What's the worst gaming related injury you've ever endured?

What's the worst gaming related injury you've ever endured?

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 7 months ago

    nes corners

  2. 7 months ago

    I used to put things in my mouth alot as a kid as well as chew on random stuff like remotes and controllers. I almost choked to death on a piece of one of the wii mote sleeves once.

    • 7 months ago

      Lol I got so mad playing halo 3 that I picked up my phone and but into it. My LG chocolate had a big bite mark across the screen on the top corner.

  3. 7 months ago

    I was playing Donkey Kong 64 for 2 hours, then immediately jumped up from a sitting position, got vertigo and fell on the concrete, floor chipping my tooth.
    This was on Thanksgiving so my parents were wondering why I was barely eating.

  4. 7 months ago

    How were you supposed to know?

  5. 7 months ago

    I put my elbow through the wall playing the single playing mode on soul calibur 2. I was a pretty moronic teenager.

  6. 7 months ago

    Carpal tunnel,.and I still have to limit my gametime for it.

    • 7 months ago

      I can do kb+m forever but using my Steam Deck or a controller my frickin hands and forearms ache like a bastard

    • 7 months ago

      Wrist exercises. An easy 1 is to make your hand like a crab claw and put an elastic around your fingers, how your hand out in front of you with a straight arm and open and close your fingers slowly.

      • 7 months ago

        What if I have cubital tunnel syndrome? Snib snib

  7. 7 months ago

    When I was younger, I didn't get a mere blister. That tug'o'war game carved out a circular chunk of skin entirely. I can still see the scar.

  8. 7 months ago

    why are you white?

  9. 7 months ago

    Not vidya but I once stabbed myself in the palm trying to seperate two frozen burgers

  10. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      To this day, I still do not understand how the manufacturer thought a fricking compressed air cannister was cheaper than the traditional lift cylinder.

      This happened in China, which also put a bunch of poison metal in baby formula to supposedly save money, as if it's somehow cheaper or easier to obtain toxic metal shavings than it is to just dehydrate some fricking milk.

      • 7 months ago

        This, China is fricking wild with the way they cut corners. There is penny pinching but then there's shit like that, that is down right malice.

      • 7 months ago

        only thing that comes close is twisting my ankle playing DDR, and this was like 20 years ago playing DDRMAX2

        > as if it's somehow cheaper or easier to obtain toxic metal shavings than it is to just dehydrate some fricking milk.
        it mightn't be cheaper to do it consistently
        but it could be cheaper in-the-moment if you know someone who needs to unload some shit for frick-all and you don't give a frick about the end result

      • 7 months ago

        plastic rice is also a problem in China. They cut bags of rice with plastic rice to increase profits

      • 7 months ago

        >which also put a bunch of poison metal in baby formula to supposedly save money
        Idk if it was intentional in the other cases but they've done this with all sorts of food products especially pet food.

    • 7 months ago

      jesus christ

  11. 7 months ago

    5 years ago i was playing warframe, farming for Atlas. Took me over 3 hours of doing the same shitty boss fight over and over. I got such a crippling headache that i had to stop playing, throw up in the sink and go to bed with two aspirins. I still remember it to this day. My brain was veritably pulsing. I'll never touch that piece of shit not even if they pay me.

  12. 7 months ago

    Got a blister on my left thumb learning jagos ultra in KI gold on N64. That D-pad was not meant for fighting games

  13. 7 months ago

    >playing league of legends
    >got solo killed
    >punched my desk as hard as I could
    >thought I broke my pinky
    >still finished the match
    >could still move it so whatever
    >pinky was stupidly sore and tender for at least 2 months straight after
    I quit playing like 4 years ago and it was one of the best decisions I've ever made

    • 7 months ago

      but you still jerk off to Jinx don't you anon

      • 7 months ago

        goddamn right

    • 7 months ago

      goddamn right

      Do you uh. Mind if you have a jo bud to join you on the jinx train?

  14. 7 months ago

    I once got Maxx "C"'d in Master Duel and ripped out the curtains by my window.

    • 7 months ago

      I tore my shirt in half trying to finish All Ghillied Up on Vet back in the day

  15. 7 months ago

    Why are you white

  16. 7 months ago

    wankers cramp in both of my hands my penis and my right eyelids

  17. 7 months ago

    I jerked of like 5 times one day when playing MGQ. That shit hurt, I can do twice a day if I really need to but any more than that and it's never worth.

  18. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      nah he's just allergic to dish soap

  19. 7 months ago

    Katamari on the 360 made my thumbs sore. Never had that issue back on the N64 either, maybe dont be autistic when your playing Mario Party

  20. 7 months ago

    I broke my hand once jerking off to pic related once

    • 7 months ago

      Chuck has some curves on him

      • 7 months ago

        formerly female

  21. 7 months ago

    i get calluses on the tips of my thumbs when i play on my old 3ds and switch joycons. i hate those fricking buttons

  22. 7 months ago

    I remember all the muscles in my body hurting for 3 days after playing Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games against my mom.

  23. 7 months ago

    friction burn on penis from maitetsu. Took like month to heal.

  24. 7 months ago

    When they introduced Freelancer mode to Hitman it took me weeks to get to the final showdown of a campaign. I was so stressed and of course right as I was about to take out the syndicate leader some random npc walked into the room, blew my cover, and I tried to gun my way to the target before they escaped and died. I was so pissed off I smashed my keyboard against my desk, keys going everywhere, and somehow the '2' key got launched into my throat while I was having my hissy fit and I nearly choked on it. I had to self-Heimlich against my office chair.

    • 7 months ago

      >Accidental Kill +1000

  25. 7 months ago

    I suppose dancing arcade machines don't count?

  26. 7 months ago

    i once cut my dick off and killed myself after losing splatoon

  27. 7 months ago

    I hurt my wrist playing devil may cry 3 because i kept spamming the million stabs move.

  28. 7 months ago

    crippling terminal virginity

  29. 7 months ago

    There was this Wii carnival game that I played with my siblings. When we got to this game that looked like pic related I would whip my arm around so fricking hard and my shoulder would hurt for some time. It was fun.

  30. 7 months ago

    Got that from playing the minigames from the first N64 mario party also.

  31. 7 months ago

    >What's the worst gaming related injury you've ever endured?
    I've kicked my PC and broke my foot.

  32. 7 months ago

    my posture

    • 7 months ago

      get a herman miller chair anon. Cheap used one and never look back

      • 7 months ago

        >Bought new chair a few months ago
        >Auction with dozens of Herman Millers at 1/10th the the normal cost shows up two days later
        I've never been more annoyed, and I should have bought one.

        • 7 months ago

          just look on marketplace, I got an aeron for $200 in good condition. You can probably get deals even better than that.
          People don't get how important having a decent chair is until they get one. Those 'gaming' chairs are absolute dogshit.

  33. 7 months ago

    Playing Melee for nearly 20 years and developing trigger finger to the point where, randomly out of the blue sometimes my index finger will literally lock in place and I have to use my other hand to forcefully unbend my finger.

  34. 7 months ago

    Rubbed the rubber off the sticks of an original Xbox controller and continued playing until my thumb blistered. Managed to Frankenstein controllers together to keep playing when they broke.

  35. 7 months ago

    the rubber pad came off one of my 3rd party GC controllers without me noticing, and the actual stick itself was rough enough to cut into my palm

    I dont even know how it happened, I was playing mario kart

  36. 7 months ago

    chucked my might max watch at the wall and it bounced off and hit me in the eye scratching my cornea, power stone was fricking annoying as a kid

  37. 7 months ago

    passed out and hit my head on my chair after one of these rage breath holds

  38. 7 months ago

    I've never had an injury but I've got a big callous on my thumb from Melee

    • 7 months ago

      Melee is a motherfricker. I just have to play it to relax at this point. I played it too much in college and had hand cramps. Got PR'd, but I'm probably worse than your average netplayer these days.

    • 7 months ago

      Melee is a motherfricker. I just have to play it to relax at this point. I played it too much in college and had hand cramps. Got PR'd, but I'm probably worse than your average netplayer these days.

      I used to play in tournaments with this thumb

  39. 7 months ago

    Friction burns on my dick.

    • 7 months ago

      next time tell your uncle to slow down

  40. 7 months ago

    Cut myself really badly being an idiot using a knife instead of a screwdriver while fixing a stuck disc eject mechanism.

  41. 7 months ago

    Gave myself a second degree burn in my thigh with a cigarette while zoning out in Magicka 2

  42. 7 months ago

    Used to get small blood blisters on my thumb from playing melee

  43. 7 months ago

    Not endured, but dealt
    >at friend's house fricking around with his VR set
    >play picrel
    >gotta reload my AUG
    >pull mag out and throw it away furiously like a hollywood badass
    >fist collides with something
    >hear cry of pain
    >take off headset
    >punched his roommate square in the face

    • 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      He shouldn't have been standing behind you. He knew what that shit was.

  44. 7 months ago

    I was watching the game awards in 2018 and seeing Joker reveal trailer Surprised the shit out of me to the point i fell off my bed and Hit my Ankle real hard that i was limping for a solid two weeks after

    I Was Hyperfixated on smash and Persona at the same time then so it was the perfect storm of autism for this to happen

  45. 7 months ago

    Strained a muscle while countersteering in rbr with a g27

    • 7 months ago

      Post your weak ass wrists lmao.

      • 7 months ago
  46. 7 months ago

    Just blisters every time I get into Dustforce DX.

  47. 7 months ago

    tooth abscess
    i was playing quake champions one day and i put a coca-cola top into my mouth and chewed it
    it mustve got under my filling or something because before i knew it i had immense pain in my biggest molar
    fast forward 2 days and i couldnt lay down on either side and slept standing and they couldnt do an MRI anywhere
    the dentist said that ideally it would take a few weeks to go away but it took half a year on anti-biotics and all before they set up a surgery to remove my entire molar and part of my jaw bone for some reason. i know this because my jaw bone had shards of it come out through my gums

    • 7 months ago

      That sucks. I had a tooth abscess recently and it was awful. Which molar was it and did you end up getting an implant?

      • 7 months ago

        Left side, bottom, biggest in question.
        All things considering the filling was probably botched. I remember getting it, despite being sedated, when getting the filling fitted I had extreme pain like someone had clamped down directly on the nerve.
        Didn't get an implant. I was young, still kind of am. All things considering I'm lucky, since the wisdom teeth on my left side are much more aggressive than my right, the gap has almost been a saving grace.

  48. 7 months ago

    KB+M is good. Not great. Sitting and operating a KB+M with good posture for many hours does a number on my back. This is mainly due to never recovering 100% from a snowboarding injury where I jammed my arm so bad it popped a rib out of place and a chiropractor helped for a while, but I don't care enough to do exercises every single day for something that doesn't bother me unless I play unhealthy amounts of WoW.

    It's specifically the WASD and shift+number keys of playing WoW with intense keypressing though long dungeons, because I like dungeons. I don't play other games for those 4+ hours sessions with pinky finger action and those muscles pulling on tendons and those small movements reaching all the way up my back and inflaming the area around that rib injury from my snowboard fall 10 years ago in Montreal. Life is funny. Long WoW sessions take me right back to the icy slopes of Mont Tremblant.

    It actually has a silver lining. I thought I broke my arm. It was bad. It hurt so. fricking. bad. I never plant my arm. It was a weird fall at incredibly high speed. However, I was on a roped off path, because my ex and her brother were badass skiers, and they knew I was a good snowboarder, so I agreed to go off path in Montreal on a snowboard like a total moron. (Montreal is icy) However, with basically what was a broken arm in my head at the time, I bombed a closed slope of ice on my snowboard without turning or carving about 1 minute before reaching my ex and her brother and slowly coming to a controlled stop and sitting down calmly. They waited about 15 minutes for me and wondered if I broke my arm, because I was clutching it. I was so badass for that ride with my fricked arm. Ended up being a sever injury like baseball pitchers get. So being a slob playing WoW all day to the point my back hurts kind of makes me feel badass.

  49. 7 months ago

    I've been hit in the balls by a Wii remote chucked at me by a 6 year old.

    • 7 months ago

      I tried to find one of those image uploader tools where you can put a fake image up in an art gallery with people looking at it. I couldn't find one, but this post belongs in a museum.

  50. 7 months ago

    the fact that there's no good modern N64 controller except for controllers that are completely different is absurd

    • 7 months ago

      why would you want that? are you picrel?

      • 7 months ago

        because I'm a moron and actually like the design and want as much accuracy to the original product as possible except for the completely dogshit analog stick

        I am waiting until next year and hoping that halfway or by the end of the year there will be better options
        if not I'll just have to contemplate no name chink nso or retrobit tribute 64
        which my only real moan about is the battery not being replacable

        • 7 months ago

          They sell analog stick upgrade kits if you're not afraid of a little DIY.

          • 7 months ago

            I'll consider it

  51. 7 months ago

    nothing super bad. ive gotten some really bad wrist/hand pain whenever i would raid for 12+ hours daily in ffxiv but thats about it

  52. 7 months ago

    I got a few blisters on my fingers while playing Bayonetta, I'm not even sure how it happened (no, it's not a coom joke).

  53. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      what happened there?

      • 7 months ago


        its actually just some image i saved from Ganker years ago
        there's another image that goes with it, that has way more blood, but cannot be posted due to md5 ban

        • 7 months ago

          >md5 ban
          open it in paint, put a black dot in the corner, and you're good

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      Why they got no feet?

  54. 7 months ago

    I had a puppy that died when it chewed through the power cable on my super nintendo

    • 7 months ago


  55. 7 months ago

    My brother smashed out one of my teeth with an Xbox controller

  56. 7 months ago

    For a few months now I getting tingling between my index finger and thumb on my right hand which in guessing is a dorsal muscle from kb + m use. Also feels stiff when I try to stretch those fingers. Anybody elese get anything similsr?

    • 7 months ago

      improve your posture

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