Which game has the most anti-fun playerbase? hard mode: no smash bros

Which game has the most anti-fun playerbase?

hard mode: no smash bros

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 weeks ago

    all of them

  2. 2 weeks ago

    Any game with a ranked mode.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Doesn't even matter; people will b***h at you in the non-ranked "fun" mode if you don't play according to meta.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Dude I've played unranked aram in smite after not playing for years and my team mate fricking dmed me some crazy shit.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Rbf if you're going to be shit at a game you could at least be on the other team instead of my team

    • 2 weeks ago

      Not even this. You can only escape them on servers.

  3. 2 weeks ago

    Dead by Daylight

    baffles me how such an obvious party game has such a tryhard playerbase

    • 2 weeks ago

      this tbh, my friend plays it competitively and can tell when people are cheating to move 5% faster

    • 2 weeks ago

      came here to post this. there's a big anniversary event going on right now that's supposed to be for fun but the miserable fricking playerbase is making it suck so hard

    • 2 weeks ago

      dbd's problem is that while noncompetitive it requires a significant amount of tedious work for a match to function. loosing because of some goofy bullshit is fine when the entire match is running around having fun, but when you have to sit on a gen for a minute and a half performing qtes loosing randomly is less appealing.

      • 2 weeks ago

        people hate snowballing, so they'll quit at the first sign that anything's gone wrong to avoid wasting time on an unwinnable game. simple as.
        problem is comeback mechanics are equally as cancerous because they invalidate all the effort you put into the game.

    • 2 weeks ago

      This and it doesnt even have a competitive mode.

      It's unique in that it's toxicity is reflected in pure entitlement due to being an asymetric game where you can potentially play only one role.

      So its playerbase make up a billion arbitrary house rules that all boil down to "Play as bad as possible and let your opponent(s) get away with everything."
      And if you unknowingly piss someone off enough? Enjoy having your ass farmed and dxxd by twitter.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Survive with friends killed that game. The entire concept worked at launch but ever since they let survivors play in premades it's been a constant balancing act that stole all the fun that could have been had. Just about every other game in the 4v1 horror genre has been better.

      • 2 weeks ago

        If there's no way to make the game work without allowing you to team with your friends, the game concept sucks

    • 2 weeks ago

      I'm still upset the DBD fanbase leaked over to Meet Your Maker and started their fricking moronic raider vs builder tribalism that ended up ruining the fun
      any dev not chained to that fanbase would've made that game an instant classic

    • 2 weeks ago

      I only played one match of dead by daylight. I lost the match as the killer and got called a "tunneling trashcan" by a player with 10,000 hours

    • 2 weeks ago


      if you wanna play competetive go and play game you probably uninstalled because you were fricking garbage at, like CS2, dota or lol instead of telling me tunneling bad, whatever the frick that even means

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Dead by Daylight
      this and league of legends are the first that pop in my head.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Dead by Daylight
      When I played, I would just camp as the killer the entire time since I know of how insufferable people in this game are

  4. 2 weeks ago

    >Valve nerfing weapons to make comphomosexuals happy.jpg

  5. 2 weeks ago

    Any RTS that still has a playerbase.

    • 2 weeks ago

      If you are new. Frick off. If you learned about an RTS from "hey hey people" you need to be fricking killed in your sleep.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Zoomers would have a brain hemorrhage trying to play those since it isn't as simple as fortnite and other kiddie games that they play nowadays that require zero effort to learn.

    • 2 weeks ago

      RTS games require you to be super sweaty or willing to lose to ever have fun.
      They're pure competition with a minimum of excuses for failure.
      The only way you could get around that would be making it multiplayer with pretty large teams, like 6 members a side.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >The only way you could get around that would be making it multiplayer with pretty large teams, like 6 members a side.
        I wish there was a demand for that. I liked doing LAN coop vs AI with my friends because it felt cool to have a big battle with large numbers of units on both sides.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Yes and to make them easier they should give you only 1 big unit to control. Oh wait. That's the most toxic genre.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Good multiplayer games are those where you can't really focus on other plays that closely as you're in the game. Like TF2 or Planetside 2 using huge team sizes.
          RTS games already take a ton of focus to play well, so even a mid-sized team of a half-dozen is enough to break through that wall of focus.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >Like TF2 or Planetside 2 using huge team sizes.
            I miss Planetside 2. Every time I've booted it up after a long break, it's been more and more of a shell of its former self.

  6. 2 weeks ago


  7. 2 weeks ago

    Games made by Riot?

  8. 2 weeks ago

    Fortnite is full of homosexuals apparently, but I don't play zoomed shit

  9. 2 weeks ago

    if you want to have fun, you shouldn't be playing a competitive pvp game in the first place.

    • 2 weeks ago

      OP never mentioned competitive pvp anon. I think you're trying to tell yourself something..

    • 2 weeks ago

      >if you want to have fun, you shouldn't be playing against ME

      • 2 weeks ago

        Millennium Edition.

  10. 2 weeks ago

    Left 4 Dead, versus in particular has people that kick for any mistake.

    • 2 weeks ago

      what causes such autism?

      • 2 weeks ago

        >come to post Left 4 Dead
        >4 anons have already beat me to it
        But seriously, ?

    • 2 weeks ago

      The answer is Left 4 Dead 2.

      L4D2, I don't know what the game is like currently but I'm confident they're still miserable

      >vote to kick player
      >proceed to lose the match anyway

    • 2 weeks ago

      I've seen people kicked already at round start for not having enough hours in the game.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I've seen people kicked already at round start for not having enough hours in the game.

      The answer is Left 4 Dead 2.

      Dota will always be number 1 in this regard. Left 4 dead 2 vs comes in close second. Not sure what third would be.

      >enter l4d lobby
      >just pick someone at random as target
      >launch a kick vote against them
      >autists so accustomed to kicking people they instantly approve the kick
      >works every time if you do it after making a mistake yourself

      • 2 weeks ago

        jesus christ, no hesitation. it's like a subconscious reflex at this point.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I don't understand this. I remember just entering versus games at complete random and never getting kicked no matter how badly I did. Even did a cew winning plays from time to time despite having no idea what I'm doing.

  11. 2 weeks ago

    Mordhau and Chivalry

  12. 2 weeks ago


  13. 2 weeks ago

    Magic the Gathering and by extension MTG Arena.

    • 2 weeks ago

      The fan base is fine other than being mega nerds. I’m sorry the game is too complicated for you.

  14. 2 weeks ago

    game: any
    fanbase: Ganker

  15. 2 weeks ago

    Multiplayer sludge.

  16. 2 weeks ago

    >I came into this competitive game to play for fun!
    >Why am I not winning? This isn't fun!
    >The competitive scene has ruined this for me!

    • 2 weeks ago

      Usually the playerbase in a competitive game is bad enough that even winning feels miserable.

      • 2 weeks ago

        your hatred is just too weak

    • 2 weeks ago

      >game is actually casual as frick
      >but the marketing says its hardcore competitive!

    • 2 weeks ago

      More like competitive gays move into casual game and b***h about random shotgun spread.

  17. 2 weeks ago

    For a board that claims to hates casuals, Ganker sure loves to act like them. What happened to that competitive edge that anons here used to show?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Forced matchmaking eloshit is why these games suck. The 50% paradigm is the problem.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Being stuck in team with russians who focus more on insulting each other in broken english than actually playing the game doesn't fire up my competitive spirit.

    • 2 weeks ago

      A lot of games aren't fit for competitive play. I have a set of games I like to play to frick around and another set of games I like to play competitively. Games like Dota or Overwatch fit neither of these for me so I don't play them.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Ganker is filled with people who constantly contradict themselves in general, whether they realize it or not.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >For a board that claims to hates casuals, Ganker sure loves to act like them. What happened to that competitive edge that anons here used to show?
      Ganker don't have any standard
      They all full hypocrite and double-standard

      • 2 weeks ago

        ESL shitskin, you probably vote democrat.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Everyone who isn't a summergay is pushing their 30's or 40's at this point anon

    • 2 weeks ago

      I don't think Ganker even really claims that anymore. This board is full of casuals that openly hate having to learn/practice anything, are happy when games are dumbed down, and get pissed when they have to fight players better than them or are expected to try. I'd say even a lot of normalgays are more competitive than modern anons and more likely to tell you to get good rather than blame the game.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >This board is full of casuals that openly hate having to learn/practice anything, are happy when games are dumbed down, and get pissed when they have to fight players better than them or are expected to try.
        OK skilltroon.

      • 2 weeks ago

        nobody likes having to read a wiki full of glitches and hidden undocumented mechanics that autists spent hundreds of hours labbing before being able to play.
        there's a ton of ground between that and casual shitters who can't read. you're free to ignore it and enjoy your dead games

        • 2 weeks ago

          >nobody likes having to read a wiki full of glitches and hidden undocumented mechanics that autists spent hundreds of hours labbing before being able to play.
          >there's a ton of ground between that and casual shitters who can't read
          homie, people on here cry about CS and Street Fighter. People here even cry about fricking Call of Duty being full of 'sweats'.

  18. 2 weeks ago

    LoL players are put through an algorithmically designed hell and thus are absolutely cancer. If the matchmaking would actually just run on rank, games would be fun and fair but instead its designed to keep you engaged for the longest time. Meaning you VILL grind through the 13 games loosing streak if you are deemed too skilled for your rank and you VILL be happy.

    • 2 weeks ago
      An Nerd

      League players are cancer man

      • 2 weeks ago

        I know, i played that shit for over 1k hours. When the support swain has more kills than the rest of the team and still gets shit on you know these people are not well in the head. I remember when my account still had "liquid" mrr and the matches were actually fun. After a while i got stuck in low tier even though i as the "support" out-damaged our adc, had more jungle knowledge than the jungler and maintained a kda above 20 people still called me a noob. I was so happy when tahm kench was made even more fun but the player base is sooo cancer and the matchmaking does not work. I am happy that the new anticheat blocks my pc, i will never play that shit again.

    • 2 weeks ago

      idk, maybe you just suck, only way to prove otherwise is making a new account, if you do well there, then it was indeed a matchmaking problem because you fricked your mmr beyond repair while learning

      League players are cancer man

      what I hate the most about this playerbase is that they usually try harder to win on normals than in ranked
      in norms you usually find the OTPs, the people that use their mains constantly, and people that refuse to surrender
      on ranked, you almost always find first timers, people that are high af, and morons that ragequit if your team gives first blood
      it's just unbearable, and this is common in any rank

      • 2 weeks ago

        >what I hate the most about this playerbase is that they usually try harder to win on normals than in ranked
        can confirm, I played once with a group of people that were kinda new to league and they had a lot of champs that didnt knew how to use, but they refused to play norms because "norms is boring and have no purpose" so they constantly shat ranked games and moved from iron to silver and back all the time

  19. 2 weeks ago

    >Played ranked/competitive
    >"Why aren't people playing for fun???"

    If your pet character/loadout can't hack it, don't complain that people in the room votekick you. And don't give me that "the meta sucks though" argument. If you're good enough and/or exploit a blind spot, you show people what they're missing out on.

  20. 2 weeks ago

    The answer is Left 4 Dead 2.

  21. 2 weeks ago

    L4D2, I don't know what the game is like currently but I'm confident they're still miserable

  22. 2 weeks ago

    Any ASShomosexualS

  23. 2 weeks ago

    Any MMO except XIV, but XIV is worse because it's more like anti-fun through forced fun.

  24. 2 weeks ago

    Maybe WoW. Like if you don't know how to perfectly play your class you're a piece of shit to people. Nevermind the fact you have never played it once in your life and your friend has 10,000 hours and turns into some deranged bastard whenever you play together. Like you're just a horrible human being for not being able to understand every system and mechanics in less than 1 hours of gameplay

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's insane how far WoW players take it even for shit like SoD. They're simply too far gone at this point.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I love sod but it's so fricking easy the elitism drives me crazy

        Like why are your requirements so high for an easy ass fricking game

        Then you play with someone who is fricking terrible and it's like you need to press 2 buttons max why are you so bad

        • 2 weeks ago

          I just don't get why people were so eager to be such tryhards for a game where the content is supposed to be piss easy and low commitment. I think the worst part is that you could, at least for the first two phases, gather anyone who had remotely decent enough gear and clear everything relatively comfortably.
          Wouldn't be so bad if other people joining your parties weren't such picky fricks as well, or else I would've just did party lead all the time.

        • 2 weeks ago

          I just don't get why people were so eager to be such tryhards for a game where the content is supposed to be piss easy and low commitment. I think the worst part is that you could, at least for the first two phases, gather anyone who had remotely decent enough gear and clear everything relatively comfortably.
          Wouldn't be so bad if other people joining your parties weren't such picky fricks as well, or else I would've just did party lead all the time.

          It's really weird how some of the most casual games out there inspire the most elitism. I remember some people being amazed at how helpful and nice SF players were when they asked for advice as somebody new compared to when they started FF14.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >check WoW forums to see what the game is like these days
        >see dozens of people on Cata classic forums complaining how they were "forced" to pour hundreds of hours into grinding archeology for a weapon they'll replace a week later

    • 2 weeks ago

      that MMO mindset is so moronic lol. spoil any kind of fun or challenge from a raid by watching a video about it first or we'll kick you!!!!!

      • 2 weeks ago

        Its the thing I don't get. "Oh you want to have fun and just dick around? Frick you, you need to be perfect! Now let's grind for gear we're gonna replace immediately!"

        • 2 weeks ago

          the community is why WoW classic failed, they meta'd all the fun and adventure out of the game when vanilla was already piss easy in terms of dungeons and raids

          • 2 weeks ago

            Its the thing I don't get. "Oh you want to have fun and just dick around? Frick you, you need to be perfect! Now let's grind for gear we're gonna replace immediately!"

            Turtle wow may be full of homosexual redditors but at least there is no minmax fun hating attitude.

            • 2 weeks ago

              turtle wow looks gay as frick bro not gonna lie

          • 2 weeks ago

            classic wow vanilla didn't fail, they just never deployed new servers

    • 2 weeks ago

      >people shit on you for dps
      >learn what to do
      >watch as you realize everyone else is complete ass and the tiniest bit of effort and gear makes you top three dps easily in pugs for raids
      >people still complain because they want you to carry them so they can do even less

      • 2 weeks ago

        >people still complain because they want you to carry them so they can do even less
        Jesus Christ all of this.
        Feels like the game rigs itself so you are either luggage or carrying hard, no middle ground at all

    • 2 weeks ago

      I got kicked from a group for asking for a rez.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >whole raid dies and runs back in
        >you stay in your corpse and go jackoff or make a sandwich
        >res pls!!!

        i'd kick you too

    • 2 weeks ago

      Not only that, but the way the WoW community responds whenever some old piece of gear may become available again. Like the chimpout over the possibility that Mage Tower mogs might have come back when it ended up just being recolors like 90% of content. People hold their "exclusive" cosmetics in way too high regard, CMs weren't even hard and most of these gays did Mage Tower during Antorus when it was a joke.

    • 2 weeks ago

      wow isn't even hard yet attracts the most braindead morons ive ever seen in any game. Iits not even hard when theres a ton of resources to spoonfeed you on how to do the bare minimum yet wow, especially classic, attracts lazy moron swipers who just p2w through everything

      when i queue hcs with my 3 friends we always kick the pug, especially ESLs, before the last boss just because frick em they dont deserve free valor if they're literally getting carried. You get what you put in and if you're just going to be a moron and practically be AFK /follow you don't deserve shit

    • 2 weeks ago

      The correct answer. Even in Panda Remix where one guy can solo every raid boss you still have tryhard losers trying to gatekeep shit. The worst playerbase in gaming history.

  25. 2 weeks ago

    Here. Let me fix that.

  26. 2 weeks ago

    Every PvP game
    All shitters use the meta build that they found on reddit to be as efficient as possible, purely focusing on winning and sucking all the fun out of everything

  27. 2 weeks ago

    hunt showdown might not be the most "overcompetitive" and it doesn't even have a comp more

    but they are by and far the most obnoxious Black folk I have ever had to suffer a game for

    especially europeans, literally every single one of them plays like their shitty thirdie life actually depends on the outcome and its the most boring campfest homosexualry

    also all slavs and chinks cheat.

    • 2 weeks ago

      > it doesn't even have a comp more
      What are you smoking? It has an MMR system, and a lot of shitters are afraid to lose a single star.
      >its the most boring campfest homosexualry
      It mostly has 6 start problems, and 3-4 don't have it.
      >also all slavs and chinks cheat
      Not all of them. But russians and chinks cheat all the time. Especially russians love to use derender software and all kinds of homosexualry. Cryteck refuses to make a separate reservation for them.

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's called Hunt Showdown not Quake Showdown, and people play passive because the mechanics encourage it

  28. 2 weeks ago

    1 billion hours in paint

    • 2 weeks ago

      modern matchmaking is what causes this problem, when you could just pick lobbies and play shitters play with shitters, good players play with good players ect.

      i don't play competitive games at all but matchmaking is so shit that i've gotten extremely high ranks from the initial ranking matches most games do just by getting lucky a few times and immediately get curb stomped once i get into the actual rankings.

      • 2 weeks ago

        because modern matchmaking systems aren't designed to give you competitive/fun games, they're designed to psychologically hook you with extremely onesided games to make you want to play more and spend money on the game. every single game with a matchmaking system is like this, they all lie when they talk about competitive this or mmr that. that plus these games being set up so you have to play them like a job and aren't allowed to leave if the game isn't fun are why i refuse to touch matchmakingslop games anymore.

        • 2 weeks ago

          i don't play those games for a reason, only one i put even a little bit of time into was Magic Arena just because i kinda missed play MTG like i used to a decade ago, it was a downgrade compared to paper for sure but it slowly got worse over time until i dropped it entirely.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I legit think match making systems that don't display how many players are playing is designed around making sure players don't see how bad the player population really is.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >when you could just pick lobbies and play shitters play with shitters, good players play with good players ect.
        no they don't. it's the complete opposite. the one upside is that shitters could learn from watching better people play and own them or others. on the other hand, you have the problem of people trying to learn the game getting booted via vote-kick
        anyway, it's matchmaking that pits shitters against other shitters. unfortunately, this leads to them learning how to play wrong because they copy anything they see without spending 2 seconds to think whether it's a good idea.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I have never seen a competitive player in anything say they were having fun.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I have fun in fighting games all the time.

  29. 2 weeks ago

    scrubs and casuals are weak

  30. 2 weeks ago

    when i was shit at tf2 and got killed by pubstompers i didn't complain, i just had fun and hoped i could resist them one day and put up a good fight

  31. 2 weeks ago

    ASShomosexualS, any asymmetric game, low level fighting game ranks, hero shooters, and fricking Animal Crossing of all things

  32. 2 weeks ago

    PCPornAddicts are the most notorious of them all since they watch e-sports and want to be best. Console players are chill and play for fun mostly

  33. 2 weeks ago

    path of exile

    • 2 weeks ago

      >path of exile
      Isn't it just a Diablo-like game? How is it competitive? Does it have PvP?

  34. 2 weeks ago

    oldschool runescape
    game solely panders to ironman mode and main game economy has been shit on solely to please the 10% of the game that isnt mi6 goldfarming bots so they wont quit

    they made a 1 in 5k drop 3k solely cuz ironmen complained
    you chose to play a mode where u cant trade and u b***h ?
    honestly why i quit
    that and the jmods harass people and favor streamers my acc got manually muted like 10x by the jagex staff when i didnt talk..

  35. 2 weeks ago


  36. 2 weeks ago

    "Competitive" Civilization
    Completely insane

  37. 2 weeks ago

    Any game that requires a high amount of team work and doesn't allow players to just leave freely and be replaced by a different player when they stop having fun.
    The latter especially is what's causing all the problems. MOBA players are all raging c**ts because that's what happens when you're locked in a room with four other morons that you have to coordinate with for an hour and can't leave. People like OP are also affected because when they get paired with "toxic overcompetitive players" they just have to tough it out for the duration of the match instead of being able to leave and find a different match.
    Big thanks to MOBAs for popularizing this cancerous trend.

    • 2 weeks ago

      This is part of the reason Hots was so good, the games were short

      • 2 weeks ago

        Ranked HOTS was terrible. I hit master ranks and got like 3 silences in one season because ANYTHING you say in a game will get reported by your teammates that get tilted.
        You need to learn how to "carry" as dumb as it sounds for this moronic game like making all the proper engagement decisions, get early pick and win 4v5 teamfights.
        Worst competitive playerbase I've ever played with.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Classic modes like Team Deathmath were chill. Who even cares about the outcome, you get to relax by shooting shit up for twenty minutes and that's all that matters.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I don't get it, why can't these people just...not play MOBAs? Why do so many people spend so much of their lives playing games they don't enjoy?

      • 2 weeks ago

        psychological manipulation

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Why do so many people spend so much of their lives playing games they don't enjoy?
        they do enjoy it, sometimes
        the times your team plays well or you become the main carry and stomp everyone effortlessly usually make you liberate enough dopamine to stay hooked to the game even if most of the other matches are a miserable experience
        if people still play, its because they want to experience those small moments of glory

        • 2 weeks ago
          • 2 weeks ago

            >working and living just as they would in the real world
            you don't need to go through 18 years of schooling before you can start playing the game, and your prospects are not tied to how rich your parents are
            >rat in the room with the random lever would eat much more food
            because it never knew if more food is coming, moron so you treat every portion as the last.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Competitive games like mobas mimics how life is with up and downs. Like the other anon said; those matches where everything works and you win is enough dopamine to last you a dozen losses after. Matchmaking is cruel in a way how it forces a pattern of wins and losses to keep players hooked.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >if I just vomit enough random buzzwords at the wall maybe some will stick
          you don't know what you're talking about

          • 2 weeks ago

            Are the buzzwords in the room with us anon?

            • 2 weeks ago

              we're not even in the same room. take your meds schizo

          • 2 weeks ago

            Black person that post was crystal clear, I think you lack reading comprehension

    • 2 weeks ago

      I have always said this as well. Being locked in for on average 30 minutes with some buttholes that totally reject teamwork and tend to spend the match analyzing their teammates faults rather than focusing on winning the game? Holy frick no! I do not want that. A buddy pulled me in to play Valorant recently, we played a round of TDM and I thought that maybe it wasn't that bad, then our Adderall snorting party member urged us to play the core mode. Holy FRICK best of 13!? I never played Counter Strike either but God damn! I don't want to be committed to being stuck with those buttholes for more than a best of 3, much less 13! Then the game demands absolute focus if you don't want to get a pixel of your headbox ripped off the moment it becomes visible. Couple that with all the kids watching all the mandatory youtube viewing for optimal playing knowledge when you just want to be at leisure.
      The shit feels like work. I already work two jobs. Guess I'm too old for it, but I'm content to sit it all out.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Which MP games do you like then if not ones like valorant?

        • 2 weeks ago

          I played shit like Quake 3, Halo and Gears, and then floated around to I'll fated nonsense like Overwatch. Tried my hand at non-shooters like various MOBAs or whatever FOTM garbage my friends were into. Now if the question is what multiplayer game do I want to play, then I don't even know. Probably just some PvE brain melting shit like Monster Hunter or Warframe. Even then I'm not always in the mood for that. I'm pretty much getting most of my enjoyment and satisfaction from single player, and backlog because this current year industry can't make much that appeals to me.

  38. 2 weeks ago

    Souls PvP

  39. 2 weeks ago

    Dead By Daylight. Survivor players literally cry massive nerfs to themselves away and develop bend the knee every time, while also crying they're not strong enough.

    Meanwhile any Killer but the S tier ones is a mind numbing exercise in frustration because Survivors are so moronicly broken its hilarious. You have to be functionally brain dead to lose as Survivor.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >You have to be functionally brain dead to lose as Survivor.
      Try soloQ

      • 2 weeks ago

        >muh solo
        It's still near impossible to lose. What are you, low MMR?

        The game is so imbalanced you have to be trying to throw to actually lose.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >It's still near impossible to lose. What are you, low MMR?
          okay now you just trolling not feeding you ever again

          • 2 weeks ago

            >Survivor player gaslighting
            Business as usual I see.

            • 2 weeks ago

              killers go on 2000+ winstreaks regularly, survivor soloq streaks are impossible

  40. 2 weeks ago

    l4d versus

  41. 2 weeks ago

    All character action games

  42. 2 weeks ago

    No one forced it upon me but they way I played age of empires was so different from the way the high level pros played it made me feel icky and not want to continue. I was having a lot of fun too.

  43. 2 weeks ago

    Whatever the current FGC darling is (SF6 and Tekken 8 I think)
    They pushed all fighting games besides Smash into being competitive esports bullshit, snuffed out the playerbase of new fighting game franchises and franchises like DoA which never fit the competitive model to begin with, and got the major companies to pander to exclusively to them. FGC is the absolute worst mix of both casualscum (since they're only ever playing the newest thing) and competitive elitism (frick you if your game isn't esports bullshit)

    • 2 weeks ago

      If you think DOA isn't designed competitively you're fricking moronic and don't know how to play.

  44. 2 weeks ago

    DOTA 2, definitely. But tbf, people who screw around "for fun" in that game also make it suck for others... Frick it though, I don't want to be fair to DOTA 2. That game sucks almost always.

    • 2 weeks ago

      League players are cancer man

      I know, i played that shit for over 1k hours. When the support swain has more kills than the rest of the team and still gets shit on you know these people are not well in the head. I remember when my account still had "liquid" mrr and the matches were actually fun. After a while i got stuck in low tier even though i as the "support" out-damaged our adc, had more jungle knowledge than the jungler and maintained a kda above 20 people still called me a noob. I was so happy when tahm kench was made even more fun but the player base is sooo cancer and the matchmaking does not work. I am happy that the new anticheat blocks my pc, i will never play that shit again.

      The issue with DOTA and League is that you are stuck with four hyperaggressive random morons. They think that they are smarter than everyone else on the team and often refuse to adapt, change strategy, or play in different ways than they want to. Usually, it's a moron that gives you shit all game, but when he does something moronic he refuses to acknowledge it. I like games like Hearthstone because you don't have to rely on anyone else. Well used to, like, now it's shit.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I think that the only game where you can be suck with random morons and still have fun is forts. Even if you suck everybody is still nice and acts in good faith.

  45. 2 weeks ago

    Any PvP game without a focus on realism or roleplay
    Mobas, shootershit or BRslop suffer the most from this, while games like Squad, Foxhole or SS13 (arguably pvp) rarely have antifun shits
    Occasionally it seeps into coop shooters like the Tide games or DRG, but those are outliers that will be perpetually stuck in "the hardest -1" difficulty because they're skillless tryhards that think they're hot shit for being able to play the game on "hard" (the default)

    • 2 weeks ago

      I very rarely saw toxic cum guzzlers in DRG. Maybe once or twice someone throws around the moron word.
      Tide games get just a smidge more, but if you deliberately pull the daemonhost with your veteran and then proceed to panic and run face first through half a dozen packs and patrols in an ignorant attempt to not die...you get justifiably called a moron.
      Why? How do you reach damnation difficulty but you don't know how a daemonhost works?

  46. 2 weeks ago

    GTA Online

    • 2 weeks ago

      is gta rp that bad?

      • 2 weeks ago

        It used to be much worse, but it's still got its moments where you'll enter a lobby and one guy will make it his mission to just gun everyone down for no fricking reason.

  47. 2 weeks ago

    TF2 MvM with tickets and randos.

    • 2 weeks ago

      this, frick tacobot homosexuals ruining the fun for people. I just wanna farm for australium shit without these homosexuals being in my server purposefully throwing the game because I played with 1 cheater or was a complete noob.

  48. 2 weeks ago

    >new Smash game comes out
    >friends treat it like they gotta learn all the tech and basic combos
    >still beat them easily by shutting off my brain and using basic fundamentals
    >they get mad when I beat them ten times in a row while rotating characters every match because having just one main is gay
    I don't get the seriousness of the player base outside of general sweatlord behavior.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Recently experienced this when I tried out Multiverses. I can’t fathom why some people would take this shit so serious

      • 2 weeks ago

        People just want to seem cool and hardcore for learning a game that's by all means a casual game. Unless you're good enough to get ranked in the top 8 of a high end tournament, tier lists probably mean jack shit. People still tell themselves they matter, and then complain when you beat their ass with a "weak" character, because they are never going to have the skill level for it to matter.

  49. 2 weeks ago

    >that one guy on comms middlefragging while getting pocketed screaming out plays and blaming the medic for when he dies

  50. 2 weeks ago

    Nothing can take away the countless hours of fun I had in various games on community servers before all of these SBMM games became popular and I'm very thankful for that.

  51. 2 weeks ago

    >people that "play for fun" are (man)children
    About right.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >the sweaty man strikes with a moist slap

  52. 2 weeks ago

    I wish they were more people playing quake, getting curbstomped by the same boomers every match is not fun.

  53. 2 weeks ago

    Id say Dead by Daylight. There is no getting rank in the game without being competitive and in a competitive group.

  54. 2 weeks ago

    Tekken players are basically Smash players but worse
    - One-and-done even if they win
    - Constant ragequitting
    - Lag switches
    - Macros
    - Auto block/auto parry/auto jab/auto combo
    - Majority of players are on wifi
    - Frequent teabagging
    - Will back off and wait for you to go to them even if they're losing

  55. 2 weeks ago
  56. 2 weeks ago

    Destiny 2
    Only like 10% of the community ever did a raid, and all LFG for raids, even ones that came out a few days ago require max gear know what to do or kick clears required.
    Also the community pushes Bungie into not adding matchmaking for group content.

    • 2 weeks ago

      ? What happened to Sherpas? Did all the people that actually like the game frick off?

  57. 2 weeks ago

    Souls community
    I have to view this board with 8 filtered threads and 6 hidden threads

  58. 2 weeks ago

    ITT: Shitters who never got good so whine about how everyone else surpasses them under the thinly veiled guise of "just having fun"

    • 2 weeks ago

      I always choose off-meta and/or bad characters and builds just because I like upsetting try hard homosexuals that take their video gamies so seriously

  59. 2 weeks ago

    I can't remember a single game where I was insulted as much as DbD.
    Not even QL and CPMA.

    • 2 weeks ago

      is it still alive?

      • 2 weeks ago

        Stopped playing around 2 years ago but I don't remember ever having a problem finding a match back then

      • 2 weeks ago

        I don't know but they are throwing in movie tie in dlc left and right now.

  60. 2 weeks ago

    I don't play MOBAs but I've watched other people play and whether winning or losing, no one seems to be happy to be actually playing it.

  61. 2 weeks ago

    By default it has to go to From Software games for the sole reason that:
    >You want to play with your friends?
    >Well now you've invited the giga homieh 9000 and his +20 lightning dildo into your game to rape your butt

    I don't even play the games in multiplayer anything because I'm not a dirty casual, but when you need to create a mod just so you can play the game with your broskis without being accosted unendingly by the sweatiest dudes imaginable then who else could possibly win the anti-fun award?

    It isn't like some casual match or ranked match option where it's separate, they absolutely force themselves onto you if you choose to play with friends.

    • 2 weeks ago

      You outnumber the invaders you filthy casual.

      • 2 weeks ago

        This. Me and my brother treat the invaders like mini bosses. Basically every invader is using the same halberd + that Lightning whirlwind move and nothing else so it’s mostly just been a huge chore cleaning them up. It’s like invaders google a build and never deviate. They have no brains.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >invaded with a predator cosplay with chameleon, dual blade and claws in DS2
          >even got a few random friend requests from people I invaded
          >if I tried to do this in ER I would get repeatedly fricked by gank squads
          The way invasions work now incentivizes being a meta gay. Invasions hardly gain you anything in game so it's just not worth dealing with. They should unironically just remove invasions and let seamless co-op be the system in the next soulsringborne if it's going to stay like this.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Yeah invasions feels dated in ER. In the souls games it wasn’t so bad since you might invade solo players. In ER you can only invade people with phantoms. I also think invasions don’t work well at all in the open world because there is very little environmental stuff you can use.

            But yeah I’m getting my brother through the game so we can do the dlc together and 9 out of 10 invasions are dudes with halberds and the whirlwind who just run away trying to get you to chase them so they can stunlock you in the whirlwind where they hope to one shot you.

            I’ve played every souls game over the years and normally I like invasions but in ER it honestly feels like the worst possible implementation ever. Extremely boring shit.

          • 2 weeks ago

            The entire invasion system needs a rework.
            Another player becoming an obstacle in your journey is such a cool idea, but obviously players decided to be the most butthole Black folk ever to ruin it, be it by corrupting your save with cheats, smurfing at low levels with endgame +10 gear, killing stuff in your path deleting any sort of challenge, or just whipping out the sweatiest meta PvP minmaxed build that, even if you won, would force you to go back to the bonfire to heal and lose progress.
            Making single players immune to invasions was the natural, most efficient and simple solution to this. It is sad that all the players that played invaders got fricked by it, but in truth: you guys were a minority.
            I guess DS2 still has good invasions, but that's only thanks to soul memory (which was so much vocally hated by the Black person invaders, and its removal was a mistake) and a more restricted community.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Ironic considering it's people like you that actually made the "community" toxic.

      • 2 weeks ago

        How are the people that want to be left alone and just frick around with friends being toxic?

        • 2 weeks ago

          The only thing that made From's jank ass implementation of multiplayer good was that you took the risk of bringing in invaders for it.
          Invaders being this shitpile dropped on you from outer space by cosmic forces was great and is part of the game fricking with you.

          • 2 weeks ago

            That's absolutely moronic.

    • 2 weeks ago

      The seethe over the seamless coop mod from PVPers will never not be funny. Are they still angry at it?

  62. 2 weeks ago

    League genuinely makes me want to commit genocide. The entire game is full of smurfs, no one is actually new. I just started this year and it's unplayable. I'm stuck Bronze because it's a legitimate gamble of whether or not I'm going to get absolutely steamrolled by turbo-autists who can abuse every mechanic and range of their champion or teammates that go 0/8 by 10 minutes. Fricking joke of a game, and everyone who mains it needs to be shot in the back of the great head and forgotten in a ditch. Fricking monkeys are too stupid to FF and end up wasting 40 fricking minutes when the score is 37 v 12.

    It makes me so fricking angry that I actually hit myself. I can't fricking stand it. I WANT TO KILL ALL OF THEM. I WANT TO KILL THEM. I WANT TO FRICKING SLIT THEIR PATHETIC SCRAWNY FRICKING THROATS.

    • 2 weeks ago

      stop playing it it's no good for you

      • 2 weeks ago

        I'm addicted.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Uninstall it, play something else
          Uninstall it whenever you think of it, eventually the annoyance of having to reinstall will outweigh the addiction

        • 2 weeks ago

          yeah drugs that are bad for you are like that
          it's not worth it there are way better games

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Fricking monkeys are too stupid to FF and end up wasting 40 fricking minutes when the score is 37 v 12
      dude if the enemy is steamrolling your team with kills but can't end in 25 min tops, then they are moronic too and you could genuinely turn the match around
      literally just farm all you can, if they released super minions, you get more gold and exp from those too
      after a while, you will be lvl 18 and have full build just like your enemies even if they have 10 more kills than you, but at that point it wont matter if they do, because the game has just been equalized by reaching the exp and item cap on both sides
      if you cant understand that, then its no wonder you're bronze

      • 2 weeks ago

        >the game has just been equalized by reaching the exp and item cap on both sides
        only exception to this is if the enemy have infinite stackers like nasus and veigar, then its truly meaningless to keep playing, tho if your team is the one that have them, then the more reason to stall the game until you can one shot your enemies

  63. 2 weeks ago

    RTS has literally been killed by this

    • 2 weeks ago

      But you can play RTS solo.

  64. 2 weeks ago

    Any Moba
    Any fighting game
    Any shooter

    Any multiplayer game really.

  65. 2 weeks ago

    I remember trying Heroes of Newearth back in the day and knew nothing about that style of game, had people in chat tell me to stop feeding and to frick off.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I would have told you to kys

    • 2 weeks ago

      Dota 1 and HoN players were fairly notorious for having extremely short fuses over everything, even before LoL became popular. Ironically enough, one of LoL's shtick was to prevent that. Funny how that turned out.

  66. 2 weeks ago

    You know who doesn't complain about "toxic over competitive players"? People who are good at the game.

    • 2 weeks ago

      No, they absolutely do.

    • 2 weeks ago

      They are the ones asking to buff their main and nerf everyone else.

  67. 2 weeks ago

    Pokemon, EVs were a fricking mistake.

    • 2 weeks ago

      If you mean moronic vgc/wifi manchildren who actually make competetive teams from scratch in the games, then yeah they hate fun. Showdown is fine though.

  68. 2 weeks ago

    Soulsgays are the worst by far. Fightangays are the only ones that even come close.

  69. 2 weeks ago

    Niche, but Bannerlord's multiplayer
    Official servers are dead, and anytime they get any players on it it's comp guys fighting each other with the average just getting completely rolled
    The custom servers are either rust-style again comp guys with a billion rules, just straight comp matches with comp guys, and a French event that also has a billion rules; you can't affiliate with any other server if you join it or you're banned
    There's one community event server, it's done 36 so far, around 6? have been ruined by comp guys showing up, sacking one side, and just wiping the floor with the other

    • 2 weeks ago

      Meanwhile Warband's MP had amazing players but I don't really remember anyone being c**ty ever.
      For me it's APB:R though, the core playerbase has been mostly mentally ill troons from the get go and the fricking salt you'd get from the tryhards if you beat them with a "cheap" strat was amazing. Literally anything you do in that game will get you an avalanche of seething purple text

  70. 2 weeks ago

    Competitive team games that have customized loadouts.

    People will often talk about the games that enforce strict metas, but it's only team games and honestly, who can blame those players? If your success is directly impacted by what your teammates are doing, you are going to want them to be doing the best and most optimal stuff in a competitive environment. It isn't a player's fault if they're being a dickhead metaslave, they are playing as expected due to the format's incentives. It definitely leads to an air of absolute anti-fun though.

    However, this is mitigated a lot by competitive games where there is very little variability between player builds. Older shooters where everyone started with a default gun and fights were centralized around claiming power weapons didn't have an anti-fun air when people were at their sweatiest because there was very little incentive to play in unfavorable play patterns and there's nothing to balance outside the maps. Sure, you could have a player whose idea of having fun is standing in a corner and unloading all their ammo into the floor, but I think it'd pretty disingenuous to compare this to a MOBA where a player wants to pick a character they like that is considered weaker than others or buy items that have slightly less optimal stats and effects than others.

    In 1v1 competitive games, there is no pressure to adapt to some meta. Nobody's success but your own hinges on your gameplay decisions. Playing weird off-meta things or using weird off-meta strategies is not a detriment to anyone but yourself, so you're always free to play however you want in a competitive environment.

    MOBAs and Hero Shooters are immediately thought of when people think of awful fanbases because it's a gross mix of competitive incentives and overt player customization and expression opportunities.

  71. 2 weeks ago

    >ctrl + f overwatch
    >0 results
    It's Overwatch, it's actually unreal how sweaty the playerbase has become
    >Play some quick play with friends
    >Pick fun character
    >Three people on the enemy team counterpick you
    Okay nerds gg go next
    >Run into GM five stack who are warming up for some official match
    >Play into actual cheaters
    What the frick
    It's meant to be the chill mode holy hell

    • 2 weeks ago

      Literally no one plays Overwatch anymore. I didn't even know it had a playerbase outside the porn.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >actual cheaters
      The amount of cheating in online gaming is getting really out of hand. I'm platinum and I notice it in about half of my Apex games, and those are just the ones I can for sure call out. There are probably cheaters in nearly every lobby.

  72. 2 weeks ago

    The problem isn't "toxic players", the problem is player retention based matchmaking that naturally creates a shitty environment by frustrating players

  73. 2 weeks ago

    RTS games

  74. 2 weeks ago

    I can't help it, I'm sorry. I try not to "sweat" all the time, I don't block, I use two buttons instead of all of them, sometimes I just let them hit/kill me and I still win.
    You're all just tremendously dog shit at video games.

    • 2 weeks ago

      To which game are you referring?

      • 2 weeks ago

        sword duel on wii sports resort

  75. 2 weeks ago

    Blizzard games

  76. 2 weeks ago

    HELL YEAH!! Spray the eyes of that lil homosexual!!

  77. 2 weeks ago

    Deep Rock Galactic
    Left For Dead 2
    Any MOBA

    • 2 weeks ago

      >leaf lover

    • 2 weeks ago

      Why DRG?
      The game is shitter central, the game is designed for new players.
      Going above 100+player level is a waste of time.

  78. 2 weeks ago

    >play game alot
    >get good because I play it alot and have a decent understanding of how things work
    >end up with games were I completely stomp people because I'm just better then them
    >get called a tryhard homosexual
    Every. Single. Time.

    • 2 weeks ago

      yea I'm sure that's why they hate you, not because you are a c**t

      • 2 weeks ago

        >You're a c**t because you... jokingly responded

        • 2 weeks ago


          • 2 weeks ago

            >plays tiandi
            You earned it, kid.

            Is this some sort of shiter cope?

        • 2 weeks ago

          >plays tiandi
          You earned it, kid.

    • 2 weeks ago

      They aren't wrong.

  79. 2 weeks ago


    >Really fun game with loads of gameplay that's always fresh
    >Coordinating and communicating with people feels awesome when it pays off
    >Comeback mechanics added for a decade straight to make you still try after minor deaths
    >High five mechanic added so you and a teammate can congratulate each other
    >Everyone still manages to screech at each other and give up if they aren't doing well in the first 5 minutes
    >Get the silent treatment for any positive communication. No one responds ever to callouts, not even at 6k MMR
    >Flame someone? Turns out they could hear you the whole time

    The last two are real sticklers for me. If you DONT insult your team, give them useful callouts, they pretend you don't exist. But somehow they hear every insult and have a mic ready to go when insulted. So fricking gay

    • 2 weeks ago

      >The last two are real sticklers for me. If you DONT insult your team, give them useful callouts, they pretend you don't exist. But somehow they hear every insult and have a mic ready to go when insulted. So fricking gay
      because doing something right is the expected thing, the normal, congratulating for that is like congratulating someone for eating breakfast
      everyone is expected to do the needful and if you fail at that, its as if you failed at breathing and thus triggers everyone

  80. 2 weeks ago

    Counter Strike
    Third Strike

    • 2 weeks ago

      People still play CoD?

  81. 2 weeks ago

    Back in the day these people used to play in entirely different spheres. This was a virtual nonissue until one of them spoke up in a circle dominated by the opposite type of player.
    The issue is that, unless you bypass half of matchmaking entirely and coordinate with people to queue together, you're forcing people to work together in spite of wanting entirely different things out of the game. And making their ability to get what they're working for contingent on the cooperation of their entire team!
    Doesn't help that many games are now deliberately, fundamentally designed to make people take them too fricking seriously. Queueing became the "default" way to play in so many games because it encourages a much higher degree of investment; being more invested in the game makes you want to win more. When you view the game in terms of servers and people you can come back and see later, you're less attached.
    So there's this enormous, and still growing, wedge between people who just want to win (often because the game is designed to make that the primary way to play) and people who just want to have fun (often because they're burned out of trying to win), but they're still forced together at random. Which lets their attitudes piss each other off and turn them standoffish towards the very idea that anyone would play in "the other way".

  82. 2 weeks ago

    Every multiplayer game.

  83. 2 weeks ago

    mil sim players

    • 2 weeks ago

      MilSims suck because every clan has a Pvt. Parts in it that wants to treat fricking around in Arma like its Desert Storm, and he's going to start spazzing out if you don't follow his larp to the letter.
      And because he spent 2 years getting drunk on a FOB, he's suddenly Rambo and there's always a sycophant or two cheering him along.

      • 2 weeks ago

        JOIN BROMA

  84. 2 weeks ago

    Any RPG game
    >nooooo don't go that way!
    >nooooo don't use that weapon!
    >nooooo don't use that skill!
    >nooooo don't give points to that stat!

    • 2 weeks ago

      never ever interact with the communities of any RPG game
      they are dominated by autistic gatekeeping morons

    • 2 weeks ago

      >RPG game

  85. 2 weeks ago

    the one with the crybabies who cry about 'toxic players'

  86. 2 weeks ago

    How did it avoid the cancerous following other co-op horde shooters got?

    • 2 weeks ago

      the game literally put "you're so wholesome uwu" shit in it, it radicalized in the other direction

      • 2 weeks ago

        and it turns out that actively trying to foster a positive community is far better than leaving it to the frickheads that infest L4D

        • 2 weeks ago

          I dunno, L4D is renowned and globally known, DRG is a game only relatively few people know, a 50k player peak isn't exactly gamechanging

          • 2 weeks ago

            These days I only see L4D mentioned in threads like these.

          • 2 weeks ago

            I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that the fact that L4D was made by golden age Valve at the absolute height of its popularity and basically invented the subgenre has more to do with the fact that L4D is renowned and globally known than the difference in toxic vs. positive playerbases.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Turns out focusing on making a good game is more impactful than playing the online culture war game, go figure

            • 2 weeks ago

              >Height of valve
              Valve fell off when they released this complete nothing of value piece of shit. If you can't understand why it sucks then you can't hang

    • 2 weeks ago

      >low stakes
      >dedicated salute button
      there are shitters who treat it as hypercompetitive but they are off in their own corner huffing glue, and most of the metagays aren't even playing on the high difficulties so their opinions were never worth shit.

  87. 2 weeks ago

    Dota will always be number 1 in this regard. Left 4 dead 2 vs comes in close second. Not sure what third would be.

  88. 2 weeks ago

    >people call me toxic for saying Black person and homosexual when I exclusively use them in jest, never hold a grudge towards others and go out of my way to save others
    I wish people knew the difference between having fun and being an butthole.

  89. 2 weeks ago

    Splatoon. Ironic given the visuals and that it's a Nintendo game, but the playerbase is so overloaded with sweatlords now it's insane. I want to go back to the chill Splatoon 1 days.

  90. 2 weeks ago

    Casuals should stick to their own lanes, they're like Souls shitters trying to shit up every other RPG thread, just stick to your own shit

  91. 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago

      >e-sports at the bottom
      e-celebs btfo
      the frick is that? RTS are the antithesis of arcade games.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I think it means those crazy 'use map settings' type maps from Starcraft and such.

  92. 2 weeks ago

    MvM in TF2

  93. 2 weeks ago

    It's not, nor has it ever been, smash. It's always been ASShomosexualS players

  94. 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      Do you need a bandaid? Sounds like that hurt.

  95. 2 weeks ago

    What if I play competitive because I find getting better to be fun

    • 2 weeks ago

      Then you have been duped into thinking that you are honing a valuable skill and do not actually enjoy the game.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Play competitive because I enjoy sweatfests
        >Anon cannot comprehend this because he doesn't like challenges

        • 2 weeks ago

          If I actually enjoyed sweating and competitiveness and self-improvement like that, wasting all that on getting better at a video game is a criminal waste of that trait.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Play competitive because I enjoy sweatfests
        >Anon cannot comprehend this because he doesn't like challenges

        >Bronze playing 12h a day for 3 years

        • 2 weeks ago

          The ultimate and FINAL cope.

          If I actually enjoyed sweating and competitiveness and self-improvement like that, wasting all that on getting better at a video game is a criminal waste of that trait.

          This is the ultimate reason why you can't understand, because you don't find challenges fun.

  96. 2 weeks ago

    OW has always had anti fun stuff in it but as soon as it went f2p with ow2 it shot through the roof with the player base. Every role is practicing hyper tribalism to the point that you'd forget this is a game where you're supposed to work together. it also doesn't help help when DPS swear tanks are broken, tanks swear damage is broken, and support sits off to the side enabling both

    • 2 weeks ago

      the objective shifted from having a good time to winning. that's the problem.
      if people could drop in and out whenever, most of the problems would disappear on the spot.

  97. 2 weeks ago

    Any game where narcissists can get their fix, dominating others and thus validating their fragile selves. Which includes most of the 1CC dolts.

  98. 2 weeks ago

    I remember the night Halo 3 dropped you had gays in multiplayer yelling at you for not letting them explore the map during ranked play.

  99. 2 weeks ago

    >hard mode: no smash bros
    Smash players are relatively cool with people playing Smash in casual way. Competitive players play with their own rules, and Melee players stick to Melee. Haven't seen Ultimate players whine about people not playing optimally, mainly because those playerbases don't mix up.
    If someone wants to play Ultimate casually, they can. If someone wants to play Ultimate competitive, they sure can find people to play with.

    In ASShomosexualS you get flamed in quickplay for not building hongfire or whatever approved meta builds. In OW people started throwing in casual when I played Torb and not McCree. In TF2 even I got flamed for picking quickfix and not stock.
    Anyway the answer is LoL. Always. Everyone thinks they are Diamond or higher but are just "stuck in ELOhell"

  100. 2 weeks ago


  101. 2 weeks ago


  102. 2 weeks ago

    A lot of "game X was good before I started to suck at it" posts here.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I don't actually mind hard but fair games, some players are just good and that's fine
      If you're exploiting, smurfing and glitching on pub you're a c**t though

  103. 2 weeks ago

    Current season of Fortnite

    • 2 weeks ago

      >shit has to be rebalanced every other day
      >have to nerf cars and nitro fists to absolute shit just to try repair the damage done

      I've never seen such a shitshow
      and I can feel Epic already regretting making car combat the theme of this season,
      but can do absolutely nothing about it since that's all they had planned.

  104. 2 weeks ago

    world of warcraft.

  105. 2 weeks ago

    legal legends are by far the worst. CS is shit, anything competitive is going to attract neetos with no sense of purpose besides grinding the ladder and since they have no social skills all they're going to do about it is screech and throw.

  106. 2 weeks ago

    Overwatch on launch was like this. Someone post the "matchmacking ruins fun" image

  107. 2 weeks ago

    Destiny 2

  108. 2 weeks ago

    people who play War Thunder/WoT

    • 2 weeks ago

      Devs need the game and community to be soul crushing, otherwise who is going to spend $75 on a premium vehicle pack?

  109. 2 weeks ago

    Anything with a multiplayer mode will eventually get anti-fun/toxic. Happened to Call of Duty and World of Warcraft, even happened to Splatoon and Pokemon too. If there’s multiplayer, it will get toxic, even if it’s meant for kids to just have fun.

  110. 2 weeks ago

    Any competitive smash player that mains fox is giant douche

  111. 2 weeks ago

    and most games even have goddamn RANKED, and UNRANKED and STILL some sperg will be in unranked going BUH BUH DUHH???? FRICKIN DUH BUH DUBBUH DUHHH

    dude fricking kill self end life

  112. 2 weeks ago


  113. 2 weeks ago

    Arena shooters

  114. 2 weeks ago

    The answer is private servers and or singeplayer games.
    Well there is a third path - that's being better than the competitive players so your moron shit beats them even if they are playing right into the meta. I had seen that a lot back when I used to play MP with people.
    But really, if you are competing then compete. You owe it to yourself to get better. There's little reward for stagnating and doing the same shit over. The joy of competition is the joy of effort and reward. The better your opponent that better you should feel so long as you are playing actively and reviewing shit. People seethe over not being able to find people on their level just as quickly as people seethe over getting stomped.

    Basically in any cooperative experience there should be a shared understanding of the "objective". In some instances it's comparing skill, in others it's socialising, in others its creativity.

  115. 2 weeks ago

    souls trannies that claim you're cheating or unskilled if you don't run a LE GUTS BERSERK build but can't do a damageless run.

  116. 2 weeks ago


  117. 2 weeks ago

    >not playing for the trophies/leaderboard

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's so fricking transparent, console kiddies have so little to do on their shitboxes that they have to achievement hunt to be fulfilled in their hobby, it's sad as frick

  118. 2 weeks ago

    Haven't played for years but SS13 got pretty bad. The meta started to dominate wvery Ganker adjacent server and newbies got bullied really hard and suppressed from any trial and error job learning.

    Last I checked the "robust tryhard player>salty dev/admin altering the game/meta to get back at them>robust tryhard player adapting) cycle fricked it all and destroyed the roleplaying that made SS13 so fun for over a decade.

  119. 2 weeks ago


    Are you zoomies even aware that you sound like purple-haired 300lb catladies?

  120. 2 weeks ago

    Why is it whenever people cry about how "they play for fun" they actually mean "you should let me win for free"

    • 2 weeks ago

      Because it's a cope. Just like the insistence that anybody who shit on you has to be playing like their life depends on it and does nothing else all day while you are totally not owned or bothered by losing and you're gonna tell him right now how little this means to you and you don't even really play this game anyway but you'd totally win if you tried even half as hard and weren't distracted by your cool, hot girlfriend and ignore that my level is twice that of the dude that beat me.

  121. 2 weeks ago

    Why does actually playing a game and understanding its mechanics make people here seethe?

  122. 2 weeks ago

    League of Legends
    Souls games PvP (I only played DS3 and BB and DS3 had extreme amounts of lame metagays. Bloodborne was alot better but there'd still always be a decent amount of sneaky shits that don't care about a fair fight and spam flask or attack during a greeting)
    Battlefield 4 is currently filled with mainly tryhards and all of the normal level people are gone so you don't get much goofy fun shit anymore... I'm the only person to mess around with C4 or drone kills in most servers... Zero creativity left in a game meant for being creative, I used to love getting torch and defib kills 10 years ago or so when it was more popular.
    Pokemon Showdown: Very few people are having fun building teams around pokemon they simply like, they're metashitters. My two friends that played showdown the most would never go off-meta against me when I just wanted to mess around in UU during the time with some team with Mega Steelix. Why even play at that point.

  123. 2 weeks ago

    dark sois

  124. 2 weeks ago

    Yugioh. 20 minutes of combo'ing into a negate board you can barely even interact with.
    But since it has to be a videogame, Master Duel.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >doesn't play any counters
      >wtf why can my opponent just do whatever

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Play hand traps and shit to disrupt
        >rarely get enough to matter in opening hand and the enemy just carries on because Snake Eyes Fire King can rebuild a board multiple times from pretty much nothing.

        • 2 weeks ago

          YuGiOh has become such a shit game.

  125. 2 weeks ago

    Any team game like DotA 2. Join a game as a noob and they'll accuse you of purposely playing bad and report you, lol

  126. 2 weeks ago

    if you're actually playing for fun toxic people don't bother you.

  127. 2 weeks ago

    Dark and darker or Hunt Showdown

  128. 2 weeks ago

    >game is released
    >1-3 year honeymoon phase, best described as a maze filling with water as players spend thousands of hours trying everything out to reach end goal of game
    >eventually the fastest route to the end of the maze gets discovered, this is the meta
    >this is the tipping point of the game, dedicated players that have had their fill of fun will ONLY play meta, but they are stuck getting on/off again players that still want to for fun due to not having explored the full maze already like dedicated players have as teammates
    >this clash of player base leads to "toxicity" as dedicated players berate on/off again players for being bad/stupid, and on/off again players berate dedicated players for being tryhard/"unfun"
    this is the fate of every single multiplayer game, the only way to stop this from happening is to pump out large updates that shake up the meta often, but after so many of these kinds of updates the game stops being the game that was originally released in the first place.

    • 2 weeks ago

      your analysis is too simplistic. oftentimes what is dubbed 'meta' is just what some brainless ecelebs spit out. then the next day another eceleb comes up with a 'sleeper OP' character (aka something moron ecelebs couldn't be bothered to test when they made their shitty tier list) and the cycle starts anew.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >. oftentimes what is dubbed 'meta' is just what some brainless ecelebs spit out
        and you called my shit simplistic, this is stupid as frick

        • 2 weeks ago

          >shitty website pulls out latest eceleb builds via API
          >thousands of drones watching streams of top-rated espurz ecelebs 24/7 and copying their every move in-game
          you either live under a rock or have no reading comprehension

  129. 2 weeks ago

    I'm glad gamers are growing out of competitive cancer

    • 2 weeks ago

      They aren't. It's just how Ganker has shifted over the years.

  130. 2 weeks ago

    Playing games competitively is more fun than farting around playing "casually".

  131. 2 weeks ago

    One more post for Dead By Daylight.

  132. 2 weeks ago

    Wow classic.

  133. 2 weeks ago

    any team based multiplayer game in general but League/Dota really take it to another level. They really aren't designed for casual and competitive people to mix but the games force them together and can be completely screwed over by 1 person

  134. 2 weeks ago

    all games that have a Ganker playerbase
    because Ganker is anti-fun

  135. 2 weeks ago

    I cant play any games with randos anymore, I either have to have a team of friends or just play solo/FFA,
    its gotten so ridiculous with third worlders and people who will get upset if you try to help them or straight up just turn off voice chat.
    its turn i not a situation where if you actually want to play the fricking game with a team you need to be on a discord.
    I hate it and have chosen to no longer participate in that dumb shit.

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