What's the deal with these? I have to play both? Is this some Pokemon situation? What in the frick?

What's the deal with these? I have to play both? Is this some Pokemon situation? What in the frick?

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 5 months ago

    Just play LA, those were super boring. But no you don't have to play both.

    • 5 months ago

      LA (1993), not LADX (1998), that is.

      • 5 months ago

        Oh so you're even MORE of a mouth-breathing contrarian than I thought.
        OOS > OOA > LADX >>> LA

        • 5 months ago

          That makes you a mouth-breathing consoomer that doesn't even play the games he ranks.

    • 5 months ago

      They're completely different games.
      Different bosses, different dungeons, different plotlines, different worlds, different characters, etc.
      Play one, play the other if you like it and want more.

      moron alert.

      • 5 months ago

        Couldn't even go one reply without the contrarian moron shitting the thread up.
        LA is inferior to Oracle in every conceivable way other than your rose-tinted nostalgia.

        he's right, the Crapcom games are tedious compared to LA.

    • 5 months ago

      Couldn't even go one reply without the contrarian moron shitting the thread up.
      LA is inferior to Oracle in every conceivable way other than your rose-tinted nostalgia.

      • 5 months ago

        That's bullshit.
        I played all these as an adult and LA is vastly superior.

      • 5 months ago

        Meds. Just because you grew up with the mediocre, stretched out, romhack-tier generic oracle games does not mean they are good. That you immediately spout "contrarian" betrays your insecurity and projection.

  2. 5 months ago

    they're vastly different games, after you play one you can put a password into the other to play linked mode. there's also a hero mode if you'e familar with that, so it's also possible to play linked hero mode too.
    [regular] [linked] [hero] [linked hero]
    the linked ending is the same for both games, everything else throughout them is different.
    you should play both at least once, they both have a variation in the content when linked.
    Ages has a minigame you can only play linked, Seasons doesn't. you can only get the master sword and fight Ganon if you link one.

    • 5 months ago

      >Ages has a minigame you can only play linked
      Which minigame was this

      • 5 months ago

        A recreation of the first stage of Donkey Kong.

    • 5 months ago

      >Ages has a minigame you can only play linked
      Which minigame was this

      A recreation of the first stage of Donkey Kong.

      Linked Seasons (ie, you started with Ages and linked your file to Seasons) also has some unique, interesting sidequests, such as an actually challenging Hero's Cave.

  3. 5 months ago

    Final ending is apparently locked behind both games, you beat one game and you get a password to put into the other. There are also "secrets" where you need to talk to people in both games to unlock but thay's all bonus. I always start with Ages because that game is kind of fun and I never finish seasons because that game is kind of suck.

    • 5 months ago

      Agreed. The rest of the internet likes seasons better, but I've never finished it. Ages I've played a couple of times. Ages really isn't bad, but neither match up to Link's Awakening.

  4. 5 months ago

    No, it's not like Pokemon. These are two completely different games, so you have to play both for the full experience. After beating one you get the password for another to unlock your rings and the ultimate ending for both. Also, other aspects of the plot in the linked game will be slightly changed, taking into account that the other story already happened. Consider this a one bigger game rather than two different ones.

  5. 5 months ago

    Yeah, it was a crappy Pokemon Red & Blue-inspired gimmick from a greedy company. The late 90s/early 2000s was a horrible time for Nintendo exclusives.

  6. 5 months ago

    i also have questions with this, which one should be played first? do i finish that, put the code in thhe other one and then the code i get there i put in on the first one i played and then play it again to get the full experience?

    • 5 months ago

      after you play one you can put a password into the other to play linked mode. there's also a hero mode so it's also possible to play linked hero mode too.
      [regular] [linked] [hero] [linked hero]
      Seasons linked places the master sword in a woods, which is thematically better in my opinion. however in Ages there's a minigame you can only play linked, but it's not that good or anything.
      you play one, put the password into the other and play it, AND IF YOU WANT TO you can put the password from the second back into the first, and proceed to play it on hero mode even. but save it for a replay surely.

    • 5 months ago

      It's basically like one Zelda game but with 16 dungeons, except that you can start in one game's world or the other's by starting with one game or the other and then using a password to transfer your save file to the other game after beating one of them.

      Recommend that you play through the other way around than you did the first time, after you beat both one way. If you're wondering which game to start with, I like going with Ages first, though most anons here like Seasons first, but you can't go wrong either way (and like I said, you should eventually play through both ways...you'll see why).

    • 5 months ago

      >which one should be played first?
      There's no answer, it's subjective. I like Ages first so I can have Seasons items (like cape lvl2) in the endgame.
      >play it again to get the full experience
      I like to do this too because I enjoy both games. There are even easter eggs, the secret mascot,rings,etc. you can find on a new playthrough. If you do both it doesn't matter what you chose in the first question.

  7. 5 months ago

    These are two vastly different games.

    While playing through them is your typical Zelda, they also have a password system, and you can use the password in the opposite version to transfer all your stuff over to the other. If you're playing one game with a transfer that's beaten the other game, then you get some bonus content and a "true" final boss that wraps up the story for both.

    That said, you can just play one at a time or even play both without dealing with the whole transfer system, if you want. You won't run into the shadowy "final boss" but you still get to play through all the dungeons and meet all the characters.

  8. 5 months ago

    They're two separate campaigns that can be enjoyed individually, but you can continue into the next and get the full experience.

    It's a little bit like how Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles can be played separately, or combined into a full game (but not really).

    By the way, if you do want to play them, I recommend you use the Variable Width Font hack.
    It changes the presentation of the text boxes, that's it, no gameplay or script changes.

    Ages - https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/2934/
    Seasons - Not on RHDN for some reason but is linked in a comment here: https://www.reddit.com/r/RomHacks/comments/rxt3rg/a_variable_width_font_hack_for_the_legend_of/

    I also recommend using this patch to force the GBC color palette when playing on GBA mode, compatible with the VWF hacks.
    Ages - https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/3589/
    Seasons - https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/3588/
    I've been playing Ages on my Analogue Pocket, and the GBA mode color palette looks awful. It was calibrated for the original AGB-001 screen.
    There's a small amount of content restricted to GBA mode, just being able to enter a shop and buy a few non-essential items for 100 rupees a single time.

  9. 5 months ago

    Who admits to getting fooled by the fake reset in Seasons?

    • 5 months ago

      The what

      • 5 months ago

        In Seasons, there's a Subrosian who keeps count of all the signposts you break and gets increasingly mad as the number goes up. At 100 signs, he gets so pissed off that he fake-resets your game to teach you a lesson.

        • 5 months ago

          Oh frick I forgot all about that

        • 5 months ago

          I never knew about this. The term is overused, but that's sovl through and through.

          Couldn't even go one reply without the contrarian moron shitting the thread up.
          LA is inferior to Oracle in every conceivable way other than your rose-tinted nostalgia.

          I disagree with that guy about the Oracles being super boring, I liked both of them, especially Ages. But I think LA is better overall. For one, I prefer the setting and story, which in the Oracle games were both mostly forgettable. The island with the lizardmen in Ages was a really cool sequence though, which is part of why I prefer it. Also, I prefer the screen size in LA: each room is the size of the screen, as it should be. The rooms in the Oracle games are like 10% larger than the screen or something like that, and it's really annoying. In many rooms you have to walk in a loop to extend the camera just slightly in each direction to make sure you don't miss seeing a door, or switch, or treasure chest, or whatever. It's pretty annoying considering the only benefit is that the rooms are just sliiightly larger for use in puzzles or whatever.
          The major annoyances with Awakening are the pop-ups when you touch certain objects without the bracelet or pick up a power-up, and there's a rom patch that disables those messages and also replaces the font with a variable-width one that's much easier on the eyes. People complain about having to swap out items all the time to traverse the map, but I don't think it's that big of a deal since you're often going to and from specific/new locations, and for routes you take often you'll learn the most efficient way to get back and forth. It's not like you spend half the game backtracking between villages or whatever, you're usually exploring or in dungeons.

          • 5 months ago

            I don't think the story was that bad, I think the quirkiness of the oracles and their gimmicks was pretty fun less generic than alttp. It was different than LA/DX though for sure.

  10. 5 months ago

    It's like Persona 2 but you can pick whichever to start with.

  11. 5 months ago

    >he doesn't know you need the third game to unlock everything

    • 5 months ago

      Call me a contrarian but his one was my favorite. I don't get why it was so hated.

    • 5 months ago

      >an entire game based on unlocking Farore's meager amount of upgrades
      Sounds boring.

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