When did this series reputation go from celebration of nintendo and its history to a video game hall of fame?

When did this series’ reputation go from celebration of nintendo and its history to a video game hall of fame? Seems like people now think any new nintendo character would be scraping the bottom of the barrel.

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  1. 11 months ago

    >Seems like people now think any new nintendo character would be scraping the bottom of the barrel.
    It is.

    • 11 months ago

      yeah I mean they added pretty much most of the important nintendo characters by now, there really isn't that many characters left that smash hasn't used

      • 11 months ago

        theres arguably no good 3rd Parties left, 2B and Doomguy are moronic ideas and you know it

        • 11 months ago

          >2B and Doomguy are moronic ideas and you know it
          Doomguy is a moronic idea, but 2B is the best character they could add. We don't need more westshit in Smash.

          • 11 months ago

            I hope they add more westshit

          • 11 months ago

            Doomguy definitely doesn't fit in at all(not saying is impossible) he is better for a game like Mortal Kombat to keep things that makes Doom, Doom, I know theres Bayonetta that was toned down but is not the same, he action isn't based on brutality

            as for 2B, I feel she is too much of a serious character, but I know we already had those kinds but meh I don't want more, and Nier Automata did have plenty of slapstick moments

        • 11 months ago

          >theres arguably no good 3rd Parties left
          Scorpion/Sub-Zero/both. Lara Croft. Eggman. Earthworm Jim. Crash Bandicoot. Chun-Li. Morrigan. Doomguy. Master Chief. Pyramid Head. Nemesis. Geno. Freddy Fazbear. Bomberman. Dig Dug. Peter Pepper. Centipede. Bub and Bob. No, I don't care how likely any of them are, that "Japan doesn't like them" or they're "too inappropriate" or "too obscure" or whatever, frick you, put them in.

          • 11 months ago

            sure this ones good, even if they censor them, the beautiful part is that it would be the point, given the controversial history of the SNES MK being censored like replacing blood with sweat, it would be kino if thats an effect for them
            > Lara Croft.
            I get it but nah
            Hell yeah
            >Earthworm Jim.
            >Crash Bandicoot.
            > Chun-Li. Morrigan.
            Enough SF already, I get that Morrigan has some crossover history but a nah from me
            > Doomguy. Master Chief.
            Hell no, I get that for a "hall of fame" ofc you would like an FPS guy but neither are really a good fit, thats not to say we don't already have shit that gives the game a tone shift, still better than Joker, but I digress
            >Pyramid Head. Nemesis.
            Sure for Nemesis, Boss Material but he can be both, we already have Bowser being both technically
            uh, he is literally from a Mario game
            >Freddy Fazbear.
            what is wrong with you
            Hell Yes
            >Dig Dug.
            idk why he isn't atleast an AT at this point
            >Peter Pepper.
            had to look up who this is, actually like the quirky idea of retrogayging with a 3rd party although would be kinda shitty to get one before a ninty retro but fine if is like eye for an eye or whatever
            >Centipede. Bub and Bob.
            I get it but no, sure for Bub

            • 11 months ago

              >I get it but nah
              If Bayo can be in, then Lara can be in.
              >Enough SF already
              Honestly, I'd be fine if they replaced Ken with Chun-Li and just made Ken a Ryu skin.
              >neither are really a good fit
              I dunno, Doom is kinda cartoonish and over the top with its violence and gore. I think Doomguy could fit into Smash fairly easily.
              >uh, he is literally from a Mario game
              Legally he's a Square Enix character, though.
              >what is wrong with you
              FNAF is going on strong after nearly ten years and like a dozen games and it's getting a movie this year, plus it helped create a whole subgenre of horror games. Like it or not, Freddy is a gaming icon.
              >ninty retro
              Aren't there already a good amount of Nintendo retro characters in Smash? Ice Climbers, Pit, Duck Hunt, Mr. Game & Watch...

          • 11 months ago

            MK isn't even allowed in Japan, also WB.

    • 11 months ago

      yeah I mean they added pretty much most of the important nintendo characters by now, there really isn't that many characters left that smash hasn't used

      >Seems like people now think any new nintendo character would be scraping the bottom of the barrel.
      Because they would be. Only characters left now are characters from new franchises, characters from dead C or D-list franchises like Isaac or Takamaru or C-list characters from current franchises like fricking Piranha Plant. People b***h about DLC being centered around third party characters but it's like that because it's more exciting than anything Nintendo has left in their backlog.

      I feel like with this mentality, captain falcon, jigglypuff, ness, ice climbers, rob, duck hunt dog, lucas, falco, wolf, dedede, meta knight, king k rool, and many others would have never been introduced as fighters as they too were “bottom of the barrel”. There are tons of characters, old and new, who could be added

      • 11 months ago

        for real, is like they are gaslighting themselves into thinking this, like Mario Kart guys are gaslit into thinking it needs a gimmick to warrant a sequel

      • 11 months ago

        Most of those characters actually were relevant when they were added, though. And someone like K. Rool got on by just because he was THAT requested on the ballot, same thing with Banjo.

        • 11 months ago

          >Most of those characters actually were relevant when they were added, though.
          And the same would go for a lot nintendo characters who weren’t added in, so the only real difference between a bottom of the barrel character and a “good” character in this case is that the “good” character is already in the game
          >And someone like K. Rool got on by just because he was THAT requested on the ballot
          Seems like there are still some heavily requested picks

      • 11 months ago

        >meta knight
        >bottom of the barrel
        They are on the boxart of the latest million seller Kirby game

        • 11 months ago

          I think thats the point, the hall of fame gays would say they are bottom of the barrel if they haven't been added yet

          • 11 months ago

            That’s exactly my point, yes

    • 11 months ago

      And yet a goomba or paratrooper would be a more honorable pick than yet another fricking FE character.

      • 11 months ago

        FE character suck because they're mostly shill picks and are clones. The franchise would be better if it was fan favorites with unique weapons and moves instead of 10 Marths.

        • 11 months ago

          yeah same for Pokemon although is not as bad, granted their picks usually age better like how Lucario and Greninja have way more lasting impact than the likes of Robin and Corrin, now Inceneroar and Byleth are currently gambles, it seems like currently Inceneroar is flopping while Byleth is taking off though still not as popular as the 3 houses lords

        • 11 months ago

          Corrin and Byleth were both HIGHLY requested characters in Smash 4 and Ultimate in Japan. They ARE fan favorites, but you can't get into your pea-sized brain that a Japan studio would pick characters that people from Japan like.

          • 11 months ago

            not true

            • 11 months ago

              Corrin and Byleth were both HIGHLY requested characters in Smash 4 and Ultimate in Japan. They ARE fan favorites, but you can't get into your pea-sized brain that a Japan studio would pick characters that people from Japan like.

              I remember both byleth and corrin trailer were ratio hard by even the japs back when YT dislikes were visible(everywhere)

            • 11 months ago

              I could have sworn Corrin was picked because he was popular in the japanese ballot, but looking into it, I think I was wrong about that.

              Byleth was definitely popular though. It was not uncommon to see them as the highest first party character in japanese pools

              • 11 months ago

                Somewhat based Japan

              • 11 months ago

                Seems fricking legit bro

              • 11 months ago

                Somewhat based Japan

                Incredible people still fall for this shit

              • 11 months ago

                I seriously thought this video would change the discourse of rostergayging for the better so that rostergays would no longer post misinformation and shit, but as years went by and nothing changed (if anything, it got worse), I came to realize that rostergayging is really just a bunch of morons roleplaying and campaigning for their characters with as much misinformation as possible. Basically videogame elections or some shit.

              • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago

                too big

              • 11 months ago

                It's surprising that yokai watch wasn't in either WiiU nor switch not even as spirit

              • 11 months ago

                I still don't understand why Ultimate was so heavy on the Monster Hunter stuff, what with Rathalos being a boss and all, and the Hunter him/her/themself wasn't added to the roster.

              • 11 months ago

                The Monster Hunter devs themselves are against the Hunters being in. They want the focus to be on the monsters.

              • 11 months ago

                Well that's weird/dumb. The series is called Monster Hunter, not Monster.

              • 11 months ago

                Each weapon is complex enough to be its own character in a fighting game. Also that Logic is just plain moronic.

              • 11 months ago

                >They want the focus to be on the monsters.
                And this is good. Frick your blank slate CaC self-inserts, those are some of the worst characters to use in any game like Smash.

              • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago

                >The Monster Hunter devs themselves are against the Hunters being in

          • 11 months ago

            So how much FE is too much for you. 20? 40? After all, they are HIGHLY requested by a small % of the market audience.

            • 11 months ago

              AS long as they are fun I don't care. The FE characters are some of the most consistently fun characters in the game

              • 11 months ago

                >The FE characters are some of the most consistently fun characters in the game

              • 11 months ago

                >swing my sword f-air
                >swing my sword f-air
                >swing my sword u-air
                >throw out swing my sword u-air until it hits or they land
                very fun yes mhm

              • 11 months ago

                You basically just described smash in general. Just replace "sword" with weapon/fist and that's most of the roster, minus projectile spammers

              • 11 months ago

                at least characters from other games look cool or are making a reference while doing it.

              • 11 months ago

                Do you even like Smash throws and aerials is like 99% of the game
                Or is it FE's fault you can't land Warlock punch?

              • 11 months ago

                I love smash. It's not so much the grabbing and aerials as much as it is copypasted grabs and aerials. Uninteresting normals that are almost exactly the same across every character from that one franchise. Corrin and Byleth are the only real exceptions, and that's because they're the newest ones.

              • 11 months ago

                >The FE characters are some of the most consistently fun characters in the game

              • 11 months ago
          • 11 months ago

            Byleth was planned to be in Ultimate since the very beginning. He may had fans but those "requests" meant nothing in the end.

        • 11 months ago

          Yeah I want an axe wielder already gdi

      • 11 months ago

        FE is Nintendo

    • 11 months ago

      Return to reddit.

    • 11 months ago

      Zelda def needs more characters tho

    • 11 months ago

      There is not a ton of choices for what is considered a "not bottom of the barrel" pick.
      Your realistic choices for a Nintendo character are:
      1: A historic Nintendo character that existed for over 10 years and who is the main character
      2: A new Xenoblade, FIRE EMBLEM or Pokemon character from the latest entry
      3: A character from an already represented series, a secondary character or tertiary character.
      4: A retro character that will most likely never be relevant again but only appears for its History with Nintendo
      5: A new Nintendo series' main character which is also successful

      1 has no longer any character fitting that criteria
      2 mandatory at least for Pokemon and Fire Emblem.
      3 is where most scraping comes from. Bandana Dee, Waluigi, Toad and Geno belong there.
      4 I legit only see Balloon Fighter at this point
      5 Has no one. ARMS got in by God knows what miracle, but since then there hasn't been any major new franchise as far as I know?

      People's issues is that what they consider scraping the bottom of the barrel is simply adding characters made after 2010.

      • 11 months ago


        I feel like with this mentality, captain falcon, jigglypuff, ness, ice climbers, rob, duck hunt dog, lucas, falco, wolf, dedede, meta knight, king k rool, and many others would have never been introduced as fighters as they too were “bottom of the barrel”. There are tons of characters, old and new, who could be added

        • 11 months ago

          My point is that Jigglypuff, Sheik, ROB etc... At least managed to sneak in with other, major characters wanted and iconic like;
          Ganondorf, Zelda and Bowser for Sheik;
          Mario, Link and Pikachu for Jigglypuff;
          Wario, Red, DeDeDe and Meta Knight for ROB.
          If all of the picks in one game were just an army of jigglypuff people wouldn't (rightfully) be as interested.
          In fact so far I don't think any game fricked up too hard with their Nintendo picks, we always had a good mix of "expected, popular, reasonnable" characters and "unorthodox" picks. In fact Piranha Plant as a concept is geniuis. But would it have been received as well if we didn't get Ridley, K. Rool and Inkling?

          My issue is that I'm not sure you have anyone left at this point that can carry as much weight from Nintendo, we don't have new series, the most requested characters (Ridley, K.Rool, and Banjo for the fun of it) are in.

          I am satisfied with the roster already, have been since Brawl. However, as far as Nintendo "expected picks" go, I think we reached a wall.

          >but since then there hasn't been any major new franchise as far as I know?
          Ring Fit, but they could probably just incorporate the pilates ring into Wii Fit's moveset.

          might be correct and Ring Fit will get a new rep, but man, will need something massive to support. Or did we reach a point where Waluigi is now the first in line, unironically?

          • 11 months ago

            What I'm worried about is if there are cuts, who could you realistically cuts without infuriating most people?

            • 11 months ago

              Dark Pit
              Half of the Fire Emblem characters
              Young Link
              People will still be pissed but they are the least troublesome characters to remove.

            • 11 months ago

              >who could you realistically cuts without infuriating most people?
              Dr. Mario, Pichu and Young Link are characters most people expect to be retired again at some point.
              Zero Suit Samus could be sacrificed for a normal Samus rework and I'd imagine not too many people would complain in that scenario.
              Corrin getting removed would probably be the one removal that would actively be celebrated.
              I'd imagine most people would be fine with Roy and Chrom getting removed as well if it reins in the FE bloat.
              Incineroar hasn't seemed to take off in general popularity like Greninja did, it'd suck a bit to remove the only wrestler on the roster but I imagine not too many people would cry about his exclusion.
              Piranha Plant did not stick to people like the previous "gag" characters did (G&W, ROB, Duck Hunt), and I imagine most of it has to do with being an unorthodox choice from a series that already has a lot of other fighters. I don't think most people would be upset if Plant was gone next time.
              Sora's a weird middle ground, there's a lot of people that enjoy his inclusion, but many people have accepted that he might not appear again. On the other hand, a lot of people felt the same way about Cloud and look at where we are now.
              So overall I'd say that's about 9-10 characters that could be removed without major backlash. Considering previous games had an average of 5-6 characters not returning for the next installment, I'd say a cut quantity around the 9-12 range would be par for the course here, assuming that guest companies all play nice with Nintendo again.

              • 11 months ago

                I wouldn't mind if Inceneroar roars functions were given to the RH Wrestler, everyone loves that guy, also it would be funny and cool if Black Shadow ends up taking Inceneroar's moveset(for the most part) rather than Ganondorf(but I still want Ganondorf to get a rework anyways)

              • 11 months ago

                >I'd imagine most people would be fine with Roy and Chrom getting removed
                Keep Roy. He and Marth were the ones that brought Fire Emblem to Smash Bros. If we're getting rid of a Marth clone, then get rid of Lucina.

              • 11 months ago

                NTA but I feel like having Roy as DLC again would make sense, he’s not a series mainstay, but still has legacy and popularity, and it would keep the base roster from being bloated. The base roster only needs Marth, Ike, Robin (Lucina can be a Marth skin, Chrom would be a lazy mix of Marth and Ike), and Byleth/Alear/the newest protagonist.

            • 11 months ago

              >Dr. Mario (literally an alternate costume of Mario)
              >Pichu (joke character and clone that nobody missed after getting cut)
              >Young Link (TLink already fills the Link clone niche, was cut in favor of him for Brawl)
              >Dark Pit (literal clone that can easily be an alt skin)
              >Wii Fit Trainer (joke character that nobody cares for, can easily be replaced with Ring Fit Trainee)
              >Corrin (immediately garnered hate when added, games were received negatively, literally FotM shill DLC for a game that wasn’t even released yet)
              Piranha Plant (obvious joke character that literally nobody asked for)

              • 11 months ago

                I want to argue with you over Piranha Plant so much, but I know its the right thing to do to eventually cut his ass

              • 11 months ago

                Yeah, a generic Piranha Plant was the last character people expected to be added as a new character in Smash, it felt like Sakurai deliberately scraped the bottom of the barrel of Nintendo characters when he didn’t need to, just to spite people that were asking for other notable 1st party characters (Dixie, Toad/Captain Toad, a new Zelda character, Ashley, Bandana Dee, etc.)

              • 11 months ago

                Plant got in for being one of the few notable things with literally 0 votes, there could been that one guy voting for Piantissimo from Mario Sunshine

              • 11 months ago

                I want to argue with you over Piranha Plant so much, but I know its the right thing to do to eventually cut his ass

                Yeah, a generic Piranha Plant was the last character people expected to be added as a new character in Smash, it felt like Sakurai deliberately scraped the bottom of the barrel of Nintendo characters when he didn’t need to, just to spite people that were asking for other notable 1st party characters (Dixie, Toad/Captain Toad, a new Zelda character, Ashley, Bandana Dee, etc.)

                What if they replaced the plant with Petey?
                He was already a boss in Brawl.

          • 11 months ago

            And why is that a problem that lesser characters would be chosen? 'hype' isn't needed, longevity is needed. I'm all for them digging into lesser and obscure characters. I don't need or want a 'wow' factor with Smash anymore.

            • 11 months ago

              >hype' isn't needed, longevity is needed
              none of the Nintendo characters suggested are up for longetivity lol

              • 11 months ago


          • 11 months ago

            Just because you’re content doesn’t mean others are, to me, something like k rool is a completely boring pick, a donkey kong villain who hasn’t been in the mainline series for years. There are still tons of requested characters who have yet to be in so I think the bottom of the barrel is really just subjective

          • 11 months ago

            >However, as far as Nintendo "expected picks" go, I think we reached a wall.
            The last characters I think could be genuinely "liked" from Nintendo are Waluigi, Dixie Kong and Toad. Which is sad that they all come from Mario, but it's something. But I understand why people can see them as shit picks as they basically are sidekicks of sidekicks.
            We are probably not getting aother game with grandiose picks though so we will have to deal with the leftovers at some point cept if there are cuts

            • 11 months ago

              To be fair, we’ve been dealing with leftovers like k rool, ridley, banjo, duck hunt dog, rosalina, bowser jr, miis, isabelle, and more for sometime now

          • 11 months ago

            When the most popular characters are now Geno, Isaac and Waluigi you know you really don't want anything else lol

          • 11 months ago

            >Or did we reach a point where Waluigi is now the first in line, unironically?
            I feel like we started going downhill since the Wii U era.
            Animal Crossing finally had a character but they gave us fricking Wii Fit Trainer, though they redeemed themselves later on with nice picks like Bowser Jr., the dog and Little Mac.
            But then they started going all out with Fire Emblem and third parties, which kinda confirmed that they don't really see many cool characters to pick from Nintendo anymore. Hell, you saw what the Ballot results were, the most popular characters were third-parties, except K. Rool and Ridley. There is no one left from the N house that's really wanted except by rosterhomosexuals from smashb*ards.

            • 11 months ago

              >you saw what the Ballot results were
              no, we never seen the actual data

            • 11 months ago

              only thing we know for sure from the ballot is that K. Rool, Banjo and Sora were at the top, and that Alucard scored higher than even Simon

              though most fan polls did seem to confirm that people mostly wanted third party characters, not surprising again because we have no viable Nintendo characters left

          • 11 months ago

            >Or did we reach a point where Waluigi is now the first in line, unironically?

          • 11 months ago

            It'll be worse when we will inevitably end up with characters removed.
            Imagine if Rosalina is gone but Waluigi is added, big shitstorm.
            Or if Dixie is added but K. Rool gone. Another shitstorm.

            • 11 months ago

              >Imagine if Rosalina is gone but Waluigi is added, big shitstorm.
              well is like that for a lot of Mario spinoffs

      • 11 months ago

        >but since then there hasn't been any major new franchise as far as I know?
        Ring Fit, but they could probably just incorporate the pilates ring into Wii Fit's moveset.

  2. 11 months ago

    Minecraft Steve got in.

    That is when gaming died.

    • 11 months ago

      They deserve it.
      Steve took Crash Bandicoot spot.

    • 11 months ago

      My thoughts exactly, that shit was such a meme beforehand.
      Solidified the feeling in me that they were just putting anyone in at the end.

  3. 11 months ago

    the toneshift started with Ryu and Cloud, but is still primarily a Nintendo All-Star game in premise, it just has a lot more guest characters now

    • 11 months ago

      It imported a ton of 3rd party peasants turning Smash discussion into rosterhomosexualry shit. There is still some of that when it is discussing Nintendo only characters, but it got cranked up to 11 when there was no gatekeeping.

      • 11 months ago

        heres the thing for me, people say guests/3rd parties are better because "bigger, more expansive" or whatever yet I always see just the same 5 guys suggested all the time being Dante, Doomguy, Crash, 2B, Eggman, while classical rostergayging prior to "hall of fame" had way more variety and thought in picks in the Brawl and Kerfuffle days

        same with Mario Kart, people say they want a "smash kart" but in reality they really just want a handful of more guest characters being also the same 5 racers being, Fox, Kirby, Captain Falcon, Samus and Pikachu.

    • 11 months ago

      this tbh. it obviously started with brawl and was a slow escalation with 4, but really 4's dlc with ryu and cloud made it happen, especially with the fighters ballot at the time. ultimate just went balls deep in solidifying it as a hall of fame for video games.

      • 11 months ago

        funny thing, it died down before the fighter pass, then relapsed hard with Joker being the first guy in the fighter pass

        before that people mainly asked for Nintendo guys as the grinch leak is mainly a wishlist of popular picks at the time, now if there was a grinch leak today it would look like
        >2B,Chosen Undead, Trevor from GTA, Master Chief, Doomguy, Scorpion, Dante

        • 11 months ago

          If only we got the grinch roster. Smash would've been perfect. Now we're stuck in this shitty anime cesspit circle jerking over 3rd party reps.

          • 11 months ago

            Gotta love the contrarianism on Ganker

    • 11 months ago

      >video game hall of fame
      ultimate was when the floodgates opened and it's because of nintendo japan, you can tell sakurai didnt want to put steve in and banjo/ridley/krool were mistakes, never listen to fans

      smash4 had modest 3rd party reps, about 1 or 2 per major studio, this is the peak of smash and they even removed snake who should never have gotten into smash, only for it to be undone in ultimate

      cloud deserves to be in, the feud began in 1998

    • 11 months ago

      >Forgets who started all this in Brawl.

      • 11 months ago

        2 guest characters out of like 18 newcomers is not a toneshift at all

        compared to 4 DLCs with Corrin being the only nintendo guy out of 4(well at this point Bayonetta might as well be a Nintendo character)

        now with Ultimate is like 12 out of 16 that are 3rd parties in newcomers

        • 11 months ago

          Sonic isn't a guest but yeah

  4. 11 months ago

    Brawl when rostergays flooded the fanbase and everyone forgot this series used to be about good intuitive gameplay

    • 11 months ago

      everyone was disappointed by brawl when it came out
      it's so fricking floaty compared to melee

      Meleegays seething
      Your game sucks and is dead now. Only smelly troons and pedos play and watch your dead game now.

    • 11 months ago

      hahahahahaha whiny homosexual look at the homosexual

  5. 11 months ago

    With Brawl.
    People completely forget that game plays like total ass just because Sonic got in the game and has "epic" cutscenes.

    • 11 months ago

      not really but Brawl did have the seed for if with all the hypewanking with Sonic and Snake

    • 11 months ago

      everyone was disappointed by brawl when it came out
      it's so fricking floaty compared to melee

  6. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      Dino is a manchild.

  7. 11 months ago

    Next time.

    • 11 months ago

      goku if he bt4

    • 11 months ago

      I'd rather see a new Jump Stars sequel first. Specifically Jump Stars, none of that arena fighter stuff.

      • 11 months ago

        What about jump stars x smash?

  8. 11 months ago

    I want Toad. I think he's got a pretty good chance since the Mario movie.

    • 11 months ago

      I miss Toadsworth

    • 11 months ago

      Still surprised he isn’t in

    • 11 months ago

      If the new mario character ends up being fricking toad and it has a moveset based off of the fricking movie then I will be 100% sure that they just don’t give a frick anymore.

      • 11 months ago

        can a get a qrd on what he does there? never seen it

        • 11 months ago

          He wields a frying pan (and uses it to actually cook at one point) and a walking stick, he drives a souped up 4x4, and... He hands Peach a bouquet with an Ice Flower hidden inside of it? I think that's about it.

      • 11 months ago

        can a get a qrd on what he does there? never seen it

        If it were up to me, I'd do a combination of Mario 2, Wario's Woods, Captain Toad, NSMB, Mario Maker, and Mario 3D World. Just anything I can incorporate that's Toad-specific and hasn't been included in Mario/Luigi/Peach.

        • 11 months ago

          sounds good, my gripe with most fan kit ideas for newcomers is how a lot seem to just want to reference spinoffs rather than make it seem like is what Toad/Waluigi/Daisy would do

  9. 11 months ago

    started with smash 4 dlc, then became a full thing in ultimate.
    i think sakurai said all smash bros going forward will be returning to its grassroots thankfully and not be doing the third party nonsense.
    i just hope they still keep my main.

    • 11 months ago

      >smash 4 dlc
      3rd party
      >Bayo, Ryu, Cloud
      >Bayo has become a pseudo-Nintendo series, Ryu is the mascot of Street Fighter, another 2D game, Cloud gives Squenix one rep
      Returning fighters
      >Mewtwo, Lucas, Roy
      Dumb that we had to pay for them, but whatever
      New Nintendo rep
      >Corrin, just here to promote the new game, just like Roy in Melee

      I don't see that as going wildly downhill yet.
      Smash 4 still had trophies, Event matches, masterpieces, Smash Run was a passable follow-up to Subspace Emissary allowing characters to fight enemies from each others' series, and custom moves were fun (but stupid to unlock).

      • 11 months ago

        >Smash 4 still had trophies
        The moment Sakurai actually told us in one ofhis directs that for Ultimate trophies were "SOOOOO HARD TO MAKE" that they opted for jpgs of already created art, smash was dead to me.

        • 11 months ago

          yet melee in 2years of dev time had trophies of characters that never existed in 3d

        • 11 months ago

          yet melee in 2years of dev time had trophies of characters that never existed in 3d

          And meanwhile Mew has been rendered completely fricking useless because he no longer drops trophies or music tracks and for some reason stickers don't drop and so all he does is just say "Mew" and bounce.

          • 11 months ago

            yeah they pretty much just said, frick it

            speaking collectiables, I would love if Trophies were given ability to be assets for stage builder that would be amazing

            stickers can frick off, the way smash 4 handled stats was fine although annoying as hell to unlock, anyways there is no need to have different versions of the same badges with stickers,spirits whatever,

  10. 11 months ago

    I don't understand the mindset of rostergays. You can take nearly any character and get a potentially cool moveset with the right amount of creativity. Oh wait, they don't actually play Smash.

    • 11 months ago

      is gotten to the point where I miss criteriagayging in classical rostergayging since it is related to gameplay in some instances like picking someone based on what new archetype they offer, like Krystal based on her staff gameplay off of Dinosaur Planet and Lloyd Irving dualwielding, not a fan of them particularly but I get it

    • 11 months ago

      It's a crossover game, people don't care about movesets, they care about being able to play as their favorite characters. People will even deal with shitty movesets like Sephiroth as long as they're playing a character they think is cool and no one cares about a moveset being fun or unique if its stuck to some lame shit they don't like. Character aesthetic is just as important as the moveset.

      • 11 months ago

        people used to based their picks on gameplay criteria before hall of fame gayging

        but I agree nevertheless, character always matters more than function, I don't care that the likes of Robin and Corrin have their own movesets, they are expendable since they are irrelevant characters

      • 11 months ago

        Under your logic no one would play Falcon, but he's one of the most widely played characters in Smash because of his flashy moveset. Why not just get rid of movesets all-together and just make this a game where everyone plays exactly the same since all that matters is a character's notoriety.

        • 11 months ago

          >Why not just get rid of movesets all-together and just make this a game where everyone plays exactly the same since all that matters is a character's notoriety.
          boy, do i have the game for you!

          • 11 months ago

            You joke but this is one of the most popular FGs out right now.

  11. 11 months ago

    >Seems like people now think any new nintendo character would be scraping the bottom of the barrel.
    Because they would be. Only characters left now are characters from new franchises, characters from dead C or D-list franchises like Isaac or Takamaru or C-list characters from current franchises like fricking Piranha Plant. People b***h about DLC being centered around third party characters but it's like that because it's more exciting than anything Nintendo has left in their backlog.

  12. 11 months ago

    Smash 4 felt like that's when the shift fully happened, but there were always people like that or should we post some old Smash roster list that look like a MUGEN CSS?

  13. 11 months ago

    Does this paint a good landscape of what the "first party newcomers" situation looks like post-Ultimate?

    • 11 months ago

      AW fits both although still weak on both ends as much as I would love Andy or Sami

    • 11 months ago

      I really hate the "relevancy" argument. Smash bros doesn't need to be a $60 ad for current games.
      >billionth marth clone
      >new starter pokemon
      >shitty xenoblade coombait
      >replace x character with y character because they can use x characters moves

      • 11 months ago

        If it has to be an ad, wouldn’t it be better to be an ad for lesser known series, anyways

    • 11 months ago

      Yeah, we need more FE representation anyhow. Specifically their mobile representation.

      • 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      Impa is comfortably popular

    • 11 months ago

      not putting Geno under "popular request" is dishonest regardless of what you think about him, and this will only become more true with the SMRPG remake

    • 11 months ago

      have a nice day

      • 11 months ago

        he is though, he still floods the MK8 lobbies even after his nerfs

      • 11 months ago

        Yes? Just because you dislike him doesn't mean that he isn't objectively a well-known, well-liked and recurring video game character.

    • 11 months ago

      waluigi redditors direly need the rope

  14. 11 months ago

    >Sakurai claims during Ultimate's development "Smash brothers is now about the celebration of the history of video games"
    >Vibe with this
    >DLCs start coming out, get back to back to back bullshit awful JRPG trash that make them hella money

    what did they mean by this?

    • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        i'm more referring to the fact square has 3 reps in the game, two of which are from the same fricking FF game. But xenocoom is awful too.

        • 11 months ago

          is funny how they managed to piss off both Nintendo purists and 3rd-party hall of fame goons

          >terrible in expanding the Nintendoverse in the roster with shit that belongs in a playstation game more than anything
          >just as bad as a representation of vidya as a whole is with the lack of genre other than fightan and jrpgs

          some would say "b-but they actually mean't hall of fame in japanese games" which would still be bullshit since you don't see like 10 jrpg anime sword twinks in capcom crossover fighters

          >two of which are from the same fricking FF game
          Zoomer please. If there are any JPRG characters that deserve to be the "celebration of the history of video games" it would be Cloud and Sephiroth. Final Fantasy 7 is a pop culture juggernaut that popularized the genre in the west. FF 7 is the FF game and probably THE jrpg. It was blowing people's mind's back in the day.

          That being said xenoblade, persona and the FE (they can keep 1) shit needs to go.

          • 11 months ago

            Shut up homosexual FF7 is trash

            • 11 months ago

              Speaking of which, why didn't Sakurai just add an SMT protagonist over Joker?

              If megaten were to get a true rep it should get the pokemon treatment where its rep should be a demon. Jack Frost(pic related as an alt) , Pixie, Cerberus and Loki are all good pics for megaten.

              • 11 months ago

                I remember I used to want Jack Frost to replace ice climbers as an ice user to fill in for their empty spot in a way

              • 11 months ago

                Nah keep both we gotta keep the roster cool

          • 11 months ago

            Speaking of which, why didn't Sakurai just add an SMT protagonist over Joker?

            • 11 months ago

              because Smash is his action figures and he likes Joker more, apparently with his wife basing the menu off of Persona 5 style

            • 11 months ago

              Something something hackurai. Demi-fiend would've worked better, fricking Jack Frost would've worked better, they have full movesets of their own.

            • 11 months ago

              Ultimate released as all of Japan still couldn't get enough of guzzling all of P5's cum.

              We could be here all day picking far more appropriate mascots for SMT than Chairy Potter.

          • 11 months ago

            Xenoblade and FE are first party, of course they have multiple reps

          • 11 months ago

            >If there are any JPRG characters that deserve to be the "celebration of the history of video games" it would be Cloud and Sephiroth

          • 11 months ago

            >the FE (they can keep 1)
            I wouldn't mind Fire Emblem having so many characters if they were at least fricking different. Having looked into the series, there are characters that use all sorts of weapons - Axes, lances, exclusively magic (as opposed to Robin's "magic and a sword")... Why couldn't we have gotten any of those characters in Smash?

            • 11 months ago

              Because each game has a completely new cast they add the main character who almost always uses a sword. Smash generally doesn't add second bananas before main character/posterchild.

              >two of which are from the same fricking FF game
              Zoomer please. If there are any JPRG characters that deserve to be the "celebration of the history of video games" it would be Cloud and Sephiroth. Final Fantasy 7 is a pop culture juggernaut that popularized the genre in the west. FF 7 is the FF game and probably THE jrpg. It was blowing people's mind's back in the day.

              That being said xenoblade, persona and the FE (they can keep 1) shit needs to go.

              I'm mid 30's. Sephiroth was extraneous as frick. Cloud was enough.

        • 11 months ago

          FF7 is one of the most famous games ever and Sephiroth is one of the biggest viyda villains ever, and having more villains in Smash is always a good thing.

    • 11 months ago

      is funny how they managed to piss off both Nintendo purists and 3rd-party hall of fame goons

      >terrible in expanding the Nintendoverse in the roster with shit that belongs in a playstation game more than anything
      >just as bad as a representation of vidya as a whole is with the lack of genre other than fightan and jrpgs

      some would say "b-but they actually mean't hall of fame in japanese games" which would still be bullshit since you don't see like 10 jrpg anime sword twinks in capcom crossover fighters

      • 11 months ago

        >b-but they actually mean't hall of fame in japanese games
        I agree with you that this is a bullshit excuse, because in that case where the hell are the characters from SHMUPs and Vs. Puzzle games? Last time I checked, these two genres are sucked off a lot by long-time Japanese gamers almost as much as RPGs

        • 11 months ago

          yeah, you cannot be a japanese vidya hall of fame without Gradius in any way, come on

          • 11 months ago

            I've been pushing somewhat for Tako (and the rest of the Parodius octopi) as fighters as of late, he'd be the first "waddling head" fighter archetype in a while and it'd be easier to animate him as a fighter that uses Gradius series weaponry than the Vic Viper itself. Not to mention that Parodius not only homages its parent Gradius series a lot, but a bunch of other Konami franchises as well, so Tako getting in would potentially allow for some content from games like TwinBee, Xexex, Goemon, Tokimeki Memorial, Axelay, Lethal Enforcers etc. alongside the mainline Gradius and Salamander titles.

        • 11 months ago

          >no shooter rep with space harrier
          >no vn rep with ruriko
          >no rhythm game rep with miku or bemani
          >no puzzle rep with taisen puzzle-dama or puyo puyo
          >no non-pacman namco rep with reiji and xiaomu or klonoa
          >>>>no 2hu
          ffs visual novels get fighter spin offs all the fricking time so they have more than enough of a moveset to work with. i love jrpgs but now im actually getting pissed thinking of how shafted weebs and otaku get in terms of actual japanese game representation

          • 11 months ago

            >no non-pacman namco rep with reiji and xiaomu or klonoa
            theres Kazuya but yeah he doesn't help with the lack of genre variety

    • 11 months ago

      is funny how they managed to piss off both Nintendo purists and 3rd-party hall of fame goons

      >terrible in expanding the Nintendoverse in the roster with shit that belongs in a playstation game more than anything
      >just as bad as a representation of vidya as a whole is with the lack of genre other than fightan and jrpgs

      some would say "b-but they actually mean't hall of fame in japanese games" which would still be bullshit since you don't see like 10 jrpg anime sword twinks in capcom crossover fighters

      >bullshit JRPG trash
      Frick off. Joker was terrible, but you cannot deny the massive impact the Dragon Quest series had on gaming.

      • 11 months ago

        Hero can stay but Joker's gotta be replaced by a proper SMT rep, we can cut like 3+ FE reps, and replace cloud or sephiroth with a not dogshit FF rep.

        xenocoom gotta go
        sora gotta go

        • 11 months ago

          I am fine with killing joker.

          Reduce the Marth family down to just Marth and I'm ok with that too.

          Don't care about FF, and I doubt we'll see a SE rep in the base roster this time around anyway.

          Xenoblade is first party. Shulk and Pyra/Mythra are fine.

      • 11 months ago

        wot, I never dissed Hero(second poster) infact I think he is great and baring into "Honorary Nintendo" territory with Dragon Quest being a hugely influential RPG in the NES/SNES, more precisely Erdick

        shit like Joker, Cloud Sephiroth and Sora is gay as hell though

        • 11 months ago

          Yeah, guess I misunderstood your post. It was more for the first poster anyway.

          Interestingly, Nintendo of America was even the original owner of the Dragon Warrior trademark when they first helped Enix bring it to the west. Don't think they own it anymore though.

    • 11 months ago

      Smash Bros. isn't ever going to be anything resembling a video game hall of fame when franchises like Doom, Fallout, and Assassin's Creed are turned into Mii Outfits for $0.99 but Fire Emblem Fates as a standalone video game is considered on par with the entire Sonic the Hedgehog, Minecraft, or Tekken series
      Looking at it as anything other than "party fighting game that consists of character Masahiro Sakurai and Nintendo executives like" is setting yourself up for disappointment but Smash Bros. is at a point where the speculation / hype culture around it is basically sold as half of the experience

    • 11 months ago

      Once they revealed Sephiroth, combined with the base game's additions of Ridley and K. Rool, plus Piranha Plant, I was really hoping Dr. Robotnik was going to join the roster. Alas... Why the frick did Street Fighter and Final Fantasy get new characters while Sonic's been all alone since Brawl??

      • 11 months ago

        Sonic has no following in Japan, Sakurai really was throwing us Westerners a bone by including him in Brawl. Since Sonic has been grand fathered from Brawl, he's always been there but hasn't got much attention outside of shilling that Lost Worlds Green Hill Zone stage in Smash 4 and Kunckles in Ulimate. I genuinely can't think of a Japanese computer game franchise from Japan that is super popular almost world wide, apart from Japan funnily enough. Like look at all the other Sonic media, his feature films, comics and most of the cartoons are American

      • 11 months ago

        Sakurai is openly biased toward certain franchises in the game.

  15. 11 months ago

    >When did this series’ reputation go from celebration of nintendo and its history to a video game hall of fame?
    When Sakurai Himself said that's what he wanted it to be. I don't know what else you're looking for here.

  16. 11 months ago

    It's because hypebawds care more about who gets in than the actual game. It was so cool in melee seeing game & watch unlocked as a character and you are wondering who the frick this is. There are plenty of characters who could serve that role. Now only "deserving" characters are allowed to be in. Frick Nintendo and frick the modern fanbase.

    • 11 months ago

      Eh, even though he was already fairly unknown by the GameCube era, Game & Watch was very deserving of the spot. G&W was Nintendo's first every handheld and they sold 43 million units of them. That's way more games than many of Nintendo's franchise in smash.

      • 11 months ago

        Sure, but I could easily say Ness or some others too. By no metric did Ness deserve to be in smash bros back in melee, but he was a great addition. The point still stands that there were serious unknowns in the roster back in the day.

        • 11 months ago

          I think Ness first got in because of Hal Labs, whom worked on Earthbound

        • 11 months ago

          >did Ness deserve to be in smash bros back in melee
          Ness was added in smash 64 moron, back when Earthbound was Nintendo's main JRPG franchise besides pokemon.

          • 11 months ago

            >Nintendo's main JRPG franchise

            • 11 months ago

              Nah it was the only first party jrpg series. Mother 3 was going to be on Nintendo 64 but got stuck in development hell causing the series director to stop working on games.

              • 11 months ago

                At the time it was. Name me another big Nintendo JRPG franchise besides pokemon in 1999

                Yeah, but the statement implies that Nintendo put any real support behind it, which is untrue. That is unless you are suggesting that just because it was the only Nintendo franchise in X genre it deserves to be in, which is even more ridiculous.

              • 11 months ago

                No, my point is that Earthbound wasn't a total "literal who" franchise at the time. You have to keep in mind It was more popular in Japan too, so it was probably seen as far less obscure there too.

              • 11 months ago

                It absolutely was a literal who franchise. Being the only game in X genre ("besides Pokemon" lmao) doesn't mean it wasn't a literally who game. With this logic, we could really justify any character Nintendo puts in. I could just as well say that Issac was the flagship JRPG character of the GBA era...besides Pokemon and that he deserves to be in. Issac is a literal who though to me and most people.

              • 11 months ago

                actually Golden Sun was pretty successful for the GBA although Dark Dawn flopped, unfortunately Advance Wars also had the same fate though not as popular as Golden Sun

              • 11 months ago

                So probably more deserving than Ness at the time ironically, and he still didn't get in and is a literal who to most.

              • 11 months ago

                I agree, is a miracle Mother has 2 characters, Ness got there because of Hal Labs who worked on Earthbound and made Smash 64

              • 11 months ago

                Just because YOU didn't play the game doesn't mean they weren't decently well known. Especially for japan. you'd be much better arguing this with characters like ice climbers or pit.

              • 11 months ago

                Ice Climber and Kid Icarus were black box NES games. They were at least known by NES kids. Earthbound was a dead franchise before it was retroactively brought into the spotlight 20 years later.

              • 11 months ago

                >before it was retroactively brought into the spotlight 20 years later.
                Smash 64 came out 4 years after Earthbound, and years BEFORE Mother 3. What the hell are you smoking?

              • 11 months ago

                We are talking about the franchise. Yeah, Ness was the literal who character that smash kids played. But no one really knew about Earthbound except that it was the game that smash character was in. It wasn't until the Web 2.0 era where Earthbound became more well known in the mainstream, especially now that every indie RPG apes it.

              • 11 months ago

                How many times do I have to tell you? the Earthbound/Mother franchise was much more popular in Japan, where smash was made. Just because people in the west didn't know who it was, it doesn't mean that no one did. same thing as FE in melee. They were literal who's in the west, but not all that surprising once you see their history with Nintendo in japan. You homosexuals are incapable of seeing the world outside of your own personal box

              • 11 months ago

                not true, the Mother series combined sold a grand total of 2 Million, is still in niche territory

              • 11 months ago

                2 million for a franchise with only 3 games, 2 of which were Japanese exclusive, is not bad at all. I'm not saying the games are huge, I'm just saying the character didn't come out of bumfrick nowhere in Japan.

              • 11 months ago

                those numbers are mogged by Golden Sun which has about the same amount of games

              • 11 months ago

                And? I've always wanted Isaac. He literally been my most wanted for ages.

              • 11 months ago

                thats fair, I agree that if you're fine with Ness theres no reason to think Isaac isn't popular enough

              • 11 months ago

                2 million for a franchise with only 3 games, 2 of which were Japanese exclusive, is not bad at all. I'm not saying the games are huge, I'm just saying the character didn't come out of bumfrick nowhere in Japan.

                but that is fair to say it didn't come out of nowhere, I still think is more to do with how Hal Labs chose Ness and Lucas

              • 11 months ago

                Remember, we're talking about Smash 64 here. Nintendo's catalog was a lot smaller at this time. Hell, how many other Nintendo franchises even had a sequel at this point (that wasn't already in smash)?

              • 11 months ago

                So barely surpassing Kid Icarus in 3 games, isn't bad? A game you admitted previously was an unknown?

              • 11 months ago

                The difference is that Pit hadn't had a game in 17 years. If pit was in smash 64 it probably would have made sense too, other than the fact that it had no SNES games like Earthbound did.

              • 11 months ago

                Well I guess my point then is that being an old character from a game that sold semi well is still more known than a literal who game that is currently ongoing.

              • 11 months ago

                The whole argument started because of your implication that we shouldn't expect literal who characters today in smash because all these old characters who we think were "literal whos" actually "deserved to be in" or were "well-known" for one reason or another. If only a small % of your market even knowing who the frick the character is makes it "deserved", then any bottom of the barrel Nintendo character can really be justified. The fact you went after black box nes games just shows that you have your own bias as to how this "deservedness" is distributed. Maybe Earthbound was beloved in Japan, but I assure you that in raw #s, because of the large size of the American market, more people knew who Pit was. Kid Icarus outsold Mega Man 2 btw and had triple the sales of Earthbound. So this idea that Ness was SO popular that he had to be in as a basis to establish precedence that smash never had literal who characters, is ridiculous.

              • 11 months ago

                I don't actually give a shit about how "deserved" a character is, and I openly welcome obscure characters. I just thought your examples were dumb.

                Earthbound was still an alive franchise when Smash 64 launched. Ness's game was only 4 years old, and another was in development. When melee hit, ice climbers hadn't had a game 17 years, and when brawl hit, it had been 17 years since kid icarus: of myths and monsters. My point was that Ness was still part of Nintendo's "entourage" at the time the game released, unlike a lot of the obscure picks we would see in later days. Hell, even banjo and K Rool were far more "past their prime" when ultimate launched then Ness was when 4 launched.

                I was also just pissed you said that ness was an unknown in melee when he was in Smash 64.

              • 11 months ago

                Ness still isn't a dumb example. It being popular in Japan doesn't mean it wasn't an extremely unknown franchise. That's a fact. The argument that it did that well "without America" doesn't mean anything. It is still a literal who game by pure #s.

                >I was also just pissed you said that ness was an unknown in melee when he was in Smash 64.
                That was a mistake on my part. I did know that, but I just rushed the comment out.

              • 11 months ago

                The disconnect here is I am talking about how "alive the franchise was at the time of release", not strictly sales numbers, which is why I said pit and ice climbers were better examples.

              • 11 months ago

                You know what, that's a fine enough point.

              • 11 months ago

                Just because YOU played the game, doesn't mean it was well known.

              • 11 months ago

                I didn't homosexual. I just don't live with my head in a box

              • 11 months ago

                The idea that Earthbound was well known at the time is just hardcore revisionism. IDK what else to tell you dude.

            • 11 months ago

              At the time it was. Name me another big Nintendo JRPG franchise besides pokemon in 1999

              • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago
              • 11 months ago

                Nazca fricking sucked.

              • 11 months ago

                Yes, but that guy was epic

              • 11 months ago

                What the FRICK is up with all the shit that happened to the MitM cast?

    • 11 months ago

      King K Rool and banjo were both way past their prime, and no one thought piranha plant "deserved" it. Ultimate has plenty of weird picks.

  17. 11 months ago

    You guys are obssesed with XC2, that one it's the shittiest one, but we have 3 other games on the series that work well and they are not coomer bait. I will never understand what the frick were they thinking making XC2 a fricking gacha game.

    • 11 months ago

      1 and X are cool, I can't speak for 3 as 2 made me not give a shit about 3

      • 11 months ago

        you should give a chance to 3, I hated 2 but 3 is pretty good, also the dlc is even better somehow. The sidequests and the gameplay on general made 3 a really good game, it's only the story that starts slow, but then it works well until the end.

  18. 11 months ago

    >point and click rep
    >it’s a maniac mansion character that uses shit from other lucasarts games

    • 11 months ago

      It should be Guybrush, complete with insults as taunts

  19. 11 months ago

    They could have saved this game if only they went with their original plans and added what the fans kept asking for.

    what could have been..

    • 11 months ago

      Nikocado is old and busted, Leviathan God of Gluttony is the new fat ass grosskino hotness

      • 11 months ago

        They could have saved this game if only they went with their original plans and added what the fans kept asking for.

        what could have been..

        zoomer picks
        It should be kingassripper

        • 11 months ago

          shut the frick up it's all about BadlandsChugs you dumb bastard

          • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        Cado would be a perfect fit for Ultimate.

        Final Smash would be going behind the stage and presenting his coinslot and he expands to the size of the stage kinda like Jiggilypuffs FS.

        He could play a lot like Wario.
        Instead of a motorcycle he has the walmart rascal.
        They can share the same down B instead of it being a the wario waft Nick yell's BRACE and lets out his shart.
        Neutral B works too, Mukbang chomp.

        That jap sakurai should hire me I know what the people want and more importantly, what they deserve.

        • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago


      1. Pyra/Mythra - 2776
      5. Byleth - 1616
      7. Min Min - 1349
      55. Steve - 302

      • 11 months ago

        >jap poll from 2 years ago

  20. 11 months ago

    Honestly, if the Ultimate DLC characters are the path forward for the franchise (either in how they play or the type of characters that will be added), I am probably going to stop getting the games.

  21. 11 months ago

    When Snake and Sonic got included.

  22. 11 months ago

    yeah, if you had no problem with likes of Ness and Lucas, you shouldn't b***h about the likes of Isaac and Andy

    sure Earthbound now is influential for indies, but that came WAAAAY after Ness and Lucas were added

  23. 11 months ago

    This game made dante a mii character

    • 11 months ago

      Based, DMCucks seething throughout the entire DLC speculation period was funny as frick

    • 11 months ago

      It was funny because I kept hearing them call most picks boring and trash, especially first and second party picks, so seeing them get fricked was kind of funny, especially since shantae, another character they made fun of, ended up getting better representation than them

      • 11 months ago

        >The mass DMCuck seething over Byleth because they deluded themselves into thinking an overpriced DMC3 port meant he was in
        Fricking morons kek

        • 11 months ago

          I was thinking Arle was in because Puyo Puyo is a better series, what does that make me you FEc**t

  24. 11 months ago

    Steve was the silent death for killing roster hype.

  25. 11 months ago

    I was happy Ultimate have me Simon but I was disappointed by the lack of a wtf character like Wii Fit Trainer or an entirely retro rep like Ice Climbers

    • 11 months ago

      Plant is the gag character this time around and yeah, no actual retro picks, though is worth mentioning Terry is cool wild unpopular pick

  26. 11 months ago

    Out of curiosity, what third parties would you take out and what first parties would you replace them with?

    • 11 months ago

      I'd take out Bayonetta and put in literally any first party character. No, Bayo is not a first party character.

    • 11 months ago

      Take out:

      Replace with:
      >Master Chief

    • 11 months ago

      None, unless I could replace sonic with a sonic with a better moveset and pacman with a pacman with more pac man world representation in his moveset. Well, I guess I would replace sephiroth with a ff character from a game other than 7

    • 11 months ago

      lets see

      >Banjo(if possible)
      >Bayo(she might as well be Ninty guy at this point)

      replace(mind you I do not hate most of these but they do feel like guests)
      >Ryu with Karate Joe
      >Joker with Officer Howard
      >Snake with Andy
      >Sephiroth with Andross
      >Terry with Waluigi
      >Kazuya with Raven Beak
      >Cloud with Balloon Fighter
      >Sora with Bandana Dee
      >Steve with Excitebiker

      • 11 months ago

        I'd argue Sora falls under borderline since like Half of his games are/were Nintendo exclusive. Technically they still are if you count CoM and Re:CoM as separate games.

        • 11 months ago

          you're not wrong

      • 11 months ago

        Why do you have puff in mid when puff is a character in 64

        • 11 months ago

          for one, she was a last minute addition in Brawl being excluded in the SSE like Wolf and Toon Link, second I don't think she'll be cut but where she should be tbqh

      • 11 months ago

        Hm. I'd bump falcon, ness, and pit all down one. I'd also swap some of the FE characters around. Keep marth at top, put robin in high priority since he's the most unique Awakening rep, and I'd move down Ike a level. I'd probably lucina down too, since killing the Marth family would hopefully shut up a lot people mad about FE clones.

      • 11 months ago

        Highly underrated. I still see boomers reminiscing over that game to this day. I never see boomers recalling fond memories Ice Climbers or Kid Icarus

        • 11 months ago

          yeah, I would love to have him move around on his bike like Wheelie Rider in Kirby Super Star with track edit style terraforming, bike stunts for aeries and an Excitebots robo arm for other attack

          also a special animation for his shield break like trying to get back on his bike

    • 11 months ago

      Being honest, most of the third parties we have, there's a solid reason for. They're fun, memorable, generally nice. That said...
      I want Joker out. Commendable amount of references to him aesthetically but gameplay-wise he's kind of boring as frick.
      Sora feels a little pointless if you're not allowed to make use of the Disney part, so I think he's gotta go too.
      Let's also give Pac-Man the boot. I just don't like characters whose moveset consists of pulling out [game object] and using it to do [game thing]. If you don't actually fight in your game(s) of origin and have to stoop this low to make a moveset, why bother? Smash 64 made shit up but it was all entirely in-character. Game & Watch was cute. EVERYONE beyond him was gratuitous at best. Frick 'em. Steve too. Hell, if first parties were on the chopping block, I'd ditch Villager and Isabelle. Really, what Nintendo needs is a crossover not centered on combat for characters like these to shine. Please don't replace Mario Kart with Nintendo Kart, though.
      Anyway, that's four characters actually out, right? In their place, I'd want to see...
      A new Splatoon rep, probably an Octoling with the same philosophy as Inkling but with a different set of weapons.
      Pick one of Magolor, Susie Haltmann, and Marx to give Kirby some more representation. Probably Magolor for his repeat appearances or Marx for his staying power.
      Another Xenoblade rep, just to frick with all the people who enter cardiac arrest as soon as they see """anime""".
      And now that SMRPG is getting its remake, let's just say frick it and give Geno the goddamn slot. He's first party enough.

      • 11 months ago

        Don't agree with everything you said, but I also want joker out. he sticks out like a sore thumb. My DLC hype was dead at first when they announced him

      • 11 months ago

        >Sora feels a little pointless if you're not allowed to make use of the Disney part, so I think he's gotta go too.
        I really think this is a problem only people without KH experience have. Sora IS Disney. Disney had to sign off on him because Square Enix doesn't own the rights to the character; the only person outside of Disney with any authority on the series is Nomura, and Nomura actually did an interview recently where he said the reason it took so long to get Sora in Smash was because he was being autistic about whether or not it should be canon; Disney signed off almost immediately when they were asked. Sora himself is so heavily steeped in Disney from his moveset to his clothing that adding in any more would honestly be extraneous.
        That being said, the lack of music in his stage kinda sucked. There were a lot of good picks they skipped over.

        • 11 months ago

          Yeah, they even had him fly around like Peter Pan with fairy dust in the trailer

      • 11 months ago

        Pac-Man's too iconic and important to both gaming history and Nintendo history to get the boot, but he definitely needs a moveset overhaul.

      • 11 months ago

        They should have just based Pac-Man's moveset off the Pac-Man World games. Why was that so fricking hard?

        • 11 months ago

          Because Sakurai likely didn't play it. I was expecting a Pac-Man World moveset in Brawl and then here comes a walking arcade homage. The Ghost Gang should have been playable too, they're some of the most iconic characters in the world.

    • 11 months ago

      Third party to take out
      First party to replace them
      >Skull Kid
      >Midna and Wolf Link

      • 11 months ago

        Why you hate fighting games

  27. 11 months ago

    I just want Dillon to get a proper character spot, man. Nintendo did him so fricking dirty.

    • 11 months ago

      Sad his company is dead now, while unlikely, it’d be nice if hal continued vanpool’s work since they helped with hal’s stuff

      • 11 months ago

        >Sad his company is dead now
        What? Vanpool is still
        >shut down May 31 2023

    • 11 months ago

      one day laddie

  28. 11 months ago

    >people now think any new nintendo character would be scraping the bottom of the barrel
    They kind of would be. That, or they'd come with a huge set of complications.
    >A Mario character added now would either be placid as hell or doomed to be a reference summoner
    >Most Zelda characters that aren't already in are either not direct combatants or have not shown much of their combat abilities on screen- do you really want Girahim or one of the champions?
    >Kirby has a ton of untapped characters, but most of them are oddly considered "equivalent"- adding Susie would generate tons of hate over a supposed "snubbing" of Magolor, Marx, etc., and adding them all would be a monumental undertaking
    >Pokemon has a similar issue compounded further by the Pokeball item, deciding which Pokemon to elevate above that level is not to be taken lightly
    >Fire Emblem is already hilariously lopsided, with one character getting an echo, an altered clone, and an echo of that altered clone- let's not make things any worse
    >Splatoon could afford to provide a couple more characters, maybe an Octoling echo to Inkling that uses different weapons to achieve similar effects, maybe some specific character with a more distinct ability set
    >Kid Icarus, Earthbound, DK, F-Zero, and etc. would all be hilariously late additions
    I'm not sure if you can consider Xenoblade to be first party, and I know you can't consider Bayonetta.

    • 11 months ago

      >A Mario character added now would either be placid as hell or doomed to be a reference summoner
      yeah I feel this way about about Toad(also seen many Waluigi fan movesets like this) he would be in already if he had a distinct style, but nothing wrong with being a semi clone, I feel that they could give Pauline the Rosalina treatment with Odyssey+a stage performer style like Rosalina is Galaxy+Fairy Godmother

      >>Most Zelda characters that aren't already in are either not direct combatants or have not shown much of their combat abilities on screen- do you really want Girahim or one of the champions?
      I feel that Hyrule Warriors and Age of Calimity changed this notion for me on most characters like Impa

      has a ton of untapped characters, but most of them are oddly considered "equivalent"- adding Susie would generate tons of hate over a supposed "snubbing" of Magolor, Marx, etc., and adding them all would be a monumental undertaking
      yeah, I feel the same about Sonic, is pretty hard to just pick one without feeling like snubbing another

      has a similar issue compounded further by the Pokeball item, deciding which Pokemon to elevate above that level is not to be taken lightly
      >>Fire Emblem is already hilariously lopsided, with one character getting an echo, an altered clone, and an echo of that altered clone- let's not make things any worse
      for both of these, the main faces+rotating characters would serve them best

      could afford to provide a couple more characters, maybe an Octoling echo to Inkling that uses different weapons to achieve similar effects, maybe some specific character with a more distinct ability set
      >>Kid Icarus, Earthbound, DK, F-Zero, and etc. would all be hilariously late additions
      yeah but it doesn't matter anymore since K Rool obliterated this boundary, also Mother tbf was lucky to have 2 at all

      • 11 months ago

        >yeah but it doesn't matter anymore since K Rool obliterated this boundary,

        I think K. Rool is just a special extreme case in that he was really popular on the Smash ballot and wouldn't of gotten in otherwise, same thing with Bnajo-Kazooie. The likes of Black Shadow or Porky or whatever don't exactly have that pull.

        Beisdes those and Sakurai's usual le quirky surprise/retro character quota, every newcomer has tended to be "relevant" by the time of their inclusion.

        • 11 months ago

          is not about what would the devs do just the mindset of rostergayging nowdays, more people are valuing lasting impact and legacy over relevance so you/ll see more picks like Gengar spring up becoming more popular

      • 11 months ago

        Star Fox but not F-Zero, into the thrash it goes

        • 11 months ago

          uwotm8, do you not recognize Black Shadow, Goroh and Mr EAD?

          • 11 months ago

            I'm moronic and blind, nvm

      • 11 months ago

        picking one from all of these I would go
        >Raven Beak
        >Oatchi(with a captain riding him)
        >Black Shadow
        >Callie Marie
        >only one choice here

      • 11 months ago

        Louie (in any form) or the Rookie & Oatchi as a duo that also have Pikmin would be the best/most likely options for Pikmin reps, but god I would love to see one of the creatures of the Pikmin world get turned into a fully fledged fighter.

    • 11 months ago

      >do you really want Girahim or one of the champions?
      No, I want Skull Kid and Midna/Midna and Wolf Link.
      >maybe an Octoling echo
      I still don't understand how this didn't happen. They made a huge deal about how Echoes allowed them to add tons of characters who wouldn't get in otherwise and then there were only like four of them.

  29. 11 months ago

    Alright, what are all of your weirdest literal who's you would be happy to see in smash? relevancy be damned!

    • 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      >heat phan phan: I like his design
      >stanley the bugman: I feel like greenhouse and donkey kong 3 deserve a comeback
      >starfy: I have nostalgia for his 2nd game

    • 11 months ago

      as an alt for Balloon Fighter, the GB had a lot of weird shit thats forgotten like Muddy Mole

      I miss Gunpei Yokoi so much

    • 11 months ago

      Zeo Ranger 5?

    • 11 months ago

      elite trio

      • 11 months ago

        Pure kino.

  30. 11 months ago

    The second this dude was announced and fans lost their fricking shit. It was right after the grinch leak too so it was not just ironic salt / shitposting, there was legitimate vitrol and betrayal.

    • 11 months ago

      >The second this dude was announced and fans lost their fricking shit.
      I mean, to be fair... It kind of is a random "frick you" pick. Actual characters like Toad, Waluigi, King Boo, Pauline, and Wart exist and they give us a meaningless cannon fodder minion? And I say that as someone who's really come to like Piranha Plant, who to this day still never read the Grinch leaks and never knew what that was about. It's got a fun move set, but goddamn, what the hell was Sakurai thinking?

      • 11 months ago

        he purposely added a character no one asked for, so I wonder what does the actual ballot data look like

        • 11 months ago

          >he purposely added a character no one asked for
          I'm all for adding an obscure, "unwanted" character, but why not a character no one asked for that's actually a character? I loved additions like Ice Climbers, Duck Hunt, and ROB. Why not something like Excitebiker? Surely there wasn't a huge crowd demanding him and it'd have the same "no one asked for this" effect.

          • 11 months ago

            thats why I said I wonder what the data looks like, they probably did see those requested but Plant likely had absolutely 0 votes, but yeah is odd how they didn't pick an actual character

  31. 11 months ago

    >Silver the Hedgehog
    >C.J (Grand Theft Auto San Andreas)
    >Master Chief
    >Octoman (F-Zero GX)
    >Michael Chain (F-Zero GX)
    >Midna/Wolf Link
    >Wave/Plasma/Power/Ice Pirate (Metroid Prime)
    >Sergeant Johnson (Halo)
    >Coach (Left 4 Dead II)
    >Nomad/Profit (Crysis)
    >The Arbiter
    >Dixie Kong
    >Lanky Kong
    >Shadow the Hedgehog
    >Housemaster (Arfenhouse)
    >Adeleine (Kriby 64)
    >Joe (Arfenhouse)
    >ATLAS / P-body (Portal 2)
    >Leon (F-Zero GX)

  32. 11 months ago

    >to a video game hall of fame?
    Back when they added Sonic and Snake.
    Captain Olimar's inclusion was enough to shatter the board. No one could fricking believe it, and it really felt like after those 3 in particular made it in that pretty much all bets were off as long as the IP had significant sales on a Nintendo platform.

  33. 11 months ago

    Kyle Hyde needs to be in.

  34. 11 months ago

    Maybe Smash 6 can focus less on swordies and 3rd party brawlers and more on interesting indie reps.

    Steve doesn't count.

    • 11 months ago

      theres a few Indie platform fighters already but I could see the likes of Shovel Knight, Hat Kid and Shantae blending in well with the main cast, personally I would like Alien Hominid and or Castle Crashers but they are not as Nintendo relevant as the formers, not that it matters at this point but is still a preference for me

    • 11 months ago

      How is shantae indie again?

    • 11 months ago

      >Interesting indie picks
      You first bro

  35. 11 months ago

    Smash was better when it had no 3rd parties. I'd kill megaman as much as it hurts to remove all 3rd party characters from the game.

  36. 11 months ago

    huehue frick the haters I'm ready for another smash release cycle full of character speculation and board spam. It's been too long.

  37. 11 months ago

    I want more additions from the companies/series Nintendo fricking neglects.
    Chibi Robo
    The frickin Tomato guy from Alphadream's first game, I dunno
    Prince Sable
    Just give me more unique picks from the company's history instead of this dumb "big hitter" shit.

    • 11 months ago

      I miss when classical rostergayging had this mindset of throwing an obscure series a bone, the modern using smash bros as a glorified videogame oscars or whatever is soulless

    • 11 months ago

      I would love Captain Rainbow with this cast, that game had a kino premise but too bad it sold like 8 copies

  38. 11 months ago

    I love my beautiful wife Byleth!
    Don't care about haters. I have fun with my wife's unique move set.

  39. 11 months ago

    Frick it, post your personal unrealistic dream rosters. If you don't have one, make one.
    I'm curious to see how far you would stretch Smash if given the power to do so.
    Here's mine.

    • 11 months ago

      not shitting on him but what would he do? genuinely curious don't feel like researching his origin though I know he's super retro

      • 11 months ago

        mr. game & watch/pac-man but referencing famicom disk system games instead (lots of normal FC games were ported to Disk System)
        also he'd be the only other character besides donkey kong who can carry opponents to reference Mario USA/Doki Doki Panic starting life as a Disk System game

    • 11 months ago

      metal slug marco instead of rock and its perfect

  40. 11 months ago

    Waluigi should be added in but he share a slot with pirahna plant, plant’s down b still acts the same when charged but when simply tapped, plant slinks down his pipe and waluigi jumps out of if, putting the pipe in this pocket.

  41. 11 months ago

    rostergays don't actually care about the game. They just jerk off to the css and argue online. Hopefully they trim things down next game and these people frick off. Also hoping that they clean up all of the visual nonsense smash has nowadays. Sometimes ffa feels like an adhd lightshow

    • 11 months ago

      yeah, all the extra effects were obnoxious with extra smoke, biggest blasts amd confetti for whatever reason

      also frick Pokemons and Assists that flips your controls, flip stages, obstruct views, black out views, holy shit, I wish we had the option to outright turn off certain pokemons and assists, like you can now pick them in training mode so is almost there

      who the frick thought this would be fun, in Melee it was just Togepi that did this and everyone hated Togepi for it doing it randomly

  42. 11 months ago

    Is there an unspoken rule that indie character can’t be in the roster? (Steve doesn’t count)

    • 11 months ago

      not really no

    • 11 months ago

      Shovel Knight is an assist trophy and there's a Sans costume.
      All limits are broken.

    • 11 months ago

      At this point, no. I think Sakurai doesn't consider most indie game characters being full slot worthy though. If you had a choice between adding Batter from OFF or Sora from fricking Kingdom Hearts, who do you think is gonna be the likely pick?

  43. 11 months ago

    >to a video game hall of fame?
    Literally once they added Snake and Sonic. This is a very easy question.

    • 11 months ago

      nope, thats like saying MK9 was a horror movie monster gave for having Freddy Kruger

  44. 11 months ago

    During smash4, brawl was just 2 cameos, 4 just vomitted 3rd parties.

  45. 11 months ago

    To you, what was the greatest injustice in Smash Ultimate? Whether it be inclusions (or lack thereof), stage representation, modes, etc.

    • 11 months ago

      Why the frick Kirby only gets Pre-Sakurai game representation? That's my biggest gripe, I'm not asking for a character but why add ONLY content that you work on? I feel he is bitter towards modern Kirby.

    • 11 months ago

      I don't know if I'd call it a "great injustice," but after driving home how Ultimate was about finally giving the fans all the characters they've been wanting for ages - Sora, King K. Rool, and Ridley, and to a lesser degree Simon and Banjo - it's weird that Sakurai just absolutely refused to go all out and give us Waluigi and Geno as well. He wouldn't even give us a deluxe Geno Mii costume like Sans and Cuphead. Just seems like an odd place to draw the line.

      • 11 months ago

        Nintendo doesn't see Waluigi as anything more then roster filler for sports games and Mario Kart.

        • 11 months ago

          But... who cares? Meme or not, we were all asking for him. We would've given them money for him to be DLC for Ultimate. Why pass that up?

  46. 11 months ago

    Bringing back movesetgayging that no one will read

    summary - a slapstick style spear(which can transform into a parasol) fighter

    also draws a lot from vid related:

    >Jab - Spear Flurry
    >dash a - lunging stab and press a again to do a polevault that works as combo starter to the air

    >up tilt - stabs upward
    >side tilt - a 2 hit combo, first hops forward spinning 180 to his with the stickside then another 180 hop to the strong hit with the spade side
    >down tilt - the famous kirby crouch dash slide

    >grab - stander one handed grab
    >pummel - light headbutts
    >up throw - spear opens into a parasol and does the parasol circus throw followed by an aqua shot
    >fthrow - chucks you and throws the spear at you like tomahawk spinning it
    >bthrow - parasol juggle followed by a spinning back kick like he's playing hacky sack
    >dthrow - parasol drill pinned against the ground

    >nair - spear twirl, like Pit's nair
    >uair - 2 hit combo, jab with the spear that pops you snap opening the parasol
    >fair - an overheard 2 handed spear whack
    >bair - a strong back kick
    >dair - parasol drill dive that dives surprisingly slower than most dives kicks

    >up Smash - beyblade spins on top of his spear kicking upside down
    >side smash - Parasol Aqua Blast
    >down smash - that dashing attack from KF2 where he rushes grinding the spear aganst the ground, a burying move

    to be continued...

    • 11 months ago


      B - Megaton Punch: an action command move that works just like the Super Star minigame he debuted in with timing 3 prompts , gets stronger based on successions, can be rushed to not get caught by an opponent, the levels being
      >0 Successes: Punches the ground once, like a single slap version of Donkey Kong's down B
      >1: a stronger punch thats produces a medium sized shockwave
      >2: adds shooting rock clusters
      >3: adds large dangerous stone edges propping up aside from BanDee, also has an earthquake effect like the pow block item
      in mid air, it makes him drop really fast and spikes

      Side B: arching spear throws, can be charged to have up 3 spears going varying paths, can be lodged into surfaces but one spear at a time, on walls it acts like a springboard to jump off of, on ground it can block light projectiles although launched by physical attacks in medium range, which can work towards Bandees favor if set up properly, earthquakes violently launches lodged spears all the to the ceiling

      Up B - Spear Copter, a chargeable multihit hover recovering twiling the spear like is a chopper blade

      Down B: The Moondrop attacks, a leap into a downward drill dive

      Final Smash - Waddle Dee Army Ball
      basically a shitton of Waddle Dees rush to form a giant boulder grabbing the foes in its path then exploding off stage if thats where the path ends

      Final Smash 2(I like the idea of everyone getting 2 supers) - Landia Barrage
      calls over the 4 headed dragon from RtDL shooting each head like a missile

      Taunt 1 - Spear turns into a fishing pole and goes fishing on a puddle
      taunt 2 - eats a cookie by absorbing it like in the anime
      taunt 3 - sits down and takes sips from juice box

      a special characteristic
      in his victory animation if he teams with Kirby and or Dedede, he celebrates having a picnic with them like in Kirby 64

      thanks for reading if you did :^)

      • 11 months ago

        >a special characteristic
        >in his victory animation if he teams with Kirby and or Dedede, he celebrates having a picnic with them like in Kirby 64

        make it have an Adeleine cameo if she can't make it and I'm sold

    • 11 months ago


      B - Megaton Punch: an action command move that works just like the Super Star minigame he debuted in with timing 3 prompts , gets stronger based on successions, can be rushed to not get caught by an opponent, the levels being
      >0 Successes: Punches the ground once, like a single slap version of Donkey Kong's down B
      >1: a stronger punch thats produces a medium sized shockwave
      >2: adds shooting rock clusters
      >3: adds large dangerous stone edges propping up aside from BanDee, also has an earthquake effect like the pow block item
      in mid air, it makes him drop really fast and spikes

      Side B: arching spear throws, can be charged to have up 3 spears going varying paths, can be lodged into surfaces but one spear at a time, on walls it acts like a springboard to jump off of, on ground it can block light projectiles although launched by physical attacks in medium range, which can work towards Bandees favor if set up properly, earthquakes violently launches lodged spears all the to the ceiling

      Up B - Spear Copter, a chargeable multihit hover recovering twiling the spear like is a chopper blade

      Down B: The Moondrop attacks, a leap into a downward drill dive

      Final Smash - Waddle Dee Army Ball
      basically a shitton of Waddle Dees rush to form a giant boulder grabbing the foes in its path then exploding off stage if thats where the path ends

      Final Smash 2(I like the idea of everyone getting 2 supers) - Landia Barrage
      calls over the 4 headed dragon from RtDL shooting each head like a missile

      Taunt 1 - Spear turns into a fishing pole and goes fishing on a puddle
      taunt 2 - eats a cookie by absorbing it like in the anime
      taunt 3 - sits down and takes sips from juice box

      a special characteristic
      in his victory animation if he teams with Kirby and or Dedede, he celebrates having a picnic with them like in Kirby 64

      thanks for reading if you did :^)

      I mean, he's basically already built. Some of the Kirby games handle like Smash anyway.

      • 11 months ago

        yeah thats part of why he's popular, is easy to picture an adaptation

    • 11 months ago

      Yeah but why this over any original kirby character?

      • 11 months ago

        >any original kirby character?
        but he is one, he debuted in Kirby

  47. 11 months ago
  48. 11 months ago

    Is there a good template for movesets

    • 11 months ago

      depends, are you looking for a brief one with just specials and a summary or a fully detailed one?

      • 11 months ago

        Fully detailed but specials and a summary could also work

        • 11 months ago

          this one looks sleek, might be a pain in the ass to fit pictures into but fine in text on most sections

          • 11 months ago

            also the stats showned are weird having "defense" seperate from recovery and weight

          • 11 months ago

            I wish this one YTgay would make a template, since his graphs look slick as hell

            heres a long Chun-Li moveset idea video for the Chun-Li fans here

  49. 11 months ago

    Sakurai wanted to make a half-assed celebration of gaming, which also means he includes assist trophies and spirits in that batch when no one really cares about those two, especially the assist trophies. Not even Sakurai cares about them. You can turn them off and you'd never know Bomberman was in Smash Bros. Smash will NEVER scratch the surface of video games to be a hall of fame of one and it's a bad idea to try it. And as others said, bringing in 3rd parties brings in their fans and other fans who want to barge in and tell Nintendo fans they're scraping the bottom of the barrel for reps when Smash has always scraped the bottom of the barrel when there's plenty of stuff at the top to use, even to this day. There is less than 90 playable characters, never mind 100 and you're telling me everyone who matters is already in.

    If they make a new Smash Bros. and they're going to, they need new characters to sell the game, regardless of how downscaled the roster will be from Ultimate. They got plenty of characters that got assist'd, mii'd and spirit'd. You not knowing about them doesn't mean they're not important. When Sakurai gets his advance from Nintendo and he gets to work on the project plan for the next game, he's gonna be looking at the characters that aren't playable and shuffle through them. Get ready to see Dixie Kong, Isaac, Bandana Dee (Maybe), Waluigi, Bomberman, a TotK rep and Crash Bandicoot, not because Sakurai cares about the fans, but because he needs new blood to sell his next $70 product that we're supposed to be grateful for.

  50. 11 months ago

    I kinda like this goofy one for Waluigi

    • 11 months ago

      >That Final Smash
      Fricking kek. I don't understand the Vine Strike, though. Is that something that happened in some random game?

      • 11 months ago

        it was an ability he had in Strikers for the Wii I recall, but never really did it again since

      • 11 months ago

        Mario Strikers Charged special shot

  51. 11 months ago

    >Wanted Chibi Robo since Brawl
    >But his entire series over the years became a constant downward spiral of miserable failure and is fricking dead now.
    feels bad man

  52. 11 months ago

    I hope from the bottom of my heart, and I mean it whole heartedly that they never ever ever fricking never make a new one. frick you autistic roster gays you aren’t even good and likely don’t even play the game you just like talking about and looking at big dumb bloated rosters

    • 11 months ago

      Personally, I haven’t played in a while mainly because there was nothing to do besides the normal matches unlike other games, leaving only multiplayer enjoyable, with half of it still sucking because the online has become worse since 4. That isn’t even getting into the overly cluttered effects and abysmal input delay. So believe me, I’ve played it and quite frankly, while I think the bottom of the barrel argument for nintendo characters is still stupid, it is a minuscule compared to everything wrong with ultimate.

  53. 11 months ago

    Thoughts on this recent Smash Newcomer 6 poll?


    this goes be place, character, series and votes

    >1 Crash Bandicoot Crash Bandicoot 556
    >2 Bandana Waddle Dee Kirby 475
    >3 Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney 467
    >4 Waluigi Mario 459
    >5 Rayman Rayman 441
    >6 Master Chief Halo 352
    >7 Geno Mario 345
    >8 Isaac Golden Sun 307
    >9 Dante Devil May Cry 259
    >10 Doom Slayer DOOM 258
    >11 Dr. Eggman Sonic the Hedgehog 255
    >12 Shantae Shantae 246
    >13 Dixie Kong Donkey Kong 199
    >14 Travis Touchdown No More Heroes 155
    >15 Reimu Hakurei Touhou Project 154
    >16 Shovel Knight Shovel Knight 137
    >17 Shadow the Hedgehog Sonic the Hedgehog 126
    >18 Paper Mario Mario 120
    >19 Tails Sonic the Hedgehog 113
    >20 Karate Joe Rhythm Heaven 112
    >20 The Knight Hollow Knight 112
    >22 Skull Kid The Legend of Zelda 111
    >23 Monster Hunter Monster Hunter 102
    >24 Bomberman Bomberman 93
    >25 Elma Xenoblade 91

    • 11 months ago

      >>2 Bandana Waddle Dee Kirby 475
      My boy

    • 11 months ago

      >seperating Ashley votes from Ashley & Red duo
      Voting fraud detected, Ashley should be top 50

    • 11 months ago

      >1 Crash Bandicoot Crash Bandicoot 556
      >2 Bandana Waddle Dee Kirby 475
      >3 Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney 467
      >4 Waluigi Mario 459
      >5 Rayman Rayman 441
      >6 Master Chief Halo 352
      hell no
      >>7 Geno Mario 345
      no thank you
      >8 Isaac Golden Sun 307
      >9 Dante Devil May Cry 259
      >10 Doom Slayer DOOM 258
      no thanks
      >11 Dr. Eggman Sonic the Hedgehog 255
      >12 Shantae Shantae 246
      >13 Dixie Kong Donkey Kong 199
      >14 Travis Touchdown No More Heroes 155
      >15 Reimu Hakurei Touhou Project 154
      >16 Shovel Knight Shovel Knight 137
      >17 Shadow the Hedgehog Sonic the Hedgehog 126
      >18 Paper Mario Mario 120
      >19 Tails Sonic the Hedgehog 113
      >20 Karate Joe Rhythm Heaven 112
      >20 The Knight Hollow Knight 112
      no thanks
      >22 Skull Kid The Legend of Zelda 111
      >23 Monster Hunter Monster Hunter 102
      >24 Bomberman Bomberman 93
      >25 Elma Xenoblade 91

    • 11 months ago

      >7 Geno Mario 345
      I'm a pretty laid back dude. I think people are people, and everyone should be allowed to believe whatever they want. That being said, I wish these people would die.

      • 11 months ago

        yeah, is easily most unwarranted popularity bar none

      • 11 months ago


        • 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      >>2 Bandana Waddle Dee Kirby 475
      My boy

      >seperating Ashley votes from Ashley & Red duo
      Voting fraud detected, Ashley should be top 50

      >1 Crash Bandicoot Crash Bandicoot 556
      >2 Bandana Waddle Dee Kirby 475
      >3 Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney 467
      >4 Waluigi Mario 459
      >5 Rayman Rayman 441
      >6 Master Chief Halo 352
      hell no
      >>7 Geno Mario 345
      no thank you
      >8 Isaac Golden Sun 307
      >9 Dante Devil May Cry 259
      >10 Doom Slayer DOOM 258
      no thanks
      >11 Dr. Eggman Sonic the Hedgehog 255
      >12 Shantae Shantae 246
      >13 Dixie Kong Donkey Kong 199
      >14 Travis Touchdown No More Heroes 155
      >15 Reimu Hakurei Touhou Project 154
      >16 Shovel Knight Shovel Knight 137
      >17 Shadow the Hedgehog Sonic the Hedgehog 126
      >18 Paper Mario Mario 120
      >19 Tails Sonic the Hedgehog 113
      >20 Karate Joe Rhythm Heaven 112
      >20 The Knight Hollow Knight 112
      no thanks
      >22 Skull Kid The Legend of Zelda 111
      >23 Monster Hunter Monster Hunter 102
      >24 Bomberman Bomberman 93
      >25 Elma Xenoblade 91

      Pure reddit. If these are the top picks for smash 6 then I can easily say I will be skipping the next game. Smash as a video game is dead.

      • 11 months ago

        see ya, don't let the door hit you on the way out

        • 11 months ago

          I won’t be going anywhere because those reddit picks aren’t getting in kek.

    • 11 months ago

      Pointless since it's asking Americans and not Japs.

    • 11 months ago

      if I had to pick 8 from here it would be
      >Karate Joe
      >Paper Mario
      >Dixie Kong
      >Skull Kid
      >Monster Hunter

    • 11 months ago

      rest of the them to 50

      26 Zero Mega Man 86
      27 Spyro Spyro 84
      28 Heavy Team Fortress 79
      28 Sans UNDERTALE 79
      30 Ryu Hayabusa Ninja Gaiden 78
      30 Sol Badguy Guilty Gear 78
      32 Officer Howard ASTRAL CHAIN 75
      33 Professor Layton Professor Layton 73
      34 Impa The Legend of Zelda 69
      35 Klonoa Klonoa 68
      35 Krystal Star Fox 68
      35 Raven Beak Metroid 68
      38 Arle Nadja Puyo Puyo 67
      38 Scorpion Mortal Kombat 67
      40 Toad Mario 66
      41 Lloyd Irving Tales of 65
      42 Amaterasu Ōkami 62
      43 Crono Chrono 60
      44 2B NieR 58
      44 Alucard Castlevania 58
      46 Porky EarthBound 57
      47 Monokuma Danganronpa 55
      48 Kazuma Kiryu Like a Dragon 52
      48 The Human UNDERTALE 52
      50 Agumon Digimon 51

      YUCK those 52 aspies asking for Undertale shit should be executed

      • 11 months ago

        >26 Zero Mega Man 86
        >27 Spyro Spyro 84
        >30 Ryu Hayabusa Ninja Gaiden 78
        >32 Officer Howard ASTRAL CHAIN 75
        >33 Professor Layton Professor Layton 73
        >34 Impa The Legend of Zelda 69
        >35 Klonoa Klonoa 68
        >35 Krystal Star Fox 68
        >35 Raven Beak Metroid 68
        >38 Arle Nadja Puyo Puyo 67
        >38 Scorpion Mortal Kombat 67
        >40 Toad Mario 66
        >41 Lloyd Irving Tales of 65
        >42 Amaterasu Ōkami 62
        >43 Crono Chrono 60
        >50 Agumon Digimon 51

        these are solid picks

  54. 11 months ago

    I want a War Thunder character.

  55. 11 months ago

    >to a video game hall of fame
    it's not even a video game hall of fame. it barely means anything to make it into Smash nowadays.
    Nobody thinks Min Min or Joker are iconic characters. Much less FE protagonist #14

  56. 11 months ago

    so how should Mii fighters be handled in the next Smash Bros?
    >add a new class like Mii Mage

    >expand on the customization
    >like be able to change more moves beyond specials
    >be able to mix classes like use bother Gunner and Swordfighter moves
    >have costumes unlock moves related to the costumes
    >maybe even unlock a voice clips for authenticity

    >just cut them altogether.

    • 11 months ago

      >>just cut them altogether.
      Nah, they're fun. They're the closest Smash has to a create a character. I agree on a Mage class and offering more choices for moves (and actually providing a choice for their Final Smashes). Also bring back the ability to make them different heights and weights.

    • 11 months ago

      The bare minimum for next title should be having the in-depth Mii Maker that the Miitopia Switch port had.

    • 11 months ago

      >>just cut them altogether.
      Nah, they're fun. They're the closest Smash has to a create a character. I agree on a Mage class and offering more choices for moves (and actually providing a choice for their Final Smashes). Also bring back the ability to make them different heights and weights.

      >Magic-using Mii Fighter

    • 11 months ago

      Miis should all work off the same base.
      >Brawler is the baseline
      >Miis can use different specials and attacks by changing their equipment
      >Different swords, guns, and other weapons yield different attacks
      >Some costumes unlock extra specials. Equipping a Mario Cap lets you hurl a fireball as a neutral special
      >Mii stats are calculated based on their equipment. A strong Mii may be slow as a consequence, or a fast one may be light
      >New weapons include axes, spears, bows, etc. Miis also have a new equipment slot for secondary weapons, which affect available specials only

      • 11 months ago

        so how should Mii fighters be handled in the next Smash Bros?
        >add a new class like Mii Mage

        >expand on the customization
        >like be able to change more moves beyond specials
        >be able to mix classes like use bother Gunner and Swordfighter moves
        >have costumes unlock moves related to the costumes
        >maybe even unlock a voice clips for authenticity

        >just cut them altogether.

        >New class: Mii Sportsman
        >Bring the Mii editor from Miitopia
        >Make them normal human size
        >Let you swap weapons among all costumes (I want a jumpsuit swordsman so I can make The Bride from Kill Bill, for example)
        >Incorporate them fully into the game. If you let the demo play, it will sometimes pick a Mii you made, with all the customizations. There's no reason they can't make that part of standard Smash.

      • 11 months ago

        >New class: Mii Sportsman
        >Bring the Mii editor from Miitopia
        >Make them normal human size
        >Let you swap weapons among all costumes (I want a jumpsuit swordsman so I can make The Bride from Kill Bill, for example)
        >Incorporate them fully into the game. If you let the demo play, it will sometimes pick a Mii you made, with all the customizations. There's no reason they can't make that part of standard Smash.

        These. I like these.

  57. 11 months ago

    People just like 3rd parties and are more surprised by them and they bring new audiences in whether you believe that or not, the allure of some random nintendo character no one has heard of doesn't exist because the Internet ruins any and all of that quirkiness. Hell ultimate even got away with the wacky shit character that was piranha plant just because it was funny,

  58. 11 months ago

    heres a criteria, pick a newcomer for whether they are in a big game on these platforms
    >Virtua Boy

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      Alice from Balloon Kid
      Jack Bros
      Travis Touchdown
      Kyle Hyde

  59. 11 months ago

    >When did this series’ reputation go from celebration of nintendo and its history to a video game hall of fame?
    Pretty apparent 4 is when this happened. Brawl obviously opened the floodgates but Snake was a literal personal favor and Sonic was absolutely the correct choice out of literally EVERYONE.

    • 11 months ago

      I wouldn't say floodgate in brawl, more so planting a seed

  60. 11 months ago

    For me, it just turned into a DLC hype software. The prediction for DLC characters is way more celebrated than the game itself and enjoyed more than its gameplay. It's kinda sad, but Smash Bros is primarily for hyping up people with DLC picks and not much else.

  61. 11 months ago

    Exactly as you said, any new nintendo character would be scraping the bottom of the barrel so the series had to evolve

    • 11 months ago

      whats the endgame, just being MUGEN?

      • 11 months ago

        I mean, you joke, but I would kinda guess that, eventually... Yes? Always gotta go bigger, do more, outdo what came before... How long before "Everyone vs. Everyone" is literally the only choice left?

    • 11 months ago

      I'd argue niche nintendo characters would do fine if added to the core game, because it is already being carried by the existing characters, and would help popularize those niche franchises.
      It's just that those characters wouldn't be popular enough to be sold as individual DLC.

      • 11 months ago

        Yeah I see what you mean

  62. 11 months ago

    started with brawl adding snake and sonic but smash 4 was what really set in the "VIDYA HALL OF FAME" cancer when the third party dam went from slightly leaking to erupting

  63. 11 months ago

    The real problem with the guest fighters was the inclusion of Bayonetta. Think about it.
    >Snake. The Metal Gear Solid franchise had been going since 1987, had countless games by then, and was pretty much known by everyone.
    >Sonic. Probably the most obvious, "no shit" character they could've added. The Bugs Bunny to Mario's Mickey Mouse.
    >Mega Man and Pac-Man. Two other absolute titans of the media. Having them, Sonic, and Mario together in the same game was a huge deal.
    >Ryu and Cloud. While Sonic, Mega Man, and Pac-Man were probably sufficient, I imagine if you asked most people what other guest characters to add to Smash, their answers would be these two - The stars of arguably the most famous fighting game series and the most popular entry of the most iconic RPG series.
    Clearly, only the top of the top were getting in. And then... there was Bayonetta. Who'd only had two games at that point, neither of which were very old. This was very clearly the point when the guest characters went from "The most iconic of gaming icons!" to "Are you kinda popular and did your game sell fairly well? Then get in here, cause why not?" Same thing with Joker in Ultimate.

    • 11 months ago

      Bayonetta is pretty much a Nintendo character at this point anyways, even if she's technically owned by SEGA.

      It's kinda like Banjo-Kazooie, there are technically far bigger and more important third party IPs out there, especially from Microsoft, but Banjo was also a way more popular request because of his honorary/former Nintendo character status. It's like that with Bayo at this point.

      • 11 months ago

        Banjo and bayo do sound slightly similar

  64. 11 months ago

    They’re in.

  65. 11 months ago

    why is there no demand for the survival horror rep?

  66. 11 months ago

    I just hate how 'omg so epic and inspiring' they try to make smash ever since Brawl.
    It's a game where donkey Kong and Mario punch each other and smack each other with bombs and fans, it doesn't need to ridiculous 100+ member grand orchestra singing Latin while the intro cutscene plays

    • 11 months ago

      Worse part, Sakurai did this on his own accord, not by the request of the fans. He's probably wanted to do some 'epic' showcase for a while and finally got to do it. It doesn't help that Melee had such prestige and looked considerably good for an early Gamecube title, so of course the next game had to look even better.

      So what era was better the 'Get this guy in Smash to Trojan Horse a revival' era or the 'Video Game Oscars' era?

      The former, because SMRPG getting remade wouldn't have happened if Geno's fans didn't rally for him and now it's quite funny how Smash will need Geno rather than Geno needing Smash. Again, if they want to sell the next game, they need people who have yet to be playable in an official Smash game.

      • 11 months ago

        Melee is only prestigious with autistic zealots

        • 11 months ago

          And the people who played the original, brought the sequel and saw how well the presentation was and all of the neat touches and details put into it. It's a fine example of a sequel that does everything better, gameplay, graphics, music, extras, you name it. Stop getting triggered over a few people playing the game competitively, it's a fine game when played casually or fun, the competitive elements are a neat bonus for those who choose to play that way.

          • 11 months ago

            The people who play competitively need to realize it’s a party game and not a fighting game. Those are glitches not gameplay mechanics

            • 11 months ago

              WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH
              Once again, this was about how Melee presented itself to the public from the first game, not about how it's played competitively, stop b***hing and moaning just because someone praised a game living rent free in your head that you don't like because people play it a certain way.

              • 11 months ago

                Meleeschizo your game is a trash rushed game that runs like it’s on crack and filled with glitches. It runs at the same speed that Saints Row 2 runs when it’s played on a PC that doesn’t use Windows XP which makes the game broken

              • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago

                >can’t refute what I have said so goes to more buzzwords
                I accept your concession Meleeschizo

            • 11 months ago

              How is good physics glitch? You disingenuous homosexuals never answer this one.

              • 11 months ago

                It’s not good physics though, it’s just moving around like it’s on crack. You have no clue what good physics are

              • 11 months ago

                >carrying momentum into a jump isn't good physics
                Kys modernsonic cuck.

              • 11 months ago

                >muh momentum
                Nobody gives a frick about momentum it doesn’t effect games at all Meleeschizo

              • 11 months ago

                Classic sonic begs to differ.

              • 11 months ago

                I have no clue what you’re talking about

      • 11 months ago

        >quite funny how Smash will need Geno rather than Geno needing Smash.
        Holy shit you're fricking delusional.

        • 11 months ago

          Whose game is getting remade again? Who didn't make it in Smash again? Who's still popular as a character? Don't pretend SMRPG is obscure, especially now, that remake is going to sell like crazy and they already know Geno is popular. If they want people to buy the next Smash title, Geno is a prime candidate for the playable roster, whether you like it or not.

          And he's much more 'relevant' than that silly gator or that dumb bear and bird at the moment

          • 11 months ago


            • 11 months ago

              >All from the last decade
              >Couldn't even bother to put recent remakes in that image
              I accept your concession.

              • 11 months ago

                Bro, your game flopped before and it's going to flop again, no one cares about your spinoff side character.

              • 11 months ago

                >Doesn't even show the actual sales in your screenshot
                >2,140,000 going by the same article you linked is supposedly a flop in 1996
                >Denying that the Switch userbase won't buy a game with Mario on the front of the box
                7/10 made me bite

              • 11 months ago

                Yeah dude, every switch owner buys every Mario remake without fail, right? It's definitely going to do ALL SWITCH USERS+NUMBERS this time around, right?

              • 11 months ago

                nta anon, but the SMRPG remake is sure to be a hit, it got the most buzz in the last direct next to Mario Wonder with everyone talking about it and YTgays soijaking over Geno returning in a videogame

                plus in a strange way, it has the Smash Bros bonus without even needing Geno in smash with awareness within Smash Bros circles, it may be a vocal minority beyond the circle but without it you wouldn't see YTgays soijaking about Geno for clout, which does get the word out

              • 11 months ago

                >got the most buzz in the last direct next to Mario Wonder
                So every Mario fan will buy the actual Mario game, and then every fan of spinoff remakes that didn't buy anything else featured in the direct will buy that trash?

              • 11 months ago

                >Mario game
                >Not selling
                Just stop, man. Geno won in the end and even if he doesn't get in Smash, he's already got a new game coming out and will also gain a lot of new fans in the process.

              • 11 months ago

                It’s funny that unlike the other old school fan picks like k rool, ridley, and banjo, he’s the only one who’s gonna be present in a new release on switch other than smash. You would’ve thought ridley was at least going to be in dread but no.

              • 11 months ago

                >You would’ve thought ridley was at least going to be in dread but no.
                Unless he gets cloned again or something else, isn’t Ridley canonically dead as of Fusion? ||Unless Mercury Steam just said “let’s shake things up and bring back Kraid instead of Ridley this time”||

              • 11 months ago

                Seems like they can bring in any way they want since he can be cloned, personally, I’d want either a robot Ridley or a Ridley that exists purely in samus’ mind due to the trauma she’s caused her as well as the x parasite housing his dna infecting samus’ brain, similar to how the arkham games brought back the joker. Maybe him even try to take over samus’ mind, with her feeling his influence ocassionally, or maybe even a nightmarish transformation sequence where she becomes a new ridley for the bad ending.

              • 11 months ago

                I remember when people thought that E.M.M.I was a mass produced Ridley killbot, but it is more interesting as a galactic federation entity, though it could be both if they tried, just say they used Ridley skeleton or something

              • 11 months ago

                It’s funny that unlike the other old school fan picks like k rool, ridley, and banjo, he’s the only one who’s gonna be present in a new release on switch other than smash. You would’ve thought ridley was at least going to be in dread but no.

                >new game

              • 11 months ago

                With heavy alterations that will reintroduce the game (and the characters of Geno and Mallow) to an entire new generation of fans.

              • 11 months ago

                >heavy alterations
                Like what? Graphical updates? Like a remake? Talking about remake stuff? Doing remake things? Remakely?

              • 11 months ago

                It looks like they're adding cut scene ultimate attacks, so who knows what else they're adding.

              • 11 months ago

                >who knows what else
                So... It's a remake?

              • 11 months ago

                Yes. It's a remake. A remake they didn't have to do and are going out of their way to do and that will introduce the game to thousands of people.

              • 11 months ago

                Which is still new and looks nothing like the original game, in the sense that it's not just a port, it's an all new game built from the ground up. Keep being pedantic, Genogays got the last laugh and you can't do shit about it.

              • 11 months ago

                It's literally a remake. Everything is exactly the same except the graphics, which are an update of the dumb baby shit they had on SNES.

              • 11 months ago

                >heavy alterations
                Like what? Graphical updates? Like a remake? Talking about remake stuff? Doing remake things? Remakely?

              • 11 months ago
      • 11 months ago

        >it's quite funny how Smash will need Geno rather than Geno needing Smash
        There is actually some morons delusional enough to think this.

        • 11 months ago


          Whose game is getting remade again? Who didn't make it in Smash again? Who's still popular as a character? Don't pretend SMRPG is obscure, especially now, that remake is going to sell like crazy and they already know Geno is popular. If they want people to buy the next Smash title, Geno is a prime candidate for the playable roster, whether you like it or not.

          And he's much more 'relevant' than that silly gator or that dumb bear and bird at the moment

  67. 11 months ago

    So what era was better the 'Get this guy in Smash to Trojan Horse a revival' era or the 'Video Game Oscars' era?

    • 11 months ago

      The first one, easily.

    • 11 months ago

      Definitely the first, I’m glad people are finally noticing a difference in smash’s reputation, it’s been bugging me for a while.

      • 11 months ago

        It's not like the 'revival' reputation was deserved either if we're being honest.

        • 11 months ago

          It really wasn’t deserved since it only really helped out fire emblem but it was still better than what we have now

  68. 11 months ago

    I think it was when snake got introduced, and then again when Cloud was included. Every other third party made sense for a "Nintendo all stars" but those two felt out of place.
    That said, smash stopped being nintendo all stars since melee.

  69. 11 months ago

    Why did all the Melee Players troon out?

  70. 11 months ago

    LTG was right about the Smash Bros community

    • 11 months ago

      What'd he say?

      • 11 months ago

        That they’re all autistic smelly troon pedophiles that need to kts now

        • 11 months ago

          I don't really care about that. My problem with the smash community is that they're all cry babies that need to be forced to do a Bo3 when they lose.

  71. 11 months ago

    brawl introduced third parties and 4 doubled down
    combine that with, quite frankly, nintendo running out of new IP worth adding as fully playable characters aside from splatoon (even the most requested are always obscure nostalgia picks) it was a smart move to branch out and focus on third parties with ultimate

  72. 11 months ago

    I want Chrono, Ninten, DQI Hero, FF1 Heroes team (fighter, thief, monk and red mage), the mc of the original megami tensei novel and Oersted.

    • 11 months ago

      I love FF7 but I kind of hate how Cloud and Sephiroth are the FF representation of the game, like come on they couldn't even add a FF assist trophy?

  73. 11 months ago

    When nintendo was announcing the dlc characters. Some were cool and all, but there were just way too many stinkers packed way too close together, and it ended so abruptly. Nintendo must have decided they didn't want to support the title for the 6 or 7 whole years and truncated it.

  74. 11 months ago

    >start off the Sora trailer just to immediately show we AREN'T getting Doomguy
    That was a dick move. Doom is a contender for the most important game ever made besides Pong and Pitfall

  75. 11 months ago

    Which Nintendo characters are left? Other than staple series like Pokemon or Fire Emblem where you get the latest Pokemon/Lord, most other series are pretty stagnant with new characters.

    • 11 months ago

      Zelda hasn't had an actually new character since Melee, that might be a good place to look

    • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        >No Wario Land
        Nintendofandj is a poser.

  76. 11 months ago

    Genogays are going to be worse than ever now that SMRPG has a remake

    • 11 months ago

      nah, genogays are pretty chill now that the actual mission of getting a SMRPG revival was manifested without Geno getting in Smash, just like what

      Worse part, Sakurai did this on his own accord, not by the request of the fans. He's probably wanted to do some 'epic' showcase for a while and finally got to do it. It doesn't help that Melee had such prestige and looked considerably good for an early Gamecube title, so of course the next game had to look even better.

      The former, because SMRPG getting remade wouldn't have happened if Geno's fans didn't rally for him and now it's quite funny how Smash will need Geno rather than Geno needing Smash. Again, if they want to sell the next game, they need people who have yet to be playable in an official Smash game.

      said (latter part)

      the geno support is a trojan horse to really ask for a revival of the game he is from much like Banjo

      which is funny, Banjo got the fighter yet no game, Geno got the game without being a fighter

  77. 11 months ago

    I'll do something crazy, I'll give every franchise 2 new characters, 1 regular and 1 echo:
    >Mario: Tatanga, Pauline & Minis
    >Yoshi: Poochie, Birdo
    >Wario: Captain Syrup, Dribble & Spitz
    >DK: Stanley, Dixie Kong
    >Zelda: Impa, Tetra
    >Metroid: Sylux, Gandrydra
    >Kirby: Gooey, Bandana Dee
    >Star Fox: Krystal, Panther
    >Pokemon: Quaquaval, Hawlucha
    >F-Zero: Samurai Goroh, Black Shadow
    >Mother: Masked Man, Ninten
    >Ice Climbers: Polar Bear, Topi & Topi
    >Fire Emblem: Hector, Black Knight
    >Mr. Game & Watch: John & Jack, Egg
    >Pikmin: Plasm Wraith, Louie
    >R.O.B.: Professor Hector, Ancient Minister
    >Animal Crossing: Tom Nook, Crazy Redd
    >Wii Fit: Balance Board, Ring-Fit Trainee
    >Punch-Out: King Hippo, Doc Louis
    >Xenoblade: Elma, Noah
    >Light Gun Games: Gumshoe, Barker Bill
    >Splatoon: Deep Cut, Octoling
    >ARMS: Helix, Ninjara
    >Metal Gear: Raiden, Gray Fox
    >Sonic: Dr. Eggman, Shadow
    >Megaman: Vent/Aile, Quint
    >Pac-Man: Spooky, Toc-Man
    >Street Fighter: Chun-Li, Akuma
    >Final Fantasy: Terra, Squall
    >Bayonetta: Rodin, Jeanne
    >Castlevania: Alucard, Soma
    >Persona: Makato, Yu
    >Dragon Quest: King Slime, Terry
    >Banjo-Kazooie: Gruntilda, Mumbo-Jumbo
    >Fatal Fury: Geese, Rock
    >Minecraft: Skeleton, Jesse
    >Tekken: Ogre, Jin
    >Kingdom Hearts: Xenahort, Roxas
    >Miis: Mii Wizard, Mii Archer

  78. 11 months ago

    He’s in.

  79. 11 months ago

    HE'S IN

  80. 11 months ago

    They’re right, all the importants picks have already made it in like k rool, a character who hasn’t been in a mainline dk game since donkey kong 64 and was completely forgotten after mario super sluggers, ridley, a character who has a sort of “always the bridesmaid, never the bride” role where he always just ends up being a normal boss, never the final boss despite supposedly being samus’ archenemy, and was clearly wanted more for the memes than his actual role in metroid, and banjo, a character who had two nintendo games, and then was immediately banished to Microsoft. Now we just have to deal with stuff like the octolings, a perfect character to rep more of nintendo’s most popular series out there, splatoon, impa, a reoccuring character in the zelda for years now with tons of movesst potential, paper mario, one of mario’s more popular spin offs, louie, the player 2 and reoccuring antagonist of the pikmin games, meowth, a character important to pokemon’s anime, an easy way to show off regional forms, and a character meant to be smash 64, dixie kong, the star of her own dk game and still appears today, with dkc tropical freeze and the mario movie, tom nook, one of the most popular animal crossing characters out there and one detrimental to the gameplay of the game, stanley the bugman, the protagonist of both greenhouse and donkey kong 3, king boo and e gadd, both of whom are stars in the fan favorite luigi’s mansion series, krystal, a highly requested character since brawl and one who was apart of the starfox cast until the failed reboot during the wii u era, bandana waddle dee, a main character of the kirby series who could act as a rep for the kirby series’ reliance on its generic enemies, magolor, a reoccuring kirby character who was appeared in most of kirby’s switch outings and even got his own mode in the latest title, dark matter, a massively reoccuring antagonist of the kirby series, and more.

  81. 11 months ago

    Which 3rd party characters are left? Other than staple series like Street Fighter or Final Fantasy where you get the latest street fighter and jrpg swordsman? most other series are pretty stagnant with new characters.

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      Honestly, I don’t know

    • 11 months ago

      >Dark Souls
      >Crash Bandicoot
      >NInja Gaiden
      >Virtua Fighter
      >Streets of Rage
      >Mortal Kombat
      >Golden Axe
      Just to name a few.

      • 11 months ago

        Seems like we’re scraping the bottom of the barrel with all of those picks

        • 11 months ago

          You may be right on some but picks like DOOM and Virtua Fighter are some of the most important games on there. Like if the FGC ever got another rep in Smash it would likely be VF since it already has an Assist Trophy, two Mii costumes, and a Spirit. The only thing it's missing is a character and some music.

      • 11 months ago

        wasn't asking, the point is was how easy it is to just say something like this to dismiss anything

  82. 11 months ago

    >When did this series’ reputation go from celebration of nintendo and its history to a video game hall of fame
    April 26, 1999

  83. 11 months ago


  84. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago


        • 11 months ago


          • 11 months ago


            • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago

                >Fricking Malin from KOF 2003 out of all SNK characters
                Talk about including obscure shit in this image

              • 11 months ago

                this is somehow the most literally who shit I seen shit

  85. 11 months ago


    Sounds like only anti-tendies and casuals lose out. I mean, who the frick wants crash and isaac?

  86. 11 months ago

    what Nintendys think they get
    >Bandana Dee
    what we'll actually get
    >a yet to exist starter pokemon
    >another yet to exist pokemon
    >a yet to exist fire emblem avatar
    >another yet to exist fire emblem gay

    what 3rd party autists think they'll get
    >Phoenix Wright

    what we'll actually get
    >another Street Fighter character
    >another fighting game guy(no westies like MK and KI :^] )
    >another FFVII homosexual
    >another JRPG swordsman

    both sides are cucked out

  87. 11 months ago

    >tendies and autists have entered the thread
    my mistake, shouldn't have entered thinking i would get a decent discussion in a fricking smash thread

    • 11 months ago

      What’s your problem with the thread, anon? Be specific.

      • 11 months ago

        i dunno, ask the sperg spamming the same reply and autistically never-evering


    • 11 months ago

      They were always here, they just wait for certain buzzwords to be posted so they can start trolling and seething.

    • 11 months ago

      but Smash Bros is literally a Nintendo game

      • 11 months ago


        >tendies and autists have entered the thread
        my mistake, shouldn't have entered thinking i would get a decent discussion in a fricking smash thread

        seems like pic related

  88. 11 months ago

    Why do people ITT want smash 6? The roster for 5 is pretty much perfect and no one doesnt belong except Sora but there are a million mods that replace him with Geno anyways

    • 11 months ago

      Ultimate has is flaws, like the online is still shit
      >b-but Switch

      meanwhile MK8 and ARMS online actually works well

    • 11 months ago

      All I want is Adventure Mode that's a mix of Melee's sidescrolling levels based on actual games and Brawl's scope.

      • 11 months ago

        honestly just mix Melee's adventure mode level and pacing with single player course and match with brief cutscenes in between like intros for the fights and a brief victory animation and is all good

        • 11 months ago

          Mix with how Ultimate had personalized classic mode I mean

      • 11 months ago

        Also a huge variety of enemies like Smash Run, rather than completely original ones and Goombas, Koopas, and Bullet Bills, which is all that Subspace had (aside from the bosses).

        • 11 months ago

          a lot of the OC designs were so shit yet somehow the OC designs in Kid Icarus Uprising were great

  89. 11 months ago

    if everyone had a home stage what would you give them? name a few doesn't have to be all at once, but that wouldn't fit the post limit

  90. 11 months ago

    >mfw Mario + Rabbids' success means the Rabbids get added

    • 11 months ago

      I'm surprised they didn't get an AT atleast

  91. 11 months ago

    Here is your first party rep, bros…

    • 11 months ago


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