Why aren't games getting better over time

Why aren't games getting better over time

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  1. 11 months ago

    Better tech doesn't equal better ideas and story

    • 11 months ago

      This. A lot of studios are creatively bankrupt. Also games becoming more mainstream meant that the top priority of games now is making money, they always had monetary incentive but there used to be a lot more love and passion involved. All of this is obviously not true for every studio in the entire industry but it’s the norm

      • 11 months ago

        the entire market shifted. before you had to make good games because it was a niche hobby for enthusiasts and people could rent games to try them and see if they sucked.

        that doesn't matter now, nintendo can release a buggy shit game like scarlet and violet and have it clear 20 million copies easy. reviewers shit on it, consumers shit on it, it didn't matter because it had pokemon in the title so they all preordered it. why make a good game that won't sell as well when you can make a cheap shit game and put the budget into marketing and make more profit instead?

        the industry is the problem but so are consumers. the consumers enable all this bullshit, if they'd stop falling for marketing tricks then gaming could heal but there's too many idiots into gaming now for that to work.

        • 11 months ago

          >Renting games
          God, I do miss this. The nice thing was that lots of games were pretty short so you could beat them in the week or two you had with them. A single player game didn't have to be some 100 hour open world fillerfest.

          • 11 months ago

            even though games were shorter, the ones that were very fun were worth replaying so you'd end up buying those. so making very fun games with tons of replay value was incentivized, now most games are one and done and there is 0 reason to ever play them again after the first time.

    • 11 months ago

      And better programming/game design

    • 11 months ago

      the problem is homosexuals like this

      think of FRICKING STORY first.

      • 11 months ago

        They think of story first and still only come up with garbage.

      • 11 months ago

        he said ideas first
        as in gameplay ideas

    • 11 months ago

      I played the game l4d this weekend. It's a pretty good video game IMO. I kindof prefer the original campaigns. They seem a little less gimmicky and more committed to the zombie horror theme. It's kindof strange playing a shooter that doesn't have an ADS feature, even though it's basically already implemented in the game based on how the movement/gun accuracy mechanics work.

    • 11 months ago

      Yep. But the better tech is wasted anyways on muh realism and polygons.

    • 11 months ago

      The passion to do more with less technology and excitement to the future lead for greater innovation.

      Now that we have tech that can basically do anything a video game would want to do, most devs are complacent to do nothing but the bare minimum.

    • 11 months ago

      who's gonna tell him the tech is worse

    • 11 months ago

      Corporate gaslighting shill. You know that it's a decimal number following a zero percent of them that are and you aren't going to convince anyone with a brain otherwise.

      The only other option is 12 year old.

      >objectively worse

      old games
      >actual sense of artstyle
      >working physics
      >working mirrors
      >tasteful lighting
      >attempts to revolutionize the industry, introduce new mechanics
      >well-done animations
      >attention to detail
      >lovingly crafted gameplay
      >lots of polish
      >interesting storytelling and dialogue
      >clear love for gaming and gamers

      new games
      >shitty physics (if there are any)
      >no working mirrors
      >terrible animations
      >no sense of artstyle
      >zero care for details, only doing the bare minimum
      >thinking you "revolutionized gaming" by doing something that's been done much better years ago
      >crap lighting
      >having to make "gameplay" an unpleasant chore
      >shit stories and dialogue
      >poorly-hidden hatred for gaming and gamers that comes out when they don't consume your product
      >stagnation and regression on quality and tech level

      Wow, you're right! Games are only getting better and better!

      Pack it up boys, we're done here.

  2. 11 months ago

    they objectively are
    you're just no longer able to appreciate them

    • 11 months ago

      Then why is it that when I play an old game I've never played before I have a great time?

      • 11 months ago

        then you just have a thing for older, objectively worse games

        • 11 months ago

          Fine. I'll bite: state your metrics, in detail.

        • 11 months ago

          >objectively worse

          old games
          >actual sense of artstyle
          >working physics
          >working mirrors
          >tasteful lighting
          >attempts to revolutionize the industry, introduce new mechanics
          >well-done animations
          >attention to detail
          >lovingly crafted gameplay
          >lots of polish
          >interesting storytelling and dialogue
          >clear love for gaming and gamers

          new games
          >shitty physics (if there are any)
          >no working mirrors
          >terrible animations
          >no sense of artstyle
          >zero care for details, only doing the bare minimum
          >thinking you "revolutionized gaming" by doing something that's been done much better years ago
          >crap lighting
          >having to make "gameplay" an unpleasant chore
          >shit stories and dialogue
          >poorly-hidden hatred for gaming and gamers that comes out when they don't consume your product
          >stagnation and regression on quality and tech level

          Wow, you're right! Games are only getting better and better!

          • 11 months ago

            To add to this prior generations were actually fairly well read and more nuanced in thought, modern devs are millenials that think everything should be a marvel movie.

    • 11 months ago

      You're wrong and your brain has turned to diahrrea

    • 11 months ago

      You're wrong

    • 11 months ago

      lefties killed gaming


    • 11 months ago

      only a young idiot would saying something this stupid.

      • 11 months ago

        no, that sounded like the same 5 60 year old bald fat pedo troons that spam v 24/7

    • 11 months ago

      Here's your (You)

    • 11 months ago

      This has the same energy as . Why are you sad goy things are the best they've ever BEEEEEEEEEN WE LIVE IN THE BEST HECKIN TIME IN HUMAN HECKIN HISTORY BE EXCITED

      • 11 months ago

        women killed gaming

    • 11 months ago

      agreed. always something interesting coming out to play. mods help turn the older games into a fresh experience with much needed QoL updates too

    • 11 months ago


      Then why is it that when I play an old game I've never played before I have a great time?

      Also correct

      Vidya are way better now then my fav gen 6, but they figured game design so much that it all blurs into each other. There's so much bullshit and dealing with slightly broken things in the golden age, but it was also a time when devs were exploring. That little broken thing gave it an identity.

      Also we are getting older and just like boomers complaining about new things, so are we becoming those complaining fricks.
      My dad stopped playing vidya after the megadrive because "new games are shit and missing the things that made old games good" and my favorite gen is also the one I played in my teens.
      Doesnt mean shit is worse.

    • 11 months ago

      Then why is it that when I play an old game I've never played before I have a great time?

      Also correct

      Vidya are way better now then my fav gen 6, but they figured game design so much that it all blurs into each other. There's so much bullshit and dealing with slightly broken things in the golden age, but it was also a time when devs were exploring. That little broken thing gave it an identity.

      Also we are getting older and just like boomers complaining about new things, so are we becoming those complaining fricks.
      My dad stopped playing vidya after the megadrive because "new games are shit and missing the things that made old games good" and my favorite gen is also the one I played in my teens.
      Doesnt mean shit is worse.

      Corporate gaslighting shill. You know that it's a decimal number following a zero percent of them that are and you aren't going to convince anyone with a brain otherwise.

      The only other option is 12 year old.

      • 11 months ago

        Pack it up boys, we're done here.

        nope. you're moronic. games suck these days because lefties killed gaming

  3. 11 months ago

    because people that hate games and gamers are making games

    • 11 months ago

      They did this on purpose

    • 11 months ago

      they're here to change the industry, to stick it to the chuds, and yes they're willing to make sacrifices and lose money to that end

      • 11 months ago

        >willing to make sacrifices and lose money to that end
        fine by me

      • 11 months ago

        I don't need to game. burn it all down. we don't need movies or music either. keep destroying everything. only helps going back to normal life sooner

  4. 11 months ago

    Much like cancer and capitalism, anything that aims for perpetual growth always leads to decay and ruin.

    • 11 months ago

      >stop trying to improve your situation comrade

    • 11 months ago

      Well said sister-comrade!
      Capitalism is going to collapse in just two more weeks now!

      • 11 months ago

        reductive moron.

        • 11 months ago

          What? As our lord and savior marx said over 20 000 Weeks ago capitalism HAS to collapse "just two weeks from now".
          Are you implying our supreme lord and savior marx was wrong? That would be heresy

          • 11 months ago

            An economy based on endless growth is unsustainable. Nothing marxist about that.

            • 11 months ago

              In thousands of years of human history only wars and plagues have stopped human technological and economic growth, yet you are here still trying to prove the unprovable.
              What can I say to you? See you in 50 years when capitalist countries are still growing.

              • 11 months ago

                >In thousands of years of human history only wars and plagues have stopped human technological and economic growth
                Recently growth has been exponential. We live on a planet with finite resources. Of course with radical innovation it could change but as it stands infinite growth isn’t compatible with humanity. Dunno why you’re defending the ideology of Mr Shekelbergstein so hard, pretty gay of you tbh

              • 11 months ago

                The earth is a closed system. Nothing created, nothing destroyed. Everything just cycles back into itself. There is no such thing as "running out of resources", this is a israeli doomsday prophecy psych trick to try and bait you into giving them more control.
                >defending Mr Shekelbergstein
                That would be you, comrade. 'Capitalism' is a israeli shibboleth to demonise anyone that criticises Marxism. You are playing directly into their hands any time you critique property rights, because signing away your right to property is exactly what they want.

              • 11 months ago

                You need to go back to 4th grade.

              • 11 months ago

                >ad hom
                Concession accepted, gay. Stop taking Marxist propaganda at face value

              • 11 months ago

                >fat moron

              • 11 months ago

                >subverted homosexual

                >The earth is a closed system. Nothing created, nothing destroyed. Everything just cycles back into itself
                Ok moron, lets just ignore that shit like plastic going back into the system has disastrous implications. And I’m not a commie, I’ve just got enough common sense to know nothing on earth is infinite
                >dumb Black person still blabbering about history even though I already addressed this
                >rather have shekelberg than an utter moron in charge
                They’re one and the same but of course you’re too moronic to see that

                >Nothing is finite
                Where does it go?

              • 11 months ago

                >The earth is a closed system. Nothing created, nothing destroyed. Everything just cycles back into itself
                Ok moron, lets just ignore that shit like plastic going back into the system has disastrous implications. And I’m not a commie, I’ve just got enough common sense to know nothing on earth is infinite

                Because the socialist idea of shrinking markets mr hitler believed in is a marxist delusion, as proven over and over by history
                Rather have shekelberg than an utter moron in charge

                >dumb Black person still blabbering about history even though I already addressed this
                >rather have shekelberg than an utter moron in charge
                They’re one and the same but of course you’re too moronic to see that

              • 11 months ago

                The only thing I see is you coping and whining, blaming capitalism for a problem completely unrelated to it.
                We are already moving on to infinite energy sources, we just need to get access to space minerals and the problem is over.
                Stop crying like a b***h and get a physics or engineering degree if you want to help humanity

              • 11 months ago

                I’m not blaming capitalism, I haven’t mentioned it once but the only way you can “win” an argument is by constructing a strawman. All I said was that infinite growth isn’t viable with the way things are atm. You’re also just repeating what I already said, you moron
                >Of course with radical innovation it could change

                >subverted homosexual

                >Nothing is finite
                Where does it go?

                Weak argument, plastic and useless junk sold for the sake of infinite growth doesn’t feed back into the system you cretin

              • 11 months ago

                This reply chain started with me replying to someone mentioning capitalism, next time read what argument you barged into before claiming there is a strawman

              • 11 months ago

                Kek not my problem. Take this as a lesson that not everyone who disagrees with you here is the same person you dumbc**t

              • 11 months ago

                >Barge in a conversarion
                >Cry about strawmans when the other person tries to keep the conversation about the original topic
                Embarrassing you would call anyone else dumb

              • 11 months ago

                >in classic moron fashion, thinks everyone who replies to him is the same person. to deflect from this idiocy he decides to act like it’s a big deal that someone else responded to his post

                If this is a lesson on anything it is on the fact that you're too stupid to read and too proud to rectify

                To both you idiots, I responded to


                and only addressed what was in that post. I don’t care about whatever the other anon was saying about capitalism. Not my fault you can’t discern different arguments. Regardless, all this deflection is irrelevant to what was actually being discussed, so I accept your concessions

              • 11 months ago

                >responded to

                In thousands of years of human history only wars and plagues have stopped human technological and economic growth, yet you are here still trying to prove the unprovable.

                What can I say to you? See you in 50 years when capitalist countries are still growing.

              • 11 months ago

                If this is a lesson on anything it is on the fact that you're too stupid to read and too proud to rectify

              • 11 months ago

                >doesn't answer the question

              • 11 months ago

                I did, but you’re just too thick and braindead to understand. Since you’re too stupid; all current transfers of energy aren’t 1:1, when shit like plastic is made, energy is lost in heat and gas and as of right now we have no way to efficiently recapture that for reuse. So resources are being burned and we lose part of it, cus it dissipates into the environment

              • 11 months ago

                >There is no such thing as "running out of resources"
                yes there is you moron if recycling certain resources means a huge amount of effort and energy expense
                of course you can dissolve plastic and form perfectly new plastic at the molecular level but are you gonna pay $1m for a car bumper made that way, moron?

              • 11 months ago

                Where does the plastic come from? On a molecular level.

                >There is no such thing as "running out of resources"
                Oh boy.

                >he doesn't know that oil wells refill after a few years

              • 11 months ago

                And what do we do while we wait for the oil wells to "fill back up"?

              • 11 months ago

                What do you mean what do we do? Take it from other wells. It's not synchronised swimming, they won't all dry up at the same time.

              • 11 months ago

                >after a few years
                You are abysmally moronic

              • 11 months ago

                How do oil wells refill? Isn't petroleum dinosaur bones turned to sludge after millennia of erosion?

              • 11 months ago

                >There is no such thing as "running out of resources"
                Oh boy.

              • 11 months ago

                Because the socialist idea of shrinking markets mr hitler believed in is a marxist delusion, as proven over and over by history
                Rather have shekelberg than an utter moron in charge

      • 11 months ago

        >stop trying to improve your situation comrade

        Americans are so utterly brain-damaged in their black and white thinking.

        You dont need to be a communist to find the modern captialist world shite. You guys of all people should understand this. You work 3 jobs for terrible pay.
        Economic growth cant always go up. Its impossible without fricking everything else up including your bootlicking existences.

        • 11 months ago

          Well what do you expect reactionary cretins? They are all subhumans on different spectrums.

  5. 11 months ago

    All the major studios took an assembly line approach to churn out as much shit as possible and hope for the best. They only care about pleasing their investors, who only want GREEN ARROW GOES UP UP UP FOREVER. The audience who pays for the games is barely an afterthought.

    • 11 months ago

      Commies unironically think this is a bad thing lmao

      • 11 months ago

        Infinite growth is a meme.

      • 11 months ago

        Do you actually think infinite growth is possible?

  6. 11 months ago

    its just saturated you're just not looking hard enough

  7. 11 months ago

    because people are getting worse

  8. 11 months ago

    People are getting dumber and lazier. Writers can't be creative anymore - they have no imagination or life-experience and their only identity is their sexuality/fetishes.
    I am glad that gaming died at the end of 2010. Time for everyone to become a man.

    • 11 months ago

      >Time for everyone to become a man.
      any time now

  9. 11 months ago

    The mannconomy update happened.
    Every other post is wrong.

  10. 11 months ago


  11. 11 months ago

    Games take too long to make, so there's too much risk spending 7 years on a game only for it to flop. Better to make a sequel to that best-seller and have great guaranteed income but unhappy gamers.

  12. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      i guess it has risen above all else. theres
      no resurgence in quality after this

  13. 11 months ago

    Because the standards of what a game good should be have changed, priorities are all fricked and irrelevant shit is given too much importance.

  14. 11 months ago

    It never ends

  15. 11 months ago

    your probably a grumpy cynical c**t like that cat. if you actually liked games and being happy youd realize how fricking nuts games are. i re watched the first last of us 2 trailer today and its absolutely astonishing that thats a videogame. im also playing dead island 2, totk, cyberpunk, and this wacky game post void. games are amazing now. compare that to the average quality of PS2 games, the average performance of ps3 games, the absolute insane limits they had when making ps1 games and before then. they were limited by the amount of colors they could fit in a game. things are absurdly good now with the variety, amount, and incredibe production games can have these days. things are better than ever.

  16. 11 months ago

    Corpos. Games designed to take as much money as they can from you

  17. 11 months ago

    Although there is always the argument that we grew up and things just aren't as novel as when we were younger, there are other factors.
    I believe the main culprit here is cost. As technology grew, the cost and resources needed to make a AAA game increased almost exponentially. Whereas in the past you only needed to make animations by hand with skeletons and render graphics by software, we now require expensive mocap and famous actors face scans, GPU raytracing techniques and cinematic takes.
    All this cost makes it harder for companies to take risks as one bad move means that will lose their millions of dollars of investments, so they now need to make sure that they will get their money back. The safest way is to use gameplay mechanics that have been tested before and themes that reach the widest audience and are palatable, they also now make sure to include as many micro-transactions as possible to have as many channels of revenue as possible. The result is what the industry has now become.

    • 11 months ago

      Yet another case of graphics ruining gaming. Unnecessary cosmetic bloat. An arcade style game on the Famicom is more engaging than some 4k 120 fs movie game but zoomers won't touch something made before the iphone was released. NuHistory started in 2007, the 90s might as well be the middle ages.

      • 11 months ago

        I still think that the sweet spot was around the 6th generation. Games looked good enough to be called "photorealistic" while still retaining accesibility in cost for smaller "AA" companies to take on more risky endeavors and experiment while space for the AAA to rake in with the big franchises.

    • 11 months ago

      We hit the limits of artificially imposed controller design during 6th-7th gen. These controllers were no longer capable of playing the games that were being developed, however due to both Sony being too scared to change due to fan backlash (boomerang) and Microsoft preferring a state of stagnancy in which they set the standards, we saw no significant controller innovation starting from 6th gen (if you exclude the Wii and non-console controllers).
      This started to lead to a kind of stagnancy because a lot of the games being pushed onto consoles for the normalgay mass appeal were beyond what the console could allow a player to control, therefore the games started to play themselves.
      The game would keep itself slow, the player would take cover and the player would be able to sneak, all so that the player could slowly line up their camera and reticle with objects, and because that was still too much or not always an option, the game would assist the player in doing that as well and require the player to only be sort of accurate to succeed, in terms of their aim, their ability to interact with objects and even their movement.
      To distract the player from the fact that they weren't playing the game, the games started interspersing large action setpieces, cutscenes, talky segments (After iirc AC and HL2 showed that you didn't have to prevent the player from doing anything during a cutscene) and QTEs throughout their gameplay. This would ultimately give rise to the moviegame.
      Studios started to emphasize this style of development and stopped holding on to or cultivating the kind of talent that made games that didn't play themselves in favor of people who could quickly make slop that could be marketed to the lowest common denominator.
      This resulted in a rapid burnout of anyone who did have talent towards the end of 7th gen and the rest is history, with AAA being dead and a lot of know-how being practically extinct.

      You don't need any of this shit.

  18. 11 months ago

    at some point game devs decided that developing games was not their primary focus

  19. 11 months ago

    Money has rotten the game industry. It's all aout the Benjamins now. The people that wanted to push gameplay instead of only graphics are... well nobody knows. Improving graphics is great and all but what about gameplay? What about enemy AI? Developers and publishers forgot about them.

  20. 11 months ago

    >Why aren't games getting better over time
    because immersive sims sell like shit

    • 11 months ago

      What about GT7

  21. 11 months ago

    San Franciscans gay commie israelites thoughever

  22. 11 months ago
  23. 11 months ago

    Rampant monetization and ESG scoring.

  24. 11 months ago

    >Why aren't games getting better over time
    Because technology is a false god, OP.

  25. 11 months ago

    jews are ruining almost everything in the world

    • 11 months ago

      not even your vidya is safe

  26. 11 months ago

    Games are no longer being made to appeal to you
    You are no longer the target audience

    • 11 months ago

      AAA mindset

      more like they're not being made to appeal to anyone but the lowest common denominator

  27. 11 months ago

    Cus you stopped playing Nintendo games and fell for the Next Gen marketing meme.

  28. 11 months ago

    because being le [current year] means jack shit.engines dont automatically make 99% of the feature you think are now a days considered standard,no crafting isnt included in the engine,no inventory isnt included and so on.In general devs starting today dont have more advantages than people that started 10 years ago

  29. 11 months ago

    pic related
    can also be applied to:
    >food brands that used to be good
    >most corners of the internet

  30. 11 months ago
  31. 11 months ago

    Because we aren't.

  32. 11 months ago

    Everything good has already been made.

    • 11 months ago

      most moronic post I've read in years

    • 11 months ago

      Nonsense, I still haven't made my dream game.

    • 11 months ago

      play a record

      • 11 months ago

        Karl was and always will be right about everything. Ricky and Steve mock him relentlessly because of how he made his points, not the points themselves. If he were an RPG character he would have all his stats in WIS and none in INT.

  33. 11 months ago

    Publishers/Developers straight out don't care about gameplay anymore and the hypercomplexity (and demand for hypercomplexity) of modern videogames means its virtually impossible to make anything consistently fun.

  34. 11 months ago

    The only real metric for any developer not making their dream game is how much money they will make off of the game they create.
    That means broad mass appeal, depth of a puddle so that people are not overwhelmed, and colourful lights.

  35. 11 months ago

    Truly a mystery

  36. 11 months ago

    harder to make games now and games are more formulaic and meant to extract cash from users as opposed to present an interesting and engaging experience, also games went from being for nerds to being for everyone (including moronic normies)

  37. 11 months ago

    watch synthetic man's gaming is dying videos, you'll know why

  38. 11 months ago

    Cool cat. Indoor cats are nice

  39. 11 months ago

    multple reasons
    corporations and shareholders want more m oney and huge profits, even if that mean to cut corners, to launch the game sooner, etc(Cyberpunk for example). If X its popular, that mean we also need to make it, said the X shareholder
    >propaganda and politics
    gaming as a whole can be used as a propaganda tool to deliver a message or something similar by corporations or the state (bear gay 3, disco elysium)
    they are a bunch of gays who make the latest slop to have a job, that's it. Some of them don't even play games or dislike them, but they still make them. Older developers poured their soul and heart into their games., now they put their genitals and opinions in them instead
    they don't make games to be fun anymore
    >normal gays
    its kinda self explanatory, normal gays buy the latest big slop and move to the next one, buy season pass, dlcs, good goy pass, etc

    And more reasons, those are the big ones

    • 11 months ago

      > Some of them don't even play games or dislike them, but they still make them. Older developers poured their soul and heart into their games., now they put their genitals and opinions in them instead
      anon how the frick do you put your opinion into a game without it coming from your soul. isn’t that how a personal opinion works? Also, game development is one of the least paid software related jobs. The only reason a programmer would do game dev instead of literally anything else is because they want to make games. This line of logic makes no sense

      • 11 months ago

        >put your opinions
        oh really, what opinions did pic related put into their games homosexual ? i don't remember "not all demons" hashtag
        >The only reason a programmer would do game dev instead of literally anything else is because they want to make games
        or because suck at everything else, lurk more a little and you find out the developers who don't even play or like games

        • 11 months ago

          Way to miss the point of the post. You can put your soul into a game without putting a personal/political take in it, but you by definition can’t put an opinion into something without putting your soul in it.
          >most game devs suck
          Most artists suck, most film directors suck, most writers suck. And this has been the case ever since creative jobs existed. This isn’t a modern video games problem.

          • 11 months ago

            You can. In a lot of cases people will adopt opinions to signal group belonging and those are only questionably valid self-expression.
            Ultimately the creation of a game is also a group effort and they are not unilaterally of the same opinion either, so while one person may be putting soul into expressing their opinion, the rest of the team may not.
            Companies like Actiblizz will actively push out political shit that they don't believe in just to distract from the fact that yet another CEO was caught snorting coke off a 12 year olds chest or something.
            It's also possible for the insertion of a political opinion to result in negative soul if it ends up censored in China or other regions where the publisher still wants to acquire profit but needs to tiptoe a line.

          • 11 months ago

            >Most artists suck, most film directors suck, most writers suck. And this has been the case ever since creative jobs existed. This isn’t a modern video games problem.
            This is just proof entertainment's nadir, and it's completey recent

  40. 11 months ago

    because instead of growing up and making one for the next generation you idle by your existence while troons and psychopaths rule the world.

  41. 11 months ago

    But they are. You just hate games.

  42. 11 months ago

    The reality is that video games used to be more of an exclusive niche that less people really appreciated, and the people who actually made the games were the best of us. We've had a ton of cool features added but it's become less about serving us something once we'll never forget and more about making sure we come back for more.

  43. 11 months ago

    Increasing cost to produce them means the vidya industry is looking more and more like film industry. High budget sequels that you know will sell just make more sense than investing in something original.

  44. 11 months ago

    Old games had limited hardware to deal with. To compensate, devs made sure the gameplay was flawless and a good storyline. These 2 things can carry a game no matter how shit the graphics are
    Nowadays, devs only think about better graphics, but barely even trying to do anything gameplay/story-wise. Which makes for a shitty game with good graphics

    • 11 months ago

      no storyline, just gameplay

  45. 11 months ago

    shareholders in search of ever increasing profits.

  46. 11 months ago

    They are, the issue is that actual slop games to make a quick buck are forced into your face while the good games are, for the most part, hidden away.

  47. 11 months ago

    They will when full AI npc exist

  48. 11 months ago

    What exactly is the financial incentive to make games better? It has already been demonstrated to be completely unnecessary for making money.

  49. 11 months ago

    Technologically games peaked already by 6th gen. There are very few games released 7th+ gen that couldn't have been adapted for PS2 hardware without losing too much of the core design. So 6th gen had all the tech available to make whatever game you wanted, but because it was still "early-ish" in the 3D era of games, there was a lot of experimentation. It was just an environment that produced great games and there's no way to replicate that. From 7th gen on, AAA games became more formulaic, they had found "the right way to make a game that sells". There was no more room for any sort of inconvenience or deviance.

    Anyway, modern games still have periods of greatness. Indie game boom lead to a lot of masterpieces like Hotline Miami, and 2017 was an anomaly in how good it was even for AAA games.

  50. 11 months ago

    We're living in a cultural decline. Civilisation is not a linear graph to forever progress. It gets good and then it gets really fricking shit.

  51. 11 months ago

    Because video game development is no longer about passion, it's about money.

  52. 11 months ago

    >a good game doesn’t need DLCs, battlepasses, p2w transactions, or shitty skins
    >the above things is what generates heaps of money for some reason
    >companies like money
    >therefor companies don’t like good games
    Any more questions?

  53. 11 months ago

    Indies are getting better overtime and leaving AAAs in the dust

    • 11 months ago

      poorgay version of AAA to my eyes. AA or bust

  54. 11 months ago

    Because of talent drain and greedy companies.

  55. 11 months ago

    Why make something good when you can sell trash for double

  56. 11 months ago

    What makes a game fun? Is there a set of golden rules on developing a good fun game?

    • 11 months ago

      Yes. But modern devs stick to a template that involves cooldowns, microtransactions and focusing on story over gameplay itself, basically disregard creativity as a whole which is how you make games fun

  57. 11 months ago

    They are.
    Look at Elden Ring and Baldur's Gate 3, easily the best game of the last 15 years.

    • 11 months ago

      you just uttered the forbidden words anon

  58. 11 months ago

    Because people's standards are getting worse over time

  59. 11 months ago

    Game devs forget they're making games and try too hard to make movies instead.

  60. 11 months ago

    Only people who miss the good ol' days of fricking Call of Duty and Halo think games aren't getting better over time

    • 11 months ago

      Gaming peaked when the japanese were dominating the industry so not during CoD or "My First FPS" times, modern games don't even have decent soundtracks, how are they supposed to even compete?

      • 11 months ago

        The Japanese are dominating the industry.

        • 11 months ago

          They haven't been dominating the inudstry since the late 90s zoomer, i'm talking about market share

          • 11 months ago

            Ok moron

    • 11 months ago

      This. The current era might not be better than the 1990-2005 era but it sure as frick is better than the 2006-2016 era

      • 11 months ago

        Sadly not true for anything involving multiplayer games.

  61. 11 months ago

    Nobody is hiring talented people anymore. Literally. Half the games that come out now are ugly as shit and I think that says enough. There needs to be a bigger barrier of entry in the industry.

    • 11 months ago

      >Nobody is hiring talented people anymore
      But this isn't new; back then most of good games were done by japanese salarymen not talented people making games. The ps1-ps2 period was the isolated case

      • 11 months ago

        Which is kind of sad to think about. Those games are the games people keep going back to because they are good. It's sad that we haven't surpassed that all this time and things have just gradually degraded in quality.

      • 11 months ago

        >back then most of good games were done by japanese salarymen
        that was a very unfunny joke, anon.

        • 11 months ago

          You thought Miyamoto was a freelancer artist when he made the first mario game?

    • 11 months ago

      Literal bs from people who are too cowardly to confront the real problem (execs and wages), there is more talent today than before

      • 11 months ago

        There is more talent but we aren't hiring them or if they are put to use their vision is obscured by management half the time. Along with the talented people you have a bunch of people working on the same team who aren't as talented or don't give a shit or want to shove bs social politics in.

  62. 11 months ago

    I think that bungie talk about destiny 2 just about sums up the crux of the issue. Games are now made to a low standard so that more mediocre content can be drip fed to players without revolt. You're getting more content than ever, it's just that it's bland and unappealing.

  63. 11 months ago

    To get actual good games you really gotta focus on indie studios that aren't dictated by investors like AAA studios are, who want games that make a constant stream of money that tricks the player into continuing to play it thinking they're having fun forever instead of solid single purchase experiences that're actually born of fun and passion. Balder's Gate 3 doing so stupidly well as the kind of game it is is actually making AAA studios get pissy saying "yOu sHoUld'nT eXpeCt tHiS aLL thE tIMe!!!" like pouting kids because everyone isn't playing their infinite money skinner boxes right now.

  64. 11 months ago

    Because we have entered the stage where the only people left in game development are all practising cargo cult worship of the good code from yesteryear. Nobody knows how to do anything new anymore, and are rapidly approaching the point where they can't maintain what already exists.

  65. 11 months ago

    Why are bigmacs getting smaller?
    Why is food at the grocery store getting more expensive for smaller quantities?
    Why is demand for gas shrinking while prices rise?
    Why does hardware cost more to run games that look worse or the same as older games?
    Why didnt games drop in price when they went 98% digital only?

    Because people will pay. And there more people paying than ever before in all of human history. 8 BILLION people voting with their wallets. Even villages in bumfrick tajikichinastan play videogames and eat bigmacs in the year of the vampire 2023.

  66. 11 months ago

    Used to be a (relatively) more niche hobby, so the products catered more towards a specific group of enthusiasts. Now everyone plays games and all games are designed to be for everyone.

  67. 11 months ago

    Progress is a myth, the period of time where stuff generally got better for most people lasted less than 400 years out of all human history and now it's pretty much over.

    • 11 months ago

      no, White genocide means no more free White inventions for humanity. Life without White people will be extremely boring.

  68. 11 months ago

    Because most large publishers and developers don't optimize for fun but for extorting the highest possible amount of money from the playerbase.

  69. 11 months ago

    How the industry is run is more important than the technology available to it. Nerds passionate about games making them in the hopes of selling a lot of copies > ex packaging industry execs fishing for that billion dollar a year in mtx platform.

  70. 11 months ago


    You're part of the problem, there would be literally nothing wrong with your image if the game associated with it was good
    It's because of your gay obsession with grapix that all games nowadays are 70gb and need a $1500 rig to run properly

    • 11 months ago

      >graphicsgay argument
      no, frick you, you dishonest c**t. this isn't a matter of the games looking a little shitty. scarlet and violet are terrible. they're multiple generations behind graphically. they run like trying to emulate a PS1 game on an a GBA. They're complete ass.

  71. 11 months ago

    But they are getting better, OP. Better at extracting money from their players

  72. 11 months ago

    Games used to be made by smelly fat gamer chuds, who wanted the adulation of their peers for making the best games.

    Now games are made by hipsters from california, all trying to push the most social engineering into their games for likes from their tribe on twitter.

    The only way gaming will get better is if the industry crashes, wages go into the toilet and only people passionate about it come back into making them. Right now there is too much money, and so it attracts careerists who hate vidya.

  73. 11 months ago


  74. 11 months ago

    Systematic dysfunction throughout the economy.

  75. 11 months ago

    I bought and played the avengers game recently out of FOMO, and am having a bit of an existential crisis over whether I should upgrade my toaster to play new(er) games.

    Everything in it seems poorly thought out. The camera doesn't work with the combat, the linear narrative is ruined by the live service format, multiplayer and singleplayer elements clash and diminish each other, etc. All these things are unchanged even if my rig has better specs, so at that point why even upgrade or buy new consoles to play new shitty games?

    • 11 months ago

      >I bought and played the avengers game recently out of FOMO
      Please be bait

  76. 11 months ago

    So in what way are games getting better outside of the shiniest 8k graphics where you now see skin pores and peach fuzz?

    • 11 months ago

      Stop asking questions and support the industry

  77. 11 months ago

    The same reason nothing else is. The government is owned by companies and doesn't actually give a frick if monopolies exist.

    Thanks to patents and copyright companies don't have to race to the top of quality and the bottom of price like they should be doing.

    They've instead built a system where they chase infinite money that doesn't exist and requires putting as little money into a project as possible meaning they get worse.

    So instead of using that can opener you bought for 40 years like your last one, you get three months because then you'll have to buy another one.

    So instead of releasing a one and done product, they fill it full of flashy fluff and release it a tenth of the way done and with stuff cut out from the last entry so you'll feel the need to continuously pay to get the full game while they whine that "the price of games haven't gone up" and you look at your receipts or bank history and see instead of 30 - 60 you've actually spent 360 and you still don't have half as much content as the last entry but hey, you can play it with random people online so it must be good, right? (nope).

    The only way to go back to having products that get better with time is to
    >delete all patents
    >delete most of copyright and trademarks
    >require one single person to own what does remain of IP law because companies don't have ideas, people do
    >force companies who have bought/merged with other companies to spin them back off
    >make companies buying or merging with other companies illegal
    >make investors illegal except for start ups with a limit on yearly earnings AND a limit on time as a public company before they have to pay out and stand on their own two feet

  78. 11 months ago
    Snoys gonna snoy

    Money. Predatory capitalism suffocates art and creativity. The coke nosed suits killed your hobby, dead.

    • 11 months ago

      Meanwhile under communism everyone is trained from childhood to play Beethoven exactly note for note and replicate Rembrant down to the brushstroke and if they mess up daddy goes to the gulag.


      Americans are so utterly brain-damaged in their black and white thinking.

      You dont need to be a communist to find the modern captialist world shite. You guys of all people should understand this. You work 3 jobs for terrible pay.
      Economic growth cant always go up. Its impossible without fricking everything else up including your bootlicking existences.

      Every person who says this eventually admits to being a Marxist when actually pushed on their beliefs. Every single one.

      • 11 months ago

        Money. Predatory capitalism suffocates art and creativity. The coke nosed suits killed your hobby, dead.

        The West is living under communism. Mega corps who work with governments that hate the people they are supposed to work for. Text book communism.

        • 11 months ago

          >Communism is when Capitalsim

          • 11 months ago

            >capitalism is when government controls business

            >Every person who says this eventually admits to being a Marxist when actually pushed on their beliefs. Every single one.
            Everyone who defends it is a israelite who wants 400 million immigrants in the US. Frick off, israelite. Japan is doing just fine and their population has been declining for DECADES

            'Capitalism' is literally a israeli shibboleth to demonise private property rights. You are so subverted that you end up fighting for israeli control whilst thinking you are against it. Your entire worldview has been dictated to you by cold war communist propaganda.

      • 11 months ago

        >Every person who says this eventually admits to being a Marxist when actually pushed on their beliefs. Every single one.
        Everyone who defends it is a israelite who wants 400 million immigrants in the US. Frick off, israelite. Japan is doing just fine and their population has been declining for DECADES

  79. 11 months ago

    They started optimizing for hours played per player metrics, went full trannoid mode and started modelling every single small shit instead of using texture tricks to justify insane system requirements. Next question

  80. 11 months ago

    Some genres have gotten better over time, others worse. Old games arent objectively good and neither are new games. Platformers havnt really gotten better with time, worse even. Simulator games have only ever gotten better.

  81. 11 months ago

    >Xcom came out 30 years ago
    >still the best
    fricking sucks, man

  82. 11 months ago

    Marxism, women, and diversity hires. It started with feminists forcing their way into the hobby and making it about themselves, then gays like Matt Lees urged devs to make their games political. Now we have ESG mandates and an industry run by bugmen who only hire other bugmen, minorities, or women.

  83. 11 months ago

    Because they're all being made for the ps4 Black person, its 10 years old. Wake up.

  84. 11 months ago

    "Progress" as a concept was invented by the same people trying to sell you the products of progress. If you believe in progress then you functionally believe that history started less than 200 years ago.

  85. 11 months ago

    posts from 2009

  86. 11 months ago

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