When is Pokemon Sage getting an update?

When is Pokemon Sage getting an update?
Is it true that the spend weeks voting on the most trivial shit like how many Pokemon fodder trainer #34 should use?

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  1. 2 years ago

    What Sage mons do you like?

    • 2 years ago

      The vast majority of them, the whole dex is top tier when it comes to designs
      Gonna go with Diamat, tho

    • 2 years ago

      there are far too many ground/psychic/poison/rock type combos. That said


      just noticed theres a Chimpoca sprite imposed on the Chamemeowm sprite

      • 2 years ago

        well i wanted to make boarealis ice/electric so don't look at me

    • 2 years ago

      All of them, best Fakemon designs of any fan game/rom hack

    • 2 years ago

      wqsnt there a giraffe and a ice bunny in this game or am i thinking of another games dex?

  2. 2 years ago

    >When is Pokemon Sage getting an update?
    Probably next year
    >Is it true that the spend weeks voting on the most trivial shit like how many Pokemon fodder trainer #34 should use?
    Unironically yes

  3. 2 years ago

    Should I play Sage or Clover? (I'm looking for refined team-building experience, I don't care about completing the dex)

    • 2 years ago

      Clover is a shitpost, Sage tries to match the tone of the official games.

  4. 2 years ago

    >When is Pokemon Sage getting an update?

    The original intent was always that 2.0 was going to be the last public demo. That may or may not still be the case, there's been some noncommittal spitballing about maybe doing a third demo, but it's not any sort of formal discussion or decision; just some of us musing it.

    You need to keep in mind that us releasing a demo wouldn't just be us uploading the current internal build and letting people go to town (I mean it could be I guess but that wouldn't be ideal), it'd require time actively implementing currently decided-but-unimplemented content, removing placeholders, making tweaks to ensure people don't break the demo content due to us cutting off other non-demo areas, and putting up feedback surveys, etc.

    >Is it true that the spend weeks voting on the most trivial shit like how many Pokemon fodder trainer #34 should use

    I would say that this is less the case now then it was when we were all on /vp/. Stuff taking a long time now has less to do with procedural autism, and more to do with the fact that there's not as many people involved who can actively produce assets or who run surveys and meetings as there used to be, and those that are present are busy with their careers, schools, jobs, families, etc. People who were devs back in 2012 and 2013 who were 21 or 22 are now in their 30s.

    If you want to speed things up, join the public discord and message the admins that you want help, but keep in mind you'll need to show some actual expirence either making art, sprites, tiles; making fangames and doing map design or writing or music production or balancing, etc. If you were a contributor on /vp/ back in the day and have stuff you contributed then you can also show that (I can't promise anything, but in the past there have been people granfdathered in who were old /vp/ posters).


    Keep in mind this is me speaking personally and not any sort of official statement from us as a team.

    • 2 years ago

      how many % are u guys at now

    • 2 years ago

      Ran out of space, continuining

      >OP image
      I'm not a pokecoomer but I am a huge autist for archiving art and media related to the project project (we got the Xochi model Boogie made, for example), if it's not already on e621 or something, upload it.

      Should I play Sage or Clover? (I'm looking for refined team-building experience, I don't care about completing the dex)

      Clover is a shitpost, Sage tries to match the tone of the official games.

      I've never played Clover but i've heard good things about the actual game even if the dialog and mons and such are pretty much shitposting in game form.

      As far as Sage, I guess i'd ask what you mean by a "refined team building experience"? The ethos for our development is to make it feel like the official games in tone and format and gameplay, and what deviations we make from that are always hot;ly contested (which can sometimes lead to less then ideal results when the compromise is something both the purist and "GF mistakes" camp are unhappy with), but generally speaking we go out of our way to give mons more useful moves and tools and stats from a usability perspective, and to make gym and other important battles to be an actual challenge with smartly designed teams.

      But we still also value flavor a lot, my own philosophy on pokemon distros, movesets, stats, and teams is very flavor/lore (or headcanon, really) driven.

      Basically, i'd say it's something in between a traditional pokemon game, and a romhack or a fangame that goes all in stuff designe for competitive players: We aren't the latter, but we try not to do stupid things and try to take advantage of the fact wer're cognizant of how hardcore players play.

      how many % are u guys at now

      We're between gym 5 and 6 in content. We haven't fully started on designing Ossia, the gym 6 city yet, but like if when we finished the gym 5 town was a 5, and doing the gym 6 city is a 6, we're maybe at a 5.7 or a 5.8 (again, not out of 10, but in terms of gyms)

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Hey I was gone from 2015 till 2021, don't blame me

        >there's not as many people involved who can (...) run surveys and meetings
        Are you seriously telling me the game is dead not because you have an election for the most menial shit possible, but because you don't have enough people willing to even set up the voting process for the most menial shit possible?

        My prior posts in the thread were already more my assessment then any sort of formal statement (I'm typing this out myself alone), but what i'm gonna say here I wanna stress even further as solely my opinion

        The specific issue of "people running surveys/meetings" I think has less to do with a lack of people to do them, and more to do with people present being busy. Which I guess you could argue is the same thing, but like, I could run a survey or a meeting, as could a dozen other devs, the act of running meetings or making suirveys, while a skill to an extent (especially if you want to make sure that the survey is procedurally sound and doesn't have flaws with competing options and stuff), isn't something that's super ultra specialized

        The issue is that a lot of us only have so many hours a day to contribute to the project, and that means beyond limited time to run or make meetings, it means limited time for people to actually be around to vote or be present in them. We aren't on /vp/ anymore, but it's still supposed to be a democracy and if we run like a meeting every day then a lot of people are gonna miss out on giving their input

        Additionally, as much as I view it with chagrin (get it? like chegrin?

        What Sage mons do you like?

        ) since it goes against the idea that everybody is equal, there have been specific people who have settled more into the role of surveyors and meeting-organizers, and I think people are a little hesitant to step on their toes and would rather defer to them doing it. We also, frankly, sort of have shit organization as far as project resources and directories: internal master lists of sprites and maps and confirmed dialog or WIP assets and stuff are scattered across different google documents and there's no 1 place where all of them is assembled, and I *think* the main place we run surveys from now is actually just one person's personal google account

        ran out of space again

        • 2 years ago

          >there's not as many people involved who can (...) run surveys and meetings
          Are you seriously telling me the game is dead not because you have an election for the most menial shit possible, but because you don't have enough people willing to even set up the voting process for the most menial shit possible?


          So even if somebody wanted to put together a meeting, they may not have all the prior shit on hand that people need for context for said meeting. Better centralization of resources is something I personally want to work on, but I myself am busy with a lot of IRL stuff and other online projects too.

          Realistically, I don't think having more meetings more frequently is likely to improve the situation much, unless you want a sloppier end result and less people able to contribute. Having more people around, and/or the people already present having less stuff going on in their lives to contribute more, on the other hand, would help, especially as would better centralized resource directories. We also really need more spriters and tile artists. If you're an anon from the old sage threads you'd know we had an amazing artists who did both Sugimori style official art as well as sprites and tiles and who made the entire fricking intro animation themselves, they were an absolute machine and they have medical issues now and only pop in once every few months or year, for example. We have very few dedicated pixel artists.


          There is plenty of active work being done: Ashley's design got finalized, work on route 16 is progressing well, planning on Ossia is starting to come together, Sandra's design is in the process of being finalized, we're nailing down specifics regarding how move tutors will work, etc. A lot of of the small autistic descisions that sage was infamous for surveying every little aspect of is now largerly handled by distinct chats that can confirm details at their own discretion during meetings or over the course of chat discussions outside of them if there's enough consensus.

          • 2 years ago

            Show proof or you're just bullshitting.

        • 2 years ago


          So even if somebody wanted to put together a meeting, they may not have all the prior shit on hand that people need for context for said meeting. Better centralization of resources is something I personally want to work on, but I myself am busy with a lot of IRL stuff and other online projects too.

          Realistically, I don't think having more meetings more frequently is likely to improve the situation much, unless you want a sloppier end result and less people able to contribute. Having more people around, and/or the people already present having less stuff going on in their lives to contribute more, on the other hand, would help, especially as would better centralized resource directories. We also really need more spriters and tile artists. If you're an anon from the old sage threads you'd know we had an amazing artists who did both Sugimori style official art as well as sprites and tiles and who made the entire fricking intro animation themselves, they were an absolute machine and they have medical issues now and only pop in once every few months or year, for example. We have very few dedicated pixel artists.


          There is plenty of active work being done: Ashley's design got finalized, work on route 16 is progressing well, planning on Ossia is starting to come together, Sandra's design is in the process of being finalized, we're nailing down specifics regarding how move tutors will work, etc. A lot of of the small autistic descisions that sage was infamous for surveying every little aspect of is now largerly handled by distinct chats that can confirm details at their own discretion during meetings or over the course of chat discussions outside of them if there's enough consensus.

          if you guys actually want to get shit done you should probably designate some official team leaders
          there is a reason that valve, famous for their hierarchy-free dev environment, never makes games

          • 2 years ago

            As I said, that's sort of already informally happened, even if i'm not a fan of it: specific people generally run meetings in specific areas of development, and people generally defer to how they want to run surveys or meetings or the confirmation process of a given thing or how to interpret the rules for how it will run.

            I'd rather that be something that's more collectively decided, at least if X or Y person things it should be done differently, but that's how it mostly works.

            Show proof or you're just bullshitting.

            Ashley's design is on the wiki, though there's some tweaks to her sprites i'd personally still like to make

            • 2 years ago

              >As I said, that's sort of already informally happened
              right, but formalizing it would empower those individuals to actually make decisions
              as it is i assume they are worried about overstepping their bounds

              >I'd rather that be something that's more collectively decided
              why? that's a terrible way to run a team

              • 2 years ago

                >as it is i assume they are worried about overstepping their bounds
                I wouldn't say so but as I said, i'm already salty about it so I'm biased.

                >why? that's a terrible way to run a team
                Because this project started on /vp/ and it being democratic was the vision behind the project. I don't think having people spearhead stuff is a problem inherently but it increasingly is less spearheading and more making unilateral descisions for how to proceed with stuff.

                But this is straying away from "keeping /vp/ informed" and more into personal BS.

    • 2 years ago

      >there's not as many people involved who can (...) run surveys and meetings
      Are you seriously telling me the game is dead not because you have an election for the most menial shit possible, but because you don't have enough people willing to even set up the voting process for the most menial shit possible?

  5. 2 years ago

    >Is it true that the spend weeks voting on the most trivial shit like how many Pokemon fodder trainer #34 should use?
    this is why naval ships have captains

  6. 2 years ago

    Dick of Pussy?

    • 2 years ago


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