What the frick are they doing?

>Be me
>Multibillion dollar company
>Create hype around lore of the game and upcoming events
>Create ruination, it turns into a massive mistake and doesn't actually impact the world in anyway except for a few characters
>"Okay, its pretty bad, we need the next one to be good"
>Hype up a massive void event
>Tease it wherever possible
>Keep hinting that the new void champion will change everything in the void lore
>Release the champion
>Radio silence
>Release a shit-eating Indian f*male

What the frick is happening Runeterra bros?

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  1. 2 years ago

    They got too woke. Yheir entire writing team consists of mentally damaged danger hairs and troons now.

  2. 2 years ago

    i genuinely think every riot employee deserves to get raped to death by a wild pack of feral Black folk for what they did to league of legends, it was unironically one of the best games 6-7 years ago and look at the absolute fricking state of it now

    • 2 years ago

      Havent played since like 2012 what did they do?

      • 2 years ago

        Tried to rework every system in the game AND outside of the game, including the client. All of it pretty much failed.

  3. 2 years ago

    You're racism aside, I have no idea why riot keeps constantly fricking over the community. Sad part is they actually don't care, they've proven that they can frick over fans and consumers alike and still make record profits. Maybe one day people will get upset enough, but it really doesn't seem like it.

    • 2 years ago

      League community that still plays the game is too addicted to do anything but complain so Riot is probably filtering any kind of constructive criticism and good feedback as "they are stoop stoop lol, we know better". Eighter that or Tencent is currently on their neck George Floyd style.

  4. 2 years ago

    >Be me
    Who else would it be you fricking moron?

  5. 2 years ago

    >be riot
    >Some noobs complain about not being able to deal with fighters and bruisers.
    >Confuse them with legit tanks.
    >release this anti tank abberation of the item.
    >Tanks are now useless because single item makes them die quickly no matter how much defense they build
    >Fighters dont give a frick because they just build more damage items and still be able to shit on enemy team.
    >Now assasins are dominating meta because tanks that were their hard counter are no longer an issue to them.
    >Try to intoduce a tank megapatch to fix tanks.
    >All what it brings is some items and nothing that targets a main source of tanks being underpowered.
    >Assasin meta still stays.
    What kind of moron works in balance team.

    • 2 years ago

      I remember a while back, there was a huge backlash on Riot with he constant reworks and backtracks on patches. They clarified that most of the balance team is placed in Gold/Plat territory. Which explains a lot about the state league is in now. For example the fricking awful smite reworks since season 4. How redsmite was pretty much a go to on any non-gimmick champion because it just gave too much dueling potential.

      • 2 years ago

        >They clarified that most of the balance team is placed in Gold/Plat territory
        Fricking bullshit.
        THey balance it around E-sports sometimes they listen to idiots from bronze.

        People at Gold/Plat are fully aware how unbalanced Lord Dominik Regards is and they buy it on almost every AD once there is any tank like malphite and just enjoy easy 5v4.

        • 2 years ago

          I get where you're coming from but pro's have been shitting on league balance for ages too, so clearly they are eighter doing one thing and completely failing or trying to do both and fricking up as well.

          • 2 years ago

            The reason is simple, league in current styte rewards only one type of gameplay, which is going in, pressing QWERDF and eventually you either win or lose. While tackling and removing diffrent way to approach enemies.

            Reasons are 2.
            1. Game that way looks way more "Cool" on all these esprts tournaments and meme "Pro palys".
            2. That kind of approach is a strategy ususally used by dumb young teenagers that dont think, they just mash buttons in hope for win. Also that kind of audience also is easy to satisfy with skins and new champion designs and skins (Just make some attractive female character or some edgy shadow assasin guy similar to emokid cringe fanfic).

            ANd riot wont mention that so they will talk shit like they balance it around gold/silver or similar kind of shit because whatever.

          • 2 years ago

            >They clarified that most of the balance team is placed in Gold/Plat territory
            Fricking bullshit.
            THey balance it around E-sports sometimes they listen to idiots from bronze.

            People at Gold/Plat are fully aware how unbalanced Lord Dominik Regards is and they buy it on almost every AD once there is any tank like malphite and just enjoy easy 5v4.

            I doubt much has changed

  6. 2 years ago

    >What the frick are they doing?
    more money than ever
    no matter how hard they frick up, people keep playing it
    there's no consequences for their actions
    there's no reason for them to change

  7. 2 years ago

    weren't they working on mmorpg? any news on that?

    • 2 years ago

      Its going pretty well according to Ghostcrawler.

  8. 2 years ago

    Friendly reminder that companies are not your friends, they just want your money.

    • 2 years ago

      Don't care if they are friends of not, I just want a good product, not shit on my plate

    • 2 years ago

      This is nothing new.
      I have money, company has product.
      I want product, company want money.
      I give money, company gives product.
      But if product is shit, i dont get product and company wont tanke money.

  9. 2 years ago

    There was literally no reason to start this post with >be me

    • 2 years ago

      >Be you
      >Be gay

  10. 2 years ago

    reminder Riot Games helped kill a real human being and got away with it

    • 2 years ago

      Trannies aren't human

  11. 2 years ago

    Laughs in arcane, the best videogame adaptation of the decade

    • 2 years ago

      the "money stolen" meme is literally more influential and longer lasting than that pile of shit

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