>whitest final fantasy game in years. >a love letter to european medieval heritage

>whitest final fantasy game in years
>a love letter to european medieval heritage
>the worst selling final fantasy game

wtf Ganker? why didn't you buy it? don't you guys like this sort of shit?

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  1. 11 months ago

    >a love letter to european medieval heritage

    • 11 months ago

      >Gay stuff
      >European medieval fantasy

      t. secondaries who never took senior level history classes in college

      • 11 months ago

        Silence zoomer

      • 11 months ago

        Americans shouldn't be allowed to teach what they call European history

      • 11 months ago

        “Fantasy” means no Black folk or queers

      • 11 months ago

        >its another "the exception is the standard" bullshit
        its the opposite as kingdom come. there was 1 lord who was a fricking weirdo so the entire era was about gay sex. makes sense.

        Kudos to Warhorse for keeping nogs out of kingdom come for historical accuracy.

        • 11 months ago

          >>its another "the exception is the standard" bullshit
          No, it isn't. There's a singular homosexual noble in the entirety of XVI, and one soldier who fricks a male prostitute. By definition it's still an exception, there's like 12 shown female prostitutes minimum in the same area.

          • 11 months ago

            You're replying to someone who didn't play the game, it's not even worth engaging with these people as they're not doing it in good faith to discuss the game but talk about how their "strummer" reacted and what it made them feel.

        • 11 months ago

          Except KCD also had not one, not two but three gay characters.
          FFXVI has only two.

          • 11 months ago

            >FFXVI has only two.
            3 if you include the poster you are replying to as the player.

          • 11 months ago

            >FFXVI has only two.
            I miss Sakaguchi

          • 11 months ago

            >FFXVI has only two.
            tons of the npcs are gay wtf are you talking about?

        • 11 months ago

          >"the exception is the standard" bullshit
          That is literally what you're doing, moron
          One gay relationship with a character that is explicitly both an outlier and set up to fail is suddenly "the entire game is filled with gays"
          There is nothing worse on this planet than an ideological hypocrite with no self-awareness

      • 11 months ago

        >a love letter to european medieval heritage

        Motherfricker, a gay kiss between a squire and his master in a very clearly Roman inspired empire is one of the few times where it actually feels appropriate. Especially cause I would have thought it would inevitably happen with how androgynous men can be in Final Fantasy.

        This is legit one of the few times where I actually kinda did not mind it. Especially because they gave the luxury of panning the camera as far away as possible for it.

        The over the top anime dbz crap and the dreary game of thrones knockoff medieval crap don't mix at all. The cutscenes are kingdom heart level cringe.

        • 11 months ago

          This was my biggest problem, I get what it's going for but it's like watching Game of Thrones while flipping back and forth through a bad Godzilla film and it did absolutely nothing for me

          • 11 months ago

            >bad Godzilla film
            The kaiju fights were the best part, what is wrong with you

      • 11 months ago

        Final Fantasy IX is a love letter
        Final Fantasy XVI is a grotesque GOT clone

        • 11 months ago

          >Final Fantasy IX is a love letter
          Sick of this meme
          FF9 is a kneejerk response, and you can feel how rushed it is
          The only people who pulled their weight were Uematsu and the background artists.

          • 11 months ago

            >FF9 is a kneejerk response
            post discarded.

            • 11 months ago

              >Literally rushed out the door as an OH SHIT GO BACK because 8 was such a disaster
              I get it, your favourite streamer thinks 9 is the best because of Vivi's subplot. That and Alexander are the only things people remember the game for.

              • 11 months ago

                That isn't what happened, IX was originally a gaiden that was converted to a numbered game to ensure it released before the PS2. Like how X wasn't a FF at ALL originally.

      • 11 months ago

        I love history class so much

        • 11 months ago

          >mentions blacks out of nowhere
          I'm sorry you have no real complaints about the actual video game.

    • 11 months ago

      Game had some nice classical touches. Like nobility covering their mouths when talking about sensitive information amongst the proles.

      • 11 months ago

        >Anabella hates her first son
        >first son, Clive, has her exact same face as a teenager, they look like they could be clones and not just relatives
        >"waaah people were saying I wasn't even your mother because you're not the phoenix muh reputation"
        What was up with that? Is everyone stupid or face blind in that game?

    • 11 months ago

      The things Americans believe lmao

      • 11 months ago

        European high culture is more alive and revered in Japanese media today than it is in the West, sad but true

        • 11 months ago

          Did you mean Game of Thrones? XVI is not based on European high culture.

    • 11 months ago

      gays and brothels everywhere while everyone is a scheming dishonorable c**t

    • 11 months ago

      Yeah, I too remember when old Central European cities like Tabor and Kostnice were actually pseudo Middle Eastern bazaar towns straight from Aladdin. A real love letter to European medieval heritage.

    • 11 months ago

      >*hits pipe*
      >I recently acquired a copy of the new Final Fantasy game. At first glance, it appeared a love letter to the European medieval age. Thus, being a white man, I dived head first into its romantic oceans... Only to discover it sullied by the piss and cum of homosexual deviants! As envisioned by the post-war impotence of the nips, you know. I dare say, I surfaced post-haste from the murky affaie, and gasping for air, I shook my fist at the sunless empire.


      >whitest final fantasy game in years
      >a love letter to european medieval heritage
      >the worst selling final fantasy game

      wtf Ganker? why didn't you buy it? don't you guys like this sort of shit?

      • 11 months ago

        you do know homosexuals were a common thing in ancient and medieval times? have you heard of alexander the great? dion being a gay is not about lgbt propaganda you dipshit, it's just a character trait. frail polatards should learn the difference.

        • 11 months ago

          You do know that pedophilia and bestiality were also a common thing in ancient and medieval times?

          • 11 months ago

            that bear really mindbroke you guys lmao

            • 11 months ago

              I accept you concession

              • 11 months ago

                humanity was never good

              • 11 months ago

                True but I hate it when homosexual acts like homos and pedos / bestiality gays aint the same degenerates.

              • 11 months ago

                if you get so triggered by homos you might be one in denial. many such cases anon.

              • 11 months ago

                If you get so triggered by people implying homos are pedos, you might be a pedo in denial. Many such cases.

              • 11 months ago

                I thought you were implying that fricking a kid is the same as fricking a dog or when two adult guys frick. homos are not necessarily pedos, the frick is wrong with you.

              • 11 months ago

                >if you hate a pedo then you're a closet pedo
                >if you hate a furry then you're a closet furry
                >if you hate a troon then you're a closet troon
                Yawn, literally the exact same argument every time you homosexuals trying to gaslight people

  2. 11 months ago

    Bro there's a gay kiss scene in one of the storyline cutscenes. They alienated both woke and non-woke markets

    • 11 months ago

      Motherfricker, a gay kiss between a squire and his master in a very clearly Roman inspired empire is one of the few times where it actually feels appropriate. Especially cause I would have thought it would inevitably happen with how androgynous men can be in Final Fantasy.

      This is legit one of the few times where I actually kinda did not mind it. Especially because they gave the luxury of panning the camera as far away as possible for it.

      • 11 months ago

        the blonde homosexual is Bahamut, i wouldn't mind if it was a minor irrelevant character but he happens to be the host of my favorite FF beast

        • 11 months ago

          And if he you just omitted every scene with Terence he'd be one of the best characters with the most aesthetic army.

      • 11 months ago

        It's one gay kiss that lasts for 10 seconds, and a farewell my prince that lasts for less than a minute. Yet you have people going out of their minds.
        Meanwhile BG3 with bestiality gay bear sex and somehow it's genre defining???

        • 11 months ago

          >and somehow it's genre defining???
          It's genre defining in terms of having ability to be a homosexual yourself. Fun fact, Kojima invented it first.

        • 11 months ago

          I don’t need to engage with homos or bear sex in bg3. If the kiss in ff16 were optional you would have an argument

          • 11 months ago

            >Hold X to skip scene
            Oh wow, now the scene is gone.

            • 11 months ago

              If I’m playing it blind i wouldn’t know until it’s too late

              • 11 months ago

                >See two characters go in for a kiss
                >Decide instead of skipping, I'll watch longer and jerk off.

              • 11 months ago

                As they move towards each other i lose control and start vomiting uncontrollably, the controller no longer works and the scene is effectively unskipable

        • 11 months ago

          I think what drives me mad is that it at least makes sense for Dion to probably want companionship. Man's going to war expanding the republic fighting fricking Odin who is VERY CLEARLY ABLE TO OVERPOWER HIM AT ANY TIME for a father that started acting against the very things he instilled into the prince. Game even went as far as to say its very stupidly rare for women to be on the battlefield outside of them having magic.

          Dion found somebody and it was in the men who are blinded in their loyalty to him. I don't understand how this could have not been handled better. He's not gay for the sake of gay and brownie points, he's gay because he's fricking human. Its surprisingly stupidly good representation that doesn't feel gross at all. Especially because every other Eikon is 100% straight as frick and giving their all for their SO.

          How the frick can you be mad at this shit, I don't get it

          • 11 months ago

            I think the younger generation are actually moronic, I remember the Alexander movie releasing with Colin Farrell, where he has a gay relationship with one of his childhood friends who becomes one of his trusted advisors, and not a single outrage article from either side of the political spectrum.
            But not Zoomers think this shit is somehow all because of Blackrock ESG, but as I said before they'll freely and easily eat up the amount of degeneracy in BG3, because it's the FOMO game. Anything that is flavor of the month gets a pass.

            • 11 months ago

              >It grossed $167 million worldwide against a $155 million budget, thus making it a commercial failure.
              There was no outrage because few people saw it.

          • 11 months ago

            I mean he is gay because he is gay. If he wasn't gay he would probably visit a prostitutehouse like all the other soldiers do. Notice all the dominants are fricking each other or are drawn to each other. None of the dominants are paired with normies, Dion is the only one that chose his normie "best friend". I also suspect Joshua is not straight as frick. Probably not even Barnabas, why the frick was Hugo naked in front of him? Does he know what he looks like naked? Do dominants just go around fricking each other casually because apparently Benedikta does. From that point of view Dion's love for the npc is the most vanilla and purest out of all of them.

            • 11 months ago

              I guess that's a better way of looking at it. I just don't know. Maybe its because of how its been blatant and in my face, but the way FF16 handled romance subtly as it built up for everybody with it being this very personal thing was so refreshing. It can even make a gay man seem endearing. It also HELPS that Dion is likable and is not DEFINED BY BEING GAY it is NUTS how game devs seem to think gay people are defined by their love of genitals

              • 11 months ago

                >it is NUTS how game devs seem to think gay people are defined by their love of genitals
                It's the western version of how most modern Jap games (post-2005ish) are made by sexless and soulless salarymen who had their entire childhoods defined by the collapse of the economy in the 90s, so they want nothing more than escapism. Except in this case, you are seeing the product of most media being led by Cali-locked millennials who were basically socialized to be sex-obsessed golems with no true to life experience.

              • 11 months ago

                But I mean it even comes to the fact that you know Jill and Clive are 100% going to get together but the fact that they put aside their happiness to complete goals and when they FINALLY can consummate their love it feels so fricking earned. I'm not pretending FF16 doesn't have faults nor do I think it accomplished its middle portion as well as its beginning and final arcs but man, there's just something about the fact it was not scared to let shit be paced well.

                That's nice. I missed that. Even Japanese games lately don't seem to give a frick about slowing down and have to make everything a race. It was so fricking nice for the tone to have a gentle padding around pivotal moments. A damn shame they couldn't get the parallel between masters and bearers and Ultima and Eikons as clean as they wanted cause its obvious they wanted a whole god and his angels thing with the game but it kinda is a bit weaker in execution than it should be.

                But anyhow, I need to go to bed. Thanks for humoring me, anon. I liked this game. I don't think its perfect but I liked it a lot and its nice for me to get my thoughts out.

              • 11 months ago

                Dion Terrence are very liked by fujos
                A lot of fujos dislike lgbt because they are ugly
                Its like comparing the fujos from Hannibal and Supernatural shows with the quota gays from Chucky show

              • 11 months ago

                What do you mean? Like 2D vs 3D pig disgusting. Or whatever videogames characters fall under? Of course in real life most men are quite ugly or plain. You don't usually see men that are as beautiful as Dion, I think in all my life I saw like 2 of them (natural) and they are always surrounded by women so just approaching one to talk about a project is fricking awkward although that's changing thanks to kpop and men seeking to be beautiful since Asian girls appreciate beauty

              • 11 months ago

                Like when people liked Life is strange, they liked because the girls were cute and they were actual characters, unlike LESBIAN ALOY AND HER ASIAN GF quota
                Dion is the same case, he is a normal white guy and he has a cute white boyfriend, usually is always interracial or ugly. See also the lesbians from the walking dead show, disgusting to watch

                The fact articles dont talk about Dion or how even pedotera complained about him shows how hypocrites lgbt are

              • 11 months ago

                >Maybe its because of how its been blatant and in my face, but the way FF16 handled romance subtly as it built up for everybody with it being this very personal thing was so refreshing
                FF is a shojo series that's why.

            • 11 months ago

              Great questions anon, sadly, the rest of the game exists so, ultima LMFAO.

              • 11 months ago

                Kihel too, somehow she makes a beeline straight for Joshua and Dion even though Dion is probably one guy among hundreds injured. Therefore I think Dominants are probably drawn to each other, call out each other, feel each other etc even subconsciously so they are more likely to be empathetic to each other and therefore much more likely to fall in love with each other even if they don't really realize it is in their subconscious. It could also be a pride thing.

              • 11 months ago

                >Dominants are probably drawn to each other, call out each other
                Like JoJo stands users lmao

              • 11 months ago

                >borrowing from homo's gay adventure
                well, that just makes this game even worse

              • 11 months ago

                Jojo is kino

              • 11 months ago

                They all seem to be somewhat linked or else straight up psychic in nature, Joshua didn't see Dion die he just sensed his loss of presence. Also Barnabas seems to sense the presence of Mid saying "her consciousness fair dripping with her late father's hubris"

              • 11 months ago

                >Dominants are probably drawn to each other, call out each other
                Like JoJo stands users lmao

                >I think Dominants are probably drawn to each other

                They can literally sense each other's aether. It's part of the story at multiple points.

              • 11 months ago

                The can feel each other, but that doesn't explain why dominants only seem to frick other dominants. My guess is that they feel strong emotions as well. Maybe that's why Clive and Jill sometimes don't even say anything to each other

              • 11 months ago

                I mean that's just how people usually operate. Not always, and Dion is a good example of that. But people are drawn to others who have a comparable life experience and path as them. They're literal demigods slowly dying to their power. Even without a draw it would just make sense they'd form strong bonds.

                I also have a joke theory that eikons specifically target more attractive people.
                -Why would you frick anyone else if your fellow eikons literally have more polygons.
                -Non-eikon supporting characters generally just aren't as attractive even though they have as many polys.
                -Phoenix and Shiva have always been considered the most beautiful eikons, so of course they give it to best boy and girl.
                -Titan has consistently been the ugliest eikon, so they give it to the brute with gorgeous eyes
                So it's canon that all the dominants are objectively not only the most powerful, but also the most attractive people in Valisthea. Hence why the tend to frick each other.

              • 11 months ago

                Being a Dominant must be a lonely, othering existence, only other dominants would really understand you on a deep level. That was ultimately Hugo's deal I think. Huge freak of a man who transforms into a mountain, sticks out like a sore thumb everywhere he goes, finds what he wants but not what he needs in getting pegged by a harpy

            • 11 months ago

              >I also suspect Joshua is not straight as frick
              Jote has a crush on him
              >why the frick was Hugo naked in front of him?
              It was Ultima you moron
              >Do dominants just go around fricking each other casually because apparently Benedikta does
              Only Benedikta, but at this point you have admitted not paying attention to any of the story and are just rambling ignorantly.

              • 11 months ago

                I know it was Ultima dumbass. But he was switching between people Barnabas "desired". That was my impression. I know he fricked Benedikta and I know he probably wanted to frick mommy too. So why was naked Hugo there in the first place? Did he secretly wanted to frick him too? I think is supposed to paint Barnabas as some sort of degenerate and I did not want to see Hugo naked. Also Jote having a crush on him doesn't mean anything regarding Joshua's sexuality. If anything it's gay they didn't do anything since they are both attractive and she is more than willing

              • 11 months ago

                I think Ultima took the form of Hugo to frick with him, not frick him literally, when he does so he begins to mock him and Barnabas seemed uncertain and uncomfortable to begin with. Also think the nudity was more a visual demonstration of vulnerability

    • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        Don't care about the kiss bullshit, I just hate that the only character who was bound by a chivalrous code was a homosexual. The Knight's Dragoon deserved better.

        • 11 months ago

          I hate LGBT homosexual troony shit, and I know they made Dion gay purely for the west and no other reason, but he was still Pretty fricking cool

          • 11 months ago

            It’s amazing how many people don’t realize the point of Dion being gay from a story perspective. It’s because he’s hiding his relationship with Terrence that the astrologians are correct in divining that he’s hiding something. Anabella just paid them to imply it’s treason.

            • 11 months ago

              so it had to be him being a homosexual?? why can't be that he killed someone important or done something that he had to hide?

              • 11 months ago

                It's yaoibait pandering to fujoshi, in the forlon hope that they wouldn't ship Clive x Joshua brocest.
                >"but muh woke agenda"
                please note the lack of "people of color" and lack of dislikeable "strong" women being forced as protagonists

  3. 11 months ago

    >Gay stuff
    >European medieval fantasy

    • 11 months ago

      It's French, blame them.

    • 11 months ago

      It was released on a system barely anyone owns, even in Japan.

      >whitest final fantasy game in years
      >has a ton of gay stuff
      I don't know, that definitely checks out.

    • 11 months ago

      Whites are gay as frick

    • 11 months ago

      Truly the CLAMP Final Fantasy of our time. XVI is gay chuuni edgykino.

      • 11 months ago

        >be young fujoshi in the 2000s
        >go to high school with a bunch of other fujoshi
        >99% of us were into both FF and CLAMP and Kaori Yuki's manga
        What does that mean?

    • 11 months ago

      >Nothing gay has ever happened in Europe

    • 11 months ago

      You have absolutely no idea how hard it was for the church to stamp out homosexuality. Literally every culture but the israeli had some form of homosexualry loophole. It's actually funny since it was seen as humiliating, humbling, or an honor purely depending on situation. Fun fact, you can actually tell the exact moment the israeli descendent religion of Christianity was introduced to the west, as texts start to contradict themselves to keep from being destroyed like most pre-jewchrist European history and culture.

    • 11 months ago

      europe is literally the place where homosexuality was invented

  4. 11 months ago

    NuGanker isn't white so of course they don't care about any of that. BG3 is a humiliation ritual for white people and everyone here loves that shit. Wouldn't be surprised if Blackrock wanted them to release the game one month after FFXVI.

    • 11 months ago

      It's totally not because of the fact that it's a timed exclusive...

      • 11 months ago

        This. PS5 doesnt sell
        Also people love dating sim elements, which is why persona will always sell more than smt now

    • 11 months ago

      >NuGanker isn't white
      >BG3 is a humiliation ritual for white people and everyone here loves that shit
      Yes and it's become painfully obvious

    • 11 months ago

      FFXVI sold more in a week than bald trannies 3 did in it's entire early access yet according to ~~*journos*~~ one is a "problematic flop" while the other is a "critically acclaimed empowering masterpiece"

  5. 11 months ago

    don't know about any of the that but if they put it on a platform that people actually care about, ill buy it.

  6. 11 months ago

    The only FF game I played was Crisis Core on PSP more than 10 years ago but I liked it. Cool if cliche story, fun combat, epic boss fights, Jill etc. made the game memorable. Voice acting and character design are also great. Side quests and the item system should either have been done properly or not existed at all however. There were also far too many QTEs and cutscenes. The game sometimes enters a cutscene even when Clive and Cid are chatting. Unnecessary.

    • 11 months ago

      I liked the qte in the demo, the midnight raven, and cooking Garuda. They organically flowed into the combat itself.

      After that it was more of a press x to do 7 different flashy moves, run down a whole mountain, or whatever. The button press didn't feel related with the action at all at that point.

  7. 11 months ago


  8. 11 months ago

    no pc version.

  9. 11 months ago

    Only Black folk own consoles

  10. 11 months ago

    Normal people have trust issues after suffering twenty years of Final homosexualry. People weren't gonna jump on this immediately.

  11. 11 months ago

    I have zero desire to own PS5.

    Also zoomers grew when the only new FF single player mainline games were 13 and 15, so they don't care about the series.

  12. 11 months ago

    >Make a console only game when 99 percent of your actual audience is PCgays
    Never change you fricking moronic jap boomers

    • 11 months ago

      how is 99 percent of final fantasy games audience PC users , final fantasy games have always been very console friendly and ignored PC , PC gamers mostly play western stuff like fallout , mass effect, elder scrolls or baldurs gate not jrpg stuff

      • 11 months ago

        The FFXIV audience by and large do not have PS5s, and the game is not a jrpg

        • 11 months ago

          The ff14 audience is like a bunch of troons living in the states + i thought they played on ps4 (hence why the steam numbers of ff14 are so low)?

  13. 11 months ago

    >PS5 exclusivity
    Aha, here's the problem...

    • 11 months ago

      isn't this crap gonna come to pc next year ?

  14. 11 months ago

    Maybe they should release it on a platform that actually sells.

  15. 11 months ago

    don't have a PS5
    Also I am not overpaying for games. Games are cheaper to make than ever before, the budgets are bullshit. $30 is fair for a new release.

    • 11 months ago

      ill just pirate it when the PC version comes im not giving a single cent to japs

  16. 11 months ago

    Final Fantasy isn't high priority series.

  17. 11 months ago

    Because this is a tendie board who are hypocrites constantly using mental gymnastics to find ways to shit on things

    • 11 months ago

      or maybe it's because it's a PS5 exclusive? you fricking dunce

  18. 11 months ago

    final fantasy game in years
    you see the problem is that it's not a final fantasy game, they haven't made one of those in 20 years

  19. 11 months ago

    Exclusive to a console I don't care to own. I would have bought it if it came to PC, but would have had buyers remorse.

  20. 11 months ago

    so a love letter to inbreeding and insanity?

    • 11 months ago

      islamic MENA would be the audience for inbreeding and insanity thoughever

  21. 11 months ago

    >a love letter to european medieval heritage

  22. 11 months ago

    Nobody actually cares to buy a PS5 but Black folk.

  23. 11 months ago

    >not gay enough & too difficult for the turn based buttfrickers
    >too gay & easy for action chads.

    • 11 months ago

      >Too difficult

      This game refuses to give you the game over screen. You have to actively TRY to die in order to get a game over.

      • 11 months ago

        Game needed difficulty setting so bad it is tragic. Keep the assist items in but frick, if you release it on PC add a setting where mobs don't pause for 10 seconds so you can hit them after every attack. This fricker literally just stands there after every attack, not because their AI is bad, but because it is hampered on purpose.

        • 11 months ago

          Have you played the supposed hard mode locked after beating the game? does that help at all? perhaps when it's ported they will unlock it from the start. oh, who am I kidding. modders will do that.

      • 11 months ago

        He's saying turn based fans are mouth breathing morons

        • 11 months ago

          I'm turn based fan and i beat the first playthrough without dying once and died only 2 times on my FF playthrough. The game is simply moron proof.

    • 11 months ago

      >too difficult

  24. 11 months ago

    Isn't it like the best-selling PS5 exclusive yet? PC sales will also be added later.

    • 11 months ago

      it hasn't topped elden ring's PS5 numbers.

      • 11 months ago

        Elden Ring isn't a PS5 exclusive. Multiplat games' advertisements for one platform usually also creates synergistic marketing boons for the other platforms and there is more "peer pressure" from users of other platforms among the consumers/players as well. That's why I explicitly said best-selling PS5 exclusive earlier, though I am not 100% sure about that.

    • 11 months ago

      There's like 2 PS5 exclusives anon

  25. 11 months ago

    I thought it was pretty good. It’s the first final fantasy game I’ve ever played so I didn’t really have expectations going in. It’s pretty much “80s dark fantasy” the game.

  26. 11 months ago

    Mainline Final Fantasy has had no goodwill for years, and the geniuses of Square Enix decided to consign their game to PS5 exclusivity, which has irrevocably cost them milions.

    They're such a hacky, stupid Publisher it's fricking unreal.

  27. 11 months ago

    Pozzed game, it literally forced to watch gays and trannies making out on screen

    • 11 months ago

      Isn't it just two gays, and can you not skip cutscenes in this game?

      • 11 months ago

        gays are equally as disgusting as trannies
        >it's just a silly little scene
        >it's just a silly little drawing
        literally the exact same argument every time you homosexuals make these threads trying to push something and gaslight people

        • 11 months ago

          i'd bet that the population of this website has a much higher mental illness rate, you're probably not much better than a troony or a gay if you're right here posting on Ganker, sorry

          • 11 months ago

            Homosexuality is mental ilness that evolved from watching copius amounts of pornography or being sexually abused by somebody of the same gender as a child.
            If a child really is born with a "gay" brain it is a genetic ilness that will often lead to other mental problems such as emotional unstability.
            Straight people want to build society because they usually have children they want to pass their sucess onto. Homos are hedonistic leeches. Homo's who adopt children or teach children at school or through media usually teach them values that destruct a stable society.
            Also, due to the fact most religions and cultures are traditionally anti homo, homoes are naturally anti religious and exponentially more likely to participate in hedonistc groups and cults like actual satanic churches in calfiornia or wanting money and power and doing shady rituals to join the "Elites". 90 percent of homos are parasites, maybe 10 percent are legitemetally good people with strange brains, but the LGBT movement as a whole gives me no hope and their invasion of religion and school has me a bit mad.

            Imagine being this desperate for attention and validation you come to Ganker to gaslight the autists here to tolerate your worm infected anal canal.

        • 11 months ago

          >reading that as "being gay causes mental illness", and not "being gay causes straight people to abuse you, leading to mental illnesses"

          • 11 months ago

            If you kept it to yourself we’d never know, or give you the benefit of the doubt. Your insistence that we engage and validate forces a reaction; just not the one you were hoping for. You very much brought it on yourself. When the pendulum swings, you’ll be in for a wild ride.

            • 11 months ago

              yeah 2 more weeks anon

          • 11 months ago

            >its the poor little gays being mentally ill couse someone calls them names episode
            Wrong board, homosexual


  28. 11 months ago

    There's a new final fantasy after the car one? That isn't the remake? Huh.

  29. 11 months ago

    >a love letter to european medieval heritage
    >using american fantasy as the main isnpiration

    • 11 months ago

      >American Fantasy
      Lmao what?

      • 11 months ago

        >muh slaves, cuckoldry, sassy girlboss bawds

        • 11 months ago

          >europe didn't have slaves

          • 11 months ago

            europe isnt obsessed with them like mutts

  30. 11 months ago

    Why does not a single person in this world use a shield. Not a single character, or soldier npc. its moronic.

    • 11 months ago

      because Clive is everyone's shield

  31. 11 months ago

    MMO devs = MMO quality = Do not Play
    Simple as that. MMOs are for hispanics, Black folk, and trannies.

  32. 11 months ago

    wheres teh PC version

  33. 11 months ago

    I don't have a PS5 and I'm tired of spectacle and save-the-world plots and the Game of Thrones TV show ended years ago so hype for medieval intrigue and politics is low.

  34. 11 months ago

    Anyone else cringe when the game tried to be dark and political?

  35. 11 months ago

    Game of Thrones is garbage.

  36. 11 months ago

    watch this come to pc, it'll sell, the exclusivity bullshit is what's hurting it

    • 11 months ago

      >FF7R only sold around 500k on PC from EGS and Steam
      >FF15 only sold 10% of its sales on PC
      >most of the sales for both games came from Playstation consoles
      FF games were never big on PC

      By the time FF16 comes out, around 2024-2025 or something, it will have long lost its relevance

      • 11 months ago

        FF16 was primed to do massively on PC if it launched there. The demo has every homosexual everywhere going nuts over it. Legendary missed opportunity. I know they needed Sony funding but they should have found another way.

        • 11 months ago

          >FF16 was primed to do massively on PC if it launched there.
          citation needed
          >The demo has every homosexual everywhere going nuts over it.
          The demo was on ps5. Why did no one buy if it was so amazing?
          >Legendary missed opportunity.

          FF troons are so delusionals

      • 11 months ago

        13 and 15 sold great on PC. 7R was fricked twice with people noticing it's Midgar only and second time with Ebin exclusivity. If Yoshida has 2 brain cells he must insist on not taking Ebin money and releasing it when exclusivity deal ends rather than waiting for DLCs to be completed.

      • 11 months ago

        do you expect PC chads to buy a shitty game where the protagonist look like a homosexual and affeminate j-pop band

      • 11 months ago

        >FF15 only sold 10% of its sales on PC
        1m copies is bad?

        • 11 months ago

          1m in 4 years with heavy discount is a mega flop imo

  37. 11 months ago

    How about offering better gameplay than "mash square until your cooldowns reset. also you have a dodge with so many iframes that it trivializes everything in the game"
    Even the people trying to cope with how you can use the abilities to make combos ignore that once you have your ideal "combo" there's no reason to change to anything else because the only difference between abilities is what colour flashing lights it makes.
    I'm not going to give myself carpal tunnel playing some dumb hack and slash button mashing game just because it has no nogs in it.

    • 11 months ago

      homosexuals like you is why all we get are souls clones now

  38. 11 months ago

    White males are sales poison

    • 11 months ago

      >movie that shits on the white male protagonist flops
      oh no

      • 11 months ago


        • 11 months ago

          Casting an actual space alien as a main character stopped me from watching it.

        • 11 months ago

          >movie about a comparatively niche era of history (represented properly, and not some pop-candy version of what it actually was) that was butchered by the production company getting cold feet 3/4ths through development did poorly
          it was a moronic venture all around. not artsy enough to be respected by the crowd who would actually watch it, not action enough to be watched by the general populous, not a popular enough concept to be well marketed.

  39. 11 months ago

    >non-Final Fantasy gameplay

    • 11 months ago

      You mean FFIV, FFV, FFVI, FFVII, FFVIII, FFIX, FFXII and FFXIII all are also "non-Final Fantasy gamplay" because they use ATB instead of turn-based? Why is it bad if newer games change the system, while FFIV gets away with departing from turn-based via ATB?

      • 11 months ago

        You forgot XV

        • 11 months ago

          I presumed most people already treated it as such due to being an "action game" itself already, so I only included the ATB ones. If we remove ATB, spin-offs and online-shit, then what remains? Just FFI, FFII, FFIII and FFX.
          If you think about it, at that point one could even claim that it's the turn-based ones that are "non-FF gameplay" instead since there is more ATB.

      • 11 months ago

        ATB vs turn based is semantics, the current abomination has nothing in common with it whatsoever and it’s disingenuous to equate the two changes

        • 11 months ago

          > ATB vs turn based is semantics

          • 11 months ago

            Cool, but it plays practically the same with “wait” in menus enabled. The amount of difference in turn based vs atb is negligible compared to the switch to j-action

            • 11 months ago

              Now let’s see if mobs/bosses will wait their turn in ATB

              • 11 months ago

                If you’re selecting a spell or skill they do. How much time do you spend idling at the menu?

          • 11 months ago

            Ff16 plays nothing like ff7 so its trash. Another mechanic ruined by square.

        • 11 months ago

          >ATB vs turn based is semantics
          This is almost the same as saying RTwP is the same as turn-based because you can pause between actions.

    • 11 months ago

      Mainline FF has been real time since 2013.

      Is it even good because I saw the QTE boss fights and Ganker shizzing their nozzle since they're fricking moronic and I just zoned out from ever buying it. Then again the LAST time I bought a console for a game it was Persona 5 so I'm kinda over getting disappointed for console exclusives.

      It's good. Wait for PC release to see it yourself.

      Final Fantasy mode should have been selectable on the first play through. You can have the mob variety it has in it without making the game feel weird. Even without the other Eikon abilities at first it would be fine with the correct level mobs.

      It needs Ultimaniac mode for main story. Hopefully they will release it alongside PC version.

      • 11 months ago

        >Ultimaniac mode for main story
        I wish, but the Japanese being so autistic about hiding difficulty levels behind finishing a game keeps me skeptical.

        • 11 months ago

          Ultimaniac is inaccessible for main story though that's my issue with it. Locked behind Arcade. I also want to see coop mode for Arcade but not sure if it's going to be a free update. Most likely coming with DLC.

      • 11 months ago

        >Mainline FF has been real time since 2013.
        And every single FF game with real time has been shit. Do you not notice a pattern?

        • 11 months ago

          Not 16 though.
          Or 14

          • 11 months ago

            Final fantasy hasn't been true turnbased since FFIX and even then it was ATB. Some nostalgia gays just refuse to move on. Action combat was always the intention of Sakaguchi but the limitation was technology.
            Speaking of Sakaguchi, he came out and said FF16 is the ultimate rendition of what Final Fantasy is.

            • 11 months ago

              10 was pure turnbased.
              That said I enjoy both turnbased and action games. They could alternate between action and turn based for all I care and I'd still enjoy them.
              >Speaking of Sakaguchi, he came out and said FF16 is the ultimate rendition of what Final Fantasy is.
              Saw that.
              Based, but 10 is still my favorite.

        • 11 months ago

          >And every single FF game with real time has been shit
          Lightning Returns is the best XIII game.
          XV is shit because it wanted to pander to hold one button to win turn based gays.
          SoP is great because it's Nioh without shitty Ki Pulse mechanic.
          XVI is great because it's FF: DMC Edition.

          • 11 months ago

            16 is literally more casual than any ff
            and LR literally has hold to attack

            • 11 months ago

              >LR literally has hold to attack
              Unlike XV you might actually die if you don't dodge or block or change schematas though. Dying is more unforgiving in LR than in XV. XV doesn't even kill you, it gives you a waiting state which allows you to be revived by teammates with your 99 potion slots.

              • 11 months ago

                >Combat is more unforgiving in LR than in XV
                Fixed, you could say dying too due to time limit.

              • 11 months ago

                you're just proving that you're moronic and never played 15 or LR
                LR is so casual you dont even have to move around in combat
                holding O just auto zips you to whatever enemy there is, there is literally 0 positioning in LR
                guard/block is more casual add lenient in LR than XV too
                and LR literally has revives fron KO too

              • 11 months ago

                >party takes no damage
                Kek wtf is this casual shit? You don't even need to hold circle anymore. Just let your party when and pop off a magic grenades every once in a while. No wonder they shut down the studio that made that turd.

              • 11 months ago

                >holding O just auto zips you to whatever enemy there is, there is literally 0 positioning in LR
                You can escape from enemy attacks if you position yourself without using any ATB.
                >guard/block is more casual add lenient in LR than XV too
                XV literally gives you warning to hold square on the screen, at least you need to look to enemies' movest in LR.
                >and LR literally has revives fron KO too
                Which costs you 3 EP which is huge.

          • 11 months ago

            Lr and 13-2 are sadly underrated

            • 11 months ago

              LR is great, I didn't really cared for Seraph though and the story was too over complicated

              Like when people liked Life is strange, they liked because the girls were cute and they were actual characters, unlike LESBIAN ALOY AND HER ASIAN GF quota
              Dion is the same case, he is a normal white guy and he has a cute white boyfriend, usually is always interracial or ugly. See also the lesbians from the walking dead show, disgusting to watch

              The fact articles dont talk about Dion or how even pedotera complained about him shows how hypocrites lgbt are

              I mean real life people are ugly or plain. Most will fall under these two categories. Most men just think your average chick is hot because it is expected for women to wear makeup and they don't know shit how "natural" makeup can be, especially with Asians so when they see an ugly protagonist they lose their shit because even the McDonald's girl is cute. It is fine to escape reality by using video games. For instance Clive is hot as frick and I enjoy his sexiness, it would only get annoying if everybody looked like some version of him though. Back then female characters looked like models or porn stars and while I didn't mind, it seemed weird that even an npc also looked like porn star while the men where ugly or plain as frick. I don't mind hot characters or sexy outfits I had a blast playing dress up with Lightning and how the outfit change her stats

              >Anabella hates her first son
              >first son, Clive, has her exact same face as a teenager, they look like they could be clones and not just relatives
              >"waaah people were saying I wasn't even your mother because you're not the phoenix muh reputation"
              What was up with that? Is everyone stupid or face blind in that game?

              She is just being a c**t because due to the massive disappointment in him not being the phoenix, she also seemed jealous at his health and accomplishment s compared to her sickly Joshua. It would be hilarious if Joshua was gay and her witnessing how much he gushes for a prostitute's son like Dion

      • 11 months ago

        >Mainline FF has been real time since 2013.
        FFXII was in 2006, pausing action is optional. Menus work in real time. Position distance matters so it's not turn based despite the bars.

        >Final fantasy hasn't been true turnbased since FFIX
        FFX moron. You're the kind of person who would say "true turnbased hasn't been tried yet". have a nice day commie.

    • 11 months ago

      >press attack button
      >character attacks
      >press attack button
      >character attacks

  40. 11 months ago

    >chudcore game
    >released on the anti chud console
    I want to buy it but can't.

  41. 11 months ago

    Is it even good because I saw the QTE boss fights and Ganker shizzing their nozzle since they're fricking moronic and I just zoned out from ever buying it. Then again the LAST time I bought a console for a game it was Persona 5 so I'm kinda over getting disappointed for console exclusives.

  42. 11 months ago

    not on pc

  43. 11 months ago

    It was actually really refreshing to have a game like that with no random diversity characters.

  44. 11 months ago

    there really aren't that many (young) white people left

  45. 11 months ago

    Just now did the Kupka fight in NG+, it's a great one 🙂

    • 11 months ago

      Final Fantasy mode should have been selectable on the first play through. You can have the mob variety it has in it without making the game feel weird. Even without the other Eikon abilities at first it would be fine with the correct level mobs.

    • 11 months ago

      Final Fantasy mode should have been selectable on the first play through. You can have the mob variety it has in it without making the game feel weird. Even without the other Eikon abilities at first it would be fine with the correct level mobs.

      I hate when you can't select the highest difficulty from the beginning. Same with Zeruda Skyward Sword, which requires you to finish the game before being able to select the hard mode.

      • 11 months ago

        PC version could do this with mods if they are dumb enough to not revise the difficulty with a Royal addition or some shit by then. I enjoyed the hell out of it, but at no point did I think it was hard.

        • 11 months ago

          If I have any complaints its that you cant choose the hardest difficulty immediately, and that there was not a high fantasy city like this to truly explore.
          They exist, just didn't get to explore them.

      • 11 months ago

        it's even worse because the story actively discourages me from replaying the game lol

  46. 11 months ago

    Stop trying to bait me every day to discuss it. FFXVI was fun

    • 11 months ago

      I read someone on here say it was the best one since X which has me pretty excited to eventually try it.

      • 11 months ago

        Subjective af, I liked it that much despite it's flaws. But you could go either way, pacing issues are real especially if you are 100%ing

        • 11 months ago

          Pacing issues that there are, I was really fricking sad when I ran out of content and knew there was no reason to keep playing.

  47. 11 months ago

    I'm not into the japanese version of dadrock.

  48. 11 months ago

    If I owned a PS5 I probably would have bought it.

  49. 11 months ago

    I'd play it if I could buy it

  50. 11 months ago

    Well Anon, you know what they keep saying...
    Go woke... Go broke!

  51. 11 months ago

    >why didn't you buy it?
    >piss 5 exclusive

  52. 11 months ago

    >Game exclusive to the PS5
    I'm surprised that there's even three million plus people who own one.

  53. 11 months ago

    >>the worst selling final fantasy game
    This has more to do with the game being locked to PS5 moron

  54. 11 months ago

    >braindead combat
    >pointless sidequests
    >constant 20+ hours of cutscenes with snail paced dialogue delivery

    • 11 months ago

      Some were extremely boring, but none were pointless. They all did world building.

    • 11 months ago

      Yep, it's a Final Fantasy game

      • 11 months ago

        Sorry to hear you have literally only played 14.

        • 11 months ago

          That's actually one of the games I never played, I stopped at 13-2.
          But sure bro, FF was totally a deep, tactical game series with excellent writing and incredibly tight quest design

    • 11 months ago

      You know sidequests are just that? Optional?
      Having said that I truly believe IQ has dropped 20 points since FFX, seeing the reaction to the sidequests, the reaction was all what the pure mechanics of what you do rather than what it's trying to tell you of the World and the story.

      People playing a story heavy game and surprised it's trying to tell you a story, if you want a gameplay only game that's what Nintendo games are for, they are gameplay heavy story light, Sony games are very much focused in the opposite.

    • 11 months ago

      >I'm moronic and don't actually like video games

  55. 11 months ago

    >a love letter to european medieval heritage
    >PS5 game
    I don't think so, bucko.

  56. 11 months ago

    >PS5 exclusive

  57. 11 months ago

    The Final Fantasy brand is dead. I wouldn't be surprised if FFXVII never comes out at this point.

    • 11 months ago

      I don't give a frick about reviews when some of them were giving it 60/100 for this.

      • 11 months ago

        >villages clearly being based on african architecture
        correct me if I'm wrong, I'm not a consolegay so I didn't get to play this. But was there really any villages that looked like this?

        • 11 months ago

          The Dhalmekian republic has morrocan architecture

        • 11 months ago

          No. And there were plenty of Iraqi, Afghan, Syria, and Persian looking people in the game. These people literally need to see bixnood or the game isn't diverse. That or maybe they wanted giant hook nosed Jafar looking motherfrickers... I don't try to understand them.

        • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      Stranger of Paradise was kino.

    • 11 months ago

      >I wouldn't be surprised if FFXVII never comes out at this point.
      If I was Square I would've dropped FF mainlines for 10+ years and just remade old games. That's what FF fans want really. Maybe make a sequel for XVI in the meantime.

  58. 11 months ago

    A game has to be more than some kind of (perceived) political statement to be good, Black person.

  59. 11 months ago

    I did buy it.
    I finished it just recently, and I really enjoyed it a lot. It was worth purchasing a PS5 for, but still frick Sony.

  60. 11 months ago

    That's great but the gameplay fricking sucks and has nothing to do with Final Fantasy. Also it's only on PS5

  61. 11 months ago

    It's just because it's a PS5 exclusive chill out, almost nobody owns this piece of shit console.
    If it wasn't exclusive it'd be an absolute massive release.
    The PC release will still be huge though mark my words.

    • 11 months ago

      >The PC release will still be huge though mark my words.
      I don't think so, game publicity is all about momentum and it will probably be like the FF7R PC release, no one talked about it because it's not a shiny new thing. I might be wrong though

      • 11 months ago

        7R-2 will probably boost XVI's sales though. When PCgays notices it's still PS5 exclusive for few months before PC release. So there is a chance they might buy XVI instead, still a fresh FF.

      • 11 months ago

        Did you know BG3 was out for 3 years in early access before a "full release".

      • 11 months ago

        FFVIIR got even further divided due to EGS-exclusivity though before it finally arrived on Steam. At full price.

  62. 11 months ago

    PS5 exclusive and I only got one like 2 weeks ago. My backlog is too big. I still need to beat Ghosts of Tsushima and Ragnarök.

    • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        Why do I enjoy watching women play this scene so much?

        • 11 months ago

          i havent played the game, what scene?

      • 11 months ago

        I would recommend you skip Ragnarok, not because of the setting, I loved the older God of War games, or the gameplay, it's similar in some respects to FF16, but the writing. It's written by Anthony, the cuckold, Burch.

        I played every other mainline God of War, why would I stop now?

        • 11 months ago

          For the reason I stated.

          • 11 months ago

            It's written by Anthony Burch? I don't care about that.

        • 11 months ago

          >I played every other mainline God of War, why would I stop now?
          The mainline games stopped at 3. The reboots are californian onions simulators and Kratos became a self-insert.

    • 11 months ago

      I would recommend you skip Ragnarok, not because of the setting, I loved the older God of War games, or the gameplay, it's similar in some respects to FF16, but the writing. It's written by Anthony, the cuckold, Burch.

      • 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago


      I played every other mainline God of War, why would I stop now?

      Ragnarok is great, combat wise, story, the berserkers especially, all around top class

  63. 11 months ago

    Nobody played this because nobody has a fricking ps5. I 100% guarantee it's going to be massively popular on Ganker when it comes out on PC.

  64. 11 months ago

    Only the best side character in all of gaming, coming through.
    Kneel to our Lord and King, Gav!

    • 11 months ago

      worst nothing character

  65. 11 months ago

    release this shit on PC not on a shitty white toaster and I will buy it Black person

  66. 11 months ago


    No thanks.

  67. 11 months ago

    >nobody owns a ps5
    lol haters cope amd seethe, 30mil+ consoles world wide and the demand still practically exceeds the supply.

    they're half right tho. truth is, ps5 demographics currently consist of mostly casual gamers who prefer 2gay sports and call of fortnite: apexzone 2042.

    • 11 months ago

      >muh supply constraints

  68. 11 months ago

    I don't like japcrap.

  69. 11 months ago

    are europeans gay and thats a major part of their heritage?

    • 11 months ago

      Yes, literally yes. It's also part of Samurai culture where the Samurai would take a male lover.

  70. 11 months ago

    >why didn't you buy it?
    No Claire = No Buy.
    I want XIII Remake with open world Cocoon and Pulse, airship to explore this worlds, rewritten scenatio, tons of minigames and side activities, modern action/rpg battle system and photo mode to make Vanille's pictures.

    • 11 months ago

      XIII was the beginning of the end for this franchise. Everything related to it and it's engine ruined this series reputation for over a decade. There's a reason they abandoned it and have never ported it beyond the basic PC version.

      Ragnarok is great, combat wise, story, the berserkers especially, all around top class

      get anthony burchs onions flavored wiener out of your ass

  71. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      He said the same exact thing for FF15, and FF14, Sakaguchi will say anything as long as it nets him money or attention, anyone who takes him seriously or think he has anything of worth to say is a fricking moron

      • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      I kneel

  72. 11 months ago

    >>the worst selling final fantasy game

    Hi Barry. Remind us, how "well" did Forspoken sell?

    • 11 months ago

      FFXV did 5 million in that same time period

      • 11 months ago

        FFXV was also a multi platform game

        • 11 months ago

          XV sold more on PS4 alone than FF16 did on PS5 so that's irrelevant

      • 11 months ago

        and made normies hate the franchise because it was unfinished garbage hyped for a decade

        • 11 months ago

          >and made normies hate the franchise
          because you said so?

        • 11 months ago

          >and made normies hate the franchise
          >20m copies of FF games were sold after XV launched.
          This "XV damaged the brand" shit is probably the saddest fricking cope the yoshida cult could have come up with.
          It was XVI that unironically killed the brand.

  73. 11 months ago

    >whitest final fantasy game
    this is not a final fantasy game, this is a DMC clone. that's why it sold like shit.

  74. 11 months ago

    but anon i did buy it and play it

  75. 11 months ago

    Actual Europeans bought this instead of that Amerimutted trashfire.
    It's an actual RPG as well.

    • 11 months ago

      >Amerimutted trash
      It's Japanese developed with British Voice actors and no Blacks. Keep using buzzwords for games you didn't play because you've got brainrot.

      • 11 months ago

        >It's Japanese developed with British Voice actors and no Blacks
        Made to pander to Amerimutts

        • 11 months ago

          It's made for a Western audience that doesn't meant only the U.S. it means Europe as well, an entire continent of over 30 countries.
          You started by posting Kingdom Come, and now to be a contrarian your end point is to say Japanese games should be weebified.

          • 11 months ago

            >made into action game for a western audience
            >used combat director from DMC and Dragons Dogma which are both niche Japanese games
            good job guys

            • 11 months ago

              Of all the things you're trying to criticise here, to say the combat is bad is you admitting you haven't played it. It's smooth, responsive, you have action cancels, here is a video of a guy who gives a run down on the combat of the game.

              • 11 months ago

                >50 minutes long
                Frick you and frick your shitty video

              • 11 months ago

                >Zoomie has a short attention span
                Back to Gacha for you lil broccoli head.

              • 11 months ago

                My issues with the combat is explained in that video honestly. And I wish they kept more DMC stuff in it such as lack of cooldowns but mana bar for skills that regenerates as you hit enemies more, kinda like limit break but seperate from it. also skills shouldn't be as powerful as they are now skills like gigaflare are too good to not use. This is how I would've designed it to be. I'm also not a fan of how it uses DPAD. I would've prefered if potions were relegated to menus similar to DMC, healing is instant anyways. It also needed more than one weapon type imo. Give me at least a spear and a gauntlet.

    • 11 months ago

      >Made by japs
      >Voiced by brits
      >Written by japs

    • 11 months ago

      shitty game worst than final fantasy

  76. 11 months ago

    they put it on the deadest system of all time.
    then they are gonna rerelease it in another year to Epic Game Store which is the PC equivalent of the deadest system on PC

  77. 11 months ago

    Cid died too early

    • 11 months ago

      this, the charm of the game really falls apart without him. He needed to pass closer to the end. There's a stark drop off in quality once he's gone that's only briefly filled by the spectacle of the Titan and Bahamut fights

      • 11 months ago

        At least we got him, just wished he showed up more

        • 11 months ago

          king shit, he could have solo'd Ultima but was holding back so Clive wasn't embarrassed

  78. 11 months ago

    I like turn based RPGs, not this action trash masquerading as an RPG.

  79. 11 months ago

    >"a love letter to european medieval heritage"

  80. 11 months ago

    Yet sold better than Baldur's gate. You know, the ROARING success of the decade! Really gets your noggin joggin.

    • 11 months ago


  81. 11 months ago

    So where are the SFM porn? Do we have to wait until PC release for that?

    I want to see Mid getting plaped

  82. 11 months ago

    anon its the most generic shitty looking ff so far. like actually god damn. if you want traditional medieval fantasy play ff tactics. ff16 is pure fricking slop anon and I'm sorry you've been tricked into enjoying it by some moron sect of an online cult you subscribe to.

    • 11 months ago

      FF Tactics is alright. Both tactics ogre and triangle strategy curbstomp it in terms of story and gameplay. Hell, speaking of story, how come the tactics fans are the ones complaining the most about the shift from politics to supernatural shit in XVI when their game does the exact same thing?

      • 11 months ago

        haven't played triangle strategy so I can't speak on it. but while tactics ogre is the better game in gameplay. ff tactics has the better story. I avoided triangle because it looked super soulless but I've heard good stuff so I would be down to give it a try if it's above the portable tactics games in quality.

        • 11 months ago

          TS was pretty good, my only complaint really was the shitty soulless art design. Didn't really understand how much having Yoshida/Minagawa on a project contributed to my tolerability of fantasy politics until I played it.

      • 11 months ago

        >when their game does the exact same thing
        Because it does it better, as does Vagrant Story, as does Tactics Ogre.

    • 11 months ago

      Now say it without the buzzwords

  83. 11 months ago

    I don’t get it. They said the west doesn’t like turn based combat but then Baldur’s Gate 3 comes out and it’s selling like hotcakes.

    • 11 months ago

      You people that keep mentioning are absolutely fricking moronic.

      Do you seriously believe NPC are buying baldur gate because of the fricking gameplay?

    • 11 months ago

      the west, outside of weebs, just hates japanese things. In the FF13 era all jap games got bullied publicly into oblivion of western devs and journos until after all the gamers gate stuff blew over. Now if western devs and journos show their true colors they get called out as racist against the japs, so they keep it low key

    • 11 months ago

      BG3 could have been any type of combat, that didn't sell that game. It was the marketing the game to Furries that worked. It gave them the fantasy of being accepted for being able to frick bears.

    • 11 months ago

      >he thinks bg3 is selling well because turn based combat

      • 11 months ago

        BG3 could have been any type of combat, that didn't sell that game. It was the marketing the game to Furries that worked. It gave them the fantasy of being accepted for being able to frick bears.

        Is bear fricking really that common amongst NPC?

        • 11 months ago

          NPCs don't even know why they bought it besides everyone saying it's great. Even the people who say it's great can't tell why it's great. Fricking clown world.

          • 11 months ago

            That's just any game released in the past 5 years, including FF. Most people can't even explain what makes XVI good.

            • 11 months ago

              >Most people can't even explain what makes XVI good.
              I bought it because of gameplay because I like DMC...

  84. 11 months ago

    I genuinely didn't even know there was a new mainline FF game. They used to market these.

    • 11 months ago

      The only reason I know it existed was because of the news that it was banned in Saudi Arabia. Thanks to that shithole I got to enjoy the game

  85. 11 months ago

    Because it was fricking bad.
    Like frick, the characters aren't even white, more like half white/asian.

  86. 11 months ago

    Versus 13 was Final Fantasy's last chance to be relevant and they blew it.

    • 11 months ago

      >Versus trailers were so kino it still lives rent free in the heads of every FF fan 17 years later

      • 11 months ago


  87. 11 months ago

    Nobody wants to buy a PS5

    • 11 months ago

      for the time period we're at PS5 is at 40 mil sold and PS4 was 41 in the same period, considering covid it's right there

  88. 11 months ago

    >wtf Ganker? why didn't you buy it? don't you guys like this sort of shit?
    The combat looks terrible to me:
    """""""fast paced""""" stingers/teleports, QTEs and eye cancer effects that obscure the screen.
    Shame because everything else indeed looks interesting.

  89. 11 months ago

    It turns out hitting all the /misc/ checkboxes doesn't mean you actually have a good game in your hands

  90. 11 months ago

    I liked the game better FF since 10.

    Stay seething 13 and 15 tards

  91. 11 months ago

    >making bahamut gay
    No, thanks.
    >why didn't you buy it?
    I voted with my wallet.

  92. 11 months ago

    Dion is actually cool just like Sylvando in DQ11 but this board is full of /misc/ brainrot morons

  93. 11 months ago

    >ps5 exclusive
    >try to create mass appeal game for western audiences
    >end up with jrpg-flavored dmc clone
    >alienate both your fans and the casuals
    guaranteed DOA, but maybe it'll find a home on PC with the true fans of the series. Console userbase is kids

    • 11 months ago

      From what I've heard it's the PS5 exclusivity that's killing it the hardest. Doubt the Sony money was worth it in the end.

  94. 11 months ago

    It was fine/fun for one playthrough, but I liked FFXV, and I'm aware I'd be in the minority on that stance.

    I liked FFXV's more "open world" and light-hearted gameplay. Camping with the bros and going on road trips with banter was more appealing to me than I'LL KILL YOU, AND THEN I'LL KILL YOU AGAIN!

  95. 11 months ago

    did all the talent leave Square or is it just a lack of proper direction?
    pretty sad to see the franchise become what it is

    • 11 months ago

      It was MMO staff being placed onto a wildly different genre with a wildly different visual fidelity goal, plus the game is so absolutely thoroughly committed to its own dour tone that it doesn't even do moments of levity very often.

      • 11 months ago

        >wildly different visual fidelity goal
        Are you trying to say the graphics are bad?

      • 11 months ago

        the MMO team fricked up for sure but XV was a disaster too so it can't just be them

        Try playing the game instead of watching it through a moronic streamer.

        i finished the game and did most of the side content (couldn't bring myself to finish up the leftovers yet)
        nice projection though

    • 11 months ago

      Try playing the game instead of watching it through a moronic streamer.

    • 11 months ago

      >a lack of proper direction?
      It's this. All of Takai's games suck shit and XVI is only good despite his direction, which is not what you want in a project lead. Consider, for a moment, that the only directors that we've had on Final Fantasy games for the past 15 FRICKING YEARS are the directors responsible for XIII, Type fricking 0, and The Last Remnant. If you ever wondered for a singular second why modern Final Fantasy sucks shit, it's because the dead man walking leadership at the company is the worst case of the unnecessary retainment of boomers since 2000s Capcom.

      It was MMO staff being placed onto a wildly different genre with a wildly different visual fidelity goal, plus the game is so absolutely thoroughly committed to its own dour tone that it doesn't even do moments of levity very often.

      >plus the game is so absolutely thoroughly committed to its own dour tone that it doesn't even do moments of levity very often.
      this isn't a real issue and you should probably consider suicide, your life as a moronic parrot isn't worth the waste of oxygen.

  96. 11 months ago

    unfortunately, shill, i wanted a final fantasy game

  97. 11 months ago

    Fgays keep crying about their turn based but will refuse to play other turn based jrpg games

    • 11 months ago

      That series was ruined now it's about old kingdom white supremacists

    • 11 months ago

      I know right, funny really. Not like there aren't any alternatives as if it's a niche genre with like 3 notable game series.

  98. 11 months ago

    To buy it and play it would require I have a PS5 and I still don't care to own one.

  99. 11 months ago

    Because Garuda fricks black men

    • 11 months ago

      >that scene where Clive cucks him
      worth it

  100. 11 months ago

    I literally didn't even know it existed until it was already out and everyone was making fun of it flopping. whoever is in charge of viral marketing on Ganker should be fired.

    • 11 months ago

      >I didn't know it existed even though there were 30 threads in the catalog at a time and they were all filled with FFXIV tards trying to ebin btfo the Barry boogieman

      • 11 months ago

        somehow I completely missed it. the only threads I remember were the ones laughing it being banned in saudi arabia, and even then I wasn't exactly sure what game it was talking about.

  101. 11 months ago


    >The first scene with the Garuda lady literally has her trying to frick a black man

    • 11 months ago


  102. 11 months ago

    I've heard there's a gay in the game and it makes me lose interest in it completely.
    if, for some reason, ESG points or whatever, that you are forced to make a gay character then you should make it a lesbian one instead, BG3 has a lesbian couple character and everyone loved it.

    • 11 months ago

      People who played the game had no problems with Dion

  103. 11 months ago
  104. 11 months ago

    Cause I don't wanna be part of Sony's dogshit money-grubbing system. Imagine paying to use P2P connections. Or even worse, imagine paying to move your save files.

    • 11 months ago

      XVI has no multiplayer and cloud saves are free for everyone...

      • 11 months ago

        My complaints are about owning a PS5, not FFXVI. And cloud saves aren't free, you need PS+ to use it.

  105. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      So uh... is anybody gonna explain how did he facetank a giant fire explosion? And without getting any wounds?

  106. 11 months ago

    >Why didn't you buy it?
    Because I don't have a PS5

    >Why didn't you buy a PS5?
    Because I don't to waste 600$ for a machine that can only play 2-3 games and need to pay 10$ a month just so I can play online while also having a gaming PC and pay 10$ a month for internet.
    Also the machine is a shitshow that can barely pull 60FPS on a game that "supposed to run perfectly thank to the power of PS5"

  107. 11 months ago

    I bought it. It's kinda shit though. Not enough variety... and I don't mean in minorities.

  108. 11 months ago
  109. 11 months ago

    >why didn't you buy it
    I will when it comes to my platform

  110. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      Terrence is about to do something wrong to Dion alright.

      • 11 months ago

        Nah he won't, Terence won't touch unless Dion initiates and that's probably why he was so shocked at Mid's hug

  111. 11 months ago
  112. 11 months ago

    >subvert noble prince archetype by making him gay
    >subvert expectations the gay will be a degenerate by making him noble
    a perfect circle

  113. 11 months ago

    >PS5 only
    >what the FRICK why isn’t it selling??

    • 11 months ago

      >Hahaha just buy a ps5 gays

  114. 11 months ago

    FF peaked with the first game

    • 11 months ago

      You mean 6th game.

  115. 11 months ago

    >a love letter to european medieval heritage
    It's a love letter to shit american tv shows and films, like every fricking playstation game now.
    >whitest final fantasy game in years
    It has no good characters to begin with, you're as bad as every c**t who demands you have to like a character because they're black or gay , despite them being shit characters
    >the worst selling final fantasy game
    good, it betrayed its roots, everyone involved is a c**t who shat on the old games and fans

  116. 11 months ago

    He's gay because they were required to put it in and it's zoomed out because they weren't happy about it. Which would be based, except it's fricking terrible GOTslop

  117. 11 months ago

    >Slaves in medieval Europe
    >a love letter to european medieval

    • 11 months ago

      Serfs were slaves in the first place.

      • 11 months ago

        No, they weren't, moron, of course someone who defends FFXVIshit doesn't understand basic history.
        Slaves: do not possess property (since they are property themselves), have no right to families, are not part of the local culture and can't express their own cultures, fought in wars, usually of different ethnicity, etc...
        Serfs: had property rights, could leave the manor, were part of the local culture, had the right to have a family and their family would have a place to live and work when they died, didn't go to wars, usually same ethnicity, etc.

  118. 11 months ago

    >why didn’t you buy it?
    I don’t own a PS5 and because it has no other games, I will never own one.

  119. 11 months ago

    its because its ps5 exclusive you Black person

  120. 11 months ago

    I need Black folk and trannies in my slop, sorry

  121. 11 months ago

    I want Clive to sit on my face

    • 11 months ago

      Then go ask him Jill

  122. 11 months ago

    I will never buy a PS5, no matter what game they put on it that I might want to play. PC version or I'm not buying or playing it. Simple as.

  123. 11 months ago

    I'm never buying another Final Fantasy game ever again and I hope Squenix goes bankrupt. The series has been unforgivable shit for longer than it's brought me joy at this point and no muh whyte heritage bullshit is going to change that. Get an actual identity bro.

  124. 11 months ago

    Honestly tuned out since FF11, the high fantasy combat style is just so gay and wanky to me I'd prefer a more whimsical style like 9 or something harder like 7, the models now look like men drawn on those one dollar girly books

    • 11 months ago

      Pretty much, I wanted FF to go back to being Fantasy but instead we got this "Le serious business gritty modern fantasy" shit with a cast of unremarkable characters like Jesus Christ

  125. 11 months ago

    >buying square games after FFX

  126. 11 months ago

    >why didn't you buy it?
    I'm not buying a shitstation 5 just to play it, it's that simple. I'll play it when it's out on PC.
    Square Enix shouldn't have sucked on Sony's dick this hard. Maybe it would have sold more and they'd have made more money if it was on more than one platform. The FF series hasn't been a platform seller for more than a decade now.

  127. 11 months ago

    nobody likes ff16 and clive looks like a persian mutt

  128. 11 months ago

    >homosexuals, homosexuals and more homosexuals
    No, I don't like that stuff.

  129. 11 months ago

    >whitest final fantasy game
    >is actually made for GoT crowd and sacrifices EVERYTHING that made FF good
    I miss Sakaguchi

  130. 11 months ago

    I spent $600 on sony's abortion for it.
    It was pretty fun, most of the problems I had with it I knew would exist going in but it was still pretty nice.
    It does give me a modicum of joy that the franchise is at least back to a baseline of enjoyment after the past 15 years of unplayable garbage, now we just need to work on them being an active recommendation.
    Also Ultima's fight is a bit underwhelming going with the escalation of garuda>typhon>titan>bahamut, ultima's arguably worse than both titan and bahamut but he's still fun enough.

  131. 11 months ago

    This is the most boring-ass looking main character I have ever seen. It is literally Dante and some
    悪魔城ドラキュラ art thrown into an AI blender.

    • 11 months ago

      He looks like XIV's promo WoL than anything else honestly.

      • 11 months ago

        Hey it's the guy that tests old expired rations. Nice.

      • 11 months ago

        lol frickin troons can't understand why nobody really wants to roleplay as a queer furry otherki like they do. get rekt

  132. 11 months ago

    Game is too grim and edgy for my liking also the character designs are all boring as shit, give me another high fantasy style game akin to VI or IX mixed with VII Remake combat and then I'll take interest again

    • 11 months ago

      >Game is too grim and edgy for my liking
      Yeahhh this is kinda my issue with it too. Like damn every few seconds someone’s covered in blood. Chill the heck out with that. And then there’s that fricking ending.

    • 11 months ago

      XIV might be right up your boat, probably the most Final Fantasy since IX.
      Also, you can fully tell they had no confidence in the Game of Shit ripoff they were doing, seeing the game takes a complete 180 towards the end, trying to salvage the misery slog it was with some cute FF bookend.

  133. 11 months ago

    ill buy it when its on pc

  134. 11 months ago

    Because it's on PS5 and it was never really something I cared for, even as a XIV player. It was all the worst parts of stagger damage sponge bullshit with what seemed to be easy dodges and button-mashing out combos, and a really boring "edgy" storyline that was throwing around FF buzzwords without any substance.

    Turns out I was right on both counts.

  135. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      Really hope they make that Jill Clive date dlc

  136. 11 months ago

    It has severe pacing problems and the story falls off a cliff and dies after you beat bahamut.

    • 11 months ago

      Writing's on the wall when you go after Hugo tbh
      The whole bit where Jill gets captured was extremely lazy, things just happen because they need to happen to move the plot forward, rather than in a way that makes sense

  137. 11 months ago



  138. 11 months ago

    I just found it really fun that even e-celebs who got exclusive media coverage from SE didn't like FFXVI all that much

    • 11 months ago

      Really funny watching people act like e-celebs word was law and then turn on them instantly

      • 11 months ago

        Yep. The whiplash from them praising the demo to being lukewarm on the full game was funny as frick

    • 11 months ago

      Ecelebs usually cant play long rpg games, if you want people playing long games you need to find less known ones. Funnily enough only a few vtubers are playing it

      • 11 months ago

        Elden Ring came out last year friend

    • 11 months ago

      The ones I like love it
      Maybe you just have shit taste

      • 11 months ago

        Good for you, but people who SE used in their own media about the game felt it was meh. Even the guy they had on their official twitch channel, who played the game live on stage said he only finished it because he was streamer, and that he liked FFXV better

        • 11 months ago

          Shills like shit, what else is new

          • 11 months ago

            Shills don't usually shit on things they're paid to shill

        • 11 months ago

          >he liked FFXV better
          Streamers hates gameplay what else is new?

  139. 11 months ago

    I'm not buying a PS5.

  140. 11 months ago

    I could not have come up with a more generic looking game if I tried.

  141. 11 months ago

    >release exclusively on a non white console
    here's your mistake

  142. 11 months ago

    I was into the story but I found the gameplay tedious, especially the boss battles with its "death by a 1000 cuts" combat. I was bored by the end of the demo.

  143. 11 months ago

    >action game

  144. 11 months ago

    The last mainline FF game I cared about was released 23 years ago.
    This doesn't seem like a return to form and it's on PS5 which is already a no-go.

  145. 11 months ago

    PS5 exclusive was a fricking moronic

  146. 11 months ago

    The game is ultimately good but suffers greatly from a lot of issues.
    >PS5 exclusive
    >Yoshi-P tier cutscene filler grinds the game's pacing to a fricking halt
    >Takes 3-4 hours before the training wheels come off
    >Ifrit doesn't get upgrades based on clive's unlocks
    >Game drops off a fricking cliff after Bahamut
    >Default game mode feels like journalist difficulty until Odin, even though game journalist mode actually exists, game doesn't feel complete until new game+ at which point the pacing and lack of party building ruins any replayability.

    What little gameplay that is there though, is fricking amazing, Ifrit, Titan and Bahamut fights are the most hype moments in gaming history.

    Its just a shame that people suck Yoshi-P's dick so fricking hard over his dogshit NPC roleplaying that enabled his bullshit MMO tier fetch quests padded out by npcs talking way too fricking much, more control should have been given to Ryota Suzuki to flesh out the gameplay more.

    • 11 months ago

      >more control should have been given to Ryota Suzuki to flesh out the gameplay more
      I'd remove stagger bullshit completely and make enemies hit hard instead. 3 big mistakes / direct hits and you're out, game over. would also add some strategic elements to the gameplay by making enemies resistant to certain attacks so you have to switch your playstyle on the fly. but unfortunately mainline FF was almost always a normie friendly game and the more expensive the production gets the more dumbed down battle system becomes.

    • 11 months ago

      >all those issues + No exploration + No RPG elements such elemental weaknesses + Lack of gear customization
      >Still calls it a good game
      Shittaste + dmg control. And even on FF mode the game is still boring and piss easy, i played through it and died only 2 times because i'm bad at action games.

  147. 11 months ago

    If it wasnt a PS5 exclusice I would have bought it

  148. 11 months ago

    Who the frick owns a PS5 other than tech illiterate blacks and muslims who only want to play the yearly FIFA/NBA/Madden/Call of doody?
    Especially now that Sony has forsaken their weebs and e-girl lovers.

    • 11 months ago

      don't forget us sirs

      • 11 months ago

        I see cyrillic alphabet next to the 6+ years sign, must be a guy from the country of the songs who go very hard or something, not a pajeet.
        That wouldn't be very microsoft certified of a pajeet to own a ps5.

        • 11 months ago

          He looks like a pajeet though. Possibly imported from one of the stans. Might be Tajik too.

  149. 11 months ago

    I'd like it if it wasn't a Final Fantasy game

    • 11 months ago

      If it wasn't a final fantasy game it wouldn't have any of the fun parts and would just be a boring slog

    • 11 months ago

      It's a Drakengard game.

  150. 11 months ago

    I don't know about you but I do know that Baldur's Gate 3 is the video game experience of a lifetime. Gamers need to stop wasting their time on games masquerading as RPGs, like Zelda and Final Fantasy and spend your hard earned money on a game like Baldur's Gate 3, a title that ups your gamer cred.

    Remember to purchase Baldur's Gate 3 or you can't call yourself a hardcore gamer. Baldur's Gate 3 isn't just a game, it's a lifestyle.

    • 11 months ago

      Don't want to be a part of that lifestyle. Happy with my White Man's Fantasy.

  151. 11 months ago

    Am glad this shit flopped like a fricking b***h

    Go woke go broke

    That irrelevant literal who homosexual is.so fricking disgusting he singlehandedly tanked the sales of the game

    • 11 months ago

      Reddit spacing
      Making up woke culture war nonsense about a game for white men
      Claims of being glad but is clearly seething

      • 11 months ago

        Holy newbie

        More like game for trannies and homosexuals


        Methinks you're the one seething because your homosexual game flopped like a fricking b***h

        Kek what a kwab

        • 11 months ago


          • 11 months ago

            We know homosexual, you clearly dont belong here

            • 11 months ago

              Go back

              • 11 months ago

                Thank god. I am glad I dont have to be an inferior sex.

                God ordered women to be obedient towards men because they are the inferior sex.

                Lol, you think you can play your magic tricks on me like changing word meanings or frick logic in the ass and get away with it, not gonna work sorry.

                homosexuals are homosexuals, disgusting and vile.

              • 11 months ago

                yep, it checks out

      • 11 months ago

        >Netflix adaptation Iconography
        >Dishonest Cinematography
        >Proto-Slysoy Disenfranchisement peddled as Incel entertainment/Beta Powerplay
        >Barking indefinite Soken score
        >Neo Gankereddit hangups: camera schizophrenia and meme dialogue
        >Meta-Quip syndrome (refusing to quip is just as problematic as indulging in See: Nolan)
        >Post-Isayama inversions
        >Stoicism as social currency inverted through solipsistic eceleb fetish

        • 11 months ago

          Pretentious moron espousing feminist and consoomer rhetoric hoping nobody notices can't even make a meme list that's even half accurate
          Why even try at that point, it's just fricking sad

  152. 11 months ago

    I dont have a ps5 and it's not 4 homies in a row, if I wanted to play dmc I'd play dmc

  153. 11 months ago

    >wtf Ganker? why didn't you buy it?

    I like RPG in my JRPGs, thanks

  154. 11 months ago

    There's an entire country based on North Africa or the Middle East in that game. That aside, I don't feel like getting a PS5 just for one game even if it's a great game. I just stick to looking at Joshua/Clive yaoi for now.

    • 11 months ago

      Dhalmekia is actually populated, I shit you not, by tanned native Euros. Google names like Dalimil or Jachym and see where they come from.

  155. 11 months ago

    Stop pretending this game with literal homosexualry is based just because there's no blacks. It's just sad. And I would have bought it on PC eventually if not for those 10 seconds they just had to add. I like action games enough to overlook the gameplay change but I will not entertain some japs' gay fantasies.

    • 11 months ago

      >"the exception is the standard" bullshit
      That is literally what you're doing, moron
      One gay relationship with a character that is explicitly both an outlier and set up to fail is suddenly "the entire game is filled with gays"
      There is nothing worse on this planet than an ideological hypocrite with no self-awareness

  156. 11 months ago

    Finding out how great and versatile it is, anyone have uses/methods for it that they like? Also the Garuda half stagger thing, and Shivas freeze on dodge is perfect for getting dancing steel off.

  157. 11 months ago

    >whitest final fantasy
    >literal middle eastern characters in the game

    • 11 months ago

      They are just tan whites

      • 11 months ago

        Ok so now arabs are white. Gotcha.

  158. 11 months ago

    I'm buying it when it comes to pc.

  159. 11 months ago

    Port it to a platform I like playing on (PC) and then we'll talk.

    I'm not buying a GayStation 5 for one game no-matter how good it is in this economy.

  160. 11 months ago

    >bros how did it fail how did it sell so little i dont get it how could this possibly b-
    ps5 exclusive. its a fricking ps5 exclusive i dont get whats so hard to grasp

    • 11 months ago

      Everybody with a brain understands this, moron. You're posting in a Barry thread.

    • 11 months ago

      >ps5 exclusive
      VII and X were also exclusive to their consoles.
      Still sold better.

      • 11 months ago

        VII and X also werent the only fricking games their consoles had so there was more of a reason to pick up said consoles, whats your point

        • 11 months ago

          >pick up said consoles,
          *PS1 and PS2 had a lower install base when VII and X launched than XVI did with the ps5 btw
          Please try another cope

          • 11 months ago

            post week 1 numbers for 7 and 10 homosexual. or are you just going to post jap physical sales again like we still live in period where people under 40 buys dvds

            • 11 months ago

              You don't get it troon? You can spam as many ff14/ff16 threads on this website NO ONE will touch your weebshit trash.

              • 11 months ago

                are the trannies in the room with us right now?

            • 11 months ago

              >post week 1 numbers for 7 and 10 homosexual.
              judging by XVI's poor legs, week 1 numbers aren't going to mean much.

  161. 11 months ago

    The gameplay is dumbed down, simple as

    In the industry they tought there is no end to causalization of games, but the truth is that you need to stay in balance. Causalization mean to do games not too difficult that doesn't need manuals and excell sheets, not that the game play itself. Never go full moron.

    • 11 months ago

      >The gameplay is dumbed down, simple as
      Compared to XV and XIII - its a major improvement

  162. 11 months ago

    >PS5 exclusive
    It was always going to sell poorly, who the frick even bothered buying a PS5

    • 11 months ago

      People who don't like and wouldn't be open to playing a Final Fantasy game, for one
      Best you'll get are the diehard nostalgiagays who wouldn't care for XVI anyway

  163. 11 months ago


  164. 11 months ago

    A Japanese game locked on San Francisco Station sold poorly? Shocking

  165. 11 months ago

    >homosexuals demand "representation"
    >"frick no, make your own game"
    >they make their own game
    >we refuse to buy it
    You wastoids are insufferable.

    • 11 months ago

      When you continually lie about a game you don't like for reasons you can't admit to yourself for some reason

      • 11 months ago

        How can I dislike a game I haven't played? And I will never play it because I will not play any game that I know depicts homosexuals and other mentally ill freaks in a positive light. You are all perverts and deserve to burn.

        • 11 months ago

          >Admitting that he's lying but without the self-awareness to notice it
          lmao, literally letting the israelites lead you by the nose

          • 11 months ago

            What did I lie about? Stop coping, homosexual.
            >muh israelites
            Ah, yes, because despite homosexuals being hated worldwide by all races and creeds... somehow you have to hate israelites in order to hate gays.

  166. 11 months ago

    >Snoy exclusive
    >Didn't deliver on sex and gore (no female nipples nothing)
    >Yoshi piss trying to pandar to westerners
    >Hates on JRPG
    >No e-girls
    >Also SE censoring FF7R so I don't support them

  167. 11 months ago

    My Xbox is already exclusively used for watching movies.
    Why use the PlayStation for another one?

  168. 11 months ago

    >FF16tards only claim that their game is good is by invoking a race card

    • 11 months ago

      >ew, someone put anime in here, I never said I liked final fantasy

  169. 11 months ago

    >expecting me to buy a PS5, when this shit'll be out on PC in a year
    Square needs to get it together and remember what year it is.

  170. 11 months ago

    nobody that plays games like ff16 owns a playstation

    the ps5 is the Nintendo Wii of this gen, normies buy it and have no clue why they just think it looks cool

    • 11 months ago

      >CoDbox 5

  171. 11 months ago

    Because it is not a FF game, it has 0 RPG mechanics
    Because "European medieval heritage != Game of Thrones Slop"
    Because the action combat is inferior to the games the gameplay is supposedly based on
    Because it is explicitly a game NOT for FF fans but for a new market segment that doesn't care for FF

    • 11 months ago

      the most european FF was the best one

  172. 11 months ago

    Not playing your homosexual shit, nipjews.

  173. 11 months ago

    >FF troons went from "it's a great success cauz square enix said so" to "meh, nobody bought it because it's on ps5".
    You vile troons, ps5 sold 40 millions which is the same number as ps1 back when ff7 got released.
    NOBODY on PC wants to touch your weebshit for pedophiles, hence why ff14 is a flop and bg3 is a success

    • 11 months ago

      I don't have a PS5 and I want to play it, weird ass lying western slop shill
      It's well known that only mutts have that trash console, it took off as an accessory for madden, netflix, and phone charging

    • 11 months ago

      You don't get it troon? You can spam as many ff14/ff16 threads on this website NO ONE will touch your weebshit trash.

      The groomers are full of lies.
      If you listen to them ff14 is the most popular game rn with 24 million subs.
      have a nice day you weeb troon

      Desperate falseflagging troony posting on cooldown acting like he's not mad
      lmao and a zoomzoom too

  174. 11 months ago

    Remember when it was announced Saudi's banned it for allegedly having gay shit, and a whole bunch of Ganker shills promised everyone there was no gay shit and that all those articles were lies?

    • 11 months ago

      The groomers are full of lies.
      If you listen to them ff14 is the most popular game rn with 24 million subs.

      I don't have a PS5 and I want to play it, weird ass lying western slop shill
      It's well known that only mutts have that trash console, it took off as an accessory for madden, netflix, and phone charging

      have a nice day you weeb troon

  175. 11 months ago

    recently played ffxii and it was actually pretty cozy

  176. 11 months ago

    I did, and the gameplay sucks. It doesn't evolve at all after the tutorial. Same combo throughout the whole game, except you get a few active abilities on cooldown. Boring. It's like playing Ninja Gaiden with a level 1 dragon sword and nothing else, but worse.

  177. 11 months ago

    The least ambitious final sloptasy

  178. 11 months ago

    So apparently the guy who made this game is only popular cauz he made a wow clone?
    lmao the state of japanese companies.

    • 11 months ago

      You have to understand that all soul was lost when Sakaguichi left and Sqauresoft became Square Enix. For the last 20 years they have been riding the coat tails of previous previous success.

  179. 11 months ago

    final fantasy game in years
    >>a love letter to european medieval heritage
    >>the worst selling final fantasy game
    >wtf Ganker? why didn't you buy it? don't you guys like this sort of shit?

    why do homosexuals like you have to make it all about racial politics and bullshit , most gamers don't give a frick about that they simply care if the story is good or bad and this shitty game is not an rpg and a total failure

    • 11 months ago

      >they simply care if the story is good or bad and this shitty game is not an rpg
      Imagine typing this out and having so little ability to reflect that you don't see the issue with it

  180. 11 months ago

    >game is called FINAL Fantasy
    >there's like 20 of them

  181. 11 months ago

    The homotroony character was really unnecessary to be honest

    I hate Black folk but I despise homosexuals more

    • 11 months ago

      You didn't play it, and this post comes off as schizo astroturfing.

      • 11 months ago

        >uhhh sweety there are no gays in the game, that isn't why Saudi banned it

        • 11 months ago

          You don't belong here, get out.

          Samegayging schizo pretending he's not an insane tourist lmao

          • 11 months ago

            This stale old cope again?

            L M A O

            • 11 months ago

              Prove me wrong
              Oh wait, you can't
              Go home, redditor

              • 11 months ago

                Yep not only you're a homosexual you're also a newbie

              • 11 months ago

                >Doesn't know about post timers or that other people can see this information
                >Calls other people newbies

              • 11 months ago

                I was here before you got here in 2016 bucko.
                Ganker was always filled with far right. You clearly don't belong here.

              • 11 months ago

                >Resorting to random defensive propaganda when called out for being a dumbass
                And I'm supposed to believe this isn't troony falseflagging

              • 11 months ago

                Newsflash you hypocritical homosexual, to normal people, like me, homos and trannies are equally as bad

          • 11 months ago

            Gay people are vile and disgusting

            Prove me wrong: you cant

            • 11 months ago

              People with lose buttholes do smell like shit, so I can't prove you wrong.

            • 11 months ago

              Why would I? That's true, which is why I like games that point it out
              You just want to lose at this point

      • 11 months ago

        You don't belong here, get out.

  182. 11 months ago

    >final fantasy has sucked ass for the past two decades, a period longer than it has ever been around
    >put new game on a console no one has
    >game tanks

  183. 11 months ago

    It's on PS5, I don't have a PS5

    • 11 months ago

      yes, troonsisters!
      Once the game releases on steam we will show you how popular it is!!!!

  184. 11 months ago

    Why are the troonies so mad that people don't care about final fantasytroon?
    The game bombed, now move on.

  185. 11 months ago

    >yellow is white

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