What they were thinking?

What they were thinking?

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Ape Out Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago

    >What they were thinking?
    "lets make kino"

  2. 10 months ago


  3. 10 months ago

    my wiener

  4. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        Consider adoption

  5. 10 months ago

    I agree with all the criticisims everyone mades about the story and the characters, but it I still like the game, gameplay was fun...

    • 10 months ago

      >but it I still like the game, gameplay was fun...
      It was a character action game with no melee weapons and the worst controls in the entire genre

      • 10 months ago

        >worst controls
        skill issue, but they definetely should have given an option to use nunckuck, classic or gamecube controlllers

        • 10 months ago

          >skill issue,
          It used a D-pad for movement in a 3D game and to shoot missiles you had to swap to first person view which was very disorienting, required you to change how you were holding the controller in real time, and disabled your movement. It's so bad it almost comes off as a parody.

          • 10 months ago

            still sounds like skill issue

    • 10 months ago

      Mash Dpad to win is not fun

    • 10 months ago

      underneath other Ms flaws is actually the basis of an amazing game and I wish Nintendo could have gave this style of metroid another chance

      • 10 months ago

        No, literally every decision about the game was fundamentally awful, including the game play

      • 10 months ago

        Like what? Playing it with Wiimote only? 100% invincible dodge that you can do as much as you want and insta-charges your weapon? Enemies drop absolutely nothing so it's completely pointless to fight them? Pixel-hunting green blood on green grass?

      • 10 months ago


        >Pixel hunts
        >Having to use the wiimote like an NES controller because that's how Metroid started
        >Braindead gameplay with no challenge because you can just regenerate
        The only good I can think of Other M doing was establishing just how lethal Samus can be via the takedowns and even then MS has (mostly) got that same feel with gameplay worth a shit

  6. 10 months ago


    They made a game just for the troony obsessed bigots on Ganker and it was awful

    • 10 months ago

      You will never be a real woman. Other M actually depicts Samus AS a real woman and it rocked because of it. Women aren't stoic, badass action heroes. Never can and never will be.

      • 10 months ago

        >Other M actually depicts Samus AS a real woman and it rocked because of it.
        No, it sucked because of it. Who gives a frick if it's unrealistic, hero samus is way better. Plus she's genetically modified so who cares about the limitations of normal human women.

      • 10 months ago

        >woman warrior that has bested the strongest creatures in the galaxy, singlehandedly dismantled the space pirates time and time again, blew up several planets, ended a universal tier threat by herself is a whiny doormat

      • 10 months ago

        Samus doesn't even act as a sentient human being much less a standard woman

      • 10 months ago

        Go away Dobson

    • 10 months ago

      The scene you are thinking of was actually mangled in the localization, but the original version is arguably even worse. In the version we got, Samus goes into the super heated area without her varia suit function on, and then Adam tells her to turn it on, and she just does. In the JP script, Adam actually tells her to use the Varia suit earlier, and she just doesn't until she has no other choice, as part of a petulant tantrum.

    • 10 months ago

      >Let's make a cool, fun game but also unwisely make our ballsy heroine an excessively loquacious wimp who cares far too much about what other people think of her

      >"Having character development and grow is le....bad"
      This is why barely anyone gives a shit about Samus outside of the porn. She literally has no character to make her interesting when compared to characters like Alucard or Johnathan Morris.

      • 10 months ago

        If Sakamoto wanted to make a game about wimpy little girl samus learning to be a hero, maybe he should have made a prequel to the series instead of a sequel to fricking super metroid

      • 10 months ago

        What character development? She was a whiny b***h the whole game and never evolved beyond that.

      • 10 months ago

        There is no character development you nitwit. Or rather the character development is so fricking stupid and nonsensical that they were better off not having it at all.

        Samus's issues come from 2 sources in this game: the baby's death distracting her and her reevaluating the fallout between herself and Adam Malcovich. Regarding the baby, that idea should've died in the crib. When did Samus establish this unyielding bond with the baby? She found it on SR388, immediately took it to the Feds for experimentation, and then left. Went back after hearing the distress signal and never saw it again until Tourian. Samus barely spent any time with the baby yet considers herself it's mother? But even if we indulge in that insanity for a moment, there's no catharsis here. Samus never reaches a realization that it wasn't her fault. Or finds a new baby? Or even makes a relationship with Madeleine Bergman who's dealing with a similar issue to her. Samus just forgets about the baby after being confronted with Adam.

        Speaking of that piece of shit let's talk about the 2nd issue. Adam was established in the prior game Fusion where Samus depicts him as being so good of a CO that she keeps him in her mind even after going solo. So it was up to Other M to illustrate why Samus holds him in such high regard. That never happens. Not even in flashback. On mission Adam treats Samus as a pest that must be tolerated and in the flashback we only see their falling out. Minus one still image of Samus and Adam together I guess. Samus claims that she hated working with most soldiers because they treat her with kids gloves but that she appreciated Adam treating her delicately. It's literally okay when Adam does it. Even worse Adam always, ALWAYS, dismisses her at every turn when we see them together. I'm glad he does because Samus sucks in this game but the fact that Samus thinks Adam is treating her well presents her as confusing disdain for appreciation. So is Samus stupid?

        • 10 months ago

          Oh and before I forget: Samus's realization that she was wrong to go independent and cut her own path as a bounty hunter being wrong and that she should've just submitted to Adam is the most asinine, moronic, fricked up bullshit I've ever heard come from a sentient being that can pass a Turing Test. With those words Sakamoto stressed that Samus thinks she would've been better off being Adam's waifu over the creation of the entire Metroid franchise. Frick Other M. The course correction since that nonsense release has been fine but we really shouldn't have to tolerate Adam any further

        • 10 months ago

          Oh and before I forget: Samus's realization that she was wrong to go independent and cut her own path as a bounty hunter being wrong and that she should've just submitted to Adam is the most asinine, moronic, fricked up bullshit I've ever heard come from a sentient being that can pass a Turing Test. With those words Sakamoto stressed that Samus thinks she would've been better off being Adam's waifu over the creation of the entire Metroid franchise. Frick Other M. The course correction since that nonsense release has been fine but we really shouldn't have to tolerate Adam any further

          Don't forget that Salamoto rewrote the ending of Super to enforce his "Mama Samus" fetish, while also completely fricking it up by having the Metroid dangling Samus directly in front of Mother Brain instead of shielding her on the ground and Mother Brain killing the Metroid with the Hyper Beam which she lost due to the Metroid draining it from her.

          And that Sakamoto either ignored or rewrote every single other game in the franchise to tell his personal fanfiction.

      • 10 months ago

        >character development and grow
        It's the second-to-last "(at the time) game in the series chronologically. Other M regresses her as a character.

  7. 10 months ago

    Here's an interview with Sakamoto about what he was thinking. In terms of story, it was clear he wanted to be the one to define who Samus really was because he felt she had been mostly uncharacterized so far.

    IMO, his mistake was trying to subvert fan expectations rather than lean into them. Other M gave a middle finger to fans rather than paying homage to their speculations.

  8. 10 months ago

    >Let's make a cool, fun game but also unwisely make our ballsy heroine an excessively loquacious wimp who cares far too much about what other people think of her

  9. 10 months ago

    They wanted to make Japan like Metroid but they just ended up with a game that everyone is united in hating

  10. 10 months ago

    but I want to frick Samus's feathered pussy!
    even if I get 46 alien parasites in the process!
    Samus SEX Samus SEX SAMUS SEX

  11. 10 months ago

    The only good thing to come out of Other M

    • 10 months ago

      No, this shit was moronic. Ridley going through a metamorphosis? Fine. Ridley going from being a murder rabbit to a full sized dragon monster in 2 days, after at least months if not years of not changing? Fricking ludicrous.

  12. 10 months ago

    Reminder that other M never suffered dev hell or lack of budget problems, its exactly what Sakamoto envisioned nearly 1.1, so yes. THE BABY was always intended to be what he thought samus should be like

    • 10 months ago

      Other M was so bad that Nintendo has not developed a single well written game ever since.

    • 10 months ago

      He clinged way too hard to Super

  13. 10 months ago

    It's weird that based on her body proportions, Other M Samus is tall, but every other character in the game is taller than her for some reason.

  14. 10 months ago

    I make new Metroid game about Samus being a heckin cute trad mommy
    I call it... Metroid Mother...
    Oh ye gods! My thinly veiled fetish is too obvious! But what if I were to take the "M" in "mother" and disguise the title as science fiction? Delightfully devilish, Sakamoto.

  15. 10 months ago

    The thumbs-up sign had been used by the Galactic Federation for ages. Me, I was known for giving the thumbs-down during briefing. I had my reasons, though. Commander Adam Malkovich was normally cool and not one to joke around, but he would end all of his mission briefings by saying, "Any objections, Lady?" He was joking, but others weren't. At the time I felt surrounded by people who treated me like a child or used kid gloves because I was a woman. And yet, with Adam, I was grateful for the nod. My past has left me with an uneasy soul, and as a result, it touched me on some level that Adam would acknowledge that past by calling something delicate, like "Lady." And I knew more than anyone that every word from Adam was deliberate. My thumbs-down was a twofold response: a sign of derision at being called a lady, and a signal of my complete understanding of the mission orders. The other soldiers were always willing to support me with easy smiles despite the fact that I clearly had so much yet to learn. Among them was Anthony. In the face of his well-meaning behavior, and that of the other soldiers, my response was to become increasingly bitter. I was a child, always with something to prove. A chip on my shoulder. And I was angry. I felt that if I let my guard down, I would easily be broken. And beyond that, I was scared. But even in the naivet? of my youth, I could see in Adam's joking manner how close he felt to me. Adam knows my past. And he knows me better than anyone else. Confession time. Because I was so young when I lost both of my parents, there's no question I saw Adam as a father figure. When I rebelled against him, I knew I could get away with it. And his paternal compassion in the face of my rebellion reinforced the special bond I felt with him. I understood well that chances were slim that I would ever find anyone that understood me like Adam. And yet, when the time came, I still left his side. I was so young. Young and naive...

    • 10 months ago

      how to give a metroid fan ptsd

    • 10 months ago


  16. 10 months ago

    The last Metroid games worth playing were the GBA ones. This is coming from someone who has still played everything in the series day 1, desperate for something good again.

    • 10 months ago

      Dread was great you entitled moron

      • 10 months ago

        Dread is top 3 Metroid games.

        I played through it twice. There's no exploration and barely any secrets. They refuse to take any lessons/inspiration from the countless indie metroidvanias from the last 15 years and tried to make a new metroid game in a bubble.

        • 10 months ago

          >There's no exploration and barely any secrets

          Tell me about it, I also refused to do anything except the bare minimum and I can't believe Nintendo would make a game that lacks everything that makes Metroid great.

        • 10 months ago

          >There's no exploration and barely any secrets

          Tell me about it, I also refused to do anything except the bare minimum and I can't believe Nintendo would make a game that lacks everything that makes Metroid great.

          You sound like you played an entirely different game. Dread is literally everything that made Metroid great, and then there's even more.

        • 10 months ago

          >There's no exploration and barely any secrets

          Tell me about it, I also refused to do anything except the bare minimum and I can't believe Nintendo would make a game that lacks everything that makes Metroid great.

          Not even worth a (You)

        • 10 months ago

          >There's no exploration and barely any secrets.
          You must have played Samus returns and mistake it with Dread, Dread has plenty of optional secrets and exploration

    • 10 months ago

      Dread is top 3 Metroid games.

  17. 10 months ago

    Hope I can give you guys plenty of Keks with this


    • 10 months ago

      >CinemaSins format

    • 10 months ago

      >shilling your youtube channel

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