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Where does /VRPG/ stand on with PiranhaBytes games (Gothic, Risen, ELEX)?

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    They're goyslop. Only gothic 2 has rpg mechanics and they're not very extensive one. The rest are just straight action adventure games. Additionally, exploration and gear progression closely mirrors most jrpgs such as dragon quest and kiseki and is split up into acts, I would say it's open worlds are worse in design compared to kiseki.

    • 2 weeks ago

      1 and 2(notr) are great, java spinoff is sorta fun, 3 is meh
      1 is okay until the last chapter, rest is meh

      kiseki is slop of quality barely above kemco games

      • 2 weeks ago

        >kiseki is slop of quality barely above kemco games
        How so?

    • 2 weeks ago

      >tranime gay
      >shit opinion
      why is it always like that

    • 2 weeks ago

      Definitive tranime take.

  2. 2 weeks ago

    The first 2 gothics were the only good games they made and everything just went downhill from there.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Gothic 1 is definitely not a good game at all.

  3. 2 weeks ago

    2017 Elex threads on Ganker were peak comfy.

  4. 2 weeks ago

    After G2 it's nothing but steady practice of trying to re-create the same game over and over again, but it's worse each time.

  5. 2 weeks ago

    Gothic 1 & 2 are good, the rest are just a poor attempt to remake those games.

    • 2 weeks ago

      How is gothic 1 good? It just seemed very mediocre to me. Like 2/10 mediocre.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Leaving aside that you don't understand the use of the word mediocre, what didn't you like about it?

        • 2 weeks ago

          Its just a busted german genocide simulator where you systematically clear the map. Its not even dangerous like NotR. You just run around vacuuming up every drop of exp and loot. One of the camps is like 10% finished and then the end game just spoonfeeds you super items and you mow everything down. I feel like this is the type of game that attracts people who grade games based on how aesthetic they feel the skybox is and excuse everything else.

          • 2 weeks ago

            All Gothics are genocide simulator, try going into orc lands before Act III if you want danger and I don't feel like any of the camps is unfinished, unless you mean bandit camp in Troll Valley which is cut content (originally it was going to be a separate faction afaik). First Gothic is a bit rough around the edges, but it still makes up for its lows with setting, very punishing beginning and plot. Seriously, your goal from the beginning is getting out from underneath the Barrier and just so it happens that you need to banish some big-ass evil demon. Breath of fresh air after all "you need to save the world" plots, here saving the world is the means to an end - prison break.

            • 2 weeks ago

              The swamp camp is literally unfinished, are you moronic?

              • 2 weeks ago

                It has the more quests than NC, you dick monger.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >2/10 mediocre
        doesn't sound "very" mediocre, like 20% mediocre :^)

  6. 2 weeks ago

    jankslop. terrible studio that deserved to die.

  7. 2 weeks ago

    Gothic 1 & 2 great
    Risen decent
    Risen 2 barely okay

    everything else shit

  8. 2 weeks ago

    Gothic 2 is the most overrated Eurojank ever made. Their other games barely rate to begin with. It's basically just an overpriced shovelware dev.

  9. 2 weeks ago

    Gothic 2 NOTR is the best action rpg when it comes to progression from a peasant to a literal god to me. It's a game that really makes you work for it, so the feeling of accomplishment when you finally get there is unparalleled.
    The amount of immersion and how reactionary is the world towards what you do, it's also something you don't see in any rpg from that time. The world really feels alive and is not a theme-park walking simulator where you have to "fill the gaps with your imagination" like other games do. You enter a house without permission? The owner is going to warn you and later kick your ass if you don't stop. You wield a weapon in front of people? They're going to tell you to sheathe it again or else. You see a blacksmith working in his forge? Those items he has in inventory are actually changing with every forging step he does.
    Contrarians here really underestimate the amount of detail this game has, because for them the only thing that matters is number and stats for the sake of it being there. Even if half of them have little to no use compared to the other half, and could've had easily been merged into one, but more mechanically deeper stat/skill.
    That, and walls of text, of course. Because obviously you play videogames to have the static book-novel experience, not to enjoy a videogame with reactionary gameplay...
    But yea bro, whatever, it's a slop, it's jank, it's shovelware, because it wasn't made by our great American overlords and their budget of 2000000000 million shekels.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >It's a game that really makes you work for it
      Are you genuinely moronic?

      • 2 weeks ago

        No. But you might be if you want rpg to romantically handhold you through the path.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Gothic isn't an action RPG.

  10. 2 weeks ago

    Heh. Nothin' personnell, KID

  11. 2 weeks ago

    >Perfect Jank
    Gothic II: NotR

    >Mediocre aka Eurojank
    Gothic II
    Gothic 3

    >Just Bad
    Risen 2
    Risen 3

  12. 2 weeks ago

    Don't you think you've used the term "goyslop" enough? It means nothing anymore.

  13. 2 weeks ago


    >Random thirdie seething over America for no reason

    Welp, that's 1 point on my bingo sheet.

  14. 2 weeks ago


    Whoa there buddy, gothic is a ghetto f tier crpg. You do not belong to the group you think you do.

    • 2 weeks ago

      gothic is not a game for dumb weeaboos, get the frick out

  15. 2 weeks ago

    Gothic is like Morrowind with arguably better combat but worse everything else. The world is small yet feels empty and what's there isn't very interesting; you have to backtrack constantly across it throughout the game which becomes very tedious. Character customization options are so limited that the game offers no replayability. You can either use missile weapons (which are OP) or deliberately nerf yourself by using melee weapons. Pure thief or mage gameplay isn't viable, you're a fighter no matter what but you can opt to dabble in magic or thievery. There are factions but which you choose to join is meaningless because the plot is on rails and ends up going to same way regardless of your decisions. Gothic isn't the worst game I've ever played but it was shit enough that I have no plans to try Gothic II, Risen, or Elex.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >missile weapons (which are OP)
      Don't play videya anymore anon

      • 2 weeks ago

        I realize this turd was great fun after a long day in the bread line and the best thing your side of the Iron Curtain since Tetris but it just doesn't hold up.

    • 2 weeks ago

      1st. I'm talking exclusvely about Gothic 2 NOTR. Which is the definitive edition of a Gothic game.
      >The world is small yet feels empty and what's there isn't very interesting
      You didn't play the game. There's a lot to explore and is everything is hand-placed, unlike morrowind and its randomly generated crap that depends on the player's level.
      >you have to backtrack constantly across it throughout the game which becomes very tedious
      You said yourself, the world is not that big. And yet the walk speed is way faster than the walking simulator morrowind is. And if you explore well enough, you get all the teleport stones to get fast to the most important points.
      >Character customization options are so limited that the game offers no replayability
      Gothic offers a lot more replayability than morrowind because:
      1) you can't become jack of all trades in gothic, unlike in morrowind where you can be good at everything in a full playthrough unless you deliberately decide to stop all kind of progression with your character. So you're forced to do more than 1 playthrough y you want to explore other builds fully.
      2) all factions are way richer and more impactful in the story than any of the shitty fetch quest fest that are the big houses in morrowind.
      3) classes are way more balanced. In morrowind you as a mage can do absolutely everything the warrior or thief can do, but even better. The gameplay for both thief and warrior is basic, boring and pointless. In gothic every class plays very different from the other at least.
      4) classes play very differently from one another. It's not just "oh I just click to do damage melee, or I just click to do damage in range"

      • 2 weeks ago

        >You can either use missile weapons (which are OP) or deliberately nerf yourself by using melee weapons.
        You didn't play the game or you're just very bad at playing. But knowing you're a morrowind fanboy, a game where you become op 10hs in, and you just click-spam your way through anything like a moron, it doesn't surprise me.
        >Pure thief or mage gameplay isn't viable, you're a fighter no matter what but you can opt to dabble in magic or thievery.
        The game doesn't have a pure thief option. True. It is more like a side skill to get money and exp that complements well with dex heavy builds. But let's not pretend it is very viable in morrowind either, unless you want to artificially extend the game-time to the double to do things you can easily do with 2 spells or high str. The assassin gameplay is so underdeveloped and feels so miserable to play, it's not even worth it. Luckily, they fixed this in Oblivion and Skyrim at least.
        Pure mage isn't viable? lmao, just accept it, you didn't play the game.
        >There are factions but which you choose to join is meaningless because the plot is on rails and ends up going to same way regardless of your decisions
        You can see 3 sides of a story, with some very good quest in between.
        And ah yes, because the house-choice you do in morrowind actually changes anything in the main story, right? It doesn't change shit. In fact, the house choice is pure filler because the only actual quest that combines itself with the main quest if for you to become a hortator. Then, the rest of the house quests have nothing to do with the actual main quests. And then your final objective will always be to kill Dagoth Ur without any other option. At least in Gothic the way you progress through the main quest actually changes depending on the faction. Despite the final chapter being mostly the same for any character from any faction.

        Morriwind is trash quantity. Gothic is quality. On the surface, Gothic seems like a simpler game. But in reality morrowind is just a bunch of useless filler stat numbers, filler mmo-quests and a world that is massively empty also. Once you realize that half of those stats and skills have very little use, you can finally see how shallow morrowind as a game is. It's a kids game under the mask of an old school hardcore rpg.
        Gothic as more reactivity, more immersion, better gameplay, better progression, less filler crap.

        >But knowing you're a morrowind fanboy
        See that's the thing, I'm NOT a fan of Morrowind, and Gothic is like a B-Grade Morrowind.
        >or you're just very bad at playing
        The game is piss easy, the only challenge is figuring out its bizarre control scheme.
        >Blah, blah, blah, blah...
        Replying to your massive wall of text sure looks like a lot of work to me and seeing as you clearly can't afford to pay me on a per word basis, I concede. I love Gothic, hail PiranhaBytes!

        • 2 weeks ago

          Nta but what rpg you think is genuinely great? Or is it just a concept that humanity can't achieve? No meme answers pls

          • 2 weeks ago

            Depends what kind of mood I'm in. If I feel like playing an RPG with great graphics I'll fire up Zyll, if I'm in the mood for a good story I like to play Telengard.

            • 2 weeks ago

              nta, but Wizardry 7

              You should take your Alzheimer's medication and stop visiting Ganker gramps
              Think about your health

              • 2 weeks ago

                I don't even need Viagra, kiddo. 😉

              • 2 weeks ago

                >teLl Me WhAt GaMeS yOu LiKe So I cAn tElL yOu WhY tHeY sUcK!
                Can't believe I'm wasting top-tier witticisms on the likes of you.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I didn't say a thing about your dusty games old champ
                I never played them and never will
                Same as zoomers won't play og gothic
                Maybe they are great and all that shit but something tells me they offer even less than gothic, morrowind or any other rpgs from this millennium
                But you offer them as example of great rpg and i feel that it's purely due to your old age and nostalgia glasses

              • 2 weeks ago

                >But you offer them as example of great rpg and i feel that it's purely due to your old age and nostalgia glasses
                Well you're wrong, it's because Zyll is a game with no graphics and Telengard has no story. The joke isn't funny now that you've forced me to explain it you jerk.

              • 2 weeks ago

                My bad
                Dunno why i expected anons here to answer honestly after asking them to do so

              • 2 weeks ago

                I don't either, but the actual answer is Ultima Online from 1997 to 2000 which I consider to be the best game ever made. When it comes to RPGs I mostly play roguelikes these days, ADOM is my favorite. The last conventional RPG I really had fun with was Pathfinder Kingmaker.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Well i wouldn't compare mmo with normal rpg due to obvious addition of other players but i guess it had more gameplay features even without it
                Still it wasn't direction gothic were going for and it's imo unfair to judge it by that
                But alas to each their own

              • 2 weeks ago

                Only thing I was comparing Gothic to is Morrowind. But you asked what I liked, so there you have it.

              • 2 weeks ago

                In the end people always compare things with something they consider standard
                And that standard obviously is the games you like, and you don't like games that are close to tes or gothic
                Some people consider fortnite and cs go to be epitome of gaming and their opinion will be highly dependent on that no matter how far they try to abstract from it
                It's just how things are

          • 2 weeks ago

            nta, but Wizardry 7

    • 2 weeks ago

      >You can either use missile weapons (which are OP) or deliberately nerf yourself by using melee weapons.
      You didn't play the game or you're just very bad at playing. But knowing you're a morrowind fanboy, a game where you become op 10hs in, and you just click-spam your way through anything like a moron, it doesn't surprise me.
      >Pure thief or mage gameplay isn't viable, you're a fighter no matter what but you can opt to dabble in magic or thievery.
      The game doesn't have a pure thief option. True. It is more like a side skill to get money and exp that complements well with dex heavy builds. But let's not pretend it is very viable in morrowind either, unless you want to artificially extend the game-time to the double to do things you can easily do with 2 spells or high str. The assassin gameplay is so underdeveloped and feels so miserable to play, it's not even worth it. Luckily, they fixed this in Oblivion and Skyrim at least.
      Pure mage isn't viable? lmao, just accept it, you didn't play the game.
      >There are factions but which you choose to join is meaningless because the plot is on rails and ends up going to same way regardless of your decisions
      You can see 3 sides of a story, with some very good quest in between.
      And ah yes, because the house-choice you do in morrowind actually changes anything in the main story, right? It doesn't change shit. In fact, the house choice is pure filler because the only actual quest that combines itself with the main quest if for you to become a hortator. Then, the rest of the house quests have nothing to do with the actual main quests. And then your final objective will always be to kill Dagoth Ur without any other option. At least in Gothic the way you progress through the main quest actually changes depending on the faction. Despite the final chapter being mostly the same for any character from any faction.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Morriwind is trash quantity. Gothic is quality. On the surface, Gothic seems like a simpler game. But in reality morrowind is just a bunch of useless filler stat numbers, filler mmo-quests and a world that is massively empty also. Once you realize that half of those stats and skills have very little use, you can finally see how shallow morrowind as a game is. It's a kids game under the mask of an old school hardcore rpg.
      Gothic as more reactivity, more immersion, better gameplay, better progression, less filler crap.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Gothic is like Morrowind with arguably better combat but worse everything else. The world is small yet feels empty
      stopped reading here
      morrowind is literally a definition of "empty world"

      • 2 weeks ago

        Gothic 2 is the definition of boring. It should've been a 15 hour game but its dragged by unnecessary grind of a trillion monsters and a metric ton of boring quests which you're forced to do otherwise you cannot hit the levels required to finish the main quest. At least in Morrowind you can find alternatives and you are forced to do none of the side quests if you don't want to.

        Gothic is so mid that the only positive point of comparison that its proponents can offer is that "it's better than Morrowind".


        saying something is mid automatically shows you're a fricktard zoomer.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >hit the levels required to finish the main quest
          Anon lmao
          What are you talking about
          You can finish this game without a single lp spent(if you're autistic enough)
          But even if you just get to level 15 thats it youre able to kill anyone with just a decent sword

        • 1 week ago

          >otherwise you cannot hit the levels required to finish the main quest
          skill issue

        • 1 week ago

          Gothic vs. Morrowind is the most mid rivalry possible, gramps. Early brown 3D is fricking trash.

  16. 2 weeks ago

    Gothic 1 and 2 were revolutionary for their time and should be consulted by today's rpg developers to learn how to do immersion and make the world feel alive and dangerous. Especially in G2 the feel of exploring a hostile world and SLOWLY making progress is perfect, every weapon and piece of armor being a tangible boost, every detour from the road potentially fatal but you're just too curious...

    Of course or was "janky" (that's a nondescript word that ruined rpg discussion btw), those old games weren't streamlined for the smoothest user experience and that's part of the charm. One remembers the good parts anyway.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Gothic 1 and 2 were revolutionary for their time
      I know Gothic is great but come the frick down dude. Remove your nostalgia goggles and you'll see that Gothic is a poor's man Ultima IX in terms of graphical design and gameplay with absolute god tier story and no annoying puzzles. I'm just so tired of cherry picking on retro RPGs these days... They are indeed great games BUT for its time.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Gothic is a poor's man Ultima IX
        Gothic is pretty bad, but let's not get carried away.

  17. 2 weeks ago

    Gothic is so mid that the only positive point of comparison that its proponents can offer is that "it's better than Morrowind".


  18. 2 weeks ago

    could never get into this trash and i liked morrowind, even your character walks moronic

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