Where is it?

They said it will be released in January and its powerful enough for 6th gen cores, its Jan 31st and they still didn't release it

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  1. 5 months ago

    The fact that you've used a 3D render image for the OP because there are no actual photos of the real finished product already speaks volumes.

  2. 5 months ago

    >They said it will be released in January
    When did they say that?

    • 5 months ago

      Two months ago when every youtuber started shilling it

      • 5 months ago

        lmao, thats really not where you should go for any sort of informed or accurate information. MARS was never, ever going to release this month.

  3. 5 months ago

    >powerful enough for 6th gen cores
    Just Dreamcast, you aren’t getting PS2 or GameCube on that hardware, it’s not powerful enough for that.

    • 5 months ago

      >Just Dreamcast, you aren’t getting PS2 or GameCube on that hardware, it’s not powerful enough for that.

      This. As much as I would love PS2 or Xbox FPGA emulation, there is no way in frick any FPGA that doesn't cost as much as a used car is going to be able to pull those off, and that's not even counting the fact that even if you had such an FPGA it's a stupidly difficult undertaking for any man to re-create systems that complex in a FPGA, you would need a paid research team. The complexity of consoles' processors shot up exponentially after the 5th gen.

      Best I can pray for is that if it can do Dreamcast/Naomi then it can hopefully be powerful enough to do Hikaru too since it was similar to Dreamcast hardware but a bit more powerful. Hikaru emulation is utter trash... and the actual hardware is even trashier with many of the cabinets destroyed because of a manufacturing flaw where the processors literally tear themselves off the board from the slightest bump.

      • 5 months ago

        >As much as I would love PS2 or Xbox FPGA emulation
        Someone with enough dtermination could probably hack together an Xbox hardware clone using old Intel and Nvidia PC components, though there's little point in doing so when a complete working Xbox unit is cheaper than those components.

      • 5 months ago

        I feel like there isn't a ton of point in 'hardware accuracy' for 5th gen and later. All those games were written in high-level languages using frameworks anyway and they almost never made use of super autistic hardware tricks.

        • 5 months ago

          There's a pretty big difference in the way they look in software rendering vs hardware shortcuts right now. But a hybrid approach could probably correct that.

  4. 5 months ago

    Its vaporware, you fell for it OP

    • 5 months ago


      all they had to show for it at that event was it running a mister core, lmfao

    • 5 months ago


      all they had to show for it at that event was it running a mister core, lmfao

      They DID show it at an event... running some random 80s arcade game. No DC emulation in sight.

      • 5 months ago

        Hey, that's the arcade version of Booby Kids!

  5. 5 months ago

    They never said that. It'll be a miracle if it can even come out Summer of next year.

  6. 5 months ago

    inb4 they just make it a software emulator box like the Polymega

    • 5 months ago

      Would be pointless, the Polymega had practically zero planning for it's hardware when the first FPGA-based concept was dreamed up and they clearly had no idea what they were doing. FPGA was also far less known and popular, most people had no idea what a MiSTer was back then.

      MARS dropping the FPGA now would not only be suicide since it would then just be a shittier and more expensive Polymega, but they already have prototype boards running some test cores on the FPGA, it would cost more to re-design it without an FPGA at this point.

      As someone who is never buying one, the amount of seething that this thing causes mister developers and autists is simply incredible. It's better and stronger and runs all the same shit and many people just can't handle that lol. Although I think any seething over it here is bait. I enjoy the real thing

      Nobody on the MiSter groups has been seething, go back to trolling with "It costs $615!" and copy-pasting that "this>that" gibberish that you do in every MiSTer thread.

  7. 5 months ago

    we should make bets on how many times they raise the price because the release date will keep being delayed and they'll have to adjust their prices for future production prices (inflation etc...) lol

  8. 5 months ago

    As someone who is never buying one, the amount of seething that this thing causes mister developers and autists is simply incredible. It's better and stronger and runs all the same shit and many people just can't handle that lol. Although I think any seething over it here is bait. I enjoy the real thing

    • 5 months ago

      you have a moronic head canon, look in any mister community or discord and everyone who has a mister wants this thing

      • 5 months ago

        That's the beautiful part. Everyone is going to upgrade to the new platform and that's what the seething is all about. You won't see the general audience for these things complaining because it's an exciting new thingamajig for them to buy

        • 5 months ago

          >more head canon

          • 5 months ago

            You can say that, not sure why, that's fine more public drama and crying for the rest of us to enjoy

            • 5 months ago

              you are making shit up in your head just to act like people are mad for your enjoyment, lmao

    • 5 months ago

      >t. Mars marketer and false flagging king

      Buy an ad

    • 5 months ago

      >the amount of seething that this thing causes mister developers and autists is simply incredible

      That's the beautiful part. Everyone is going to upgrade to the new platform and that's what the seething is all about. You won't see the general audience for these things complaining because it's an exciting new thingamajig for them to buy

      >Everyone is going to upgrade to the new platform and that's what the seething is all about
      How many imaginary arguments have you won, anon? I bet you've humbled yourself by loosing a few on purpose huh?

      • 5 months ago

        There is no argument happening. There are a handful of extremely salty people because a completely different team basically made mister part 2. All that hard work gets people emotional. Wether you see that or not is of no concern to me because it's just a thing on the Internet

        • 5 months ago

          How depressed are you? Your self esteem is clearly that low to be making up people angry that the MARS exists.

          • 5 months ago

            >the MARS exists
            does it?

    • 5 months ago

      Schizo headcanon.
      There is no one who is actually "loyal" to the Mister device itself, you know?
      It's just a means to an end to play video games.
      FPGA devices will be like desktop PCs.
      You upgrade them every few generations as they become more powerful.

      • 5 months ago

        I've seen the autistic squabbling with my own eyes. But I pretty much agree with you in principle

        • 5 months ago

          post an example text

          • 5 months ago

            Don't apologize, just don't. We all know you don't mean it. I didn't state the following below, then delete the entire thread from a forum.

            You'll never be able to sway anyone away that works with me on projects. Why? Because they actually know me.

            Also, don't DM individuals associated with me and make accusations that I'm contacting them about you being "racist".

            Most I've spoken with for years, some on a daily basis. A few even know me in "real life".

            We are not the same and share no commonality other than we both breathe oxygen.

            This project or any other I work on doesn't affect you in any way, shape, or form...

            Move on. Enjoy your hobby. I don't impact that. Now read the following and please take it to heart...

            Stay away from me. Leave me alone. Word always gets back. It always will.

            • 5 months ago

              Sounds like you are the one who is butthurt. That post is flat out saying that the cores can be ported, it will just take some work.

              And the thread was deleted because the entire forum is for discussion of the MiSTer, not for FPGAs in general. That guy isn't even an admin, he CAN'T delete any threads. You are seething so hard you failed at both reading comprehension and basic logic in that post.

              • 5 months ago

                I don't care about these fpga products. I just see autistic bickering between these groups around the block because I'm interested in tangentially related subjects. As to who is right and wrong, I don't care.

              • 5 months ago

                >I just see autistic bickering between these groups

                And that's my point, I don't see the bickering, you only seem to see it in your head, and the few people here who are clearly intentionally doing it to troll (Like the $600 autist). Which makes you very suspect of just being yet another one of those trolls trying to insist there is discourse where it doesn't exist.

              • 5 months ago

                That's fine I see it and you don't see it. At the end of the day what really matters is our shared love for retro video games

  9. 5 months ago

    I mainly want to buy a MARS because it seems more likely to get Sony ZN-1 & ZN-2 cores on this than the MiSTer even though it's still getting new cores.

  10. 5 months ago

    I'm cautiously optimistic. If it has Retrotink4k features I'll buy it day one.

    • 5 months ago

      It might have a few lower end upscaling filters but I can't see how a $700 FPGA emulation device can have all the features of a $750 FPGA upscaling device when the FPGA in the MARS is barely more powerful than the one in the Retrotink. Why would anyone even buy the Retrotink 4K if a device that is $50 cheaper can do what it can while ALSO playing games?

      I feel like there isn't a ton of point in 'hardware accuracy' for 5th gen and later. All those games were written in high-level languages using frameworks anyway and they almost never made use of super autistic hardware tricks.

      Personally I feel it's around 7th gen where it started to not matter anymore. A lot of 6th gen software was still running on bare metal and could make full use of direct access to the hardware that could cause inaccuracies in software emulation. There was even PS2 games that broke in the slim PS2 model because of a few small changes.

      Around 7th gen is when consoles all became a lot closer to a PC running an OS underneath and hardware variations would not cause as much issues. (Although the Wii still operated a lot closer to 6th gen systems since it didn't really have an OS running underneath the games like the PS3 and 360 did)

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