Why are people so opposed to including America and other New World countries (like Brazil and Australia) as civilizations in games?

Why are people so opposed to including America and other New World countries (like Brazil and Australia) as civilizations in games? America has its own distinct culture which is just as hecking valid as anyone else, and its just as ridiculous and historically inaccurate to downplay the impact it has in the modern era for games which go that far

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  1. 2 years ago

    Euro provincialism, it's meaningless much like the average european's life.

    • 2 years ago

      The Civilization series and Paradox games include the U.S. basically every "Terran" civilisation in Space games is American - what more do you want?

      Europe is decaying precisely because of you homosexuals. Who promotes this tolerance shit? Who has corporations who literally fricking bribe us? Who promotes sodomy worldwide?

      Stop infighting amongst fellow Westerners.

      Mutts are incapable of nuance and self-reflection. Just sit back and enjoy the show as Blacks, hispanics and capitalists rape them into irrelevancy

      Wow, mental illness.

      • 2 years ago

        Wow, cope.

  2. 2 years ago


    Europe is decaying precisely because of you homosexuals. Who promotes this tolerance shit? Who has corporations who literally fricking bribe us? Who promotes sodomy worldwide?

    • 2 years ago

      Europe chose to become a slave to the usa
      All is pointless tho, chinese imperialism is so effective it made USA imperialism pointless.
      The only thing the US have now is Hollywood

      • 2 years ago

        The only ones coping are you stinking mutts. The partition is inevitable. The return to British rule is inevitable. The return and full de-americanisation of Texas and Alaska are inevitable. Deep down you know it, and that's what makes you seethe about Eurochads so much.

        • 2 years ago

          >Why aren't new nations that didn't exist until 200 years ago not included in games that start at 9000BC, the birth of agriculture?
          Can't imagine why.
          >America has its own distinct culture
          Before I laugh at you, yes, I suppose you do. It's just that you're too big to have a single culture. You can say Czechs aren't religious, the Dutch are protestant, Belgians are catholic, and Swedes are Islamic, but what is an American? Christian? Fundamentalist? Hindu? israeli? Militant atheist? Homosexual? Kwanzaa?
          There's nothing more American than apple pie... a European food.
          >downplay the impact it has in the modern era
          Modernity started in the 1400s and ended with WWII. The show was over before America made an economy out of bombs.

          >The return to British rule is inevitable.
          Please no, I don't want Americans in my country.

          • 2 years ago

            >I don't want Americans in my country.
            Simply maintain a hard closed borders policy with the colonies and only allow fully de-americanized and non-mixed ones back.

          • 2 years ago

            >There's nothing more American than apple pie... a European food.
            You speak as if Europeans wer any better, with their "traditional foods" having potatoes, tomatoes, strawberries, and other shit from the Americas, when not that it's likely something from Asia. Some countries have fricking sunflowers as their iconic flower, guess where that came from.
            Which just comes to show how so much of their bullshit culture is shit invented in the 18th century at best, but most likely in the late 19th. Even isolates Japan, if you look into it, can only trace back most of their shit down to 300 years, with their "traditional candy" being actually shit the Portuguese brought. It's all larp, just look at "Jews" and their dumbass larp culture that doesn't even fricking exist outside of being a contrariam b***h.

    • 2 years ago

      Mutts are incapable of nuance and self-reflection. Just sit back and enjoy the show as Blacks, hispanics and capitalists rape them into irrelevancy

      • 2 years ago

        Spics are Catholic, and that means they're our friends and brothers. We should help them bring down the protestard mutt golem to spark worldwide counter-reformation.

        • 2 years ago

          Your brain on Christianity

          • 2 years ago

            >year 2022 of our Lord and Saviour
            >still being a seething heathen
            Lol, and dare I say, lmao.

            • 2 years ago

              The Congo is 95.8% Christian. You should move there and live with your kind

      • 2 years ago

        Europe is decaying precisely because of you homosexuals. Who promotes this tolerance shit? Who has corporations who literally fricking bribe us? Who promotes sodomy worldwide?

        The only ones coping are you stinking mutts. The partition is inevitable. The return to British rule is inevitable. The return and full de-americanisation of Texas and Alaska are inevitable. Deep down you know it, and that's what makes you seethe about Eurochads so much.

        I'm going to rape you, slave.

        • 2 years ago

          My country colonized yours. You're just the mongrelized remnants of my people living in a shithole country

    • 2 years ago

      You know they want us to act more like you guys and not the other way around right? Your entire continent is neutered.

    • 2 years ago

      All me

  3. 2 years ago

    >America has its own distinct culture which is just as hecking valid as anyone else

  4. 2 years ago

    they usually dont fit with the game at large and you cant put them into a narrative of "le nation progressing through time" or whatever

    essentially new world nations are square pegs while the other ones are round pegs and 99% of the time they dont bother to make a good system where you can fit both

    • 2 years ago

      >they usually dont fit with the game at large and you cant put them into a narrative of "le nation progressing through time" or whatever
      You can't do that for most nations, except maybe china but even then it's pushing it given all the invasions and capital changes.
      England is a result of Germanic colonization + Norman invasion, it makes no sense before 600ad, much less 4000bc. Japan doesn't exist before 700ad, Rome doesn't exist in the Bronze Age, Carthage was a colony, Aztecs were newcomers to their region, Turks are Anatolia focused, etc etc
      You can't RP in these games, it's just moronic.

      • 2 years ago

        I think there's just a general agreement that if your nation was somewhat recognizable 1,000 years ago, it should be in.

  5. 2 years ago

    You're British.

  6. 2 years ago


    Europe is decaying precisely because of you homosexuals. Who promotes this tolerance shit? Who has corporations who literally fricking bribe us? Who promotes sodomy worldwide?

    Europe chose to become a slave to the usa
    All is pointless tho, chinese imperialism is so effective it made USA imperialism pointless.
    The only thing the US have now is Hollywood

    The only ones coping are you stinking mutts. The partition is inevitable. The return to British rule is inevitable. The return and full de-americanisation of Texas and Alaska are inevitable. Deep down you know it, and that's what makes you seethe about Eurochads so much.

    christ you guys are fricking losers

  7. 2 years ago

    For example?

  8. 2 years ago

    >America has its own distinct culture which is just as hecking valid as anyone

    Yeah its mass produced pop "culture" that's replaced every 10 years and the glorious culture of ruining everything to maximize profits.

  9. 2 years ago

    America is in the civilization games. Ironically thats my main gripe with Civilization I hate seeing emporor Trajan in the modern era and roosevelt in antiquity for example. If its a game in a period where those nations existed they should be there.

  10. 2 years ago
    i am more intelligent than you

    because countries like brazil are irrelevant and australia is a fricking feudal vassal to the united kingdom

  11. 2 years ago

    >America has culture

  12. 2 years ago

    >America has its own distinct culture which is just as hecking valid as anyone else

  13. 2 years ago

    >America has culture

    Nice joke. Brainwashed tribalistic zogbots yes. Only Americans I give credit to are the Asians and ruling ones. Rest are bugmen.

  14. 2 years ago

    the only franchise i am aware of where people do this is Civilization, and there is a weird anachronism there because most of the other Civilizations are much more ancient whereas of course the United States did not exist until the 18th century and was birthed primarily out of English colonialism. So I kind of get what people are talking about there, but of course there's no way to make (and sell) that game without including the good ol US of A. And besides, Civilization is making no claim to be like a 'historical' or 'serious' game in any way, its just meant to be a fun video game.

    What other franchise do people do this for? I mean, you couldn't have a game like Victoria or Hearts of Iron without the USA in it obviously.

    And ignoring the frothing /misc/gays in this thread who are arguing and shitposting for the sake of it, of course the USA has a culture of its own, its obviously one of the most powerful countries in the world, relatively rich, large population, strong military, etc. Why the frick wouldn't it be in video games?

    I don't even get this thread, this is probably just bait and this thread of full of morons, answering a stupid question with stupid responses and getting mad at each other in the replies.

    • 2 years ago

      The only complaint I have about "America" in the likes of Civ is that the game rules never let her emerge 'naturally' as it were. Even in 6, a city might go rebel, might even hold you off if you're over-extended, but invariably either gets the shit kicked out of it or culture-flipped. It will never suddenly become a 'player' itself. I realise I'm probably asking too much from a relatively simple little boardgame, but still.

      • 2 years ago

        Why does that bother you but not France not existing only when barbarians take a Roman city

        • 2 years ago

          It's not really America itself - pretend I said the Rome/Byzantine split instead of you'd prefer - so much as I'd like to see rebel/'free-state' types have more potential, I suppose you could put it as. As is, they're usually just free chunks of XP and a ready-built expansion location.
          In terms of the history - something like France seems less remarkable because ultimately you could handwave it as the 'Gallic' player getting hammered by Rome, accepting vassalage (I know this isn't really the case but bear with me) and breaking free with a name change when the Roman player gets hammered in turn. America - you can't really do that. It really is rebels at the edge of an empire coalescing and successfully expanding into an 'empty' continent (ok, taking on lower-tech'd factions if you'd prefer). You can't really link to the Sioux, Inca or whoever in the same way.
          Again, I don't object to America - it's the 'dark blue counters' faction ultimately, may as well get agitated about the yellow side in Risk - just that I'd like strategy games to allow for her 'true' birth, though perhaps we have to rely on Paradox for that sort of thing.

  15. 2 years ago

    Never played it. You keep a civ and stick to it from beginning to end?
    Would be fun if civ type start from common beginning and branches each stage.

  16. 2 years ago

    No, we are all one English nation, currently divided into different countries. No more brother wars.

  17. 2 years ago

    Games should just have them be stock England and Portugal until the time period they were established/got their independence, then diverge from there. Or you could just have knights with Stars and bars on their shields, and every 5th unit produced is a Black person.

  18. 2 years ago

    >so opposed to including America and other New World countries (like Brazil and Australia) as civilizations in games
    You need to play more games. They're not absent just because they're not in every single one.
    >America has its own distinct culture
    >which is just as hecking valid as anyone else
    I'm sorry, but buying things while cramming your face with double deep fried butter sticks and yelling about your flag doesn't count as culture. Your country is 200 years old. That's barely enough time to establish a distinct identity.
    >and its just as ridiculous and historically inaccurate to downplay
    I'm sorry, the Egyptian empire ruled its contemporary world for thousands of years, as did the Persian. French ideas about liberty permeates the entire western world and has done so to the extent that everyone's constitution is based on it. Germans have twice impacted the world in such ways that the entire species have forever been changed. Japanese culture is so pervasive that there is scarcely a kids show not impacted by it. US exporting burgers and dropping bombs on brown people isn't the same thing. And don't give me shit about exporting languages. The brits did that and is the only empire that has ever been able to claim that the sun can never set on it. There is legit cults worshipping their royalty in spite of never even seen any of them. "We have a culture". No you don't. Not yet. Give it some time so your society isn't just a cobbled-together Frankenstein of everyone else's culture. You are not distinct in any important way. Frick, even Australians are ahead of you on that point.

    • 2 years ago

      You can only defend le based real culture of japanimation and french freedom that has only existed for 15% of French history because you are writing and communicating in American with people using American inventions on an American website. You live in the American Empire, which is more of a civilization than a bunch of moronic villagers speaking German or Latin wrong and deciding to form an ethnostate the size of Vermont or whatever it is that you believe.

      • 2 years ago

        >communicating in American
        God please smite this moronic country already

  19. 2 years ago

    Stop calling your country America.

    • 2 years ago

      The world calls the USA America, Muslims shout death to America while burning US flags, Europeans and Chinks say America when seething about Burgerland, and US Marines say 'Murrica when they be stealing oil.
      You being a seething South American or Mexican won't change that the rest of the world says America about the only nation that matter and is livable to some extent on your continents.

      • 2 years ago

        >South American or Mexican
        Classic Amerimutt ignoring the existence of Canada

        • 2 years ago

          I don't care about the opinions of Muslims and their fake religion i don't care about your vassal and bootlickers Europe and Asia.

          Your Imperial hemonogy will collapse, is inmiment, United Statian.

          >United Statian
          The Joke is on you subhumans, I am Norwegian.
          >ignoring the existence of Canada
          We all try to.

          • 2 years ago

            >I'm at least 1/256 norwegian!
            You will never be a vikang, mutt.

            • 2 years ago

              Of course not, I don't plan on getting on a ship and go plunder England, no-one there would make good trells.

        • 2 years ago

          Canadians call the USA "America" too. Angrily asserting that the entire continent is America and America is "USAia" or whatever the frick moronic bullshit is 100% a butthurt latino thing

      • 2 years ago

        I don't care about the opinions of Muslims and their fake religion i don't care about your vassal and bootlickers Europe and Asia.

        Your Imperial hemonogy will collapse, is inmiment, United Statian.

    • 2 years ago

      No, you think of America.

  20. 2 years ago

    Is playing as Canada even an option for any of the civ games?
    what about haiti, new guinea, new zealand, austrailia, or the caribbean?
    greenland, iceland, sealand, christiania, catalonia

    • 2 years ago

      civ 6 had it as a dlc civ

  21. 2 years ago

    >America has its own distinct culture
    no it doesn't, it has mass media and marketing

  22. 2 years ago

    This is such a vague question. And judging from the replies I'd even downright say this is pure bait.
    But for the sake of challenging this point, the lack of context utterly confuses me. Are you talking about 4X Games like Civ that start in any time era? Or games like AoE that are specifically in certain eras?
    Because if it's the former, you should know that when it comes to Civ, every type of civilization of a certain era will always have it's inclusion questioned. The community is just that autistic when it comes to that question, hell I've seen people get mad about Ethiopia and Poland being included because "they only became significant in later eras". Hell I've seen people sometimes question why the Byzantines. So the fact that people debate and whine about the historical inclusion and start of New World civilizations in Civ is not surprising. But that kind of discussion is moronic and should be ignored instead of engaged with because Civ is inherently a very anachronistic game. Hell, if the Italians appeared in a future Civ game, I guarantee people would get mad.
    If it's the latter, then again. More context is needed, do we really need a depiction of the Americas in Antiquity and in the Medieval era? If it's the 1700s-1900s and onward, then no shit. Of course America needs to be included, but I've never heard of ANYONE questioning that.
    This thread feels so utterly pointless.

    • 2 years ago

      >Hell I've seen people sometimes question why the Byzantines
      Forgot to type "are included". My bad, typed too fast.

    • 2 years ago

      Tbh, if Age of Empires 2 did a final DLC with civs that make no sense in the historical context (Babylon, USA, fricking Atlantis, whatever) I bet it would make some mad cash and at the bare minimum get people talking, lmao

    • 2 years ago

      the only franchise i am aware of where people do this is Civilization, and there is a weird anachronism there because most of the other Civilizations are much more ancient whereas of course the United States did not exist until the 18th century and was birthed primarily out of English colonialism. So I kind of get what people are talking about there, but of course there's no way to make (and sell) that game without including the good ol US of A. And besides, Civilization is making no claim to be like a 'historical' or 'serious' game in any way, its just meant to be a fun video game.

      What other franchise do people do this for? I mean, you couldn't have a game like Victoria or Hearts of Iron without the USA in it obviously.

      And ignoring the frothing /misc/gays in this thread who are arguing and shitposting for the sake of it, of course the USA has a culture of its own, its obviously one of the most powerful countries in the world, relatively rich, large population, strong military, etc. Why the frick wouldn't it be in video games?

      I don't even get this thread, this is probably just bait and this thread of full of morons, answering a stupid question with stupid responses and getting mad at each other in the replies.

  23. 2 years ago

    They hate us because they ain't us

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