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Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    secondaries who have never played a monhun game before world

    • 2 years ago

      rent free

      • 2 years ago

        you have to understand, nintendies will NEVER, EVER recover from world, for them is like their wife got fricked by another man, in public, while 28 million people cheered, they got humiliated by
        >the graphics
        >the gameplay
        >the roster
        >the sales
        >the player retention
        >the content
        >the directors saying that was always their vision of the game
        but most importantly of all
        >the fact that their fisher price tablet couldn't run the game without exploding
        world still FOREVER live rent free in their minds and they will live in fear of MH 6 being another big success, further sunking them into depression. Truly heartbreaking.

        • 2 years ago

          holy shit
          i kneel

  2. 2 years ago

    Literally no content and i had to use a third party mod to stop crashes.

    Monster Hunter World is the definitive PC game with better content, even QoL improvements which they never brought over to rise.

    Nintendo Trannies ruin everything

    • 2 years ago

      Why would they remove something so simple and comfy as r1, l1 to move objects between Box and pouch

  3. 2 years ago

    To put it simply MHR is completely soulless and devoid of content.
    MHW tried to fix that by making the game actually feel fulfilling, instead of a shopping checklist to grind away.

  4. 2 years ago

    shitty mobile game on a platform with standards.

  5. 2 years ago

    Big step down from world and gimped by a weak system.

  6. 2 years ago

    MMO players

  7. 2 years ago

    Is this a good intro to new players?

    • 2 years ago

      Yes but so is world

      • 2 years ago

        Is World better than Rise? Sorry, I haven't played any of the games but I'm interested.

        • 2 years ago

          Yes, mostly because it has run it's course so it has lots of Content compared to Sunbreak, which is in it's infancy.
          You get a lot more game for your money with world for now.

        • 2 years ago

          Really depends on your own opinion. If you feel like spending less money then go for world when it goes on sale. Maybe look up a gameplay video for both and see which one interests you more.

    • 2 years ago

      It's fine, but world is the better intro and what the series will be moving forward. Rise is just a worse world with some different gimmicks. Emulating some of the older games like tri is worthwhile too, but they're no longer good intros.

      • 2 years ago

        Getting rid of all the forced solo play and unskippable cutscenes was a godsend. I fricking hated all that shit in world. I much prefer the older games where it's basically just "Here is list 1 of monsters, have at it". I hope they don't bring it back for 6. I also like the more open and climbable map design of rise but can't see how it will work without wire bugs.

  8. 2 years ago

    Game shot itself in the foot to make it for switch

  9. 2 years ago

    The reviews are mostly about PC issues, which is why Iceborne is also mixed on PC.

  10. 2 years ago

    Silk bugs and making everything insanely over the top, world was a massive step down in quality but rise is just unrecognizable. Monster Hunter died its second death, first with the portable era and now with the world / rise era.

  11. 2 years ago


  12. 2 years ago

    Phone games just don't do well on PC.

  13. 2 years ago

    Because Ganker are a bunch of contrarian moron snoys who think bad clunky antequated games are somehow good because old good new bad.

    • 2 years ago

      >Ganker not understanding that games are intentionally designed that way, and designed around it
      i bet you morons think games designed with tank controls were bad too

  14. 2 years ago

    >no content
    >braindead easy gameplay to appeal to literal children who play games on a leapfrog tablet
    >looks like a game released in 2007 yet is more expensive than World and Iceborne
    Worst game in the franchise. Nobody likes it except for coping bingbings.

  15. 2 years ago

    Iceborne had mixed reviews for most of its lifespan, what's your point?

    • 2 years ago

      Because the pc version was unoptimized and barely ran for who knows how long.

  16. 2 years ago

    Rise cltists hate the Clutchclaw but somehow think the wirebug is fine

    • 2 years ago

      wirebug doesn’t force me to keep reapplying a debuff to the monster over and over to do reasonable damage

      • 2 years ago

        Instead it forces you to do

        The biggest issue with Rise is the wirebug.
        Wirebug attacks are way too strong, if you have a wirebug charge up there's literally ZERO reason for you to do other attacks because wirebug shit is so strong you're supposed to be spending those charges as soon as they're up and this really takes away from the classic combat

      • 2 years ago

        Instead if forces you to use wirebug attacks all the fricking time because normal attacks can't compare to wirebug's

      • 2 years ago

        Wirebug is 10x more distracting than the clutchclaw because you could at least disable clutchclaw bullshit with mods, wirebugs are an integral part of Rise and you can't just "turn off" the OP as frick attacks. Enjoy taking 10 minutes longer per hunt because you didn't bring wirebug whisperer and abused the frick out of counters

  17. 2 years ago

    The biggest issue with Rise is the wirebug.
    Wirebug attacks are way too strong, if you have a wirebug charge up there's literally ZERO reason for you to do other attacks because wirebug shit is so strong you're supposed to be spending those charges as soon as they're up and this really takes away from the classic combat

    • 2 years ago

      >use all bugs
      >get launched in air by part 1 of combo attack
      >can't wirefall
      >get hit again
      Yeah sure thing dude

  18. 2 years ago

    Steam reviewers are some of the dumbest motherfrickers on the planet. If an update breaks their mods, or their toasters can't run the game, or some other inane shit that isn't the fault of the developer happens, they drop a negative review and tank the score of otherwise good games.

    • 2 years ago

      >nooo stop bullying my billion dollar company
      It literally was the game's fault and people forced them to fix their shit.

      • 2 years ago

        >forced them to fix their shit
        And when that shit got fixed, those reviews surely would have been changed/removed, like 80% of them claim, right? Oh right, steam reviews largely don't follow through with that shit. Problems at launch will haunt a game's score forever even if they don't have to on steam.

    • 2 years ago

      imo that's the reason I think Valve should implement a way to determine why you're giving a game a negative review, like technical problems, gameplay, community, developers, how the game evolved, etc...

    • 2 years ago

      >Iceborne refuses to run on half the systems in the world and deletes your save file
      >not the fault of the developer

      • 2 years ago

        iirc saves getting deleted were from people with mods installed, same with sunbreak.

        • 2 years ago

          I had mods on both and my saves were fine

      • 2 years ago

        Didn't happen to me.
        Maybe get a better PC.

  19. 2 years ago

    Because Rise catered to the majority (GS and LS players, they got all the cool new skills, moves and buffs)
    If you don't main those 2 weapons there's a huge chance your main weapon stayed the same or at worst got butchered (DB, HH, HBG)

    • 2 years ago

      I have played HH in FU, GU, World/IB and Rise/SB, and I think the best possible HH would be a mix between Rise's auto-performing songs and IB's note progression and songlists. As it stands note progression is too simple and it doesn't feel anywhere near as good to get songs out, even if the combat is massively improved.

      • 2 years ago

        It just feels like they gutted the horn and it's now mash and big song. I used it a lot in older games and enjoyed having to master the move set to optimise your song output while doing consistent damage.

  20. 2 years ago

    The shitch has no games

  21. 2 years ago

    Best damage being tied to bugs really ruined Rise for me. This mechanic was cool for 1 spin-off game but I really hope it gets deleted in MH6.

  22. 2 years ago

    It's a step backwards for world.
    Smaller scale, shorter hunts and simpler, easier gameplay.

    • 2 years ago

      How is it simpler and easier? Sunbreak has some of the craziest monsters in the series and Scroll-Switching wirebug cancelling is so deep it mindbroke worldsperms

      • 2 years ago

        Too forgiving, wirebugs in particularly just make positioning a complete joke.
        All the simplifications they made with world they further doubled down on with rise.

      • 2 years ago

        Rise's DMC-like gameplay is too hard for you, worldsperm?

        who the frick comes up with these shitty names? just stick with worldbabbies or some shit jesus christ

    • 2 years ago

      Rise's DMC-like gameplay is too hard for you, worldsperm?

  23. 2 years ago

    Its crazy how World and Rise are exactly the same concept, kill thing and wear its skin to kill stronger things and yet Rise feels completely empty and I have no idea why.

    I played 4U in its entirety and didn't feel this void. I liked it a lot. Rise feels like a step backwards or just a World 2 Waiting Room

    • 2 years ago

      Ichinose games are just like that, MHP3 and Generations also felt like stopgaps. Sunbreak feels a lot better in that regard though I think, definitely seems like a proper entry and gives me strong 4U vibes.

  24. 2 years ago

    >people didn't uninstall their mods for a massive update
    >people blew through the wading pool of content in a day or so
    >autism is an issue that largely plagues gaming communities

  25. 2 years ago

    I wish capcom wasn't too scared to bring back the flex.

  26. 2 years ago

    >game comes out as console exclusive
    >drones insist its a masterpiece
    >gets PC port
    >functioning adults play it and find out its mediocre at best
    >console fanboys go into a state of perpetual damage control
    Every time without fail.

  27. 2 years ago

    >download the demo
    >opening text says no progress or settings will be saved
    >check out the kb+m bindings
    >three goddamn pages
    >not allowed to use the same button for more than one thing because that's good programming :^)
    >quit and uninstall

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      That sounds pretty annoying. Has it been fixed?

  28. 2 years ago

    Most of the negative reviews are written by Chinese shills, they simply hate all Japanese games because they are based nationalists that hate Imperial Japan.

  29. 2 years ago

    Rise is bad.

    The multiplayer with randoms is still really bad in this game. The system of joining games by searching for quests is quite flawed.
    Consider this scenario; one has a desired list of monsters that they find fun to hunt and one wants to play with some randoms. In World, one can easily do so even today, 4 years after launch!

    In Rise, the tedium to do this is outrageous. One has to search for each quest one by one, wait for a few minutes each time for the game to check if the quest is being played by others. Or start the quest oneself and hope for others to join. For many hunters, the entire endgame is to find randoms one wants to help with specific monsters that one finds fun. This is what makes monster hunter last 1000s of hours. Unfortunately this is very hard to do in Rise. Sunbreak will not age well if they do not fix this system.

    I sincerely hope that the MH team takes notice of this. The attention to detail in this game shows how much the devs care for it. They just need a more diverse player perspective.

    I also hate what they did to the Hunting Horn. Made me change my main weapon after generations of monster hunting. They did similar things to the GS, but alteast it is an optional playstyle. It is sad to know that the old school Hunting Horn is gone forever.

    • 2 years ago

      >will not age well if they do not fix this system.
      They won't. The system is like this because of the Switch.

      • 2 years ago

        ok worldsperm

        • 2 years ago


          Switch network can't handle 16-player lobbies.

        • 2 years ago

          Rent free, Risetard

      • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      In Sunbreak, they added an option to join a random quest.

      • 2 years ago

        Join on random was an option in base rise, wasn't it? besides, it still misses the feature of having a selection of quests to join, which was the cool thing world did

  30. 2 years ago

    Capcom has been trying to half ass their PC ports because it costs too much or something? Like I don't understand, it's not that much of a development drag nowadays to not produce garbage with everything being on x86 for most multiplatform development. You're also paying for Denuvo, so it makes no sense to reduce the audience on PC with stuff like this when you are telling your investors the opposite in shareholder meetings.

  31. 2 years ago

    Rise is a downgrade of World. Sunbreak is a downgrade of Rise. Simple as. *raises beer*

  32. 2 years ago

    Really telling that people stopped crying about easy difficulty to shit on the game and are now making dumb unproveable statements like "it just feels off"

    • 2 years ago

      Falseflaggers. Rise/SB is easy as shit.

    • 2 years ago

      >scroll swap
      >universal counter move
      >more iframes than any other evasion outside of wirebug counters
      >reduces wirebug cd by half when you do a successful redirection dodge
      A skill this powerful should not fricking exist in any monster hunter game. Rise is a joke, you moron.

      • 2 years ago

        You can beat World blindfolded. World is easier than Rise

        • 2 years ago

          You can beat Rise blindfolded AND with tied arms. Rise is easiest MH game by far

        • 2 years ago

          >World is easier than Rise
          I fricking hated world and that's just plain wrong.

        • 2 years ago

          Nice deflection homosexual. 3 skill points and a food skill is all it takes to make you unkillable.

  33. 2 years ago

    secondaries who have never played a monhun game before rise

  34. 2 years ago

    Monster Hunter should bring back swimming.

  35. 2 years ago

    >Beloved video game franchise
    >Was once one of the most welcoming and supportive communities
    >Now a complete dumpsterfire of online trolling and consolebaiting
    Capcom should just pick a system and stick to it. Kill this moronic shitflinging off once and for all. The Switch is massively held back on performance and graphics compared to modern PCs and consoles, but it's massively popular in Japan, MH's main market. So pick one Capcom, end this fricking nightmare of thread after thread of console war, I just wanna talk about monsters...

    • 2 years ago

      >a complete dumpsterfire of online trolling and consolebaiting
      On Ganker.
      If platform hopping is your main complaint you're 13 years late.

      • 2 years ago

        I could go into a myriad of complaints but this is the current thing splitting the community. Th gimmicks they come up with each game have gotten increasingly more brokenly powerful but I'm not about to b***h about that when there's 10000 comments seething about what console it's on

        • 2 years ago

          >about what console it's on
          It's on PC now, so it doesn't matter. Go ahead, proceed to seethe about the broken gimmicks. I'd like to hear that.

          • 2 years ago

            It all started with hunter arts. They were strong, but not necessarily detrimental to the difficulty. Things escalated quickly in World. The slinger was FINE. Absolutely fine, it did it's job, it was a little more convenient than a long throwing paintball/dung animation but it's whatever, it was totally OK. The fricking Clutchclaw pedal to the metal, balls to the wall slams in at 5000mph and fricks everything. Constant wall bangs, softening monster parts, infinite supply of the stronger slinger ammo to abuse. Shit was and is broken.
            This only got worse in Rise with the fricking wirebugs. You can literally slide your way up a Rathalos' butthole and proceed to fricking pilot it like a Gundam to stun-lock whatever frick-lucky monster happens to be near by with absolutely no downsides to yourself or your party. Repeatedly.

            • 2 years ago

              Quite a few valid points, frick hunter arts. But I disagree on the CC power level. It was considerably lower than that of the hunter arts and styles in GU. CC is some 5% mead damage increase on weakspots, which you already should be targeting. Its effectiveness is inversely proportional to the hitzone, so mostly useful for breaking tough parts for rare drops, which is its intended use. Sure, some autists might complain that it's "suboptimal" not to be using it on the weakspots, but the damage increase is rather marginal really.
              Meanwhile in Rise, most of the hunter's damage is locked behind the silkbind moves. Hunts using your weapon's core moveset could take up to three times longer compared to silkbind spam. The blue number moves vastly outdamage normal attacks. Same goes for the intrusive wyvern riding, which shaves off huge chunks of the monster's health, which you lose, if you chose not to abuse it.
              Anyway, while all three mechanics are thematically tied to the bugs, I really like to look at silkbinds, wyvern riding, and the general mobility/parkour the bugs provide separately. Because the latter is actually quite engaging and doesn't hurt the MH gameplay paradigm like the former two do. I'd go as far as to say that carrying the parkour elements over to MH6 might be a good addition. Get rid of the tacky glowing bugs first of course. They could use the actual metal wire on the slinger/CC to implement the extra mobility options in a more natural way.

    • 2 years ago

      Valve should just release the deck in japan so all the nips can have a portable pc and then everyone will be happy.

    • 2 years ago

      Power, for the slow once a fricking again, has shit all to do with this series being good. It on,y suddenly became a problem when World released, now every game after wards is "holding it back" like man, shut the frick up when the non stop bullshit and bias.

  36. 2 years ago

    switch port + bing bing wahoo shit
    Wait for the next real mh

  37. 2 years ago

    Dunno, it's my second favourite modern monster hunter game

  38. 2 years ago

    Monster Hunter multiplayer is so bad
    Where is the automatic matchmaking for each quest?

    • 2 years ago

      >Where is the automatic matchmaking for each quest?
      There is matchmaking in the 5th gen games. It's called the SOS flare.

      • 2 years ago

        Not good enough
        I want a full party before the quest starts

        • 2 years ago

          That's what lobbies are for. You can have either matchmaking, or pre-made full PUGs.
          Although, I guess, there's technically nothing stopping them from making the kind of matchmaking you're talking about. But, honestly, I prefer the current model, because having to wait for full parties would mean queues. And possibly long ones, especially later into the game's lifecycle, when the playerbase starts dwindling. Filling the quest with players as it goes is much faster.

  39. 2 years ago

    So fricking boring and devoid of content it made me replay MH3U. I loathe Rise's direction.

  40. 2 years ago

    What went wrong?

    • 2 years ago

      You only having a switch.

      • 2 years ago

        >Monster Hunter World: Iceborne is already in your Steam library
        Blind moron.

  41. 2 years ago

    >godawful amulet melding system where at mr42 I still didn't find an upgrade from 3-criteye I had in base game and every time you have to go through the process of picking fricking mats and manually getting the right amount of points, all that just to get NOTHING
    >still one type of armor so theorycrafting is non-existent
    >UI is not fixed, clunky giant piece of shit
    >jungle, yet again copypasted from previous games map is good but the other "new" map is complete trash painful to navigate
    >endgame consists of farming same fricking monsters but with giant HP pool with rewards being just shitty weapon upgrades
    >wasted resources on horrible disgusting trash npc co-op that adds ZERO content to the game instead of fixing all the millions of issues game has
    >monster animations are still tied to FPS so you have shit Black person garbage unrollable attacks
    >still have to spam button because Black persondevs can't into input buffer
    >new music is decent but 90% of the game you're listening to the trash from base game (save me boomer mod)
    literally unsalvageable

    • 2 years ago

      Pretty decent game list btw.

    • 2 years ago

      consists of farming same fricking monsters but with giant HP pool with rewards being just shitty weapon upgrades
      As opposed to?

  42. 2 years ago

    Nerfed long sword.

  43. 2 years ago

    I played some 3U, got to early HR.
    I played a lot of 4U, I am now in G3 so Grank Elder Dragons (feels good being here but soloing them is torture)
    I played a decent amount of Rise, will be getting DLC soon.
    Didn't play World because my PC is shit.
    I enjoyed playing Rise. I don't think anything is wrong, really. It's pretty fun. Will be getting Sunbreak soon when I have more time off.
    Thanks for reading.

  44. 2 years ago

    >First Aid med

  45. 2 years ago

    gimmick is shitty except for a handful of weapons
    monsters are boring, bunch of fire variants, yay
    no fricking afflicted elder dragons, so the end game is just spongey low tier monsters that are boring to fight
    evade extender and evade window skills greatly shit upon, countering is the best way to play
    wirebug gimmick is absolutely fricking garbage
    new maps are shit except jungle which is underused except for chaff you never want to fight
    nothing changed with the endgame charm grind, worse than vanilla world decoration and streamstone grind somehow
    piss poor monsters coming in future updates based on the leaks
    shitty armors that only have alpha variants, no beta variants with good slots
    fricking around with decorations and their sizes to make MR set building feel like HR set building
    blademaster and gunner skills on the same armour pieces or sets, inefficient and ugly
    didn't change the spiribird mechanic so its still boring gotta-catch-'em-all gameplay at the start
    absolutely wasted gore and shagaru magala for no reason other than greedily trying to add cool shit into a bad game to look good
    leviant type monsters are moronic and ugly and got variants and subspecies, not cool monsters like goss harag or garangolm
    just about the only decent thing sunbreak did right was the hopper sticks that change how dango worked

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