why aren't we talking about this? it even has a rewind feature, you zoomers love this!

why aren't we talking about this? it even has a rewind feature, you zoomers love this!

Beware Cat Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

Beware Cat Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 years ago

    no one will buy this shit

  2. 3 years ago

    1 good game, 1 ok game, 1 meh game, 1 shit game. Wake me up when the DS collection releases

    • 3 years ago

      >1 ok game, 1 meh game
      What's the difference?

      • 3 years ago

        Ok would be like a 7, meh a 5

        • 3 years ago

          >Ok would be like a 7
          not at all, okay is a 6

  3. 3 years ago

    Why do people generally dislike harmony? I just started playing it again and I'm enjoying it thus far.

    • 3 years ago

      I enjoyed harmony, but i can see why it is hated.
      > castle layout is shit, too much pointless backtracking also the first time exploring is kinda luck based, either you take the right turn and everything works out, or you take the wrong one and end up walking each way 3 times.

      > scaling in the game is really off, some times one better item or a few level ups just make enemies suddenly just do 1 damage to you

      > pointless shops that are gatekeeped by stupid mechanics (uneven level, even hearts, random drop that you would likely have to farm for hours)

      • 3 years ago

        >castle layout is shit, too much pointless backtracking
        never had a problem with this, but I always did the Holy Book + Bolt Book combo while tanking hits. Honorable mentions "Cross + Wind Book" - "Holy Book + Wind Book" - "Cross + Ice Book"

      • 3 years ago

        >castle layout is shit, too much pointless backtracking
        I guess that's why I loved it,Linear metroidvania are boring
        HoD actually felt like an adventure somehow,it's filled with interesting things

        Honestly the 2 castle in HoD is the even best then the original one,because you don't just "go into the second one",but you actually esplore early on without knowing (but if you care enough,you kinda notice the change in atmosphere after every teleport)

        As you said,the game have some problems for sure I think in my first playthrough I litterally only got ONE merchant,but I had to few gold so I went farming more and he disappeared...only later I learn about the requirement

  4. 3 years ago

    How does it hold up on a big screen? Is it true it has better sound?

    • 3 years ago

      It looks fine if you maintain the aspect ratio, the sound is not anything you're going to notice if you haven't played the gba versions recently.

  5. 3 years ago

    They should've included the Gameboy games and that Wiiware Castlevania remake by M2.

  6. 3 years ago

    I bought it a couple of days ago. Started with the first game and I'll work my way through, though I don't think I'll be touching Dracula X. Such a weird addition.

  7. 3 years ago

    >still too lazy to even port them

    You can just emulate these yourselves, and you can do it better than this too.

    • 3 years ago

      I think this is a pretty decent port. How do you think you could improve it other than adding some sort of screen filter?

  8. 3 years ago

    i never played the 2DS castlevanias i wish those could have been included too.

  9. 3 years ago

    Any good reshades out there? Something to help HoD's bright as frick colors.

  10. 3 years ago

    Because no one cares about the dogshit GBA castlevanias. Everyone's waiting for the DS bundle, Portrait of Ruin is the best castlevania after all.

  11. 3 years ago

    Should have just released the coop one for steam.

  12. 3 years ago

    why the frick would you need rewind in metroidvania?

    • 3 years ago

      Kill enemy, rewind, reapat 100 times until you finally get your drop.

  13. 3 years ago

    > it even has a rewind feature, you zoomers love this

    oh another feature ripped off from retroarch, you love to see it folks

  14. 3 years ago

    >aria of sorrow is really fricking good
    >harmony of dissonance is okay but way too easy
    >circle of the moon is a poorly tested pile of shite
    >dracula x is just shitty rondo
    i felt a great castlevania high when i saw this get announced but i regret my purchase of it now

    • 3 years ago

      >>circle of the moon is a poorly tested pile of shite
      >>dracula x is just shitty rondo
      Shit opinion, those games are at least a 7/10

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