Why can't we go back?

Why can't we go back?

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POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 year ago

    because you morons will ruin the game yourselves by minmaxing everything

    • 1 year ago

      not just this but then forcing it on others pretending vanilla content is hard or requires minmaxing, fricking gay

      if you read guides for videogames, you are moronic.

      really depends, some WoW quests suck ass and require guides. don't even get me started on how fricking obtuse some Everquest quests could be.

    • 1 year ago

      It's this.
      I tried going back for Wrath. I couldn't even get into Uthgarde, the first leveling dungeon, because I didn't have a full set of S4 PvP gear.
      It's honestly pretty pathetic. I blame streamers.

      • 1 year ago

        lmao this. i remember raiding naxx near the end of the cycle and people were wondering why i wasn't full pre-raid bis with full enchants. and then they were joking about the "sweaties" as if they aren't one. luckily i got into a guild and they helped me gear up.

        • 1 year ago

          so you played with people with the same goal instead of the opposite? weird almost like different types of people exist

          • 1 year ago

            i just found it annoying how they expected me to be geared up for one of the easiest raids near the end of the cycle

            • 1 year ago

              theres always been guilds with different goals for raids but people complain like it was only tryhards in classic
              yet they never tried to make their own groups

              • 1 year ago

                well this was a casual group. even if you're playing with sub 50 parsers they're all very tryhard about gearscore/enchants for some reason

              • 1 year ago

                theres degrees of casual
                but how else are you going to vet someone for a raid? if you show you've tried to gear up as best as possible you have a better chance of getting in its pretty simple

              • 1 year ago

                >Pugging Ulduar
                >Mage wants in, starts spamming his GS (as if I give a flying frick about that)
                >Just ask if he knows the fights, he says yes, links his Yogg kill, great
                >shows up fully PvP spec'd rocking an ungemmed, unenchanted set of honor gear
                Sometimes there's just no helping people.

      • 1 year ago

        I came back to Wrath for Ulduar after quitting days after BC dropped and I had no issue finding groups during leveling, gearing up for heroic +, or doing full clear non-GDKP raids with. Frick I pugged hardmode Ulduar with no issues.
        Might just be a "you" issue friend.

    • 1 year ago

      This. Not trying to be joker but modern humanity just fricking sucks.

    • 1 year ago

      you can you fricking moron it's called wow classic
      it's still alive

      also this
      just fricking pretend like you're in 2004 or some shit

      • 1 year ago

        >just fricking pretend like you're in 2004 or some shit
        Impossible. You can smoke a bowl, relax, and have fun. You can't unscramble the egg. Any attempt to do so is just acting.

    • 1 year ago

      I played on vanilla private servers like someone who doesn't know any of the minmax stuff or viable builds because MoP was my first experience with WOW and had a ton of fun leveling in the old zones didn't do any endgame stuff though, too scary

      • 1 year ago

        MoP had the best endgame since Ulduar in WotLK and Kara in TBC if you were the type of player who really appreciated a looooooong attunement chain to enable you to raid.

    • 1 year ago

      minmaxing isnt the players fault its the devs
      its just that simple

      • 1 year ago

        minmax is by definition player behavior

        at most you can argue devs are responsible for channeling that behavior into a fun experience

        • 1 year ago

          No, it's natural to want to be the best possible. It's the fault of the internet. It started with Thottbot, Wowhead, and evolved into Icyveins and various tryhard logsites.

          at least in classic wow they had a chance to buff moonkins and paladin dps but they didnt so everyone played warrior and rogue
          solely the devs fault

          • 1 year ago

            I leveled as holy pala to about 40ish in classic and then got bored. But I did it in early WOTLK with zero issue. I think the overall community and feeling has been the biggest hit to the game.

        • 1 year ago

          the game rewards minmaxing above all else.

          • 1 year ago

            if minmax doesn't incur better rewards, than it isn't minmax

          • 1 year ago

            >t. never rp’d
            >t. never quested and searched for hours for a dumb shirt, hat, or other vain trinket
            >t. never explored the word past the lightly intended barriers

            • 1 year ago

              i did all of that. i even played private rp servers for a long time because retail barely facilitates role playing. the game rewards minmaxing above all else.

              • 1 year ago

                Raids reward minmaxing. Standing around town chatting and dueling doesn't so much.

      • 1 year ago

        No, it's natural to want to be the best possible. It's the fault of the internet. It started with Thottbot, Wowhead, and evolved into Icyveins and various tryhard logsites.

    • 1 year ago

      This is correct but like

      minmax is by definition player behavior

      at most you can argue devs are responsible for channeling that behavior into a fun experience

      said devs take majority of the blame by grooming their own playerbase into minmaxing for decades.
      When you gate the best titles, mounts, transmogs and other collectibles behind CE, high rated m+ and pvp in a game that costs money to play it's only natural that players will cut out the fun and sweat to maximise their rewards. That's inherently the major issue with all modern mmorpgs , the community goes back to the old versions of the game and just continues to do what they learned on retail.

    • 1 year ago

      People have been minmaxing Nostalrius from the start and that was wildly successful and showed no signs of slowing down until they complied with the takedown.

      • 1 year ago

        Nost was dogshit because it was the bedrock for all the ex-retail babies and their ecelebs like Sodapoppin.
        I primarily played on private servers thorough my wow experience because I missed out on retail vanilla and tbc and wow became shit with Cataclysm. No one gave a frick about minmaxing in private communities until Nost and Classic happened and suddenly you saw it everywhere.

        Do you anons also agree that the introduction of achievements into WoW, not even counting gaming in general, massively damaged the way the game was played and how the developers started channeling their resources?

        Yes. I still enjoy Wotlk for its vibe, art style and top tier PvP but I can't deny the fact that as a TBC baby I hated the idea of achievements from day one and I still don't pay attention to them to this day, including Steam.

        • 1 year ago

          Take a look for yourself.
          But some bullet points are
          >class balancing changes, memespecs are no longer memespecs anymore, paladin especially got buffed hard
          >shitloads of new quests at all levels of the game
          >a few new dungeons and I think a new raid
          >more new dungeons/raids still planned and in development
          it's pretty much the most accurate "classic+" that a pserver has done, thus far

          nope, buff and debuff limits removed because they're dumb

          I despise privateshit because it's not "real" but that's because I was there when having THUNDERFURY, ASHKANDI, SULFARAS and things like that really made you stand out. Now with the "retail classic" everyone has full T3 gear and Ashbringer.

          What I'd love to see is a separate timeline where the exile government of Lordaeron, the Scarlet Crusade actually manages to reclaim "undercity" from the undead filth. And thus establishing a Northern Alliance.

          • 1 year ago

            the "exile government of lordaeron" was always just the c**t princess who bailed when shit started getting bad.

            • 1 year ago

              That undead demon isn't a legitimate heir. The real ruler of Lordaeron is High General Morgraine of the Scarlet Crusade and his appointed heirs.

    • 1 year ago

      This. Anybody who remembers Vanilla, knows that dungeons runs were rarely successful but people did them anyway. Now if a dungeon fails its a big surprise. Everything is different now

  2. 1 year ago

    if you read guides for videogames, you are moronic.

    • 1 year ago

      But then how will I get the super secret ending

  3. 1 year ago

    You literally can

    • 1 year ago

      No you can't because of

      because you morons will ruin the game yourselves by minmaxing everything

      . It's not just the game, the entire timeline, society and way of thinking is different now.

  4. 1 year ago

    thottbot was the beginning of the end

  5. 1 year ago


  6. 1 year ago

    You can, the game is still running. The real question is, why won't you enjoy it?
    Maybe because the game is actually a piece of crap?

  7. 1 year ago

    we can only move forward
    gpt generated quests and content are the future
    you can't cheat-sheet that

  8. 1 year ago

    i want to shit in WoW

  9. 1 year ago

    >loch modan
    literally no one quested here

    • 1 year ago

      Lots of people quest there, I keep killing them on my 60 horde rogue but they never stop.

    • 1 year ago

      Frick you, I did.

      And I made my friends quest there too

      • 1 year ago

        >mount chokes some shit up.mp3
        >patentend silly line.mp3

    • 1 year ago

      I did, it was pretty soulful. The dwarf zones are peak soul.

    • 1 year ago

      >tfw I found a hunting lodge in the SE of Loch Modan in Classic that I never knew existed, that had a decent series of timed quests
      It's the little things like that that made Classic worth it. Just rediscovering this world that I loved so much and finding new stuff along the way.

    • 1 year ago

      There was a time before optimized quest routes.

  10. 1 year ago

    Classic leveling is very chill right now. I can't speak for max level, but leveling up has been great.

  11. 1 year ago

    there is no wonder in a solved game

  12. 1 year ago

    because games are beat before they even come out
    with journalists and influencers getting games early and leakers spoiling the fun
    but one of the worst is data miners

    dont get me wrong i love data mined games, seeing the cut content, what could have been
    about 10+ years AFTER they come out

    are there any modern games that havent been torn apart?

    • 1 year ago

      Could we make games with built in randomizers or something like that so they can't be dissected immediately?

  13. 1 year ago

    why is that wojak in a septic tank

  14. 1 year ago

    any game that doesn't respect my time by forcing daily / weekly content doesn't deserve my time

    • 1 year ago

      original wow didn't have daily quests

      • 1 year ago

        >weekly transmutes

  15. 1 year ago

    Autistic number crunching minmaxing autists obsessed with "parsing" has ruined the whole experience of raiding for me

    • 1 year ago




      holy shit i thought i had so much time. wasted it all



      • 1 year ago

        They're reaction images, they are intended to portray the poster's thoughts or feelings about whatever they happen to be talking about/replying to. The 'reddit man' and 'reddit frog' are simply easy to edit portrayals of a person, and are often used to represent the poster themselves.
        For example, this image is a representation of me: comfy in my chair and underneath a blanket, but mildly pissed off at whatever I'm looking at, which in this case just so happens to be your overly emotional and utterly moronic post.
        Lurk moar, newfriend.

        • 1 year ago
      • 1 year ago

        u new here or something?

  16. 1 year ago

    Reminder that wojaks did not exist at all when WoW first came to be, but this doesn't stop them from claiming that they have always been a part of WoW's culture since day 1.

    • 1 year ago

      It's meant to evoke a feeling as interpreted by a modern audience, it's not saying there is literally a wojak on the map in 2004 or whatever your moronic point is

  17. 1 year ago

    add colloassal walls and nfl blitz fan package reskin togahs and hikers add a couple audience sex scenes

    bg twinks xx

  18. 1 year ago

    Because we've already played trough it in it's prime and nothing can compare to experiencing it for the first time again with millions of other people. Now you can go and play as optimally as you want for the sake of being a completionist and getting and doing everything you couldn't when it originally came out but you already know almost everything about it, so there's no sense of expolration and discovery anymore and that was the best part of it.
    Plus blizzard are mega homosexuals now and refuse to make a new expansion that's similar to classic and the first expansions, despite classic being the only thing keeping WoW alive right now. More people play classic than retail.

    • 1 year ago

      well why can't we have new games as soulful as leveling up a new human 1-30? it feels like everything is tainted now, or maybe I'm just old, but I'm not entirely sold that it's just me who's changed..

    • 1 year ago

      2009 screenshot. I wish I could go back to those comfy days.

  19. 1 year ago

    WoW Classic+ any day now bro...

    • 1 year ago

      we already have it, it's called Turtle WoW

      • 1 year ago

        How so? What have they added to build upon the original WoW experience? Which new raids, dungeons, zones, races, classes etc. have they added?

        • 1 year ago

          not a turtle WoW shill but they did add some cool stuff (quest lines in zones that had dead areas etc). It's worth playing through but it's a bastard because you can't look anything up so you're always torn between walking around and looking for new quests or just grinding the quests that you know

          • 1 year ago

            I used to play on a lot of private servers back in the days and had mod privilegies on some and could spawn things and change everything to make cool cinematic videos and so on. But I'd never play on a server like that seriously. As much of a joke modern day Blizzard is they're stil held to some degree of corporate standard.

            • 1 year ago

              not sure when you last played on a private server but I have only played private servers for the last 5 years and they are absolutely top tier. Yes sometimes there is shit going on, but they're more vibrant that normal paid servers. I put so much time into the last seasonal warmane server, made so many cool friends and memories. Anyways, it sounds different from what you are describing.

              • 1 year ago

                Last time was end of Wrath/early Cata

              • 1 year ago

                yeah they were DOGSHIT back then. It's much different now.

                I mean you obviously played on some fun servers where everyone is a gm etc. I've played on blizzlike privs in the past that had higher standards of moderation and more common sense approach to changes than what we see with classic wow. Sadly this shit is dead because of classic and the players fear of losing progress (like it fricking matters when the new expansion hits)

                my real life friends are such Black folk about this, OMG WHAT IF THE SERVER GETS SHUT DOWN! MY PROGRESS!

                it's so stupid

              • 1 year ago


                I strongly believe that people's obsession with preserving their characters for as long as possible is the most harmful thing that can happen to any game. It makes the players fricking deranged and really starts to limit what the devs can do in the long run.

            • 1 year ago

              I mean you obviously played on some fun servers where everyone is a gm etc. I've played on blizzlike privs in the past that had higher standards of moderation and more common sense approach to changes than what we see with classic wow. Sadly this shit is dead because of classic and the players fear of losing progress (like it fricking matters when the new expansion hits)

              • 1 year ago

                yeah they were DOGSHIT back then. It's much different now.

                my real life friends are such Black folk about this, OMG WHAT IF THE SERVER GETS SHUT DOWN! MY PROGRESS!

                it's so stupid

                Do you anons also agree that the introduction of achievements into WoW, not even counting gaming in general, massively damaged the way the game was played and how the developers started channeling their resources?

              • 1 year ago

                100%. The day they added them I was yelling at my guild about how I knew where this was going and I was right. I think our guild leader was thinking the same thing because he invited us all to play league of legends with him shortly afterwards and we never played wow again.

              • 1 year ago

                >all to play league of legends
                out of the frying pan and into the fire

              • 1 year ago

                Hey, league was genuinely fun to the end of season 1. I'm glad I got to experience the first couple years. 99% of the people who ever played that game never got to see the good times.

              • 1 year ago

                I still remember that TBC pre-Wrath patch where they were introduced. Before then I only knew them as some weird Xbox thing.

              • 1 year ago

                Achievements in WoW are basically nothing. People who aren't autistic only bother with the ones that give rewards which isn't especially different from how the game always gave you rare titles and mounts for doing certain things.

              • 1 year ago

                I had the top amount of achieves in my hardcore raiding guild despite taking a break from the Lich King patch until MoP. But that's when they started adding the "grind forever" ones and I stopped caring since every game worked like that now and I grew to despise it.

              • 1 year ago

                >Good acheivements
                Feats of Strength, rare titles that require doing something unique, or secret/hidden shit that takes a village to uncover
                >shit acheivements
                Doing X quests, filling out the map, doing X amount of achievements to get a big achievement/mount/title, seasonal ones, shit that literally anyone playing the game will do (leveling to max, getting a mount, etc.)

                Getting Light of the Narru is an acheivement. Getting Bloodsail Admiral is an acheivement. Getting Chef or Salty or any of those, is not.

              • 1 year ago

                And these days any rare timegated title and mount can be obtained by handing out that real like cash. The absolute state of WoW.

              • 1 year ago

                what's wrong with achieves?

        • 1 year ago

          High elf and goblin, alongside their areas/quests. Paladin is effectively a new class since Ret is a viable raid spec there. Also, a few balance changes to make shit like feral viable.

        • 1 year ago

          Take a look for yourself.
          But some bullet points are
          >class balancing changes, memespecs are no longer memespecs anymore, paladin especially got buffed hard
          >shitloads of new quests at all levels of the game
          >a few new dungeons and I think a new raid
          >more new dungeons/raids still planned and in development
          it's pretty much the most accurate "classic+" that a pserver has done, thus far

          do they still have the vanilla debuff limit?

          nope, buff and debuff limits removed because they're dumb

      • 1 year ago

        aka troony-Chinks-Balkan-Soulless WoW

      • 1 year ago

        do they still have the vanilla debuff limit?

    • 1 year ago

      I still think them not forking the timeline at some point during the end of classic was a huge "bag fumble" as the kids say these days.

      • 1 year ago

        NOBODY says things are a huge bag fumble you autistic homosexual

        Yeah that's fair, it really does look childish.
        Wrath was the last "Vanilla" expansion so it gets included in this as well. I'll be talking the 25-man versions only for these, as those were actually complete, and excluding tier 7 except for DK's as those are just tier 3 reskins.

        Warlock tier 8
        Mage tier 8
        Warrior tier 8
        DK tier 7
        Warrior tier 10
        Rogue tier 8
        DK tier 8
        Rogue tier 10
        Shaman tier 10
        Hunter tier 8
        Druid tier 8
        Hunter tier 10
        Shaman tier 8
        Druid tier 10
        DK tier 10
        Mage tier 10
        Warlock tier 10
        Priest tier 8
        Paladin tier 10
        Priest tier 10
        Paladin tier 8

        Priest and Paladin had consistently the worst sets this expansion. Really most of the Wrath sets were garbage, save a few standouts like Warlock/Mage tier 8. Also, this is a rare example of the end-tier sets looking significantly worse than the earlier ones (but maybe that's because Ulduar was just had that Midas touch).
        I left out tier 9 because, again, models were shared across armor types AND were different for factions. None of them would've made it into the list very high, with the exception of the Alliance leather set, but here's their own rankings:

        Alliance leather (probably would be above Rogue tier 8, and only on a female character)
        Horde plate
        Horde cloth
        Alliance plate
        Horde mail
        Horde leather
        Alliance cloth = Alliance mail (holy FRICK these were awful).

        that bonebreaker rogue set or whatever the hell it was with the tongue and the doll like head
        i thought it was cringe at first but its stuck in my mind for years so i have to give it props

        • 1 year ago

          >NOBODY says things are a huge bag fumble you autistic homosexual

          uhhhhh CHECKMATE atheisrts

          • 1 year ago

            no body in real life says
            OHHH THat was a HUGe bag FUmble
            what are you trying to prove or do lol?
            collect your pension dickhead

            • 1 year ago

              I said it out loud just now get owneeddddddddddddd

              • 1 year ago

                I just said it too. Frick zoomers.

              • 1 year ago

                I just said it too. Frick zoomers.

                its pwned 😉

        • 1 year ago

          The one-eyed armor based on the geist? It's a noose, not a tongue.
          And yeah a lot of the Rogue sets are pretty edgy, but somehow it works and if they fully commit to embracing the edge they all come out looking great.

  20. 1 year ago

    >try and play any MMO without looking up guides, making your own build, etc.
    >get shit on for being a moronic scrub, ignored, not allowed into groups, unsolicited advice about talents, etc
    It's really a community made issue, it's not like MMOs are even hard beyond the time investment. The community kills itself by trying to hyper-optimize.

    • 1 year ago

      That's just what happens when the game forces you to rely on strangers to progress, if one fricks up for the rest of you by not knowing how to play the game then they will get ridiculed and kicked. People just want to get on with their lives instead of babysitting strangers.

      • 1 year ago

        Maybe devs should make any kind of build setup viable then?

        • 1 year ago

          It's not just about builds, if the game is hard and requires people to perform their roles properly to beat it then of course you would tell every non-functional individual to go frick themselves and get someone else.

    • 1 year ago

      Idk man, I recently played ff14 up to Stormblood and never minmaxed shit or looked up a guide, it was pretty chill
      People were nice in dungeons and would lead the way if needed
      I only stopped because the game itself was kinda boring.

      • 1 year ago

        >I recently played ff14 up to Stormblood and never minmaxed shit or looked up a guide

        That's because FF14 is absolutely braindead with basically no room to frick up or deviate from the intended optimal playstyle unless you just deliberately ignore mechanics

      • 1 year ago

        XIV has some good things but dungeons and raids are complete trash. They're all just about memorizing a pattern like a fricking robot. There is no space for making fast decisions and using your class unique skills to make a difference in the heat of the battle. It's all just a mechanical memorization.

  21. 1 year ago

    Here, let me show you

    • 1 year ago

      that picture is over 10 years old. That dog is dead.

      • 1 year ago

        that only reinforces the metaphor

  22. 1 year ago

    holy shit i thought i had so much time. wasted it all

  23. 1 year ago

    There aren't any dragons that need raping in Loch Modan

  24. 1 year ago

    is it stupid to think the only positive thing drm could possibly do is lessen datamining?

  25. 1 year ago

    Cuz you grew up. Now go be a family man.

  26. 1 year ago

    this area sucked tho

    • 1 year ago

      Should have been the barrens instead.

  27. 1 year ago

    You can, and many people already have.
    For me? It's Turtle WoW.

  28. 1 year ago

    You wanted to go back and you ruined it for yourselves
    Now you get to "go home" to cata LMAO

    • 1 year ago

      We never asked for cata

  29. 1 year ago

    what does Ganker think of Feralas?

    • 1 year ago

      Hated the zone in Vanilla, love it now.
      Only leveled there as Alliance, so while the town being so far west fricking sucked the quests themselves were pretty good. Zone also has some fricking good atmosphere and one of the better instance(s?) in it. If it had more quests and the fricking Horde town wasn't on the literal main road through the zone it would be 10/10.

    • 1 year ago

      I loved it, but I was horde.

    • 1 year ago

      It was shit like every Kalimdor zone aside from Tanaris.
      t. Alliance

    • 1 year ago

      it's nice for horde but shit for alliance

  30. 1 year ago

    Imagine needing a resume to play a video game. Laughing my ass off over here.

  31. 1 year ago

    has there ever existed anything more "incel" than the horde?

    • 1 year ago

      No. They're the "säyboys original". The Alliance and most of all the people of Lordaeron are fighting for a righteous cause and their very existence as a people.

      • 1 year ago

        paladin tier 2 is so cringe

        • 1 year ago

          I would never invite you to my guild for having such a shit taste. I bet you play a dps shaman or some moronic druid.

        • 1 year ago

          +1 cool internet guy points

          post vanilla armor tier list
          no class separation, just best to worst

          • 1 year ago

            hunter tier 1, 2, shaman tier 1, druid tier 1. all else is cope

          • 1 year ago

            Fine. Ordered from best to worst, remembering the names as best I can. Obviously this is subjective but w/e.

            Warlock tier 3
            Frostfire (Mage tier 3 if I got the name wrong)
            Warrior tier 3 = Warrior tier 2
            Druid tier 3
            Shaman tier 3
            Priest tier 2
            Ten Storms
            Paladin tier 3
            Druid tier 1
            Priest tier 3
            Druid tier 2
            Shaman tier 1
            Paladin tier 1

            Pretty easy to tell I played a rogue/hunter in Vanilla, just from the fact those were the only sets I could remember 100% and I'm pretty biased towards them. Priest overall has some shit sets, something that wouldn't change until Tier 6, but nothing will beat Paladin tier 1 for worst set (probably the worst set in the history of the game).
            I left out tier 2.5 as those shared the models across armor types but if I had to choose it would probably be
            Mail (serious what the frick were they thinking?)

            • 1 year ago

              i think i can agree paladin tier 1 looks autistic as hell
              its almost charming though, like a childs drawing of badass cool hero armour

              • 1 year ago

                >childs drawing of badass cool hero armour
                thats the average ret tard for you. some real power rangers shit

              • 1 year ago

                Yeah that's fair, it really does look childish.

                +1 cool internet guy points

                post vanilla armor tier list
                no class separation, just best to worst

                Fine. Ordered from best to worst, remembering the names as best I can. Obviously this is subjective but w/e.

                Warlock tier 3
                Frostfire (Mage tier 3 if I got the name wrong)
                Warrior tier 3 = Warrior tier 2
                Druid tier 3
                Shaman tier 3
                Priest tier 2
                Ten Storms
                Paladin tier 3
                Druid tier 1
                Priest tier 3
                Druid tier 2
                Shaman tier 1
                Paladin tier 1

                Pretty easy to tell I played a rogue/hunter in Vanilla, just from the fact those were the only sets I could remember 100% and I'm pretty biased towards them. Priest overall has some shit sets, something that wouldn't change until Tier 6, but nothing will beat Paladin tier 1 for worst set (probably the worst set in the history of the game).
                I left out tier 2.5 as those shared the models across armor types but if I had to choose it would probably be
                Mail (serious what the frick were they thinking?)

                And let's do BC as well, shall we?

                Priest tier 6
                Druid tier 5
                Warlock tier 5
                Mage tier 5
                Priest tier 5 (but only in shadowform)
                Warlock tier 4
                Mage tier 4
                Shaman tier 5
                Warrior tier 5
                Warlock tier 6
                Rogue tier 4
                Priest tier 5 (non-shadowform)
                Paladin tier 5
                Warrior tier 4
                Shaman tier 4
                Druid tier 4
                Paladin tier 4
                Priest tier 4
                Mage tier 6

                Love priest tier 6 to this day, same with Deathmantle. What I'm noticing is that the first tier of each raid is MUCH worse looking than the later tiers, and I don't think that's an accident. I will say that some of the PvP recolors of these sets would have drastically different rankings, as the coloring of a lot of BC armor was fricking awful (Gronnstalker, for example).
                Same thing for tier 6.5, models are shared across armor types but if I had to pick:

                Wrath was the last "Vanilla" expansion so it gets included in this as well. I'll be talking the 25-man versions only for these, as those were actually complete, and excluding tier 7 except for DK's as those are just tier 3 reskins.

                Warlock tier 8
                Mage tier 8
                Warrior tier 8
                DK tier 7
                Warrior tier 10
                Rogue tier 8
                DK tier 8
                Rogue tier 10
                Shaman tier 10
                Hunter tier 8
                Druid tier 8
                Hunter tier 10
                Shaman tier 8
                Druid tier 10
                DK tier 10
                Mage tier 10
                Warlock tier 10
                Priest tier 8
                Paladin tier 10
                Priest tier 10
                Paladin tier 8

                Priest and Paladin had consistently the worst sets this expansion. Really most of the Wrath sets were garbage, save a few standouts like Warlock/Mage tier 8. Also, this is a rare example of the end-tier sets looking significantly worse than the earlier ones (but maybe that's because Ulduar was just had that Midas touch).
                I left out tier 9 because, again, models were shared across armor types AND were different for factions. None of them would've made it into the list very high, with the exception of the Alliance leather set, but here's their own rankings:

                Alliance leather (probably would be above Rogue tier 8, and only on a female character)
                Horde plate
                Horde cloth
                Alliance plate
                Horde mail
                Horde leather
                Alliance cloth = Alliance mail (holy FRICK these were awful).

            • 1 year ago

              +1 cool internet guy points

              post vanilla armor tier list
              no class separation, just best to worst

              And let's do BC as well, shall we?

              Priest tier 6
              Druid tier 5
              Warlock tier 5
              Mage tier 5
              Priest tier 5 (but only in shadowform)
              Warlock tier 4
              Mage tier 4
              Shaman tier 5
              Warrior tier 5
              Warlock tier 6
              Rogue tier 4
              Priest tier 5 (non-shadowform)
              Paladin tier 5
              Warrior tier 4
              Shaman tier 4
              Druid tier 4
              Paladin tier 4
              Priest tier 4
              Mage tier 6

              Love priest tier 6 to this day, same with Deathmantle. What I'm noticing is that the first tier of each raid is MUCH worse looking than the later tiers, and I don't think that's an accident. I will say that some of the PvP recolors of these sets would have drastically different rankings, as the coloring of a lot of BC armor was fricking awful (Gronnstalker, for example).
              Same thing for tier 6.5, models are shared across armor types but if I had to pick:

  32. 1 year ago

    Turtle WoW chads rise up

  33. 1 year ago

    I subbed to Classic just to play through Teldrassil again and ended up poopsocking the game 12+ hours a day for 5 months during TBC after I rolled Druid on Horde.
    By the end of it I was sleepwalking through dailies and grinding out pre-raid BiS, if the WotLK Classic launch didn't totally nuke the servers for two full weeks of 50k+ queues I don't think I would have snapped out of it. Funniest part was I subbed FOR Wrath then ended up never touching it because by the time I was able to log in without waiting a month all the starting Northrend zones were totally empty.

    I'm glad I got the full spread of emotions again so I'll never need to go back.

  34. 1 year ago

    WoW veterans here, who don't give a shit about classic and harcore and things like that. Would you be willing to try Classic+ which keeps building on old WoW rather than destroying it with TBC?

    • 1 year ago

      does the pope shit in the woods?

  35. 1 year ago

    Honestly dragon flight somewhat recaptures the cozy feeling of classic. In azure span I literally just…wander.

    • 1 year ago

      I leveled to cap in DF and agree with this. It didn't get me to stay because MMO communities are simply not worth interacting with anymore, but that whole drag of quests from the gnolls to the walrus people funeral was really comfy. That forest they made was very nice.

  36. 1 year ago

    Can anyone recommend any good single player RPGs kind of like WoW? Like there's a trillion different diablo-clones, I want to know if there's anything that feels kind of like WoW.

  37. 1 year ago

    Stop living in the past, Black person.

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