Which GTA is your favorite? Any hope for GTAVI at all?

Which GTA is your favorite? Any hope for GTAVI at all?

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Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

  1. 7 months ago

    For me it's GTA 4

    • 7 months ago

      Same. It's so damn good.

    • 7 months ago

      Bad taste GTA SA is best GTA

    • 7 months ago

      It's not my favorite, but I think it's clearly the best one.

      • 7 months ago

        GTA IV has the best story and comes closest out of any of the titles to being something like "art." I do love that game and replay it fairly often. But as a game, pure and simple, a video game, San Andreas is the champ.

        • 7 months ago

          Exactly. San Andreas' world map still is the best one.

  2. 7 months ago

    >thug aim
    idgi which means i win

  3. 7 months ago

    >thug aim
    gay game?

  4. 7 months ago

    FRICK you!

  5. 7 months ago

    thug aim
    thug aim
    jackie chan


    • 7 months ago

      >thug aim
      idgi which means i win

      >thug aim
      gay game?

      You just lost the game

      • 7 months ago

        Who the frick is Steve Jobs?

  6. 7 months ago

    SA and VC. Been playing them all my life minus few years. Them and IV are permanently installed on my computer and I will never take them off, they are essential software to me. I launch any of them every few days to drive around, listen to music, immerse myself, do stunts, go on a rampage, escape from cops, joke around with pedestrians, etc. I beat them every year at least once. Recently beat VC again and had so much fun and then played VCS on emulator for the first time.
    For me GTA 5 is a downgrade in every single way from these games and I think the worst GTA since the first game/London, so naturally GTA 6 will be even worse, especially if they force the player into a female character

    • 7 months ago

      I have a hard time completing VC bc the aiming system sucks so bad and it's tough to get into it towards later missions. Still a classic
      San Andreas is a perfect game. I never say that about any game. It is flawless. I too beat it every year and I never regret it.

      • 7 months ago

        >the aiming system sucks so bad
        I miss the arcadey aiming from the GTAIII era.
        It lost its fricking mind if you were dual wielding in close quarters, but it did the job, especially in big enemy encounters.
        I also really missed the rocket launcher from III/VC/SA. I used to be fricking surgical with that thing, and in IV and V it felt like garbage.

      • 7 months ago

        Are you playing on gamepad or something? I love the aiming and shooting in GTA VC lmao.
        Next time you give the game a try do this: each time you enter a police car you get a shotgun with 5 ammo. So you can farm a lot of them during wanted level. You can fire the shotguns rapidly by crouching/standing/crouching with each shot - this way you can explode SWAT vehicles fast

        • 7 months ago

          Yeah nah bro I'm a vet as far as the old three games go I know about the shotgun. I wore all three of those games the frick out. I still know VC like the back of my hand lol. I just hate the auto targeting system, it's really jacked up and sucks. Never works how you need it to. And the free aim is hypersensitive in VC and in III. San Andreas plays like a dream. I like all three games but that's my one big criticism, and it was all fine for its time.

  7. 7 months ago

    do people still unironically play the game™?

    • 7 months ago

      I do. Frick.

    • 7 months ago

      Like 20 years ago, yeah people did.

    • 7 months ago

      does it ever really end? I still chuckle when "the game" is said out of nowhere and out of place.

  8. 7 months ago

    Of course GTA III.

  9. 7 months ago

    dusty af meme

  10. 7 months ago

    VC for nostalgia reasons

  11. 7 months ago

    Vice city
    >Any hope?
    None whatsoever

  12. 7 months ago

    Black person

  13. 7 months ago

    Vice City

  14. 7 months ago

    Gta 3 on PS2 due to controls, bullshit missions that forces me to take another approach than intended, silly animations, flying requires skill, and MSX fm

    Hakabudadublida BLOST

  15. 7 months ago

    GTA VI best physics
    GTA Vice City best aesthetics
    GTA San Andreas best story and map
    GTA V best graphics
    I didn't like LCS. It basically offered nothing new.

    • 7 months ago

      I meant GTA IV best physics

    • 7 months ago

      I’d say you summed it up pretty nicely.

  16. 7 months ago

    Vice City is my favorite. I never played V and I have no hope or interest in VI.

    • 7 months ago

      V is a big disappointment, but its not all bad.

      • 7 months ago

        It changed the formula too much. I hate the checkpoint system. I also hate how scripted the game is. IV was scripted enough already but at least there were a few missions where you could problem solve or finish a mission early with skillful play.

        • 7 months ago

          I don't know, I think its the same formula, the problem for me was all the stuff that got stripped out for online that really should have been in the single player so you had literally anything else to do but the story missions.
          Its also a shame because it pretty much devalues the entire map because there's no good reason to go anywhere outside of town.
          The stock market was a cool idea, but the only way to make money off it is to game the missions for franklin. Would have been neat to make it more dynamic beyond making an insurance or car company move a point by wrecking up a ludicrous amount of of them.

  17. 7 months ago

    III and VC
    GTA hasn't been for me since IV and it looks like it's only going downhill from there

  18. 7 months ago

    I was 6 when I played Vice City and it’s how I learned gay people existed when Tony called that band bisexual. I asked my brother what it meant and he just said they were “queers just like the rest of them” and then he told me about the rest of them. San Andreas was better though, my brother agrees too.

    • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        In that anon's defense vice city and scarface do conflate a little in my memory, which reminds me that I haven't watched scarface in like 10 years.

  19. 7 months ago

    Does the reverse-engineered GTAs closely resemble the PS2 versions? Or should I go with SkyGFX? Sorry if dumb question, am unfamiliar with modding

    And to answer OP, for me it's GTA 3

    • 7 months ago

      i dont think they include any of graphics stuff, but they do include stuff like xinput support and more graphics options like aa, widescreen, etc.

      • 7 months ago

        Ah ok, I'll install both re3 and SkyGFX then. Thank anon

    • 7 months ago

      was re3 even finished?

  20. 7 months ago

    >play GTA3
    >all day driving arround in the flames stalion hearing riseFM
    >do the story just enough to unlock the whole map
    >play GTA VC
    >dont even bother starting the story at all
    >grab the sportbike and start to do stunts at the ramps spinning and using the wheely controls to do something as close as a backflip as possible but never reach it because you get dismounted if you go upside down
    >play GTA SA
    >again dont even bother with the story
    >go and fly with the hydra doing stunts
    And thats where i stopped caring entirely...
    So ill say vice city.

  21. 7 months ago

    >Any hope for GTAVI at all?
    I'll give rockstar the benefit of the doubt, but with Dan Houser gone I'm not getting my hopes up.
    I also am worried they're going to double down on the online. While I had some fun with GTAO in the beginning (I think I stopped playing after the first round of heists came out) but it was such a grind full of tryhards it got old really fast.

    • 7 months ago

      >I'll give rockstar the benefit of the doubt
      Why? They sold you the same game on three separate gens. For ten years

  22. 7 months ago

    san andreas was good but it is a bit dated. still fun to play
    gta 4 was a bore and only pseudo intellectuals play it because its deep or whatever
    gta 5 is good and an improvement from san andreas

    i think gta 6 will be the best game rockstar ever made. In-fact, they have to make it the best game ever to recover the 2 billion dollars they've put in to actually make the game. so the whole idea of the game being bad because writers left or this or that is just cope from pessimistic boomers and contrarians

    • 7 months ago

      >who cares about the people making the game, it has to be good because they put a lot of money into it
      conzoomers really think like this

  23. 7 months ago

    San Andreas is the best GTA hands down.
    I have no hope for GTA VI. It will be shit.
    To be more clear, it will be a pretty beautiful, detailed, large map to serve as the map for Online, and for RP, and the single player will be DOG SHIT. I won't buy it. Frick Take Two

    • 7 months ago

      Do you think they learned from RDR2 online flopping hard?

      • 7 months ago

        What? What do you even mean? RDR2 online didn't flop, it became immediate abandonware bc GTA online is a money printer and take two only gives a frick about that. People still wanted them to improve rdr online even until the last day. So no I don't think they learned anything bc it didnt flop, they abandoned it, and they're just going to put everything into ensuring GTA online continues printing money in this new version. In that sense, GTA VI is really just GTA Online 2.

        • 7 months ago

          >they abandoned it
          Because they weren't making any money off it, which is what I meant by "flop."
          And while I had some fun with GTAO I just loathed RDRO, its mostly my fault for naively thinking they would just slightly update the multiplayer from the first game, but everything felt like it was slower than the single player, and the multiple layers of in game currency is an instant annoyance.

          • 7 months ago

            It wssnt making money because they didn't flesh it out. That was my point. It flopped, due to choices they made, not bc no one was interested. If something flops bc you immediately stopped trying to make it any good, it's not really a flop, it's a ball drop.

            • 7 months ago

              >they didn't flesh it out
              GTAO was bare bones as frick when it first released as well. It was so bad they gave everyone a million funbux to apologize for the rocky launch and keep them on the hook because the heists didn't come out for a long fricking time after.

              • 7 months ago

                Yeah and there was as severe a drop off back then as there was with RDR2 online initially. The difference is rstar put work and effort into improving GTA online which brought people back to it. I was there lol I lived it and watched it happen. And with RDR2 online they didnt do that. At this point youre just forcing the issue to win the argument.

    • 7 months ago

      >its going to be le bad...because......it just is okay?
      Nevermind the fact that Rockstar has a track record of only making good games and just completely disregard the fact that they poured 2 billion dollars into GTA 6 already.

      What is with trannies like you always wishing for the worst shit to happen? GTA 6 will be a masterpiece, cope.

      Do you think they learned from RDR2 online flopping hard?

      RDR2's online failed because they wanted it to. It didn't produce enough money for the company and they decided it wasn't worth their time to develop for it anymore. Most people played RDR2 for it's campaign.

      >who cares about the people making the game, it has to be good because they put a lot of money into it
      conzoomers really think like this

      >They've put 2 billion dollars into game? Heh, why would they put any effort into making the money back? It's gonna fail, trust me bro.

      • 7 months ago

        5 shart cards have been added to your GTAO account

        • 7 months ago

          Keep wishing the worst for everything, you'll be a real woman someday with that mindset.

          >Nevermind the fact that Rockstar has a track record of only making good games
          They don't. GTA V is a bad game.
          >Poured 2 billion dollars
          The amount of money put into something doesn't matter at all. Some of the biggest box office flops had massive budgets

          >GTA VI will be a masterpiece
          Remember that you wrote this when the future hits

          >They don't. GTA V is a bad game.
          The $10 billion dollars they've made from it and the millions of people that are still playing it disagree with you.

          >The amount of money put into something doesn't matter at all. Some of the biggest box office flops had massive budgets
          Except Rockstar has always made a return on their investments, even RDR2 made 4-5 billion dollars from it's ~500 million dollar investment. If you can't see the patterns here then you are just delusional. Just because /you/ think a game is bad does not equal it being a bad game. Get rid of this troony mindset you have that just because you think it's a bad game it means it automatically must be a failure.

          >a track record of only making good games
          pre gtao rockstar absolutely, since then they have only made 2 games in 10 years and cancelled anything else.
          >they poured 2 billion dollars into GTA 6 already.
          which of course will be for online crap.
          all take2 wants is another cash cow for another 10+ years.

          >since then they have only made 2 games in 10 years
          Is this supposed to be a bad thing?

          >which of course will be for online crap. all take2 wants is another cash cow for another 10+ years.
          No shit? They need to make money somehow but the vast majority of that money will be invested into it's single player. You seem to forget that the vast majority of people play Rockstar's games for their single player component.

          • 7 months ago

            >It made money so it's good
            >troony mindset
            The world would be a better place without you

            • 7 months ago

              not replying to your horrendous bait anymore, stupid Black person.

              >the vast majority of that money will be invested into it's single player
              oh right like the expansions they were gonna do for 5 that were cancelled

              GTA V had so much money poured into it's single player and it still made them tons of money with or without a DLC for it being made so your argument is moronic.

              Also I didn't say GTA VI will be a financial failure, I expect it to be a massive success.
              I said it will suck. And it will. It being bad doesn't preclude it from being popular. People would play a steaming shit on a plate today if that was what was offered.

              The vast majority of gamers are getting tired of all the shit that is coming out recently and Rockstar is pretty much the only one that can still release quality titles, even if it takes them a long time to develop. Also what are you fricking saying dude? The game will be bad even though millions of people will buy it and enjoy it? It seems to me then that it won't be a bad game in that case. And if that's the case, then gta sa is a bad game, gta iv is a bad game, any game from your childhood or any game in general that you like that is popular, would be bad games.

              • 7 months ago

                lol the sp that so did well they cancelled all additions to it

              • 7 months ago

                GTA V made all of it's money back in the first three days of sale you spergy c**t, so yes, the single player did well.

                GTA V is not a quality title to anyone with half a brain. It's fun. I'm not saying it's not fun. GTA Online is fun. It's fun to drive around, do the little missions, shoot some guys. It's cheap fun, I played it for a bit and actually got pretty far.
                Cheap is the operative word. The OG three games have no online, and I replay them every year. Because they are masterworks. I have not played GTA Vs bullshit story since 2013 because its short and it sucks. GTA V is an open world sandbox. It's fun but it's not good. Compared with their prior work, it's a disgrace. RDR2 was good bc Dan ran the whole thing for 8 years. Its the last thing hell ever touch. Hence GTA VI will be the same thing: it will be fun. It won't be good.

                I can somewhat see where you are coming from with the view of GTA V's story being lackluster, but I really doubt that they wouldn't make an engaging story with VI because so much money has been put into the game that it /has/ to make atleast ten fold of it's money back or else T2 will probably dissolve Rockstar. So the mindset of making everything in the game as good as possible isn't that far fetched. Plus, just because Dan ran RDR2's story and left, doesn't mean that his writing knowledge didn't rub off onto his fellow writers who are probably working on VI's story right now.

              • 7 months ago

                Money doesn't fricking matter man. You said I had a troony mindset earlier. The irony is thicc. Talent matters. Everyone left. Even GTA Vs shitty story was written with Leszlie and Dan and Lazlow giving input. They are all gone. They could loot the fricking federal reserve to fund the game and it doesn't matter. The talent is gone. Theyre now staffed by people who think having a crunch is a form of medieval abuse, and going to strip clubs for morale is evidence of a far right cult at the company. The game is going to be a hollow, bullshit experience written by people who think satire means political posturing just like every other turd written by these kinds of people. Again they could fund it using the Bank of London it does not fricking matter. And I've a troony mindset?

              • 7 months ago

                The writers working on VI actively hated Dan and the culture he fostered. That's the point. His writing won't rub off on them. He was the big bad wolf who's now been forced out. In their minds, the "real" writing can finally start now. You don't get it

                It will make money. They will put full effort into the online and that will make them money unless they fully frick it up which I doubt. And that's all take two cares about so don't worry about that. That will be solid as a rock.

              • 7 months ago

                GTA V is not a quality title to anyone with half a brain. It's fun. I'm not saying it's not fun. GTA Online is fun. It's fun to drive around, do the little missions, shoot some guys. It's cheap fun, I played it for a bit and actually got pretty far.
                Cheap is the operative word. The OG three games have no online, and I replay them every year. Because they are masterworks. I have not played GTA Vs bullshit story since 2013 because its short and it sucks. GTA V is an open world sandbox. It's fun but it's not good. Compared with their prior work, it's a disgrace. RDR2 was good bc Dan ran the whole thing for 8 years. Its the last thing hell ever touch. Hence GTA VI will be the same thing: it will be fun. It won't be good.

          • 7 months ago

            >the vast majority of that money will be invested into it's single player
            oh right like the expansions they were gonna do for 5 that were cancelled

            • 7 months ago

              Yeah that's the fricking craziest shit he said in that whole reply
              Dude has got to be trolling

          • 7 months ago

            Also I didn't say GTA VI will be a financial failure, I expect it to be a massive success.
            I said it will suck. And it will. It being bad doesn't preclude it from being popular. People would play a steaming shit on a plate today if that was what was offered.

      • 7 months ago

        >Nevermind the fact that Rockstar has a track record of only making good games
        They don't. GTA V is a bad game.
        >Poured 2 billion dollars
        The amount of money put into something doesn't matter at all. Some of the biggest box office flops had massive budgets

        >GTA VI will be a masterpiece
        Remember that you wrote this when the future hits

      • 7 months ago

        >a track record of only making good games
        pre gtao rockstar absolutely, since then they have only made 2 games in 10 years and cancelled anything else.
        >they poured 2 billion dollars into GTA 6 already.
        which of course will be for online crap.
        all take2 wants is another cash cow for another 10+ years.

        • 7 months ago

          >they have only made 2 games in 10 years
          Houser talked about it before he left. Don't forget RDR2 and GTAV were both in development for almost a decade a piece, and they were STILL getting shit for the crunch at the end, and content that got cut.
          He basically said current dev cycles are so long and budgets have gotten so big that its become out of control. Its not just rockstar, but AAA games in general, and if its cost you a half billion dollars and 8+ years to make a game, and it becomes a stinker that no one plays, you're in trouble. You can't eat those losses like a 10 million dollar game you made in a year and a half.
          He said something about wanting to scale back, and return to having their multiple studios working on multiple smaller projects, not putting all their eggs in one basket. He left shortly after, so one can only assume it wasn't a popular opinion.

          • 7 months ago

            Yeah they made the right move there. Listening to a Master of the Craft who revolutionized the entire industry in ways that are still being felt 25 years later would have been a bad move. Listening to the guy who sat down in the 90s and created a top down game with open world freedom that eventually spawned the most successful media franchise of all time would have been a huge mistake. Letting him walk away from the company was a massive win. Wtf does Dan "God" Houser know about making good games? I'm sure things will only improve from here.

            I look forward to whatever Dan does in the future and will check any of it out. The man is a hero.

            • 7 months ago

              You're never going to convince a board to turn off a money printer unfortunately.

  24. 7 months ago

    Frick you man. My streak is in shambles.

    • 7 months ago

      Same, man. I hadn't even thought about it in like seven or eight years, god damn.

  25. 7 months ago

    >this kills the schizo
    your mom will die in her sleep tonight unless you stick a finger deep in your anus THIS SECOND

    • 7 months ago

      I've literally never responded to those posts even once, been here since 2005 at 18, mom is still fine. I always wonder what percentage of repliers are just having a laugh and what percent are dead serious about some random message killing their mom, funny either way.

  26. 7 months ago

    I've played every single full 3D GTA except 5 and like them all to varying degrees despite their several flaws. Chinatown Wars has been the only one that couldn't hold my attention.
    >Any hope for GTAVI at all?
    Nah. wienerstar has become sanitized as frick.

  27. 7 months ago

    Did anyone finally continue the RE project? Frick man, we were so close..

    • 7 months ago

      probably dead, unfortunately

    • 7 months ago

      Not that I've heard, sadly.

  28. 7 months ago

    Never touched gta5 online ever again
    >be me about 13 or 14 at the time
    >go to strip club and get a stripper
    >see microphone option to talk to stripper to speed up process
    >start saying oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah
    >some niglet asks me what the frick are you doing
    >get too nervous to respond so I leave the game and eventually return it to gamestop

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