What the frick where they thinking?

What the frick where they thinking?

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 5 months ago

    it has decent combat albeitthoever

    • 5 months ago

      yeah, its fun.
      but the game surrounding it is garbage.

      can I get a qrd on why this and 5 are considered so bad? What did they do to fail to follow up on 4's success?

      5 was good, improving on 4s combat but turned away from the horror. I dont know about the complaints about shevas A.I, she worked fine.
      6 fails because it tried to please everyone. It tried to be scary with leons story then it tried to be actiony with Chrises story. Tack on a couple more useless stories without any focus on themes and you get a jumbled mess that is 6.
      Controls are fun tho. Feels like a John Woo movie.

  2. 5 months ago

    get that human mouth

  3. 5 months ago

    I have been playing this for the first time because of all the threads about it recently. I still think it's kinda shit but it's not as bad as people make it sound. The story mode is a mess but at least mercenaries is fun.

    • 5 months ago

      You didn't play RE6 at its peak. You never got to experience playing with randoms in your campaign and meeting total bros. Getting to the 4 man boss fights and giving each other good ass weapons or seeing some person run around like a moron because they can't shoot.

      Sherry Birkin was also an OP as frick character with her stun baton lol

      • 5 months ago

        I played through every campaign so far just leaving up the matchmaking screen in windowed mode and browsing online until someone joins. I liked leons section. hated chris's and stopped playing at jakes. The game is shit.

        • 5 months ago

          That's not playing the game at its peak that's you being inconvenienced. It's a co-op game. If you play when nobody is playing you lose the experience.

      • 5 months ago

        Sherry is pretty OP in mercenaries. she's cool.

      • 5 months ago

        Oh yea, the stun baton that melts people

  4. 5 months ago

    can I get a qrd on why this and 5 are considered so bad? What did they do to fail to follow up on 4's success?

    • 5 months ago

      They were thinking, "we want this game to appeal to every single different type of gamer, so we're going to split up the game into multiple chapters with vastly different playstyles and characters"

      To be fair, 5 is regarded much better than 6, especially in hindsight, but 5 got criticized for the co-op elements that removed the "horror" and "tension" because that's naturally what happens when you have a buddy with you. 6 is bad for the above reason, and the pacing, and it's too long, and it mostly became a full on shooter game, and the plot was stupid, and I'm sure I'm forgetting stuff

    • 5 months ago

      5 is a masterpiece compared to 6

    • 5 months ago

      >Sheva's AI is shit and some people don't have friends
      >Partner AI are slightly better but still kinda shit and some people don't have friends
      >Some enemies and bosses expect you to hold your fire during transformations for some reason
      >People forget that RE plots are moronic and 6 goes to the logical conclusion of stupidity

      • 5 months ago

        6's partner AI is invisible to enemies, that's why people think it's "good"

        • 5 months ago

          Invisible or invincible?
          I was watching the tank blow the shit out of Sherry and she never died.

      • 5 months ago

        6's partner AI is invisible to enemies, that's why people think it's "good"

        You guys had to play the game when it first came out. So many people were playing it and you got so many random teammates matched with you online. It was a lot of fun.

        Co-op/online games like this are not as fun if you play it solo 12 fricking years later.

    • 5 months ago

      They weren't set in a comfy European countryside like 4.

    • 5 months ago

      5 is "alright". It doubles down on 4 being more actiony but doesnt go full moron like 6

      They were thinking, "we want this game to appeal to every single different type of gamer, so we're going to split up the game into multiple chapters with vastly different playstyles and characters"

      To be fair, 5 is regarded much better than 6, especially in hindsight, but 5 got criticized for the co-op elements that removed the "horror" and "tension" because that's naturally what happens when you have a buddy with you. 6 is bad for the above reason, and the pacing, and it's too long, and it mostly became a full on shooter game, and the plot was stupid, and I'm sure I'm forgetting stuff

      >and I'm sure I'm forgetting stuff
      I like how out of touch the cutscenes are. Right at start of Leon campaign, the scene with the zombie president and Leon is trying to talk sense into rotting zombified president that is about to bite him.

      • 5 months ago

        >doesnt go full moron like 6
        5 had some levity like Irving and the boulder punching
        tonally 6 is pretty dark, especially Chris' campaign

    • 5 months ago

      5 becomes really dull when you get to the underground temple or whatever. And the boss fights were all hit-or-miss.
      6 is just janky, the inventory system is weird and you feel like you are spending a lot of time rolling around on the floor.

      • 5 months ago

        >spending a lot of time rolling around on the floor
        Do you even need to do that very often? I'm getting some decent scores in mercenaries and barely use that goofy shit. The double trigger auto aim that consumes stamina seems much more useful. In 5 it was frustrating not being able to use melee whenever you want, but in 6 it's frustrating because you run out of stamina too fast. And none of the melee in 5 and 6 is as satisfying as it was in 4.

        • 5 months ago

          if you taunt in mercenaries you regain stamina, as well as using a single tablet refills it completely. if you're playing Jake, the charge with his melee, refills it as well.

        • 5 months ago

          The inventory "system" to navigate through is just dumb in 6.

          6 didn't almost kill anything, millions of people were playing it on release. It wasn't the traditional re6 but it was very accessible and gave players the chance to not only play as different characters, do 4 man boss fights, but play with somebody. Something you never do in these games.

          5 was a stupid shitshow trash game nobody could even enjoy

          5 has the piss color and whatever story it had lost me at the underground temples.

    • 5 months ago

      Story wise 5 is a lazy retread of 4. Gameplay wise it's still fun but the enemies do some frustrating bullshit and the cover based shooter section sucks dick. 6 is the cover based nonsense turned way up with janky ass cinematic and poorly controlling vehicle sections and awful boss battles that drag on forever and are hard to tell if you're even doing damage. It's kind of amazing how they managed to frick up just about everything in 6 from the inventory menu being more difficult to use, enemies doing bullshit stunlock combos, stamina for melee attacks being depleted way too quickly and even the core gunplay being kinda jank and difficult to aim. I could go on about tons of little details but the bottom line is they spread themselves too thin by trying to make it too epic and encompass every aspect of the series' history. Jack of all trades, master of none.

      • 5 months ago

        >poorly controlling vehicle sections
        I enjoyed them. Have you really played it or are you parroting something that impressed you?

        • 5 months ago

          did you also enjoy Jake's 1h long mountain level? Or Leon's catacombs? What about Ada's campaign?

        • 5 months ago

          They're functional but not very fun. Except for the skidoo, that one genuinely controls like shit and the partner AI doesn't get on, they just stand in front of you and get run over.

    • 5 months ago

      They are just shooters with some co-op for some goddamn reason. 6 doubled down on the moronation and almost killed the franchise.

      • 5 months ago

        6 didn't almost kill anything, millions of people were playing it on release. It wasn't the traditional re6 but it was very accessible and gave players the chance to not only play as different characters, do 4 man boss fights, but play with somebody. Something you never do in these games.

        5 was a stupid shitshow trash game nobody could even enjoy

        • 5 months ago

          six had a demo that was all qte, it didn't sit well

    • 5 months ago

      6's goofy ass loot crate ammo ruined the game. Getting stuck having to melee a dozen enemies was unimaginable pain.

      • 5 months ago

        Unless you're complete shit at the game or on No Mercy, you shouldn't be running out of ammo. Even though there's randomization, there's enough fixed spawns.

        • 5 months ago

          4 and 5 were more generous about ammo and health drops until you get down to the last few enemies. There would also be a guaranteed green herb that drops if you were almost dead. In 6 you're pretty much stuck with what spawns with the level because enemies will almost never drop herbs. And if you enter dying state you're pretty much fricked every time. 6's mercenaries is generally quite a bit harder than 4 and 5 but a lot of it is because of bullshit like the guys with RPGs that don't even have a laser sight anymore. Weirdly enough No Mercy is quite a bit easier than regular mercenaries in 6, where as in 5 it was brutal compared to the normal version. In 6's no mercy they didn't adjust the scoring system to accommodate for the higher enemy count so you can very easily get S rank and unlock all their costumes.

    • 5 months ago

      6 was bad because pre-patch the FOV and camera is really bad. the camera jerkiness every running is nauseating, also the running/walking animation is very janky.

      not only that, it was fricking QTE-hell fest.

      gameplay wise, it was balanced for Mercenaries and the story mode is tacked-on. the quick shot is extremely OP.

      other than that, it was really fun being a John Wick in Mercenaries mode.

    • 5 months ago

      5 is fantastic and 6 is decent. The only real complaint about 5 is that Sheva can be a little tricky on professional difficulty since she can take damage and die. But even then it's only a few areas where it's pretty apparent. I've played 5 both solo and coop and have enjoyed it every time.
      6 I've only played solo so I can't comment on the coop. It's probably the only game where I'd say it has too much content. 4 campaigns, 3 of them you can pick whichever character, effectively making it 7 full playthroughs if you want full completion. That's not counting all the multiplayer modes it comes with. It really feels like a game where they tried so hard to please every type of player that they alienated most of their core players.

    • 5 months ago

      5 is great co-op fun, with perfect Mercenaries, and hilarious cutscenes thanks to Wesker.

      6 had its moments, and I liked Mercenaries still, but it tries too hard to incorporate the aesthetic of the movies, has a boring plot, and cobbled too many ideas together. It wants to be a fast paced action game but it puts you in tiny spaces way too often. Soundtrack is non-existent. It just fell flat in all areas.

  5. 5 months ago

    They tried to make Resident Evil like Devil may Cry without realizing Devil May Cry is shit

  6. 5 months ago

    >still filters normoids 10 years later

  7. 5 months ago

    I wonder if they proof check the logos extra hard to not have another giraffe situation

  8. 5 months ago

    I can never unsee the fricking hooker blowing the giraffe man.

  9. 5 months ago

    Mercenaries in this was a lot of fun. The campaigns were not.

  10. 5 months ago

    giraffe blowjob

  11. 5 months ago

    >What the frick where they thinking?
    I quite enjoyed it, I like all of them, 1/2/3/4/5 and revelations. Don't care about the later ones. The only really weak resident evil game in its time was Resident Evil Survivor which is not a good light gun game, and I have the game the light gun and the CRT to play it. RE 6 is a big blockbuster action flick of a game, Its fun.

    • 5 months ago

      Revelations and Revelations 2 make up for 6.

      • 5 months ago

        The fat fireball guys in Rev2 are fricking STUPID

        • 5 months ago

          The entire freak mob is pretty bad but yes those guys are so stupid they seem like they're from a different game.
          However I'm a big fan of the BUSH ZOMBIES

  12. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Now its a camel doing some bdsm throatfricking

    • 5 months ago

      >Pink Panther fricking a kopesh

  13. 5 months ago

    Giraffe blowjob is the only thing memorable about this piece of shit.

  14. 5 months ago

    I’m willing to bet: Fun coop game and that’s it frick everything else

  15. 5 months ago

    i said it years ago. it looks like a kid giving a bj to a giraffe.

  16. 5 months ago

    I LOVED 6 because you got to play with someone else or friends online. Wasn't bad.

  17. 5 months ago

    Fun, 6 has the best gameplay in the series yeah the story was moronic but nothing that couldn't have been fixed next game but nah Capcom just threw the baby out with the bathwater and turned RE into Outlast.

  18. 5 months ago

    Was left 4 dead popular when RE6 came out because it seems like they copied quite a bit from it.

    • 5 months ago

      L4D characters were literally DLC for mercs mode.

      • 5 months ago

        Were they just trying to latch onto something they felt was more popular?

  19. 5 months ago

    Does Ada's helicopter section during the t-rex boss fight even do any damage? It seems like you just unload forever until Leon and Helena finish it up.

  20. 5 months ago

    that they wanted Devil May Cry and Gears of War to have a kid and we got this mess

  21. 5 months ago

    5 is still fun to play alone but 6 seems like you really need to play with others to enjoy it.

  22. 5 months ago

    The story is surprisingly good at times but the gameplay is janky as frick. The girls are sexy though so I give it a pass.

  23. 5 months ago

    You ever get head so great you curl your toes and stand on your heels?

  24. 5 months ago

    I just started playing but it's kind of a guilty pleasure. The story isn't bad, the characters are likeable. The girls butts look nice and I'm having fun doing Jake's matrix bullshit. Also not a single darkie except for maybe Hunnigan?

  25. 5 months ago

    Even the basic controls are difficult so it's no wonder journalists rated it so poorly. It gets better once you practice it a little but the dodge is still screwy and you just end up ducking repeatedly a lot of the time instead of actually diving in the direction you wanted.

  26. 5 months ago

    Sherry's stun baton is fun to use. It's the only way I can come close to getting all enemies in Mercenaries. With everyone else I'm struggling to get past 75. Maybe it just takes a lot of practice. In RE5 I could get all 150 sometimes.

  27. 5 months ago
  28. 5 months ago

    they weren't

  29. 5 months ago

    Coke, hookers, and whatever dopamine highs they could afford off of RE5's runaway success. RE6 is a hubris-filled, blank check title with so much shit packed into it that it collapses under its own weight. That's not to say it had no good ideas, I would argue that it even has some great ones. But if anyone in charge of this project were actually sober, they would've seen how much editing down RE6 needed.

    • 5 months ago

      >RE6 is a hubris-filled, blank check title
      Kek I remember when ACIII was being made, Ubisoft claimed the game was so big, 700 people were working on it. Capcom tried to 1-up them, and said RE6 was made by a team of 800. Like, a bloated production isn't something to brag about you moronic asiatics.

  30. 5 months ago

    Is this the worst mainline RE game?
    >can't see anything
    >awful gameplay

    • 5 months ago

      I hated 6 but there were parts I enjoyed like Leon's Chinese market run, Chris' building crawl against not Yawn, the entirety of Jake's third chapter and Ada's catacomb puzzles. There are virtually no parts of 5 I enjoyed, that game left me completely hollow.

    • 5 months ago

      i KINDA liked the tic-tac green herb stuff, it was a neat original idea, but 90% of RE6 was stuff that wasn't good enough to get into their own games so they just kind of made a crudite platter of random shit and it mostly just fricking sucks. The tone and vibe are all over the place. They should have made Leon the protagonist and just done the Leon plotline but like four times longer as the whole game. Everything else was at best vaguely interesting and at worst insufferable

    • 5 months ago

      Well, I would say it's close to 3, but 3 has good ideas behind it with bad implementation. RE6 has no other ideas than "we need money, and we need it now", I believe the running sections were designed with QTE in mind like in RE5 but they broke something so they became a shitshow where you can break the camera if you running too fast.

    • 5 months ago

      moronic take, the gameplay's great.

  31. 5 months ago

    I don't get the hate for 5 and 6. I think they are both alot of fun, and I think they both achieve what they set out to. I much prefer them to 7 and 8, especially 8, which just feels confused and rushed. I will say, I had never played 5 solo up until a year or two ago, and I tried to play it on professional, and I literally could not get past the first chapter because the AI partner could not stop getting herself killed, IIRC I had to get some mod to remove her entirely, was kinda lame. Also I don't like the inventory in 5 or 6, they are both awkward, and 5 is especially weird on the PC, and in mercenaries, all the loadouts are made with a controller in mind, so if you want to be able to switch to your guns quickly, you have to rearrange your inventory at the beginning of every game of mercs. Also I find the story of 6 to be one of the most forgettable in the series, I like the playable characters for the most part, I just think alot of the story is really boring. I find 7 and 8 to be alot more compelling storywise than 6, but I think the minute to minute gameplay in both of them is pretty boring by comparison, also Ethan just doesn't do it for me, he is in my opinion, the most boring character in both of his games, which kinda sucks. Regardless I like every RE game, and I think they are all above average games, except for some of the shitter spinoffs, but I don't find myself revisiting 7 and 8 like I do with the other games

    • 5 months ago

      5's item management minigame is polarizing but once you get used to reloading during melee attacks it can be fun. It's very easy to get your inventory clogged up with bullshit if you don't know how to keep it clean.

      • 5 months ago

        I don't hate it, its alot more awkward with keyboard and mouse, but it's still definitely very useable

        Jill and Claire got the next two games.

        Unless I missed something, Jill isn't playable in any game that is set after 5, I know Rev came after 5, but its a prequel, afaik the only thing you even see Jill in post 5 is that newer movie, where she looks and is dressed exactly as she is in the remake

  32. 5 months ago

    They couldn't decide which main character to use so they just went with all of them

    • 5 months ago

      Except Jill, poor Jill

      • 5 months ago

        Jill and Claire got the next two games.

  33. 5 months ago

    >Leon campaign fun
    >Sherry campaign fun
    >Ada Campaign Fun
    >Chris Campaign shit
    >Amazing gameplay
    >steep learning curve that filters normies

    Yeah im thinking we have one of the best RE games. Especially since the previous game was literal shit.

    • 5 months ago

      Nah 5 is great. The only bad RE games are survivor and Umbrella Corps

  34. 5 months ago

    why did they make the logo a giraffe getting a blowjob
    like jesus how did nobody see it

  35. 5 months ago

    They were thinking-
    >Hmm let's make perhaps the best third person shooting combat system ever conceived, the masses surely won't get filtered
    And they were wrong. And now 10 years later here we are with REmake 4 being literally a 6 reskin with gimped melee and worse shooting mechanics

    • 5 months ago

      Basically, REmake 4 just has better mouse support, but the melee and counters and stuff are all worse

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      i cant believe they didnt reuse the combat system in any manner for fricking RE4:RE

    • 5 months ago

      Cant wait for REmake 6 to prove your shit homosexualry once again.

  36. 5 months ago

    There seem to be more bullshit deaths in mercenaries than the previous 2 versions.

  37. 5 months ago

    Played it in German. Laughed my ass off. Games not even bad and people that like rer4 are massive hypocrite wienersucking homosexuals because the action in that is this on crack but morons gonna moron and pretend like parrying chainsaws amd scythes and shit dark souls style is somehow good in comparison. It's simply about name and resident evil gays showed their hand

    • 5 months ago

      Was 6 the first one to have multiple languages?

    • 5 months ago

      You're just a tasteless goy who can eat any slop. The game was literally an awful asset flip, where some effort was put only on character models and animations but even this was enough for plebs like you. It's kinda strange how other capcom frauds like Raccoon City didn't get such popularity alt least it had a working core mechanic

      • 5 months ago

        RE6 is many things, too many things even. But an asset flip?

  38. 5 months ago

    About prostitutes and giraffes

  39. 5 months ago

    Is there a way to not constantly be running out of stamina? There should have been a way to upgrade it.

    • 5 months ago

      Everytime you use even just one herb it restores stamina. It's really hard to run out of stamina

    • 5 months ago

      Stop spamming melee and get gud

    • 5 months ago

      So this is a great example of why RE6 is shit. Yes, there actually is. If you lay down on the ground, your stamina restores itself extremely quickly so you can can basically mix in a quick retreat with a gun pointed at your enemy while you take 2 seconds to recharge. Neat little mechanic. Shame the game does frick all to let you know it works like that.

      • 5 months ago

        Thanks, I knew there had to be something because it gets eaten up way too fast when you're trying to get as much time as possible from melee kills in mercenaries.

  40. 5 months ago

    My favorite part was Leon's comfy car ride.

  41. 5 months ago

    Is there a tier list for the characters in Mercenaries?

    • 5 months ago

      Default Sherry, Jake and Chris are my top picks.

  42. 5 months ago

    I reinstalled just to play Mercs as L4D2 crew.

  43. 5 months ago

    Better than 5 when played with a friend

  44. 5 months ago

    Giraffe face frick 6.

  45. 5 months ago

    I wonder if anyone at Capcom knew it looked like a dude blowing a giraffe

    • 5 months ago

      The game sucked so they didn't care

  46. 5 months ago

    The gameplay for me only needs one tiny ass change to already be way better than it is. And that is the character not stopping in his tracks when changing weapons. That shit is so annoying. Revelations 2 did it right.

    • 5 months ago

      >And that is the character not stopping in his tracks when changing weapons
      FINALLY someone talks about the actual issues

      • 5 months ago

        ALso I meant stopping when switching of course. Other than that what is also annoying is hard to describe but when running for instance and the character decides to slide across a car/crate even though I was "far" away from it. Easy to do something you don't want to because the hitbox or whatever for the button prompt is too big.

  47. 5 months ago

    They should be thankful that Wesker is so cool. Otherwise 5 wouldn't have much of anything going for it.

  48. 5 months ago

    5 and 6 gave me a good laugh. That's all I can say really.

  49. 5 months ago
    36* C3R1 SHiN

    Playing RE Village. Heisenberg's voice acting is weird don't you think? I can't take him seriously because I can't tell he's happy, sad or angry.

  50. 5 months ago
    36* C3R1 SHiN

    And the game is very dark, dark is "I can't see shit, cap'n" kind of dark.

  51. 5 months ago

    >adjust brightness until the 6 is barely visible
    If you actually do that you can't see shit.

  52. 5 months ago

    >Leon's Campaign
    >finally step outside into the city
    >everything blows up and it neatly creates a tight linear corridor
    The moment i realised those were not good 60 dollars spent on a game.

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