When you tell your customers you "found" something

>Why the frick is you always llllyyyiiinnnnngggggg

so, /tg/
what's the likely hood of Wizards finding $50k Legend boxes, clean, crisp, just sitting in a warehouse?

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    Not as low as you think. Things go missing in warehouses all the time. Sometimes a slipped finger, rollback, error, or dropped product results in something not being tracked in the system, only for it to resurface years later after being shunted from shelf to shelf. Things like that just get written off as lost or stolen.

    • 2 years ago

      >Things go missing in warehouses all the time
      but this particular item?
      I can't buy that, sure things get lost but not entire pallets of cases of cards. that's not highly probable.

      It's not a outrageous as the Coldsnap lie

      >Coldsnap lie
      Explain please, I didn't get into MTG until late 2021.

      • 2 years ago

        >but this particular item?
        Protip anon, those legend boxes are not worth anywhere near $50,000. Losing one is an inconvenience at best. Rarity is a spook

        • 2 years ago

          >Protip anon, those legend boxes are not worth anywhere near $50,000. Losing one is an inconvenience at best. Rarity is a spook
          https://www.cardkingdom.com/mtg-sealed/legends-booster-box = $49,999.99
          Now if you're saying the actual value of the set, oh yea definitely - NONE of the vintage sets hold their value if packs are opened and I agree with you on that end.
          But you must didn't see MTG's youtube video,
          where they wheel in about 20 CASES of SEALED Legends they claim to have located in a warehouse.
          I am not buying the "yea, they found it because it's easy to lose thing" argument.
          Something is fishy about this.

  2. 2 years ago

    It's not a outrageous as the Coldsnap lie

    • 2 years ago

      bumping for Coldsnap lie explanation.

      • 2 years ago

        >Things go missing in warehouses all the time
        but this particular item?
        I can't buy that, sure things get lost but not entire pallets of cases of cards. that's not highly probable.
        >Coldsnap lie
        Explain please, I didn't get into MTG until late 2021.

        Ice Age block had a terrible set, Homelands, attached to it that had nothing to do with the ice age setting, different plane, story, and terribly weak power level. To the point where wotc changed rules for tournaments that standard season to mandate a minimum # of cards from legal sets, thereby forcing inclusion of Homelands cards in pro decks.
        Fast forward eleven years, and Wotc drops a set that would replace homelands and properly caps off the ice age block. To give it the veneer of legitimacy, they opened the announcement by claiming the set was based on lost designer files that had been trcovered in a back office filing cabinet. A return to its roots to really cement coldsnaps place as THE third ice age set.
        Fast forward a few months, weeks or days later (decades old memory is fuzzy) they come forward and admit that story was just a prank bro, this set has totally been designed with modern design philosophy. Its where the snow mechanic was first properly introduced, whereas ice age had snow lands and snow lands matters, they were scattered and no such thing as snow type or snow mana existing.
        They added that if you actually believed their initial story and got offended at the bait and switch, clearly their story was so ridiculous you shouldnt have taken wotc seriously.

  3. 2 years ago

    for anyone who hasn't seen this bullshit.

    • 2 years ago

      It's funny that they didn't find a single mana drain or offensive card in them.

      • 2 years ago

        That's not true,
        they said they took out the culturally insensitive cards. and what you think they going to with the mana drains? me personally, I think the mana drains will go into 40k SL buys as bonus cards or something.
        Trust me, this story is being suppressed by the likes of Rudy and his dick-hopping-shadow-followers (I almost dislike his fanbase more than him), and other idiots who say;
        >No way Wizards would do this to us
        but in the end, it's going to come to light that Wizards printed those cards this year (the legend cards for those wondering)

  4. 2 years ago

    All that matters is they're official.

    Or if you are actually planning on playing with them, if they look and feel official.

    Saw a motherfricking game store selling promos for a game that were only ever released print and play yesterday.

    • 2 years ago

      >All that matters is they're official.
      To You, that's all that matters. to me and others (especially those in the comment section of the YT video, them being "official" doesn't mean shit)
      >Or if you are actually planning on playing with them, if they look and feel official.
      See first response
      >Saw a motherfricking game store selling promos for a game that were only ever released print and play yesterday.
      I don't know what that means.

      • 2 years ago

        >to me and others
        Yes, to buttholes.
        >I don't know what that means.
        I saw a game store selling obvious bootleg promos for a game because the cards in question were never actually physically produced.

        • 2 years ago

          >Yes, to buttholes.
          Amazing how I disagree with you and now I'm an butthole.
          Grow up kid.

          • 2 years ago

            You're not an butthole because you disagree with me. You're an butthole because you're acting like when something was made matters more than how it was made by who to what quality?

      • 2 years ago

        nta but question, why does it matter

        • 2 years ago

          If it doesn't matter to you then me explaining it won't make it matter and I'm not looking to argue today.
          so don't worry about it if it doesn't matter to you or anyone else reading this.

          • 2 years ago

            honestly after working in a game store for several years i have nothing but disdain and contempt for the collector market so when i see things like this that might frick with them even a little bit it brings me joy

            • 2 years ago

              yea most LGS workers are pretty detestable individuals. so no shock in your attitude.

              Ice Age block had a terrible set, Homelands, attached to it that had nothing to do with the ice age setting, different plane, story, and terribly weak power level. To the point where wotc changed rules for tournaments that standard season to mandate a minimum # of cards from legal sets, thereby forcing inclusion of Homelands cards in pro decks.
              Fast forward eleven years, and Wotc drops a set that would replace homelands and properly caps off the ice age block. To give it the veneer of legitimacy, they opened the announcement by claiming the set was based on lost designer files that had been trcovered in a back office filing cabinet. A return to its roots to really cement coldsnaps place as THE third ice age set.
              Fast forward a few months, weeks or days later (decades old memory is fuzzy) they come forward and admit that story was just a prank bro, this set has totally been designed with modern design philosophy. Its where the snow mechanic was first properly introduced, whereas ice age had snow lands and snow lands matters, they were scattered and no such thing as snow type or snow mana existing.
              They added that if you actually believed their initial story and got offended at the bait and switch, clearly their story was so ridiculous you shouldnt have taken wotc seriously.

              > they opened the announcement by claiming the set was based on lost designer files that had been trcovered in a back office filing cabinet.
              AHHHH so these frickers do this type of bullshit on a regular,
              claim to have "found" some shit to prevent lawsuits and player outrage. I see.
              >they come forward and admit that story was just a prank bro
              Lol seriously?
              >They added that if you actually believed their initial story and got offended at the bait and switch, clearly their story was so ridiculous you shouldnt have taken wotc seriously.
              Gtfoh, really? lol. fricking wotc man,
              Thanks Anon for this history lesson. I'd not known about this, but its good to know wotc been shitbags for the longest.

              • 2 years ago

                go back to your shed, paypiggy, you have a new collector box to preorder soon

  5. 2 years ago

    I just wonder if the wagie warehouse worker who found it snuck a cheeky box or two for himself first

  6. 2 years ago

    Instead of "finding" stuff, just tell everyone you sold the stock that was going OOP so fast you decided to make a whole new batch of stuff to sell, before going OOP for realsies this time.

    • 2 years ago

      well from my understanding that was the situation with Legends.
      But then out of no where, a ton of sealed Legend cases just materialize out of no where (official story from Wotc, it was in a Warehouse some miles away and someone just informed them about it)
      People on the YT comments are claiming stupid shit like;
      >You'd be able to tell if they reprinted them, the ink and paper would have a specific smell, blahblahbullshitblah
      Watching the YT video I'd posted earlier - their demeanor and attitude in conjunction with the story just screams "bullshit".
      hey Anon, what's the pic in relations to?

      • 2 years ago

        I mean you would be able to tell because cards from 1994 were printed differently and in different facilities, I and any dealer worth their salt could ID the difference very very quickly if handed suspiciously minty Legends cards

        • 2 years ago

          >I mean you would be able to tell because cards from 1994 were printed differently and in different facilities
          No you wouldn't.
          but I won't sit here and argue with you on it.

          • 2 years ago

            if you think people can't tell the differences just because you can't idk what to tell you, we have to identify cards based on printing irregularities at least once a month and you'd be shocked how widely varied the printings have been over 30 years

            • 2 years ago

              >if you think people can't tell the differences
              already told you, I'm not going to argue with you on that.
              You're more than welcome to believe what you like Anon.

          • 2 years ago

            You can tell what printing the cards are from set to set even to this day. Some cards don't even use the same paper weight because WotC contracts whichever printer is the cheapest at any given moment.

            • 2 years ago

              >You can tell what printin
              thanks for the bump.

  7. 2 years ago

    In 2005 I paid $16 at a thrift store for a card box with what appeared to be a case of Legends opened and put directly into it from packs, still mostly in pull order.

  8. 2 years ago

    What's this ugly OP picture? did my ad block break?

    • 2 years ago

      It's from a meme,
      thanks for bumping my post.

  9. 2 years ago

    iirc, Strixhaven and one of the new Innistrad sets felt really cheap and flimsy. Commander precons are often different from their main set too.

    • 2 years ago

      Strixhaven and the Innistrad's MID and VOW was ok quality printings. to be fair though, I probably was purchasing boxes of later print runs but I didn't have that much of an issue with QC on those 3 sets you've mentioned.

      >>I used to own a store
      >>The whole sale distributor was local and let sellers come pick out product from their warehouse
      >>In 2015 they had sealed boxes of Return to Ravnica and Zendikar
      't sell it b/c it was produced for South America
      it was illegal to even step over to that part of the warehouse floor
      >>had big red tape on the floor and walls separating domestic and international product
      >>felt bad bros

      wtf, can you explain more.
      was the Return to Ravnica and Zendikar sets printed in Spanish? or English? and why the frick couldn't you buy them?

      • 2 years ago

        I'm just a small town retailer don't under stand too much. But I'm in South East America with a lot spanish immigrants who do international shipping. For example I'm friends with a man who buys Wine you get at the grocery store and ships it to S America. He lives comfortable off 6 figures, condo on the beach. Another guy buys pies and ships them to Hawaii.

        Anyway the wholesalers do have a lot of rules with who they sell to, ie not retail sales, and this wholesaler was spanish who I guess had contracts about who he could sell WOTC product to. The packaging was english but I don't know what the card text was in.

        It hurt a lot seeing expensive holy grail boxes sitting there. I'm a big junk collector, and am dying for that one big find.

        • 2 years ago

          Break into the warehouse on the next major holiday.

        • 2 years ago

          First off, Thank you for being a humble and honest Anon (rare fricking thing on this site).
          2nd, I wish you luck in your business and especially your big find you're seeking.
          It's amazing how business works, it's not so much so about "right or wrong" as it's about connections and money.
          I'm a wagie, probably will die on but I'm comfortable living within my means - I wanted to run a card selling business but got gatekept by a local LGS who I asked to teach me the rope (even offering to supply my free time after work and weekends to 'pay' for the lessons).

  10. 2 years ago

    >>I used to own a store
    >>The whole sale distributor was local and let sellers come pick out product from their warehouse
    >>In 2015 they had sealed boxes of Return to Ravnica and Zendikar
    't sell it b/c it was produced for South America
    it was illegal to even step over to that part of the warehouse floor
    >>had big red tape on the floor and walls separating domestic and international product
    >>felt bad bros

    • 2 years ago

      Tax reasons probably. At some point, that product likely hadn't been taxed like it would be for domestic sale, so selling it domestically would get the IRS to get huffy.

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