Why are Gamefreak devs such lazy, untalented hacks? Why the frick are they making N64 graphics in 2023?

Why are Gamefreak devs such lazy, untalented hacks? Why the frick are they making N64 graphics in 2023?

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  1. 5 months ago

    why throw good money after bad to make a slightly better looking games for morons who will buy it no matter what

  2. 5 months ago

    palworld may be peak fotmslop but god I hope it whips gamefreak into shape. the switch games are all an embarassment. including PLA, frick you

    • 5 months ago

      it might just be schizophrenic ramblings but I think we're on the verge of the turning point where the industry has to change itself. it keeps getting easier to make games and AAA titles keep getting shittier to the point that some indie devs that barely know how to code manage to make a flagrant bootleg that somehow puts the real deal to shame, I genuinely think that major companies are going to have to start actually putting effort in again because as tech gets more and more streamlined more bumbling idiots will be able to plug in assets and make somewhat decent games and all of a sudden the low-quality slop thats been getting churned out will have literally infinite competition because the walled garden of technical prowess required to make games on this scale is gradually being erased.
      like I don't think palworld alone is going to change the industry but I think palworld is a product of the landscape shifting and its only going to get worse

      • 5 months ago

        Unironically I think PW is one of many derivative tiles within the last decade that's putting a spin on a familiar concept. Toby Fox is getting deals to do remixes with the Smash team, Christian Whitehead and the Sonic Mania team going from romhacks to making their own game for the switch, Bomb Rush Cyber Funk bringing the Jet Set Radio fans back.
        I hope this will at least cause an eyebrow raise, and I can be an idort with this and hope this gets good major updates while GF picks up the slack and sees what causes people to like this over other current pokemon.
        Even simple shit like base building, riding pokemon in your party that ARENT the cover legendaries and PLA approach to catching should get revisited.

        GF isn't going anywhere, but I hope they can actually improve from this. The uproar is too vocal and hot on social media for them to not notice.

    • 5 months ago

      I haven't played Palworld since it looks like it'd shove some malware on my pc or some shit, but this is what I'm hoping happens.
      Even if the assets ARE stolen, it means that some random bramblefricks from Saskatchewan can use the same exact assets and assemble a better game than Gamefreak could.
      I want Nintendo to start asking Gamefreak questions. I want a Pokemon game made by Monolith Soft.

  3. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      Damn, that legit looks like it could be a screenshot from some romhack. Game Freak totally sucks ass at making vidya

      • 5 months ago

        That or they should... HIRE THAT MAN

  4. 5 months ago

    That's obviously out of bounds.


    • 5 months ago

      It is kind of, he's in the city looking out at an area behind a loading zone.

  5. 5 months ago

    I just want to know why the frick they somehow made it worse than Legends

  6. 5 months ago

    I don't really care about the graphics. I grew up with the ps2, and I'll take PS2 graphics happily to my death... anything extra is bonus. But the bugs are egregious. At this point, I think they're inherent in the business. Investor/dev friend of mine is predicting them to move to unreal given some of the folks they've been working with lately. Might iron out the memory issues, but I'm not big on the look of a lot of newer unreal games. We shall see how that goes if it does, I suppose.

    • 5 months ago

      I think the bugs are inherent in the engine*, not business.

  7. 5 months ago

    They know their autistic ass fanbase will buy literally anything, they're also shit devs, so it's a perfect blend of putrid dogshit.

  8. 5 months ago

    Surely you jest, OP.

    • 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      it's like if the game does not even know what it is suppose to load

      • 5 months ago

        Look at the map, he is rotating his character's vision range but cheating to keep the camera locked. Stuff is unloading when it goes out of his vision.

    • 5 months ago

      >the #1 most successful profitable franchise in the entire world
      >produces shit like this
      >somehow fans are okay with it and continue to happily buy it
      sun and moon were the last pokemon games i played and the current state of the mainline games makes me want to blow my brains out

    • 5 months ago

      Those colors for the building are peak aesthetic. Someone should steal that for a game or a city or something.


      Why are Gamefreak devs such lazy, untalented hacks? Why the frick are they making N64 graphics in 2023?

      Even loathe as I am to put it in a positive light, Xenoblade 3 exists on the Switch. These homosexuals are just lazy.

  9. 5 months ago

    pokemon always looked like shit thoughbeit

  10. 5 months ago

    $60 high effort game

  11. 5 months ago

    >absolute proof that something being popular *makes* it (eventually) bad
    You don't need to even try if you're going to sell millions of copies no matter what.

  12. 5 months ago

    >everything you do prints money
    >think you've become too big to fail
    >grow complacent and stagnate

  13. 5 months ago

    This was one of the shittiest games I ever played

  14. 5 months ago

    N64 games actually had vertex colors and fog.

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