Which video game has created the most controversy?

Which video game has created the most controversy?

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  1. 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      Mk, the unknown gem discussed is Night Trap which no one's knows about because FMV games are garbage


      Yeah it's really MK and Night Trap. The ratings system exists solely because of these two games.

    • 6 months ago


      Mk, the unknown gem discussed is Night Trap which no one's knows about because FMV games are garbage


      Yeah it's really MK and Night Trap. The ratings system exists solely because of these two games.

      Old guy here.

      The correct answer is probably Grand Theft Auto, but as a SERIES and not any one particular game. Specifically the PS2 trilogy.

      Now Mortal Kombat might work as well, but the only people who really cared were politicians. It wasn't a huge controversy among the public. GTA on the other hand was.

      And even going by how politicians reacted, you could argue that GTA caused a bigger shitstorm. Politicians were never trying to outright ban MK. Whereas in some regions they actually did ban GTA before the courts ruled against that.

  2. 6 months ago

    Mk, the unknown gem discussed is Night Trap which no one's knows about because FMV games are garbage


    • 6 months ago

      you can at least understand the outrage about mk - kids fighting to the death and dismembering each other's realistic (at the time) characters. but night trap is so fricking stupid. its just a glorified b movie. its the type of shit you would see on at 2am on the USA channel. its so weird that this game was ever part of this controversy.

      • 6 months ago

        it's really not hard to understand at all. it wasn't about Night Trap itself, it was the potential of interactive film and how far it could go considering how violent movies were allowed to be. god forbid they be judged equally as mediums.

        • 6 months ago

          >god forbid they be judged equally as mediums.
          The senate hearings point to the opposite, Joe Lieberman talks about video games as though they're exclusively children's toys.


        • 6 months ago

          >god forbid they be judged equally as mediums.
          yeah bro shit tier sega cd fmv games are totally equal to film

          • 6 months ago

            learn to read, mudbrain

    • 6 months ago

      >no one knows about night trap
      I’m glad your generation shoots each other up so often

      • 6 months ago

        Hey you dotard homosexual, I assume the younger people on the board don't know night trap because it's an FMV game that came out on some of the worst selling systems.

  3. 6 months ago

    Gave talking heads a heart attack, but ultimately some homosexual misinterpreting a scene in night trap is what gave us the rating system
    Was mentioned in those talks a bit, and then brought back up again because Columbine
    Angered British politicians
    >gta iii
    Angered Jack Thompson and talking heads for the next decade or so
    >postal 2
    The first one was more controversial, but second one did manage to piss off people in hilariously specific ways
    Angered brits and Jack Thompson again
    Gta wins because people still shit their pants around the franchise

    • 6 months ago

      GTA, Mortal Kombat and Night Trap in the West. In the Nipland that would be a little PC-88 game called 177. Which is funny because Japanese PCs were chock full of eroge with varying degree of perversion, but 177 caused such an outrage that National Diet of Japan just straight-up banned it.

      In my own country Poland it wasn't one particular game that was controversial, but genre as a whole. And those were first-person shooters. Doom, Quake, Duke Nukem 3D, Half-Life, Unreal - you name it, and it was mostly due to excessive gore prominent in that era of FPS and the fear that it might turn youngsters into ruthless psychopats who would go out in the streets and literally start gibbing people. Yeah, I'm not kidding you - at that time games were either seen as a kiddie entertainment on consoles or murder simulators for unhinged psychopats on PCs.

      Even the first GTA was quite controversial for the sole fact that you don't play as a hero or even anti-hero on their way to administer justice, but a plain criminal working for the mob bosses or causing trouble on their own, murdering random people, doing carjacking and all. The "moral guardians" couldn't or didn't want to see GTA for what it really is - a British satire on the USA.

      Doom never relay created much controversy to be honest. Same with Carmageddon and Postal. I feel like PC games were never really targeted for their content, because you couldn't walk into a toy store and just buy a PC game. You had to go to a computer store, or through a mail-in purchase. Mortal Kombat had a lot of heat around it because the arcade machines were out in the public. Probably the one to generate the most controversy. It also really sold well on home consoles. Many people suspect Nintendo pushed the violence in videogames hearings because they were mad that Mortal Kombat on the Genesis was out selling Mortal Kombat on the SNES due to the blood code. Nintendo also self censored their own games before the ERSB. Sega was much more relaxed and tried to create their own videogame ratings counsel before the ERSB. GTA III is so weirdly engraved into the early 2000's culture. It's like any attempt at generating controversy only cause it to sell more copies. The Hot Coffee mod of SA only caused a sales spike. Manhunt was cool, but didn't do much as a controversial game. It was hard to stand out as being controversial during the PS2 era.

      Speaking of rating systems and aformentioned Japan, their CERO is even more sensitive that ESRB and PEGI could ever be. And to add an insult to injury it's not an industry-wide agreement, but a government sanctioned rating system. Your game shows a little more female skin than usual, even if it's not straight-up nudity but a girl wearing bikini? Sexual themes! Somebody shot a gun in a cutscene? Crime! Has got overrated, generic zombie things that can't even scare a kindergarten kid? Horror! Your game is rated CERO-D - that's just one step from CERO-Z, which is the equivalent to ESRB's AO rating.

      • 6 months ago

        177 was that controversial? I knew it caused some level of controversy but not to such a degree that the nation that gave us thousands of far worse eroge actually banned it.

  4. 6 months ago

    Doom never relay created much controversy to be honest. Same with Carmageddon and Postal. I feel like PC games were never really targeted for their content, because you couldn't walk into a toy store and just buy a PC game. You had to go to a computer store, or through a mail-in purchase. Mortal Kombat had a lot of heat around it because the arcade machines were out in the public. Probably the one to generate the most controversy. It also really sold well on home consoles. Many people suspect Nintendo pushed the violence in videogames hearings because they were mad that Mortal Kombat on the Genesis was out selling Mortal Kombat on the SNES due to the blood code. Nintendo also self censored their own games before the ERSB. Sega was much more relaxed and tried to create their own videogame ratings counsel before the ERSB. GTA III is so weirdly engraved into the early 2000's culture. It's like any attempt at generating controversy only cause it to sell more copies. The Hot Coffee mod of SA only caused a sales spike. Manhunt was cool, but didn't do much as a controversial game. It was hard to stand out as being controversial during the PS2 era.

  5. 6 months ago

    I agree with the above posts, but Doom was probably the only one that caused a specific form of controversy: how to handle global-scale employees clogging company Internet tubes with video game deathmatch traffic.

    • 6 months ago

      >I agree with the above posts, but Doom was probably the only one that caused a specific form of controversy: how to handle global-scale employees clogging company Internet tubes with video game deathmatch traffic.

      Good point. Doom was one of the fastest selling DOS games of the 90's, and it was very quickly ported to many of the early gen 5 (Jaguar, 3DO), gen 4.5(32x) and even gen 4 systems like the SNES. Every main 5th generation home console managed to get a port of Doom. PS1, Saturn, N64 had an original Doom based on Doom 1 and Doom 2. The GBA has ports of Doom 1 and 2. Sadly the only controversy Quake caused was it's justification to upgrade to better PC hardware. It was really at the start of PC accelerated hardware. Quake II helped establish OpenGL on the 'IBM-Compatible PC' platform. Quake and Quake 2 didn't get as many home console ports. With Quake 1 being on the Saturn and N64 and Quake 2 having re-imagined ports for the N64 and PS1.

  6. 6 months ago

    Mortal Kombat was the final straw that caused parents to start banning their kids from arcades. Parents were already in the middle of the stranger-danger panic and pool halls and arcades were getting a reputation as places where kids went to misbehave, some cities even banned arcades from allowing minors during school hours or after 8pm, and couldn't be in a place with alcohol or cigarettes.

  7. 6 months ago

    literally industry changing game, violence pioneer
    columbine kids played this game but it's 6 years old what can you do
    wow its literally nothing
    insert slew of nighttime news pieces about vidya violence
    >postal 2 / manhunt
    something about australian censorship i guess
    nobody fricking cared in the US

    • 6 months ago

      >columbine kids played this game but it's 6 years old what can you do

      Yeah no kidding. Imagine if the headline was about Unreal Tournament instead, or Quake III.

  8. 6 months ago

    only mutts cared about it
    same as above
    literally who
    >GTA 3
    controversial on a global scale and with each new game it creates more controversy even 6 is already controversial and we only seen a trailer of it
    >Postal 2
    only South Park watching mutts cared about it
    only mutts and eurocucks cared about it

    GTA is the king of vidya controversy

    • 6 months ago

      >even 6 is already controversial and we only seen a trailer of it
      It's kind of sad how much of a pussy the world has become when gta3 was controversial because you could blow people's heads off and gta6 is controversial because a fat girl was twerking in the trailer.

  9. 6 months ago

    isnt the original postal more controversial since its about killing innocent people no reason and the game ends with the main character having a mental breakdown and shooting up a school

    • 6 months ago

      Yeah, but zoomers don't remember that far back, they just remember people b***hing about postal 2 for being a raunchy politically incorrect indie comedy.

    • 6 months ago

      He tries to shoot up a school but the kids can't be injured.

    • 6 months ago

      Yeah Postal 1 was the real controversial one.

      • 6 months ago

        >Yeah Postal 1 was the real controversial one.

        I feel like Duke Nukem 3D was a lot more controversial than either Doom or Postal. Postal was looked at as satire based on the 90's fear that a postal worker could just snap and go on a killing spree "going postal". Duke 3D really added a recognisable protagonist with (stolen) quotable one liners with this over the top personality. The idea that you could give strippers money so they can flash their boobs at you was controversial.

    • 6 months ago

      >the game ends with the main character having a mental breakdown and shooting up a school

      That never happens in the game.

  10. 6 months ago

    >Manhunt is the most controversial game ever. Rockstar was crossing the line. Omg this game is so fricked up you have to be a sick puppy to enjoy this game. I believe Manhunt really got the A rating because of the MK-ultra theme because that shit be real n shieet.
    Same YouTube reviewer
    >I want...not frick that I need a Manhunt 3! I'm going insaaaaane!

    • 6 months ago

      Who are you quoting?

  11. 6 months ago

    Mortal Kombat received a huge amount of controversy, even though it didn't deserve it.

    It was some stupid fighting game with 16 bit graphics. How violent can it be lol?

    But Republicans had a huge meltdown over the game.

    Doom was also controversial, it pissed off the evangelists with its satanic imagery, but not nearly as controversial as MK

    The other games barely were controversial.

    • 6 months ago

      >Mortal Kombat received a huge amount of controversy, even though it didn't deserve it.

      It kind of did. Because the arcade machines were in public places, and the home console ports were being sold at retailers like Toys R Us and other toy store outlets. It was an example of a game aimed at a teenage + audience being sold to underage kids. Mortal Kombat was the game that stirred the most controversy. Night Trap was dragged into the videogame hearings. It was at best a campy 80's inspired 'horror' game that couldn't even really garnish a PG-13 rating if it was a movie. Lethal Enforces was used as visual representation, as the Konami Justifier looks like a 45 magnum.

    • 6 months ago

      >Republicans had a huge meltdown over the game.

      That never happened. That literally never happened.

  12. 6 months ago

    It's crazy that people don't really get mad about violence in videogames anymore. Modern MK games are like snuff films compared to MK1 and no one bats an eyelid.
    Now people get mad about female characters appealing to the "male gaze" and other "problematic" sexual stuff, which is even more petty and moronic.

  13. 6 months ago

    Yosue Yrion bros...

  14. 6 months ago

    GTA3. News were on a witchhunt with that one and was the first time in my life where I had to be careful to say "I like GTA" in certain locations. No one cared if I liked MK, they thought I was cute.

    • 6 months ago

      I remember all the gamefaqs forum posts back then where people would post news clips of GTA concernbait, like of a kid playing GTA in front of a bunch of off-duty cops while they all watch on in horror, lol

      Then the forum posters would all be talking about how there's other shit to do in the game that is non-violent, like taxi missions or whatever, like, bro who are you trying to fool lmao

  15. 6 months ago

    can't wait to force my future kids to play Postal 2 and tell them that's what the Bush era was actually like.

  16. 6 months ago

    Ah, the mall ninja starter pack.

  17. 6 months ago

    >constant target of christian paranoia and satanic panic
    >gambling minigames had to be removed from the core games due to controversy
    >Jynx was permanently modified due to amerimutts claiming it looks like a golliwog
    >Kadabra was banned from being represented in the TCG after magician Uri Geller sued the Pokemon Company for defamation
    >accused of promoting animal cruelty by PETA
    >accused of being a israeli conspiracy in Saudi Arabia to the point where the Japanese embassy had to intervene
    >several anime episodes were banned in the west due to guns, boobs and seizure risks
    >genuine social unrest caused by Pokemon GO, including road incidents, deaths, arrests and bans
    >multiple accusations of nazism
    >winner of UK Pokemon Championship was stripped of his title after he took a shit in a hotel hallway and threw it at other people
    Mortal Kombat and GTA are nothing in comparison.

  18. 6 months ago

    Probably this.

    • 6 months ago

      I still remember seeing the news article for Rapelay in Italian tv, they were denouncing it as the game where "whoever rapes the most women wins" and the footage was all clips from games like The Sims recorded from Youtube. They only showed it once and forgot about it, then Rule of Rose got a similar treatment.

  19. 6 months ago

    all in all most of these games werent really controversial
    >same overeacting minority group blaming games for everything
    show me something controversial for EVERYONE

  20. 6 months ago

    It didn't create the most
    but it didn't get released because of it

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