Who the frick are these dudes from the generic white guy with grizzled facial hair from the ps3/x360 gen?

Who the frick are these dudes from the generic white guy with grizzled facial hair from the ps3/x360 gen? I know everyone else.

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    one in the top row is Alan Wake. that's all I know.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Why are you in v of you don't know gaming?
      This guy don't know whatever Snake, GTA guy, Chris Redfield, Uncharted guy, Joel, Heavy Rain guy etc

      Go back to LGBT board

      • 2 weeks ago

        >nooooo how do you not know all of this moviegame slop protagonists who look almost identical

        • 2 weeks ago


          • 2 weeks ago


            • 2 weeks ago

              >he did not recognize Shepard from Mass Effect


              • 2 weeks ago

                i didnt fricking circle sheppard you fricking moron

  2. 2 weeks ago

    From top-left to bottom-right
    Alan Wake
    Alex Denton
    No idea, I remember that face from somewhere though
    One of the Heavy Rain protagonists
    BF4 guy
    Frank West
    No idea
    No idea, I remember that face from somewhere though
    Sebastian Castellanos

  3. 2 weeks ago

    peak mc design btw

    • 2 weeks ago

      Of course it is. That's why everyone used it.

  4. 2 weeks ago

    bottom left I think is charlie from binary domain?

  5. 2 weeks ago

    >Row 1
    Far Cry 3 guy?
    Alan Wake
    >Row 2
    WD guy
    Nathan Drake
    Heavy Rain guy
    Spec Ops guy
    Alex Denton
    >Row 3
    Black Ops guy
    Chris Redfield
    Frank Morgan
    BF4 guy
    Last of Us guy
    >Row 4
    Dead Space guy
    Ride to Hell guy
    GTAV guy
    Frank Morgan
    >Row 5
    Painkiller guy
    Max Payne (3)
    >Row 6
    Naked Snake

    Man the seventh gen was forgettable.

  6. 2 weeks ago

    Who are the guys circled in green?

    • 2 weeks ago

      at least 20% of these guys aren't even the protagonists

    • 2 weeks ago

      Top one is from CoD Advanced Warfare, I think
      The second one must be from Wolf Among Us
      The rest dunno

    • 2 weeks ago

      David Mason

      Some dude from an obscure Xbox 360 vampire game

      John Tanner from Driver: San Francisco

      I Am Alive guy

      Murphy Pendleton from Silent Hill: Downpour

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Murphy Pendleton from Silent Hill: Downpour
        Ah, no wonder that face was very familiar

  7. 2 weeks ago

    >vidya is so bad now people are actually feeling nostalgic for the grey cowaduty military shooter slop era

    • 2 weeks ago

      yes military were the slop of the time, like how 2D sidescroller Sonic clones were the slop of the 4th gen, JRPG FFVII clones being slop of the 5th gen, and open world GTA clones being the slop of the 6th gen. every period had its slop games

  8. 2 weeks ago

    Most of these MCs are cool characters, but the problem is msot of them come from that really boring era of gaming where every vodya was some linear hallway shooter that's third person and darkly lit.

    I don't miss the 6th gen days

    • 2 weeks ago

      >where every vodya was some linear hallway shooter that's third person and darkly lit.
      But that's apparently what Ganker thinks every game should be these days. Doing otherwise is "falling for the open world meme".

      • 2 weeks ago

        Which is funny cause Ganker used to absolutely trash the games from OP's pic constantly. Alot of them had the same exact problems as today, down to the cinematic quick time cutscenes and small levels intended to be visual setpieces.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >I don't miss the 6th gen days
      we had a few decent games like
      >halo 3
      >demons souls
      >drakenguard 3
      >lost odessy
      >infinite undiscovery
      and a few more im forgetting
      but yeah it was mostly hot garbage, especially compared to the previous era

  9. 2 weeks ago


  10. 2 weeks ago

    Top: Alan Wake
    2nd row top right: Bioshock's MC
    3rd row: first one looks like the Heavy Rain guy, the other is the guy from Battlefield 4
    4th row: I think that's Frank West from Dead Rising
    5th: dunno
    Bottom row: the one at the right is the MC from The Evil Within

    • 2 weeks ago

      5th row looks like Harry Mason from Silent Hill Shattered Memories
      other guy in row 6 is from homefront the revolution

  11. 2 weeks ago

    I wonder how the people who's actual faces are the basis and they actually look like that IRL feel about being labeled "generic white guy with grizzled facial hair"

    • 2 weeks ago

      I vaguely remember it actually being a real thing that women have more variety in physical appearance while men have more variety in personality and mental ability. It's just no one really cares in the real world about someone having a "generic" face.

  12. 2 weeks ago

    Wow the games industry has hated white people for a long time.

  13. 2 weeks ago

    1. Alan Wake, protagonist of Alan Wake. He's a famous writer with writer's block and he visits a mysterious town with his wife and some dark forces kidnap her. I'm just going off of my memory.
    2. Alex Denton, protagonist of Deus Ex: Invisible War. Never played it.
    3. Jack Wynand, protagonist of Bioshock. You never see his face in-game so his inclusion in this list is pointless.
    4. Norman Jayden, one of the main characters of Heavy Rain. FBI agent investigating child murders.
    5. Sgt Daniel Recker, player character of Battlefield 4. He's also never seen in-game.
    6. Frank West, Dead Rising. Photojournalist investigating the Willemette Outbreak.
    7. Harry Mason, Silent Hill: Shattered Memories. Crashed his car in Silent Hill during a blizzard and he searches for his missing daughter.
    8. Random dude used in an advert for Homefront: The Revolution. Supposedly the player character but he's never seen in-game either (except a DLC from the perspective of another character.)
    9. Sebastian Castellanos, The Evil Within. He's a police detective investigating some murder at an asylum or hospital and some crazy paranormal stuff ensues.

  14. 2 weeks ago

    the guy furthest to the right is Jack and is the person you play in Bioshock

    • 2 weeks ago

      actually I don't remember if his name was Jack or John, but it's the protag from Bioshock

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