What's the fastest way to get stronger in Morrowind?

I've been playing Morrowind for 2 hours and I just got 2 tapped by a goblin, whats the fastest way to get stronger in Morrowind?

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  1. 3 years ago

    Pretty sure it's either
    >finding your guild (fighter, thief, mage) and doing fetch quests
    >reading online how to get endgame gear early and doing that

  2. 3 years ago

    Don't do the expansion pack until you're high level

    • 3 years ago

      I was doing the Dark Brotherhood stuff, is that expansion shit?

      • 3 years ago

        Yes. It was a really poor design decision to force that content on level 1 players, there's a popular mod that removes the assassins until later.

      • 3 years ago

        Bethesda was dumb and has the assassins go after you right away, but the expansion (tribunal, everything in Mournhold) is designed with players that already are high in level or beat the main quest in mind. If you do it right away you'll have a very tough time unless you cheese the game.

        • 3 years ago

          ohh dammmm dark brotherhood are like my favorite part of the elder scrolls games

          • 3 years ago

            There's no Dark Brotherhood quest line in Morrowind, it's just some enemies as a hook for the expansion pack.

            The assassin guild in Morrowind is Morag Tong, it's a hidden guild and will require some observation to find. But please don't use guides, just keep exploring, it's more rewarding that way.

            • 3 years ago

              >a hidden guild
              They have a mansion in Balmora. They clue you in to go to Vivec.

          • 3 years ago

            The Morag Tong deals with the Dark Brotherhood. You have to find the Tong first though.

      • 3 years ago

        Yeah that's the first expansion, Tribunal. The Solstheim topic you can ask about is for the second expansion. Don't do either until you're high level.

      • 3 years ago

        you can easily do the first part if you're not a moron. But by the time you get to mournhold yeah, that's definite expansion stuff which is pretty damn hard. Only reason to go to mourn before you're ready to do the story is to sell artefacts at the museum for thousands of gold. That gold can be used to pay for a shitload of training, easily enough to bulk you up to the point you'll steamroll the main game, or complete the 2 expansions

  3. 3 years ago

    >whats the fastest way to get stronger in Morrowind?
    Increase your strenght, duh

  4. 3 years ago

    Build a functional character, is honestly all you can do. Start with a heavy focus on a weapon skill, an armor type, and mysticism (so you can teleport). Then do all the quests in Seyda Neen, buy the best armor you can from the trading post there, IGNORE the smuggler's cave, and walk overland to Balmora while killing monsters and picking flowers.
    But you should fully mod out your game before even playing. Shit like graphic herbalism, better menus, and a leveling overhaul are a must for me, the substance of the game is only improved by cutting out as much of the jank as possible.

    • 3 years ago

      I modded it a bit mainly graphics stuff and bug fixing but I wanted to keep it vanilla as I have never played morrowind

      • 3 years ago

        Unlike skyrim, there aren't very many morrowind mods that substantially alter the core experience. You can go pretty crazy with your number of mods and still end up with an experience that's more or less vanilla minus jank.

        • 3 years ago

          OP, don't listen to this gay , he's probably using mana regen mods and other shit that negates 50% of the game's mechanics because any old school challenge is apparently "jank" nowadays.

          Just play the game. Maybe install OpenMW for instant loading times and a better draw distance, it's a new reconstructed engine for Morrowind, very faithful and compatible with the majority of mods. But it's not required, the original morrowind.exe works fine too.

          • 3 years ago

            If not using OpenMW then Morrowind Code Patch should be used since some of the things it fixes are things that can corrupt a save.

          • 3 years ago

            not op but to add to your mods, i've been playing with Morrowind Rebirth, Tamriel Rebuilt, and the LGNPC. Rebirth is a overhaul that expands all the towns and adds quests and items. Rebuilt adds all of morrowind (not just the island of vvardenfell) and lgnpc is a dialogue mod that wrote full stories and quests for existing npc making them as the mod states "less generic"

          • 3 years ago

            I've seen people unironically recommend mods that remove the miss chance to first time players. Shit's disgusting.

            • 3 years ago

              That sucks. Especially because it removes hit chance for enemies too, making the game much harder.
              Play the game unmodded the first time. I hate these threads asking for mods for a first time run. Play the game, identify what you want to change, then mod it.

          • 3 years ago

            >sleeping is a challenge

            • 3 years ago

              You can't always sleep, it makes you conserve your spells and come prepared with potions. In games with magicka regen you just cast, wait a bit, and then cast again with no penalty. Both have their place, imho, but i think that's what anon was getting at.

              >a hidden guild
              They have a mansion in Balmora. They clue you in to go to Vivec.

              They do, but you have to find out for yourself that it's in the Arena waistworks hidden in a rat infested cellar and behind a decently high level locked trapdoor in the floor

  5. 3 years ago

    The fastest way is to ignore quests and go into every dungeon you can find, quicksave at the entrance and see if the enemies are weak enough for you to handle. Then after you've found some valuable items, sell them at the secret merchant and use that 5000 gold for training. Rinse and repeat. The secret merchant is in one of the towns with Imperial architecture.

    • 3 years ago

      Caldera in the orc mansion and theres mudcrab merchant near the dwemer ruin east of vivec

  6. 3 years ago

    Don't go to Mournhold or Bloodmoon (the snowy island) until you're like level 50+ and already finished the main quest. The difficulty spikes there are insane, especially in Bloodmoon.

  7. 3 years ago

    So you went straight to the Tribunal expansion? Beat the main quest first. The expansions are for really strong characters.
    There's a lot of ways to get strong in Morrowind, but if you're absolutely stuck, try using guide to obtain Goldbrand. It's a pretty great sword and the quest doesn't require fighting anything, just swimming, some area knowledge and a bit of money.

    • 3 years ago

      Don’t spoil yourself. You can only play a game for the first time once.

  8. 3 years ago

    Can I go to the area where that dudes son has been taken too?

    • 3 years ago

      You can go anywhere and do anything. If you get your ass kicked, find something else do to or change strategy. It's all a learning experience. Everything in the City of Mournhold is expansion territory, though.

      • 3 years ago

        what about solstheim??

        • 3 years ago

          That's another expansion. They're both tough, but it's kind of fun and scary to explore them early.

          • 3 years ago

            I tried the Mournhold one and I got 2 shot by a goblin so I'm not planning to do those yet.

            • 3 years ago

              What kind of character are you playing? Try joining the Fighter's, Thieves or Mage's Guild, or maybe the Imperial Cult or Tribunal Temple. Look up their skill requirements and see which is the best for you. There's a ton of factions and sidequests to get lost in

              • 3 years ago

                Currently I'm going down the warrior route but I'm just exploring for now

  9. 3 years ago

    Take. Your. Time.
    Don’t. Skip. Steps.
    Consider. Everything. Thoroughly.
    Start. Character. Optimally.
    Train. Your. Skills.
    Keep. At. It.

  10. 3 years ago

    Make potions, levelup alchemy, levelup other skills with money made via selling potions.
    Someone who knows the game can become a demigod just in Balmora without doing any quests or fighting. Because after some levelups and money gathering you start enchanting too.

    • 3 years ago

      You can just buy low and sell high ever-increasing stacks of arrows to merchants. I forget how often their gold refreshes, but training skills takes time, so there's a neat synergy there.

  11. 3 years ago


    • 3 years ago

      The joys of drinking a potion that will give you near infinite intelligence until the heat death of the universe.

      • 3 years ago

        i did it again

  12. 3 years ago

    The chad Enchanter vs. the virgin Alchemist

    • 3 years ago

      Almalexia deserved worse

    • 3 years ago

      What enchantments?

      • 3 years ago

        Looks like absorb health and perhaps fire or a mix of weakness to magicka/fire enchantments.

      • 3 years ago

        First shield kills anything with 400 HP or less on first hit and does 200 permanent damage to surviving targets. Weakness and Drain are 1s DoTs and Absorb is instant.
        Second shield kills anything with 650 HP or less on firsthit and deals 500 permanent damage to surviving targets. Weakness and Drain are 1s DoTs and damage is instant. Gameplay wise there's not a single reason to choose Damage Health over Absorb Health, they both have the same base cost. I choose Damage Health because I find the high pitched sound of Absorb annoying and the visual effects obscure your vision too much, and the character is reflect immune against Magicka anyways.

        When enchanting items, you can choose to make effects with 1s duration either DoTs or instant. Not touching the duration slider will always make them instant by default, which is best for damage and healing, to make it spammable as fast as you can click. If you move the duration slider to another value, then back to the start, it will be a DoT that lasts 1 second, which is best for buffs and debuffs.

        The shields also make use of weakness stacking against targets that survive the first hit. Multiple applications of weaknesses from the same source do stack, so if you have something like 100% Weakness 100 Damage, it does 200 damage on first hit, then 300, then 400, etc.. Which is why you can kill Almalaxia with her 3000 HP, 50% Resist Magicka and 100% Resist Fire in less than a second with 3-4 quick hits.

        • 3 years ago

          And because enchanted items can be recharged with filled Soulgems, you have the ability to conjure the equivalent of an unlimited amount of free Magicka potions out of nothing (out of combat only).

          This one right here fills your Azura's Star with a 250 charge soul, instantly, with a single click.

          • 3 years ago

            So they aren't executed in order but according to some internal effect priority ranking?

            • 3 years ago

              Effects are executed in order from top to bottom. But all of them happen at the same time, at least from what is perceivable as human, and on target spells have travel time so you can hit the summons which spawn in front of you with spells from the same cast even if they're executed later. The only important thing is that weaknesses always need to be above the damage they should affect in the same cast.

              The effects are ordered from cheapest base cost (top) to highest (bottom) so the item uses the lowest enchantment capacity and has the lowst charge cost possible. With every additional effect added, the cost of existing effects is multiplied.

  13. 3 years ago

    How is Rebirth? Nobody ever talks about it. Out of huge TES mods like TES3&4 remakes and new lands mods like Tamriel Rebuilt, Project Tamriel and Beyond Skyrim this huge project is never mentioned. Why? Is it bad?

    • 3 years ago

      It's a weird combination of graphics, expanded towns and landscapes, and difficult balance changes. The author refuses to separate these aspects. So, you pretty much have to like all the parts in order to use it.

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