What would she think of Jedi like Yoda?

What would she think of Jedi like Yoda?

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  1. 7 months ago

    Yoda is the purest embodiment of complacency and Jedi dogmatism that Kreia hates with a burning passion. Go figure.

    • 7 months ago

      Complacency? The Jedi started the clone wars.

      • 7 months ago

        The Jedi were exterminated and the Republic destroyed, all on his watch. Literal bazillions died due to his failure of leadership

        • 7 months ago

          Yeah by bad writing, not a failure of leadership. No one could've predicted that nonsense. Not even you sitting in your ivory tower, judging.

          the Separatists kidnapped a prominent Senator, the Battle of Geonosis was simply an aggressive hostage extraction.

          Pretty sure they were rescuing Obi Wan and the other two just got caught up in things. That's the opposite of complacency. That was a lightning fast reaction.

          • 7 months ago

            By revenge of the sith Yoda was well aware of the fact that there was an unknown sith lord on the loose, that the dark side was waxing, that Palpatine was suspicious as frick and that the jedi were isolated.
            Not knowing the precise details is one thing, but Yoda had literally no contingency plans in place except to wait and hope something turned up.

            • 7 months ago

              I think you're headcanoning big time. The second they got suspicious they ask Anakin to watch Palpatine. I don't wish to discuss this further with you.

              • 7 months ago

                What, precisely?
                They discuss in council that Palpatine is a risk, which gets them to send a single person to watch him. They make no plans on what to do if he does have ulterior motives, which given he's literally the most powerful man in the galaxy is absolutely complacency. Expecting order 66 is a stretch, but needing to have an emergency meeting if he turns on them is dumb
                Windu asks Yoda if they should tell the senate their powers have been diminished by the dark side's influence.
                They've known since TPM that one Sith escaped the net, since Maul only accounted for one, and Dooku then confirms a more powerful one is out there.

                I'm fairly sure you already know this, since you left the caveat
                >I don't wish to discuss this further with you.
                specifically to discourage a response, which is frankly a b***h move.

              • 7 months ago

                I told you I don't wish to discuss it and your response it to produce a wall of text. Didn't read btw. You have serious boundary issues anon. You've been rejected, go do something else.

              • 7 months ago

                This is just rude.
                I don't know if you're the type that thinks having the last word means you've won, or if you're truly odd enough to be bothered by this after you've tried to run away, but either way I'm not going to comply.

              • 7 months ago

                >it's rude to reject you
                holy shit you need therapy

              • 7 months ago

                last word seeker it is.
                Here's a tip that should help, anon; you can preemptively win arguments by not making moronic posts in the first place.
                That way you don't need to be a little b***h when someone points out you're moronic.

            • 7 months ago

              I think you're headcanoning big time. The second they got suspicious they ask Anakin to watch Palpatine. I don't wish to discuss this further with you.

              the problem is that movies yoda and clone wars yoda might as well be 2 different characters. the way they handle lore is fricking moronic sometimes. clone wars yoda goes through so much shit, learns so much shit, and it has literally 0 effect on episode 3 becuse the clone wars tv series was written AFTER the movie. thats the problem with writing a prequel, if you dont do it properly you end up creating plot holes with your bad writing. its red dead 2 all over again

              • 7 months ago

                >becuse the clone wars tv series was written AFTER the movie
                No it's because dave felony and whoever else influenced all that are morons. You could write a show that doesn't do all that quite easily.

              • 7 months ago

                >whoever else influenced all that
                ...George Lucas

              • 7 months ago

                >You could write a show that doesn't do all that quite easily.
                I agree, but its much easier to write new things in a sequel rather than a prequel. A prequel has to be extremely careful in ways that a sequel doesnt because if you introduce new characters, ideas, etc etc, you have to have a good explanation for why they are never mentioned in the sequel.

                For instance, the fact that ashoka is never brought up once in episode 3 is a raging fricking plot hole created by TCW. Obiwan absolutely would have brought up her name to akakin during their confrontation, or someone would have mentioned her to him at one point. She was basically one of the most important people in his life and theres no mention of her at all. This is why you dont make characters who are so fundamentally important to a story in a prequel that didnt exist in the sequel. Like i said, its the same with RDR2 and the fact that Arthur never gets mentioned once in the first game by john, dutch, or any of the gang. HE ABSOLUTELY WOULD HAVE BEEN

              • 7 months ago

                Quinlan Vos, who only appeared in the comics prior to episode 3, had a mention in the movie.

              • 7 months ago

                that was back when Lucas actually cared a bit about EU material

              • 7 months ago

                Tbf post episode 3 he was pretty much done with making star wars movies. It's still neet to see EU characters in the prequels though

              • 7 months ago

                If they really wanted her in, Ahsoka should have been a character for a duo written specifically for the show, one that interacted with Obi-Wan and Anakin the same way their other friends and colleagues did.

              • 7 months ago

                that's why you pretend TCW doesn't exist because it contradicts a bunch of stuff in the prior EU

      • 7 months ago

        the Separatists kidnapped a prominent Senator, the Battle of Geonosis was simply an aggressive hostage extraction.

    • 7 months ago

      >Yoda is the purest embodiment of complacency and Jedi dogmatism that Kreia hates with a burning passion. Go figure.
      That's Windu, Yoda was still "good", he was just blinded by protocol.

      • 7 months ago

        Kreia doesn't give a frick about good. Yoda spent 900 years adhering to a single view on the Force, not even branching out after the entire Order crumbled beneath him. He didn't even want to train Luke when he was their only option, and when he did he completely failed to prepare him for Palpatine.

        Dooku is probably the movie jedi she'd most like since he had studied both sides and used his knowledge for reasons other than light vs. dark bullshit.

  2. 7 months ago

    probably the same as she thought of the Council in 2, considering they're basically identical. Although Yoda was somehow even more moronic since he let the entire Jedi Order including himself get dragged into a Sith's falseflag war

  3. 7 months ago

    He is a schutta that relies too much on the force

  4. 7 months ago

    Shit on him during the prequel era, praise him for getting his shit back together and guiding Luke. Especially the part where he tested Luke by heavily implying, but not stating, he had to kill Vader, which ended up being the final test that made him a Jedi

    • 7 months ago

      >Especially the part where he tested Luke by heavily implying, but not stating, he had to kill Vader, which ended up being the final test that made him a Jedi
      Nice headcanon, but no, Yoda explicitly wanted Luke to kill Vader (and Palpy) to prove he's become a full-fledged Jedi Knight, as he believed Vader was beyond redemption at that point.

  5. 7 months ago

    She'd fricking hate him, just as she'd hate pretty much any traditional Jedi from the prequels or sequels. The only movies Jedi she might get on alright with is Qui-Gon, since he's similarly somebody who doesn't really care much about the Jedi code and makes decisions based on desired results, not strict dogma.

    • 7 months ago

      Movie Jedi get heavily involved in wars and politics, unlike KotOR2 Jedi, and they don’t rely only on the Force, they have other skills (Luke is a pilot, Anakin is talented with droids).

      • 7 months ago

        >heavily involved in wars and politics
        >they have other skills
        >they don’t rely only on the Force
        Same as in the Old Republic era

      • 7 months ago

        She'd probably get on really well with Luke. He's self reliant, has plenty of mundane skills, learns from his mistakes, learns from the mistakes of others, tells dogma to frick itself where appropriate, and puts his money where his mouth is when he spouts grandiose ideals.
        They'd both grab some Juma Juice and laugh at his pathetic brother Jake, though.

        • 7 months ago

          He would probably invite the old coot to hang around the temple and annoy the students. Also, imagine the banter with Katarn.

          • 7 months ago

            >imagine the banter with Katarn.
            Katarn is perhaps the ideal Jedi from Kreia's perspective
            >adept pilot and hand-to-hand fighter
            >equally good with blasters, grenades, lightsabers and other kinds of weapons
            >has other menial skills as expected of a former soldier and mercenary
            >willingly rejected the Force and lived without it at some point in his life
            >does not subscribe to the simplistic DvsL mindset
            >does not like formalities in general
            ngl Kyle Katarn is pretty fricking based no matter how you look at it

        • 7 months ago

          I swear Luke said something like "fighting other people's challenges doesn't improve them" or something similar. Either way, Kreia is mostly about independence from the force and the Jedi follows its will

  6. 7 months ago

    She doesn't watch movies.

  7. 7 months ago

    Threadly reminder

  8. 7 months ago


  9. 7 months ago

    What would her and Jolee on the same ship be like?

    • 7 months ago

      Sweaty elderly sex, pls understand

    • 7 months ago

      Jolee walked away when he saw the Jedi not holding themselves to their own standards.
      He'd probably hate her, since despite his bluster he's an idealistic good guy, but she'd respect him.

    • 7 months ago

      >im not here to choose your destiny for you. You do you
      >wtf you became a Sith? Imma kill you because I'm a jedi

  10. 7 months ago

    Imagine if Anakin's fall was due to political reasons rather than the "dark side healing powers" mumbo-jumbo + 'love made him insane somehow' canon.
    >the republic is dysfunctional, corrupt and broken
    >slavery is a common practice in the outer systems and slaves are treated like dirt
    >even after becoming a fully-fledged Jedi he's still unable to do anything about it several years later
    >instead of magic dark side healing abilities, Palps nudges Anakin with the idea that a more direct, strict and controlling system would be more effective
    >decide to overthrow the broken system of corrupt delegates & bureaucrats and whatever in favor of something he thinks he will be in control of
    But instead all we get is "I LOVE PADMÉ NOO I CAN'T LOSE HER MAN"

    • 7 months ago

      That's low key exactly what happened, but Lucas decided to put LOVE on the forefront because that's easier for the wide audience to digest.

      • 7 months ago

        It might have been his intent, but we don't see that because Anakin himself (from the audience's perspective) never interacts with the republic nor b***hes about it. His only two links to politics are Padme and Palpatine, both of whom he has positive relations with and both of whom profess to like the republic.
        Anakin's problems lay solely with the Jedi, and the fact he could leave any time he likes weakens this aspect of his fall.

  11. 7 months ago

    I've come to believe that star wars discussers are the biggest midwits on the planet.

  12. 7 months ago

    What would he think of Anakin?

    • 7 months ago

      Exactly the same he thought about Revan and Malak.
      Fun fact: if you look at him with Force Vision in Dantooine cave before initiating the confrontation with the mercs you can see he's got the lowest LS alignment of all masters (excluding Atris)

    • 7 months ago

      Anakin is a dumber Revan.

  13. 7 months ago

    Anakin views jedi as some sort of hero freedom fighters of justice and you would have thought he would have learned by his mid teens they were just glorrified police force who don't do shit but answer to the senate la forma de sheev. True Anakin would have abandoned Obi-Wan and be fighting in the outer rim and huts, since slavery made his character.

  14. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      For me it's the Visas Marr gf

  15. 7 months ago

    If you controlled all of Hollywood and the entire gaming industry and all other media, how would you fix star wars?

    • 7 months ago

      Honestly? SW missed it chance to die gracefully, so I'd give it a chance to die quietly.

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