What's the angriest you've ever gotten at a game?

What's the angriest you've ever gotten at a game?
For me it's hitting my knee with my fist to resist the urge to scream and inconvenience people close to me, but that's only when I'm getting absolutely filtered like a pleb. Besides that shit hurts so at one point it's either git gud or nothing.

Tell the truth, anon. Nobody will judge you.
The above statement is a fricking lie.

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  1. 4 years ago

    Always wonder if that kid got a laugh out of this video or hates his brother for the rest of his life

    • 4 years ago

      I do too. Or did. If by "always" you mean the two seconds it takes to figure out that the whole thing was staged as a comedy bit.

      • 4 years ago

        >two seconds
        It took you that long?

      • 4 years ago

        Knew it was fake before they even made the video

    • 4 years ago

      it was staged

  2. 4 years ago

    I was playing league of legends, got mad, kicked my dog in the ribs so they broke and had to pay around $1300 to get it them fixed.

    • 4 years ago

      >playing league
      Serves you right, gay. Also Sneed.

    • 4 years ago

      have a nice day

      • 4 years ago

        Don't make fun of him * Pushes you into a wall then throws a fakeout punch making you flinch* Pussy.

  3. 4 years ago

    When I was like 12 I threw the big fat original xbox controller through my tv because I kept losing in godzilla destroy all monsters. It sucked pretty bad tbh and I had to save up to get a new tv for like a year.

    • 4 years ago

      underage. A CRT wouldnt have broken

      • 4 years ago

        I'm 26. It broke

      • 4 years ago

        >godzilla destroy all monsters melee
        whats it like succumbing to entropy and not realizing time passes?

    • 4 years ago

      Good on your parents for making you pay for it.

  4. 4 years ago

    I broke a controller playing Diddy kong racing.
    Years and years later, I broke a fake SNES controller playing some Megaman 8, it left a scar in the palm of my hand. It will always remind me that I'm an idiot lol

    • 4 years ago

      >it left a scar in the palm of my hand
      what the frick did you do an also post it

  5. 4 years ago

    I know this was staged but I unironically do anal masturbation when I feel extremely depressed and my self esteem is rock bottom.

    • 4 years ago

      That's both cute and disgusting.

    • 4 years ago

      as punishment or to cheer you up? weirdo

    • 4 years ago

      that is not going to help your self esteem

    • 4 years ago

      Just get a bf already.

  6. 4 years ago

    I broke my controller playing Sekiro. I repeatedly flexed it the opposite directions til it tore down the middle.

  7. 4 years ago

    Slamming my desk a few times, usually half jokingly.

  8. 4 years ago

    Hitting the wall or my screen. It was playing online mahjong which is the only game that makes me angry, I stopped doing ranked after a few of those and I still don't.

    • 4 years ago

      Let me guess, nyaggers?

  9. 4 years ago

    Most of the time when the game bullshits me I just do gestures towards the sky like i'm a character from The Sims

    • 4 years ago

      i cringed, you’re one locked homosexual

      • 4 years ago

        I'm afraid I don't understand...

        • 4 years ago

          Dont mind it just some homosexuals trying to change based to something else

  10. 4 years ago

    Punched a door playing Q3A

  11. 4 years ago

    Punched the wall when I got really mad at iwbtg when I was 15 or so, had to wear a cast for my ring finger for a week.

  12. 4 years ago

    all these morons breaking things, hurting their walls and/or fists. do you know pillows, sofas, mattresses exist? or you can just bottle it up for years and years like I do

  13. 4 years ago

    just usual, hitting and slamming desk, punching wall next to me, swearing like a motherfricker and screaming at the game, last time it happened was when i played hollow knight, had stutter issues killing my timing, goddamn was I pissed

  14. 4 years ago

    not me but my friend, playing world of tanks, punched his laptop's monitor out
    great times

  15. 4 years ago

    slamming the monitor into the wall repeatedly until the wall cracked open. the game was runescape and i would go into the wildy. unfortunately, i had dial-up internet and it would frequently disconnect and i would die.

    i still rage and have broken about 4 mouses(mice?) by beaming them into my wall during league of legends games.

  16. 4 years ago

    I still get mad at games. Especially when they take control away from the player. Ghost Of Tsushima being a recent example for me. There are times it locks you out of using your dodge or parry buttons and forces you to be hit. As well as letting the AI cheat and just move out of the way of your attacks in singular frames with no penalties while also still being able to attack you on the same frame that you can not possibly dodge. It's extremely frustrating.

    I also hate playing MP games and getting matched up with morons who can't do shit and barely even know what game their playing or what class they are playing (if the game has classes). Honestly though I never stay mad for long, I just keep playing and move on. Sometimes if it's bad I might yell or mutter to myself like an insane person but it only lasts for what, 2 minutes at the most?

    I know I shouldn't get mad, but it specifically pushes my buttons to the next level. I'm not even usually that mad in real life as I'm pretty calm most of the time. I guess I let it all out when I play games since it isn't really hurting anyone else. I rage sometimes while driving though because other motherfrickers on the road are seriously beyond fricked up in the head and drive so badly.

  17. 4 years ago

    punching the wall, table, pc and throwing the mouse at the wall, don't get so mad at games anymore thank god

  18. 4 years ago

    When I was trying to git gud at DBFZ.
    I bit myself so hard I started bleeding.

  19. 4 years ago

    I smashed my desk and keyboard quite a bit when I was 12-15. Now I just swear if I get angry, not stupid enough to damage my own property. Feel kinda bad that I damaged my parents' property back then.

  20. 4 years ago

    intense teamfight in lol , fricked up and then smacked table with fist. was at grandparents and they sleep with door open , they asked what happened and I said my water bottle fell over

  21. 4 years ago

    >yelled Black person really loud after losing to a boss who had 1% health left
    >think my front door is locked but check anyway
    >milkman is staring at me mouth agape slowly putting the milk bottle down and backing away

    • 4 years ago

      what the frick lol

        • 4 years ago

          That's cool, I wish it was still the same in my country.

        • 4 years ago

          This is true, we get fresh milk delivered every other morning. It's nice. Supports local farmers too.

        • 4 years ago

          damn, we havent had a milkman for like 20 years

  22. 4 years ago

    Punched a wall a few times.

  23. 4 years ago

    Sometimes I say some really nasty shit and fling the words Black person and homosexual around but I always feel after awful because I'd never say them where anyone could hear me.

  24. 4 years ago

    I rarely get extremely angry to the point where I do physical stuff, nowadays at least. The most I do is swear or yell or MAYBE hit a chair. My biggest rage in recent memory is when I kept dying in Hotline Miami and yelled "WHAT THE FRICKING Black person" right as my mom passed by my room.

  25. 4 years ago

    Slapped my desk so hard my hand kept hurting for 15 minutes afterwards

  26. 4 years ago

    Lower league management (tier 5 and below) in football manager.
    >try to play short passing possession game
    >players seem hardcoded to lump the ball up to the striker instead of playing through midfield
    >keep losing the ball and conceding as a result
    >change tactics to classic 442, play with massive target man to receive the long balls and a poacher alongside him
    >players continue lumping the ball up
    >all according to keikaku
    >they're playing the long balls to the 5'10 poacher instead of the 6'6 granite slab I designated as the long ball target
    >keep losing the ball and conceding as a result
    it's so fricking aids, dude

  27. 4 years ago

    One time I got so mad at a game of league of legends I started getting dizzy. Uninstalling that piece of shit was the best decision I have ever made

  28. 4 years ago

    I never brake anything when i get frustrated i just have a smoke and get back to gaming or just turn it off and fap

  29. 4 years ago

    I wonder whatever happened to him

  30. 4 years ago

    ive never gotten mad at the game just myself, i lost all the souls id ever got through one playthrough of dark souls 3 ng+3 to see how many i could save up then died like a pleb

  31. 4 years ago

    I once got so mad at losing to jinpachi so much in tekken that I ripped a clump of hair out my head

    • 4 years ago

      Are you balding?? Wtf it was probably bloody huh

    • 4 years ago

      And now you have the Heihachi haircut.

  32. 4 years ago

    Just calling someone a moron/c**t/Black person or whatever in chat, nothing much

  33. 4 years ago

    Everyday I seethe that at my wife fricking OP and everyday I sleep crying

  34. 4 years ago

    Hit the desk real hard playing DS2, nothing too major.

  35. 4 years ago

    I mean I've been enraged, sweating, twitching but I've never broken anything.

    Call of duty cold war gold challenges come to mind because the kill while enemy is in cover one is broken. shooting them through smoke or a wall doesnt count. Shooting them when they are behind something doesn't count. It's only counted if only their head is visible, and they are looking at you and you need to do it 50-75 times.

    Mile high club on veteran for original call of duty 4 took me over 100 tries.

    Starcraft 2 multiplayer.

    League of legends.

    Spyro the dragon

    Fallout 1 and 2 where even easy mode was pretty tough.

    I'm sure theres more

  36. 4 years ago

    I have legitimately never reacted more physically than sitting back in my chair a bit harder than usual and sighing angrily, and that only began happening recently with games where you can put over an hour into a run and have it taken from you in an instant before you can react. I legitimately do not understand people who get super loud and super physical or violent from just dying in a game or being beaten by someone, or even worse just not succeeding when there isn't even a punishment. I've lived with someone like this for years now and when I ask him about it he can't every give me a reason or an answer why he raises his voice, hits his desk and kicks the wall.

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