Why are Aasimar not as popular as Tieflings?

Why are Aasimar not as popular as Tieflings? Do people just have an inferiority complex about not being as perfect as angels?

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  1. 3 weeks ago

    Because they often just look like normal people but with a glow about them so they're no more interesting than a regular Human.

    You'd be better off just making Aasimar and Tieflings just a singular race if that's some big touch point for you.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Cause the art tends to be boring. Aasimars in pathfinder have much more variety in design and appearance and consequently see significantly more play than in 5e

      They can have way more variety in 5E, people just tend to pick angel wings or boring things to go along with it.

  2. 3 weeks ago

    not in 5e's phb
    no popular internet celebrity playing as one

    • 3 weeks ago

      >no popular internet celebrity playing as one
      This. People get interested and have their own ideas after seeing it in do cool things in media.

  3. 3 weeks ago

    Cause the art tends to be boring. Aasimars in pathfinder have much more variety in design and appearance and consequently see significantly more play than in 5e

    • 2 weeks ago

      Would Aasimar be more popular if they had an angel form they could morph/transform/unfold into?

    • 2 weeks ago

      I really liked how in Kingmaker the aasimar portraits had halos around the heads like Medieval paintings of saints.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Aasimars in Pathfinder are more popular because they're top 3 strongest races in the game along with Human and Half-Elf, and the only "normal" allowed race with +2 to two different ability scores with no penalty. They're INCREDIBLY common in 1e as a result (where barely anyone played Tieflings), and in 2e you can make any race an "aasimar" as a heritage option, meaning that human aasimar is the best race in the game since it gets you Natural Ambition, Unconventional Weaponry, Clever Improviser, etc. plus racial flight and darkvision which basically everybody in 2e needs at higher levels. Male human fighter is the strongest build in 2e, being an aasimar means you don't even need outside help for flight and darkvision and are 100% self sufficient even when fighting dragons

  4. 3 weeks ago

    Why do we have this thread like once a month at minimum?

    • 3 weeks ago

      Same guy trying to turn this into a culture war topic. He ban evades.

  5. 2 weeks ago

    allowing Planescape races to playable has been an issue, has it?

  6. 2 weeks ago

    I don’t get it either. You’d think more people would want to play as them.

  7. 2 weeks ago
    Someone else.

    Less publicity, less alien aesthetic, not as edgy, fewer people playing them in live play games, less official artwork, not in the PHB for D&D 5e, more gimmicky (at least in the earlier 5e hardbacks), etc.

    Personally, I fricking love Aasimar, and I use the old /tg/-created 3.5 table for playing as them with a more alien nature, even in other games. A simple percentile, with more traits showing up as the character climbs up the level table.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Not that I dislike Aasimar, but what about Genasi, why aren’t they more popular like Tieflings either, and how can we fix that?

      Like this traits table, can we come up with one for Genasi too? Because I’ve never seen one for Genasi before.

      • 2 weeks ago
        Someone else.

        Who's 'we?' Go ahead and make one. That's how /tg/ gets shit done. We find a niche and fill it.

        • 2 weeks ago

          You're talking to the parasite known as bumpgay/Literary Lord. All he does is keep threads alive by demanding everyone else do the thinking for him.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Maybe they’d be more popular if it was less a race and more of a modifier another race. Speaking of, here’s a picture of an Aasimar/Fire Genasi mix I found.

        Someone actually posted a good number of traits for a potential Genasi roll table at


        , but got no hitters. It still needs like 40 more to get to a full 100, but this is a good start. If people show interest I might post the full list here, but for now, what do you think of them?

        • 2 weeks ago

          Here, I'll start posting them: 1/3

          1-Hair is perpetually covered elemental residue (ash, water, mud, small sparks)
          2-Skin changes colour in accordance with your surroundings.
          3-Clothing not resistant to home element is gradually destroyed when worn.
          4-Body takes the form of an amorphous elemental while unconscious.
          5-Can commune normally with an animal connected to home element (eg salamanders/fish/moles/eagles)
          6-No blood. Water genasi bleed water instead.
          7-Weather changes are always more extreme in your vicinity.
          8-Glows brightly in the presence of home element.
          9-Can only refer to natural features, such as mountains and lakes, in primordial.
          10-Body is surrounded by the energy of a para-elemental plane instead of elemental.
          11-Can only see in hues of one colour (red/blue/silver/green).
          12-Ground rumbles and winds intensify when injured.
          13-Always knows the exact locations of nearby sources of home element.
          14-Body is translucent with swirling elements visible beneath the skin.
          15-Can consume home element as if it were regular food.
          16-Has severe allergic reactions when in direct contact with opposite element.
          17-Left half of face comprised entirely of home element.
          18-Animals instinctively sense approach.
          19-Four differently coloured shadows, one for each element.
          20-Always smells burning, feels wet, hears a storm or tastes dirt.
          21-Instinctively knows the name of any elemental met face-to-face.
          22-Voice becomes supernaturally loud when near home element.
          23-Blazes with intense power when casting a spell or receiving a spell effect.
          24-Any children conceived are guaranteed to be born sorcerers.
          25-Instantly slips through any mundane bindings or restraints.
          26-Body can be used as an arcane focus by self and by others.
          27-Can't be lost so long as feet touch home element
          28-Voice sounds like it comes from crackling flame, turbulent waves, violent winds or rumbling earth.
          29-Elemental energy randomly flares from head

          • 2 weeks ago


            30-Height and general body shape constantly shift.
            31-Instinctively knows whether someone frequently uses elemental power (eg elemental sorcerers and wizards, dragons)
            32-Never shows sign of injury when immersed in or injured by home element, but takes damage as normal.
            33-Feet become an indistinct elemental swirl when moving.
            34-Limbs seemingly meld with body when not in use.
            35-Invariably phrases desires as wishes.
            36-Intense claustrophobia.
            37-Can always tell the exact temperature, volume, metallic composition or speed of objects seen.
            38-Falls either twice as fast or half as fast.
            39-Eyes always reflect a random location in the home element's plane.
            40-A mote of elemental energy circles the head, changing shape and element in accordance to mood.
            41-Remains dry and comfortable in bad weather and unpleasant conditions.
            42-Smokes, floats, floats in a water a bubble, or slowly sinks into the ground when remaining completely still.
            43-Fists swirl with elemental energy and deal corresponding elemental damage when used to attack unarmed.
            44-When focusing, appears entirely and indistinguishably human. When distracted, appears very clearly planetouched.
            45-Compelled to listen whenever someone states their wishes.
            46-Those that touch you feel burns, frostbite, a crushing or piercing sensation, or an electric shock
            47-Understands the entirety of any magical effect seen that deals damage or has an effect corresponding with home element.
            48-Hair instantly grows when head is submerged in home element.
            49-Can sense incoming weather changes and natural disasters minutes before they happen.
            50-Requires intense focus to not speak and write in primordial

            • 2 weeks ago


              51-Reflection has a chance to appear as if the Genasi is made of the their element
              52-Spells using their element have a 50% chance to be twice as powerful if cast in their vicinity.
              53-If a spell would do damage relating to their element, they have a 10% chance of regenerating that amount of health instead.
              54-Eyes flare with an elemental glare when casting a spell with that element.
              55-Has a feature or features from an animal connected to their home element.
              56-Can breath in their element or byproducts with no side effects (Fire Genasi can breath smoke, Air poison gas, etc.).
              57-Can imbue their weapons in an elemental aura.

              Less publicity, less alien aesthetic, not as edgy, fewer people playing them in live play games, less official artwork, not in the PHB for D&D 5e, more gimmicky (at least in the earlier 5e hardbacks), etc.

              Personally, I fricking love Aasimar, and I use the old /tg/-created 3.5 table for playing as them with a more alien nature, even in other games. A simple percentile, with more traits showing up as the character climbs up the level table.

              Speaking of, besides any more of these traits for Genasi, are there any ways to improve this Aasimar traits table? Like, what could replace "one ear malformed", and why is that even a choice?

              • 2 weeks ago

                How about blood that crystallizes, rather than coagulates?

              • 2 weeks ago

                That works. And for Genasi there could be an equivalent where blood turns into an elemental substance, thanks.

              • 2 weeks ago

                giving aasimar odd ribbons isn't going to make them more interesting.

              • 2 weeks ago

                What would you do to make Aasimar more interesting then? Or Genasi for that matter?

              • 2 weeks ago

                A little more BE NOT AFRAID in your angels, which and subsequently Aasimars. Extra eyes where they shouldn't be, stigmata, footsteps sound like bells instead of their normal sound (normal footstep volume), etc.

              • 2 weeks ago

                "Here, roll for special effects on this table" does not make them more compelling

              • 2 weeks ago

                >"one ear malformed", and why is that even a choice?
                I'd say it suggests that (a) God whispered something in their ear. That would have been fine for their Angelic parent, as a lot of their job traditionally is to act as an intermediary between the infinite power of the divine and mere mortals, but it is still a bit much for a halfsie Aasimar. Not enough to annihilate them instantly like it would anyone else, but enough to leave a scar.

      • 2 weeks ago

        5e just doesn't make Genasi interesting either lorewise or mechanically. They're just people with exotic skin and access to a single free spell.

        4e at tried a bit more, giving a shitload of racial feats, a bunch more subtypes, and gave the option to develop additional elemental affinities to swap between.

        • 2 weeks ago

          This. I'd rather play a guy with some divinity or some backstory, some options for stuff like getting wings and more with plot opportunities, some kind of thematic clash with the team rather than element man with basically a powergamer ability writeoff like pass without a trace. They're not interesting enough to mechanically frick with or to expand the tactical front at all, getting art for them is a pain, they're just a little too freaky for a lot of people and really, they're just really not that inspiring of anything considering the majority of Elemental representation are Djins and Djins are just dicks.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Have you considered suicide? I mean really, seriously considered suicide? It could solve every one of your problems. It wouldn't even take five minutes. Just go to your kitchen, find a knife, and run the tip down the veins on your wrist. Please commit suicide and spare yourself a lifetime of dealing with society.

  8. 2 weeks ago

    Because I have yet to play in a setting that has them as an available option, and I have yet to play a paladin, and I also want to play a Silver Dragonborn Paladin of Bahamut when I play a Paladin so IDK what I'd even do with an aasimar

  9. 2 weeks ago

    why are either of them popular
    why is anyone okay with people who play them as a substitute for creating an actual personality for their character

  10. 2 weeks ago

    This thread certainly seems to be as popular to make about threads b***hing directly about tieflings.

  11. 2 weeks ago

    People just don’t want to play the good guys anymore.

  12. 2 weeks ago

    Less depth of characterization, proceeded directly to flanderization of an already one note archtype. Which is pretty sad considering how shallow tieflings are but there you go.

  13. 2 weeks ago

    Why does OP keep remaking this thread every couple of weeks?

  14. 2 weeks ago

    Aasimar tend to remind people of actual successful normies, and so fill them with feelings of resentment and inadequacy.

    • 2 weeks ago


      • 2 weeks ago

        What part of that is pol even

        • 2 weeks ago

          Sad, bitter and envious part. Arguably, it's closer to Ganker than /misc/ in anon's version.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Missed the quints just like you missed the point. Pathetic

    • 2 weeks ago

      Nearly any TTRPG character is more like a successful normie than they are a TTRPG player.
      It's actually that the people who play as Aasimar are failed normalgays who want to larp as a successful hero by picking what they see as a protagonist race. Aasimar are an extremely popular choice among the redditor geeks that I know who play dnd, even moreso than tieflings now.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >everbody wishes that they were well-liked, beautiful/handsome, and in a loving relationship, and when lacking those things they feel upset
      The internet has really revolutionised the ability to find people who think they're deep by stating something unbelievably obvious, at least it's better than the one you usually see of the doomer pretending that normalgays don't self-improve

    • 2 weeks ago

      >everbody wishes that they were well-liked, beautiful/handsome, and in a loving relationship, and when lacking those things they feel upset
      The internet has really revolutionised the ability to find people who think they're deep by stating something unbelievably obvious, at least it's better than the one you usually see of the doomer pretending that normalgays don't self-improve

      Man I never once wished to be the popular jock with a girlfriend.
      Not once in my life.
      No, I wished to be the guy with the giant evil corporation releasing super viruses and making giant lasers on the moon, with a team of sexy bodyguards.
      Seeing this picture just makes me feel sad because they didn't make it, I won't make it, and so few people make it.
      And of those who make it, very few release super viruses, have a giant laser, or a team of sexy bodyguards.
      Basically nobody is doing the thing I want and it makes me sad.

  15. 2 weeks ago

    Just make them sexy people with
    Halos, small wings and feathers, and sometimes go full trones.

    Have them marble, or porcelain skin.

  16. 2 weeks ago

    I wants to have sex with this angels

    • 2 weeks ago

      thats Albedo, and shes a succubus.

  17. 2 weeks ago

    How about giving them the ability to turn into celestial beasts like this?

    • 2 weeks ago

      How about you have a nice day in the head bumpgay?

  18. 2 weeks ago

    Aasimar are even worse than tieflings, the only race more freakshit than them is dragonborn

  19. 2 weeks ago

    Aasimar with wings, based or cringe?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Based if they slowly become more obviously divine as they level up.

      • 2 weeks ago
        Someone else.

        This. I eat that shit up. One of the books I put on the wiki had that premise.

        • 2 weeks ago

          What's the name please?

          • 2 weeks ago
            Someone else.


            • 2 weeks ago


      • 2 weeks ago

        What are your favorite ways to show said divinity?

        • 2 weeks ago

          Room gets a little bit lighter when they enter, skin takes on a bit of a metallic hue, naturally melodious voice, lots of different ways to hint at it before something big like a full halo appears.

          • 2 weeks ago

            What about something similar with Genasi?

  20. 2 weeks ago

    Aasimar can't jerk off to a persecution complex and be misunderstood bad boys or thinly veiled metaphors for maligned minorities like the X-Men are. The default angst of an Aasimar is living up to high expectations and coming to terms with the fact you are a literal holy silver spoon blessed with a fancy magic birthright that makes you better and holier than other people from birth and that others might resent you for that, or some imposter syndrome shit where they need to realize that their own efforts and accomplishments are worthwhile even if they got an angel dust boost. Which is not very compelling, and while some people enjoy the experience of roleplaying the "Preacher's Son" success-is-taken-for-granted, failure-is-a-colossal-disappointment shit it's not really something most people care about, and "woe is me, my literal shining halo and literal guardian angel guaranteeing me a million years of happiness and divine blowjobs in the afterlife should I perish on our quest" is not super sympathetic even if the person in question might feel pressured by the attention.

    Basically the same reason nobody gives a shit about Angel in the X-Men compared to Nightcrawler. Even if you want to play a goody-two-shoes fantasy tradcath religious character, it's often more interesting if they have a monstrous appearance through no fault of their own on top of the Catholic guilt (which is also true of Nightcrawler).

    • 2 weeks ago

      i have a question. Why are asimar the chad race of setting. Why would it be good to be a strange and alien being among mortals? The angels who visited Sodom tried to be raped, albinos are castrated and cannibalized in Africa and who knows what religious interpretation a certain cult may have about the aasimar.

      this view on aasimar is basically described by someone who only plays tieflings.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Why would it be good to be a strange and alien being among mortals?
        Strange and alien because of their superiority. The angels who visited Sodom were harassed because of their supernatural beauty, and the city got nuked for it.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >Strange and alien because of their superiority. The angels who visited Sodom were harassed because of their supernatural beauty, and the city got nuked for it.

          aasimar arent totally angel, they are still are human with this features, this make them outcast. imagine someone who wanna rape your or eat you because belive that you flesh will make them imortal. Even in a society were light force are valued they would still have to deal with the responsibility of why something bad happened and god didn't interview.

  21. 2 weeks ago

    I’d give them a more “Biblical” alternative for like picture related that they can take in combat, with Tieflings and Genasi having an equivalent form as well.

  22. 2 weeks ago

    that, but also I feel like if I'm going all-out freaky on an aasimar I can't really play the kind of character I find enjoyable

  23. 2 weeks ago

    I just don't have room for them in muh setting. I go with the idea that the first generation children of divine beings are of mighty stature, have a fire within them that grants them incredible abilities, and are generally unplayable. Their descendants get more unstable and grossly out of proportion as they age, as the divine fire inside them doesn't mix well with physicality, and become giants. They also tend to start going insane.

    To be fair, I don't use tieflings as they are either. I go with cambions just being humans with something uncanny and threatening about them, but a supernatural hypnotic charm that can push people to ignore that unease despite their better judgement telling them to stay away. They need to feed on mortals and die young if they don't.

  24. 2 weeks ago

    Tieflings are in the PHB since 4e, so anyone even glancing at DnD will encounter them before aasimar.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Why did Tieflings get in but not Aasimar or Genasi though?

      • 2 weeks ago

        Cause Deva were introduced in PH2 since Aasimar were seen as the boring option in Planescape and 3E.

  25. 2 weeks ago

    ... aren't you tired of asking the same question every other week?

  26. 2 weeks ago

    Aasimar seem kind of ill fitting for a murderhobo game like D&D

  27. 2 weeks ago

    You know why

    • 2 weeks ago

      6 year olds don't play RPGs, moron.

      • 2 weeks ago

        The individual in the picture looks like sort of a person who wants to involved 6 year olds in activities they are way too young for.

        • 2 weeks ago

          I'm sorry your nignog mother couldn't read, but most children have stories read to them well before the age of 6. Hope this helps!

      • 2 weeks ago

        My nephew is 6 and we have him playing this little RPG game based on a little summer camp setting that gets spooky when a big haunted house shows up. He is having fun.

    • 2 weeks ago

      The irony of trying to invoke a satanic panic when talking about DnD losing its way is incredible

  28. 2 weeks ago

    Aasimar aren't angels though, they're closer to Nephilim in concept without any of the things that make them distinct.

  29. 2 weeks ago
  30. 2 weeks ago

    >Why are Aasimar not as popular as Tieflings?
    Because for the most part their problems are not as interesting to deal with in game or talk about out of it.

    • 1 week ago

      To be fair, what problems does the average tiefling character have that another race couldn't

  31. 1 week ago

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