which one? pay in mind i stopped following the series after gen3 and never played the original.

which one?
pay in mind i stopped following the series after gen3 and never played the original.

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago

    if you don't mind playing romhacks, both have pretty good options in renegade platinum / luminescent platinum (or whatever that one was called for BDSP) either one is a pretty good experience assuming the latter romhack is in a "completed" state.

    If vanilla, I'd recommend platinum.

  2. 9 months ago

    play vanilla platinum.
    anyone telling you otherwise is either stupid or disingenuous.

    • 9 months ago


      I played G1, G2, skipped 3, then tried Platinum on release for a bit of nostalgia. Game was so good, hooked me on the series for life.

    • 9 months ago

      I agree; if you've played the original first, it lets you appreciate what's been changed and improved in romhacks.

  3. 9 months ago

    I'd go with Platinum. EXP share makes you switch out Pokemon constantly from your team so you don't get too overlevelled in BDSP, which I find more of a chore than truly opening up team options.

  4. 9 months ago

    BDSP, it has no HMs, is more modern and has better npc teams

    Plus its on switch

  5. 9 months ago


  6. 9 months ago

    SHATinum is an unplayable slog that doesn't fix any of the core issues with Daiper. It also ruins the original aesthetic Masuda was going for in his original vision for sinnoh

    • 9 months ago

      Ignore every single post that uses the weeb nomenclature "Daiper"

    • 9 months ago


      >and is braindead easy.
      the BSDP E4 is harder than Platinums or any other games

      seething discord kiddie posts

      • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      >same trees, grass, and house designs as the rest of the game
      >no villa
      >no Battle Frontier
      >unique trees, grass, and house designs that signify this is a new and exciting part of Sinnoh to explore
      >Battle Frontier

      the choice is clear

    • 9 months ago

      Genuinely, just play Diamond or Pearl.

      DP is objectively better than Platinum in almost every way, if you actually care about the vision and passion behind it.

      Many things added/changed in Platinum make no sense whatsoever. It's like, outside of the story, they didn't bother to keep the game integral to the original games.

      For example, in your pic. In the artwork of the map of Sinnoh, the Battle Zone is clearly depicted as a cold region, similar to mainland Sinnoh, but in Platinum they made it tropical for no fricking reason??? And it makes no sense like, the real life inspiration for the Battle Zone was an island below Russia, so it should be of a colder climate, not tropical. And now there's no coming back from this, because Platinum is seen as the definitive version of Sinnoh, sadly. From now on, Sinnoh will be depicted as seen in Platinum.

      Platinum is literally a D tier rom hack made by edgy fanfic writers.

      • 9 months ago

        you can't sequence break gyms in shatinum and it adds guides that tell you where to go in Mount Coronet. it's already babified shit
        DP remain the only true sinnoh experience.

        BDSP has the hardest Battle Tower Anon
        Platinum's Battle Facilities are easier than Emerald's

        discord posts

        • 9 months ago

          OP already played HGSS which has Platinum's Battle Frontier so there isn't a reason for OP to play Platinum

          • 9 months ago

            there's more to platinum than the battle frontier

      • 9 months ago

        is him making the "ultimate" (lol) game why they tried to reboot in gen 5?

        • 9 months ago

          yeah they already hit their peak . there was nowhere to go but down after gen 4

  7. 9 months ago

    might as well while at that ask peoples opinion on pic related.
    thinking of using this if i were to play the originals.
    ffs why is this so hard.
    as right now its:
    >original on pokemmo(unless there is some reason to avoid it im not aware of)
    >enchanted version romhacks mentioned above
    >modern remake

    • 9 months ago

      You should play Platinum's base release. Get a rom and patch it with UPR to enable trade evolutions and such, but don't play a rom hack or a fangame like PokeMMO if you've never experienced the original game.
      >original on pokemmo(unless there is some reason to avoid it im not aware of)
      Why not just play the original DS game? Is there really anything better about pokeMMO?
      >enchanted version romhacks mentioned above
      I like RenPlat but to be honest playing a rom hack isn't going to give you a taste of the original game and you won't really be able to fairly judge Platinum based on the merits of RenPlat.
      >modern remake
      Lacks Platinum improvements, and is braindead easy. Its not fun.

      • 9 months ago

        >and is braindead easy.
        the BSDP E4 is harder than Platinums or any other games

        • 9 months ago

          Yeah, but the rest of the game is much easier. The random difficulty spike for the last 5 battles isn't good design in a game that's otherwise not hard at all. Even stuff like Cyrus' final fight is dumbed down in BDSP
          Platinum's E4 is easier, but it has an actually decent level of difficulty throughout (not to say its not easy though, its a Pokemon game.)

          • 9 months ago

            Agreed. If you don't spend some grind time and optimize a few things, that spike in BDSP is an unwarranted jump. I do want the E4 hard, but I want the road to that challenge to be a climb, not a cliff face.

          • 9 months ago

            the E4 is supposed to be the hardest challenge - the last step before championship

        • 9 months ago

          This is undervalued because of the force exp share imo. The e4 is harder in platinum despite teams because it overlevels you.

  8. 9 months ago

    Platinum is the better experience overall. If you don’t care for post game content or contests then BDSP is probably fine to play but not having any of the platinum added content and forced exp share still bothers me.

    BDSP pros:
    >ability patch and ability capsule grinding in post game to get hidden abilities or change a pokemons ability
    >mint grinding in postgame allow you to freely change a pokemons nature
    >elite four and champion fights are overhauled to be much more difficult
    >underground is revamped, better, has online, and you can find a lot of pokemon not normally available there including starters
    >you can make your pokemon follow you, however it is incredibly crappy and most can’t keep up with you
    >you have a few outfits you can customize your trainer with by the time you get to veilstone
    >gym leaders give multiple tms
    >HMs field moves are now just something you select from a menu to use instead of having to teach them to a pokemon, the downside is that its always bidoof that helps you
    BDSP cons:
    >does not have any of the extra content platinum added, specifically the battle frontier
    >battle tower in post game removes the multi-battle feature you could do with a friend online
    >contests where overhauled to be a literal shitty minigame and are just a stat check now
    >exp share is forced on so you over level very easily even if you only fight trainers, this in turn makes the overhauled elite four feel less challenging than the original experience. To make this worse catching the pokemon now gives exp so you have to be careful with that as well
    >game corner removed from veilstone

    In short, unless you REALLY like any of the pros which to be honest its not much, platinum is a better experience as you get much more out of it with all the new content they added, specifically battle frontier which is a post game area full of battle facilities with interesting challenges.

    • 9 months ago

      To add some more cons
      >unbalanced spawns unless spend lots of underground time. fire type meme exists for a reason
      >blank face chibi sucks life out of the scenes more than G7. Not that plot matters much
      >music is godawful unless you upgrade or patch the game
      >no gambling / clefairy minigame

      I'll also add the pro of custom clothes for remakes

  9. 9 months ago
  10. 9 months ago

    i think il go with luminescent platinum.
    it seems that it addresses some of the cons mentioned here. and after watching a quick video about it the amount of work that went into improving things like animations and textures is
    genuinely impressive.
    i know people say play the original before trying any mods but there is no way im going to play the same game twice and the mod just seems superior in every single aspect.

    • 9 months ago

      luminescent platinum is fanfic bullshit. it doesn't even fix the chibi models.
      just play OG platinum.

      • 9 months ago

        Why do people use this buzzword when we all agree the games are shit in a variety of ways. Do you like resigning yourself to a subpar experience when you could have better (even if not perfect)?

      • 9 months ago

        >fix the chibi models.
        There is notihng to fix
        chibi Dawn is cute af

  11. 9 months ago

    BDSP is way faster and doesn't drag on like Platinum

  12. 9 months ago

    playing platinum right now and as long as you turn off battle animations and set text speed to fast it's a really good game
    haven't played BDSP but since they keep most of the problems of vanilla DiaPer i wouldn't recommend them unless you're specifically interested in the handful of new features like the Grand Underground

  13. 9 months ago

    Platinium. Its just way better.

  14. 9 months ago

    Play HGSS or BW
    The actual good DS Pokemon games

    • 9 months ago

      already palyed HGSS as gen 2 is my favorite. i just want to at least try and catch up with the series which is not really an easy task considering all the different versions/remakes/romhacks and all the autism that comes with it.

  15. 9 months ago

    Platinum is much better. The other is soulless and treats you like a moron.

    • 9 months ago

      >treats you like a moron
      this is literally all of the pokemon games tho

    • 9 months ago

      you can't sequence break gyms in shatinum and it adds guides that tell you where to go in Mount Coronet. it's already babified shit
      DP remain the only true sinnoh experience.

  16. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago


      Yeah, but the rest of the game is much easier. The random difficulty spike for the last 5 battles isn't good design in a game that's otherwise not hard at all. Even stuff like Cyrus' final fight is dumbed down in BDSP
      Platinum's E4 is easier, but it has an actually decent level of difficulty throughout (not to say its not easy though, its a Pokemon game.)

      Agreed. If you don't spend some grind time and optimize a few things, that spike in BDSP is an unwarranted jump. I do want the E4 hard, but I want the road to that challenge to be a climb, not a cliff face.

    • 9 months ago

      Those are the post-game rematch numbers anon

    • 9 months ago

      All post game. Battle facilities are better than slightly harder exp giving boss fights where you will be more powerful.

      • 9 months ago

        BDSP has the hardest Battle Tower Anon
        Platinum's Battle Facilities are easier than Emerald's

        • 9 months ago


        • 9 months ago

          >Platinum's Battle Facilities are easier than Emerald's
          aren't emerald's complete bullshit if you don't spend dozens of hours breeding competitive-tier teams in a game where most TM's are one per save file?
          being easier than that isn't the same as being easy

          • 9 months ago

            >where most TM's are one per save file?
            Just dupe them, Jesus Christ Anon

            • 9 months ago

              >just cheat
              jesus christ anon

  17. 9 months ago

    Anyone genuinely defending BDSP should just be permabanned from the board.
    I can't think of a single worse Pokemon product, or of an opinion that could possibly oust you more as a discord troon.

    • 9 months ago

      Go back to Discord
      Gen 4 is the best Gen

      • 9 months ago

        >4th gen
        You're not even good at this

        • 9 months ago

          >a Gen 4 game with Fairy Type added is not a Gen 4 game

    • 9 months ago

      shatinum's never going to be good dude.

      BDSP did what it could to salvage shitnoh. it certainly isn't the best but at least it's semi-playable unlike gen 4


      • 9 months ago

        >9 FRICKING HMS
        You don't need Flash or Defog, and Sinnoh only has two water hms so it's still less annoying than the regions that use three water hms like Johto and Hoenn.

    • 9 months ago

      >I can't think of a single worse Pokemon product

  18. 9 months ago

    Definitely Platinum. In BDSP even if you avoid a bunch of trainer battles and wild pokemon encounters you’ll be so OP by the time you get to each gym that it’s just not fun. The games are horribly balanced with regard to exp accumulation. You can’t turn off the whole-team EXP Share so you’ll frequently want to box your whole team and make a new one.

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