They must have REALLY hated that heap of garbage.
                That's why both the magic system in Harmony and especially the soul system in Aria are based on Circle's DDS system.

                >I know for a fact that Circle was retconned and that while HoD's Juste Belmont is canon
                You don't seem to know that Circle was retconned in order to establish the new canon, which allows for the 1999 event that never happened.

                >and that while HoD's Juste Belmont is canon
                Yes yes, your Alucard clone collecting furniture is canon in the same timeline coined by the guy behind the awful plot of Lament of Innocence. I also know for a fact that Circle outsold that complete dog of a game.

                >Sounds like right decisions were made all-around
                The franchise is buried and dead and the 1999 game never happened, so yeah.

              • 5 months ago

                >He's offended that I spoke ill of Battletoads
                I knew it. You're an epic gamer, you beat it, didn't you? It's a masterpiece bro, if only I was good enough to see that for myself

                So you're saying the magic system that everyone agrees was completely dog in Circle of the Moon was brought BACK for Aria which everyone loves? Wow this says a lot about how bad Circle is and how good Aria is and how the DDS system in itself is not the problem, but rather the specific shitty implementation found in the former! As well as other shitty systems found in the former! Eureka!

              • 5 months ago

                You're not everyone, monkey. Also not a reply.

              • 5 months ago

                Not him, but I have a legitimate question. Do you think people who say they liked CotM over the other games are lying? Or do you just not understand that opinions vary? And why do you sound so upset at someone not agreeing with you?

                To be clear I think all these games are decent but pretty flawed and would give them around 7-7.5 / 10. Of them CotM was the one I certainly liked the best. I can understand someone liking Aria better, but I can't understand caring so much if they did or not. Why are you so invested?

              • 5 months ago

                >Why are you so invested in discussion on a discussion board
                You're not even in a Circle of the Moon thread. Why are YOU here?

              • 5 months ago

                I'm in a Castlevania thread because I have played and liked them. Are you implying that I should only post if I agree with you?

              • 5 months ago

                Son, you implied that *I* couldn't post unless I agreed with you
                Too dumb to see how hypocritical you sound?

              • 5 months ago

                I did no such thing. Mostly I asked why someone disagreeing with you seems to make you so upset.

              • 5 months ago

                That's an assumption on your part. There's this thing called 'tone of speech'. It can't be deciphered over text. You are assuming I'm upset.
                Also even if I was upset, so what? Can't be passionate about something?

              • 5 months ago

                The amount just seems odd to me, but whatever.

  6. 5 months ago

    Holy seethe.

    • 5 months ago

      What's your point?

    • 5 months ago

      >CotM fan got so ass blasted he had to make a separate thread

    • 5 months ago

      he's right you know

    • 5 months ago

      >two morons arguing over which is the less shitty game
      >Aria of Sorrow fans watching two morons fighting over literal turds

      • 5 months ago

        Truth is, all 3 are decent.

  7. 5 months ago

    HoD is the ultimate filter for zoomies. Big map, big fun. You can speedrun your ass, i like exploration in my castlevanias, and i like its classic gameplay.

    • 5 months ago

      >I like its classic gameplay
      Funny, that's why I like CotM. Juste's a bit too floaty for me. I like a bit of weight on my platformers

    • 5 months ago

      >I'm better than you because I like shit

    • 5 months ago

      Shut the frick up

      If you think that's bad, avoid Order of Ecclesia at all costs. Multiple levels with barely any platforming at all, none that's even a slight challenge until the very end of the game. But then to make it a "challenge" all the enemies are damage sponges, so it's walking very slowly through shitty levels while you have to whack every dumb skeleton 15 times just to keep going.

      An alarming amount of people who play OOE don't bother with her consecutive attacks mechanic which the entire game is balanced around. Also, OOE is 30% larger than Dawn of Sorrow, and almost as big as Super Metroid.

      • 5 months ago

        I think I express my disappointment a bit better here

        This is my problem with it. To me Castlevania at its core is the mix between fighting enemies and doing platforming. It's trying to work your way up some stair while dudes are tossing axes at you, jumping across pits while endless waves of Medusa heads fly at you, or jumping from moving gear to gear in a clock tower all the while being harassmed by flea men and flying skeletons.

        Ecclesia has almost no platforming, and what is there is very minimal. Really only bits of the castle and the bonus dungeon at the end have any tricky platforming at all. So even though what's there isn't bad necessarily, most of the time it feels more like a really long Streets of Rage game than Castlevania. And I like Castlevania a lot more than Streets of Rage.

        I didn't outright hate it, but definitely found it a let down.

  8. 5 months ago

    If you think that's bad, avoid Order of Ecclesia at all costs. Multiple levels with barely any platforming at all, none that's even a slight challenge until the very end of the game. But then to make it a "challenge" all the enemies are damage sponges, so it's walking very slowly through shitty levels while you have to whack every dumb skeleton 15 times just to keep going.

    • 5 months ago

      >If you think that's bad, avoid Order of Ecclesia at all costs
      Frick off, OoE is the best and has none of the issues OP complains about
      >none that's even a slight challenge until the very end of the game
      Mate, it gets easier at the end. Until then it's easily the hardest IGAvania
      >all the enemies are damage sponges
      Are you going in unarmed or something?

      • 5 months ago

        I just don't agree, I was so hyped for that game but I think it straight up sucks. The levels are all so boringly designed and are mostly tiny. There's really no challenging platforming in any way until the castle and then the bonus dungeons are the only place that really tests any skill. As for this
        >Mate, it gets easier at the end. Until then it's easily the hardest IGAvania

        If the platforming is piss easy for 95% of the game and you say enemies aren't stupid damage sponges, then what about it makes it the hardest?

        Also don't take this as me praising the other games by comparison. I was hyped this would finally be a good entry but only found disappointment.

        • 5 months ago

          >then what about it makes it the hardest?
          the fact you can't just tank every hit and will actually die if you're not paying attention to the enemy's tactics

          • 5 months ago

            Okay... but it's not like it actually makes it all that hard, I never came to a boss I had to try more than once and it's still boring as frick.

            • 5 months ago

              ok homie whatever say

              • 5 months ago

                I wanted it to be good so badly and it looks awesome, but Castlevania is about that mix between playforming and combat. The levels are so boring platforming wise that all you're left with is combat and then that also isn't great.

              • 5 months ago

                not retro and not correct

              • 5 months ago

                I'm sorry you enjoy boring easy games.

              • 5 months ago

                not him, but i like boring easy games. can i get some reccs?

              • 5 months ago

                Every Castlevania after Rondo for starters. Then just look for any first party Nintendo title.

        • 5 months ago

          >>Mate, it gets easier at the end. Until then it's easily the hardest IGAvania
          To be honest, the difficulty drops dramatically the moment you get the axe glyph which is like the first of those shitty forest sections.
          Then you go for the triple-fireball one afterwards, use the light glyph from those goat-dudes for a short while and then fricking obliterate everything with skellington beam spam.
          The only real difficulty comes from the bosses that fill out 2/3rd of the screen and you're confined to 2-3 inches.

  9. 5 months ago

    >Your attitude
    >Really stinks
    >Never seen
    >Such consistently
    >Whinny and
    >ungrateful brats
    >In all my life
    >It's a damn
    >Video game
    >When the day comes
    >That YOU
    >Can make
    >a game
    >that sells
    >As well
    >You come
    >Talk to me

    • 5 months ago

      What tune do we sing this to?

      • 5 months ago

        Battle Hymn of the Republic.

  10. 5 months ago

    The Bullet Tip still takes the cake.
    You have to travel like three times through the same tedious part of the castle to get it and then out of the shitty bone zone area.

    • 5 months ago

      and after all that it's a terrible whip upgrade that you'd never realistically use over the much easier to get and much better Platinum Tip.

    • 5 months ago

      and after all that it's a terrible whip upgrade that you'd never realistically use over the much easier to get and much better Platinum Tip.

      They couldn't even keep the detail that it's supposed to be a reference to Christopher Belmont (it's the Christoph's Soul in JP), whose trademark power was shooting fireballs from the whip.

  11. 5 months ago

    HoD was one of the last Castlevanias I've played. Pretty mediocre. But the main question in my mind was:


    • 5 months ago

      Maybe he's a nazi weeaboo

    • 5 months ago

      You sound like one of thoss gays who b***hed so hard about cool aliens in Indiana Jones that you forced them to make Dial of Dogshit.

  12. 5 months ago

    In every aspect of its game design, HoD wanted to be the polar opposite of CotM. As a result, it has the polar opposite flaws.

    Both games are flawed in completely opposite ways, CotM's level design scale is too big, HoD's level design is too cramped. CotM is all about item drops, 99% of the item drops in HoD are useless. No shop in CotM, shitty shop in HoD. CotM still relies on player skill for bossfights, but to the point it filters some people, in HoD you can just spam OP attacks like bosses weren't even there. CotM is too dark, HoD is too bright.

    Long ago I used to like all 3 GBA games equally. Now I've come to the conclusion that only Aria is truly well designed.

    • 5 months ago

      They should have dropped the two castle trope in Harmony. I think if they focused more on one castle it would have been better.

    • 5 months ago

      >HoD wanted to be the polar opposite of CotM
      So it wanted to be a bad game instead of a good one.

      • 5 months ago


        • 5 months ago

          Yes. homosexual.

  13. 5 months ago

    I know it's bad in a lot of ways but it's still my guilty pleasure, I replay it at least yearly...

  14. 5 months ago

    You can toggle spell books with down + both shoulder buttons. Up + left or right shoulder button to swap them. You will not see this documented anywhere.

    • 5 months ago

      I stumbled onto this by accident and it definitely made the magic system more fun to play with. No more having to go into the pause menu for every single book change.

    • 5 months ago

      feck I forgot the name

      i don't see the difference between this two images.

      • 5 months ago

        >feck I forgot the name

    • 5 months ago

      ooh another fun one, but spoilered so opie still has to seethe about backtracks
      you can use the suspend function to immediately warp back to your last save rooms, with all your items/progress still intact
      stupid helpful
      who knows why they dont tell you. maybe it was in the manual?

      bet opie doesnt know you can warp by kneeling in front of the castle A/B gates instead of pressing up either
      poor guy

      • 5 months ago

        >you can use the suspend function to immediately warp back to your last save rooms, with all your items/progress still intact
        Would have been nice to know, but i know for a fact some deadends have save points there, so it doesn't help in those cases.

        >warp by kneeling in front of the castle A/B gates instead of pressing up
        Only helps up to a point, since there's still a fair few warp gates locked away.

        the guy that posted webms isn't OP, by the way.

        • 5 months ago

          >i know for a fact some deadends have save points there, so it doesn't help in those cases
          iirc you can heal up and just not save tho
          so it still works

          >Only helps up to a point, since there's still a fair few warp gates locked away.
          sure and the castle just kinda IS too big
          but tbf juste is fast af so if you play like a sperg like me and mash those shoulder buttons, those long dumb hallways turn into ebin parkour shenanigans

          idk its a weird game, and the one i didnt have growing up (had aria and circle). but it definitely grew on me a lot. and like i said, if im looking for a quick play, i play maxim in HoD. its so fricking fun

          >the guy that posted webms isn't OP, by the way.
          opie is more of a concept, really
          a homosexualy concept

  15. 5 months ago

    feck I forgot the name

  16. 5 months ago

    There has never been anything that captured the sotn magic

  17. 5 months ago

    The level design and the music are inconsistent but still it is my favorite gba castlevania. I like the controls, the graphics, I dig the music, in my opinion it has some of the most memorable tracks. The castle is so weird, it’s the weirdest in the series. Yet it is a Metroidvania at its core.

  18. 5 months ago

    I'm currently playing this game and in the very first area there are 6 dead end areas that you cannot access yet and only 1 correct path that leads to the next area. This feels awful and it really dissuades exploration because you won't be rewarded for it. This game is a huge step down from CotM in almost every way. Why did they refuse to build off the previous game and act like they left off ar SotN? Thank God that Aria did the right thing and learned from CotM.

    • 5 months ago

      CotM was made by a team in Kobe, but Konami pulled a Konami and dismantle that team so their team in Nagoya continue the work

  19. 5 months ago

    >boring hallways
    You mean cool looking hallways in a game, where you can sanic yourself since the first second.
    >locked doors, dead ends
    Dunno, you might be too subjective. Maybe you got used to "circular" linear dungeons, that always lead you to the beginning?
    >only unlocked all of them at the very end of the game
    Part of the fun, at the end if the game you receive more places to explore.
    >Just to get the 1 ot 2 Dracula relics you missed
    Portal system allows you to move between zones very fast.
    >2 castle system, ball challenge
    If anything, speedball challenge is a single bad part of the game, you clearly wanted to play Sonic, not Castlevania.
    >Just ugly to look at
    You have no taste, it is a second best looking Castlevania after SotN. Rest of gba titles just can't nail vampire castle properly.
    >Level design is VERY crammed in and Just sprite is just yoo big for them.
    Maybe you're just bad at controlling a character if you don't have enough space.
    >Constant Zig Zaggin
    Yes, you definitely just want to play Sonic. Go play Sonic, Castleroids aren't for you.

    • 5 months ago

      Naysaying and Contrarianism at is finest

    • 5 months ago

      >>Just ugly to look at
      >You have no taste, it is a second best looking Castlevania after SotN. Rest of gba titles just can't nail vampire castle properly.

      Ok b***h you are jist playing DUMB.

    • 5 months ago

      >it is a second best looking Castlevania after SotN

    • 5 months ago

      >where you can sanic yourself since the first second
      Giving the player the ability to sanic and then incorporating atrocious winding layouts because you decided you don't want them to progress quickly after all is absolutely fricking miserable (and incompetent) game design

  20. 5 months ago

    >half the game is boring hallways
    stopped reading there

  21. 5 months ago

    >2 threads b***hing about GBA Castlevanias

  22. 5 months ago

    >Big Ball puzzle race
    That part was so infuriating the bonus was not worth it

    • 5 months ago

      The magic spell that give you the Gradius forward-shield breaks that race hard.

      • 5 months ago

        That spell is beyond busted. Thing shits out damage like nothing else.

      • 5 months ago

        So does just dashing constantly.

  23. 5 months ago

    Everybody shut up for a moment and listen, tanuki balls, thank you for your time.

    • 5 months ago

      why does it have armor on its dick

  24. 5 months ago

    maxim, the unlocked character after you beat it, is prolly one of the most fun alternate characters to play with imo
    dude is like greased lightning
    feels like im playing a sanic game

  25. 5 months ago

    Like this game. Glad it exists. Like the music but wish I could remaster it my self and patch it. Other guy did it wrong. Could have sworn the music was remasterd for the switch. But it's not so.

  26. 5 months ago

    Aria is so much better than both other Gba caatlevanias it's not even close

    • 5 months ago

      I liked it when I finally played it, Dissonance kind of burnt me out on the formula so I took a break for a while and eventually played it after PoR. It was good but for some reason CotM hit a weird sweet spot for me and remains my favorite though I understand why it's considered by most to be the worst of them.

    • 5 months ago

      its definitely the most solid and well-rounded of the IGA games
      dont knock the others tho. at least not till youve spent some time with them. i used to hate harmony too but its got its things that it does that the others just dont have

      for that matter dawn and portrait on DS are great games too. shame about the artstyle, but whaddya gonna do? at least for dawn, i can just hack it out

      • 5 months ago

        Gameplay wise portrait is actually my favorite out of all the post SotN Castlevanias, but I remember some stages being really ass ugly.

    • 5 months ago

      Cotm beats out Aria where it counts, challenging but rewarding gameplay, then HoD is way behind those two. Because it's worse than both in every single aspect pretty much.
      Overall I would say


      And have yet to play much of Portrait so I can't rank it but I doubt it can be worse than OoE which tries a bit of both Castlevania types, classic and metroid, and fails at both.

      • 5 months ago

        portrait actually might be harder. that is unless youre using the infinite potion trick
        id say circle definitely still has the peak difficulty in the handheld games, since drac is overwhelmingly frickdiculous in that game.

        but portrait gets really tough just in general imo. and many of its bosses drac x death included are no pushovers. nvm once you get to the nest of evil, or decide to challenge richter to unlock vampire killer. tough fights. the sisters are a great fight too, but hardly anyone ever fights them straight up since you get the bad end if you dont use sanctuary on them

        • 5 months ago

          I'd personally say that Ecclesia is probably the toughest of the Igavanias on DS, for multiple reasons.
          >Elemental match-ups actually matter a lot more
          >Enemy patterns are much more aggressive, and enemies are generally more abundant
          >Bosses get punishing with fewer opportunities to wail on them
          >Ranged weapon glyphs typically aren't that powerful, riskier short range combat is encouraged to end the fight sooner

          There's also no way to really cheese Ecclesia, as compared to Portrait which has famous glitches like redeeming the same quest reward over and over, then maxing out your gold and equipping two Miser rings.

          Portrait has some tough bosses, but many of them can be handled at a safe distance. The toughest ones I'd say would be Death, and later the Death and Dracula team-up. The boss in the fight painting can also be surprisingly tough.
          Ecclesia, on the other hand has multiple bosses known to wreck your shit like Albus, Barlowe, Blackmore, Eligore, Death, and of course Dracula.
          Even some of the earlier bosses are solid competency checks like Rusalka, and Gravedorcus (the land shark).

          • 5 months ago

            ecclesia actually IS just a difficult action game
            i have a tough time recommending it to CV fans since it hardly feels like one at times
            its kinda like if simons quest got a new lease on life, but thats the closest to CV it really gets

            its also the one i havent beat yet its on my 3DS tho so soon™ so i cant say how it gets later

            • 5 months ago

              This is my problem with it. To me Castlevania at its core is the mix between fighting enemies and doing platforming. It's trying to work your way up some stair while dudes are tossing axes at you, jumping across pits while endless waves of Medusa heads fly at you, or jumping from moving gear to gear in a clock tower all the while being harassmed by flea men and flying skeletons.

              Ecclesia has almost no platforming, and what is there is very minimal. Really only bits of the castle and the bonus dungeon at the end have any tricky platforming at all. So even though what's there isn't bad necessarily, most of the time it feels more like a really long Streets of Rage game than Castlevania. And I like Castlevania a lot more than Streets of Rage.

              • 5 months ago

                It's pretty damn ironic that fricking Castlevania 64 nails the things you mentioned here far better than anything after CotM. It always felt like it was made by ambitious people who really loved Castlevania.

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah, it's not bad, Lament of Innocence gets it a little too, I don't like CV as much in 3D though. The worst offender of this is Mirror of Fate where combat and "platforming" are kept completely separate and both embarrassingly easy. In the whole game there is only one moment where you're being chased by a bell or some shit rolling down the clock tower and there's a single flea man in your way you can either whip it once (with plenty of time to do so) or jump over it (even easier) I'm not even joking, that game sucks beyond all measure.

              • 5 months ago

                I did not like the PS2 ones, they felt like really unambitious games with extremely flat level design and no platforming. I appreciated Curse initially for having better combat and music, but as soon as I got to the town I felt utterly disgusted with how it was more of the same shit.

              • 5 months ago

                I didn't play Curse at all. I blew through 64 and then Innocence when it came out but never went back and my impressions of both were it wasn't as bad as I worried Castlevania in 3D could have been, but not something I was interested in. So by the time Curse came out I just ignored it.

              • 5 months ago

                I do recommend Legacy of Darkness, especially with the CV64 characters (mainly Reinhardt). It just feels a lot more polished, even though I prefer some of the minimalism of 64.

          • 5 months ago

            >There's also no way to really cheese Ecclesia
            Yes there is, once you get that wing-glyph or whatever, been a long ass time since I played.
            >Use the homing light attack on both hands
            >use wings to hover above everything while using homing attacks
            I cheesed the arena doing this.
            Unfortunately this does not work for bosses, they will frick your shit up if you do this.

            • 5 months ago

              I'm not sure how you're meant to do the arena without wings/homing light or Nitesco+double Death Rings. The enemies deal so much damage and their attacks cover so much area that dodging seems too unreasonable to do.

              • 5 months ago

                It's doable without the wings glyph, but it's pretty harsh and it encourages you to fight one enemy at a time by avoiding moving deeper into the room to trigger the second enemy.
                The Double Hammer enemies are scary, but you can manipulate their movement and they have big tells on their attacks.

            • 5 months ago

              I'm not sure how you're meant to do the arena without wings/homing light or Nitesco+double Death Rings. The enemies deal so much damage and their attacks cover so much area that dodging seems too unreasonable to do.

              man and here i thought i was being clever/unorthodox using the light spell
              its cool even if it is kinda hard to aim. its likethe traditional CV axe, but in 4 directions

              i can definitely see why being able to just fly and spam it would be broken tho

      • 5 months ago

        It really doesn't. HoD is like a breath of fresh air after CotM. The only thing CotM arguably did better was the level design itself and the music. Otherwise, it's more flawed than HoD.

        • 5 months ago

          >HoD is like a breath of fresh air after CotM.
          wat? HoD is just a poor man's SoTN.

          • 5 months ago

            If you put Juste in CotM it would've been the rich man's SotN clone. Nathan moves like a pensioner.

            • 5 months ago

              If you put Juste in CotM you ruin CotM

              • 5 months ago

                >if you add this character that controls and plays better, you'll ruin the game

              • 5 months ago

                >NO U

                Juste already plays like shit in its own game, his sprite looks too big and out of proportion already to CotM level design.

              • 5 months ago

                "out of proportion" has nothing to do with how the character controls. Juste's movement is objectively better.

                >that controls and plays better
                Yep, shitplayer confirmed.

                Stick to IGAslop, babby.

                I've beaten CotM, it's not a bad game per se, but the core mechanics which are an important aspect have not been handled as well as they should be.
                Ideally, the game would keep the same difficulty but also allow movement that is as smooth and intuitive as that of Juste/Alucard/Soma.

              • 5 months ago

                Juste/Alucard/Soma's movement created a generation of scrubs who can't play classic Castlevania

              • 5 months ago

                Classicvania movement doesn't translate very well to Igavanias. Do one or the other.

              • 5 months ago

                >doesn't translate very well
                git gud

              • 5 months ago

                you little worm, cotm doesn't get included with the old school games because it has an annoying dash and awkward walk speed, you still have in air control.

              • 5 months ago

                Not the point, ESL homosexual.

              • 5 months ago

                >you still have in air control.
                Guess you don't count the X68000 game as old school by your logic.

              • 5 months ago

                They prefer slow and floaty gameplay so they won't need good reaction time.
                CotM requires precise timing to avoid attacks and to go on offense at the same time.
                A dash button and enemies designed around that dash length makes them feel like skilled players, whereas having to figure everything out on your own frustrates them. Enemies like the succubi, lilith, charging were creatures, minotaurs would tear them apart.

              • 5 months ago

                >Ideally, the game would keep the same difficulty but also allow movement that is as smooth and intuitive as that of Juste/Alucard/Soma.

                I hear what you're saying, but how would you actually do that? To me CotM feels designed around it's more limited movement similar to the way Castlevania 1 is designed around it's limited movement. If you went back to CV1 and made Simon control likeJuste/Alucard/Soma the game would be a total cakewalk. How would you keep the difficulty balance without just upping enemy hp?

              • 5 months ago

                >that controls and plays better
                Yep, shitplayer confirmed.

                Stick to IGAslop, babby.

              • 5 months ago

                You could put Juste in any CV and it will be trivialized.

      • 5 months ago

        >HoD above OoE
        opinions invalidated

        • 5 months ago

          There's a reason it killed the series.

          • 5 months ago

            Not to defend OoE itself, but that game alone didn't quite kill the series. The truth is that series under Igarashi became a directionless mess spiralling downward, with diminishing sales as a result. Apart from Dawn of Sorrow getting a good DS bump, basically every game Igarashi produced sold less than the last one. Not a single one apart from Dawn sold even half of Circle of the Moon, and even Dawn still sold significantly less than Circle. The only shining light was that at least the handheld games were cheap to make due to low production values and recycling sprites.

            In short, endlessly rehashing Symphony of the Night to the point of everyone getting sick of that copy-pasted, same old bullshit is what killed the series.

            • 5 months ago

              And let's not forget the PS2 games -- both which costed significantly more so they were complete disasters in terms of profit --, Dracula X Chronicles underperforming on PSP just like Maverick Hunter X did, and IGA's moronic-ass idea to cash in a fighting game with fetishy outfits on Wii, but without giving Eighting enough time and budget to properly work on it.

              I swear IGA's only good Castlevania-related decision ever was literally outsourcing Adventure ReBirth to M2.

              • 5 months ago

                >Dracula X Chronicles underperforming on PSP
                A remake of Rondo + the original game and a better version of SotN as a bonus isn't a bad deal at all.
                CotM sold well because it was a launch title and was riding on SotN hype to begin with.

      • 5 months ago

        >CotM first
        Contrarianism is getting old

      • 5 months ago

        Awful opinion. Like legit horrible

    • 5 months ago

      >game build upon the assets and experience of the previous games is better than it's predecessors
      You don't say. The GBA CV games were made on shoestring budgets despite selling millions of copies. After SotN every handheld CV had a lower and lower budget to the point that by the time the DS hit the budget was too small to even commission the artist that worked on the series since SotN to return.

  27. 5 months ago

    I don't understand how you gays even play these games.
    >this one is shit but that one isn't
    Like they are all fricking trash. I'm a big fan of both Classicvania and Metroid yet literally all of the IGA ones except for SotN suck ass. And even then it always baffles me when I see SotN mentioned as 'one of the greatest PS1 games'

    • 5 months ago

      If you like Metroid why would you be so puzzled by it? Igavanias are very similar and even do some things better.
      The GBA games are fine overall, but flawed. Aria is up there among the better Castlevanias to this day.

    • 5 months ago

      I don't really care for Classicvanias aside from Super 4 and maybe Rondo. Metroid gameplay is more rewarding.

    • 5 months ago

      >how come I don't like shooters but other people do, wa happen?

    • 5 months ago

      >yet literally all of the IGA ones except for SotN suck ass
      So you agree Circle is good then. Cool.

    • 5 months ago

      >Like they are all fricking trash
      HoD and Aria aren't bad at all for GBA games.

  28. 5 months ago

    The developers foolishly designed the game around walking from one point of the map to get to the other.

    To add insult to injury, you even have to defeat your enemies to win at the game.

    What were they thinking?!

    • 5 months ago

      It's like they don't want you to ENJOY the game.

      • 5 months ago

        Git gud, skill issue.

        • 5 months ago

          >Its all i know what to say

    • 5 months ago

      >walk along one path
      >hit dead end or obstacle
      >walk back
      >walk different path
      >hit dead end or obstacle
      >walk back
      >walk another different path
      >it's finally the intended one but you're now overpowered and the next 3-4 hours will be devoid of any challenge

  29. 5 months ago

    how do the gba shaman king games compare to the gba castlevanias?

  30. 5 months ago

    I liked the way they handled the castles but it's pretty bad and forgettable in general, yeah
    Traversing the play area is so tedious

  31. 5 months ago

    I just beat Maxim mode and I am wondering what is the max map completion you can get? I'm at 198.3%, is that all, can you not get into the heart of the castle on map A?

    • 5 months ago

      im pretty sure thats max maxim
      the only place i KNOW he cant is the heart of castle A
      for obvious reasons

  32. 5 months ago

    I still think about how giant living armors are used for slapstick in this game: The one you push into a grinder to get armor, the one you knock down the stairs to break a barrier at the bottom, that one that looks like he's gonna be a boss only for him to get destroyed by an even bigger armor. Also that one cool elevator of blood you ride up on and find the squashed monster up at the top.

    This game is weird, and I feel like it drags on at times, but there's still some really neat one off shit in it. Also the song that plays in the Marble Corridor is cool.

    • 5 months ago

      I liked all 3 GBAvanias, don't care about the D&C meme. And yes, the armor bit was funny.

  33. 5 months ago

    Why are all the post-SOTN Castlevania games named like 21st century Korn album titles?

    • 5 months ago

      i mean look at IGA
      dudes a pimplyfaced nerd who unironically wears a whip to major promotional events
      hes at least as lame as korn

      >21st century Korn album

      • 5 months ago

        That makes him cool.

        • 5 months ago

          Koяn is based, pleb

          lol korn isnt even gud numetal bruh
          get a grip

          • 5 months ago

            >gud numetal
            that itself is an oxymoron

          • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        Koяn is based, pleb

      • 5 months ago

        all the names are "x of x" like korn albums after 2000 are "the x of x"

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